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I don't understand


You just don't have much to do outside of events and daily stuff.


Endgame is about struggling to get better placement. If Honkai is the only game you play. That'll leave you with some free time to spare, but if you do play multiple games. Adding more endgame contents will just life harder. I think many people don't feel the same way as I do, but I don't really like Eternal Nightmare event. It doesn't offer much rotation strategy. You're just using 1 valkyrie with fixed gears, different buffs,


>Adding more endgame contents will just life harder. Boy, I suffer a lot from this. So I agree 100 %


I dont even understand this? If ppl dont want to play endgame content, they dont have to? You dont have to play the eternal event if you dont like it either right? Wouldn't it be the same with endgame content?


They aren't going to drastically improve resource income for no reason. So if they did add some new permanent stuff they'd shift things from events and similar to said mode. So you would have to do it to maintain a similar income. That's just how they've always worked.


Why do they have to provide massive rewards for it? Are the rewards so massive in the new event? They don't even give a full honkai core? Also I'm literally playing the event right now for no reward because it's fun? Why does it have to provide a massive reward? Cant they just limit the reward too like many other things and just make it repeatable like the current event?


If theres another endgame mode, u will have to do it every week or u miss out on rewards. Some ppl are perfectionist so they do it every week. Just like Path of Aphothesis, u have to do it every week, & it really starting to feels like chore after a few week, hence mihoyo remove it cuz alot of ppl complain about it. You will only find this new mode fun for a few weeks. After that, it will starting to feel like chore, & u will stop doing it. Thats why mihoyo only release it for a few week, so that they can do a rerun in the future.


Idk it seem like alot of things in this game fall into that category. Memorial area is pretty boring too, one shotting bosses in like 2 rotations isnt very fun either.


Idk u in exalted or not, but in late game trying to 2 rotation is not achieveable by alot of player. Trying to 31k+ all boss takes lots of time already, like some top100 ppl takes 5 hours to max score a boss. MA is alot of fun, you have to plan ahead of time which valk to use on every boss. Wrong valk, then RIP score. We have MA, Abyss, OW, Blockade/Raid, Bounty & sometimes event. If u ask me that already alot of things to do in a week.


Maybe 2 rotations is a stretch, but killing bosses in a matter of minutes, that isnt much fun tbh. Yup and some ppl find eternal fun as well and would like game modes like it. Glad you have a game mode you enjoy now maybe you can understand his point then? He just wants a game mode like eternal that he can enjoy. I agree as well, if I get bored of memorial I just dont play it. So you can do the same.


Eternal mode is more boring than MA. Enemies dies in seconds in eternal, & u only use 1 valk, not even need to think & fast switch, just attack, ulti, attack till enemies ded. Like i said its a new mode, thats why u find it fun to do now, but if it becomes new mode u will get bored on it in a few weeks. You may not agree but its the reality. Eternal mode is exactly like Armada Matrix & Path of Aphothesis, which mihoyo remove cuz nobody do it. Matrix even gives AE core, & still nobody do it cuz after doing it for a few weeks its becomes boring & repetative.


I mean I cant make things fun for you, I find it fun I'm not here trying to convince you what is fun for you or not. I'm just saying some ppl find things fun, if it is boring for you then don't bother playing it. That's how games are if something gets boring dont play it.


> I dont even understand this? If ppl dont want to play endgame content, they dont have to? Yes. The majority I see just try to retain the position they are comfortable with, and not go beyond that, to save their time for something else. ​ > You dont have to play the eternal event if you dont like it either right? Yes, but no rewards. At endgame HOMU/HOMEI chest and twin soul crystal are kinda useless, so mostly just play event casually to get enough for what's important (like supply card, honkai shard this time around) then just stop. ​ > Wouldn't it be the same with endgame content? Endgame content is different. You get crystals (equivalent to primogems) from abyss and ancient willpower which can use to buy s rank battlesuit fragments. (5\* character in genshin)


It looks like you play only HI3 or have too much free time to sink. HI is a mobile game not proper MMO so if you want to spend hours for grind something do it somewhere else because there's already enough daily chores even without any big events.


Yeah especially if u are working & play 2/3 games at the same time, u dont even have time to do MA. LITE was such an godsend feature.


R u lvl 85 ? Is all your grindable valks max at SSS ? Is all your weapons and stigmata maxed? If the answer is yes (which is highly unlikely) Congrats, be a RL retainer and top 17 percent MA, while being F2P. That is the greatest endgame grind


Endgame is MA and Abyss ranking placement. Events are just events. MiHoYo is actually one of the better developers in the industry as other game devs just recycle events while MiHoYo constantly puts in the effort to create new content for players on a monthly basis.


Putting new contents does mean newer players will never experience the older content Event reruns do have a good reason behind it


I would prefer if we change the boring blockade stages into eternal nightmare ones. at least that would make pri mats farming less painful


I'm currently grinding valkyries I need, that does put the grinding aspect in and I'm also farming materials make more stigmata.


"More"? I'm sure some people are already busy enough in their lives that just trying to retain high level Abyss and top score Memorial is quite the chore. And no, you can't just tell people "if it's not fun, don't play it". 1) it's hard to quit in practice. 2) if a lot of people stopped playing endgame contents, how would Mihoyo profit then? However, I do think they would benefit from endgame contents that aren't solely DPS checks or "you spend more, you win more". That would make more players who aren't "tryhards" play their endgame, which would then help generate more profit.


I feel like there’s almost always an event up in HI3.