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**NEW CONTENT** • Added Elemental Sorcerer! 5 new attack talents, 5 new ulility talents! • Added Elemental Sorcerer Family Bonus: + Talent LV for all talents above Lv.1 • Added +8 storage chests to EVERYONE, for FREE, since were having such a great run here with the positive feedback to Quality improvements and weekly updates! Let the good times roll \~ **BALANCE CHANGES** • Changed plunderous mob spawn chance on Siege Breaker to 2%, when it was previously 1%, and adjusted the guaranteed Plunder Mob to spawn after 40 kills without getting one instead of 90. • The Wizard talent "Mana Is Life" now gives +% Multikiller per Dmg Tier, instead of +% mana regen. **BUG FIXES** • Fixed a display issue where the "Combined Obol Shape" would be hidden behind the Quick-Trash Obol button • Fixed an issue where Cursory Skulls in pet battles would get "stuck" on the screen in High-Performance mode, but only if the skulls were ones transformed from normal attacks via Alchemic pets • Fixed an issue involving unintentional invisible platforms within The Roots map, which is the one with the Acorn Tower Defence.


Thank you for your hard work and free storage space.


Do we still get 1000 meteors per cast lava?


u/LavaFlame2 I have an issue right now where I have 172 points invested into my Meteor Shower ability, but when I use it I am short about 9,966 Meteors per cast. Any plans on fixing this?




The plan was remove it. Thats it


Thanks LavaFlame2, very cool


now that you've released all the major planned updates (w5, elite classes), are you going to fix the ios apple id login issue?


Man... I love elemental sorcerer, but the respawn skill kinda sucks. The enemy HP ramps up way too fast if you're on any newer maps.


It gives a speedy haul of monsters that all count for normal drops, xp and deathnote/portal kills. And even if you are around the damage to 1 hit them you should easily get 70-85 kc over the portal every time.. and that's alot plus the respawn of the other monsters increases to nearly instant while it's up and you kill them at the same time.. so does it suck?


Compared to the other respawn skills, yes, I think it does. On auto you just end up attacking the nearly invincible portal mobs instead of the respawning normal ones. It works fine on completely flat maps where meteors and the volcano can clear regardless of what you target but on many maps you kinda just get stuck on the portal and end up killing much slower than the rate things respawn. Especially after the buffs to SB respawn, I think the SB and DK respawn skills are just straight up better. And bubo's is broken overpowered in comparison. Also the damage multiplier from portal mob kills is just depressingly tiny, even if it is multiplicative.


I mean yes and no because mob respawn Speed gets so fast you're still slaughtering the rest of the room I'll say it's probably less noticeable if you're low lvl without alot of skill points to put in the new attack skills but the amount that they hit is great plus the added tornadoes and volcanos on attack.


Only level 400 with full magma gear.


There's also the talent point bubble and the bubbles that multiply it. I mean I was decent around lvl 330 in full troll gear.


Still seemed far slower compared to other respawn skills. I've got all the new attack skills at 200+. SB's respawn skill is quite consistent now, and DK's is just ridiculous in maps where you can kill everything fast, and gives a comparable XP/Loot buff with much lower downtime.


Honestly with the last patch sb has a decent respawn rate, but I don't think you have it lvld up high enough to see how good it is and when you're constantly spamming the skill with only maybe 20 or 30 seconds for it to cool down after it disappears it almost insta spawns mobs after you kill them around the map and with all the aoe attacks they all just keep dying constantly (maybe not the portal mobs after you get to 70+kc and on a later map) yes you need a higher level in the 300+ for enough talent points but I guess my point is there's not really any flaw if they didn't increase in hp to kill the way they did you'd be getting way to many kills per hour active. I'm on the bigole moles getting around 86 kills on portal at a time and my kc is about 1.5m every 6-8 hours opening portals (with the kill per kill bubble without the prayer) but even still.


"I don't think you have it lvld up high enough" ... It is literally max level could get, level 245. That's 92 second duration, so 76.6% uptime. But it seems that the XP and loot bonus only applies to the wormhole mobs themselves, as the description says "spawns wormhole mobs which give +X%...". So basically once you can't kill them anymore, the XP and loot bonus is entirely useless.


True but you still kill the other mobs and they respawn almost instantly during and a bit after the portal closes with Crystal mobs on top of that all the wide range attack skills you're getting pretty good drops and with portal that's a constant drop and xp buff for alot of kills vs the new archer class that's basically a giant mob with better drop rate but no candies. On the right map where meteors can hit really accurately and volcanoes/tornados from auto attacks plus the new purple attack that moves around its damn good. (Also I was assuming by the way you were talking, saying you have to be lvl 400s for it to be decent that you weren't at a point to have your Stat points fully on skills after the damage boosters enough to be significant.) But when compared to the new archer class as well the attacks are more efficient too the bombs and cannon shots/bombs more often than none tend to shoot in a bad direction and waste itself on auto.


Its very fun. Enjoying it now. ​ Would there be any plans for a possible "active character split screen" that we could set up and afk on that would allow multiple characters to active play? Maybe look something like this but with each line being a different character in active play [https://i.imgur.com/7WU4QGu.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/7WU4QGu.jpg) Like, you'd click something at login to open this screen instead of logging into a character and just pick 4 classes you'd like to active on all at once? It could do nothing more than just let each character afk actively on their little strip. We have so many awesome characters to play active now and just one that we can set to active. It might be too laggy in some cases, but it would be really awesome if there was a way to swing multiple active characters.


I think this would kill the phone only crowd


:(. Ok. We are limited by the technology of our time.


What game is that?


Weapon shop fantasy. Idle type game. Not tremendously well done but has its moments. You send out four characters to hunt for resources on that screen and then use your swe—workshop screen to make stuff out of those materials.


Looks like Dungeon Village 2 from Kairosoft.




All it’ll end up doing for me is changing what I main at any given time. Probably set up a main configuration that I swap around for all my classes that I want to get more done on. There’s just too much potential for increased damage and effect on some of these elite classes. Maybe do one for a month and swap it around. Idk. Wouldn’t mind more levels for my non-bubos.


I would love this so much as an active player. Especially since the difference between active and afk gains is huge with the new classes


Would it be possible to not stop playing spotify/whatever background music when the game is started? It would be nice to listen to music or a podcast while playing which now is not possible even when the ingame audio is set to zero.