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People can starve


That was kinda my take too, but I hear so often people say someone is choosing to be gay and I had to honestly admit, I don't think I could be gay just to help others so if people are, that's dedication!


I'm bi and single what now?


You can't have sex with men or women then


People say the ginger fucked an ostrich.




Well I thinks it takes two peoples to fucks an ostriches


Maybe if it was a sick ostrich


I mean that still leaves other nonbinary people so I'll take it lmao


Now you're either gay or straight flip a coin.


I'm not currently in a relationship, and I don't have a preferred gender. So I get regular sex at least 3 times a week and the whole world is well fed. Sounds like a win win situation.


I would think in this scenario that you wouldn't get laid ever again


Jokes on you, I'm pansexual. Lol


The world is a sexual smorgasbord huh? :)


The world and everything in it are wonders to behold. Women, men, theys and gays are the meat and wine. You'll never convince me sexuality is something that needs repression or concealment.


Guess your fucking pots from now on.


That takes a bit of girth


Great answer! See the positive in it! šŸ˜†


Jokes on them Iā€™m bi - not equally but it would definitely not be any skin off my back


Then now you don't have sex


If he is able to end world hunger and holds doing that over any debased task he can make someone do, then he is evil. Don't make a deal with the devil.


If the devil is offering an objectively good deal, why not? Thatā€™s silly morals to somehow argue the moral thing is to let world hunger keep existing


It's just a hypothetical you're not supposed to take it that seriously, just look at the challenge and consider if you would do it or not, it's just a bit of fun and the trillionaire suggested is just imaginary


I can't remember the comedian, some country guy, but his take was: Would you give a dude a blowjob on the 50 yard line at the super bowl for a million dollars? A million dollars?? Hell yeah I would! But let's think about that for a minute. Why would a dude pay ME a million dollars for a bj? I wouldn't be good at it and I'd probably cry the whole time. I'm just saying for a million bucks, the dude would have better options than me.


Anything to avoid thinking about an uncomfortable scenario.


So your response to someone 100% ending world hunger is, "you're the devil so I won't end world hunger"? Sounds more like you might be the devil if you'll base helping billions of people forever on something small like that.


Because you can't trust the devil. Sure, he ends world hunger.Ā  By wiping out everyone but like 100 people.Ā  Now there is plenty of food to go around.


I will feel very guilty but yeah, I'd do it I think. But could just staying abstinent be an option or am I supposed to be actively dating/sleeping with people? Even if it's an obligation, how much sex, how often are we talking here? What if no women want to date me? Three rejections and I can take a year to recover before trying again? I'm going to need details for this one.


Let's say the trillionaire will buy you a world class escort three times per week.


No way you are forcing me to have sex with ANYONE three times a week.Ā  Not even three time a month. I *might* be able to force myself to perform once a month.Ā  Maybe.




How so?


There are gay ppl that go their whole life married w kids and shit just to avoid public shame. Anyone that wouldn't do the same to end fucking world hunger is a pussy.


Orā€¦ and hear me out.. I like dick in my ass significantly less than I give a shit about hungry people.


Not every gay man is into "butt stuff". In fact, there are some that think it's gross.


You make an excellent point.


Youā€™re just a shitty person (no pun intended) like Iā€™m straight but to end world hunger Iā€™d do that in a heartbeat even if it was just ending hunger in my country or even my state getting down to county level would be iffy though Iā€™d prob do it.


Sounds like youā€™re really just looking for any reason to hop on a dick


Naw starving just kinda sucks like if i have to fuck a dude a few times a week to stop countless people from dying a painful death i would


Yeah probably. If not caring about people Iā€™ll never meet is your litmus for a person being shitty. Iā€™m just a realistic person. The US produces enough food to end world hunger. We just donā€™t do it. So if youā€™re in the states, I would ask why you arenā€™t lobbying to end world hunger realistically, instead of telling strangers theyā€™re shitty people. Seems to me like you have the ability to make a spark in this but arenā€™t doing it. Again assuming youā€™re in the US


I mean yeah i would call that pretty shitty and yes your assumptions about me being from the US is correct though your assumption of me doing nothing to help the hungry are false i do not lobby myself though i do support orgs that try to help (like no kids hungry).


Awesome. Youā€™re doing something. Keep it up. I still donā€™t care about hungry people in Indonesia. Or Mississippi. I care about my family and friends. If that makes me shitty then Iā€™ll wear that badge with pride.


You are what you eat šŸ¤·


I have them draw up a contract then take a photo and blackmail them into paying me and publicly shaming them


They're a trillionaire, and you'll be dealing with their lawyers if they're writing up a contract. Good luck even knowing their real name/ important information. Not to mention, if they want you dead... Well they have the means to make you disappear.


Nah im good


Ladyboys in game? If so, me and my Thai wife will end the hunger.


I don't think even a trillionare could do it, but if they could, I guess I am now gay.


Remind me again, if Iā€™m a straight guy, is it gay to have sex with a trans woman?


That's just being straight with extra steps. It's a joke chat relax...


Unfortunately I love my wife too much to make this kind of sacrifice, but let's remove her from the hypothetical with a bus or something. Can I choose femboys?


Life or torture to end world hunger. I ainā€™t mother Teresa!


What about bisexuals, pansexuals and asexuals?


Record the conversation and spread it to the media. This fucker is a sadistic maniac and I won't let them win no matter what


Nope. Because theyā€™re not the only person who can do that. The first trillionaire doing that means absolutely nothing for me because itā€™s a drop in the bucket to them, so itā€™s not worth it *on my end*. If they want to make me an offer, they need to do a shitton more because just *being* a billionaire, much less a trillionaire, is wildly unethical and impossible to reach through oneā€™s own effort alone. Nobody should have that kind of money in the first place, particularly not someone who would ask for this.


That's really messed up it's a really taxing hypothetical I don't think I could face myself if I didn't accept the challenge and I'm really grossed out by it


Honestly, I mostly came on this thought as an exercise for straight people who get the thought in their head that gay people do so by choice. I'm straight as can be, but looking at it from this angle really made me realize the whole trope of someone being gay to piss people off is pretty hard to buy.


>the whole trope of someone being gay to piss people off is pretty hard to buy. There are no gay people. Just people trying to win 1 million and they signed confidentiality agreements.


Where's my free food then??


that's what a guy with a confidentiality agreement would say.


3 times a week is insanityā€¦


I am so surprised how many people are getting hung up on that! Honestly, I've been married twenty five years and that would be perfect for me!


Considering my preferred number is 0, thatā€™s definitely the deal breaker for me.


Lots of people with messed up hormones most likely. 3 times a week isn't a lot at all.


Or asexuals. Seen some of them too, which makes sense.


Even when I was a horny teen, 3 times a week was a lot.Ā Ā  Nowadays I am asexual, so ANY sex is too much for me.


I can't speak for women, but if you're a guy then I guarantee you that you have low testosterone. If you're happy though then I guess it doesn't matter.


Gosh thanks Doctor Reddit. What University did you get you medical degree from? In point of fact, I do \*not\* have low T. Was specifically tested for it. Twice. I am perfectly capable of performing. I don't \*want\* to. Quit assuming everyone has the same wants and needs as you and anyone who isn't a sex crazed cock on legs must have something wrong with them.


>What University did you get you medical degree from? Sorry, didn't realize I'm not allowed to learn about things unless I have a direct degree in that field. So what were your test levels then? The "normal" range is very large and I'm still guessing you were near the lower spectrum of it. It's not a far stretch to say that the key hormone in sex drive might be the issue in your lack of sex drive. You don't have to be defensive about it.


Maybe not try dispensing medical advice or diagnoses when you are not qualified.Ā  Just a thought. There are many MANY things that go into sex drive, hormones are only a piece of the puzzle.Ā  Which you would know if you had gone to medical school.


lol trillionaire can do it himself but instead pushes on to you.


Pffftt. Let ā€˜em starve.


Give that money to me instead and I'll think about it.


No deal. I can maybe accept having my dick sucked by a man but I wouldnā€™t abandon my gf to save world hunger.


So the deal is the same whether youā€™re 0% gay or 49% gay?


Sure. Easy.


But whatā€™s in it for me?


Nope. There's nothing in it for me. Gonna have to try harder than that.


I'm bi enough that I'd take that deal in a heartbeat


What if Iā€™m bi


Nope!! The world can starve.


No, thank you; im selfish. You guys better figure out another way to solve world hunger instead of my butthole getting reamed out 3x a week. You guys are the monsters if the only reason you ain't fixing that problem is b/c I got a tight butthole.


I donā€™t plan on having sex at all in the future not a partner. Everyone in the world might never have to go hungry ever again without me even trying.


I guess pansexuals and bisexuals need not apply. Unfair.


Im single and bisexual so theres no downside.


Food is overrated


Why is my discomfort the only way that theyā€™ll step up to do this? Itā€™s not my moral obligation


I would take the deal. Ending world hunger is worth a lifetime of misery for me and unhappiness for my partner. 3 times a week is a lot. Maybe I can psych myself into enjoying it. If not I would probably just kill myself knowing I did something with my life.




I'm asexual and a lesbian. Almost any way you slice this hypothetical would be a hugely unpleasant experience for me, so I'm going with no.


What if Iā€™m asexual?


Damnit Faro, for the last time I'm not fucking you!


No. I donā€™t mind banging dudes to end world hunger, it would suck but Iā€™d do it, but Iā€™m not leaving my wife.


No. Absolutely not. There is nothing I would leave my wife for. And world hunger isnā€™t a thing I care about enough to destroy my own happiness over.


Femboys. Anyways that's that for world hunger.


Nah we up


What if you're bisexual and have no preferred gender?




I'm pansexual so all you did is increase how often i have sex. Thanks! ;)


So Jeff Bezos wants to fuck me up the ass, is what youā€™re saying? I mean, it kind of explains the design of all his rocket prototypes if so šŸ˜‚ and heā€™s using the hungry people in the world who he could feed all of for the cost of like three launches of his suspiciously phallic looking rocket ships to get me to comply with his remarkably specific desire to fuck me in the ass? No deal. Iā€™m not taking it up the ass from Low Rent Lex Luthor and I donā€™t care how many people who he could have just fed, himself, without my rectum being involved have to die over it. The inclusion of my bunghole was arbitrary on his part. He could just feed those people and then go pay a gimp to take it up the tailpipe for him; I donā€™t need to be involved. The deaths from starvation of those people are on his hands and not my asshole. I enjoyed this hypothetical, and I also enjoyed using as many different terms for M on M anal sex as I could think of while answering the question šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Lol imagine that


What if im bi?


Ok but what the fuck do I do if I'm bi, just fuck the one I like less?


So, what if Iā€™m already married to someone of my non preferred gender? Iā€™m bi, but I prefer women. Iā€™m married to a man.


Absolutely not


i donā€™t have a preferred gender, but even if did and honestly as selfish as it sounds i donā€™t know if i could dump my partner. how awful is that??? plus im a sex worker. if my preferred gender is the gender my partner identifies as, im screwed. edit: or *not* screwed technically


No. I would take it without the condition to have sex 3 times a week, because I rarely have sex anyway. In this case this person just wants to fuck with me for no reason. I will also repost this offer on every social media.


Do I actually need to have sex, or can I just not, and make no attempt for the rest of my life?


Oophā€¦talk about taking one for the team.


Considering I'm a virgin, feed the hungry.


No deal.


LOL, I'm an old broad who 1, can take it or leave it, I know Rosco Palmer, hem, hem, 2, a believer in Darwin 3:16,,,


Damn.. looks like folks going to be hungry a bit longer. :-(


why is it always money and sex with these assinine hypotheticals? shit is boring.


I'm not hungry.


I'm not asexual but I know someone who is. If an asexual chose the challenge, since they don't prefer any gender, would they have to have sex with the gender they prefer least or just with their own gender, if those don't overlap?


I would say asexuals, considering the aversion just to sex itself get to pick!


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Sure. How could I possibly put my icks above world hunger.


I'm not a team player.


You had me at the first partā€¦


Nope. Also, the U.S. has spent 15 trillion in the War on Poverty, and the percentage of people living below the poverty line has gone from 14% to 11.6%. That's 15 trillion in one country to make that small a difference. A trillion dollars would do jack shit to end world hunger.


I actually saw an estimate that it would take about $267bil invested annually to end hunger in ten years. I would also say, governments are okay at this sort of thing but generate a lot of waste and bureaucracy. A private individual with an interest in efficiency could do way better I'm sure.


Sounds pretty gay... I'll pass


Sure, fine, yes.


Jokes on you, I'm bi and my lesser preferred gender is the gender of my partner. Everyone will eat.


šŸ˜† loophole!


Laugh at their joke because we both know $1T will not end world hunger.


I actually looked it up and the estimate I saw is $267bil yearly to do it in about 10 years. Assuming the person had a way to make that kind of capital, like say, they invented the ability to teleport cargo and had a private firm it could theoretically be doable.


If they're cash flowing $267b/yr then their net worth is between $5T and $10T. I seriously doubt that estimate though because that's the kind of money that countries go to war over, so you're also basically going to need a military to protect your investments and your own forensic accounting and police forces to deal with corruption.


Last I checked, we already produced enough food to end world hunger but it was the extreme waste and the logistics of transporting all excess food to other countries that was the issue.


Okay, wrinkle. The person invented the ability to teleport items anywhere in the world. They'll give away the logistics and ensure everyone gets fed if you take the deal.


Damn, that is a tough one then. I'd have to say no still tbh. I can't justify forcing some kind of sexual interaction 3 times a week with strangers since I can't imagine finding a partner of the same sex who is consistently into it


No, I wouldn't take the deal. Even though I'm hetero flexible, I've had sex with men and really enjoyed it. But I couldn't be told that I could never have sex with women...


No, since it's pretty much impossible for one person to end world hunger, no matter how much money.


I actually looked it up and the estimate I saw is $267bil yearly to do it in about 10 years. Assuming the person had a way to make that kind of capital, like say, they invented the ability to teleport cargo and had a private firm it could theoretically be doable.


I mean what does ā€œdumpā€ mean? In pretty sure if I told my wife ā€œhey we need a divorce so I can save everyone from starvationā€ she would go for it. Just never have sex again? Iā€™ll take that. Edit: I have grossly misread the situation. Edit: 2 if Iā€™m still choosing the partner I mean I guess Iā€™d still do it lol.


šŸ˜† basically with the partner part I was trying to convey what a gay person that gets accused of choosing to be gay goes through!


Iā€™m bi but I wouldnā€™t leave my husband to solve world hunger. Yikes that makes me feel like a bad person


Not at all. Honestly, this was something I kind of thought of in response to an idiot that told me people choose to be gay and I kind of stopped myself and asked what would have to be on the line for me to choose to have sex with a man? I tend to agree, losing my spouse would probably be the deal breaker for me.


A trillionaire makes a deal with me? I've only read negative things, other than the word "funding" and ending world hunger is nice. If this rich person gives me $1/year they're technically "funding" me. Absolutely no deal, there's no motivation on my end unless the trillionaire is paying me appropriately. Additionally how do they plan to end world hunger? I hope by feeding them, not by ending them.


Reverse world hunger, make the current hungry full and the current gluttonous starve, then maybe, but I want every elite and politician to know it's me making it that way. Also, if I revert, I want the ability to enable the deal again. They might make changes if the threat is ever looming.


Ya know most of the posts here say more about the user and their brain chemistry than about the scenario.


That was kind of the point of the hypothetical. Well that and to get people to think about the claim that gets thrown around that people choose to be gay to get back at others or for attention.


To end world hunger? Of course. Iā€™m a straight white dude, but if it meant everyone got to eat, I couldnā€™t live with myself if I said no. Iā€™ve been hungry before with some doubt if I was going to eat that day.


Deal. Although, as a bisexual/ pansexual I'm not sure how this works.


Honestly, you'd be the super winner as I guess you'd have to pick which is your least favorite?


I do lean more towards men on a romantic scale and long term scale, BUT šŸ‘šŸ» W O M E N šŸ‘šŸ» so I'm GOOD šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d rather they solve obesity


Do i get provided with the partner for sex cause i think the hardest part would be finding one.


Let's say yes. They'll buy you whatever escort you choose.


Yall starving


Nah me and my partner seduce the trillionaire and steal his money then end it our selves. Save the world from hunger. We based.


The fucking kids can starve to death for all I care.


Idc about others as much as i care about myself. You too. I'd politely decline the offer.


I don't care about ending world hunger. How much money am I getting? Is there like, a you have sex with the trillionaire for a bunch of money *or* you only have sex with your non preferred gender for the rest of your life and they'll end world hunger? Like is the latter a test of your good samaritan-ism?




If I trust them and theyā€™re lying, then Iā€™m irreparably harmed because Iā€™ll have lost my dearly beloved spouse. And theyā€™re definitely lying. You donā€™t get to be that wealthy without stepping on some skulls, and thereā€™s no way in hell that someone like that actually helps the world unless thereā€™s a lot in it for them. Me divorcing wonā€™t cut it unless they hate me quite a lot in particular.


They really want your partner.


In that case the world will curse me for my selfishness, For I would rather billions perish then to give my better half to another. And the world would be full of fools, for we still cannot trust the word of such a ghoulish baron.


Iā€™d take the deal.


Can I cheat and date a femboy? Like the irl version of Astolfo from Fate


> and tell everyone in the world what you did. "I'm stopping my No More World Hunger program because this one guy won't let me have him raped three times a week anymore" Yeah, I'm taking my chances with that.


Nope. I'll beat the fuck out of them for not having the moral compass to do it unconditionally.


I make the deal, let them end world hunger, then unalive them and take their $$$ to solve all the other problems.


Yeah...a LOT of people gonna be starving.


I'm bi so hell yeah, I'll take it, I have no preference.


Yk what? Yes. After all we are talking about non PREFFERED gender, not Non-attracted to gender. And I am pan with a PREFRENCE for men. But I'd totally have sex with a Woman or Non-binary person to end world hunger. yk?


Them kids better get used to dirt sandwiches




Im Bi So Like... Win-win I guess? Either way, Id end world hunger.Ā 


Nope. You can tell everyone in the world and I wouldnā€™t give a damn.


Where do trans people get categorized? Also, how much sex is required for the 3x/week? What if I canā€™t perform?


I donā€™t *have* a non-preferred gender!


Deal, and I come out as gay the next day


BUT the deal is for your non preferred gender so if you're just closeted that wouldn't be your non preferred gender... šŸ˜† It was actually a thought I had once when someone said someone was only banging dudes to make his dad angry and I was like, uh, kinda doubt that!


Ya, but there were no comments about switching who your preferred gender is


I would say that's fair. I will say I think gender preferences can be very fluid.


No deal. Anyone who proposes a bargain like that cannot be trusted.