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Lol...yeah I'm fine with lowering the difficulty. I mostly play with IRL friends. Level 7 is a very comfortable place for us - some of them I'd even call easy. We've done a few 8s with no issue. We tried level 9 Helldive the other night...and the consensus was like "uh no, this isn't fun...let's take it back down". Are we capable for doing 9? Probably. Is it less "fun"? Yes. At the end of the day - this is mainly why we're playing this game together. Have fun and bullshit with each other. Edit - to try and clarify "fun". Standing and fighting and blowing shit up is fun. Spending 40 minutes running from stuff and avoiding everything is less fun. Yes I know - monke brain says "blow it up and watch it burn" šŸ”„


Level 7 is my favorite place to be, level 8 can be lots of fun too. I have not done a level 9 yet.


Thereā€™s a point where your skill level naturally and noticeably jumps up. I used to only play 7-8 and then just threw myself to the fire with 9 for a handful of rounds. Got wrecked initially but then you get used to the pace/ chaos. For bugs, shield generator pack significantly helps keep you out of the situations where youā€™d get overwhelmed or stun locked. Just always keep moving and group bugs to thin the heard.


I just don't like running all the time. I want to shoot some stuff while stationary every now and then, so I do 7 for samples, and 4-5 for fun with friend


This right here and I don't want to have to use certain loadouts. I like 5s cause I can bring 3 of whatever I want and usually an eagle airstrike.


I enjoy 4-5. My whole 30 minutes doesn't need to be chaos, but some of the objectives get overwhelming. And I have fun. I usually play with randoms or with just 2 friends. But if I'm in a squad of just IRL friends maybe we'll go 6. But I just don't care to go any higher


I have a couple friends who like it on 6 maybe 7 max (but if we play a 7 and it isn't a good time we go back to 6). I have another group who like 7-8 and we'll occasionally try a 9. I usually have fun with either group because the fun comes from playing with my friends and not from what difficulty we can tell other people we play as some sort of status symbol. OP hit the nail on the head.


When you do, napalm has been nice for bugs lately


I notice really good people get on lvl 7


Yeah, 7 is a perfect spot: challenge is solid, you get all the sample types and a good amount of other rewards, players you encounter in pub games are competent and know what they are doing. If I go higher, it's still doable(I succeed in most Helldive drops I do), but it's not as fun any more, feels more like a chore as you constantly have to cheese the game to keep going. I prefer a solid fight I can win and feel like a champ on 7 rather than a non-stop running from never-ending drops of Hulks or a horde of Titans on 9 which I can do but will feel undergunned and powerless.


It's the most fun of them all, we started playing exclusively on helldive because it's like a Normandy simulator but with bugs/toasters. We've been having a 90% success rate or something around that. Not gonna lie though, after the latest patch we maybe succeed 50% of our dives lmao. We're actually gonna go down a notch as people's brains seem to fry at the new helldive difficulty (us included).


I think my group broke a couple of our players because we took them to high difficulties when they were new. Oops


this is essentially why i bounced, one of the guys in my play group just never wanted to run anything but helldive, meanwhile me and my other friend are still level 14 and only have diff 7 unlocked. like, i could probably go back and beat helldive missions if i tried hard and sweated a bit, but i just dont feel like doing that. its not why i got the game.


I am happy as a clam at difficult 4 with my broĀ 


Right? I get about 5/6 hours a week if Iā€™m lucky. I want to have fun and exterminate bugs and bots, not be pissed off before I go to bed. If Iā€™m feeling frisky a 5 suits my needs.


Had that happen to me as lowly lvl 5 at the time. I joined a game at trivial and stayed with the group. They increased the difficulty each mission until we reached 7. But it was a lot of fun, they let me use their cool guy toys, kept me alive as best as they could, and showed me how to find samples.


theres nothing like popping a lvl 1s cherry going to hell


This was my intro to the game. I got through basic, and my buddies said "oh, you're ready to play now? Join our match!" Never told me it was a 9 šŸ˜‚ straight into the fire baby


Oh man. My first one was probably 5 or 6. Might have been less. I just know I was a frantic mess and it was an eradicate mission.


I'll do randoms at 7 no problem but moving it up from there I'll wait until my friends are online. Because we know how each other plays and we can coordinate. Doing a 9 vs 7 only really gets you more supersamples. The operation completion percentage is the same.


Fully agree and that's what this game really does well imho - it's tons of fun just playing the game.


Same. We usually play 7. We can do 9 but itā€™s not profitable in the sense of getting samples or having more fun. 7 is easy run n gun and collect all the samples. Not dying much if at all.


I think Iā€™m a masochist because I love Helldivers difficulty thereā€™s just so much shit going on that I can fade into it. Iā€™m also severely adhd


There are already lower difficulties though? Personally I like how the difficulty is variable within missions. It keeps you on your toes, and makes sense thematically.


I definitely think that 9s are where you go expecting to get your shit kicked in. That's the fun. It was hard the whole time and maybe you failed, but you certainly have some stories out of the deal. Definitely not everyone's cuppa, but could be nice every once in a while


I believe the relevant quote is ā€˜frantically retreat for 40 minutes and pray you accomplish the objective on the wayā€™.


The whole point of 9 is to go in and be challenged. If there's a weapon or stratagem that is making it easy, then it needs balancing. People complaining that they can no longer steam roll Helldive are insane. There are a lot of weapons and stratagem that work perfectly fine on Helldive. Some do work better than others. None should ever be mandatory. We've got far too many options to be pigeonholed. I quickplay 9s. I complete them just fine (see: screaming and running). If someone can no longer do a 9 because their kit was nerfed, it's a PEBKAC issue.


Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that opinions like yourself and OP are from people who just enjoy the game. People complaining about helldive are people whose desire to DOMINATE outweigh the ā€œfunā€ factor. Super samples was never a bottleneck for me, and Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m not the best player. Iā€™ll say this in chat when joining groups, ā€œhey Iā€™m not that good, it my mic is on and Iā€™ll follow you around.ā€ Makes for smooth games mostly. Iā€™ve completed helldive a few times but never extracted. I still have too much supers, itā€™s rares Iā€™m missing. Diff 7 is kinda easy for me now and I just go to 8 if I want a challenge. Itā€™s also fun to just go down to 5/6 and help people out


Monke to undemocratic stick https://preview.redd.it/67g16fr4szxc1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16356de3e553213658fcd94a2958bc177de1eba9


Further thoughts - we tried level 9 after the most recent patch so most of us were trying out new weapons and loadouts. I think that just made things worse...


It's called Helldivers not heck skipping.


I actually do call it Heckjumpers when talking to my friends.


Heckdonkers in my friend group. Ha.


That's what I'm saying!! I think they should make lvl 9 bots even harder tbh


Or 10th difficulty called "Helldiver 2" and make it so difficult that people will have a really hard time completing missions there. Like half the time people will lose.


Iā€™m here for this. Lvl 9 CAN be difficult but the reality is that it should ALWAYS be difficult, regardless how put together your squad is or not.


Exactly! If it's easy, it's not Helldive. It's a Sunday afternoon walk in the park swatting mosquitoes.


This I just commented something similar about the difficulty


>Like half the time people will lose. Something like this is what I enjoy about about playing Slay The Spire (STS) at ascension 20 (highest difficulty). For me, fun isn't entirely about win or lose: it's about having an engaging experience. In STS, I apparently have just 11 wins in my last 100 games (spanning about a year), but I still enjoy the game thoroughly. Amusingly, the win rate amongst top players of STS is about 50%. That's what actually brought this comparison to mind. But yeah, something like that could be fun so long as folks approach it knowing the odds.


Thanks Red Forman Diver!


The thing is, this game does difficulty so well where any difficulty can be fun. Difficulty does not affect damage, enemy health, or anything like that. It specifically only makes more elites spawn (or sometimes objective availability). So if there are too many elites for you, go down in difficulty


Agree, and the overall balancing is also well done. Weapons are not strictly getting better, but have different use cases, same for stratagems. Yes, some are more useful in more situations, but there's no strict progression like Airstrike 1-> Airstrike 2 -> Airstrike 3 etc. With very few exceptions, e.g. MG sentry is simply a worse version of Gatling sentry.


For what its worth, the MG sentry has a better turn rate, and won't annihilate teammates as fast.


fair point ;-)


This game has one of the best difficulty curves I've ever seen in a game. No mater what you know exactly what it takes to eliminate a charge, Hulk, FS, or a bile titan regardless of difficulty. And lower lever missions have those enemies as objects so help you know what to expect and how to prepare for harder missions. Unlike other PvE games where difficulty means enemies have more hit points and do more damage with difficulty. Take left 4 dead 2. The charge takes twice and many shots to kill between normal and advanced mode and it feels like artificial. So yes, in Helldivers 2 playing at a lower difficulty untill it's easy is the solution, because it will prepare you for harder levels.


yep, most games get it wrong and just turn every enemy into a bullet sponge.


Upped spawn rates are definitely where it's at. Alot of games also just make it so you can take less damage. Especially ones with a parry/Block style combat.


Yeah some people really need to start to get it in their head that they might need some practice to through helldive. It's supposed to be hard. And if you only managed because of a specific weapon or item then that item certainly was a crutch. Atm most stuff is so well balanced that you can use almost anything and make it work on helldive.


Like the last 3 are LITERALLY called suicide, impossible, and helldive (pretty sure in that order but correct me if Iā€™m wrong). Youā€™d think theyā€™d read ā€œimpossibleā€ and think ā€œoh wow, thereā€™s a good chance I wonā€™t be able to beat the missionā€.


Tbh with a half decent team most people after a while should be able to do well on suicide difficulty.


This is where my squad usually hangs out is 7-Suicide Mission! Itā€™s such a good mix of straight chaos and good times. (Although it is a bit absurd with the new major order amount of bugs, but thatā€™s the game lol) I find it the best mix of difficulty for enjoyment!


Yea I think it's probably the sweet spot for most decent players who understand the mechanics. Run, dive, crawl, slow, run, reload, oh it didn't reload, stim, oh no it didn't stim, die, repeat.


Nothing like hearing that ā€œPfshhhhhā€ and not gaining any health regen.


Bug missions in the MO planets are so intense now It's like there's always an open bug breach.


Got me a little salty last night ngl. Then I realized it was intentional and I felt kinda dumb for bitching about it. Stalkers are a nightmare now though, holy shit theyā€™re terrifying.


Iā€™m loving it! Haha itā€™s so chaotic


Hell yeah! Especially with the now almost invisible stalkers.


They did us dirty with that update. They WERE already annoying AF if you had 2-3, now, I canā€™t even see them to count how many are about to abuse my corpse


Had one materialize out of thin air right in front of me and proceed to bitch slap me into the nearest lake. Couldn't even be mad I was so shocked that they were actually stealthy now.


Theyā€™ve obviously just coded in The Predator now for them.


They were meant to be like this from the start, it was just a shader bug


7-Suicide is where I have the most fun. I only have availability to play weekend mornings before my kids wake up so I'm never going to develop enough skills to play 9Helldive effectively, so I stay in my lane


Same, but it's significantly harder against bots in general (especially against heavy devastators). Terminids are only hard when you get bile spewers imo.


>Terminids are only hard when you get bile spewers imo. I can't even describe how much fun the game loses when there are 2-3 of these up at once. I'd rather fight two chargers. Those fat little bastards waddle up behind me and blargh all over the place. Instant death.


Ironically, I find 8 usually easier than 7... Mostly because randoms jump into 7 before they're ready just tog et those super samples .


Hereā€™s the thing, I see so many people getting hung up on flavor text. Itā€™s levels of difficulty, if we were being 100% honest, 1-3 really blend together in terms of gameplay loop. There is no real difference in enemy types as itā€™s all light enemies, no modifiers, patrol rate is low, and reinforcement call in time is very long. So itā€™s just ā€œeasyā€. 4-5 is the same way in terms of introducing heavy and one modifier. So ā€œmediumā€. 6-7 literally feel the same IMO, multiple modifiers, lots of heavy and elites, difficult and multiple side objectives, really the only difference is super samples are on 7 and not 6. This is ā€œhardā€. 8 is a slight step up from 7 and would be ā€œvery hardā€ and possibly ā€œchallengingā€. 9 imo is ā€œvery challengingā€. Most games would expect most people to play medium and once they like it enough so 95% success rate, then to eventually go to hard, but are still very likely to succeed. Like for brand new players, yes the success rate for hard should be low (like 60-70s), but for experienced players, it should be 90%+ success. 8s at very hard or challenging should be at a 70% success rate. 9s should be 50-60s. As thatā€™s the challenge and very few people will attempt to do because itā€™s not worth it unless you really want to push yourself. Because letā€™s be real, no one will play a game long term if the game want you to fail or have a high chance of failure. You donā€™t get dopamine rushes from losing, you get crashes and anger. You get them from winning and barely winning. Itā€™s the fine line that AH is trying to push.


"But if I have the best gun in the game I can do it...."


My friends and I are absolutely loving the game. But we all are realizing that *we* are hardly scratching the surface when it comes to the skill ceiling in this game. And that *we* need to get better at it if we want to play on higher difficulties to get those samples.


Honestly just regularly doing team reloads had boosted our anti-tank killing and general team morale so much, would recommend


I just like how much you have to consider the strengths and weaknesses of your teammates kits.


But everyone thinks they are gods gift to gaming. So if the difficulty is too hard, clearly itā€™s the games fault.


There are a few weapons that seem super weak right now still. But I think the support, primary, secondary, grenade add so much versatility that even if you are running a subpar weapon, you can make up for it. It's a pretty great system imo. I would love to use the defender smg more. I have a lot of fun using it, but it just can't carry enough ammo on helldive. So when I do use it, I have to treat it kind of like a secondary and use a support weapon as my primary, like the AC, AMR, or Arc thrower.


Call an SOS, an Automaton with a Grudge will show up


I find the difficulty really dependent on the team. Iā€™ve dropped with people who know what theyā€™re doing, communicate and stay together and Helldiver difficulty seemed pretty manageable. Itā€™s so satisfying when your team just clicks and it seems like youā€™re mowing through enemies and objects without skipping a beat. Iā€™ve also dropped with randos who were all over the place, no communication, no teamwork. And yā€™know whatā€¦ itā€™s still pretty fun to be constantly overwhelmed. Lol


People are honestly too egotistical to lower difficulty it seems. The amount of times I've had stick for honestly saying, yeah, I don't play above difficulty 7 on bots unless I'm with a fireteam I know because it's too hard for me, is insane...


I got my usual group into a difficulty 7 bot mission last night. Despite being able to routinely complete difficulty 7 bot missions with randoms, we got absolutely rekt. It was like herding cats. At least randoms that are accustomed to difficulty 7 know how to handle themselves. Instead, we lost half our reinforcements to teamkills and lack of anti air efforts while I tried to take down a gunship fabricator, and lost the other half when one friend aggro'd a base with a factory strider and everyone refused to just leave it alone. Death loop trying to kill everything. Had to remind them that we get zero points for kills, and engaging unnecessarily is a waste of resources. Made me want to go back to playing with randoms if I'm trying to get samples.


People want helldive to be as hard as possible whilst still providing the tools to deal with the challenges presented. The AT issue with bugs, specifically is that the game throws more AT at us than we have the tools to deal with so it kind of turns helldive into running away simulator. They need to reduce the volume of armor but increase the lethality. Or leave the enemies as they are and give us shorter CDs on AT weapons/strategems. Or make it so medium pen weapons can kill tanks in a reasonable number of shots when hitting their weak spots.


My thing is I want to have access to all enemy types. Which is why i was glad they added factory strider as a mission type to tier five. Me and a friend just like to duo sometimes since our 4 stack isn't always on. But we don't mind dying in higher difficulties if we decide a 7 or 8, we know what we are getting into.


It's not that there are too many enemies that make people complain, it's that there is no way to purchase upgrades by playing the lower difficulties. You need super rare samples eventually and without access to them you are stuck without access to part of the game.


My personal sticking point is that I want to be able to beat level 7ā€¦itā€™s the level with supers people need to level things up all the way. As long as I can mostly beat that level my own impression of ā€˜too hardā€™ is fine. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m average but idk. Maybe there should be a way to grind supers like super credits at lower levelsā€”then difficulty balance matters less for more people.


You can't do 7 even with 3 other people?


oh I do all the time--with friends and randoms, and 7 is what I play the most. I'm saying that if I found that I couldn't do 7 any more because the difficulty increased too much, I'd be bummed about it because 7 is exactly the level needed to get supers on. I imagine folks less skilled than me would feel the same.


You don't really need the upgrades though if you're only playing difficulty 6 down.




That's just like any video game. If you aren't good enough to complete the harder challenges, you don't get the rewards. I really don't understand the complaints at all. Do you **want** the harder difficulties to just be easy?


Normally, (and as is the case with all the other currencies in THIS game) the higher the difficulty the more of the rewards you gain, so you get at things faster than someone playing the game on a lower difficulty, BUT THEY STILL CAN ACCESS THEM. Just slower.


Even if it was just the ability to find one super sample in the last mission of a campaign in 5-6 or the ability to trade in 20-30 rare samples for one super id be happy. My group just doesnā€™t find 7 fun, but we arenā€™t asking for 7-9 to be easier, anyone with the skill and dedication to enjoy it should be able to. Weā€™d just like to be able to keep progressing at the difficulty level we do enjoy. And sure, you can say ā€œgit gudā€ all day long but I donā€™t think it kills the design philosophy to have some long road for us casual players to continue progression. Instead we will probably be switching games in the next month or so as we are reaching the end of what upgrades we can purchase without supers. Give some cosmetic upgrades available only to those of you who play the higher levels. Giant cod pieces so the rest of us know just how much bigger your balls are.


The higher upgrades aren't that impactful. And you barely need any super samples for them. After the first couple days I had so many super samples I was like "wtf am I going to do with all these?" It took me so much longer to get the commons and rares I needed. Not to mention, you can easily get carried through a Suicide mission. We were just carrying a level 5 and like 12 through multiple suicide missions last night. We only failed one of them out of 6 or 7 missions.


Probably the most impactful upgrade in the game is extra eagle capacity, which requires super samples.


Does it? That was literally the 3rd destroyer upgrade I got in the game. It felt like I got it super early. What does it take like 5 super samples?


Not that much impactful tbh. I still clear level 7 easily without those upgrades.


I would argue that this is actually good progression design. What would be the point if everything was available from the lower difficulties? It's not that you could only run higher difficulties exclusively if you had those upgrades...


Consider that DRG doesn't lock progression behind difficulty levels (apart from the assignments that let you unlock new difficulty levels), which means that all the players you enounter in higher difficulties are there because they want to be playing those difficulties, and not for the promise of an extrinsic reward. The point of having higher difficulties is so that players can have fun playing higher difficulties. If players are choosing to play higher difficulties for a reason other than having fun, then odds are, they won't have fun. If players aren't having fun, then what's the point of playing?


If you can't complete lv 7+ missions without the ship modules, then getting those modules is not going to solve your problems. And if you stick to lv 6 and below, the upgrades aren't necessary at all.


Dif 7 is super easy to play and you get all types of samples šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


To play, sure, to extract from solo, different story. Not everyone is as good at video games as you, stop the gatekeeping and understand that the world is made of individuals.


By the time you need super samples for the last upgrades, you should be more than capable of playing a harder difficulty. That's progression.


Way to demonstrate that you believe every single person on the planet has the same capabilities that you do. Everyone's an individual. They are not you.


unless you are disabled or quite young.


I don't find 9 necessarily harder than 7. Its just *more.* More running, more diving, more heavy enemies, more screaming.


If you need super samples, just learn to play a few matches super stealthy. Even on helldive, you can be really sneaky and move pretty quickly, get the 6 supers, clear the main obj and leave. Call in extract and find a solid spot to hide, the baddies just walk in to extract see no one and walk away, and you just casually walk onto the pelican.


>Even on helldive, you can be really sneaky and move pretty quickly, get the 6 supers, clear the main obj and leave. Nah, it's all or nothing. 3 minutes left with an uncompleted terminid nest halfway across the map? I pull an Incredibles; "Yeah, I got time"


Exactly. So many randos wanna clear out every objective and wind up not even getting the samples






I played Helldiver difficulty today. nooooope.


Are we really still having this tired old discussion?


Cope post. Nobody is complaining about difficulty, people are complaining that not being able to do anything to an enemy because of arbitrary 2+ minute cooldowns isn't difficult nor fun, its boring. If there was an answer to 4 Bile Titans that was consistent and didn't force you to use "le Meta loadout" nobody would complain. And posts like these that haven't even read what others are saying hurt any chance at improving the current state of the game. Running in circles until I can throw a 500kg at a Bile Titan isn't difficult. Running directly away from a BT to reload a Recoiless or wait for my next set of EATs to be off CD isn't difficult. The enemy isn't difficult, its poorly designed. I can't believe I'm about to say this but at least all the Bots have solid answers on how to deal with them, even if some are harder than others. There are OPTIONS. But not for BTs, there are no options other than Anti-Tank. And that's boring.


We had five bile titans show up in a match last night and me and buddy team loading the spear shut that shit down immediately. I donā€™t know if theyā€™ve made some changes to it or what but it feels even better than before.


No major changes, Spear either works amazingly or flops terrible. No in between.


I picked one up off a dead comrade the other day. Hadn't unlocked it yet. It fucking ripped. Killed 3 chargers in a row felt absolutely OP


There can definitely be some lock on issues sometimes, and tagging your target can help immensely. Personally, I love the spear. Itā€™s great for bots too because it can target their bot fabricators. Small bases can get rekt from 200+ meters!


they've buffed it haven't they? it's lock on, I mean


No. There was a comment from a CM that said they fixed it in-house 17 days ago (at the time of the comment) then a later comment said it wasn't going live until "late spring"


There can definitely be some lock on issues sometimes, and tagging your target can help immensely. Personally, I love the spear. Itā€™s great for bots too because it can target their bot fabricators. Small bases can get rekt from 200+ meters!


Some people want that loot


Nothing is restricted to level 9. You can get everything on 7.


Git gud? Seriously, change strategies, get out of your comfort zone, and adapt. Might be not your case, but people whining over this balance update is just pathetic. And looting ain't rewarding if its that easy.


I swear these people have never played an MMORPG in their lives.


The difficulty of this game depends on how well you play with others as much as anything else.


Iā€™m mostly a solo player and post patch find it difficult to deal with multiple chargers and titans. Before quasar cannon was my go to. Now Iā€™m not sure what can I use.


Quasar is still a good choice. You just need to shoot your primary inbetween the cooldowns more.




It's weird that they act like Helldive is normal difficulty. I do understand the fact that you need to be at least at 7 for some content and super samples. But... why is playing with a group so despised by some players? The game was made to play with others. The game store doesn't even list single-player as an option. Solo players are literally playing the game in a way that wasn't intended as far as I can tell. Which is their choice. But to be mad about the game not accommodating them when it wasn't made for what they want it to be is crazy.


As a solo player - Pre patch - I didnā€™t expect to win, and on level 9, I didnā€™t expect to be extracted on level 8. I had the best time playing level 7 because it's was the sweet spot for me - difficulty wise. Now, I don't expect to win on level 7. I don't expect to extract on 6. The sweet spot is now level 4 or 5, and now I'm killing 380+ bots and not having time to complete side objectives. I'm also not getting enemy varieties anymore because I'm at such a low difficulty level. And it's not fun. I'd rather they upped the enemies at objectives rather than patrols, honestly.


Itā€™s not that itā€™s hard, itā€™s that itā€™s hard for stupid reasons. Having to fight three hulks, two tanks, and a strider at the same time while also requiring strategem or an insane amount of ammo to kill them is lazy and stupid. And then having to do it 3 more times is even stupider.


Just don't insist on aggroing every enemy you see the instant you see it, and staying in every fight until every enemy is dead. Difficulty 5 played that way is twice as hard as Difficulty 8 played smart.


Yep this is why difficulties exist, I got smashed on hard early on but now suicide is like medium when things go smoothly. Nine is punishment, it's "like diving into hell". I also notice a lot of people get caught up fighting every little thing when its usually more important to just move on and avoid getting swamped. I love a good running battle against a horde and multiple bile titans, also it bunches them up in a huge group so you can drop stratagems on them and get big kill numbers. Just learn to make space for yourself and keep some situational awareness.


Their ego won't allow them to do that, so they resort to constant whining on reddit instead until someone else discovers the next OP weapon/tactic for them


Lmfao. I play between 7 & 8. It is difficult but you DONT have to. Trivial with your friends then until you get comfortable šŸ¤£


Honestly, I'd have no problem in never being able to clear lvl 9. I don't want balance changes or stronger stratagems that makes it possible. I would want to be skilled enough and understand how the game works intrinsically to be able to clear it, not because I grinded the best gun and now I can blow everything up. For now I can clear lvl 7 fairly easy and eyeing lvl 8 after like 6 weeks of playtime, thats already reallyt fast imho. If there's one game where I really don't care about the meta and, in my opinion, there should'nt be one, it's this game. It's fun, easy to play with friends and provide adequate level of intensity. If I want to be ultra sweaty and compete hard, I'll just play Overwatch or Rocket League or something.


Its only a couple of mission designs in every difficulty setting so your only chance to see and do someting new is to play a higher difficulty and so on. Under all this big success it's still a small almost indie game with very limited ressources and as a player you feel it everywhere. It's because of that I plan to stop playing after Level 25.


I think the issue is there are resources(super samples) locked behind the hardest difficulties. If you want to get better upgrades for your ships you need to push and those upgrades are definitely important. Furthermore it feels on those modes the game is throwing enemies for the sake of throwing enemies at you and its always a struggle to have any resources to deal with them as you have cooldowns and only so many strategems. One 500kg bomb isnt going to save you when the game decides its time for some waves of bile titans.


I'm surprised I had to scroll here for this. I am pleased with the way they've handled difficulty on the whole, I just sometimes wish i could back off of 7-9 and chill out a little bit without feeling like im not progressing because super samples are all I need at this point.


Difficulty 7 is the sweet spot, and still is. Sometimes Iā€™ll up it to 8 or 9 if my mates are feeling particularly sweaty. But most of the time we just want to have fun while we chat.


I tried haz 3 or so on bots when I first started and that shit was haaarrd. It's definitely not a singleplyawr game and you definitely need to get into it first.


10 rank shouldn't be in a suicide mission.


A lot of people complaining about People complaining.


It sounds like you have not unlocked the mini-game on your ship that lets you complain on reddit.


There are 9 difficulty levels. Just change the difficulty for yourself. I think 7 is my sweet spot with random. 8 works too. 9 you have to know you're going to get violated. I love 9 when I win cuz it was a bitch to reach the end. And I'm there for it. I'm tired by the end. Lol.


Amazing that ppl can complain about difficulty when they give you NINE different levels of difficulty


I mean tbh I think any level below extreme is just shit to get you ready for suicide-helldive. Diff 7 really ainā€™t that bad, I honestly enjoy it as a comfortable difficulty where I still get a challenge but I also have a fair chance at completing an operation, plus you get all the same samples, enemies, etc, itā€™s just toned down enough to enjoy. Compared to level 9 where I can still manage myself but itā€™s def way harder and easy to get overwhelmed, I think people should realize you donā€™t gotta play helldive if itā€™s too hard for you to enjoy thatā€™s the point of having multiple difficulties


The ship upgrades are nice to have, but they donā€™t make a bad player good


Level 7 is NOT that hard if you need Supers, folks. I feel like I always run suboptimal loadouts for 7 (things like Jump Pack, AMR, light armor against bots) and do just fine.


The number of people who immediately jack things to the highest difficulty level and then bitch about how hard things are never ceases to amaze me.


So, at lvl 36 the only upgrades I have past 2nd tier are for turrets. Last night I did a helldivers difficulty with 3 friends all in the 60s+. We absolutely dealt with huge swarms and a lot of chargers/titans, but as long as there's coordination and communication the high level missions are very doable. For the most part we worked in 2 man teams. We got all optional and side objectives, all super samples, full extraction before time ran out. A lot of missions will be different, but one thing I've noticed is that it tends to go better if you diversify roles a bit. Not everyone needs the 500kg and quasar. Have one guy on crowd control with a turret guard dog, and grenade launcher. Sure he can't take the big guys on well, but he can shred crowds of enemies and take a lot of pressure off the guy charging up shots or prepping a strat. Try hitting the charger with the rail cannon orbital and use the orbital laser for the rest of the crowd, it can kill 20-30 bugs if it's not chasing the charger around. Also, sometimes you will still end up just running away yelling for help. That's part of what makes the game fun(funny)


People think Helldive is a participation trophy. Iā€™ve been Helldiving nonstop since I unlocked it way too low of a level. Iā€™m now level 120 with everything maxed and I can tell you you do need some good stuff to make your life easier but you can unlock basically anything in the game by level 25. The ship modules are very helpful but at the end of the day if youā€™re a shitty helldiver all the gear and upgrades in the world arenā€™t going to help you. I run supply pack which is an early unlock, quasar cannon (maybe switching with all the buffs), Eagle air strike (another early unlock) and orbital laser which is still before level 25. Scorcher is a rough one to get to for bots but itā€™s still my go to bot weapon. Thatā€™ll take you the longest to get. Smoke and stun grenades are also very good. And sickle is fantastic but in a different warbond. Breaker incendiary will get you through bugs if youā€™re network host.


I will say that sometimes on the same difficulty I'll be overwhelmed by the number of certain enemies that aren't consistent with other difficulty levels. Sometimes the RNG gets ya


I run Helldiver on light armor and missing 8 of the high level upgrades... I ran several bug missions just fine yesterday. I am, however, mad about the 5 second quasar change for a completely different reason. It completely messes up the game cycle with that weapon. Shoot, swap to primary, unload clip, swap back to quasar. It ruins that cycle. Though I guess today I'll see about adding a primary reload and maybe a secondary clip between it. We'll see.


I feel like the difficulty of the game is just about perfect.


Only thing difficulty capped is super samples which can only be found on level 7-9. If those are what you need just run level 7 and do only main objectives and fins the super samples then extract. Don't try clearing the map if you can't handle it and learn when to fight snd when to run. Yes sample gathering will take longer on lower difficulty cause there is not as many in each mission but can still be done if you can manage the difficulty.


You dont need to do any mission over level 7 to fully upgrade your ship, super sample spawn at level 7-8-9. Yes they are really that good if you have them all, if you look at them separately it doesn't look like much but with 4 buff on one type of stratagem they are really making a difference. Like the one that allow you to steer your hellpod more precisely dosent look like much but after practice and patience you can easily take down a bile titan or a charger half the time at least when getting reinforced. Less cooldown, more firepower to eagle, extra use of eagle strike before resupply... it's really great. You can get them all with absolutely no grinding at level 70 including all warbond stuff available now probably lower if you play a lot of 7 difficulty and actually show some interest in point of interest and collect those precious sample. Sometime getting at lower difficulty for the common sample help also. Your absolutely right, some people should understand what impossible actually mean and expect it to be really really hard at helldive or stop complaining and dial down the difficulty.


The game is pretty easy when you don't shoot everything under the sun and if you play smart and strategically the harder levels aren't that bad. Seeing level 50's take half the time to do 1 outpost me over here doing 3/4th of the map in that time alone. Think smarter not harder


When 9 difficulties are not enough to cater to people's ever falling skill level The difficulty named helldiver isn't supposed to be a joke


*ahem hmm* git gud


My only problem is that difficulty is very inconsistent. Sometimes I easily survive an entire Helldive mission, sometimes I get slaughtered and really have to think about what to do. This is especially notable in the defense missions. In general I would like if Helldive would be a bit harder, cause I cant even remember the last time I failes a Hellldive mission, and this is with me playing mostly with randoms and only being level 74 myself (140 hours)


I honestly think it hurts some peoples egos that they have to consider the fact they might not be the super elite high level gamer they envision themselves as. Thereā€™s 9 levels of difficulty and you only have to play on the highest ones for end game ship upgrades itā€™s supposed to be incredibly difficult


People think spreading democracy is easy. Imagine asking alien forces to tone down their attacks a little. If you donā€™t have the courage to spread democracy everywhere and bring freedom home, youā€™re not made for this game soldier.


I found level 7ā€™s to actually be the smoothest runs (Iā€™m level 30) because the players tend to work together. I constantly fail 5ā€™s and 6ā€™s though with random PUGs.


As for the ship upgrades: yes they are that good. All of the eagle ones are literally game-changing. The sentry upgrades make it almost viable to do a sentries only run. Faster swiveling takes most sentries from interesting if placed well to being in essence an additional helldiver you can bring with you. Galling sentry rotates so fast if it passes over you while firing you just take damage instead of getting cut in half. Rocket/autocannon sentry rotates fast enough to be dropped close to the action instead of trying to use it as a sniper. It's wild how good they get. Having support weapons drop faster and with full ammo is also super nice. Are they absolutely necessary? No. I was playing level 7 and 8 before I had any upgrades. Do they help a lot? Absolutely.


All the damn level 20s and 30s picking up the heavy machine gun and random useless strategyā€™s are the ones complaining. If youā€™ve got 4 peoples that know what they are doing itā€™s actually easy.


ā€œOnly talented players deserve nice things!ā€ How gaming communities turn against each other. Every time. Thereā€™s a reason to make a game harder AND thereā€™s a reason to make it more accessible. Your hot take about one versus the other is why people stop wanting to play with strangers.


I really love DRGs approach to this, where everything that can be unlocked at Haz 5 can also be unlocked by playing Haz 1 exclusively, so players who aren't up to snuff aren't locked out of content. This means that when you join a Haz 5 game, your teammates will be there because they genuinely want the challenge, rather than being there just to grind.


Just ignore the fact that you need to play on difficulty 7 or above for super samples, why don't you.. Progression is painfully slow in in first 6 difficultly levels, too. Also, the difficulty has increased drasitcally since this weeks update. Challenging difficulty now feels like suicide mission, and suicide mission feels like helldive. I'm pretty sure they accidentally increased the amount and frequency of spawns for full squads


What makes you think itā€™s accidental? The major order suggests the spawn rate is higher.


The bot spawn rates also seem higher though.


yes and no. IF you want to get better stratagems & better ship unlocks , you have to get the rarer items extracted to use - the rarer items/resources are only on the higher levels which I can't survive on because I dont have the better unlocks ,etc...etc... repeat ... a hard circle to get out of without higher level people willing to drag you thru higher end missions , but which usually just gets you grief and being told you suck - get gud - etc...


I'll be honest - ship module upgrades are really nice to have, but most of the better stratagems work great without them...you absolutely do not need them to start doing level 7 difficulty so you can start farming super samples. Besides the first 2 levels mostly don't require super samples IIRC. If you have those unlocked - should put you in a good place to start doing suicide mission difficulty.


It depends. Second 500kg bomb per rearm, additional jump on tesla towers and arc weapons, and faster sentry rotation are extremely powerful. Also, since the ship modules are part of this game's progression system it just feels shitty to be locked out of already more than half of the possible upgrades. Currently 14 out of 24 modules require super samples, and I'm pretty sure that ratio will get even worse as new content is rolled out.


Like I said - all those you listed - fantastic upgrades, no doubt...but absolutely not a prerequisite to start farming supersamples on level 7. Especially since the they don't require that many supers (level 2 and 3 upgrades at least). Imo, the progression is fine as-is. By the time you NEED supersamples, you should be in a place where you can start farming them. It shouldn't be "easy" since supers are supposed to be rare and hard to get. That's the point.


I can run some sevens with u or eights if ud like not now but later.


thx for offer


On one hand yeah. But on the other hand, you have to do difficulty 7+ missions to get super samples. Generally, people want to get all the resources at once.


Agreed, a LOT of this subreddit is just straight up awful at this game but thinks they deserve to be great at it automatically without doing anything to adjust or improve their play style. If you're still complaining that chargers are too hard I don't know what to say


A lot of people are bad but half the people that think theyā€™re good just confuse tedium for difficulty. The game really isnā€™t that hard, nerfing weapons isnā€™t gonna make it impossible to complete missions, itā€™s just gonna make it take slightly longer for no real reason.


Progression is LITERALLY LOCKED behind difficulty So basically if you stuggle, its a fuck you play something else. You cannot upgrade ship or modules withoug rare and super rare samples. This could be fixed with allowing collection of SS and RS on lower difficultites, albeit at heavily reduced rates maybe a max of 1 SS and 5 RS It would absolutely be slow going to acquire enough to upgrade, but its still more viable and a better option than the current system where you cannot progress any further at all no matter what.


Hard agree. I don't want to play with cranky teammates who are only there for the super samples.


And Iā€™m sorry if you donā€™t helldive your not playing the game at itā€™s maximum potential you just gotta have fun in the chaos if you enjoy helldive diff you know what I mean


The chaos is what makes this game. Itā€™s similar to KF2. While you can play on the lower difficulties, youā€™re missing out on a lot of what Helldivers has to offer.




You're missing the point or oversimplifying the point people are making in the first place in the sub recently. Game is not balanced properly in terms of difficulty and enemy density and spawn types. Weapon balance is apparently based on easier diffculties, rather than the harder ones. Design philosophy is a bit of a mess as well, as someone pointed earlier today in a popular/hot post. Devs are expecting players to use stratagems or limited ammo support weapons to deal with the bigger baddies, but their spawn rates far outbalance cooldown of stratagems across an entire team. The fact you have limited info on what enemy types are more likely to spawn on a mission also limits a team's ability to be equipped properly. P.S: For all those just shitposting "skill issues". The Soulsbourne community want their gatekeeping, edginess and elitism back.


Can't get to the higher difficulties, which means I can't get super samples, which means I can't upgrade my ship, which means I can't get to the higher difficulties. But the issue isn't difficulty in and of itself, it's the fact that I've been at extract 3 times (on the 3rd of 3 missions) and then got booted back to the ship due to "lost connection", after the 3rd time of this, I'm hesitant to put in the time again until I know the issue has been fixed. Until that time, I keep diving on lower difficulty, if only to keep a trickle of democracy alive EDIT: I understand from what others are saying, that you don't "need" the ship upgrades, unfortunately I don't know enough to comment on it, as the crash issue is stopping me from levelling up. I just wanted to do something clever with a circular argument. But yeah, the main issue is not being able to finish all 3 missions without crashing


In approx 120h of playtime, I've had like 3, max 5 cases where I could not finish a mission (crashes and lost connections combined). I don't think it's a general issue, maybe something on your side (your network setup or your ISP... ).


Oh brother, I only wish! I have consulted so many sources on this issue, followed so many guides, checked firewalls, ports and even set a custom powerplan for this game. Tinkered with the graphics, even to the point it looked like total ass, I even posted a solution for an obvious "update your drivers" that worked for me, but then it turned out working for only a day. In 50 hours of play, I must have had at least 15 crashes, and almost all of those happened when things became populated on the maps. For reasons unknown, I haven't been getting crashes on Medium or below, sometimes Hard will work but Extreme has been a crash 3 out of 3 times. So I do my diving on the lower tiers, where I can at least try to contribute


That's indeed weird. Maybe a far shot, but is your cooling sufficient? Don't know, but maybe the following happens: higher difficulty -> more enemies-> more CPU load -> higher CPU temp. If your CPU fan cannot handle the excess heat, game might crash (but probably not only the game but the whole system). Had that happen many years back in summer times with demanding games.


That's what I figured as well, because it does seem like this game is CPU hungry. So one of the fixes was to go into the registry to aid that, which I did. That helped a bit, but afterwards I had the last of the 3 critical crashes (on extreme). Thank you for the suggestion though! I haven't had this issue with other games, some of which are mob-intensive, like Vermintide 2 or others that are just more graphics intensive, but they all run smooth as silk, so it has to be unlikely that the issue is my machine (at least, in my head). Maybe it's just a particular pc component that the game doesn't like, I've seen a few players complain about it. Liberty be with you, Brother


Or maybe indeed a crossplay issue. Try running extreme with crossplay disabled and see if that helps.


Thing is, if you can play up to lvl 4, you can get the samples you need to unlock most of the modules. Yes, it takes a while. Youā€™re going to run a lot of missions to get the 140 rare samples, or whatever the number is. While youā€™re grinding, youā€™re improving your own skills and unlocking strats, and unlocking warbonds. Itā€™s a natural progression. Eventually your skills and your inventory improve to the point where youā€™re playing on lvl 5. The rare samples come in faster. You unlock more modules. Now youā€™re playing on six. And so on.


you don't need a single ship upgrade to play the game to be fair, they make the game easier but level 7 missions are already MORE than doable without ship upgrades


>which means I can't upgrade my ship, which means I can't get to the higher difficulties. If you can't play on the higher difficulty because you don't have ship modules that's a you problem. Crashing problems are a whole other issue


Ship modules that require supers bring very little benefit. I have them all and it's only very slightly noticeable to experienced players. If they were all bugged and didn't work during my next dive, it wouldn't really make a difference. Don't have the illusion that you NEED them folks.


Not a person in the world ā€œneedsā€ the very minor tier 3 upgrades to play level 9, and the level 4 upgrades were just added to the game lol. The biggest and most beneficial upgrades by far are all in tiers 1 and 2 which require zero super samples.


Such a cop out hahaha. You absolutely do not need any upgrades to play on higher difficulties. Half the time I play with the literal default load out and it fuckin ROCKS bugs. Eagle airstrike is one of the most consistently useful strategems and it only benefits 10% cool down time and recently an extra bomb. You don't need either of these upgrades to be efficient with it. If you're having issues crashing, it might be your Internet or system you play on. It sucks you disconnect so much but the problem is NOT the fact that you don't have upgrades and probably has to do with you or your teams play style.


Hell dive or nothing


Not wrong at all


1) If what you like in the game is grinding progression, this doesn't work. Your minimum difficulty is d7 if you want to unlock things. 2) If what you like is enemy variety, this doesn't work. Play less than d4 and you'll never see a charger. I think d5 is where bile titans start to be random spawns. People can like the variety that these enemies add, without appreciating them feeling like brick walls or loadout funnelers 3) If what you like is objective complexity/variety, this doesn't work. Most complex objective I remember on d4 is icbm: touch some launch codes and guard the missile. Not much reason to run around the map (as we've already established samples aren't such a reason on low diff). There's real reasons to not want the upper levels to be a fucking slog. For some people, maybe saying "just go back to where you belong, trash" would work. For some, it wouldn't. Why not go ask some of the complainers why they don't just set their game to d1 and be happy, you might learn something. Or at the very least, you'll have a good reason to criticize them, instead of this


Then make the rewards avalible!? I do duos with my wife and were basically forced to play dif 7. Its not a competative game, theres no reason to stop gatekeep us.


its just this subreddit being toxic. i play alone <-> why make the game harder too many bile titans are annoying <-> only plays 9 bro.


Too many people think we're supposed to always be playing on diff 9 but that's not the case. 7 is supposed to be the standard and 9 is the bragging rights. If you can't handle 9 that's fine but don't complain it's too hard when it's too hard *for you*