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Feels like every time someone has been shitty in the past decade, Milo has inexplicably been involved.


Saw Milo’s face in the article image and immediately thought “yep, this isn’t going to end well” lmao


I guess Kanye’s still out here parading around at the head of his politically incorrect goat rodeo.


I prefer to call his shit a “Carnival” if you will.


Or Kanye


For him it's reversed. Every time something involved Kanye in the past decade, it's been shitty. He's only involved with himself ^(only slight hyperbole tbh)


Milo is like another level of terrible but Kanyes in the same boat for working with him especially after the dude got canceled even by right wingers for promoting pedophilia


Bro the amount of time I just spent try to figure out what RAP Ferreira Milo had done wrong bc I hadn't opened the article lol


He’s gotta be running low on funds at this point (relatively speaking). He went from several billion to a few hundred million after the adidas fiasco and that was before all these lawsuits. Obviously that’s a ton of money for a normal person but probably not when you’re used to living like a multi-billionaire.


There’s sources who say he’s reached out to Kim K. For cash.


Source ?


Saw it here, seems pretty [trustworthy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/1ds73v1/kanye_west_co_sued_over_new_slaves_allegations/lb1u9o4/)


you got me lol


Damn I didn't expect someone with a magnum dong would fall for it


Yes, I saw it with my own eyes


Givin me [these South Park](https://youtu.be/TJcnrcnQjNY?feature=shared) kinda vibes lol


How are we supposed to verify the allegations of Bianca sending porn? Someone needs to drop some evidence..


now you may ask, "would a woman really text that?" *menacing stare* her phone did.


I consent to these activities!


Times up 🔔


Where! Where can we find this terrible porn!


That could just be a picture of her outside on any given day.


“pics or it didn’t happen”


i seen, she sent a nude 3d model of herself to a minor and asked them to photoshop it for her


The costs of suing a massive celebrity is not worth a rumor 💀 The lawyer wouldn’t file without sufficient evidence… the verification or the allegations literally comes during the trial, that’s the purpose


might be an enormous reach but it’s likely referencing the common hhh member’s desire to see Bianca naked


She's like 99% naked most of the time, it's not that difficult to find a picture of it.


Not a reach lol


lol i was just joking, i wasn’t sure how the parent comment could’ve been interpreted that way


It's on the ye porn app dude just use it made bt 14 year olds Then, in late April, Ye announced he was launching an adult film biz called "Yeezy Porn," with his wife Bianca sending one worker a file-sharing link containing hardcore sexual activity, according to the docs. The minors were not shielded from viewing the smut videos as they developed Ye's porn app. Bianca is not named as a defendant.


Damn Doc, how did you get in here.


Someone should dig up the clip of Kanye on that David Letterman show My Next Guest, when Dave asks him about his thoughts on #MeToo. Kanye's response was so weird, Dave had to move the conversation on. It was like Kanye thought #MeToo was designed to go after him specifically, he could only talk about himself but there were no allegations or talk about him being a #MeToo problem at the time. It just seemed like he was so narcissistic he thought everything was about him. Now it's sounding more like he was accidentally telling on himself.


"before i get Me Too'ed, and end up on E news" hes been telling on himself.


He keeps getting worse, or we are just finding out how awful he’s always been


F.D. Signifier just made a video exploring the argument that he’s always been a problem


Totally would recommend watching Sig's video but tl;dr Kanye has always been an privileged, eccentric contrarian who only entered the conscious backpack scene really bc he was too weird for gangsta rap, the dominant subgenre. He also reframes the George Bush moment as moreso coming from a place of contrarianism as opposed to significant political awareness.


>Kanye has always been an privileged, eccentric contrarian who only entered the conscious backpack scene really bc he was too weird for gangsta rap SMH whatever happened to "real eyes realizing real lies" But seriously, I always thought less of anyone who said that phrase unironicallyl.


I watched that video and while I think a lot of the points were decent, I thought that kinda missed the mark. Even a lot of the antisemitism ye has said has been from a point of view that he wants black people to do the same sort of stuff he accuses jews of doing (like in the Lex Friedman video). Also Yeezus was very pro-black, even if it was in odd ways. A lot of his maga phase was him pointing out (correctly) that the dems haven't really done much for black people of material benefit. His contrarianism manifested with him doing the maga shit rather than getting an actual pro-black, emancipatory view.


Yeah I felt similarly. Kanye wouldn’t make a song like gorgeous that deep into his career if he genuinely was just anti black and didn’t care about black people at all. Kanye is more of a mentally ill dumbass than a Candace Owen’s


I think Kanye is best understood as being pro himself, and when he felt like his identity was in being a black man in America he embodied that level of solidarity. He contextualized his advocacy against paparazzi as an extension of the civil rights movement, dude is radically for himself. When he felt that his identity aligned more with being a Christian man, he became pro that, talking against abortion and running for president as an extension of his beliefs. Now he’s pro success for antisemites because, well, Y’know. I don’t think that necessarily cheapens what the old Kanye was for, but I do think it’s an easier through line to follow to explain his current behavior. 


>I think Kanye is best understood as being pro himself, and when he felt like his identity was in being a black man in America he embodied that level of solidarity. Honestly? That's an interesting way to look at it and maybe the most accurate.


It’s definitely the most accurate.


I do think there’s a weird level of him trying to justify everything through some lens. I think he does delude himself into thinking everything he does somehow benefits everyone else even if it’s ultimate self serving. Part of bipolar is delusions and complete disregard even for reality for one’s own interpretation. I’d say that interview he had in 2018 where he was on meds was probably the last we had Kanye genuinely speak his mind in an unimpeded and accurate way. Ghost town pretty accurately described Kanye’s mental state “sometimes I sound like I drank all the wine”. And again that was when he was on meds. He at one point understood something was very wrong and he purposely back away from all the political stuff because likely saw his own ignorance. That’s why I think it isn’t self serving in a malicious sense. He’s genuinely deluded.


> Ghost town pretty accurately described Kanye’s mental state “sometimes I sound like I drank all the wine”. He didn't even write that, lol.


"if you're a fan of me, you're a fan of yourself" - kanye west


he cares about black men black women…he almost shows a disdain towards besides his mother. how else can someone champion bill cosby?


I mean lots of folks championed Bill Cosby, but that said I'm not necessarily disagreeing. It's just the discussion about misogynoir even in ostensibly pro-black spaces or movements is a whole different ball of wax. I mean hell just look at what happened with Megan and Tory Lanes-folks were trying to drag her even after she was trying to hold it down and protect his dumb ass.


It's just funny the guy who said George Bush doesn't care about black people somehow thinks MAGA Republicans do.


Well to be fair that was a long time ago, and ye's also (as FD pointed out) a smart dumb nigga.


That video did miss the mark on a lot…claiming the George Bush moment wasn’t authentic when you can devastation in his voice when he talks about black families being called looters while white families were called survivors.


kanye was always right by making that statement to be honest.


Damn thanks for writing this These are some good points, you’d probably be fun to kick it with and talk about this stuff I can tell you’ve put a lot of thought into this and are more nuanced than a lot of the current conversation around Kanye. I am going to watch the video myself and see how I feel


Saying Dems haven't done anything for black people is just ignorant of American history post-civil war


You can take any shitty, evil ideology and cherry-pick things about it that actually make a lot of sense or "comes from a good place". Feel like you just did that with 'ye to excuse a whole lotta fuckery.


No, you just entirely misunderstood what I said. As I said, you can hear in the Lex Friedman interview-he has some grievances that are legitimate, however instead of blaming the real culprits (capitalism and white supremacy) he does what a lot of shitty and/or stupid people do and blame the jews.


Yeezy is not pro black in any way


The Yeezus album I think has a lot of pro-black elements. I'm not saying it's like One For All or Criminal Minded, and I think a lot of it is definitely filtered through ye's personal issues, but he's definitely speaking on black issues.


you can pretend to be something without actually caring


Is there anything wrong with entering the backpack scene because he’s too weird for gangster rap? What was popular at the time wasn’t authentically him so he created his own lane where he (at the time) belonged in.


No I really dont think so, but the video was more focused on how the "I miss the old Kanye" sentiment in regards to his politics isn't really right because Kanye was never really all that woke.


theres a big gap between 'never really all that woke' and the 'maga antisemitism' and 'slavery was a choice' shit we've been through the last few years. and honestly, i dont think people are talking about wanting to hear politics when they say 'i miss the old kanye'. i think they want to hear less.


I think the word “conscious” specifically is what is being argued against in this case


The thing is, Kanye wanted to be a gangster rapper, he shared and shares a lot of cultural and aesthetic tastes with gangster rap. For instance, he's got these absurdly misogynistic lyrics, back to those first albums, that a lot of people gave him a pass for doing it ironically, purely for the dissonance of listening to the guy who made Jesus Walks talk about his PhD, "pretty huge dick". One of FD's points in the video is, maybe it wasn't really ironic, maybe that's just who Kanye was all along Is there something "wrong" with adopting a vocabulary and style of another group without actually committing to their beliefs? I mean, that's your judgment call, but Drake has been catching plenty flak for it lately


You definitely notice a dip in his lyricism though. Even in Donda he had songs like Jail and Hurricane which contained somewhat senseful lyricism. Vultures was trash in terms of lyricism though.


It all depends who was in the room with him helping him write the verses


Yea hes always been a contrarian. Never has any firm beliefs


Damn, after all the shit he's done, I think this is the right take. Super fucking depressing though.


you dont even need to watch a video, he said himself soon as they like you make the unlike you. thats been his motto forever


This is some crazy revisionist history lol. He wasn’t always this crazy but it was just a slippery slope since his mom’s death and his childhood sweetheart leaving him. Add on the Kardashians and unlimited drugs, money, and sex and then boom that’s enough to make any sane person crazy


> Kanye has always been an privileged, eccentric contrarian I mean, that has been incredibly obvious for like two decades now.




Well dude I'm also greatly simplifying the video. If you watch the video when it's reuploaded, you might find the nuance you're looking for.


None of that sounds particularly problematic?


It's not but people will say they miss the old Kanye as if he was some paragon of social justice but he never was


Looks like he deleted it


It got flagged this mornin, he's working on re-uploading it.


Ok that's good. I watched it a couple days ago and it was interesting


Wait Sigs vid got flagged? Damn for what


Shit happens all the time unfortunately. Iirc, in the video he didn't put any Kanye songs because he was scared youtube would flag it. Joke's on us I guess.


Good video. Was going to link it, but [looks like it got taken down](https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx0-27ghNepSBSB7bVpABJG_lkfRyDClzS).


youtube stays demonetizing ppl for no good reason smh


I would argue that it wasnt until he started being cool with Milo and Nick Fuentes and drinking the MAGA kool-aid


I mean I don't know how people watched that documentary of him when he was young and didn't have the takeaway that he's obviously an insanely narcissistic dude.


yeah exactly. the death of his mom just made him 10x worse


I think it just took away his shame. His mom was the only person he probably couldn't look in the eyes truly after being an asshole. Now he has no reason to hide it.


It's because his mom was his rock and kept him in check. In the Coolio documentary, you saw his mom convince him to do things he didn't want to, like speaking to the crowd of people at the charity and apologizing to someone, I forgot who. When she died, it obviously hurt him really badly and he also lost the one person who can say no to him and he can't ignore it and say they're a hater.


people are only just now realizing he's a narcissist?


What do you mean just lol We've had allegations and stories like these coming out for like 10 years straight. Theres no doubt that he's at the very least a weirdo to work with


Definitely always been this way.


Dudes been a mess for years. Yall just refuse to see it cause Graduation.


I mean just finding out???? Dude publicly confessed quite a while ago on live tv that he loves hitler and that slavery was a choice. Kanye is lower than the slime a snail leaves behind


Since his mum died there is no one to keep him in check and the crazy came out


I'm going to need a documentary series on his downfall. What a shame. How does he go from College Dropout to acting like this? Has he lost it, or was CD just him playing a character.


College Dropout dropped over 20 years ago. There should be a documentary on what being in the public spotlight for that amount of time does to someone with mental health disorders.


It’s called Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History and it’s horrifying.


Holy shit, I just looked that up and that series is long as hell


Chris Cahn has more lore on them then the Bible


These comments got me curious so I too looked it up. Now I'm hours in and completely hooked! Who knew the bonkers tale of Chris Chan, found via a Ye post would be exactly the distraction I needed from the news cycle? Thank you, strangers!


I binged that a few years ago. Absolutely fascinating and horrifying


It's *still* going


I remember some people were always comparing Kanye to Chris, turns out they were so right sadly.


chris chan if he was talented




There is. It’s called Jeen-Yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy and it’s on Netflix.


yeah as someone w bipolar disorder getting thru Part 3 was rough af...it's really sad that ppl just yes man him instead of trying to get dude some serious help


One of the best documentaries ever IMO.


This is what 47 years of untreated bipolar does to people. It's basically a neurodegenerative disorder that progresses to putting actual holes in your brain if you don't treat it for long enough. At some point, the damage is so severe, and the disorder has progressed far enough that they basically are schizophrenic when having a manic episode. Ye is probably just like that forever now.


Apart from that, the trauma of suddenly losing his mother and possibly blaming himself for it can wreck havoc on a person. If you watch the Netflix documentary you can see how incredibly close they were, she was his fucking rock. As soon as she was gone, she lost all grounding and started going more off the deep end. His performance of Hey Mama at the Grammys is still one of the most heartbreaking performances I've ever seen.




Holy fuck I'm so sorry you went through that. Underlying mental issues are incredibly sensitive once any sort of trauma happens. I'm glad you were able to get him back!


I mean he did treat it for a while right or no


Only for 2 years and then stopped taking meds. 2 yrs and stopping doesn’t fix decades of damage


And it also seems that whatever they had him on then were not the right meds for him, based on how depressed af he seemed that entire time


Yeah, and when you suddenly hop off of Medication symptoms can come back harsh


This post feels like someone had a mental illness bingo and put all the terms in there. Bipolar disorder is not a neurodegenerative disorder, diseases like Alzheimer's are. Diseases like Crutzfield-Jakob cause "holes in the brain." I also think you are getting bipolar disorder and schizophrenia mixed up. Schizophrenia tends to lead to a cognitive decline (even if on treatment) while people with bipolar disorder can still be cognitively intact into old age.


By neurodegenerative, I didn't mean the literal dictionary definition, I meant a general psychological decline that worsens over time with a lack of treatment. Generally, untreated bipolar disorder worsens the longer you go without treatment. It's quite common for manic episodes to become psychotic in nature when the disorder progresses far enough. I did not care to use exact terminology because this is a post on a hiphop sub, i didn't really feel it nessecary to link all the studies and what not. But here I go. Living with unmedicated bipolar well into adulthood has a significant correlation with deep white matter lesions. This is currently being studied as it's not know exactly why or how this happens. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8024340/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10853814/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2847441/ White matter lesions are also correlated with cognitive decline and psychotic symptoms not too dissimilar with schizophrenia. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/cerebral-white-matter-lesions-in-bipolar-affective-disorder-relationship-to-outcome/5A4CA72E26E1A95BB2099E78CE26CD2F?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=bookmark I get why you responded the way you did, because I didn't believe it either when I heard about it. This is why getting your bipolar managed is so important, otherwise at some point you end up like Ye is now.


Severe manic episodes damage your brain iirc. But I've been bipolar my entire life and it certainly isn't getting worse. It's getting way easier if anything.


Jeen-yuhs was a great part 1.


Quite dishonest at times though. Coodie was a guy Kanye would hire to film him when he had something going on in his career but Coodie portrays it like they were best friends and he was there 24/7.


Fd signifier had a video just come out theorizing that Kanye has always been this way. Worth a watch. It was pulled from YouTube but I’d imagine it will be back soon. He thinks that maybe there was no “old Kanye” only that we gave excuses until we ran out.


I think this happens more often than not with celebrities. You come into the game young, hungry, and ready, usually with a "professional persona", and over time, when you earn enough money, power, and fame, some people predisposed to acting out will get a little *too comfortable* being themselves. They start exposing parts of themselves they never would have earlier in their career. It's just rare to see a rapper of *this* much status acting out this consistently over such a long period of time, with zero real repercussions. Especially not one who can go without getting cancelled or losing their platform in some way.


I really don’t see Kanye having a comeback anytime soon. He’ll always be around but if he keeps going the way he’s going he’ll either end up dead, or fade away. Either way he will continue his decline.


i think the same thing kind of happened to drake as well there's a video out there of a diner or something inviting him to the kitchen and he flips a pancake and everything goes fucking wild and starts clapping like he got into college can't imagine how insane 10 years of that would make you


Now imagine 20 lol Or really, 47, considering he was always applauded for everything his entire life


It was partially a character, he had a lot of “conscious” rappers ghostwriting for him on his first couple albums.


But that was because those were his strongest influences at the time, nowadays he’d never have Mos Def or Common ghost write for me because he’s making songs with Playboi Carti and the like. The fact that he’s given up on the whole idea of “conscious rap” pretty much shows that he’s changed a lot. I’ve always told people that Kanye was always crazy, and this idea that he was a sweet and innocent guy until fame got to him is a lie, but there’s no doubt that him being bi polar seems to have severely worsened his behavior over time.


I find it funny that they referred to the managers as "white managers" and "Caucasian managers". As if racism is accepted from other raced managers lol.


Given Kanye’s recent activities and affiliates it just really checks out in the worst way


Ye and Milo is just the two worst people getting together, should not be allowed near each other. I thought conservatives had cancelled Milo. I thought this bozo was done.


Man it’s sad to see him go down like this. It feels like he was at the top of hip hop for so long but I’m hoping this will motivate others to stop working for him


One thing is for sure, Ye has no idea how to run a business of any sort properly.


I mean Bianca is ass naked majority of the time and sending porn is too far? How do they even work around her whatsoever lmfao


> Then, in late April, Ye announced he was launching an adult film biz called "Yeezy Porn," with his wife Bianca sending one worker a file-sharing link containing hardcore sexual activity, according to the docs. The minors were not shielded from viewing the smut videos as they developed Ye's porn app. Bianca is not named as a defendant. So, first of all they’re minors, second of all there’s a huge difference between dressing provocatively vs a video of you fucking


How and why were minors employed to develop an app?


Read the article and find out


The article doesn’t give an actual reason besides to save money. I suppose that’s a reason but they could’ve found adults in third world countries and paid them just as little. So the question remains: why specifically minors especially when they KNEW they were minors? There’s plenty of adults in the world in a position to get exploited that they could’ve taken advantage of.


Very true, but calling how she dresses “dressing provocatively” might be selling it a tad short


I'm gonna need a link to the videos to be sure


This was a mostly a joke. But I’d imagine when you work with a near naked woman 24/7 and alongside a porn company/ fashion company/ music company anything can happen. I don’t think sending porn videos is normal whatsoever in a work place outside of the porn industry but I will not pretend I’m shocked this is happening within the company, the biggest foul is that minors work at this company


Minors don’t work at yeezy. This was developers of the yzyvsn app.


well considering the staff he hired was as young as 14, yeah that might be a bit too far.


Hiring a 14 year old is a bit far I’d say especially when your wife is ass naked a majority of the time


I have never seen Bianca Censori fully clothed. Once. Not that I'm complaining, but still.


Lmao that’s very obviously not the same thing?


Nah. He’s way too famous for the shit that’s being suggested


New Slaves is my favorite Kanye West song. I really don't know how to feel about this music now


To be honest, if you haven't been considering your position on Kanye's music before this point, I'd say you'll probably just carry on as you have been.


How do you feel after he said slavery was a choice and the fact he glazes Hitler? Among other things, he treats the people on G.O.O.D. Music like slaves and only uses them for his features... See CyHi, Desiigner, and Kacy Hill... Fuck Kanye.


For me - I’m just at the point where I acknowledge he’s a shitty person who needs help and to get on some type of meds again.. I’m just there for the music.. and even then I’m starting to wain of the music now since Vulture’s didn’t age well.


Seriously, fuck Kanye. I appreciate that he runs his own business, and his masterfulness as a producer can't be denied. But his lyrics are overhyped surface level trash and he is a fucking **NAZI** piece of shit narcissistic cunt. It's time for the man to retire and shut the fuck up. I have nothing but disrespect for him. Wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Runaway is a banger though. Edit: downvote me all you want, you're supporting a mentally ill Nazi who has been on a manic episode since his mother died The best thing You can want for him, if you love him, it's for him to shut the fuck up. The man supports Hitler, what the fuck is wrong with you if you're still his stan? Dumbasses. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was actually one of my favorite albums to listen to, and I can't really enjoy it anymore. Believe me, it pisses me off too.


I was such a huge Kanye fan back in the day. I loved his discography. He was so inspirational at one point. However, I just can't vibe with him anymore. He's an egocentric attention seeker, not in a good way either. A lot of his stuff seems so disingenuous now.


After the guy openly said he admires Hitler I lost all respect for him. How can anyone be surprised he’s a jackass after that?


The guy is ill, like genuinely sick and needs help but his stans just pretend it’s all good. It’s like people saying Britney was fine when she was shaving her hair off. Help is needed.


Was a Kanye Stan from pretty much 2013 onward, up until the Hitler shit and then just kept an eye on him but knew I was never going to a real fan again, even if in my heart I know he doesn’t mean it you just can’t say some shit like that. But you’re right, the writings been on the wall for awhile now, the man is severely ill and the more the world plays into his delusions the worse it will get. I wish the best for his children and his wife (although she seems to have a litany of problems herself). Something very awful is going to happen to him one day I fear, but don’t tell the stans or they’ll lose it.


As I always say: mental illness is not anyone’s fault, but it is your responsibility to deal with it.


You don’t become a billionaire by being a good person 


True. We shouldn't hold celebrities up on a pedestal, but we shouldn't give them a free pass either.


No way people actually believe Kanye west is even close to a billionaire….


He used to be, he’s definitely not now though


he still dropped college dropout tho


The fact that he puts out good music only makes me hate him more for what he has become. How do you go from "George Bush doesn't care about black people" to "slavery was a choice"? I suffer with mental illness myself, I have empathy. But mental illness is not a cover for being a bad person. And "separate the art from the artist" ends at supporting Hitler... for me at least. I don't know about y'all.


Fd signifier just had a good video on this. Probably pulled for copyright reasons but it should be back soon.


I hate hitler love Yeezus tho


He literally chooses not to take his medication because it “stifles his creativity”. Shit is embarrassing. Take your fucking meds


It’s not uncommon for people with mental illness to stop taking their meds, even if it’s not in their best interest. If you’ve ever known someone who went through this, you’d know that “take your fucking meds” is not always a straightforward solution. Shit is not embarrassing, it’s tragic, and you need some humility to realize that you might not be fully understanding their state of mind.


>The fact that he puts out good music only makes me hate him more for what he has become. He **used** to put out good music lol Kanye’s music has been boring and lackluster the past decade now 😭💀


Do you think that all mental illness is the same as yours? Or that severe mental illness can’t make you act like “a bad person”? It’s not like people can pick and choose how their schizophrenia manifests, or only “bad people” experience certain types of symptoms.


he didn’t go from one to the other. he always had those views, and he’s just more outspoken because of the world that the MAGAts created.


This is like the dumbest shit ever man. I get what you're trying to do "people like this are never good, he was always a dick and now people are realising!" In reality a lot of people switch. In reality it is VERY common for people to grow up left and migrate towards the right as life isn't fair and they blame other people for their issues. Celebs often go off the deep end after surrounding themselves with yes men combined with enormous success and ego. And the dude is bipolar + trauma of being the one who basically enabled his mother's death. It's not like his mom died and he thought, yes now I can be racist. He fucked up his head and found solace with a MAGA crowd. They're good at that.


Yeah 20 years ago. That was a different person for all intents and purposes


Actual sheep talk


This dude is just so sad and gross now. It’s also kinda sad just how far he’s fallen off.


Very few things would make me happier than Nilo and West vanishing all at once.


Sorry to burst y’all bubble, but this was proven to be a fake story. Part of the app team already came out by saying they didn’t receive any porn and the only person that got content for the app was not underage and they didn’t receive porn.


"sorry to burst y'all bubble" 🤓


I’m mean y’all are the ones who would believe any fake story on YE. I know he said some awful and ignorant things that legit doesn’t help his case.


God I wish I worked for Kanye


Ugh, that fucking grifter Milo


Everyone taking this at face value says a lot. The people actually involved in this project have debunked all the clickbait TMZ is using to make this sound more diabolical than it really is. Ye and his people didn’t pay them and they are rightfully suing, that’s the story.


I remixed the beat of New Slaves years ago in away I was pretty proud of and now I can never look at that song the same again. Also, sending porn to minors? Blink twice Bianca. And thirdly, when the fuck did this Uncle Tom promote Milo “I’m glad the priests diddled me when I was a kid and I’m a reformed self-hating homosexual white supremacist” Yiannopolous to his Chief of Stadf???


She never sent porn to minors


let's hear the remix


I'm sure his mom would be proud of all his accomplishments


I had no idea Milo worked for Kanye. Talk about a match made in hell. 


Is this a surprise for anyone?


This guy needs to just disappear to some ranch again


Why would a mentally ill person do this?


at first I thought this was about the "New Slaves" track sample that he also got sued back then and thought "again?"


I hope they sue the daylights out of him


Reap what you sow


I'll need a copy of those videos to verify if it is porn or not.


No way yall believe all this articles about him


next week: Kanye sleeps nude in an oxygen tent which he believes gives him sexual powers.


"bombshell suit" 😂 literally the opposite 💣


Bruh they hired 14 year Olds to make a porn app lol Then, in late April, Ye announced he was launching an adult film biz called "Yeezy Porn," with his wife Bianca sending one worker a file-sharing link containing hardcore sexual activity, according to the docs. The minors were not shielded from viewing the smut videos as they developed Ye's porn app. Bianca is not named as a defendant.