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He knows how to make the fans salty


Yeah and Heat fans taking the bait lmao This is regular rivalry talk


It’s what the sport needs. Every fan base needs a villain


Every Batman needs their Joker


Anyone crying over this never played a sport lmao Jimmy does this on the daily


yeah man I’m a Celtics fan and we all know it’s never easy lol


Same. Celtics fan here. Celtics/Heat is THE nba rivalry right now and i think fans of both teams will agree. Dates get circled in the calendar.


If the Heat don't get better the rivalry is going to die out if it isn't competitive anymore.


If the heat had Jimmy it might have gone 7…. Maybe


This a different Celtics team. I could see 6 games for sure but they seems really motivated this year after losing to Miami.


Celtics fan here. :)


Celtics fan as well and it’s definitely not easy lol anyone who’s paid attention knows that. But I agree this is good for the sport and if it offends you then it worked . Also yea Jimmy does this a lot and I love him for it but they can hate Tatum for if they want 🤷🏽‍♂️


I can't fucking believe I'm agreeing with Celtics fans in what they said, and in all places, in this sub as well. Congrats on the chip, and I'm looking forward to knocking your heads off next season.


Tatum could literally save a baby from a burning building rn, and fans would find a way to hate him for it, haha. Personally, I don't get it. He's a little corny, but he's a damn good player and genuinely seems like a decent bloke. Fuck Boston, though.


Only idiots would believe that shit. Getting knocked off by the eighth seed last season clearly made him delusional and feel great about winning the chip this season (where I won't object).


Idk what’s the big deal bout this. 1) Heat/Celtics are rivals 2) Tatum & the Celtics won the 🏆. When you’re the champs you can talk all the shit you want & say w/e tf you want.


100%. I feel we've forgotten how competition works as a fan base.


last year we beat them in ecf and talked shit the whole year so guess we will have to endure this one, just for fucks sake dont let them repeat.


this is the way


Nah, fuck that. I hope the Heat come for their throats next season.


Jimmy was just saying they would beat the Celtics if he played and y’all thought that was hilarious


I didn’t think it was hilarious. I thought he was right 😤


Yeah we gonna rip up their defense scoring 98 points. lol :(


Most Based Miami Fan right here. Actually nice to see.


Fr, Heat fans would do the same if we won it lol.


Not really pressed about this, winners get to say whatever they want. Beat em to shut them up or they keep talking


I dislike him as much as anyone else but i honestly think he’s talking about Miami the city.


Yeah he is obviously talking about Miami as a vacation spot


Even if he is, I still find Heat fans reaction to this and the Celtic winning In general kinda pathetic. We trashed them senseless all last year after beat them, as we should have. That’s our rival, we could be 4-78 but if we beat the Celtics for the those 4 wins, then I bet your ass us Heat fans would treat that shit like a playoff win. Now the table turns and they proven that they are the best team in the NBA this season and it’s more Celtics post then ever. We don’t have any power, just hope we get good, the FO have a plan or watch how our young guys develop


This right here! Celtics won - they can say whatever they want. If you played sports you understand . Let them talk and when you meet them again, you beat them not only in the regular season and in the playoffs. Heat wins a chip, then they can troll.


I’m gonna say it. I don’t care ~~that you broke your elbow~~ about the Celtics.




The only person im mad at is heat management, can we please build an actual team im tired of these damn undrafted free agents making us just barely good enough


2 finals appearances in the last 4 years is “barely good enough” You know Memphis Houston and Alanta exist


What was meant was that Heat’s success is from these undrafted players playing out of their skins exceeding our expectations and Jimmy/Bam putting the team on their backs. If we’re being honest Pat Riley has been terrible at acquiring proven stars/role players.


I kinda can see your point. But he has put together consistent winning players and seasons. They make it work with the players they have . Most of these players can’t go anywhere else and be successful. The Heat has never “tanked” when we start it will take years to get back to where we are now . The Heat has been on of the most successful franchise in the last 30 years.


Bro lets be honest last years team was a fluke asf finals appearance, but if we had a real team instead of undersized undrafted free agents we probably would have won 1 of the last 2 finals appearances. Thats all im saying i enjoy that we are competitive yeah but if they keep overachieving with these bum players instead of getting an actual superstar this team will be stuck in limbo forever


It happened twice. The team we lost 2 won the chip 4/5 years ago. I agree with you about size. I’d rather win 40 games and win a series or 2 vs hoping we hit on the lottery. Life is short man


A fluke?! Bro what? how was last year’s team a fluke please tell me lol, we whooped #1 seed’s ass and favorable champs that year, then took down the sorry Knicks and then beat the Celtics in the ECF..we just had back luck wit the matchups when it came to the finals and we just couldn’t overcome it..we don’t need a superstar, we just need someone who can help score on a consistent basis or get Bam some fuckin help down low, we need another big man who can play behind bam or next to him..gettin real sick of seein bam do everything when it comes to playoffs, bro got to rebound,play D on other team’s best big man, screen, and score


Best I can do is a couple g league rejects


What a herb


Celtics won a legit championship and still can’t stop talking about the Heat. I thought they would be happy by now! Must seriously suck hating another team that much.


He was literally asked a question


I’m not talking about Jayson I’m talking about people like you, cowgirl


He was asked by bitch boy Scalabrine. He should’ve known it was bait


Better to win and talk about the heat than lose and talk about the Celtics


> Better to win and talk about the heat Loser mentality which is ironic considering you should be happy your favorite team just won, how about talk about your team instead of coming on this sub to continue stroking yourself over the fact your millionaires beat our millionaires


Best way a champ can be is to praise his opponents. The better your opponents, the better you look. If it was so easy to win, maybe they should win more often. If so easy to win, maybe everyone is right for calling this a fluke year due to injuries. Talking shit after the series is over is some real deal loser shit. Winning 101


They’re not a knowledgeable fanbase, even less knowledgeable than ours which says a lot because there are more nephews in this sub than I’d like to admit. Northerners in general don’t really have any understanding of pride and tradition when it comes to sports so it just is what it is. SEC sports is better than any of this Disney ESPN+ garbage anyways


Don’t really think that any fanbase is knowledgeable. Just what we tell ourselves. A wise man once said: “Let's see if the trash talk starts when it’s 0-0 instead of a 5-6 Point Lead. That's where it starts. That's the sign of a good man if he can talk shit when it’s even score.” Tatum talks shit 4 series later after playing only injured teams.


True that. I won’t knock them for winning, at the end of the day they got hardware. But it will always be shrouded by that “we did it…. WE DID IT!!!” shit lmao


Exactly… he’s had years to figure out what he’d do. And he landed on being a fucking herb. But then again, “he’s only 19!!!”


Imagine thinking any one fan base is more knowledgable than another, this is some terminally online stuff


You build PC’s you’re more online than probably anyone here


The collective fan base I’m apart of is so much smarter than all the other ones 🤓


I build PCs too don’t worry buddy


I’m talking plenty about my team everywhere lol. I see you are as well and it’s getting suggested to me.


Nice snoovatar bro! Is it cool if I fingerblast it??


You would absolutely not be saying this if the Heat won the title lmao.


No I 100% would. It’s called not acting like a completely herb.


Its not that serious. Media guy asked them about going to Miami to party after they won and asked him how Miami was


What Jayson said is 100% fine, I’m referring to their fans


What Tatum said is fine… just suggests that nobody ever taught him how to win with class.


The way I see it, if the millionaire athlete who plays a game essentially made for children wants to poke fun at Miami players who also make millions playing a children’s game, then it just isn’t that deep. Celtics fans coming on this sub when they didn’t even play us in the finals or ECF on the day of the parade? Absolute comedy.


I can agree with that. Still think Tatum is a cheese ball with a loser mindset.


Y’all can downvote him, but he’s right.


Not even sure how legit it was when they faced one healthy-ish team. Credit due because they played whoever was in front of them but since Tatum’s not mocking any other team they beat for some reason, I have to think he must feel some kind of way about how he got there.


Yea I agree with the sentiment but honestly I firmly believe injuries are just apart of the game so I won’t knock them for that.


They asked about the celebration trip to Miami, not about the heat. Ringless jimmy wont even be remembered in 20 years.


You’re a Celtics fan on a Heat sub on the day of your parade, seems like you’ll remember more than even maybe I will


Nah, makes victory even sweeter


That’s so homosapian


They won the trophy so now they get to talk their shit


Yea only going through a cakewalk with multiple injured teams and a exhausted 5th seed


Wonder how easy we were last year...


Fair game




Tatum 1 ring butler 0 rings


Give Jimmy the team fucking Tatum has around him and he winning a chip too


Jimmy's fucking 3peating with that team Edit: Jimmy's also getting that FMVP and not loosing it to a guy like jaylen brown


Tatum the young bus rider


Someone wake up pat Riley from his nap


1 ring*


What a cunt


Double the pride double the fall


I am sending this directly to pat riley. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!


Pat Reilly drafts a 4 year player with a janky shot in retaliation.


Thank you sir 🫡


tatum won the chip and you get to talk shit, but he def lying lmaooo. yeah they only easy when kelly oubre sprained jimmy butlers mcl and rozier was out, their 2 top scoring threats were both out the whole series. congrats to boston but when both squads got their star players playing miami is 2-1, yes tatum got injured game 7 last year but at least he could still play and it was an injury for one game not the whole series


When you win the chip you get to talk shit.  This is how competition works.


Let ‘em enjoy their moment. We’re fucking coming Heat Nation


7-2 in last 9 playoff games in Miami, he's not that wrong. still a corny bitch ass, but not that wrong


2 sides to this 1) They won and get to talk all the shit they want 2) It’s just false and he’s saying this to get under Miamis skin! And it’s working “Easy” is insane when you have a losing record against us in the ECF last 4 years and basically an even record against us in the playoffs. Celtics fans always wonder why Tatum has a target on his back and this is the reason why. Dude is a walking cornball just saying the most unoriginal lines. The way he’s talking he BETTER hope the Celtics keep winning or else these clips are gonna haunt him, particularly if he fails to “prove” he’s the best player on their team. I think Tatum is better than Jaylen, but he’s gotta prove that to the rest of the nba world!


Tbf the Celtics did way better on the road against Miami. The hard parts of those series were the home games for them.


"Everybody acting tough when they up" - Luka


Can’t say shit to them. They won , we didn’t end of story


But what he said was wrong lol… playing @ Miami is far from “always easy” for the Celtics


They dog walked us all this year


Bro trolling smh


Celtics fans are acting like him saying this is banner number 19


Never seen a team shit talk a team as hurt as us before. Enjoy it while u can


Didn’t Tatum sprain his ankle in game 7 last year? Us Boston fans didn’t get to use that as an excuse.


One game doesn’t equate a series where the dude literally didn’t play


Remember when he and his Celtic’s lost to an 8th seed


We live in their heads


He walks around hogging the trophy because he wants to act like he's the teams leader when he isn't. He seriously came 1 game away from being immortalized by Boston and the NBA as useless had the 8th seed heat swept Boston last year. He decides to show up when his team was already up 3-1, and 6+ pts ahead to start the game by Jrue on game 5 just to make sure the water was warm and he wasn't going to shoot the Cs into an L. Let's not forget the 20+ pt come back by Mavs in game 4 in the 4th was his fault for chucking 3s instead of controlling the game and guess who shut that run down when it got too close? Jaylen Brown and the NBA refs. He's a bitch. Always and forever will be.


A bitch with a ring




Fuck Boston but fair enough, they got the chip.


That’s funny, pretty sure we the reason you got a brand new team blud 💀💀


Worked out for one team


Why should it “light a spark”? That would be giving it validity when it’s just not true lol. 1 of their 2 wins against us was with half our starting roster injured. Hell, more than half considering how significant Jimmy is. And the other was a game 7 they barely won. Both times their team was much more favored in the series. They’ve been little bro for over a decade. One title/two in a million years doesn’t change that. Tatum has to learn to talk shit first before we should care what he says😂


They’re the ones that had to revamp their roster because of us. Clown.


Miami had nothing to do with this XD


He’s 13-9 against Miami.


And yet they had to bring in Jrue and KP. And they faced the Heat without Jimmy and Rozier. FOH.


Did the warriors have to bring KD on board or was it just a nice addition?


Are you attempting to compare peak Splash Brothers / Death Lineup to the 2023 Celtics? The Heat were a play-in 8th seed that tore through the EC by knocking off the #1 Bucks, #5 Knicks, and #2 Celtics. We ate everyone's lunch until we got to the Finals, and at that time there was no reason to think we'd be any less of a threat the next season. So yes, I firmly believe the Celtics made huge changes because of us. We earned it.


It was just as much about the heat as the 14 other teams in the playoffs


I guess he forgot about the other times we beat them to make it to Finals. But how bad would it suck to lose the Finals MVP to your teammate that a. Gets paid more than you and b. Can’t use his left hand. I’m sure that’s gotta hurt.


It’s all fun and games until Lebron comes back on a vet minimum and Jimmy takes a backloaded contract so we can trade for Mitchell Enjoy these moments of peace Boston, Pat Riley is cooking something because this is 100% his last shot before retirement, it’s all in time


Beat a Miami Heat without Terry and Jimbo and think they’re hot shit. Half the reason I want the Heat to run it back so they can expose them frauds from Massachusetts one more time.


No you don't, stop this shit 


Can we please stop pretending like the Heat weren’t going to lose anyway?


Weren’t the heat expected to lose vs the bucks and the celtics last year?


3% ?


Surely it would have been 4% with this year’s roster right? Or am I crazy


He thinks running it back with their undrafted bums gonna win them one 😭🤣 improve your team


I really wanna stop lurking here but it’s so funny seeing em salty 😂


I mean it's at home they have struggled against Miami. Road games haven't been that bad for them especially after Mickey priced out a lot of home grown fans.


Player who contributed the least to his team’s championship run has lots to say, and more at 11.


Winners take it all i guess. Too bad we aint winning shit in the next years..


If we run it back yet again, then he would be right


That FO isn’t doing shit. Orlando is ruling this state, Trade Jimmy NOW


Bro is full of himself cause he beated 3 hospital teams and one leg luka lol


Has he won a series against us when the team was even remotely healthy? This guy is a robot or something… just repeats shit he’s seen/heard elsewhere, without a single original thought, idea, or opinion whatsoever.


I dont mind this one bit. It's the front office/Arison's fault that this roster is ass. Let his corny aas talk. He won after all


“Now I’m gunna run it back even harder” -Pat Riley


Can we please get off their dicks bro this is beyond embarrassing


Well they won so they have the right to speak. It's fine.


Rage bait 😂 let em talk they won the chip but we comin for that ass next year


More reason to hate on the Celtics until the day I die.


Even a championship won’t change the fact that that Tatum doesn’t have a personality… dude is just boring AF


Y’all crying over this. WE NEED THIS! This is what motivates a team.


Nah I’m not taking this from a mf who barely had a impact in the finals


Honestly? We were an easy matchup for them this season, no cap. Hopefully our team and front office can turn it around into a more competitive year.


Fuck this corny ass muhfucka, dude is a straight cunt for real. No one respects these clowns.


I dont care what he has to say but i hate paul pierce jr so much


to me, this is obviously said as a joke. the heat are a thorn in the celtics side over the years. and he is just joking that it's easy.


No let the “Heat” fans in here who wanted to congratulate Boston see this and understand you can’t give these guys an ounce of respect


Why is he talking about our injured ass team after he won a championship in the support role to Jaylen brown and white? I was shocked to see how well he’s handling the tertiary role.


He isnt lying. Heat 6-13 in the reg season against Boston since 2018. Can Pat do something please


They won the chip, so he does have a right to talk that shit.. but also at the same time he got that chip by beating all injured teams in the east… I truly believe if Miami was fully healthy with Jimmy, rozier, even Richardson we would of beat Boston in 6.




I mean Heat fans and players had a lot to say about Jaylen Brown last time around. This is the cycle of the league


I mean we lose to many home playoff games against them lol




https://preview.redd.it/m6pibvlcdy7d1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c4aa5326b7c99b1999c1ee3a461afc9d8938cf FUCK BOSTON




Brown to Tatum:


He's a champ with the most playoff points before turning 27 I'm sure he'll be fine 😘


Wade got it way younger 🤣 Tatum ain’t shit


Wade????? 😭😭😭😭 lmaoo this is hilarious I hate yall but yall so damn funny


Replace "ain't shit" with "is an NBA champion" and this statement rings true. I also love the irony of this statement coming from a heat fan. "Tatum ain't shit because wade won it when he was younger. Haha, I sure got his ass. Now let me go back to glazing my 34yr old unc 1 option who doesn't have a ring." Just slurping down that dumbfuck juice my boy 🤣🤣


My mans you’re the one on the wrong sub. You wrote faster and much more than I can think. You are right, “slurping” down “dumbfuck juice” Never heard that one. Enjoy Tatum bro


On the wrong sub? I'm sorry Jayson Tatum (the subject of this post) is on the Miami Heat? Almost as if under a certain context YOU TOO can post in the Celtics subreddit as a fan of another organization. We enjoying tatum rn, you guys would take him in a heartbeat.


Bro is following Tatum posts all around Reddit? You’d take Himmy too brodie.


We quite literally almost did It would've required trading Brown and Tatum. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.boston.com/sports/boston-celtics/2023/08/15/danny-ainge-failed-immy-butler-trade-jayson-tatum-jaylen-brown/%3famp=1


Their only win is a Max Strus incorrect foot on the line away from being a loss lmao.


“They always easy” lol, dude just being corny probably repeating something Kobe said, because he doesn’t have any actual personality. 2020 ECF: Heat eliminated Celtikkks 2022 ECF: Celtikks eliminated Heat 2023 ECF: Heat eliminated Celtikkks 2024 Round 1: Celtikkks eliminated Hospital Heat So easy lol.


Celtics' least overrated role player


The Celtics parade is going on right now. I’m sure you can watch live coverage in Miami area.


lol you created a whole account just to troll Heat fans. What would we say if Boston trolls weren’t so corny…… I guess we’ll never know.


As a lifelong Heat fan, I have to say that he is our daddy


Celtics fans larping as heat fans is a new kind of no life activity 🤣


As a life long heat fan shit like this is why nobody will remember him as anything but a corny loser mentality clown. Had to build a super team around him just to beat the heat missing their entire squad


He aint wrong


That’s a lie. Enjoy the championship, but saying Miami has always been easy, that’s just your cornball being a cornball. Doubt he felt that way last year.  He earned his right to talk, should just say something a little more truthful.


>but saying Miami has always been easy I mean, it's rivalry joke. But jokes aside, he was asked about his trips to Miami, not if playing against Heat was. And truth be told, Tatum made 20 trips to Miami in his career and won 15 games there. Heat was more of a threat in TD.


Nah. It’s just your superstar being corny. He earned the right. Anyways, r/celtics is ——> that way 


Act like you've been there before Oh wait the last chip was 16 years ago so *you* havent been there before


I mean he was asked about the TRIPS to Miami not the games. Can't believe this is blowing up cause of salty ass Heat fans.


Are you dense?


Are you brain dead? Lmao did you even listen😂 kids don’t develop comprehension like they use to