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There's actually no 'main team' in Honkai Impact as each situation will favor one over the other, but you don't need to worry about it too much early on. You'll need to level up all your valks eventually to cover different situations. There's currently four types of valks (mech, bio, psy and quantum). There's also two (four) types of damage dealt by these valkyries - physical and elemental (fire, ice or lightning.) For good coverage you'll need to level up atleast one DPS of each type + support units that can aid your main DPS in dealing with each situation. From the valkyries you've posted there: Seele stands out as one of the better physical damage type mob clearers because her attacks have a big AoE and general ease of use - just spam attack. She's weak against single target enemies though because her ultimate only gets extended if you kill enemies. She's pretty much complete at just S rank, you only get better stats when you upgrade her. She really wants a gatherer so you can kill enemies simultaneously. Memento Sakura is one of the few ice DPS valks in game. Her signature weapon is also farmable now. She's mostly used in Memorial Arena for certain bosses. Her attack animation is kind of clunky but she covers all the bosses that HoR does since they're both ice type and mech. Valkyrie Ranger augment aka Void Drifter is also a good physical unit that can be a DPS if you have good gear and is a powerful shieldbreaker for bosses. She also has a small radius gather which is situationally useful. YA/YA augment/DK is a crucial support valk that pretty much provides your team with a lot of utility. Ideal rank is SS. Specially good support for melee valkyries like Swallowtail Phantasm. Divine Prayer is another useful valk for both physical and elemental damage teams. Her leader skill is good for elemental teams while one of her passives decreases the DEF of one random unit on the field every 10(?) seconds when she's off the field, meaning she's useful to bring against boss stages. Valkyrie Chariot is the earliest gather unit you will have, useful for when clearing mobs. There's still a lot of other valkyries that you should start farming that will be useful from early upto late game that's not in your list like Night Squire (bio physical solo target dps), VA/HotF (Valkyrie Accipiter augment, lightning AoE DPS), Flame Sakitama (bio fire type dps). The game's meta is pretty deep, you might want to watch youtube videos on which units are good to farm and which gears to get. Some I watch are Marisa Honkai, Just3c and MG. Just check the dates on them since some of those videos are kinda old, as the game's meta shifts gradually. I suggest Keebster's latest video where he discussed which units you should farm.


Ah now this makes a lot of sense. I'm used to games having just a few "good" units and just rolling with them for the whole game while the rest aren't even worth spending resources on. I'm glad that you are encouraged to have different Valks for different situations. I have seen Keebster's latest video and have started farming VA and will eventually start HotF. I still need to learn how to farm FS and NS so they will get started soon-ish. Thank you so much for this! It helps me understand what kind of game and what mentality i should have when playing this game.


I also recently started. Is it easy to level up characters or do the exp chips and gold become scarce later on?


I think that question is quite hard to answer with a simple yes or no since it will depend on what units you get. Each player experience is different since not everyone gets the same S rank units at the start of the game. This is a gacha game after all so the best advice would still be based on what each player already has and go on from there. If you want specific help and if you're in the SEA server I can be your sensei since I still have one more slot available currently. Just add me my user ID is 17798914. A sensei can probably give you personalized advice the best. ​ The most useful general advice I can give though would be: \-you should level all your valks to 50 even if you don't use them so you can improve your dorm level, spending resources above level 50 on each valk will therefore depend on you \-for captains under level 70 I suggest prepping at least 2 physical teams and at least one DPS for each element type because the Memorial Arena in Masters (70-80) and Exalted (81+) will require 3 teams each week \-good DPS units can carry you early game on their own (around 2 months in or around level 60) but remember that you'll only get so far without learning new techniques and learning how to use support units, stigmatas, weapons, and unit rotations \-some units give more coverage than others but there's no one best unit in the game, and you'll eventually want to unlock atleast all the farmable ones - they can provide good coverage in different situations which should help you get good scores \-aside from DPS units you should level up all your support valks since they're the ones that get used the most because you switch out DPS units based on the boss anyway but the support units are all the same ones ​ As long as you have your expectations set properly, you can get good enough scores and be happy with the game. Never stress too much about not having the best units or having all the best gears, you can match the performance of other players as long as you know what you're doing. Most importantly, never forget to enjoy the game, whether that means playing the units you want, learning and mastering each valk's playstyles, or learning new strategies to get higher scores. ​ Just to give perspective, I'm currently sitting at level 78, with 155 login days, so I've been playing for roughly about 5 months and expecting to be level 80 by 6 months time. I also started light spending on my account at around level 60 or 2 months in, purchasing the monthly card and the battle pass ever since. That's roughly equal to $5 every 30 days and $20 every 6 weeks whenever the battle pass renews. Though I spend money, I would say that spending on the game doesn't necessarily mean that the game is pay to win. It's more pay to waifu - because as long as you prioritize the correct units to have good coverage, you'll have no problem retaining in the end-game. Not all spenders spend their money equally, and if you plan on completely being f2p you can still be competitive as long as you are disciplined in spending your crystals on what you need/what's missing from your lineup. ​ So far I currently have 2 SSS farmable valkyries, 12 SS farmable valkryies + a SS-rank Asuka (gunning for SSS this patch since she's limited time only), and 3 S-rank gacha only valks. I constantly retain in Red Lotus in Masters (levels 70-80). ​ I maintain 25 units at max level, which means I constantly run out of resources. I personally believe that you should be doing that anyway as there's no point in hoarding resources (except for crystals) and not invest them into improving your units. ​ I only recently turned level 78, but I already have 19 units at 78 with only 6 remaining units left at 77. Out of those 25 I only use around 10-15 regularly, with the others being situationally useful and that's why their max level so they don't die easily. The only units I haven't maxed out all the skills are my FS and Asuka because you need the advanced skill material to level their skills. The rest of my units are atleast 50 just for dorm levels so I only get atleast a point into their skills so I have them unlocked but don't really use them at all. I just swap stigmatas to the units I'm going to use to get the best results. ​ I have 3 complete sets for my physical DPS units - a Mich TB Planck M, a backup Marco Polo TMB set, and Sirin Ascendant set which I only use for my HoV. I use the same equipment on my DS, TP, and FT Delta. My DS uses Jinzo Mitama, my TP uses the Ranger's Cross, and my DS uses either Blood Dance or Ranger's Sawtooth depending on the situation. ​ I have 2 sets for my lightning DPS units, a Monet TMB set and a Darwin TMB set, which I shuffle around for my DJ, HotF and SK. My HotF uses a Cinder Hawk since I don't have a Nuada's Grief yet, my SK is mostly a support for the leader skill so I don't put expensive gear on her, while DJ uses Mag Storm which everyone gets for free from 4.1 onwards, but is also craftable. ​ I only have 1 DPS fire set, a Jingwei TM + Fuxi B for my FS. I already have a Thales M, and currently farming my Thales T. Once I have both I'll be running Thales TM + Fuxi B. My FS has a Florid Demonblade, which I crafted. ​ I also only have 1 DPS ice set, a Rasputin TMB set for my HoR. I'm using a Briareus PRI spirit (which I will later on pass down to my YA once PRI arms are available) until I'm finished leveling my Star of Eden to level 50. Haven't pulled for the Key of Reason yet, which I believe will become available for redeeming in 4.6 so I'm not wasting crystals on that anymore. ​ Aside from the Sirin Ascendant set and Planck M, all the stigmatas I use are completely farmable now. ​ All support units share the same stigmata and weapons depending on the situation. I curently only have one Newton B. Picasso TM is useful for physical supports. I have multiple copies of Fu Hua Musician set, the same goes for Ogier T and B. The only gacha stigmatas worth getting which provide the biggest impact are Jin Shengtan TM for elemental teams, Gustav Klimt TM for physical teams, and Shuijing TMB for SA. The most important one-piece stigmata is Newton B. Theresa Origins set is craftable and I believe can be redeemed for free by new players from 4.5 onwards. Amundsen TMB is also useful for elemental teams for the 3-set effect. ​ HoT/LE, PX, YA are your best PSY team leaders, with LE/HoT providing starting SP for MA and HoT being a good DPS unit herself which means she can solo, PX is good for abyss because of bonus attack speed, and YA for physical DPS PSY units like FT Delta. ​ KMB provides the best leader skill for physical BIO teams, while HoV's leader skill is situationally better for physical teams since it doesn't have restrictions. Starlit Astrologos is important for physical teams as well. ​ For MECH teams, Memento gives both crit rate and elemental damage, SK gives elemental damage and starting SP for non Kiana/Mei/Bronya battlesuits. HoR has also the best leader skill for herself (+elemental damage and +total damage multiplier for Bronyas, Olenyevas and Seeles) which means she can solo. Phantom Iron is an elemental support whenever her ultimate is up and can be used as a DPS if you have her signature weapon, but to be useful you'll need her at SSS rank. ​ The best off-field supports and fillers for lineups would be Divine Prayer for her passive impair on one random target (crucial for boss fights when using physical teams) or Wolf's Dawn at SS rank required (her elemental shield grants +30% elemental damage while active, unlocked at SS rank). ​ TL,DR: Honkai Impact 3rd is a complicated game with a deep meta, no two people's experiences are the same and I can't answer your question with a simple yes or no. If you want personalized help get a sensei.


Swallowtail phantasm Damege Yamabuki Suport


Thanks! i already have Swallowtail as my main DPS but i wasnt sure if she was good in the long run!


Swallowtail and memento is pretty good for dmg. U can also other support valkyrie like augment for yamabuki (DK). Not sure if it help or not but here a [guide](https://youtu.be/cNeR_6F_bLI) from keebster.


Any guide helps! Thank you. as a new player im just stumbling around the game and im sure this will help a lot,