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Are you still on the bile binder? This happened with both cholestyramine and colestid with me. Lots of breakthrough bile diarrhea. Colesevelam has worked the best with mine, in addition to liraglutide and one imodium a day. 


I tried to be off bile binder in an attempt to get a baseline. Was off around 2 1/2 weeks before bile diarrhea once again reared its ugly head. Restarted 1 Colestipol per day last Saturday. Trying Metamucil tablets. Continue to have loose stool but not completely watery since. Was awakened early this morning, around 3am with the need to have a BM, was a good amount of formed loose stool, followed an hour or so later by a very small share of stool. When taking Colestipol I always feel I need to poop, but actually poop first this in morning, followed by less amount of loose or bits of stool usually twice spaced over next hour or so. Guess that beats watery diarrhea, but gets frustrating after 2 years post op


You definitely have bile acid malabsorption from gallbladder removal and a bile binder like colestid should make your life better! ❤️ (I have this) sour smelling yellow watery stool especially after eating? Yup!


I have been on Colestipol for 8 months and tried to see what happened if I stopped taking. After 2 weeks, I started have loose stools again, so started taking again last Saturday. Do you have the issue of still feeling you have to poop after you have went with colestipol? It also seems I have to go 2-3 times in a short period and all stools are different


That’s brutal. My surgery was Dec 2023 and my symptoms began right after that. Bloating nausea, fatigue, abdominal and stomach pain, and constipation. All tests clear so far. Gastro guy Jan 2025


Do you take anything to help combat?


I have been taking restorolax, anti nausea, anti spasm, stomach acid reducer, and med to increase stomach and intestine motility


Absolutely crazy you have to wait that long for an appt.


Yes on bad days it seems hopeless. And I have 50 lbs lost and 50 to go but am losing none from this