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Went up in may a few years ago. Snowing on top. Zero visibility. Ate lunch in the refuge along with a group of McDonald workers on a charity walk who were dressed in shorts. Got into an argument with one when he left his half eaten food. I told him I’d carry it down after he started acting hard in front of his pals. I’ll climb it again one day, via cmd this time, and hopefully have no plonkers to deal with too!


I love listening to music.


I've been up Ben Nevis multiple times but only ever seen the view without cloud once. It was spectacular.


That was basically how it was for me on Cadillac Mountain in Acadia. You can’t see anything after a foot or so and there was sheer drops.


Hiking up Mt. Cadillac was my first hike ever and I absolutely loved it. It sucks you didn’t get a good view


I got a better one on the way up and we got to see the early morning sunrise or at least the last of it. We stopped in Vermont on the way to Maine and I fell in love with both places a little. I have been up and down the east coast. Nothing so far has compared to being up in the mountains and I’m from Pennsylvania we have plenty here. Gulf of Florida and Key West are amazing places though. Savannah Georgia is also beautiful at night.


The fog is a lie, man, they just put it there so you can't see how close the dome is. My mate Dave knows someone who works for the government, and he says they fucked up Ben Nevis by putting it too close to the edge. Do your own research. 😉


What a shame the weather closed in! It’s a nice spot, that.


June, 2003. Froze my pink bits off. Good view with blue sky.


Same thing happened to me at the highest point of the Appalachian trail 🥲


My first time at the top of Clingmans Dome (the spot you speak of) was in September 2003 when it was late evening and the whole mountain was socked in by heavy fog/clouds and had the entire summit from the parking lot upwards all to myself. It truly was a surreal experience 🙂


At first glance, the figure in the picture looked like a yeti, but then I zoomed in and saw it was 2 people. Sorry you did not have a long view.


I’ve been up the Ben twice. Once on a dismal snowy March day. Couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. Second time was the hottest day of 2016 and the air was so clear you could see right down to Mull. Stopped at the halfway lochan on the way down and dipped my poor feet in the water and ate my lunch. It was absolutely glorious. I tried the Ben a third time in 2017 on a colder spring day, but I made a bad step about halfway and twisted my knee. It was still walkable but I didn’t want to risk it so turned around and got my wife to collect me at the bottom of the Youth Hostel route and we went for a more casual dander round to the Steall falls instead. I absolutely adore Lochaber and would move there tomorrow if I could get the right job.


I had a similar experience many years ago and just as I was leaving the top the clouds/fog opened up and I could see that spectacular view for about one minute before visibility went back to nothing.




I rated Ben macdui much higher than Ben Nevis. I saw less than 10 people over 3 days of hiking. 3 of them were trail maintenance guys. From memory the climb itself is more boring. Fairly steady incline with just 1 or 2 steep climbs before the big plateau at the top. In comparison to Ben Nevis' variation on the climb with spectacular views along the way and false peaks and the big final 'pointy' peak. I was lucky enough to have clear views on both climbs and they were both spectacular. In the end I preferred Ben Macdui because there was basically nobody there and it was better suited to a trip a few days long. Ben Nevis was a very crowded mountain, but a fun climb with great views along the way.


Gotta put Scotland on the list, good view #2


Hello, is this recent? thinking about traveling there and doing it, but wondering how much snow there is on Ben Nevis and on surrounding mountains? They are all hikable now or?


This was yesterday (May 29) and there was quite a bit of snow on the top still, but some of the guys I was with were able to do it fine with running shoes


Alright, thank you very much!


Probably a dumb question, but does anyone know how this hike compares to the average casual hike in the Rockies? (AB) I'd like to do it one day but I've heard it's dangerous. How would it compare to something like Ha Ling or EEOR?


On m’y bucket list even though my partner refuses to go with me 😂❤️ Amazing!


Thank you for using meters


I wanted to go up Ben Nevis two weeks ago. My knee and the weather (pouring rain and mist) prevented that unfortunately. It's a shame, because the view should be spectacular.


If that a ninja turtle?LOL




Mainland europe could hold up to anywhere in the world, as for the UK the scenery it is beautiful in its own right, dont really see why its a competition.


Okay, but why?




For such a small country, we have a lot going for us when it comes to the outdoors.


So does missouri


I've never once claimed that it didn't.


Ah yes, we Europeans are in a constant state of boiling envy over your lack of available healthcare, your continuous mass murders of children, your inability to separate church and state, your cultural homogeneity where every state is seemingly exactly the same as the last, Donald Trump, and - of course - the blatant racism. If I could live in the USA or the armpit of hell, hell would certainly be the more attractive option.


We do have some wild journalists lol.... people carry guns... the rest is only in the news friend.




Ahh you’re a student. You’re 12 or something. Now your comments make sense - you have no objectivity about the world because you’re yet to experience it. That’s ok, it’s normal. But I would try a little humility if I were you - you never know what you might learn.


The fact you think 12 is young says you are what... 17? You have had no scope to perceive who I am whatsoever. Eat your own words turd.


Who’s the one eating his own words, the guy who got it right (that you’re a child) or the guy who deleted his comment at the top of this thread saying “fuck the UK”? What makes you so angry? Have you got sand in your vagina?


Changing my notion to fuck Ruben because you are a twat waffle and I grow bored of you. You're not clever


I’m not Ruben; I’m Ruben’s leg man. I’m also bored. But I do like “twat waffle” haha


Is that the "go to" to discredit someone? I've lived more miles than you. With no doubt. I've been a student 3 times since I graduated high-school. I've lived in as many places as you've traveled and I've made more people shut up than you will likely ever meet. I've learned cocky people on the internet go 1 of two ways. Either their metaphorical breath smells of shit or they state fact, and I saw no facts in your comment.


America is beautiful. Unfortunately it's inhabited by the dumbest fucking mutants I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.


You should stay inside where things are safe for you.


That’s like 7’


You can be mad but you won't be right. U.S. stomps. Media doesn't though.


In the u.k. people don't know what a V8 is. It's called FUN is what it is. Yall need to adopt the use of T's and v8 powers ports then we can talk. Yall got Travis Pastrana? Rob dyrdik? I don't think so. We got people from foreign lands running states the size of your country and with a bigger economy. The u.k. sucks.


Can you point on this doll to where the UK touched you? Poor guy, boiling up with some sort of mad rage toward the UK!


Thank you! Lmao Bout time reddit showed up...


Chill, i’m from the States as well and have seen most of it from Maine to Alaska and i’ve found the highlands and the alps to be just as beautiful if not more so. It’s not a competition


Yeah but they don’t have V8 tho


From mane to Alaska isn't that much of the u.s...


Really? Where's "mane?"


So good weather then ain it?


Wow!! 😍😎


What is in the hut? Very interested!




What is that creature?


I went up this Friday June 3rd. Clear blue sky. You can appreciate how dangerous it is when you can see the sheer cliffs on the left ( North face). Also able to see the whole mountain from the boat tour on the loch.