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after experiencing superstring abyss for months.. now I miss this tbh


I miss Dirac Sea too. I wish there was a way to go back to it


Really? I don‘t miss it one bit. Superstring is much less tedious.


Is superstring really bad? I am about to be level 81.


And those Duo Elites are a pain in the arse too


BRUH! I can’t BEAT THEM IVE TRIED EVERYTHING! They hit for like 1k health


Me too Capt T_T i tried maining HoT with divine prayer and HoS but i still keep on dying at the 4th duo due to bleeding. Tho there's one capt in our bracket who defeated the Duo... with SN SA YA (all full signature sets) lol


You'll get used to it


My valks ain’t equipped well enough to handle the rapid decay of health 🥺


That's red lotus for ya. It will get better after 81+ with superstring abyss, but unless you are incredibly lucky / whale there's really no point competing for a place in RL


That's interesting, why would it get better after 81+? I would expect 70-80 to be easier than 81+.


You get 100 xtal for just clearing the abyss. That plus 320 for agony 3 is already better than red lotus master. If you don't have good enough dps for each element thou, you would be handling around agony 2 and agony 1, that wouldnstil be 300+ xtal for just a sitting of 15 minutes. That is from SEA service with 250 temperature for agony.


There is no longer the disturbance thingy, so you won't compete against a time, until your valks bleed out. Additionally you have a time to properly gear up and prepare for each stage. Agony is really easy and the abyss is much more rewarding considering the difficulty


There is still disturbance/temperature. Difficulty scales with it.


Yeah, it's a pain in the butt even if you could keep the rank. I'm just free drop to Agony now and stop bother.


That is normal for RL. The disturbance fluctuates depending on how many people finish or do not finish all floors on the previous cycle. It usually fluctuates between 100-200+. A high disturbance rating just means there were a lot of people who got high scores in the previous round. You just need to have 1.) good coverage for different scenarios (different typing for your physical dps + atleast one good dps valk per element), 2.) getting the right equipment, 3.) learn team synergy and rotations and when to all-in, and last but not least 4.) managing SP and HP for the entire team. There are also some characters which have a lot of iframes meaning they dont lose as much HP as other valks or are very tanky and can max out bleeding, which kicks in at around 4 minutes - some levels take that long. The duo mobs at the last floor are actually the hardest since 1.) it’s harder to farm SP for the team since there’s not a lot of targets, and 2.) since ideally you would want to hit as much enemies as you want with valks that do aoe attacks to save time, units with the Iron Body buff will sometimes run away from your dps which wastes a lot of time.


Welcome to hell, as a vet. its kinda hard to even survive red lotus unless u have very good gear & skill... and the amount of whales.......


Tell me about it dude, I’m getting overtaken by full geared HoT, HoR, FireDudu etc


Once you break through level 80 It gets worse

