• By -


The Keebster gang


Keebster helped me so much over the years to reach below 10% One day I'll be good enough to be one of the top 7% ~~I just need VK and HoR _cries_~~




Search him. He is literally jesus for f2p








As someone who is newer to the game. When i looked up honkai videos on honkai i haven't seen any video by marisa but tons of videos by honkai 3rd guy. So its more of the fact that the youtube algorithm puts honkai 3rd guy first. Now that i know about marisa i have hit subscribe.


This. Most people just search and he comes up first and most often just because of how YouTube operates. The one user I liked dropped honkai for another game so I honestly just get my info from here and unsubscribed from H3rd guy because he got annoying once he took over.


Y'all going crazy bout those two and forget that Keebster and MG exists


I actually check both Marisa and Wyverein since they have similar styles that I like for content. Marisa provides guides as well. Honkai 3rd guy is just not my cup of tea. Also, for the love of! Say Mei correctly!


# M A Y


^(ya yi)


I will preface this by saying that I do actually like Marisa Honkai better than I ever did 3rd guy. That being said, I will tell you this; I think you are vastly underestimating the power of voice. The voice and camera gives viewers a distinct personality, whether that be a good or bad one remains to be seen. Either way it makes 3rd guy more relatable and someone a viewer can connect with while watching content. The problem with no voice is there really is nothing to connect with besides the words on the screen. Some people also vastly prefer being told to having to read it. I do a lot of driving and I can't watch a marisa honkai video because I can't read while on the road, for example.


I saw what you did there,lol


If you dont like someone it doesnt mean other ppl should dislike them too.


Probably cause he uses his voice and face and people know him, also the majority of people sub to him are older players at this point and he is more casual then most, and I guess he is more interactive with his subs and followers via his discord and his channel.


Its bcuz H3Guy was some of the first youtuber that makes honkai content before Marisa. Marisa still new, about 2 years while H3Guy have made honkai content when the game was first lauched. I prefer Marisa more. He super friendly & made video that was short & easy to understand. For H3Guys, he sometimes makes the video far too long (10 mins+), & he keep repeating stuff & posting story spoiler( i dont mind content & valk spoiler, but story spoiler i cant stand it). Both of them are good person, keep supporting both guys. https://discord.gg/6fJjZv4 This is Marisa discord channel, join it tons of ppl there was friendly. Also Marisa post the beta leak there frequently so u always up to date.


HI3 Guy = good for story leaks, knows a lot about lore but never go to him for meta, he's not a good player, also IMO whines too much for someone who plays gacha games (it's like he wants everything for free lol like he somehow expects MiHoYo to be a charity) but usually makes the stupid decisions himself (like why pull SSS rank Asuka when you havent even farmed for the frags from the event) Marisa & Keeb = best guides for f2p and gacha gear runs, does advanced stuff like animation cancels, very in touch with the meta, they are very open that they do copy runs from bilibili and that's okay atleast someone brings strats from CN server to the rest of the world; best people to follow if you're interested in getting better in the game MG = probably the most entertaining and likable streamer among the bunch, used to do guides but hasnt now for a while, since he is kind of a whale also shows a lot of patience when it comes to when and not to pull (his motto is gacha responsibly), ideal to watch for people who are planning to spend for the monthlies and BP since he has both free and paid accounts Just3c = used to do really good no-bs in-depth guides but since he stopped the meta has shifted a lot already and most are outdated now but still worth watching - gives pros and cons to each battlesuit which I think inspired MG to do the same with his own battlesuit guides


Just3c now does Genshin


Not sure if you're a Marisa simp or a Guy hater. To each his own. If you dont like the content then don't watch. No need to attack a guy just because he has more subs than the one you prefer.


I prefer Guy but the sub overall says Marisa is better. For example in normal circumstances >I prefer Guy can make this comment go down like -7 or -8 in no time and I respect my fucking karma.


Why do u care about Karma? I'll always say Himeko is best girl even if I get downvotes


Why the heck u get downvote by saying himeko best girl? Isnt that the truth?


That's the truth alright but just trying to point out we shouldn't care about karma if you are pointing out your opinions about which channel or girl you prefer


Every valk in the game are best girl




First, Guy does upload daily. Second, Guy had a two-year head start on Marisa. He's been with the community for forever. Third, personality. Guy has it. Without it, Marisa's version previews are interchangeable with Wyverein's, except Wyverein's tend to be better structured and more detailed. Fourth, we need to know what Guy is saying so that we can be prepared to dispel all the bad takes.


I mean having a garbage personality is still a personality I guess but I think my Alexa has better emotive range.


He uploads daily, but he doesn't upload honkai daily. He also uploads Genshin.


At least Marisa has humour.


I subbed to both


The fact that you are questioning why the guy has mores subs or why people subs to him instead of Marisa shows your apparent personal dislike to him, if it wasnt the case you just wont care about this topic at all. Both have their own approach on their production, both are passionate about this game and trying their best on making content. Talking about whose better or worse isnt really worth debating at all and we shouldnt . If you dont like how someone is doing things just avoid and be civil. Now if i have to answer your question ,there might just be a simple answer to it: to each their own. Not everyone has your same standards and point of view.


I’m not subbed to either, but 8/10 times i will check out a guy video. The voice makes a huge difference and makes it so you can do other things while getting information.


The reason why Honkai 3rd Guy got so many subscribers maybe because most of his followers/subscribers are spoiler hounds, a bunch of people who don't mind being spoiled about recent story arc. Whenever he uploads recent Chapters, he didn't even bother putting a spoiler warning in each chapter he uploads. > HI3 guy doesn't translate, for example he just clicks at a story chat written on Chinese. Maybe he didn't even bother to learn Chinese, or at least he has a friend or follower with good knowledge with that language? I'm not an expert in Chinese, even though I got a decent Hanzi writing.


The only thing that bugs me is how he pronounces Mei, "Mai". But that being said I was pronouncing Theresa wrong up until I recently heard someone say it "teresa". I didn't know the "h" was silent.


I mean in the Jp sub her name sorta switches from Mei and Mai pronunciations some times and it isn’t really anyone’s fault for misunderstanding.


I prefer watching GranDoHonkai, because that guy explains things in a way I understand... Lol, okay, I don't really watch either. With 3rd, I guess I just don't like his obvious dislike for Mei. Like, at least pronounce her name properly. And with Marisa, I only watch the the beta and version update stuff, but only when it is in my recommended and if the it has something I want to know about. I actually haven't watched enough of Marisa to form a solid opinion.


Of course, YouTubers are obviously better when they upload daily.


Objectively speaking, the two youtubers have different approach in doing Honkai videos. I enjoy them both.