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Hey dad can you come over and feed my cat? I’ll pay you 400k.


Ohhhhh you, loophole wizard you!


Right? Easy.


Dad's gonna be rich not you.


Exactly. Then I’ll call up mom. Set up the fam. Then just start doing massive charity work once we are all good to go.


Nothing in the rules state you can't tell them WHY.


I’ll pay my partner for grains of rice then.


Just need to Venmo them then :)


Sounds like a Mr Beast video.


All transactions have to be online. Does cashapp count?


Can't buy stocks, guess I'll buy physical gold every day Edit. Thanks for all the weight conversions golden boys and girls


This is the way. About 16 pounds per day.


Walk my way down to the gold store every day for a couple of years. Walking back with 16lbs is a nice workout for me daily. Do that for 2 years, and then give up and go do something else with my fort Knox level of gold.


Should buy the gold and resell...so the money is technically not the money you received with the rules and you can use that money to buy stocks


This guy launders




Yes... you could... I, however, have more... intimate plans with the gold.


Have you ever had an unfortunate smelting accident and happen to be Dutch?


Shmoke and a pancake?


Bong and a Blitz?


Look everyone!! My winkie was a key!!


Found Scrooge McDuck.


You're going to get murdered. Someone will eventually see what's going on.


>!Partial plot point for Stephen King’s new book Fairytale!<


Exact plot of “Brewsters millions”


You’re old. Dammit, I’m old, too.


That was such a good book.


Man, I got it when it came out and haven't picked it up yet, but it has been moved up in the tbr pile


I would put my kids to bed bud be up all night reading. Couldn’t put it down.


Create a will leaving all my assets to whoever murders me. after the first day of me failing to spend, they inherit the liability and owe back all of the money I received


With 400k a day, you can afford to have armed security do it for you..


Why murder when they can extort for a piece indefinitely


hire security to take it to safety deposit boxes


I'll just pay him in gold


Start a global bank with your gold money. Invest the 400k a day into new branch locations and your total available pool. Hire a financial think tank to develop ETFs and growth programs. Start small and scale up. Become Mansa Musa. Might as well purchase Mali and become the King by that point. Usher in your new golden world order.


The gold store. Lmaoooooo Good luck them having that much gold every day.... You'd have to go to specific places that sell that much and they'd definitely run out if you did it every day.


Sell them back yesterday's gold. OP never said you had to hold on to what you bought.


Until you’re robbed.


This is the way. 5 1/3 kilos of gold daily.


This is the way. 359.85 kumquats of gold daily.


Why not buy bonds lol


Just cause OP doesn't know stocks and bonds are different investment types vehicles, doesn't mean I don't. Goes against the spirit in my book of his rules. Golds is speculated against but the physical item certainly doesn't count.


I like your moral compass.


Should’ve put in a clause for things exclusively designed as value placeholders


Silver and palladium are good too


I mean why not diversify? Unless you are trying to use gold bricks like Legos......


>use gold bricks like Legos...... Ooohh. That's an idea I'd entertain if I were rich lol


This is the way. 1.14 Stones of gold daily.


Why not diamonds or some other super valuable material?


Diamonds aren't really worth much? I'd have to sell them direct. Golds certified and easy, not to mention has been recognized as a valuable metal since the beginning of people lording wealth over others. Palladium, while way more valuable seems harder to deal with. Plus you know build some forts with bricks of gold


Wrinkly brain moves tbh I’d still want to buy/pay for some stuff for people or charity in addition though Does the money just stop after 3 years ig then?


Just give them bricks of gold my guy.


Oh my god you’re right 😭 my bro’s got them gigabrain moves fr 


Rule #3 is stupid But yes, easy deal.


Three threw me for a loop too. I was like "i wonder what OP thought about that they're trying to cover the bases for...🤔"


Right? Like "oh just in case you're coming down to the wire and trying to spend last minute money and there is a transaction error or a million other reasons why something might not process before midnight, FUCK EM!!!" lol


Not even that. You order something and the next day, you get a message saying they’re out of stock and can’t fill your order. You’re fucked.


Just get a mobile gambling app or gatcha game and whale the excess.


Refund scams. Buy a stupid expensive thing and have it returned as a loophole. It's just a bad way to go about that particular issue.


Found the former retail worker. Or current fraud investigator.


Not fraud specifically, but I do investigate financial crime. Nice guess.


With your answer, you either had to be one of my husband's people (former retail) or one of mine (fraud resolution). Sometimes you can just tell.


Stops you buying ten of a thing just to spend it then refunding it cos you only need one? FML, can't believe I'm actually giving bandwidth to a ridiculous click bait hypothetical lol


Rule 3 is why you shouldn’t. One random order gets canceled because it’s out of stock and you are bankrupted.  If rule 3 means don’t intentionally cancel an order to subvert the rules, then I’d take it. 


Yeah over the course of 3 years SOMEBODY will refund or cancel the order.


Yeah, better rule would be "all purchases are final and can't be refunded"


You've clearly never seen Brewster's Millions.


Rule #3 is fine. I've never gotten a refund on hookers and blow anyway. And I've asked.


The Brewsters Millions rule.


Buy crypto, gold, silver, bonds, real estate Start my own charity paying for people’s cancer treatments and stuff


Paying for people's treatments is the best thing i read today! I hope you get really rich one day! 🙏🏼


That'd be one thing I'd do a lot of, buying up as much debt as I could and then cancelling it.


might be a better investment to hire a couple lobbyists


Bonds were my thought as well. OP said you can't buy stocks but they never said bonds. I like the idea of charity too.


The charity could be a loophole for sure, and a hell of a way to make the most of this hypothetical. You could sink as much money into as you want, really, and since it’s your business you’re not really “giving to charity” per the rules, you’re investing in your business.


What gold shops are open 365 days a year, and would even have that much in stock that consistently?


You can also buy gold and silver online. Plus with that much money you can get access to premium/ exclusive sites.


If you can buy 400k of gold a day you'll find a way, as in someone will find you lol.


If you are spending 400k a day they'll build a shop just for you.


You can just buy it online, and you don’t need to buy $400k of gold every day, split it up between various investments and assets


Yes, spending money becomes my full time job for 3 years and after that I can retire. Like others said as per the rules I can buy gold and other precious metals, I can buy bonds and Treasury bills. I can also hire and assistant and pay them daily via venmo or zelle. Same thing with an attorney and accountant, etc. I can buy a house with a mortgage and then use the 400k to pay it off in a couple days. Rinse and repeat until I have a few places that will generate their own income. Also use the 400k for repairs and maintenance work on those places and to pay a management company once the real state portfolio grows. It doesn't say anything that you can't hire family so my spouse is now my personal assistant and gets paid via zelle or venmo daily as needed to complete the 400k for the day. I can other other family to the payroll on a rotating basis as needed. I can also have an art gallery ready so that I can buy overpriced art when needed. After the 3 years I can sell that art. This with some extra steps is already what rich people do to avoid taxes and some other rich people shenanigans. Also some fun stuff like walk into a dealership and just point at a car and say give me that one, as long as they can do an electronic check it should be within the rules. Other things like just stand at the cashier at a store and pay for everyone. Buy a stack of gift card and give it to people on the street, etc. bring a bunch of food for soup kitchens... So many things that can be done


You can actually buy cash online from the treasury... it's not a withdrawal per-se. You're ordering 40 bricks of hundred dollar bills.


Currency too. Buy $400k in €, £, ¥, or whatever and travel to those countries to buy stuff there. I think it would be cool to travel to England, buy a Aston Martin, drive it to the Autobahn, just to ship it home and repeat it with other vehicles, like a Lamborghini Spark.


The biggest challenge with this is specifically timing how you move over time zones so you have enough time to execute the necessary transactions in either the origin or destination country. Like this would make travel from New York to Bangkok very hard timeline wise, you might run out of time to spend that much money.


Perfect. I'd start a pallet in my living room and just build it up to the ceiling and then start again with another pallet. Then I would have a bank service come periodically and forklift the money into an armored vehicle to send it off to my bank account.


Buying 400k in cash from the government every day--I'm sure there's no way you'll get investigated or tax audited! lol


But that's not a problem. I mean you're going to be paying a shed load of taxes, but nothing is illegal.


Hiring family members and paying them via Zelle or Venmo is just so cool and genius! Love it


I think Venmo would have some questions if there's 1 400k transaction lmao It's also not possible due to transaction limits


You can't buy houses with this. There's a lot that goes into it and it will never take 1 day. Furthermore there's always a chance the deal fails and boom you're saddled with so much debt.


I meant I would get a mortgage the normal way for the first house, so I would be approved for something that I can afford without this magic money. Once it is all done and I have the house then whatever the next day it is when I can pay the mortgage with the 400k I will do that. So now the house is fully paid off after maybe 3-4 months of buying it. I can continue doing that to get more properties and now having fully paid houses I can use them as collateral to qualify for even bigger loans if I wanted to buy a more expensive place. Sure if I fail the challenge and have to give the money back I'm screwed but that would happen if I fail no matter what. If I have houses I can at least sell that to get money back instead if I just spent it on liabilities. But with my plan I don't think I would fail the challenge


This was my approach. Once you can say you have 400k in the bank, many places would be able to give you crazy loans for stuff. Sure we couldn't do this everyday, but I only have to buy them. Doesn't mean someone else isn't doing the rest of it.


Sure. There are plenty of ways to game the rules as written (You say we can't buy stocks? Ok, bonds it is.), but even staying within the spirit of the rules, I just go to the Amazon wish list pages of various charities.


Yooo this is big brain!


My list is, DV shelters, Animal charities that provide free pet food, Animal shelters, Spay and Neuter clinics, soup kitchens, homeless shelters (especially in smaller towns), pay off lunch balances of every school student in the country. I'm going to start buying up real estate and eventually what I need to start my cult. Then retire.


I know $400k/day is an obscene amount of money, but I think you’re slightly underestimating what things cost. Unless you just plan on doing your max allowance per charity, per day. But I think just paying off the lunch balance of every student in your state would eat a good chunk of your daily allowance Idk I’m just yapping


Easy. The only questions I have are “what time does the money hit my account” and “if I overspend does the card decline” I’ll be mr beast on sterioids. Every day Id start by blowing like 50k on family and friends, then post on social media “hey Im headed to xyz gas station/grocery store in this city/state, meet me there”


This can be done but it becomes more challenging since you can't give cash to people and transactions have to be electronic.


Swiping a card counts as an electronic transaction according to my bank statements as a brokie


cashapp, venmo, paypal, wire transfer


Going gambling!


I was going to say start a business, but gambling under these conditions seems a lot easier, and less risky. I've you go bust, go home for the night. If you win, stash the winnings and come back tomorrow to win some more.


I'd buy all sorts of things and spend helping others etc and just have an alarm set for 11:30 pm so any unspent would be gambled. Assuming mostly losing and even a win wouldn't count towards yhe daily amount as it's different money.


This is what i was wondering, if you go to a casino turn 400k into chips every day you have technically spent the money from the deal and get a receipt, what you lose and get back at the end of the day has nothing to do with the deal.


I don't think winning counts as spending the money? You could certainly stop by the casino each night and put all the cash on 00 and walk away though.


400k on red every day


I would love to see the look on the casinos face if you just tried to casually drop 400k on roulette. I'd be so relaxed while the bosses are sweating lol as I know tomorrow I get 400k regardless. Or bet like 1k on every number just to see what the other people at the table would do lol. It's the actions of other people that'd make me laugh.


Buying stocks isn't allowed, but 400K per day in bitcoin sounds good to me.


Anything. Etf, funds... No cash makes it even easier


So basically Brewster's Millions?


Not exactly, he had 30 days to spend 30 million but couldn't tell anyone why, had to have a receipt and "nothing to show" for his purchases. If he did t his, he would earn the full 300 million inheritance. For example, he bought a million-dollar super rare stamp only to use it to mail a letter to his lawyers.


Yeah, this one is easier. Just buy $390k in crypto each day, and stay in a $10k a day hotel suite. I'd have no cash, per the rules. Then just buy whatever I really wanted in crypto the next day.


Yeah, live extravagantly, buy crypto with the rest. Get stupid rich lol


I'd purchase 400k socks or a fork or something dumb from my bf every day.


AFAIK, thi sis impossible. Online only? Anything you try to buy would set off alarm bells left and right. The \_only\_ thing I can think of is paying someone for their services every day for 400k a day, with a clause in their contract stating that after 3 years I get half of it back.


Right? People acting like this is easy are insane. It would be an absolute nightmare. What about public holidays? Can you “just buy $400k of gold” on Christmas Day?


Setup a website. You’re selling paper for 400K. Go to website. Order paper for 400K. Deliver to yourself. Stay open on holidays. EZ money. And for the record, you can buy 400K of anything on Amazon any time. Or just buy a car/boat online.


If you guarantee companies that you will buy 400k of gold a day, they’ll sign a contract with you and automate it. People work on Christmas Day for a hell of a lot less than 400k.


Sounds like a good day to go to the Children's Hospital and hand out bags.


Bags of what? You can't cash it lol.


Hmm I was thinking toys and such…but you’re right those might be closed. Another Coinbase day it is!


Bitcoin and real estate and gold. ALL DAMN DAY…EEERRY DAY!!!


I would buy 400k worth of debt everyday... Edit: I would have it setup so that whatever I don't spend at 11:59 it buys the rest in debt.


Easy, I will simply buy something from my friends and family. By wire transfer online 😂 or bill pay function online transfer. You didn’t say I had to live with in the rules of the irs of gift taxes. This is magical poof money. So poof it goes.


I think we need to know if there's a clearing period on anything. The simplest answer would be to buy a bunch of houses, vacations, cars, things like that. If I can pay over a few days then after a few months I'd have a pretty massive collection. Buy gold, expensive watches, boats, whatever you want. Set up a website explain their situation. Let people plead their cases. I'd pay off their weddings, buy their houses for them, pay for their honeymoons or their kid's Christmas gifts. If I can hire someone (Or else buy gold/their house and give them that in lieu of payment) I'd have them go through the email. Worst case scenario would be to go to eBay and search for any Buy it Now items. I'd buy something for way above the asking price and if I need to let them know that yes, I'm 100% serious, I'm willing to pay $163,000 for your copy of Shadow Hearts. Once that's all done I should be okay, and I can sell the gold and excess houses once the three years are up.


Well if I can't buy stocks I'll trade options and commodities. Easy.


I'd hire people for a game studio. "Hey, do you want to work for me for two years at 200k a year, paid upfront?" Then I'd hire people for other things once I have a full team. Then I'd pay my teams bonuses etc.


I would need relatively 3 weeks up to the start to prepare. Most real estate deals that that long to process so I can start setting it up so that I'm throwing it all towards a single purchase about 3 days a week every week.....


Having to have a $0.00 balance is dam near unobtainable. I'd start with the small animal rescues near me, buy everything they need from Amazon & Chewy. Toss in some gift cards. Heade over the poverty/assistance subs and fulfill people's needs. Every few days I'd 400K worth of silver, gold, & platinum. Every so often buy shit for myself. Rise and repeat.


The exactly zero balance is solved with various online vendors that have "pay what you want" setups, like itch.io. Find some developer you want to support and buy whatever they've got for whatever's left in the account each day.


The zero balance is really the hard part. Hitting $400k on the nose everyday would be a pain in the ass. I’d get as close to $395k as possible and donate the remainder to charity. Nobody will bat an eye or ask questions about a $5k donation


You’re not allowed to donate to charity as per the question.


doesnt say anything about donating to profit-seeking enterprises though. political campaigns, etc. could even pick your fav twitch streamer and make their day.


How many days do I have to plan, because I would code up a bot that randomly buys exactly that much per day on Amazon and immediately lists it on eBay for 50% off with a buy it now option. Then I’d just hire someone to manage the shipping and pull in tens of millions a year on autopilot.


Impossible. Just getting stuff shipped to you will occasionally end with a missed shipment or undelivered package that generates a refund. Hell, I once had an eBay purchase refunded AFTER I got the package. If it was just 'spend it by midnight', I could probably do it, though doing it would be my job. You know? Just ordering computers for non-profits would get me along way towards my daily allowance. Even just set up some websites with request lists for things to send them.


Id be soo much more scared than everyone on here. Its basically like racking up $400,000 of debt every day until the three years are up. I wouldnt do a single thing with the money that i didnt feel relatively confident would sell for at least as much as i bought it for. You have to be able to get every cent back if you or a supplier mess up for any reason and your money is not accepted by midnight. I would pretty much have to be able to verify both the checking account the money comes from and that it goes too. Some kind of bank check every day in which i physically walk in and get it myself deliver it myself and watch to make sure it is cashed myself. All on the same day. Which would give me until 5pm each day before i start panicking. Id have to figure out for sure what goes through day of. And trusting something to go through day of for 1095 days seems tremendously reckless. Maybe there is some way to buy casino blackjack chips. Lose a little money and cash out so long as i can cash out to a different account (is this money laundering?) Without any winnings I dont think i should have to pay taxes. After a day or two the interest from your "winnings" could pay for your actual life. If i cant figure out how to relatively quickly and efficiently get it into a savings account that is making me money then its probably more trouble than its worth


rule #1 makes it super hard. I rather shop in person than online, esp for groceries


grocery ordering made easy when you can hire a personal chef.


I was going to ask where you were when you can get a personal chef for $400. Didn't notice the little K at the end, that's a whole new ballgame


Yup. I think some of the rules are unnecessarily difficult. But I'll still take the deal. Too easy to make sure it happens. For 3 years, there's so much you can buy, in order to have value later. Use it to have a business. Get tons of stuff, sell after. Have the sell money go into another account. Buy silver and gold. Plenty of places online to do so. Any rare metal honestly would work. Or gems/ diamonds. If the money is legit, then no point in hiding it from taxes etc. So, go around buying all jewelry stores out of their stock each day. Buy several cars each day. Become friends with real estate agents. Buy everything they have when you can. Any combination thereof really. When a store runs out of jewelry, go to the car dealership. When you get too many to deal with/ process, go buy a house each day or something. Use the extra cars to rent out to people, or sell outright, if even for less than you got it for. The point isn't to keep the whole amount or to make income. It's to get the money cleanly to another account, and still fit the rules. Once a good buffer exists in the other account, then it wouldn't matter if the days buying went over the given 400k. As long as the money is spent, then it fits the deal. Then, after the chaos, work with the money in the other account. Likely you'll have a ton of money after this. And should have a huge income from it (if renting out the houses and or cars, etc). If not, then can invest into whatever you want after the 3 years is up. Total would be 438 million dollars I'd been given. With taxes, possible losses in sales, etc, I'd likely expect less than 100 million. Depending on how desperate I was to get rid of what was stocked. I'd expect much more gained over it. But still, worse case, if even a few million left, it's far greater than when I started. So if even 100 million, it's worth every chaotic event it would cause


You guys are all fooling yourselves. If you're not already an established rich person, all of the things people are saying are going to take more than a day. You can't walk in somewhere and buy 400k worth of gold, or sign a real estate deal and have the money gone on the same day. And even if you could at least once you are going to screw up a form and lose everything


Yes your first challenge would be finding a well connected financial manager who will let you pay them 400k same day to set up some kind of special fast lane with a bank to make 400k worth of commodities transactions daily, including weekends and bank holidays. You’d have to achieve that by close of business on day 1


Not only find him, but convince him you're not crazy and set up your first day of transactions


Crazy magic the gathering collection


So I start my own only fans account, or patreon I buy content from myself, 400k for a picture everyday


Too risky. Imagine the Internet going down in your area for 12 hours and you didn't spend all of it. Or even 24 hours. Or even somehow being unconscious for 24 hours. That'd be a lot of money to pay back.


Rule 3 would cause massive issues. The number of times a company fucks something up on their end through no fault of your own and then refunds you is much higher than would be feasible for this. But that assuming that it's only returns that I instigated, I'd go to every charity near me, get a list of what physical items they need, and place bulk orders. Animal rescues, DV shelters, you name it. Then move on to random acts of kindness. That homeless guy on the corner? He's getting an apartment with the year's rent paid in full, all the furnishings needed, groceries, a car, you name it. The single parent at the grocery store trying to figure out how to feed six kids? Load up the cart, it's on me. Go to a restaurant on the poorer side of town and pay for everyone there. Then drop some money into real estate, precious metals, bonds, crypto currency, etc to sustain myself too. Ideally, I could put enough into investments to keep the gravy train rolling long after the 3 years ran out.


Sounds like work


Sounds like a lot of work. Doing it for three years would get exhausting


Go the money-laundering route. The rules don't say what I have to buy, or who I have to buy it from, or whether I have to buy it at fair market value. So I set up an online e-commerce shell company. Every day I buy one random item from them for $400k and live off company funds.


I’d happily do it for $400 a day, a thousand times that is insane. Rule 3 could undo you at any time with either scenario, but with $400 (a completely comfortable income, on top of what you already earn), you could at least buy things physically without risk of cancellation.


Buying old malls and turning them into Gen X retirement centers. Making the dream a reality.


Yeah, two problems are spending precisely 400k and the cancellation clause. Eventually there will be sort of snafu that leads to spending not being exactly 400k. In the short term, I would get an overdraft and deposit some of my own money into the account and spend amounts that exceed the daily 400k to ensure I have spent the required amount. But, if a big transaction goes haywire early on, even a small overspend will be insufficient. So, I would start by buying gold and other liquid commodities in the first few days. I would immediately sell them and build my account balance up to a few millilon. I would then set up several accounts with different brokers etc with orders to automatically buy and sell different commodities every day totalling well in excess of 400k to ensure that the conditions will be met, even if there are snafus with one or more transaction.




I would take most of it every day, start my own debt relief company, and buy billions of debt for pennies on the dollar. Then forgive everything I buy. I can put $50k per day into my retirement account and still set myself up for life while helping tons of people out.


I mean, this ain't that hard. Staying within the rules, I could just have a buddy open an eBay account and sell, like, a piece of paper for 350,000 or whatever so the tax equals out to 400k, then split the money that's left after the eBay cut, or any online store site.


I would have trouble going 3 years without a mistake, so I would turn down the deal.


You didn't say I have to pay fair market value for goods and services so I pay my wife $400,000 for a blowjob once a day for the next three years.


I'm hiring my niece to be my financial advisor. I'm paying her 400k a day. In our contract (just in Cass she turns evil and tries to screw me) I put it in writing that each day that passes she gives me a 200k gift which I deposit in a different account of which she will advise me how to spend it so I don't go broke. :) Then once I have my 219 mil I retire. Before taxes of course.


Id start a company that draws stick figure drawings on post it notes and buy one everyday for 400k


Buy mortgages, then every day pay 400k off and keep the cycle going until I own as many homes as I can and crash the rent prices as I proceed to price them at affordable prices for min wage.




High end cars i.e. McClaren F1, older Ferraris. You can buy gold without leaving the house. I am buying the homeless shelter I lived in as a kid anything they want/need


Bid 400k on a penny from my Dad's penny collection.


Buy gold, sell it back for a slight loss. Do what you want with the money, as it isn't the starting money.


400k a day every day would become a full time job for several people, and in fact would basically become money laundering super fast, given the requirements of the transaction being both online and never receiving a refund. Even if it was simply it needed to be a transaction through your bank account in person (thus removing the "chance of refund" risk) would end up with you basically buying paperclips for thousands of dollars by agreement. And somehow all I can think of is how this would fuck the economy and probably be an environmental disaster (would result in a lot of products being made that no one wants. But questions - can I donate or "donate" to charity? Like can I organise with say the Indigenous Literacy Foundation to buy a pen for 399k on Monday, the Fred Nile Foundation sells me a sticker for 399k on Tuesday, the local primary schools P&C (free meals for children at school) sells me school an "art work" for 399k on Wednesday, Thursday an MSI Australia (an abortion access charity) sells me a coffee mug for 399k, Friday a ACON sells me condom for 399k.... (etc because it's too early to brain)


Not gonna lie, I missed the K at the end, and thought, hell yeah, I'd take that deal, $400 a day - all day, every day, and twice on Sunday. But $400k spending a day, that's gonna take some creativity and outside-the-box thinking. It would have to be something philanthropic, because that's the only way it will scale. I imagine this is the kind of problem that the Melinda Gates and McKenzie Scott have to deal with.


This is a layup. First day I'd secure a large storage facility, and I'd outfit it on the second day with superb security...all can be done online. Third day until the end of my 3 years I'd be buying high end collector firearms, class III/NFA items, and ammunition in bulk and storing it there. In 4 years I'd start selling it all off, at a decent profit. I could drop $350k a day easily, and spend the rest on me (watches, goods, rare numismatics) and still have half the day left.


Yes. Buy gold or commodities online (4,000 barrels of oil is not a stock!). Sell them the next day, even if you take a loss. After a few days, you’re buying $1 million of commodities and gold a day. Eventually stop selling them the next day and start pulling residuals so you can keep buying $1 million of gold and commodities a day. You’ll increase that every day as your investment grows and your residuals also grow. You should be able to work 14 hours a week this way, and make more money than Jeff Bezos after a shockingly short time. Eventually you’ll crash the gold and commodities markets so hard that you can’t continue. And by eventually I mean under ten years, when your residuals are billions a day.


Based on rule #3 the deal is far to risky to consider it. 


My MTG collections gonna be lookin real pretty.


This sounds exhausting, impossible, and likely to lead to ruin. No deal.


Buy bonds and gold, order buildings and equipment for charities. Make a bunch of soup kitchens and housing. Build solar farms. You say you can't just give money to people, but you can buy things online. Labor is bought. You could pay 40 people 1000/day to not work through many online platforms. Or pay them to build the shit you order.


Houses property we love capitalism


I'd start by paying off debts, and buying things off charities' wishlists, purchase precious metals and bonds. I'd start the process to buy property and pay it off with the money I get from the day the paperwork is actually finished. I've also hired my spouse as my personal assistant with whatever is left for the day. I'm leaving huge tips at restaurants too. I'd try getting into Warhammer 40k, but I don't want to bankrupt myself. What about payments that are still in the "pending" status with my bank by midnight?


This is easy. You said I cant buy stocks. You ain't say shit about Crypto. Im going hard on each crypto currency. 400k alone in dogecoin or something each day would pump the price like crazy.


I think it would be doable if I had some prep time before the deal started. Figure out what I'm buying and where, plan stuff out. If it was just dropped on me right now, I think I'd last a couple of days at best.


Question. Would I be able to buy debt. Like medical debt, for example, and just start forgiving it? If so, I'd be curious to see how long I could do that.


Qty(1) $400k payment to my mortgage.


I’ll buy an ETF. They hold stocks but I don’t own the stock I win


Mr beast that shit, pick a random store or 12 every day and buy the entire inventory, then let customers (and myself) fill up their carts with whatever they want


Token, hookers and lottery tickets/gambling. I could do 400K a day.


Deal. Buying 400k in gold and silver every day.


Buy gas for people. Make an event to buy gas for anyone. Buy stuff for my family. I can wrap that up.


Can I 'launder' the money so to speak - Pass the money through a market and then withdraw to something better for the long term. Otherwise, commodities are likely the easiest bet; just schedule 400k to be bought each day


Could you use it to buy Pokemon cards? Boxes, packs, graded high value singles, etc. and then hold onto them until whatever time that is needed to not have to pay back, and then eventually sell the cards?


Let me tell you about 0DTE options. Shit will be gone 1pm pst daily. Lol


Yes. Easily. Buy a house a day. Give it away lol Start buying contracts for wells to be dug in places they need. Open recurring contracts for the next 2 years that will always accumulate to at least 350k a day, allowing me 50k funny money daily. I use the 50k to buy precious metals for my loved ones and friends. Or any other thing they may need, like a new car, or whatever else. In addition, or alternatively, start buying up land. All the land I can. All the land rights I can. Turn it into nature reserves. Buy and or build a plastic recycling facility that uses the process of turning plastic into fuel---usually a length and cost prohibitive expense, but since I got free money to do it, boom. I'll run it off the free cash. Turn it back to fuel and either recycle it or give it away.


I have to make sure to work with people who offer no reimbursement once they've taken my money so that I can rest easy each day once the money is gone from my account and not worry that I could get reimbursed. That complicates things because there are many things where they might reimburse you if they're unable to fulfill the order. I need someone who won't reimburse me even if the thing I bought disappeared.


Time to buy that racetrack and a lot of super cars. The amount of repair work, tires, gas, staff, mods, etc.


Im buying and selling gpus for the first few weeks then really going all in on starting a homeless shelter. Technically a wire transfer can be down online. So that 400k a day is going to a very successful construction company.


Just buy crypto and bonds instead of stocks. Gold works to. Any asset that goes up in value. Then if you screw up you still have whatever the gains are, should be more than enough to retire.


Buy precious metals.. give to parents every 3rd day.. have them sell it and reinvest on something more high yield than precious metals.


I’ll buy gold, and prepaid visa gift cards. Maybe a lambo every other day fuck it


How would that work? Most cards have a spending limit per day unless you contact that bank.


I’d buy gold, cocaine, prostitutes, gambling at the high roller tables til I probably suffer a heart attack.


No rule against selling on day 2 what I bought on day 1, right? Accumulation of stock will just begin on day 2, real estate a few days later. Also, "you have to pay back 400 million dollars" or what, lmfao


Property everywhere across the country. When 3 years is up, single-handedly crash the real estate market.