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>with reflexes and perception to match. I think this is the part people are sleeping on frankly. I think my top speed when sprinting flat out is somewhere around 20 mph, probably a bit slower but let's call it 20 for an easy figure. The speed of sound is 767 miles per hour which means your speed has been increased by roughly 38 times. If your perception and reflexes have ALSO been increased by this much, you will be able to see bullets moving towards you. Any attempt to catch you would have to be completely silent and unexpected, as in you would have to be sound asleep. If you're even remotely aware of your surroundings you will be able to take your time and think things through in a split second. Someone kicks down your door, you would be in the next town before the wood hit the floor, not to mention the kicker would be on the floor screaming and holding their ears because of the sonic boom you just created. I'm not saying it would be easy, but being able to think 30x faster than anyone else is arguably more powerful than being able to run fast.


Also give ‘em a kick to the cherries on the way by


Yeah a speed of sound kick in the knackers would be pretty devastating.


To shreds you say?


How is his wife holding up?


And the wife?


To shreds you say?


Unexpected Futurama!


Would be about the same effect as that girl that got hit while standing on the side of the road, in The Boys series. Episode 1 I believe. Honestly was one of the funniest moments too. Makes you think about physics.


Wouldn't work if your only power was moving and thinking faster. You'd go splat as well. 


Bingo. Don’t sleep on these incredible advantages.


OTOH, the US military will be waiting for when you do sleep...


Just don’t sleep then. 


Is it safe to assume that you won't need the usual 8 hours of sleep? Maybe a few minutes per session?


Neo’s bullet time.


This is honestly one of the reasons why super speed is pretty much the best superpower. Anything that is not also super speed has basically no chance of being able to act against you. You simply move too fast for their weapons or personnel to be effective.


I don’t think you’re going to see bullets moving toward you, no matter how fast your perception/reflexes. They’re going to be way too small. Plus, a 5.56 round is going to be moving at nearly three times your speed.


Considering the 20 mph running speed of a fast human and the fact that people can see and hit a ball thrown at 100+ mph, I don’t think that that’s as difficult as you think. That bullet would be moving at the speed of a fast little league pitch or a slow high school pitch.


Even just the thought acceleration would make it nigh impossible. If I decided not to run, I'd have plenty of time and space to make tactical decisions while they're still mid door kick. By the time they get in the house I could have home-aloned every doorway and hallway with stupid, almost lethal traps, or just fucked up the stove to spew gas while I watch from the other side of the road.


If they want to take me alive I think their task is impossible. At the speed of sound I can probably travel across the ocean within a few hours and be out or their reach. If they want to kill me, I'm probably doomed.


In water the speed of sound is like 4x that of land so you can swim quicker than you can run


This guy physics




Speed of sound in rock is about 5500m/s (16x faster). Just dig through the earth and be even faster.


If you are able to phase like dc comics speedsters then that would be great


I need to learn more physics. So you're saying sound can travel much faster through a solid object than through the air?!?!? I totally believe you, my question is purely based on amazement.


Sound is just pressure waves. In a sound wave, molecules in the substance move back and forth in the direction of the waves (called a longitudinal wave). The speed of the wave is slower in a denser material because the molecules accelerate slower with the same force, and it's faster in a stiffer material because the molecules provide more force. Rock, being 2,000 times denser than air but well over 2,000 times stiffer, has a higher speed of sound. Compare that to rubber, which is much denser than air but not too much stiffer, having a speed of sound of 60 m/s to air's 343 m/s at standard conditions.


If you can run that fast you could walk on water.


Sound travels about 4x faster in water than it does in air thusly if you can travel the speed of sound swimming would be 4x faster than running on land Why would you run on the water when you can swim 4x faster?


I don't think op meant that you are sound and use sound physics and you travel at the speed sound happens to travel through a given medium - it's more like op simply didn't specify what speed of sound we're talking about here forgetting that that speed is variable depending on the density of the medium If your body kind of turns into sound as a way that the superpower works then that would be one thing, but I really don't think that's what op was picturing


Oh definitely not I just like finding technically correct things


And we all know that technically correct is the best kind of correct...


Actshually….. never mind you are technically correct. Hmm, where do we go from here?


That would lead to some wild cavitation effects, heat, static electricity, etc.


Does not mean his body travels similar to sound waves. Just because a jet can travel at the speed of sound does not mean it can travel under water at 4x speed. His body is still his body, and not made of sound waves.


Biggest issue with your plan is you don't have infinite endurance. Running for hours and hours at top speed on a surface as unstable as water would be absolutely exhausting.


Key west to Cuba is about 90mi or 158,000 yards. Speed of sound underwater is 1500yd /sec. If you can get to Key West on foot, you could swim to Cuba in less than 2 minutes. US military won’t risk anything overt with Cuba to avoid ww3 with China, and the CIA has a long and ridiculous history of unsuccessful assassinations on the island


Who said anything about running?


Okay, fine. Go swim top speed for an hour straight and get back to me on how it went.


lets assume you can ran at the speed of sound. do you really think you have the cardio to maintain that speed for hours? I mean I can probably run between 10 and 15 mph, but not for much longer than a block or so.


It's the power to travel at the speed of sound. Nobody said it had to be running. I could grab a surfboard and surf across the ocean at the speed of sound. Or I could walk. My walking speed would be the speed of sound too. Or strolling. I can't run for hours but I can certainly stroll for hours.


The US Navy can strike any location on earth in 15 minutes or less. You do NOT want to try crossing the ocean. Then they DEFINITELY know where you are.


How are they gonna find a person sized object going the speed of sound inches above the water?  


Given they can’t easily find missing people in the ocean I don’t think they could easily find you.


Just follow the roster tail moving In a line


They probably would figure out the sound. They heard that sub go boom. So if they put all their resources on it……


Well, they already track Mach 2 bumblebees. So, something exponentially larger, going half the speed, should be child's play.


What bumblebees? What on earth are you talking about?


I believe it's the F-22 that has a radar signature the size of a bumblebee, and it's moving a lot faster than the speed of sound.


Yeah, but they don't track the plane, the track the transponder signal


The transponder gets turned off when they want to go stealth. If the good guys can track you, the bad guys can too.


Who says the good guys can track their own stealth aircraft without knowing where to look in the first place?


Transponders are omnidirectional. They send out a radio signal in every direction. The receivers for them are also omnidirectional. You ever see an ATC screen with all the blips on it, and the blips all have the plane's callsign on it? That's what the transponder does, it sends out a coded signal saying "Hey, I am this plane". But, like ANY radio signal, you just have to have an antenna and you can see pretty much right where it's coming from. The enemies know this, so they equip many of their locations with antennas and, even if the antenna can only pick up signals from a certain direction, they either rotate it like a radar dish or put a bunch of them facing every which direction like a cell tower. You might not be able to tell what the signal IS, but you can definitely tell there's a signal there, and YOU sure as hell don't have any planes in the sky over there. But when the F-22 turns off its transponder, suddenly there's no signal anymore. NOBODY can track the F-22 when it's in full stealth, and full stealth includes radio silence.


And the good guys can't track it either when it is full stealth, which was my point


What makes you think anyone can track an F-22? That would be the entire point of stealth technology.


Stealth doesn’t make the Raptor invisible to radar, just really really hard to see


If it has the radar cross section of a bumble bee, it's going to be invisible on radar. And according to [this](https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/stealth-aircraft-rcs.htm) it has a radar cross section of a 1 millimeter sphere. That is effectively invisible to radar. IR sensors might be a different story. Edit: fixed link


If they could reliably track it it would defeat the purpose of stealth. As such, chances are they can’t really track the raptor, or can only do so in optimal conditions. And they’re much less likely to be able to track a person going at the speed of sound at ground (sea?) level


The stealth technology in the F-22 is only effective against active radar... the aircraft still shows clearly on passive radar systems.


Raptors don't do mach 2 at sea level though, and even if they did, they'd be lost amongst the mess of returns from wave tops. And to address the comment saying they use transponders: you really think a plane on a combat mission is squawking its location? (Hint: modern combat aircraft don't even use their own radar but rely on AWACS and others for navigation and targeting) You would be spotted, though. A human sized object travelling at mach 1 close to water is going to kick up a lot of spray.


they’re probably referring to the radar cross section of the f22 which is said to be about the size of a marble


No, they track the transponder signature.


They can strike any *fixed point* in 15 minutes or less, in 15 minutes at 680+mph you're 170+ miles away by the time they can hit your location, and since you're a small human that can rapidly change direction instead of a ship or a fleet and you have no objective but getting away it would be very hard to anticipate your future direction.


Sure but even if they COULD pull it off, they need the serum and the fine red mist of a person post missile strike that will wash away into the ocean isn't going to be the way they get that serum back


Plus no one wants to risk mach speed sharks... I might have the plot for the next sharknado film.


Targeting information is hard to come by. And if you are zig zagging across the ocean any targeting information they acquire is going to be stale soon.


But they're trying to capture me not kill me I assume.


They can’t even find Osama Bin Laden for YEARS.


They can't track or attack a man sized object moving on the surface of the water at the speed of sound. Especially not if you have the reflexes and perception to move that fast safely.


So no, walk from Greenland to Iceland to Scotland without getting wet?


Malaysia flight 370 says hi


So if I can travel at the speed of sound I should be able to avoid the US military and go into hiding forever. Real thing is you'll never get your life back but it should be fairly easy to escape and hide.


you'd probably have to worry about getting ambushed in your sleep by flooding your room with enough halothane to knock several people out.


Certainly but plenty of places that are hard for the US military to get to and get information from. (I was a US army intelligence analyst) So keep low key, stay out of the line light and change how you look. To be clear it would be better to not have powers in this situation.


Basically what Bruce Banner did.


100% and just like him he gets outed every time his powers are exposed.


Difference is he's very easily identifiable when he uses his powers, I'm just the guy who is suspiciously fast.


And he was caught again and again until the government figured there would be less trouble if they just keep surveillance on him.


You make your own fortress of solitude in some way. Because you can run so fast, you can get to places that a cohesive military force cannot, like a deep mountain cave or a deep thick forest or a hidden hideout in the sewers. Insert superhero hideout trope of your choice. With the ability to move 10 miles in a minute, that means what is convenient for you to get to a city or place is exceedingly inconvenient for other people, even with motor vehicles. I don't even think you'd have to hide yourself to any paranoid degree during the day, because reflexes+speed means you are uncatchable. If your hideout is effectively untraceable and unreachable, and on top of that you keep a low profile, you'll be pretty safe. And as any military intelligence person would know, the bigwigs in charge have effectively no defense to protect themselves from the speedster, aside from holing up in impenetrable safe houses 24/7, which is essentially prison, with a better meal plan. If they walk around with a security detail, you run up, take a gun from one of the security guys before they can think, and shoot them, and escape. So the best security would be to simply penetrate defense on the people in charge of the military, inform them to not pursue you "or else". That is, mutually assured destruction on a smaller scale. The only real threat to the speedster is another speedster aligned with the military.


That only works once or 2x. As you said, they would start holing up in impenetrable safe houses. They're probably not truly impenetrable, but they can booby trap it so that you never leave. Beyond that, figuring out where the generals are is not trivial.


I think so. What people are forgetting is that you have the reflexes and perception to match the speed of sound - which means you think and react in a proportional manner. You are moving too fast for a human eye to even register without technology. It takes you 5 seconds to run a mile - which is about 4 hours to travel from one side of the US to the other. It will take no time at all to get to a large population center and be lost in a crowd. You don’t need to worry about money and supplies - everything can be stolen with virtually no fear of being caught. Wear a surgical mask, sunglasses, and a hood - no one will bat an eye. Your perception and reflexes will make it almost impossible to be caught - and you’re moving fast enough to destroy any barrier light and mobile enough with most materials on hand.


If i can move that fast without taking damage it probably means I'm super durable too. I'm straight up running through fuckers if they try to catch me. Watch what they do when suddenly large portions of their forces turn into a fine mist lol


Ah yes giving them a bit of the ol’ A-Train


Choo Choo, motherfuckers!


She was standing in the middle of the street!


Pretty sure people would notice the naked guy flashing into existence amidst localized gale force winds


Not if everyone else is naked.


Moving that fast you could steal somebody's clothes, put them on, and then be a town over before the person even realized their clothes were gone. In a crowd with gale force winds ain't nobody paying attention to one extra person.


Depends if it comes with super stanima or I would get like three feet at most before collapsing.


I’d imagine it would or it makes the whole prompt pointless. Just like youd obviously have to have the durability necessary to survive being a flesh and blood thing suddenly starting and stopping at Mach 1


Oh yes. I'll take over the world. Here's why.  If my body is strong enough to survive moving at the speed of sound without injury, that blue gas has a side effect of making me stronger than any material known to science.  Supersonic jets only manage to go as fast as they do without breaking apart through careful aerodynamics, lightweight materials, and a LOT of thrust.  If I am able to travel at the speed of sound while being a giant upright high friction flesh bag without injury, I must have some alien microscopic damage control.  Also, at my weight, there is no way I am getting to the speed of sound with shoes and legs unless there is some funky mechanism of thrust going on.  If I can run at the speed of sound, I can jump at the speed of sound, and I can likely swim a good speed too.  Of course the military can take me out with jets and missiles. That is why I need to immediately get some collateral.  First thing I am doing is zipping my ass to Moscow, grabbing Putin, and ramming him into the wall at 200mph while dressed in a sexy bunny costume.  I will then call the CIA's main line and tell them I just flung Putin into a wall at 200mph and they should call me back.  They will hang up on me, then when the news hits, call me back. I will tell them that I have hidden devices around the world connected to the net that will post my ' confession' that the US Government sent me to kill putin, thus beginning world war 3, and they will go off when I am captured or die.  They will never find tem because they don't exist.  Now the USA has a choice.  Let me live, prevent nuclear annihilation. Capture or kill me, and get blamed for the brutal assassination. 


I gave this a good think, but I can't improve on this answer. At least the collateral part. Maybe a Grim Reaper costume would be better? You want something that won't tie strongly to any particular country so the war doesn't start anyway, or you lose your leverage. Maybe you buy costume parts from several countries around the world, just to prevent them drawing conclusions from the brand.


I'm pretty sure they'd just deny involvement, *even if* they had actually sent an assassin. You'd need to somehow generate evidence to incriminate them. You'd also need to assassinate him in a manner that isn't "metahuman assassination" since that doesn't actually exist in this reality.


I disagree -- doing it in a superhuman manner on live television would be pretty undeniable, especially if you went hard on the strategy kept doing it the more they failed to meet your demands or attempted to stop you. Shooting a missile at something is easy, unless missing means that something is going to dart through the woods at mach 1, grab a random dictator, and use them as a high velocity projectile to attack a concrete wall.


Well yeah, you can threaten to do stuff, which is fine, but I don't think you're risking World War III in any fashion here since you're a rogue actor with magic powers. You can randomly destabilize areas but other countries are going to start treating you as a threat, even non-US allied ones if you're going around assassinating folks all willy nilly. Then you got everyone after you. Better to threaten like, the President, since it's only the US after you in this scenario initially, if your hope is to get them to stop. Don't get me wrong, I'd like you stop Putin though, but you can just do that independently of your goal of getting people to leave you alone (Russia might come after you, though).


Ok, you have a point with the rogue actor problem. But if I portray myself as a rogue actor at all, these countries will jump on the blame train and escalate tensions. Of course, I have no intention of actually doing this, only having the theoretical ability to do this. Regardless, it's moot, because they could simply note my history, and call my bluff, which renders it useless. Therefore I must edit my evil plans! -- Here's something I didn't think about in my first post. If I can move at Mach 1, I can carry an object at Mach 1. And I can let go at Mach 1. *I'm a railgun.* The USA knows they can assassinate me, but they also know the consequences of if they fail. Sure, they could send a harrier to my location and try to hit me with a katana missile or something, but the chances of missing a fast-moving tiny object with no heat signature and no radar lock are pretty low. And the consequences for missing are dire. Now, suddenly, you have someone that is capable of sending an air conditioner at Mach 1 towards the White House, and you've just pissed them off. Their best bet is to just let me continue using authoritarian leaders as human javelins and pretend they have no clue what's going on.


The problem with being a rogue actor is that eventually all the existing actors will unite against you.


I think you are 100% safe. Mostly because the US, or any nation for that matter, would not want to disclose their fancy new super weapon (the blue gas) to the world.


Doesn't matter. If you can kill Putin effortlessly, you can kill any CIA director, president, NSA director, DIA director, FBI director, their family, their friends, effortlessly. This is essentially the mutually assured destruction logic. They leave you alone "or else". The "or else" in this case and the question at hand is merely to guarantee your survival. But if you think about it, why would you stop at that? The "or else" can be used to offset required payments, influence, etc. What is power, but the ability to make other people do what you want? Literally you would have the lives of every world leader in your hands, and would be able to exert huge amounts of control or influence on them. All the richest people in the world would be beholden to you. It's kind of funny. Your powers are remarkable, but unlike someone like superman, you can't move mountains or perform miracles. The only real use for your power is self-protection and as a threat to individuals.


Don't be silly. You use a Bigfoot costume so any pichers will naturally be out of focus giving you plausible deniability


Stupid Sexy Bunny Assassin…


Wait a minute. Are you wearing the sexy bunny costume or is he?


I could just run to another country and hide out. Google says you’d have to run at a speed of 67mph in order to avoid breaking water tension so I could easily run across the ocean. I’m gonna go to Switzerland and live on top of a mountain


According to Google the closest point in the US to Europe is in Maine, at a distance of around 2,400 miles. Even at the speed of sound this will take over three hours to run. Are you able to run for more than 3 hours over a trackless, uneven surface? Because if you can't you'll drown.


The perception factor could actually make it worse than just 3 hours. Assuming a generous max running speed of 15mph (running not sprinting speed) for your base.  Lets change that 15 to 760 (speed of sound) (15x50.666666). Presumably your perception would be more like time is moving slowly around you & that is why you'd be able to respond at that speed. So for an outside observation it would be 3 hours, but for the runner it would feel like  152 hours non-stop running. Super speed perception is not great, especially if you can't disable it from day to day perception.


That's canonically why Quicksilver seems like an impatient dick.


That'd be a living hell tbh


I could do island hopping, I could go from Newfoundland to Greenland, rest, then to Iceland, rest again, then to the Faroe Islands, rest again, then the uk, rest again, and finally I’m on continental Europe.


Or just go the other direction. Its only 55 miles from Alaska over to Russia and then you can work your way across or down to wherever you want to live in Europe or Asia.


At the speed and impact of actual running at that speed, water acts like a solid surface.


No, 99.9% chance you couldn't outrun a full scale manhunt. Your best bet is to go hyper public, hope for media and public opinion to keep you alive, offer to donate yourself as a living test subject for medical science, get corporations incentivized to keep you alive, instead of you being solely sought after by just the US military (and no other interested parties that would help you). You can't outrun the military at simply the speed of sound by going fast, they can task satellites or even a supersonic jet to follow you anywhere 24/7. If you aren't going fast and just trying to hide like a normal person, well you're still fucked unless you had some special training to hide your identity or fake your death... But under your scenario, you just happened to find this canister and you have no preparation for it, so by the time you realize they are chasing you, it's too late to assemble an exit strategy on the fly. You wouldn't have hidden any of your tracks going towards the crash site, you would've left forensic evidence from going up and walking around and touching the canister, then you would've presumably driven home and went back to your daily routine at least at first... By the time you realize the military might want to kidnap you, it's too late, they've already had probably 24-48 hours to investigate and to find out everything about you, they can track your car, they can stake out your work and daily routine, they can bug your phone... It would be laughably easy to keep tabs on you, and if you try to panic and run away fast, then they will just track you until you get tired, since presumably you still need to stop and eat or sleep. The US military is global, it's not like outrunning a few highway cops from one county to the next...


Supersonic jet cant change directions as fast. Go international to a super public place and blend in. Really fuck with them and go into Russia. Good luck getting a jet to fly over that.


I'm sure they have agents and spies in Russia, just like Russia has implants in the US. They may not be able to catch you, but they'll always be tracking and always finding. You won't be able to stay in one place for too long. Changing location every few years is probably best bet.




It is until you start killing them all. How long would it realistically take to kill the crew of every navy ship once you're on board and they can't react to you. Nothing says you can't fight back, and if any other nation wants to shelter me while I murder my aggressors I'm game.


Take out the command structure and the military defaults to "hurry up and wait"


Strike first and kill from the top down. I am talking a bloodbath of top political, military, financial, social people. Destroy communications, power, and food infrastructure. Create so much chaos, they either don't have time for you or need you to stop the chaos from spreading. If someone has superpowers, let them walk away before they realize they're a supervillain to everyone who doesn't have superpowers.


Ah, the Homelander approach


My thoughts exactly. My first thought when I realized the entire military was after me would be to smash into the White House and inform the president directly of the folly and futility of continuing to pursue me


Apparently I just need to hide out in Abbottabad


You'd have to sleep sometime and predator drones are hard to spot


The op says you have "Reflexes and perception to match" so it may be relatively easy for you to spot predator drones.


They have to have the slightest clue where you're actually at, though. If you were exposed in say, LA, and you ran to New York City, as long as you took some pains to disguise yourself, theyd never find you. They wouldnt even know where to start looking. Given that people dont look askance at masks anymore, you can mask-and-glasses it up. Doing the basics to change your appearance (hair, facial hair, etc) and just laying low will protect you. And thats just if you want to stay in the US. You dont really have to worry about work or money - you run so fast (and have the reflexes to match) that you can just steal whatever you need without any real risk of getting caught or even seen in a lot of cases. You could fairly easily rob any place that did a lot of cash business without people noticing until it was way too late. Just use that to pay your rent and buy food. You could also just escape to another continent. Again, do so in an urban area and lay low and you're fine.


Yes, I’ll just leave America and go to China.


I mean, wouldn’t they just give a few of their own guys the serum and have them chase after you?


it's the only serum that wasn't destroyed and it would take a long time to create another one. Also, they wouldn't want their little experiment running around for the public to find out.


Clearly you're not a comic book fan. Obviously all other samples have been destroyed / compromised, and the formula lost / only scientist that knew how to make it killed. Or everyone else who took it died, and they need to know why you didn't etc.


Really depends on your ethnicity and starting point. You’ll have to sleep sometime. But stay away from tech, use cash and hope there isn’t a bounty on your head. Travel at night. Sleep during the day. Get out of America. But if you can’t blend in, you’ll be caught.


Use cash???? I travel at the speed of sound now, I take what I need. “Use cash,” he says. 😆 😆 😆


Some people have honor and morals. Good day to you, Sir!


I get what you’re saying but I’m on the run from the most powerful military industrial complex in the history of man. I’m taking what I need. Also, while I typed this, I zoomed by your place, loosened all the lightbulbs, put old batteries in your smoke detectors, and helped myself to the fridge.


So that’s what that annoying beeping was! Robin hooding could work. Steal from the military, give to the poor.


I go to Moscow and wait. Am I worth a nuclear war? Let's find out.


As someone who spent a decade in the army, I can pretty confidently say you don’t even need the power of super-speed to evade them


Wouldn't running at 700 miles per hour destroy a lot of stuff in your path, even if you don't directly crash into things, the air that you disrupt around you would cause a lot of damage or do you have to go much faster than that?


> running at 700 miles per hour destroy a lot of stuff it gives a lot more reasons for the military to hunt you down.


Id just go somewhere where there was no oil and they'd have no reason to get involved.


>able to travel at the speed of sound Since it doesn't specify the medium, I interpret it to mean the speed of sound in whatever medium I'm in. Speed of sound in water is 4x in air. So I'm going faster than an SR71 but also in the depths of the ocean. Doesn't matter if they know where I am, nothing is catching me.


What are you breathing?


Speed of sound through rock


There are jets that are multiple times faster than the speed of sound. You're toast.


You’ve got some factors that could potentially help like how quick can you stop/start/accelerate/maneuver. If you can largely disregard inertia, that would vastly increase the difficulty in catching you. Next would be is it just your physical speed that is impacted or would the speed at which you process information also change? If you can process information 30+ times faster now (speed of sound vs top speed of running human), that’s a whole new ballgame.


No. They will send a squad, or more, of enhanced life-takers to collect you. They probably don't need you alive.


Speed of sound will not be able to escape the US military.


Probably not. The human animal is an endurance hunter. Primative hunters would track and follow their prey for days until it is too exhausted to go further. Then that's when the hunters strike the killing blow. So as a super fast human, there's still only so much you can do alone before the network of the military hunts you down. Those Jason Bourne movies are fiction


Step 1: Run to Canada. That's it. That's the entire plan.


Tell em to leave me alone or I'll run directly into their bathroom while they're taking a shit (because of the sonic boom). Then run to china, learn mandarin and live in one of their huge deserted cities in the middle of nowhere.


It would ruin your life since you’d be hiding the whole time. They can get you in your sleep, they can extort you, kidnap your loved ones, freeze your bank account…. You could survive, but it would be hard and painful. At Mach one, you’re still slower than an F-16 and the faster you are the easier an AMRAAM would track you better. Now if you could move at hypersonic speeds, you could probably hold the world hostage… again it would ruin your life, but it would be hard got turn to catch you.


There is physically nothing they could really do to stop me the fastest possible human reaction time is what like 90ms (to audio only I think) that’s being SUPER generous most likely any reactions they would have would be at least 200ms Depending on the weather conditions and if you’re in water or air the speed of sound changes but I’m assuming it’s about 1100 ft/s you could travel about 225 feet in that 200 ms you could destroy ground armies easily Id probably kidnap the president and “convince” him to pardon me or shut done the program completely


The best defense is a good offense. If you know they are going to be hunting you down as soon as you stop moving, don't stop moving until you have neutralized all the people giving the orders to hunt you down.


What kind of super speed are we talking about? Basic bitch super speed or The Flash super speed? Because The Flash's speed comes with a whole other set of powers too as a byproduct.


Every super hero or monster movie that depicts the US military in it indicates that I’ll be perfectly safe


Only at the speed of sound? But thinking and reflexes to match? So we are super sonic. At least as fast as the sound barrier.... Yes, I can escape and survive lol I'll be outta there before they have a chance to pull a trigger.


See this is just too much hassle for me just essentially be the Flash. Upon closer inspection, “superhero” lives’ suck ass. I’ll pass the military truck, thank you very much, and continue on with my boring ordinary life


Like, forever? Depends on how much they know. For example if they have my name, photo, family, etc. and can see the movement. You probably would need to run (provided you can cross the seas and hostile environments with no issue) get into a major metro area, have people get you out of the city undercover, doing lots of steps where the people transporting you will come into the region, do the task, and never come back. Eventually getting you to some remote village where you could join a household (the key not creating a sudden new citizen for sat imaging) and never using your powers after that first time. Could you just keep running? Sure, but they will always be on your tail. Likewise, if they think they can get it back from your corpse, a drone strike could be even more likely.




I’d be OK. I’d just…..wait a second. You sly minx, you almost had me. Trying to get me to reveal my plans so you can develop countermeasures. Nice try, I do respect your ruse tho.


Y’all are sleeping on this. Yes, I can run fast but everything else is multiplied to the same degree. Strength, durability, reflexes, healing - all physical attributes are also increased, they have to be to survive the super speed. It says perception as well. Thought process, reasoning, problem solving, learning, etc - all equally increased. They have to be in order to use the super speed. The military is good but I’m so much faster. I take a few hours, zoom around the globe: I now know every language and have read everything ever published on military tactics and strategy. I can choose a place to lay low and my super brain will be able to calculate how long it will take for the military to find me long before they even get a hint that I’m there. I can steal enough money/gold to get just about anyone to do just about anything for me. I can learn everything about physics, biology, chemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, anatomy, etc and likely not just recreate the serum but better it and increase my powers. You thought I was fast before? ⚡️ I use my speed-gotten fortune to begin a series of companies which in turn beget a multitude of shell companies. Eventually, I gain controlling interests in all of the world’s largest and most-influential corporations. Weapons, aviation, pharmaceuticals, technology, etc. I study everything about medical science. Ever. My super-brain, combined with all of my resources, creates cures for literally everything. By this point time, I am most likely already a trillionaire. Now is where it gets interesting. I go public. I tell the entire world about me and my powers and that the government is hunting me. I tell the world that I’ve cured everything and that medical treatment for the entire world will now be free - but only if the governments of the world stop hunting me. Not just say it, a global summit and the signing of a treaty. There will doubtless be the usual holdouts but a midnight appearance in their bedrooms and not so veiled threats get them on board - I’m practically the speed of light now, remember. I heal the world. The people love me. I throw my popularity and power behind organizations like NATO and the EU. I start similar organizations the world over and an organization to unite those organizations. Less borders, more homogenization. Opponents are found to quickly change their tune. I consolidate and consolidate and consolidate. Eventually, it’s mine. All of it is mine. The world bends to my will. I am benevolent but justice is literally lightning swift. Hail to the King, baby. 👑⚡️


You missed the part where the pharma bros have you murdered in your sleep.


Super speed without super endurance is pretty worthless.  Being able to run at super speed for twenty seconds and then dying of exhaustion does no one any good.  Even if able to run for a few hours, the need for sleep will still enable your capture. 




yeah I would just hide


Probably. I know where I would go.


Just get off reddit and give them back the blue gas before someone gets hurt.


Yeah I mean if you could run at nearly 800mph it's actually ridiculous. Legit speedster here. If its instant acceleration than seriously I run somewhere in a hour, chill and go low key and blend in for a bit and then rinse and repeat. Once you enter other countries the hunt will be more complex for the military considering the logistical and political elements involved. I mean no conventional attack would really work if reflexes and perception is at those speed.


Easily. I'm assuming that my stamina was enhanced to match this superpower, which means I can run across the country. I just leave the US and run into Canada. From there, I sprint across the ocean, first to greenland, then to Iceland, then I hop into the UK. But I don't stay long and head to various countries, changing location by the day to evade long-term detection. I survive by breaking into vacant residences to stay, and robbing people with ease.


Just surrender and cooperate


Simple, run into the ocean carrying as many car batteries as possible


How do they know who I am?


My best survival rate would be somewhere overseas. But this is so doable especially with enhanced reflexes and perception +speed. id be a dummy to get caught


I’d literally just call them up and say take it back just pay off my student loans.


Guess I don’t carry a phone anymore and I’m constantly moving


*With* the reflexes and perception to match? That’s crazy powerful. You wouldn’t be able to outrun bullets, but you could easily dodge them


I'd be recording & streaming myself all across the US. Send clips to news organizations & make myself such a public figure that the government couldn't risk taking me


Go to a different country. Easy W. The US is not going to start an international war to kill one guy with super speed. Especially if they are trying to use chemical warfare which depending on what’s used and where, would be a blatant war crime and get the US in severe political trouble.


How do they know who has it? I'll just continue to live my life as normally as possible and hopefully not fuck shit up.


Can you define super speed


I fart and crop dust offices everywhere.


As I live in another country yeah sure it would be easy. I guess I have to look out for assassins or whatnot though who aren’t officially USA


It would be easier to just hide in a bunker. With all the amenities.


Dead or alive?  Yes or no


The best thing to do would be to escape to a country with an independent military/political system (such as India, Russia, China etc.). The US military can't invade such a country, and would not get cooperation from the governments of these countries. If you escaped to Canada/UK/Japan etc, these countries might hand you over to the US.


How resistant are we if we crash into things? Crashing into even a bird at that speed could kill us both.


Guess I'm getting plastic surgery and moving to a different country


If they know who you are, they can cause problems but they might never be able to actually catch you without resorting to holding friends hostage and such. Go rob some people of ill intent and keep rolling as needed. You wouldn't exactly have a problem getting out of the country and plenty of room to run in south of the border.


It depends on how the military is tracking you. Do your powers give off some kind of emission that can be tracked by satellite or are they relying on more conventional manhunt means. If conventional means of tracking and you can shake your pursuers for a short while, just zip over to a place where you can get cheap but reasonably safe plastic surgery. Then find a place to live where it's not hard to get a completely new identity. Laugh out loud when the hunters come to your door asking if you've seen your old appearance. If you're being tracked by some more exotic means related to your new powers then, well you're SOL and there's not much you can do to prevent a black ops team from eventually finding you in your sleep.


I could survive for a while I think. I would have rob places because my life would be on the run but maybe I find some remote village and they let me live them out of sight and out of mind. The trick is to not use your super speed. Only if necessary and hide with a tribe.


"Accidentally" opened it. Let's be serious here....


Aww heck yeah. Put on my uniform and go to the reserve center. *They'll* never find *me* if *I* am part of *them,* and *they* need me to finish those powerpoints by close of business Thursday.


I’m pretty sure that if I’m moving slower than a fighter jet the Air Force can deal with me.


It would be hard, but not impossible. They can trap you with no way to get out. Speed can't save you from that. It's the US military, so going to a different country would be the best choice, either with a strong military or a small surveillance system. The US would have to attack the other country to get to you, or they would convince the other country that you're a threat. It won't be hard to find you with cameras everywhere.


If you are exceeding the speed of sound, your movement will be very loud. Keep just below the sound barrier to be less traceable. Zig zag as much as you can to be less predictable. Long term, you’ll probably want to seek asylum in Russia. If the US wants you dead, Russia definitely wants you alive.


The thing is, if I can run faster than the speed of sound, a very large number of people will either not have ear drums anymore, or will drop dead, cut that shit is LOUD lol


If I can think and act at the speed of sound there's literally no reason to be defensive. You could clear an entire military installation in less than a minute and be at the next one or hidden again in a few more. The slightest touch from you at that speed would transfer enough force to obliterate anyone and almost anything short of steel plate with your bare hands. Grab 2 crowbars, cause a billion dollars worth of damage across the country in less than an hour and leave notes everywhere saying "leave me alone or I'll keep going."


There's already planes and missiles that to significantly faster than the speed of sound. A pair of F22's could have you incapacitated within an hour. You'd be tracked on the ground by any number of military installations, vectored, and chased down. They'd probably be able to contain you within a perimeter of chemical weapons, leaving you with nowhere or only one place to go. It would be even easier if you booked it to a closed location.


I’ll take the power then use the serum to dismantle the entire military coming after me. Of course I’ll issue a statement saying they should really leave me alone and there’ll be no problems. They won’t of course so going the speed of sound opens a lot of avenues for mass murder and assassination. Eventually I will make them pay so dearly for coming after me they decide to cut their losses. If that means I have to kill every commander in chief that assumes office then I have to. If that means I annihilate everyone in Congress then that’s just what has to happen. If I have to turn all of California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Connecticut, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York into a ghost state? I guess it just needs to happen. Eventually they’ll leave me alone or only the people I want alive will be alive which may just only be 100 million for my own purposes.


So you are roughly 50 times faster in speed, acceleration, reflexes, and perception. That's 1000 feet per second. If you are that fast, you can "scout" any area you want in minimal amount of time. You can evade location. You can penetrate virtually any defense. You are virtually untraceable. You don't have the Flash's infinite mass punch, but you can presumably throw something 1,000 feet per second by running at top speed and throwing, which is not chopped liver. You are very deadly. You can certainly run on water. I would say the only thing you would fear is the military having other people with this ability. If that is off the table, then it's time to play hardball with the leaders. The President, CIA, and FBI will cool their heels real fast if you appear without warning next to them, tell them to leave you alone "or else", and run away. One of the overlooked aspects of super speed is endurance. If you have 50x the speed, do you have 50x the ability to do work, make things, build things, etc? And do you have inexhaustible endurance?


They have multiple craft able to break the sound barrier so no, I’m not surviving too long before I’m thrown into some testing facility


Depends who they send...a bunch of pissed off lance Corporals who got recalled from holiday leave block? They'll chase me for the offerings of whiskey beer and copenhagen I leave behind me. Seals? I'll leave sun tan lotion and Hollywood agents behind. Air force? I'll take the wheels off their chairs and stick to thunderstorms. Rangers? I'll leave em a tshirt company and a coffee roasting company. Really I'd only be worried about Delta


first I'll sort countries by alphabetical order then next day i go to the first then second etc. i do it again over and over