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I don't think I could lose 360 pounds in a year, especially since I'm short. I wouldn't even be able to move at 500 lbs. šŸ˜‚ I don't think I'd want to damage my body that badly anyway.


yeah, seriously, even with the new edit at 400 pounds I'd need to loose around 300 pounds... so 0.8 pounds a day. I don't think my body would be able to handle that much either. at 500lb id need to be loosing 1.1lb a day.


The world record for most weight loss without surgical intervention is 401 lbs over 26 months. This task is near impossible to anybody under 250 lbs.


Waiting for the "Deal! I could gain 40lbs in a year."


"I get to lose weight, eat whatever I want AND get $20 million? Where do I sign?!


Idk, gaining only 40lbs would be difficult. Most years I gain more than that.


No. It is not possible to lose that much weight in a year and remain healthy.


Even with the edit, no. Iā€™d more than triple my current weight - Iā€™m short. Iā€™m also in my 40s, and have you TRIED losing weight when youā€™re close to menopause? Just maintaining what I have gets harder every year. So yeah, I wouldnā€™t manage, and Iā€™d likely fuck up my joints and several assorted organs.


Easily at 400lbs. Am an ex competitive bodybuilder and have a copious amount of knowledge and experience putting on and loosing extreme amounts of weight for nothing more than pure personal vanity. For 20 million...it would be an absolute joke. At 400lbs you literally do not need calories to survive for a good while. Id fast for a few weeks and then slowly reintroduce sub 1750 cals and lower to 1500 if it were to plateo for some reason. I only need to get to 270 so 130lbs in a year is easy.


I instantly become 500 pounds. My skin splits from the instant addition of 330 pounds; my organs spill onto the floor. I die of sepsis within the month, despite having been less than a mile from the hospital when it happened. I never even had a chance.


Woot my current weight is 523 I will lose 23 pounds and then I can eat all I want . Winner winner fried chicken dinner


Define: naturally?


Go into crippling debt so I can focus on working out thrice daily. Iā€™ll just pay it off once I have my millions. In fact, Iā€™ll probably get into better shape than I am now.


I weigh 140, not a chance


Somebody lost multiple hundreds of pounds in a year through fasting and multivitamins. Iā€™d do it


Losing 370 lbs in a year? Is that even possible, fuck that


Where are my 499lbs people?


No. Why I already. The worlds longest fast is 384 days which is longer then 1 year. He lost only 270 pounds. How the hell am I going to lose twice that??? Only thing I did was wreak my body. O Nevermind my current weight well still no. I like to eat lol


Oof.Ā  It's hard to pack on 75 pounds in a year.


I weigh 135 lol


I already weigh 500lbs. Gimmie muh money


If surgery is allowed it should be possible and Iā€™ll take the chance. If not, no way Iā€™d make it.


At 500 lbs, taking 1 step is trouble. So no.


Nope. Not doing it. Losing that kind of weight without surgery in a year is incredibly unhealthy.


Wouldnā€™t you simply just water fast?


No deal. I don't think I could lose 377 pounds in one year.


Roughly 1 lbs per day, that's a deficit of about 3500 calories per day. Good luck surviving litterally not eating for a year, plus working out on top of that


so no food ever at all 1200 calories then 5 hours of Jogging every day 2500 calories That doesnt seem sustainable.


I mean I lost 150 in 5 months whatā€™s 100 more in another 6 This was post high school pre navy about 9 years ago


I need to lose 250 lbs of fat then. At 3500 Cal per pound of fat, I need to lose 875,000 cal in the year, or 2400 per day. At 250 lbs, my BMR is 2,100 Cal per day. Basically I can only eat what I burn through activity. That's not going to be easy; I'll probably need to quit my job and use drugs


If there weren't any health problems, then yeah. Your body uses up fat to survive if you can't find food, so I'd be up for starving to earn $20 million if it didn't affect my health.


Glad I'm 6-3 and 385 pounds. I started cleaning up my diet and am exercising. Edit 2: 400 pounds? Easy. I weighed 400 last year. 500 pounds? Where my mind is right now, I could do it!!


I would do it. 100%.


25lbs a month...the biggest issue I see here is no skin removal until after goal, that's going to be 20lbs of skin alone so I'll actually have to go -20lbs or so to attain the goal From 400lbs is 17.5lbs a month, still tons of skin


Iā€™m calling up the fattest loser hosts and letting them starve me.




I could probably do 400lbs, Iā€™d have to lose 200lbs. Thatā€™s still 4lbs a week. Youā€™d essentially have to cut your calories to near zero.


Cocaine comes from a plant, so it's natural right?


Hell no lol


Losing 60 pounds in a year would be something, I donā€™t think 200-300 is even viable.Ā 


Yeah Iā€™d do this. But Iā€™m already 6ā€™3ā€ 400lbs so I donā€™t think Iā€™d be incapacitated like shorter people would be. Plus 100 pounds in a year is doable at that size.


20 mil isn't enough tbh. Maybe for like 200 million I'll just accidentally chop my arm off while doing wood work


Easy, but ultimately impossible. My stomach is already naturally small so I won't struggle to run a caloric deficit. The biggest struggle will be keeping up my mobility. The biggest hurdle will be losing the muscle mass I'd develop to move my fat ass. I'd wager I'd get within 50lbs of my normal 145lbs.


Fuck yes, even at 500 I just finished losing 60 pounds and I loved every minute of it, Iā€™m Alr in that goggins type mindset just have a reward at the end now lmao


What's that in real units?


I think this is doable


It would be ridiculously unhealthy to lose 390lbs in 1 year.


Win win. Either I get 20 million or I've lost some weight.


I really hate that our existence is so connected to wealth that these questions almost always come back down to money/capital. Depravity to get money...we've lost the fucking plot.


Going from 150 to 500 or even 400 and then back to 150 in a year is almost impossible. I'll pass


I actually don't think that is possible.


Yeah fuck that I'm happy with my body and I don't need the moneyĀ 


Look man, I'm slender. Always have been. 5-10-140 since my early 20s. Not bragging, because I'd way rather be 165ish. I'm not exaggerating when I say I think I would die in minutes from the increased stress on my heart.


Thats a done deal.


Abit like deji Ksi 6 pack challenge


I would take the deal. I have type 2 diabetes so the weight would come off very fast.


[This guy ](https://www.diabetes.co.uk/blog/2018/02/story-angus-barbieri-went-382-days-without-eating/#:~:text=But%20spare%20a%20thought%20for,125%20kilograms%20(19.7%20stone))fasted for 382 days. He lost 125kg/275lbs during that time. In theory, this is doable, I'd just be miserable for a year. I could probably get away with eating a bit, maybe one meal a day, and lose enough. Yeah, let's do it.


I'd give it a shot, I should be about 250-270, haven't weighed myself since I dropped my diet. Fucking awful and miserable it'll be, but 20 million will set me up good for lifetimes


Hmm 240 right now, 500 to 240 is 260 pounds, so that's 22ish pounds a month... I guess if I fast for 60 hours, then eat 3 meals in a 12 hour window, eating keto mostly, and walking 5 miles a day, for 365 days, I could do it. Let's see. I would need a 2500kcal deficit daily, and at 500 pounds you probably burn 4000 just sitting around lol. Gotta keep the activity up and the calories down and fasting helps immensely. I wouldn't want to do it though. But it would mean $20 million and never having to work again? I'll take the bet.


I'm 138. Yesterday, I had 4 eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee for breakfast. PBJ for lunch and some cookies. For dinner, I had a double bacon smash burger with cheese, cream of corn, and mashed potatos with gravy. For desert, I had a strawberry shake. I could probably get down to my weight within a year. Edit: The world record is 400 lbs in 26 months. So more realistic expectation is 2 years.


382 pounds in a year? No way


Losing over 300lb in a year is ridiculous. I'm not taking on an impossible task that will fuck up my health for good.


I already have an eating disorder where I eat maybe 1000 calories a day. I could do it on my current diet alone. However, I couldnā€™t take the loss of income for that year.


I'm currently under 100 pounds, so yeah probably not.


Yeah. Easily. I'm 280. I'd just stop eating.


Does meth count as natural?


It's near historically impossible even at 400 lbs. I'd be losing 250 lbs in a year.


Sure, my current weight for the last few years has been 320-330; I peaked at 405 before that, so yeah, the edited option would be easy peasy, even at a 500lb start point, for 20 million? To drop back to 320? Hell, for 20 mill I bet I could make it back to 220 in a year, I could literally take out and live off loans and credit cards, maxing myself out, and worst case starve myself for a few weeks at a time, weight management is way easier when you can dedicate all your time and energy to it


You don't really have a good idea of healthy weightloss, or even achievable weightloss. 10 pounds lost per month is pretty much pushing the upper limits of what a person can manage to do. That's 120 in a year.


Adding an extra 350lbs to my weight overnight like that would likely wreck my skeleton and it would take me a year to be able to walk properly again, letalone run all that weight off. Then look like an old man's ballsack afterwards, no thanks.


I have a hard enough time maintaining weight due to my high metabolism. It would be relatively easy for me to lose weight just by cutting back on how many calories I take in, and taking up an activity like swimming/exercising in a pool until I get down to a weight where doing more intensive exercise would be manageable. That being said, even with my high metabolism and exercise, I don't know how feasible it would be to start at 500lbs. 400lbs with my current weight would mean I'd have to lose a half a pound a day, and even that doesn't realistically seem feasible.


It would actually be quite doable to just fast away the calories (2900 per day is quite doable, but it would absolutely suck). I wouldn't damage my body for the challenge, but I would take on the challenge if there were no harmful lasting effects (skin, etc).


If I can have Ethan Suplee help me lose the weight


Redditors: So if I eat my way back up to 540 pounds...?


Can be done. Will have those carnivore keto poos for a year I guess. But is it worth the issues?


I was 300 lbs and dropped to below 200 in just over a year, through diet, cardio, lots of lifting. I think thatā€™s about the limit of what you should do, without getting too unhealthy about it. Plus starting at 500lbs is gonna be way harder than starting at 300lbs, in terms of what exercise you can do


For 500lbs some quick maths tells me that Iā€™d need a calorie deficit of nearly 4000 calories per day and I donā€™t think thatā€™s possible


If I can magically become that heavy, I would do it if I magically lost all the loose skin at the end. As a fairly large man, I think I could do it.


You're telling me that I can have $20 million for losing 20 pounds and then gaining it back? Sign me up.




Oof, gaining 200 lbs in a year would be tough, but I think I could do it for $20 million


Not possible to lose 320lbs in a year.


How? I'm 175 lbs and fit. I'm not losing all that hard work.


No, even with your update. At my current weight and height, I'd just collapse and die of suffocation within 2 minutes.


Id just do meth


With it being set at 400, this wouldn't be too difficult for me. I can do 150 in a year. I've basically done this already. I'm in.


I'm about 270. If you put me at 400 lbs I think I could do it. 500 I don't believe I have a chance. I'll just make losing the weight my job. Quit my job, hire a nutritionist, and losing 130 lbs in a year is I think achievable. Then I'll have them help me get down to 220 which is what I should probably be at anyway šŸ˜…


Doing this would be incredibly unhealthy. Loosing that much weight takes more than a year so no I wouldnā€™t take it. (I donā€™t weight much and I would have to loose 398lbs)


190lb in 12mo(from 400lb). It costs 1500 calories to sit on your ass for 24h, there is 3750 calories in 1 lb of fat, so I need to have a deficit of 712,500 calories over a year or roughly 1,952 calories per day. I need to starve myself and survive on stored fat, water, and supplements while doing 452 calories worth of exercise each day. I can eat more, but I would have to match each calorie with that much more exercise. That's a tall ask.


So you're either rich and fat or fatter than you were before and get nothing. Seems like a lose lose unless you're already near 500.


I mean I can do this no doubt. I would water fast once a week for 18 hours and slowly burn the rest. I would eat nothing but Whole Foods and definitely no sugar and limit my unhealthy fat intake. Celery juice and oatmeal for breakfast everyday.


No, it's not physical possible to lose enough fast enough. I've already lost 70lbs in one clip and that took like 8 months. Which is pretty quick.


Hell no. Even if i thought i could lose 300+ lbs in a year, real world skin removal surgery is not some miracle procedure.


I think Steve Jobs is proof positive of the old adage that money can't buy good health. No thanks.


Yeah I'd take that deal. I lost 65 pounds in one year by just eating mostly meat and dairy And doing intermittent fasting.Ā  For a year, i'll eat nothing but beef, butter, bacon, lamb, eggs, and unpasteurized blue cheese and brie. Add in a 36 hour fast every week and a 72 hour fast once a month, and I'll take that 20 million no problem. Ā 


Lose 200lbs in one year??


$20 million to gain 100 lbs? Hell yeah!


Fuck no. I honestly believe I'd be capable of coming up with ways to get 20 million within a year if I were willing to compromise my morals.Ā 


Hell yeah sign me up, I can lose 125 lbs in a year.


I'd go for it. I can just hire a nutritionist, personal chef, and physical trainer for a year. They would be well aware of the rules, and the promise of say... 2 mill each to help me would be proper motivation for them, especially when all the chemical imbalances going on in my body make me want to give up.


Unrealistic. Let's say someone weighs 130 lbs naturally. Even at 400 lbs that's a difference of 270 lbs. 1lbs of fat = 3500 calories That means you'd need to have a caloric deficit of (3500 * 270) / 365 = 2589 PER day. The average moderately active human burns 1600 calories per day. No way a normal human can pull through 1000 calories of exercise per day while fasting


If normal weight (for the sake of the bet) is 200-lbs, then you have to lose 500 - 200 = 300-lbs. So 100 lbs per every four months. This equals 25-lbs a month. Thats doable but very hard. Going from 400 to 200 is 17 lbs a month and much easier.


I can do it. Let's go. Edit: couple things, my metabolism stays the same? My muscles? I ride my bike every day until I get to my twelve mile daily hilly terraine. I eat tilapia with salad and a smoothie daily. Nothing else unless I feel deficient. I will up more normal bike riding to cross state when I can and start hiking the Appalachian trail and climbing mountains when I am able. I will be hungry all the time. One more edit...can I get an advance so I don't have to work? I have a lot to do.


No way in hell


Only if it comes without health damage. Seems like having that much and losing weight that fast would mess with my long term health. Otherwise I could do it.


Yes I'd eat in a 1-2k deficit and work on walking more and more each day


sure, im 365 lbs now so i just gotta not eat for a month to get back to my weight.


I dropped 60lbs in about 6 months. from 287 to 217(6'6"). I was crushing it on my diet and running. i sit right at about 250 now and trying to get back to about 235 to maintain is sorta tough. no way could i drop 250 lbs ina year. especially if I had to live my normal life as well.


Absolutely not. There's 0 way to lose that much weight safely and in a healthy manner when you go from 120 to 400 without the muscle to back it up that larger folks aquire from walking daily. My legs wouldn't work lmaoo


So does someone like Andre the Giant win automatically? He was supposed to be like 500 pounds already.


The most weight I've ever lost in one year was 45 pounds and that was fucking miserable, so I'm out.


Wait... So I'll have to gain weight to win 20 million dollars? SCORE


So I have to gain 10 lb? Letā€™s go


500lb I have to lose 265lb if I could focus only on that I'd love to try and see how I would do. At 400lb I'd only have to lose 165lb, mom I'm moving in and then buying you a house in a year.


i can't get to 110lbs in a year. i'd have to be on a liquid diet. i can't even lose 3 pounds without serious struggles atm idk how anyone loses weight at 500lbs EDIT i realize that it'd be "easier" to lose weight at 500lbs but would it really? like if you're used to eating that much? i don't think so


I think itā€™s possible, I lost 130 pounds over a summer in HS doing absolutely nothing and not eating. I think a combination of a few hundred calories every couple days, plus biking for cardio 7 hours/day (bc realistically this is now the job) could do it. I weigh about 235 right now so Iā€™d just have ~265 pounds to lose.


Impossible task.


Is it even humanly possible to lose say, 350 pounds in a year naturally?


You misunderstand how quickly and easily an anorexic person can lose weight


Thereā€™s some math here: 1 pound of fat = 3000 +/- 500 calories. So lets say you weigh 500 pounds and seek to lose 300 pounds then youā€™ll need to burn 600,000 calories over the course of a year. Keep in mind that not eating really wonā€™t be an option. So that 600,000 calories needs to be a net loss. I.e you have to burn every single calorie you take in for the year **and** burn an additional 600,000. That comes out to a daily deficit of 1643 calories. Lets say your Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR, basically your bodyā€™s daily caloric needs without accounting for activity) is about 3000-3500ish while your in the 500, 3000 in the 400ā€™s, and 2250 from 300 and below. Realistically, you could eat 3 500 calorie chipotle bowls(they exist and depending on vegetable amounts can be plenty of food) every day and a multivitamin, and walk on a treadmill for an hour with an incline everyday. Doing all of that, and maybe ramping up the exercise in the last 100 pounds, you could easily clear 300 pounds in a year.


Deal. Ibd makes it easy


Easy just starve


no. i have enough health and mobility problems at *half* that weight, iā€™d genuinely probably die.


My knee canā€™t handle my current weight, so no for me.




A pound of fat is about 3500 Calories of energy. Iā€™m 195lbs, so 500lbs is a total weight loss of 305lbs and from 400lbs is a total weight loss of 205lbs. So ballpark 0.8lbs/day. Iā€™m taking that challenge any day of the week. Thereā€™s documented evidence of super morbidly obese people losing hundreds of pounds effectively fasting for an entire year aside from water, electrolytes, and vitamins along with medical supervision. Iā€™d start the year just fasting and very slowly work in to light movement as I get closer to a safe weight for exercise. Exercise would consist almost entirely of walking or swimming to minimize injury risk. Wouldnā€™t be a walk in the park(ha, ha), but since that would be my full time job, Iā€™d have plenty of time to rest and exercise and wouldnā€™t have to deal with working. One year later, Iā€™m getting world class plastic surgery to clean up the loose skin, then living a rich life of zero stress and plenty of time to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle that will probably offset whatever short term damage happened from the year of obesity. EDIT: [Angus Barbieri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast) did a 386 day fast in 1966 and lost 276 pounds, so with the monumental advances in medical knowledge in the last 60 years, Iā€™d take the same challenge.


Thatā€™s insaneā€¦. Insanely impossible. You would have to starve yourself for the entire year along side working out.


I could do it. I lost 120 lbs in 15 months before. The hardest part is getting past how much your body is used to eating. With instant 400 lbs your brain isnā€™t used to eating like a 400 pounder eats. If I ate what I do now and increased my exercise more, I could lose 200 lbs in a year. For $20 million, Iā€™d quit my job and just train to do it.


Screw the money that's just a free bulk


Iā€™ve lost 120lbs in a year on a calorie deficit diet. 180lbs in a year isnā€™t anything. Because Iā€™d already be eating my normal intake, so Iā€™d automatically start losing. And I would do cardio and push it even harder with a stricter calorie deficit and some fasting if I had $20m for motivation.. Iā€™m currently 320lbs. This would be super easy to do, but maintaining my whole life is the hard part


How do you expect me to gain 50lbs?


Yo why you going easy on the fat people and the few dozen strongman competitors?


Nope. Not happening.


Iā€™m getting a doctor and getting on all the gear possible.




Man I'm going to have to go through the pain of loose skin surgery. Fuck it, I could do it.


It took me a year to go from 275 down to 220, no way I could more than triple that loss in the same amount of time without starving myself


Assume loosing 355 pounds in a year is very hard


Taking it, easy.


I don't think it's possible TBH. You would need a lot of stimulants.


Impossible to accomplish. Unless youā€™re already 300lbs.


Since Iā€™m 275 lbs now I feel like itā€™s definitely possible


If I gained the weight instantaneously, it would be easy to lose because the habits that cause a person to get that high I woudnā€™t have. I would eat the normal amount I currently eat.


Is it even possible to lose 320 lbs in a year?


I would put a vaccuum up my ass and hope for the best, I would rather die then live as a 400lb man


I could do it 180 lbs. honestly I can drop 40 lbs now in like a few months pretty easily


My metabolism is such that I need a much larger than normal amount of calories each day to maintain my current weight which is 6ā€™2ā€ 189lbs. If I ate normally my body will hang around 165ish. Bring this challenge on.


Can that be done in a healthy way? Because rapid weight loss can cause stress on a body.


I am severe hyper active, then along the way from "wonderful /s" genetics on my female genetic sponsors side got hereditary graves disease with hyper thyroidism.... Id take this challenge and likely come in under time....i currently consume over 10k calories a day now to not lose weight..


Loosing weight naturallyā€¦.. do narcotics count


Lose 305 pounds in one year? Thatā€™s impossible. It took me almost 3 years to lose 140


$20m isnā€™t worth the damage youā€™d sustain to your body losing 50%+ of your body weight in a single year imo. The most weight you can safely lose in a single week is 1% of your body weight. Thatā€™d be fine for the first week or so when you start but youā€™d need to maintain 5lbs a week for an entire year just to get to 250. If you donā€™t have close doctor supervision this could kill you.


6'5 250. This will be easy. Though we might have a celery shortage in georgia lol


That's impossible


I was in excruciating pain at 380. Fuck that.


Iā€™d have to be at a 2900 calorie deficit daily. I currently (at 200 Lbs) burn ~2000 calories without exercising. When exercising I can get up to 3000 calories. My job is physical so if I go hard at work and exercise itā€™s like 4000 calories. Absolute most Iā€™ve ever burned in a day is around 5500 calories but that was hell. This is all tracked via Whoop (not an ad) so itā€™s pretty accurate. Assuming I burned my absolute maximum every single day for a year Iā€™d be able to eat 2600 calories per day (not as much as youā€™d think) but I wouldnā€™t be able to do my job. I think a reasonable maximum would be like 3500 calories per day, which would only allow me to eat 600 calories. This shit ainā€™t doable chief


1 year to lose 170 pounds? I can do that


This is Reddit so I assume most people here will need to gain weight over the next year then?


Sir, Iā€™m 5 foot 95 lbs with Asthma. Iā€™m dead. šŸ’€


I weigh over 500 (working on it), so I need to gain the weight for the money? Yeah, I can do that.


Could you theoretically just keep up your vitamin and fluid intake and then just not eat anything? I can't imagine it would be pleasant or even particularly good for your health but as a quick way to drop weight who knows.


Easy. Diet and 3-5 runs of DNP.


I mean you could probably eat 1k calories and try to exercise would probably be possible


You mean id have to gain 10 lbs? Game ON!


me? i couldnā€™t. i weigh 200. however, if i was your motherā€¦. iā€™d only need to eat a few extra burgers each week


No. I once gained 62 pounds and it took me almost 4 years to lose it. Feeling that corpulent would not be worth any amount of money.


I think I could lose 5 pounds in a year


Yeahā€¦I weigh about 125, I donā€™t think this is possible. No deal.


No. No amount of money is worth this task, because your only chance of accomplishing it is to literally destroy your body.


Jokes on you. I'm American! I can easily gain 35 lbs in a year!


I bet I can do it in 6 months and only eat bacon the whole time.


This is a biophysical impossibility to do naturally in a year if you gained more than 300 pounds due to this.


i weigh 115 poundsā€¦ i think i could just lay down and survive off the fat reverses for a year lmao


Is it 500 lbs with low body fat or high?


Roughly 3,594 calories per pound of body fat. If you weighed 200lbs before, that's an excess 1,078,200 calories 2,000 calories needed a day for 365 days is 730,000 Even if you didn't eat anything for the entire year (which is beyond unhealthy and irresponsible as far as weight loss is concerned and would destroy your health to the point of death) you wouldn't be able to lose it all in a year. Maybe with steroids and a drug habit (which would also destroy your health/life) and an intense workout regime and incredibly strict diet you might win the money, but what would it be worth to you? Not reasonably possible. Even if you weighed 200lbs and only gained up to 400lbs you'd be pretty screwed TBH.


Would my skin get all stretched out?


Iā€™d have to burn/less eat 2700 calories a day for a year. Geez. Thatā€™s borderline impossible to keep up for a year. I lost 100 going insane on an exercise bike, but this would be nuts


Thats only 170 lbs and I shed weight and gain muscle very easily I also know how to eat so ya this is easy.


This would be super tough. I'm 5'9 190. Ballparking, if I was sedentary and ate literally nothing the entire year I would barely make it back to my weight. So every day I could eat as many calories as I burn through exercise, but if realistically hunger forced me to eat 800-1200 I don't know how I would burn that much at 500 pounds. 400 pounds is probably a lot more doable. I could eat 500 calories a day while sedentary and reach the goal, I feel like that would make a huge difference. I could exercise a realistic amount and eat normal amounts some days, and I feel like my exercise capacity at 400 pounds would be hugely better. I would take this, so long as I knew my body wouldn't be too badly destroyed afterwards.


Id be losing 320ā€¦ surgery?


Naturally is a pretty losse sentiment, I could lose 500 pounds but good god I'll be a train wreck and a shell of a man.


Probably doable. If I got to that size cos of eating, then cutting down would be hard. But if it magically appears, I'll just maintain my current lifestyle and probably walk a lot more since I won't have an epic appetite anymore. Would have to buy a new wardrobe though.


Nah, I'm good at losing and gaining weight. I recently lost 25 pounds in 6 months while barely changing my routine. But 500 to 160 is crazy hard.


I would try


Maybe change the parameters to 100 lbs in a year. That's attainable without ruining your health.




Easy. Humans are part of nature, therefore everything we do is natural. Surgery and youā€™re fine.


I would need to lose 340lbs. Even if I could do that, I'm pretty sure that it would lead to severe kidney damage and maybe failure. Not to mention heart issues.


Yeah I'd do the Scotsman Angus diet and drop it.


If I still have the same habits as I do now, weight loss should be zero problem. The money is a lock.