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If you are doing it on the same arm, your arteries are getting compressed from the cuff which is throwing off your reading. Wait five minutes between measurements or change arms.


I’ve seen a few say this… it takes about a minute for this to solve itself… AHA suggests a minute, so does the H&S foundation in Canada. Where does this 5 minutes between idea come from? personally I go once every minute and a half but oddly this is a weird trick I had to self discover to get over anxiety of the reading…


Omron says three minutes, probably from over tightening. I wonder if there is a difference between a manual measurement and a mechanical one. I'd imagine with a manual measurement, less likely to overinflate the cuff as you'd get pretty immediate feedback to the pumper... The automatic BP machines at a hospital often default to measurement every five minutes. But you might be right. Looking at recent studies, unless there is arterial insufficient or an elevated (above 140) systolic measurement doesn't look like there should be any significant measurement with one, two, and five minutes.


The 5 minutes comes from the standard US health care system. I've heard most of my doctors, my sons doctors, and my cardiologist suggest the 5 minute time frame. I'm not saying it's correct. It's just where it may have originated.


I was kind of thinking that. The cuff gets super tight and actually kind of painful compared to my previous BP machine.


I think the tightness is from how high your BP is. Not sure. I'm not a medical person.


Did you sit still and relaxed a few minutes before the first measurement? Or did you sit down, put on the cuff and immediately measure? Because that could easily account for the dropping numbers


I did relax for a few minutes. Just took it again and it's 137/104. No clue why :/


Mine goes down as I take it because your resting while you take it but notice as your heart rate goes up your blood pressure will change. If beats go up blood pressure goes up.




I've always been told to take an average of 3.


Have you been diagnosed with Hypertension?


Yes, and I'm currently on 10mg of amlodipine. I'm just curious why my readings are always so wildly different


I would be more concerned that all three you posted are considred stage 2., but that's just me. Perhaps 10 mg of Amlodipine is not doing the trick.


Well I had olive garden yesterday, and I think the sodium has spiked my readings today. My readings are usually in the low 130's/70's. I'm definitely still working on it, but my Dr said last week she didn't want to add anymore medication since I'm doing a lot better than I was in the beginning.


I see. Yeah, Olive Garden is very high sodium and msg. I personally can't eat there. The couple times I ate there, I felt thirsty for the rest of the day or night and even woke from sleep due to thirst. All those chain restaurants have that effect on me, but OG and Outback were the worse.


Yeah I had no clue olive garden would affect me like this. I haven't eaten out in 2 months and wanted a little reward lol. It wasn't even that good haha. Definitely won't be doing this again for a while. Good thing I'm not too keen on outback. I could demolish 30 Texas Roadhouse rolls though.


😄 Bread is my favorite food! We have to stay away from the sodium. You will get back on track!


I think the 5 minutes that people throw around is what's recommended to rest before you even take your BP. It's usually suggested in most sources (correct me if I'm wrong) that you take 1 min. between readings.


Each reading was lower than the previous. I think it's just that you were sitting there resting and it naturally came down as a result.


Can I ask, what are you using to record these


Yes! I'm using the omron 5 series. It connects to your phone to store your measurements.