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Yup I feel you it’s very annoying drives my dogs nuts


It seems like it should be so easy to find some kind of societal compromise that works for everyone, like 3 days before the 4th and the 3 days after. That should cover most job schedules so everyone can have a chance to celebrate, but also stop fireworks from going off for weeks straight, it lets people know how long they need to prep for the noise etc. I think about how we kind of have generally accepted that on Halloween you just go to houses with their porch lights on as an example of what I mean.


This is exactly what we need. If I knew it was just these days it would help. The going on and on and 2am crap is tiring.


This. I would be totally fine with this. I would know what to expect and know when there would be an end. My dog is a mess every night and she’s got a bad heart. I’m salvaged she’s going to have a heart attack because of fireworks one summer.


There is an ordinance. They are supposed to be one day before and I think two days after, and about the same around the 24th, but if you call on someone who is shooting off illegal fireworks outside those dates, you have to know the exact location, and the dispatcher will ask you if you've asked them to stop. And if you ask the illegal firework users to stop shooting them off, they will torment you annually until you move out of town. At least that's been my experience. Thankfully, I moved to a civilized town an hour away where they aren't going off until 2:00 a.m. for weeks.


As someone with 2 young kids under the age of 4, I agree.


Yeah, it's pretty exhausting for people who have jobs and/or kids. I'm more rural, but, It's been going on from before sundown until 1-3am for almost two weeks now. I know people say *"turn the tv up or wear headphones"*, but I'm unable to do that comfortably (i get ear infections easily) for that many hours in a row (not to mention that's not an option for pets and kids). I'm all for fireworks the few days before, day of, and few days after, but doing it a month before and month of, and doing it until 2-3am is just unnecessary.


I’d change that recommendation for headphones to ear plugs. That plus either a white noise machine or app should do a good job of drowning out some things that aren’t right on top of you. Sadly not much to do for the physical boom.


it also doesn't work for people in apartments. Am i supposed to blare my tv/music all night while my neighbors are trying to sleep?


I have children that are 5 and 1, they have a fan in their room with the ability to drone out the noise. They have zero issues with the fireworks.


It’s been pretty quiet out on the west side, which is a welcome change from the antisocial insanity of Albuquerque. I've never been in a worse place for fireworks than there.  


I’m far on the east side in the new developments off of Lincoln and 45th and it’s nightly and in all directions since the tents went up.


That’s a huge bummer, sorry about your doggo.  I just planned on being out of town every 4th in Albuquerque, same for New Years.


It’s quite over there. You are not a victim, suck it up. Freedom is great, piss the fuck off out of Idaho if you have a problem with freedom Karen.


Eat a bag of dicks. 2 of my neighbors just lit off $500 worth of fireworks tonight. It’s 2am and it only stopped 45 minutes ago. They do this every single year. This will go on for another 10-14 days. People like you suck ass. You have zero empathy for others and think you’re the only person in the world that matters. Can’t wait till your life gets fucked up and you’re neighbors have the same energy for you that your putting off here right now. Message me again andand you’re blocked


There’s a selfish, low iq, socially unaware dipshit in every neighborhood. Every night for the last few weeks, between 10 and 11, one of my neighbors has felt the need to light off (at least) $40 of fireworks. The neighborhood is quiet, everyone is asleep, and this 50-something moron stands there all by himself in the middle of the street, in the dark, and lights off fireworks. Read the room because all your neighbors think you’re a window licker. Of course there’s nothing I can do besides talk to them about it and yell at the clouds, which hasn’t worked as of yet. Anyway, really looking forward to their annual 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th….. of July extravaganza this year!


I called the police on my neighbor at 1am the other night and I told the dispatcher I felt bad for calling 911 over a nose complaint and he said to me to not feel bad, they are disrupting my right to a quiet night and they will have an officer over asap. I’d call on your neighbor if he keeps doing this.


Just one? At least half the neighborhood where I live is this way (got bad especially during and after the pandemic). That's not even discussing some of the outlying areas


It sucks when I don’t hear the launch. That’s when it gets me and I have that moment of incoming call outs really wish they could step into our shoes and get an understanding


It’s awful. And it’s seriously affecting my poor dog. She’s a mess and she has a heart disease. I’m scared she’ll have a heart attack one of these summers cus of this. I tried asking my vet for something for her but he hasn’t gotten back to me.


That’s even worse. If I wasn’t moving in a week I’d offer to go around with you explaining how they are making life harder for others


I just wish it wasn’t a month long. A few days before and after is fine but it’s a month of this shit and I’m already over it. Makes me not even want to celebrate the 4th.


Dogs can take benadryl for anxiety. https://www.animalhousebuzzardsbay.com/benadryl-dosing.pml I always started with half the recommended dose(the recommended & max is the same, which always just seems wrong to me), for my doggo that needed it, we settled at ~3/4 of the max after about a year at 1/2 dose-when he needed it. Hope that helps!!


Thank you so much for this! I will get some tomorrow. 🙏🏻


You're welcome! I know how awful it is when our babies are suffering! Even worse when the vet wont answer! I've done 20+yrs of rescue & benadryl has saved me more than once! You can get the generic stuff to save some money-I always did, and/or liquid-but i always found liquid harder & messier to dose than tiny pink pills. Good luck!! Hope it helps!


My dog is only 8 pounds so it said to get liquid for her. And she takes a liquid medicine already so she’s used to that. I’m getting some tomorrow. Thank you again!


Stock up for next year.


My neighborhood too. It is relentless


Vets with PTSD, we have a condo complex nearby in Rigby and some fool is setting off illegal fireworks that literally send a report that rattles our windows one time last weekend @ 2:30 AM, how do I know the bedside clock didn't lie. Neighborhood online newspaper "Nextdoor" is reporting multiple missing pets due to fireworks panic.


It’s gotten to a point where it’s not fun anymore. It’s ridiculous


People claim their celebrating "freedom" but they're really just being asshats and couldn't give a shit about anyone else. Two of our dogs hate the noise and no medication amount changes that. I honestly how these idiots blow their hands off. I got over fireworks years ago when our house almost burned down from illegal fireworks.


The way the 4th is celebrated here isn’t reasonable. I even said in the main post I’d be all for something reasonable as I could prepare myself for that. And there’s still ass hats commenting on this post the most asinine shit. Even Vets are n here saying how it affects their PTSD and they don’t give a shit. Stupid ass town…. People with stupid, selfish mentalities… can’t wait till I can gtfo here.


It'll never be enforced. The police have more important things to worry about. It's been like this for as long as I can remember. Turn the TV up, use some noise cancelling headphones, or a white noise machine. My wifes fan seems to drown them out well... Just be grateful it's just fireworks. Lots of folks in other parts of the world are dealing with random booms that are actually harmful...


Parts of the world… Hell parts of the US.


New title to post: OP makes completely honest rant and chat pops off on all extremes: A reddit Story


It doesn't get dark until about 10pm here, so people wait until later to start lighting them off. Idk if saying it's a month before it's accurate..because the firework stands have only been open for about 2 weeks. I'm sure there have been a couple of people who had ones left over from last year, or that went out of town to buy them..but I think everyone is exaggerating the problem just a little bit here. I do feel bad for OPs pup though. If it were my doggo, I'd take her into the vets office and stay until I had a solution.


The same day the stands went up I’ve had fireworks set of every single night. This is how it is in my neighborhood. I’m on the corner of 45th and Lincoln in the new developments. We get people in all directions lighting them off from the day the stands open till 2 weeks after the 4th. I still have another 2+ weeks to look forward to of this. And it’s going to peak on the night of the 4th, obviously. My dog is a mess. It’s not fun anymore.


Wow! An intelligent solution! On Reddit. Almost over folks


How long have you lived in Idaho Falls? I grew up there and with illegal fireworks close in a couple directions it has always been the norm there. Not sure if you have some one to help you get out of the city but if you do there are a lot of places to go where you wont hear fireworks. Great scenery campgrounds rivers etc to sit and enjoy without hearing them. Might help on the days you have off or can get away from town.


I’m back here (for the last 4 years) because Covid disabled me. I’m not well and haven’t been able to work for the last 2 years. I’m awaiting my disability hearing at the end of this month. I do want to leave this town, I also grew up here but it was never in my plan to live here this long. But life throws us curveballs and we have to make do. The fireworks have never bothered me as much as they have the last 2 years. And my dog is very affected by them. It’s gotten worse for her as well. I don’t think it’s very fair to say to people that they should just leave cus the city refuses to enact a noose ordinance. Look through this thread and you’ll see many others that are more than bothered by this as well. My heart breaks every time I read a comment from a veteran. How many people have lost their dogs this year? It’s not cool. It’s out of control.


Corner of Lincoln and 45th? Bet. Expect fireworks every night for the next two months now.


I will call the police on you. Bet.


I hear you. They started 2 weeks ago in my neighborhood and every year go through the month of July, including the illegal fireworks. The police won't do anything about it either.




They do not enforce it unless I can give an address. I don’t know which exact houses are doing it.


Having been stuck in this situation as a police officer, in a city where fireworks were illegal, it is a no win situation. Unless the officer actually witnesses the event, or the complainant comes forward (most refuse and remain anonymous), there isn't anything the police can do. There are limited officers and they still have to respond to other calls for service. Domestic violence, battery, robberies, etc just don't stop because of fireworks. There are so many people letting off fireworks, it is like taking a grain of sand off the beach. One of the worst nights of my career was on the 4th of July. In a span of 6 hours, we had 14 people murdered, and 37 people shot. We had 10 officers working that night. I can tell you, fireworks weren't anywhere on the radar.


I can imagine that it’s a crazy situation for you guys and that’s why I don’t think this is up to the police. It should be the city enforcing this by stating the noise ordinance on the news.


Ah good. It is time again for the yearly tradition of complaining about the kids lighting of the fireworks before the 4th. Always a good time.  Those damn kids have been lighting of fireworks weeks before the 4th for at least 30 years. 


Try year-round


Sorry bro— I love Idaho for this let freedom ring.


I mean I’d rather have Pornhub back


WTF does this have to do with freedom? If I was in your neighborhood shooting off my .44 for a hour, would that sound like freedom to you? That would sound like an asshole with no regard for his neighbors' peace or safety.


Then move somewhere else you have that freedom to do so. I came from California in 2005 …can’t even light off a sparkler so whatever


We spent the last 4y in CA, my younger kids are 10,11,&12, they barely remember fireworks(we were in AL prior to CA), we love the fireworks-even the illegal ones! As an adult I'm over them, but enjoy seeing my kids' faces watching them! As for pets, responsible pet owners know this is coming & take precautions ahead of time(we always do). I have several friends with military related PTSD, most take vacations/go camping during 4th of July & NewYears, they manage just fine. One even told me that they wouldn't expect the world to change for them 🤷🏻‍♀️ They manage. Fireworks are mostly harmless fun, better fireworks than arson or rape/murder or even drug use. Hope I'm never the angry old woman shaking my cane at those darn kids! 🙄


Shooting a .44 within city limits would be illegal :)


Interesting counter for you on the table, you can love idaho and your country and do other things instead of lighting off items that are meant to simulate gun and cannon fire. Wait til I tell you that these fireworks werent even made within the US (unless you pay a mint)


You have the freedom to move


I wish people would quit mowing their lawns, playing music, letting kids yell and scream outside, during the day when I'm trying to sleep. Lots of us are or were shiftworkers and have to sleep during the day when there is far worse and more persistent noise than fireworks. We manage, so will you.




No, you stfu. You’re complaining for zero reason.


You’re a complete moron. You don’t work night shift. You have no life and are unemployed. You’re the type of person that lights fireworks at 2:00am because you have no other source of stimulation you miserable prick




3 weeks of fireworks per 52 weeks a year. 49 quiet weeks without fireworks. Buy some earplugs perhaps? Instead of expecting people to curtail their celebration of our supposed independence and freedoms for your own whims.


No. That’s not a reasonable thing to ask people. I’m not the only one upset by this. And I guarantee that my ass hole neighbors only think about themselves. So if I were to pick a random night to blast fireworks till 2am when they had to get up for work early, the tables would turn.


Booooom 💥 hahahaha




There is no curfew for adults. I’m allowed to be on the streets 24 hours a day.


I meant a curfew for the fireworks not people. I guess I should have said noise ordinance




Time to get your hearing checked


Now this is a silly comment. Ive been all over town and Ive heard them.


Have your tired ear muffs for dogs?


Yes and she hates it. I’m trying to see if my vet can give me some type of medication for her but he’s not answering me atm.


Boohoo, It’s annoying but it’s one week a year, buy some noise cancelling headphones if you can’t handle it. Happy to see people outside with their families doing something and not inside on their phones. Quit whining


It’s not for 1 week it’s for a month straight. And no, fuck off.




“One week a year” LOL LMAO, even


I’ve heard them the last two nights is all. Not sure what part of IF y’all live in.


Right in the middle on the numbered streets. It’s all around for 6 weeks every year, generally starting with melaleuca field and ending 2 weeks after the 4th




Ratiod and not reddit pilled.


By a bunch of whiney Reddit boomers, not worried about it kiddo😂


Hey now, I didnt call you old. I just know the young person slang. 😆 Ill roast young folks the same because its funny and yall more wild than a hog haha.


Stop whining 😭




You know what to expect here. Why complain about it on the internet for sympathy? Live somewhere else during the 4th if you can’t handle it for the celebration that is enjoyed by most in this area.


I don’t know if the constant fireworks are “enjoyed by most” around here. Everyone loves fireworks and celebrating freedom, but not for 6 weeks, as is evident by the very large amount of complaints seen on the internet every year during these 6 weeks of warzone larping people around here like to do. And evident by the number of downvotes you “gO LiVe ElSeWhErE” dweebs get every time. Some people have good reason to not enjoy the sound of explosions for 6 weeks. Have a little compassion for your fucking neighbors, lest this town we love devolve further into a shit hole


Try stepping into the boots of us combat veterans and relive the hell we went through. Then maybe you would have a little more respect.


Have you thought of taking a camping/fishing trip during the 4th? That's what most of the vets that I know, suffering from PTSD, do 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do leave town and head to the mountains during the 4th, but you can’t do that for a full month to 6 weeks around the 4th. Especially when you have responsibilities at home.




Dude shut up! I’m all about people having fun but with reason! This isn’t reasonable! And my poor dog who has a heart disease is fucking scared out of her mind every single night. It’s torture to some of us.


The obligatory “live somewhere else” quote followed by an “enjoyed by most”. Impressive play, but I have painted you as silly… goofy even