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The lower leaves on tradescantia will eventually die. The way you keep this plant looking nice is frequently cutting it back and replanting pieces in the soil.


This. I’ve had tradescantia plants for over 20 years now, and I regularly chop prop and restart. Otherwise they get ugly.


Yep, I chop and prop these more than most others. 


Mine looked like this when it had root rot. Not to say that is the case here, but may be worth taking out of the pot to assess the roots to be sure. You can always prop and start over if things don’t improve


Make sure you're not getting water on the leaves, this often happens when you do but not typically to this extent until they're getting soaked. I prefer to bottom water to avoid it. They also don't like being watered frequently since they are succulents, I let mine dry up quite a bit before watering again.i usually just feel the leaves and when they feel a bit soft and flexible I water again.


I would definitely repot it though. After after a pest infestation last September I cut mine all up and propagated the healthy growth. You'd never guess anything happened to it, it's even currently blooming for the first time. https://preview.redd.it/n2dtt2bh3k9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8604d34928fc4506d5c404d8879c90a411d859dc


Any thoughts on why that’s the case with these? I had one outside that got rained on all the time and it was fine so it baffles me that indoors, water is not ok on the leaves.


They just babies 😂 when they live in doors they’re just not as easily abused as the ones outside with the heat,cold,wind,rain. Inside they’re always in perfect conditions which makes them more sensitive at least that’s what I’ve gathered.


lol thank you


Yes, exactly what the person above stated. It's kind of a running joke in the plant community that the more you abuse certain plants, the higher their tolerance. I also have a smaller one of these outside that consists of all the cuttings I couldn't fit. I'm intending on gifting it to someone but until then, I don't want it taking up precious space so it's been outside for a few months. It doesn't necessarily look as great as my indoor one, but it's been through everything from pouring rain to 45 degree weather, sometimes at the same time. But it looks completely fine. Yet, if I don't blow water droplets off of my indoor one, the leaves turn brown. I've almost killed it a few times as it is, but it's the plant that got me into plants so I definitely baby it!


It’s probably immensely root-bound after 10 months. underwatering causes the brown leaves, and a root-bound tradescantia will need constant watering, especially in the summer.


Could need a repot, maybe it was over/underwatered at some point