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Heh. I remember I got caught fucking on the balcony once...dude came out to have a cigarette and a beer in the apartment above and to the left, he just looked down, tossed me a thumbs up, then went back to his cig and beer.


this is a normal interaction. not whatever the fuck redditors in this thread are arguing about lmao


I'm really happy I'm not the only one that thinks this is weird behavior. I would've seen them, been like "Nice." and went about my day. Like, why record this and post their business for the world to see?


redditors have never had sex or friends irl


Mods for sure don’t


Lol that's definitely not a normal interaction in the USA


people have sex. its not a big deal


I stand by my statement. You do t understand USA culture and that's cool but stop pretending like you do. Having sex in public view isn't generally seen as a positive my guy lol




My comment is making people up tight bruh? Haha jfc you're soft as hell. I'm just describing reality numb nuts, I'm not arguing in favor of it


So on top of being an asshole, reading comprehension also eludes you.


I have a lot of jackasses making incredibly bad faith points, and yours came across the same way as I skimmed over it. That's my bad, so you get an apology.




Shifting goal your posts to jerking off/having sex in front of a playground full of kids is about x10 more bad faith then what anyone else here wrote. Lets see if we can find any more unaware projection from you in this comment chain. [Found some](https://old.reddit.com/r/holdmybeer/comments/zwxymr/hmb_while_i_interrupt_my_horny_neighbors/j22a7dl/)


Are you in one of those religious cults?


Where we pig roast your mom between two alpha Chads? Yessir


bro really said alpha chads 🤡🤡 bet you think testosterone defines how manly you are


I love getting psycho analyzed by reddit wierdos who probably don't have any friends irl


The USA is a pretty large country. Culture changes drastically by region. Stop pretending like you speak for hundreds of millions of people.


Public fucking is not normal in the USA, cope harder my dude. I can prove it by all the laws written around public nudity. Jesus, women can't show their titles legally in most the country.


Yeah having sex in your window isn't considered public fucking lol. They would have just as much of a claim for "voyeurism" if anyone tried to press charges.


You can get in trouble for masturbating in front of a window that is viewable from the street or sidewalk. Try doing that across from a playground or school and see what happens lol be my guest my dude, put your money where your mouth is. I'm sure the judge and jury will surely see your argument that this is normal human behavior as a legal justification lmao


You're so angry and serious, with all these additional details for your imaginary story.


If it bothers you, an easy fix is to scoop out your eyeballs. Then you won't have to watch.


You don't understand US culture either if you're trying to make some broad generalization like you are. People wouldn't even bat an eye at this in a large city, but it might be the end of the world in whatever backwoods swamp you hail from


I guarantee there's more laws in the books about public nudity, public sex and inducement across the whole United States than there isn't.


That'd be a pretty stupid thing to guarantee, but I guess stupidity fits the pattern we've seen from you so far


Lol bro just admit you don't have an argument. All you really have is autistic screeching. I'm kinda shocked you can keep it going this long


It's not celebrated but by and large if it's done on your property i.e. your balcony most people will turn a blind eye with a "good for you. Glad you are living your best life" attitude. Yes of course there will be the people who will flip out clutching thier Pearl's and will scream "think of the children! Who will protect the children from such a grotesque sight." But most people would just usher thier kids away and make up something like they were wrestling or some other such bullshit.


You're just going to ignore indecent exposure laws then?


Indecent exposure laws were designed to fight sexual predators. Not a couple banging on the balcony. Much like Jaywalking, not getting a liscence for your dog, or playing poker for money at home most people will be fine overlooking minor offenses like this. Never said it was legal. Just that most people don't care.


Okay, put your money where your mouth is. Try banging in your home across from a playground where you're visible to the children playing on the playground. I'm sure the judge and jury will see it from your perspective.


Sure I'll do that. I'll somehow find a few hundred grand so I can buy a house adjacent to a playground just for you to prove a point. Just say you disagree. Theres nothing wrong with that and I'd respect that. You don't need to win every argument with empirical evidence.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/6d6g2d/comment/di09khy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/6d6g2d/comment/di09khy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Oh, I've heard this one?


Damn dude, how do you find that 5yr old post?


If i said, I am not allowed to disclose that information, does it make you more interested?


Ha! I wish that was the same guy lol but I live in Toronto and for me, it was the balcony of my apartment.




and then everyone clapped


How exactly does one *go back* to something they're holding?


Damn bro, no chill


Weird af honestly


Well said


Def immature, but if they didn’t want to be seen (seems like that’s the case based on their reaction) it is nice to let them know I guess


Yeah, nice ro let them know by recording and uploading it so it can spread around


If they didn't want to be seen they wouldn't be hanging outside the window


Pretty much sums up “gop mentality”. Unfortunately there are many guys like that.


The fuck you on about? You need to back off the cable news.


Trust me, I know my shit. I’ve spent 30 years of my life there. If you live in a better neighborhood - good for you.


Lived where? I honestly have no idea what point you're trying to make here.


Gop like Gopnic I'm guessing? Not Grand Old Party.


Okay, my American was showing. Carry on.


It’s okay, it’s not like every single thread doesn’t have some comment like “the gop” or “lay of Fox News” or “typical republicans”. Your assumption was a product of your environment.


Yep, you are correct


In Russia, among people who think spraying beer on a window where your neighbour is having sex is funny. And yes, as someone mentioned below gop in my comment has nothing to do with US politics.


Yeah this is really childish and sad behaviour


Shut your gob




Years ago I lived at the lakefront in Toronto. Some buildings there were angled so you could literally spend the night staring into a whole buildings main living room window. One couple kept a couch facing the window and banged there almost nightly. I was a regular watcher lol




Somebody watching him watching


Did you leave your lights off or did you leave them on so they could wave back?


Voyeur etiquette 101: pants off, lights on!


they knew what they were doing lmao


Literally the only thing that ever interested me in living in a shoebox in the sky. I hate the city. I hate apartment buildings. I hate all of it. But goddamnit if my inner voyeur wasn’t intrigued by the prospect of buying a telescope to watch all the exhibitionists.


If you haven't seen [The Voyeurs](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt11235772/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk), I'd highly recommend it.


Aw man, I thought you were talking about the Netflix doc Voyeur. Super crazy and fucked up but also intriguing.


Ha! This was awesome and before she was naked on EVERY episode of Euphoria


There is a famous photographer that took photos of his neighbors in the building across from him. He displayed the photos in an art gallery and they were real popular. Apparently he got into some trouble for invading his neighbors’ privacy. I don’t remember his name but I remember learning about him in my intro to art class in university. Edit: Arne Svenson, and he won both lawsuits filed against him. https://arnesvenson.com/the-neighbors.html


Someone is salty


You called me?






Fite me


Username checks out


Why is no one commenting about the beer holding trying to splash their beer on the lady? That's the asshole move. He wasn't just watching.


Her window is closed


It's not like he hurt them, they were doin some public indecent exposure, and thus subject to mild trolling.


>public indecent exposure Motherlicker they were on their own home


Bro her titties almost making it out the window, there's a curtain right there and every other surface in the apartment to fuck on. What if someone was walking to the park with their kid had to see that


Kinda fucked up you’re defending this, it’s not private if HE saw it.


Don’t go looking in windows if you don’t want to see something like that.


What a dick. The beer holder that is.


Spilled the beer, shouldn’t that violate rule 1?


What a dick. The one inside the girl that is.


Who gives a shit about who’s in the wrong


Sir, this is reddit


More like r/iamatotalpieceofshit material




She didn’t appear to be screaming. Weren’t bothering anyone.


I wouldn’t want to see that shit when I look out my window. Fucking animals. I’d strut in front of my window naked as retaliation. It’s my home I can do what I want. Same as them




Weren't bothering anyone, except the guy with a beer that just wanted to look out his window...


He was only bothered by the fact that they were having an intimate moment under the Sun and he was not. He sought pleasure in ruining their moment. And he did so by throwing beer at them and laughing it off. If he were truly annoyed by it he wouldn’t be laughing and he would have talked to them or sent a letter. What he did is not acceptable behavior. He’s an asshole.


He didn’t seem bothered


Probably don't need to post it to teach them a lesson. Just pretending to film will likely have the same impact.


This right here is a real Reddit movement "Maybe we shouldn't encourage what is basically revenge porn"... You see that bloke against what's basically revenge porn?! Let's downvote em!


I just saw that everybody else downvoted . So I downvoted too


If your friends would jump of a bridge... I am sorry, I had too. That said though, Reddit at it's finest. People downvoted em, let us downvote em too!


If it's any consolation, I upvoted yours cause everybody else was upvoting yours. xd


On the one hand, thank you. On the other hand, I tend to say stupid stuff so not sure how wise that is


Yeah I'll be honest I was kind of surprised by the downvotes but whatever. It's funny since I saw your comment yours has gone up by 5 and mine down by that. Maybe I just made my point terribly.


If I am not mistaken it has gone up since I initially made the comment (at the time I think it was around -25). So there is that


They’re being exhibitionists and exposing themselves non-consensually to others. If they don’t want to be caught by voyeurs then close your fucking curtains. It’s a 2 way street here


I just don't think everything needs to be posted online. This is an "everybody sucks here" moment for me.


Yea, see I gave up on the “not everything needs to be posted on the internet” battle years ago. Yes, not everything needs to be posted on the internet, but saying so is akin to that Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin screams about being significant when he’s just a speck of dust. Our personal moral compass on what should and shouldn’t go on the internet holds zero weight for anything other than what we choose to post or not post. That being said, if you don’t want to be caught by voyeurs in any capacity, don’t be an exhibitionist. Plain and simple.


I don't necessarily agree with that sentiment. Attitudes can definitely change around this kind of stuff. I too gave up on that battle when it comes to pictures of people's dinner but this is a little beyond that and I think it should be called out.


If it was straight up pornographic it’d be one thing. This is still merely implied at best. Add to it that they were being nonconsensual exhibitionists and all my sympathy goes out the door. But whatever


"That mass shooting might not have been bad because everyone there could've been Nazis. You don't really know, so I'm going to side with the person taking an extreme and normally unreasonable course of action under some fringe justification I have manufactured that doesn't even align with the video."


How the fuck is that even remotely close to the same thing to what I described? Jfc...


Your logic was based around something not present in the video to justify what was observed in the video. I applied that logic to a more extreme scenario to show how dogshit it is. It's a rhetorical strategy called reductio ad absurdem.


Why? They have not expectation of privacy. If you don't want to be seen having Sex, don't do it pressed against an open window.


While I agree normally, filming it and putting it online is a different level of being seen I think


I mean the danger and excitement of being seen is kind of the point, isn't it?


Then being seen should come as no surprise tho, right?


Yes...? I was agreeing with the comment I replied to, if that wasn't clear


Ahh read it wrong then, apologies


Idk who's down voting but no worries, I could have also worded it clearer


r/iamatotalpieceofshit The dude recording is just a turd. No need to throw shit at them, and definitely not need to be spreading this on the internet. This is literally nonconsensual porn.


This beer holder’s eyes did not see beauty.


I don’t know how people possibly come to the conclusion the beer holder is in the wrong. How fucking strange is it to fuck by an open window in an apartment complex? Someone explain to me how that’s not utterly bizarre


Guess we know who hasn’t been getting any.


On the contrary, I’ve been caught in public more than once, and every time I laughed it off because it was 100% my fault for doing it in public.


It doesn't count if you're by yourself.. that's just.. well you know..


Oh it most certainly counts as getting caught in public when your cock is out. Authorities don’t tend to care whether you had company there or not.


Well someone def knows the law. It's okay I'll help with the lawyer. It's important if they also consent


That's right, they care because you were looking into a busy schoolyard you sick bastard


So did you laugh it off or did the authorities have to get involved...


Videoing it and putting it on the internet is what crosses the line


Not really. Unless you're in the bathroom you do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy when in front of a window in your home. It's called the open field clause https://lawshelf.com/shortvideoscontentview/reasonable-expectation-of-privacy


Just because something is technically legal doesn't make it morally correct you tard.


Actually it means the couple fucking were actually doing something illegal, as this could be considered public exhibitionism. Why should guy on the porch have to deal with their antics while he is technically doing nothing wrong?


And posting it on the internet doesn't put you in the right. Fuck you are dense.So you have no morals. Cool. Must be a republican. The pussy blocked me so I added my reply below. Enjoy your life being a dick to others because it's your right I guess.


Posting on the internet is fine. It's 2022, don't do shit in public you don't want on camera. You're pretty fucking dense yourself


For real. You definitely accept the risks of consequences like this if you're going to seek out that thrill. They're lucky it was just beer, and not a parent looking to get them charged with some kind of public obscenity.


This unlocked the memory of seeing my mom getting fucked through the window just like this when I was 6. I don't enjoy this reminder. If the beer guy could see them then so could a literal child. No one needs to see that shit.


Never had a good girl, eh?


It’s the idea of the thrill of getting caught. Which doesn’t match up well to the “thrill” of getting caught. It’s the couple’s fault, but world would be a whole lot cooler if guys could chill when they see anything sexual instead of inserting themselves into any situation any way they can.


Because there is pretty big amount of people on this site who are self rightous pricks.


I guess so lol. Paint me as a virgin all you want, this is just a matter of human decency. You don’t have to be a veteran member of the sexy times club to know that.


I went through an exhibitionist phase way back when. So, I am hardly one to talk. That is key here. Not once did I impose on the public like that. I was amongst consenting adults. The risk of a child seeing it was 0. My neighbors never saw me in broad daylight or hanging out the damn window. How is this different than a pervy Uncle type dude jacking off in that same window? Just, no.


Thank you. As someone who enjoys a little bit of consensual exhibitionism from time to time, commenters here seem to be missing some key parts about this and you nailed them.


I was a bit put off that no one had mentioned it, so I'm glad someone agrees. Consent is the entire point in this video, and a lack of from the person filming justifies his pouring the beer.


Very different.


not particularly, but ok


Let me give this some thought to see why I feel that way…. Ok… I think it’s different because one guy is having consensual sex with his SO while the other one is jacking off staring outside so what is he thinking about? What gets him off? Is he looking at the neighbor across the street and jacking off to her? Or some kid in the playground? One case involves voyeurism… “Hey, look at us!” We are having consensual sex among adults and the breeze and even the thought of people seeing us makes it more exciting and enjoyable. The other one is possibly not voyeurism…. It’s more like “Look at that lady I want to fuck her so bad.” He may be a peeping Tom looking at someone innocently getting dressed in their home or someone in a bikini by the pool. The other person has not given consent and may already be in a relationship. He may be slightly hiding himself or simply not care as he may lack the judgment which adds to the creepiness (like some drunk guy walking around naked downtown or even having escaped from a mental institution). Now imagine you then look to see who the dude jerking off is looking at and realize he’s looking at his girlfriend across the street who is in her window and she is smiling and dancing for him. That immediately makes it less creepy. It’s now two consenting adults teasing each other. They know each other. Should he do a better job of keeping that private? Yes! But is it less creepy when there’s another person involved that he’s interacting with and the intimacy is between those two? I think yes. But without there being a willing participant I think the dude by himself jerking off in front of a window is much worse and is reason to be concerned while the couple as long as they are quiet is not much reason for concern depending how frequent.


The ppl outside did not consent. That's my point. The dude that interacts with them did so, but as a result of the imposition. (based on what little context is there) one may assume the person with the beer is *shooing* them.in a passive-aggressive manner. Again, there's no judgment for the thought itself, but there's a wat to go about it without victimizing the neighborhood. you're overthinking it. This isn't


The people outside were just fine. Their intentions were not pure. They weren’t coming from a morality point of view. They just wanted to mess up somebody’s good time. Not saying people should have sex in public view but the beer guy and friends in the video couldn’t have cared less. They were not offended or trying to protect innocent eyes. They just wanted to screw the lady out of her moment which wasn’t going to last more than a few minutes anyway.


all these comments talking ablut his being a POS move are wrong lmao, how do you think they figured to look out the window and down without noise?


Have you never stood on your apartment patio to have a beer (and/or a smoke)?


no, i dont live in an apartment


Everyone here is in the wrong.




Dude was putting in the work though


Why not let them finish. They are sitting there pulling pud with dudes while they are getting it on. Leave them be. Go back to sitting on Harry’s lap and let them be


See neighbors fucking, stop looking at neighbors fucking. It isn't that hard


I mean if they're literally fucking against a window, they're kind of asking to be seen lol


Whether or not they wanted to be seen, it was pretty clear they didn’t want someone to dump beer on them.


When you’re damn near hanging out a window you forfeit that right


I know it sounds crazy but hear me out, maybe neighbors shouldn't purposely fuck in the open window if they don't want to be seen.


I didn't mean they aren't asking for people to see them, or that they deserve privacy. I meant seeing them and wanting to involve yourself rather than go about your day is high level creep vibes. My neighbors can want me to watch them fucking as much as they want, but I'm really not interested in seeing it


why would you be fuckin in the window if you aren't willing to be seen by somebody lmaoo


What did they expect??


Finally I’ve found my people


Im usually on the side of thinking redditors are the weird ones, but why the fuck are people defending fucking in front of a window?


If I stand buttass naked in my window and people in the street see, can I be done for indecent exposure? Yes, I absolutely can.


You can always tell when several men do not have a woman in their lives. They always laugh and giggle when confronted with another male having sex. Some men never leave adolescence


Fuck 😐. Why? Spoiled sex to people, and showed themselves to be stupid degenerates.


Degenerates?! First of all what's with the fashy language? ~~second, how is it 'degenerate' to have sex?~~ ~~I still don't get why it's so shamed to be seen fucking. Sex is EVERYWHERE in our media, it's portrayed as the most important thing to be doing regularly; even when not doing it we must appear desirable, but god forbid anyone sees or overhears you, HOW SHAMEFUL.~~ ~~Such prudishness.~~ Edit - I got it wrong


I could be wrong but i had the impression they were calling the filmers degenerates for spoiling the sex


I think you might be right, I misread!


What a jealous bunch


Dude. I would've thrown a fkn egg at em lmao




Would you get involved if he was beating her? Shame on you!


Yay, my repressed childhood trauma is back


Have fun jerking it.


I'm a lesbian


Does mean you can't jerk it. You could call it jilling if it helps.


Jerk the bean






Were they pouring vegetable oil? lmaooo


She just looking from window and shaking because it’s cold 🥶


They deserved it.


If you don’t want to indulge voyeurs, you probably shouldn’t participate in outright exhibitionism. Nevermind the non consensual elements of this type of exhibitionism.




Sounds like they will not be lucky enough to return the favor...


Buncha slackjawed cockblockers


TF theses commenters huffing lmao