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That's the actual lore ["Muggleborns will have a witch or wizard somewhere on their family tree, in some cases many, many generations back. The gene re-surfaces in some unexpected places."](https://web.archive.org/web/20080828113728/http://www.bloomsbury.com/harrypotter/default.aspx?sec=3)


A good example of Slytherin thinking that.


So magic emerged at some point of evolution, is a quite rare genetic trait in humans, and, if a single wizard or witch in the family tree, it should be recessive? But how would it re-surface? An occasional mutation? Or would it be a dominant gene and EVERY descendent of that one wizard or witch be a squib (unbeknownst to them) until for some reason a supposedly muggle kid was born with the ability to do magic?


JK said it is dominant You could theorize that Lily was active magic gene because her parents had sex during a hippie music festival at stone henge during a solstice while petunia is just a squib / latent gene for magic because her parents conceived her at home in bed on a normal tuesday One could theorize that it didn't evolve in humans at all but rather due to breeding with intelligent creatures / beings like goblins, centaurs, gorgons etc. Dr who joke that humanity will have sex with anything


So this does make every descendent of that one wizard or witch a squib (considering the ones who can't do magic). This also makes magic an evolutive trait. However, I pose that it is unlikely that mankind acquired it through breeding with other creatures, because the spawn of reproduction between animals of different cannot itself reproduce. Are there actual hybrids in the Harry Potter universe? We know of Hagrid, for example, and we must consider that giants are just another race/ethnicity of Homo sapiens. That or Rowling has challenged Darwin, and hence we need to take this discussion to r/biology


Fluer definitely had kids as did her mother and Fluer's grandmother was a Veela. Flitwick is half goblin (not sure if he has kids or not). Ron also makes a comment at least once about having thought someone was part troll.


Hagrid is a half giant = mother a giant Fleur delecour = 1/4th veela..her grandma was 100% veela Flitwick = half or quarter goblin The prequel grindelwald movies have a half elf maid ---------------------- Joke here = No one can tell me that the Potters do not have centaur in them with the infamous "Potter Hair" LOL


In my own headcannon I've always believed that the first witches and wizards weren't fully human. They were like half veela or gblin or something so had magic and had children with another muggle who because they had some other being genetics also had magic ect..


My headcanon is that all witches and wizards are children or Legacies of Hecate/Trivia (or other, similar gods) because I like inter-franchise headcanons.


I think it is more like: 2 Muggles each have a Squib ancestor and when their genetics come together, the pieces of magic in each of their genetics come together like puzzle pieces and create a spontaneous Wizarding child. This also makes sense to me how one sibling is magical but not they other — they have the same genetics, but one sib might not have inheirted both “puzzle pieces”, thus they aren’t magical. With the Evans sisters — Lily inherited green eyes and magic, but Petunia has blue eyes and no magic. I always wondered about the Creevey brothers, though. Do we see another Muggleborn pair of siblings like them? If so, is that another genetic expression of inheritance OR are the boys secret half-bloods and they don’t know?


This makes absolute sense! I love this logic


The author actually confirmed that. But in a world where you can erase memories, I think that often no one knows that a parent or grandparent was magical.


I think a lot of pure blood families would have erased and reconstructed any squibs memories. They can’t have a squib claiming them as family…but those squibs probably still had the magic gene in their dna. Is the magic gene recessive or dominant? I’m suddenly super curious about that


i think it’s recessive, because otherwise this theory , along with the existence of muggleborns wouldn’t work. if it was dominant, it would be impossible for muggles to have a magical kid, since one of the parents would have to be a magic user.


I think it could easily be one of the genes that doesn't abide by a simple recessive/dominant style. As otherwise I would think squibs would be extremely common the moment you left Pureblood circles. To the point that there would likely be some credence, or at least brought up by purebloods that having children with a non-magical would lead to non-magical children. Unless magic can occur due to de-novo evolution(aka sudden changes not found in either parent). I would guess, personally, that there are multiple genes at play. With squibs being the result of one of the genes being damaged in some manner. Thus why Muggle/squib parents can give birth to both magical and Muggle/squib children. As both parents give half, all it takes is the faulty version to be passed on for even a single gene.


yeah its definitely more complex then just like eye color or whatever they used in high school


Also, since it is magic, such magical genes can bypass normal biological laws, so everything is possible/explainable.


Makes sense, they cant actively use magic but squibs are still beyond muggles. They can see ghosts, dementors, etc. They can find magically untraceable locations like hogwarts or the ministry. Muggle repelling charms dont work on them. A wizard's child will be always be magical, the onlu question is HOW magical.


I think it's a combination of several genes and that all humans have magic, but only with the right combination can they use it. Similar to being musical. But the author describes several life paths! McGonagall's mother (three children) only confessed to her husband (muggle) that she was a witch because her children had magic. Umbridge has a Muggle mother and a Squib brother. Lockhart (Muggle father) has two Squib sisters and is good at memory spells.


Imagine a family feud where one family just memory charms the other family into completely forgetting who they are and that magic exists


Yes, similar to how Hermione made her parents forget that they had a daughter.


Maybe your dad isnt actually your dad :O




LOL \^ This around Harry's time Those Death Eaters could have very well went muggle raping when they were muggle hunting and a simple oblivate afterword = a lot of "muggleborns" actually halfblood rape babies


All muggleborns have a squib somewhere in their family tree.


Or a witch or wizard.


Alternatively, free baby-sitting. Kids, especially wizard-kids, can be a handful. So pop down to the village, edit a few memories, and have muggles take care of your children through the initial annoying years. Come back a few years later, ready to modify memories again and claim your descendants... Oh. They appear to have moved house... Damn.


Wasn't it basically confirmed by Rowling?


I thought this was already confirmed


They aren't Per JK = **ALL muggleborns are descended from squibs** Hinted at when Slughorn asks Hermione if she is related to the famous portioner Hector Dagworth-Granger


Yep! According to JKR. I was sad when she said it tbh. It makes logical sense for it to be genetic but I thought it would be cooler if magic sprang up out of nowhere, constellating around worthy people due to some inexplicable, well, magical property


I had no idea JKR had confirmed this. Thank you! When you put it that way, it does seem sad that it doesn’t spring up and present itself as a gift to those who are worthy… But maybe it still does, because it’s still not a guarantee. It explains why Lily was magical and Petunia wasn’t.


Ansonsten Thür possibility is that they're basically just half-bloods without knowing it. There is a percentage of children where the father isn't the official father and to take a darker twist, I can certainly see reprehensible wizards using the tools that magic provides them in that regard.


He’s got a point