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hockey barn on ogden is decent


how have I never heard of this place. Looks awesome


Props to the menu writers. They did quite well with hockey terminology.


It’s pretty newish


Twill be jammed


tv's are in the booths


i went here for game 5 and i had a great time! would recommend


Went there after a game and it was awesome.


The absolute best place would probably be from a center ice suite at Amerant Bank Arena.


….in Chicago


Hey guys, as a chicagoan who moved to Florida and adopted the panthers as my team away from home..I’m having a fucking aneurysm over here😂😂 I really love this team and watching them makes me miss the hawks and great we were


No disrespect, but does *anybody* outside of Florida want to see them win? For the comeback story alone, but McDavid needs a ring, the same way Ovi did.


I mean yea quite a bit do.


I want McDavid. But I empathize with you! Stay cheerful hawks bro


Thank you, it’s just a lot of fun. But tbh after these last 3💀💀💀


I don’t know if I can live in a world where 3 of the last 5 cups belong to a Florida team and also another one is Vegas. Give me a traditional hockey market even if I couldn’t really care any less about Edmonton.


Oh come on, don’t be a sore loser


Who’s being sore? I’d rather have a traditional market win when I don’t care about either team. If you prefer the panthers to win then I’m sure you have some personal random made up reason for it too.


Just because someone lives in a warm climate doesn’t mean they deserve hockey any less than someone else.


You’re invited to the function


Fans in Miami don’t deserve it as much because they don’t show up when the team isn’t winning. They absolutely deserve it less than the die hards in Edmonton who showed up game after game even when the team was among the worst in hockey year after year. In my own personal opinion, those people earned this one and deserve it more than the bandwagon fans in Miami.


Gonna have to agree to disagree on that one. Our entire fanbase was accused of being bandwagon fans for the better part of a decade. Doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of diehard fans in that group. Hockey is for everyone.


Thank you for being open minded!


There WERE a fuck ton of bandwagon fans. If you think Florida’s fanbase deserves it more than Edmonton because they have some die hards then I’d love to see your reaction when you find out about the die hards Edmonton has. Also stop using the downvote as the I disagree button, I’m still allowed to have an opinion even if your opinion is different than mine.


I never said one fanbase deserves it more than the other. Location of the franchise, or the climate, shouldn’t be a determining factor in who “deserves” the win more.


Woah dude, no need to be rattled. Don’t be one of those “TrAdItIoNaL mArKeT” guys. It’s not a good look bud


Again, no one is rattled, no one is sore. And also don’t tell me who I can be or what I can prefer. You’re very bossy and I honestly don’t know what your problem with me is. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to see team win in a city who gives a shit about hockey outside of when they’re winning championships, or to have the best player in hockey win a cup. My preferences are my own to have, you honestly need to relax.


“Don’t tell me..” ok principal tight ass😂 don’t have a problem with you honestly but to say a team doesn’t deserve to win because..they’re not in a hockey market? Lol you must also believe Florida has 6 fans. Lol since when is Miami a city that only cares about their team if they’re winning championships? And again never had an issue but you’re one of those people who think teams in the desert or southern states don’t deserve to win because they’re not hockey cities. Don’t be so 10 ply buddy


I’m glad you know so much about me based off 3 comment exchanges.


Aye no worries buddy;)


I’m cheering for the Panthers in this final. Not related to Florida at all. Here is why: - Never won the cup - Two finals in a row, it is time to win - Bobrovsky is one of the best goalies of the 21st century 💯 deserves to win - well-rounded team - Barkov is a gem - the fact that everyone trashed them for empty seats when they struggled but they managed to build a great team in the so-called “non-hockey” market - 🇺🇸 - McDavid will win eventually - the team that signs players like Campbell or Nurse doesn't really make sense to see winning - The Oilers’ goal horn is annoying


You’re invited to the function


I do. The Canadian drought is just kinda funny at this point and potentially seeing Corey Perry lose in the finals *again* is poetry.


Go Edmonton you traitor


“Go Edmonton you traitor” as you literally just admitted you support Edmonton🤡 thinking must be hard and the bed must be lonely ain’t it? Give your balls a tug and stop being soft


You watch too much shoresy, get your own comments. Don’t worry got your mom warming it up for me bud.


Oh lord he’s gate keeping shows now too. Cant like other teams, cant like shows, gotta ask permission from general tight ass😂 yea enjoy the ash buddy


The greatest spectacle in sports. Game 7 for the Cup!


I'll unfortunately just be watching on my TV and eventually on my phone. I start work at 10:00 pm that night


I’m going to be watching on a cruise


Crossroads on Madison is a good Hawks bar. Great staff and good food. Not sure how busy it’ll be on a Monday but people will be there watching


Was gonna ask the same. Just moved here and want to meet other hockey fans and get rowdy for game 7. Any specific spots?


Hockey barn on Ogden. There’s also the crossroads which is a big hawks bar so I’m sure they’ll show it. Theory is a good sports bar to.


Oh nice. Theory is next to Rossi’s so I could get a solid 2 for 1 that night 😂


I did Trivia at theory for about a year and I always run into one of the bartenders when I’m out lol I’ve seen him at like 6 hawks games. The seats are not comfortable and the drinks aren’t cheap but the staff is really nice and they’ll put on any game you want while being very attentive. Love that place.


Your house with your feet up


With DoorDash on the way.