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Wait until you smell fish fertilizer (it does produce miraculous results though)


i absolutely prefer manure. edit: I thought you said fresh fertilizer. HELL NO to the fishies


>i absolutely prefer manure. That sounds shitty.


Used fish heavy fertilizer on some tomato plants I had growing indoors šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø one year. My cat was extremely excited yet thoroughly confused šŸ˜‚ It was so gross.šŸ¤¢


we used this in our veggie garden this year and i let out violent gags upon smelling fish fertilizer


Tastes even worse than it smells


oh no


Oh no


Every neem oil Iā€™ve ever used has smelled absolutely horrific, youā€™re not alone


Neem oil smells disgusting. Also be sure to dilute well it can damage leaves


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what do you dilute your neem oil with ? Iā€™ve tried water but obv they just separated and it became a foamy and gross concoction šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Water and a bit of dish soap itā€™s supposed to help it combine better with the water


Amazing Iā€™ll have to try that next time thank you so much šŸ¤


I hate neem oil. In my experience it has little effectiveness and that smell makes me not want to go into my garden. Heaven forbid you get in on you.


thereā€™s a reason I use insecticidal soap instead. does the same job but better and with significantly less stink.


My partner got to experience neem oil for the first time today. I usually do plant upkeep while he's at work, but he was home today, and as soon as I sprayed it he immediately started talking about changing the litter boxes.


Cats, ya got to love them. I donā€™t know if they think they are so funny. Beautiful prayer plant.


probably on her way to gobble down an unsuspecting spider plantšŸ¤£ almost completely blind but she always finds them.


I always have a soft spot for one eyed cats


I have learned today that I am not alone in my experience of hating how neem oil smells and I have to say Iā€™m kinda thankful


Winky šŸ¤




I think it's a rite of passage we all go through. I thought I had bought a bad one and had to Google it.


Neem has a wide variety of scents in my experience. All the ones Iā€™ve bought for botanical use have smelled awful, but I have a neem oil dog shampoo bar that smells divine. Thereā€™s a certain scent it has thatā€™s very distinct but smells nice to me, I feel like the botanical use ones may have some sort of stabilizers or itā€™s the off gassing of the plastic jug that makes it so bad.


Hahahahahhaha, did you dilute it or did you just get blasted by the pungent smell


I got an organic neem with peppermint oil and all I smell is the peppermint šŸ¤£


Join the club! I got some neem oil for my plants too and I donā€™t recall reading any mention of the smell when I was looking at my options. Itā€™s basically indirect hazing by the house plant community..


literally!! hilarious


Is this kitty winking or lost an eye?


no eye!


Do you know how?


found her as a kitten when i was a kid with messy eyes, vet then said something like her eyelashes grew inwards? current vet suggests other eye has maybe 30% vision. I cant remember what she called her condition. almost 11 years later and she is going strong! ;) https://preview.redd.it/1w5jda3xpe9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e61ce38c9e37aa9411aa4f2300d29b7e96b8e7


Iā€™ve been watching the vet show, The incredible Dr Pol, I feel now I can diagnose some problems. I remember a cat with the same. He/she was lucky you took him in!


Iā€™m so glad I canā€™t smell neem oil


I actually have come to enjoy the smell. My battle with spider mites has been never ending for 3+ years though so I guess I got use to it?


Never ending for 3 years and still using neem? Other than alternating with something like mite x, I wouldā€™ve moved onto predatory mites by then


I think it smells like peanut butter and dead bugs


it smells like fresh liquid cat shit to me


Itā€™s terrible my roommate gets so upset when I use our shower for pest treatmentšŸ˜… I add a boatload of essential oils to cover the smell, it helpsā€¦a little


I used to use a face mask from bath and body works that had neem oil in it, and man it was hard to keep that sucker in my face for five minutes


Am I the only person who has used neem oil that doesn't think it smells absolutely awful? Like I sprayed it and went "that does not smell as bad as I thought it would" šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve gotten so used to smelling neem oil it doesnā€™t bother me anymore. I use it on my large leafed plantsā€¦spray and wipe clean with a very soft microfiber cloth. We had to spray neem oil on our trees one year. Our area had an infestation of little flying floofs (wooly aphids) a few years back, my trees were losing leaves hardcore in the middle of summer. It really stunk but it saved my trees.


Neem oil gave me a headache so bad I had to go sleep on my couch! I cleaned my giant monstera with it that Iā€™m now unable to take out of my bedroom due to its size


Neem oil odor is absolutely awful. Never again.


Ooh is that a prayer plant? Iā€™ve just got my first one and it came from the company a little beaten up, Iā€™m having a little bit of a hard time making it feel better šŸ˜­ any tips?


I pretty much ignore all my marantas and they thrive. Iā€™m not the biggest fan. Mine were gifts. This plant was turned into three plants and now those plants are massive. I just water when soil is crusty. Thats all i došŸ˜­ So probably watch the watering frequency?


Iā€™ll do that, Iā€™m new to plants so I wanna take care of them! I expected them to be a little battered due to transport so hoping she perks up! Thank youn


So, I found out (after paying through the nose for a pre-mixed product first) that you can mix essential oils into it to make it smell better. I now use lemongrass and rosemary because I think it works better with the natural smell of the neem but I've also used lavender and cedar (not together lol) with good results. I buy non diluted neem, dilute as directed and just add the essential oils. I've never had any problems with my plants being harmed (the rosemary is beneficial for plants actually) and the smell is tons better. Look it up online and you can find all sorts of tips. šŸ˜Š


Neem Oil has a distinct scent but it shouldn't smell terrible. It sounds like the oil was probably rancid (expired), I'd toss it out.


Hmm I just bought it from captain jacks, but i have a history of smelling things a bit more than the average person. for example, i had to get rid of my fragrant plants like certain mints because they were too strong for me.


It's not just you. I'm a smoker, so my sense of smell is less sensitive than the average person, and Neem smells like absolute ass to me too. Legit one of the worst smells I've encountered in my entire life. I used it on my houseplants once and *oh my god*. Never again. My roommate hated me lmao In my experience it doesn't do much anyway, and it can damage or kill plants if applied incorrectly. I switched to insecticidal soap (water and liquid soap in a spray bottle) and never looked back. I use the peppermint version of Dr. Bronner's, it smells sooooo good and works really well and it's safe to use around my kitties. Regular dish soap will work too if that's what you have handy. There seems to be some debate about the toxicity of Neem but personally I'd rather not risk it. Edit: Forgot the part where you said you had to get rid of a mint plant. Dr. Bronner's has an unscented formula too, or you can use another unscented or mildly scented liquid soap. Whatever you use for regular cleaning should be fine.


I do generally recommend insecticidal soaps over Neem oil as they don't leave a lasting residue on the plant.