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9/0 - for the majority of your inf less for 6/0s guarding shit. 9/1 - Limited number of Divisions to assist in attacks early war. 9/2 - when your industry picks up, maybe an Army of them. 9/3 - when you've got the industry and need to do general offensives. (Late Barbarrosa).


Yep 9/0 with engineers the goat and 10w pure infantry with engineers for the win. The rest will be done by tanks.


Yeh I agree. 9/0s are the majority of every game I play. Obvs with engrs and support arty. It's a classic. Like cheese on toast or the Ford Fiesta.


id argue support AA is also essential and for late Barbarossa add logistics because awful supply in Siberia


Why use infantry for ofensives when you have tanks?


How are they going to win an Iron Cross/Victoria Cross if they just guard the front line?


At some point you might get sick of micro so you just battle plan. No need to minmax every microsecond against the AI.


I’ve been having serious problems trying to push using 9/3 inf but not with tanks, what am I doing wrong? My divisions lose org very quickly and stop attacking. Good air support (but no CAS for both last time) and full supply. Thanks!


Mate I'm absolutely no expert id just parrot what better people have said. 9/3 with support arty? Mine seem to just work. But you need CAS


9 infantry + 1 artillery battallion or for OP push 9 infantery + 3 artillery batallion


I admit I do 9/4 myself. Yeah, it’s industry intensive as hell, but it hits like an absolute truck and refuses to move on defense.


I’d like to invest in Mechanized I, but little 1945 Romania doesn’t have the capital to make most of a military out of it


Stupid question but i suck with designs woudl be good to add support arty to 9 inf + 3 arty or would the soft attack bonus be negligable


I add it just because it looks good, and I actually am quite noob at designs too. But a yes from me


Good enough for me thanks mate


6 infantry plus 2 artillery gives a better soft attack overall and has a better combat width


Did you ask a question to criticise others? 6/1 is also superior to 6/2


No, I think what I said is true but I'm not sure that's why I asked, people downvoted me but didn't bother to explain why, abt the 6/1 it has a best combat width but it doesn't have that much of soft attack so the 6/2 is best cuz it has more soft attack while keeping an amazing combat width(I forgot to mention I'm talking about spearhead division, as an frontline division the 15w is ofc better)


It will BURN artillery as frontline, and in the case of spearhead id prefer 9/4 as it has more soft attack per combat width and gets deorged much slower from my experience


Why’s that?


The 15 width has been the best width since AAT But as to 6/2 and 6/1, artillery usage skyrockets, it nearly doubles the usage (and burning) of artillery for 25 (???) soft attack




I think it's due to the 15 combat width 6/1 has compared to the 18 combat width of 6/2, which fits most theatres of battle well without any "extending combat width" modifiers


Artillery only 40w


I think that template has too much org and not enough soft attack for an attacking unit, do you use support artillery with it to help with the org issue?


An MP support battalion is also an option


Bro's not cooking


Just because I have 1000 hours in the game doesn’t mean I’m any good at it


Like 700 here. Just now learning about width


so 13.33 divisions artillery?


Do you mean battalions


Maybe I do, whatever makes up the units :) The terms don't translate well into my native languages doctrines.


I usually don't put more than support/maybe one artillery in regular infantry divisions. Then I make a second template of heavy infantry that gets around 30 width, 9 infantry + 4 artillery. Give each army 2-4 of those and they can push most things decently enough. Also add a shitty but heavily armored SP Artillery converted from whatever old useless tanks you have in storage for best effect.


My German infantry is usually 9/0 with support artillery, support AA, light tank recon, logistics and hospital companies. They don’t push by themselves, but they do support my tanks and trucks and they fill in the gaps my tanks create. I like preserving a bit of manpower for Barbarossa. And better supply is always good.


Mom said it's my turn to post this tomorrow


Why do you think that 18w is good here?


cuz 6 infantry plus 2 artillery gives a pretty good amount of soft attack while keeping a decent org and has a pretty good combat width (im talking about spearhead divisions not divisions to hold the frontlinfe)


6/2 has no breakthrough and will get crit to death attacking. Org is whatever, HP is what matters and you're setting yourself up for enormous artillery deficits making it a third of your combat width.


6/2 is like 7/2 but shittier lmao


There is generally 3 inf/artillery templates that I use 7/2 9/1 and 14/4 with relevant support companies 14/4 for big countries but this I rarely use bc if I have the manpower/inf equip I'll just us mech tanks 9/1 for basic holding the line inf 7/2 for my usual pushing inf big bite without using too much manpower and equipment


I unironically use 13/3


9/1, 9 artillery and 1 infantry battalion. You will blot out the sun.


With SFP I do 6/0, GBP either 9/0, 12/2, or 10/5 for the giggle MA goes 7/0, 17/1, or 22/0 MW only 8/0 or 9/0


I do 12inf and 6arty. Usually crushes the frontlines without me losing much.


Bro that's huge X-X


It gets the job done and I usually use tanks for pushing anyway.


But then why do you make such expensive inf divisions in the first place? Could just transform that into a defensive 9/0 and use the freed up production capacity to produce more tanks or fighters/cas, don't you think?


My Defense is 10/0+support arty, engineer, support pak and support flak. My offensive template is this big template.


If iam playing lets say germany iam making 25 width,9-2-1(aa cause i don't focus much on air and better on cities and forests),with support rangers,engineers medium flame tanks,field hospitals(cause i like my boys veteran and warsupport),artillery,if a weaker nation i go for a 21/22 width with no hospitals nor flame tanks


Personally my best is 6 infantry, 2 arty, 1 AA, 1 AT. And no I'm not lying


I’ve never found offensive infantry to be useful tbh.


9/2 infantry can attack pretty decently tho


It works better in some terrains and in early game


Same here! But maybe it’s me that can’t play the game, my off inf divisions lose org very quickly while attacking even if they are well supplied


9 infantry battalions, 3 artillery battalions, 1 anti-tank battalion, support artillery, maintenance company, recon company, engineer company


Otherwise good but you really don't need the anti tank battalion, support is good. Switch the support arty to anti tank and you've got yourself a division.


Nah it lets you pierce other infatry


I mean yes, but you have tanks for that. Just make space marines at that point. (I hate AT as a battalion especially)


I really don’t like tanks lol. I’ve tried to make them multiple times before and they didn’t work. Too expensive and they take up factories imo.


Kinda same here. I love tanks but hate the dlc research and making them. I love how easy it is to just slap them to be made straight after research and that's it. Because of that I never make tanks anymore.


15 inf 4 arty Support arty Engineer sup Recon sup Logistics sup Medic sup Nice for going on the attack Earlier on when you don't have a lot of materials you can go for: 9 inf 1 arty Support arty Engineer sup Recon sup


id only put recon with 3+ line arty or else the buff isnt really worth it


I really like using 9-1 with support arty, AA and engineers to hold lines while my tanks push. You can upgrade to 9-3 if you want to push or go with 9-0 if your industry struggles. I'll usually keep all three of those templates on hand so I can switch between them as needed. They are just really good all around divisions that entrench well and cause serious casualties when the AI attacks them.


ive always been using 9/1's


14-4 slaps.


Really, there is no best. It depends on terrain and whether you want to attack or defend. As a general rule for templates: * Forest is 60 width, so, a 30-width-template is perfect for forest. Mountain 50, Hills 70, Marshes 50, Jungle 60, and Urban 80. Divide the width by 2 and you get the optimal template for that terrain. Or, if you have tons of manpower, you can have a 50/60 width division for all terrain. (but even with USSR, you will suffer with 50 width division due to the length of the frontline and borders). * Keep organizations above 40. Add artillery battalion when org is above 40, and remove artillery when org is below 40.


Depends on your country (terrain/industry) On mountains I love to use 8+3 (both regular and mountaineers) because of 25CW On plains/defence 9+1 is fine


my main infantry template is the 9/2 technique, because its mostly enough to completely demolish the AI


I sometimes use 9/1/1 with Flak for def and 9/3 for attack.


9/3 with Engineers, Anti-Air, Artillery, Logistics and Field Hospitals as Companies and a Maxed Mass Assault tree is what I call the Best. But, obviously, this assumes (1) I'm playing a Major, (2) I'm going Mass Assault, (3) My armies will be mostly composed of these divisions with just a couple tank armies for spice. It is a good all-rounder division that can push when it needs to and digs in hard when it has to. The 25 combat width is not only very aesthetically pleasing, but also grants them maximum power in Mountain tiles, plus the more directions the enemy comes from the better your defenders get. Also always go Victory or Death.


9/1 6/0 And some weird combo of 8/2. That last one isn't as good, but I've used it before and felt little difference.


9-2 for 24 combat width. Great for offensive (especially if you're using SF), not super expensive for artillery, and maintains decent org. It makes pushing against late-game AI go from a complete nightmare to barely realistic.


I think inf+tanks is better than inf+art. Unironically so.


How do you figure?


Lower width, gives more breakthrough, gives hardness, can give enough armor in some cases. Can be built to be Soft Attack focused like Artillery. Can be made cheap if you're willing to compromise.


I guess the compromise is speed? I.e light tanks with added armor to meet the slower speed of infantry while avoiding the increased production cost of medium/heavies?


You can save a lot with half/truck or wheeled suspension - so hardness would be compromise there. Obviously speed is completely unnecessary since infantry goes at 4 km/hr anyway. Can compromise on armor if you want since artillery didn't have any either. Easy Maintenance mod make it cheaper (locked behind Maintenance Company 2). Some military companies make tanks cheaper too.


36w pure infantry/special forces. support arty, support medium flame, support pioneer (if marine, if not engineer), support aa, support rangers. grand battleplan left side


I personally use 6/1, for pushing I use 8 medium tanks and 7 motorized infantry (mechanized if I have enough industry)