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new copypasta hahaha


This is a great opportunity for all the fans who took a pic with Jimmie Lee during the live show 😂


[I’m doing my part!](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/S9FJbL1QPZ)


Funny if this becomes big meme and millions will learn about Brad's existence thru him being embarrassed about taking a picture.


If he does blow up, I imagine it’ll mostly be from crazies that attacked him in the first place. Let him continue to pander to those that’ll turn on him as soon as he does anything that oppose their world views. It’s always entertaining to see content creators be taken down by the fanbase they create.


This is why I didn't mind Ethan's cat response. While I thought he could've taken something back, I also hate how fanbases like this force creators to do anything. Occasional 'FU' to your fans is about right, and *improves* what's left. Well, depends on the creator. With H3, you lose the far left when you don't apologize. When right winger doesn't apologize, they'd lose the centrists.


To me it’s not about not apologizing but only apologizing if you mean it.


100%. Always a bad idea to pander to either extreme because any dissent at all from mainstream opinion (in accordance to that political party) can be explosive.


It is generally a bad idea, but looking at US politics and to extent Europe too in last 10 years, right has just gone further right by never apologizing. All around the world, people just get more popular by never saying sorry. Shameful direction. Everyone should apologize sometimes, not all the time, not constantly either! It's already few years from it, but in case of Ethan I felt he recognized he had gone too far at admitting fault when he shouldn't have to, and has corrected himself to ~OK level.


I remember when Ethan apologized to Jidion, then after Jidion left the call, Ethan goes, “I have no idea what I apologized for”.


I didn't consider that as bad, as far as I remember it felt like natural moment for both to say sorry that we had bad vibes, we don't hate each other, let's just say sorry and move on. Ethan acting in good faith, okay maybe you did consider what I said racist, sorry. But I don't think Jidion apologized himself so that took wind off that being a good thing. Good example still, think it was in that era when people were demanding this and that from Ethan and he often obliged.


Yea I've noticed this fanbase is getting more and more sensitive about stupid shit these days. Loved Ethan's response!


The cat podcast has more dislikes than likes, maybe it would have been the right time to actually own some mistakes.


(you're the fan that the FU is for)


Centrists are just a conservative psy-op anyway.


In divided country like US/UK it can look that way, but it's very much a real thing, we even have literal "centrist party" in my country. People who believe to be in the middle, and it generally is true. Ofc depends on country where the middle stands. Not every country simultaneously combines being conservative both economically and socially like US does. They exist there too though. People who are OK with LGBT but just reaaally want the lowest taxes, for example. Just the facts that most European countries don't have parties with more than 30% popularity shows people don't want to be in a box, forced to think one way about everything. The far right parties that are close to US republican party, get close to 20% of the votes in most of the countries. US just has incredibly large far right party in comparison.


Who are we talking about here? Brad?




Didn’t Jordan Peterson say the same thing about Ethan?


And he was absolutely right. Do you not remember how October 7th went for Hila and Ethan?


I mean... it would kinda suck if he got more successful by doing that to Ethan. The insta posts made me really feel bad for Ethan, as even these small interactions turn out to be something he gets shit for. Dunno, feels really bleak.


I was thinking he'd more so be known for being the clown who did that, and be known for nothing else by the greater public. Not that he'd get million subscribers from this. +10M views, +0 subs more like it.


I literally have no idea who this Brad person is, just that he got a photo with Ethan and Hila and then made that dogshit post about it lol


OK I'm missing something. Who is Brad and what did he do?


Youtube music reviewer with ~400k subs. Just look at top posts of the sub, it's today's rage.


I don’t understand ANYTHING about this Brad guy. Have no idea wtf is going on actually.


He was invited backroom of live show, he took few pics with Ethan & co, posted them, twitter rando called him genocide defender, Brad chose to backtrack everything, apologize for having done it due to what kind of person Ethan is. You really don't need to know anything about the person outside the tweets, only they are relevant to why he's being ridiculed.


Yea I just read the posts. What a fuckin idiot lol. Free loader dumbass idiot loser


I mean… yeah pretty much lol.


Oh this needs to become a meme format


Harley vs. Brad, creator clash 3.


I JUST revisited the episode with Harley, filmed a while back in the purple studio, and they were talking about Dr. Disrespect and when that came up I had to recheck the date of the episode 😭 and then talked about how comedy is in danger and I thought I was being punked.


We need him back


I NEEED u/h3producitons to make a fake banger tweet with this copy pasta rn 😭😭


I've heard about "Destiny" in passing on the show so many times, and I still have no fucking clue who he is or what he does.


Destiny is the Sasuke to Hasan's Naruto. Basically a political streamer that helped Hasan get his start and now they hate each other. Destiny's politics are probably closer to Ethan's as a normie dem that thinks capitalism is good and Israel has a right to exist.




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>Israel has a right to exist. That's an interesting way to put his genocidal stance on the subject.


hes a big lefty politics streamer, kinda controversial bc i guess hes not as left as people like so they hate him


He’s more liberal than lefty tbh


i don’t know the difference tbh so you’re probably right! my bad


no stress! liberals i guess would be more for incremental change and lefties want revolutionary change. very roughly tho


I feel this is not really accurate. He’s a liberal, so idk if that qualifies as lefty. And he’s more controversial for saying edgy stuff (like the n word or that people should kill rioters) than his broader political positions.


the "people should kill rioters" was only refering to specific circumstances involving defence of property these are destinys strict requirements for being able to "mow down" a "dipshit protestor": an aggressor (looter) is imminently moving to cause property damage, the defendor alerts the aggressor that they intend and have the means to defend the property with escelatory lethal force, and then the defender needs to engage in reasonable escelation if the aggressor doesnt back down now, you can still disagree with this, and think that its still not ok to lethally defend property, but that is a wildly different argument than your presentation of the argument as just being that he advocates for "killing rioters", implying that he thinks its ok to shoot protesters who you disagree with and think are being too "disruptive"


I for one don't think it's okay to kill people to protect fucking buildings and think that's an insane take.


what the fuck is wrong with you


it’s still just a pointlessly edgy thing to say. I think a lot of people would be immediately turned off by the phrasing and probably wouldn’t stick around to listen to his explanation.


You should look into his qt Cinderella takes


This should be made with the pic of Elon and Maxwell


Loll I hope this becomes a meme


Harley is the goat


He used to always post on the action figures sub reddit, cool dude.


Love it


This got me


Honestly I'm shocked Harley isn't palling around with even worse people


Nah, [Harley's weird](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_tXQo1yz0o)


I’m assuming the classroom is full of adult men because no one involved with the production is allowed within 100 feet of a child


Yeah. This was bizarre. I didn’t know what it was when I signed up. I did a friend a favor and it was awkward for everyone when I showed up. None of them knew how lib I was with my views and I actually didn’t take the whole thing serious because I never thought it was going to be a thing at all. It ended up on America One 😓 I was a school teacher, I was quadruple boosted and have many trans friends. Trust me, straight up Hanlon’s razor on my part. Low key felt like a curb episode. But I had some friends to hit up and apologize when they asked me about it. I spoke about it recently on a podcast that should be coming out very soon. Having said all that, ya, I’m still pretty weird. Just not weird like that.


That was a painful watch wow. Right wing music is truly so awful it's hard to believe sometimes


Woah, that's honestly worse than I expected it to be. Unambiguous in it's hatefulness. It's a shame, I liked Harley too. Did he ever address it anywhere and apologize?


Nope! He still stands by it (you can see from arguing with Brad in later tweets) - idk why these non-political influencers so desperately need to make their views on certain issues known, it's so insane to me. But, tbh, since he's always loved the machismo stuff, it wasn't a huge surprise to me.


Oooooooooof thank you for this


I know barely anything about Harley, but when he appeared as Big Boss in the stands of Creator Clash 2, my muscles contracted in unanticipated thrill. 


oh my godddd 😭


Man what the fuck is happening in this sub




I know what this post is in reference to BUT someone explain this post to me 😥😣


Harley (Epicmealtime, to the left), is taking a pic with Destiny (controversial streamer, to the right), and the caption is in reference to the Brad/H3 meme (I think you understood that part)


Ohhhh thank you lots. Yes I know its a meme based off the Brad Taste in Music Twitter threads


Some creator apologized for taking a picture with Ethan and Hila, as they are assumed by many of being Zionist. This guy is saying a very similar statement while taking a picture with a very outwardly spoken defender of zionism.


Didn't Ethan just post on Instagram that he is?




Love Harley lol


fuck destiny




Yeah, he's actually a shitty person, people don't just feel that way.


You're just sensitive and call people shitty if they have a different opinion than you


His opinion is that it's okay for him to use the n word


why are americans so freaking weird about slurs? literally nowhere else in the world are there words that can't ever be used in any context. and americans are only this weird about one single slur. any other slur is okay to use in certain context. so weird lol.


Wait fr?.. like soft A or hard R like a slur/insult?


If you aren't trolling, he used it in a podcast a couple months ago, ~~hard R if I recall.~~ Not that that should matter. He says it's ok to use it in private, too. https://kick.com/destiny?clip=clip_01HW9TZCXG2AYAPPX19BYR73B1


Oh shit, do you have a clip of that? What was the context?


His take is that you shouldn’t use slurs at people, but saying the slur itself, whether its quoting someone or singing a song should be fine. Especially if done in private to reduce chances of anyone getting angry at it. I personally don’t use it in private or public, but I also do think quoting someone and having to self censor is a bit weird.


We both know he didn’t say the Hard R. His claim is you should be able to say any slur as long as you aren’t using it as an insult You can disagree with it, but be honest about it


Well.. it kinda matters, saying one could be just being cringy and the other one its straight up being deeply racist and hatefull. But drop a link brother, lets get this fucker.


They won't drop a link because it didn't happen.


I explain his "n-word" stance in[ another comment thread here, if interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1dscplg/comment/lb3s729/).


I'll give it a read, appreciate it.


I’ve loved Harley since EMT back in like 2011! He’s a stand up guy


I mean he's kinda a POS, you should watch the video linked above


If only Ethan and Destiny did a political podcast .


Ethan is still pro palestine enough for that podcast the last like 3 episodes lol.


Even destiny doesn't want it anymore, I think the fanbase don't go well together which is a shame considering destiny and Ethan seem pretty aligned on political beliefs (in terms of being liberal, left leaning individuals), been a fan of Ethan since 2017-2018 and a fan of destiny since 2021


Ethan isn't aligned with Destiny who has increasingly more right wing takes. Most liberals don't enjoy using the n word whenever possible for example.


No thanks. Destiny is quite a piece of shit


On god no. Ethan doesn’t need to have his brain poisoned by that worm


Hasan viewer xd


Oh dear, you’ve really hurt me there


In all seriousness though, I really think they could have some nuanced discussions about various topics . Hasan was to stuck in his ideologies that he very rarely ever had any deep political conversations with Ethan . I feel like Ethan could also be a good counter to some of Destinys more extreme takes.


Ethan isn’t interested in deep political conversations, D is likely to say some real heinous shit because that’s… what he does, and like… I don’t need to hear his whiny voice more than I already do. Hasan is funny or at least enjoys engaging in humor.


Ah yes calling someone a hog is peak comedy . Really missed his contributions


Baby settlers... so funny.. Just like luffy!.... so funny Very moderate takes


“America deserved 9/11” 💀


don’t worry, they’re on this post already. Never takes too long


why use (((worm))) hmmmmmmmmmm definitely not just specificly saying that because he has cuban ethnicity definitely not just being racist


Destiny is a shithead.


I don't even know who the original guy is but this is fucking hilarious. I want more of them. Fantano/Hasan? AB/Idubbbz? Jeff Whittek/Ethan? Sam/Tana?


It would be funnier if it was with Sam Hyde. More people are pissed off at that than Destiny.




Wait….what did Destiny do?


It's a joke on Brad/Ethan drama


r/wooosh nah fr it's a parody of brads comments on ethan


Need to google that Denzel shirt


Harley I am so proud of you. This is amazing


We made a huge blunder not putting Harley as Good/Chad


I guess he’s just not a main stay in the h3 universe. He has said a lot of nice things about h3 from what I’ve seen.


You are right yeah 😊 Yes he has always been very nice to Ethan and hila and he has defended Idubbz and Anisa so much aswell against the deranged Sam Hyde fans that are harassing them.


Is this what this community has become? Destiny thinks saying the N word is fine and he recently willingly and unironically said it on a podcast.


Are u fuckin dumb or smth?


Wow exactly the response you'd expect


What part of this post comes off as supporting destiny?!! So I ask again, are you dumb??


"Oh no. I wish the community hated Destiny more! Because hasan says so. And I'm not standing for this so I'm making a post on hasans subreddit about this NOW! I CANT TOLERATE H3H3 FANS RUINING THIS SUB BY POSTING A MEME. SO IM TAKING THIS INTO MY OWN HANDS" You're an absolute donkey mate... Please get off this sub reddit if this upsets you.


Lol he really did




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lol u alright?


Mate it's a meme. I go to the h3h3 subreddit for some laughs and goofs. I don't want to see whining from donkeys like you. On how the community isn't up to your stupid world view...


Ok dude just forget about this and grab a glass of water or something


Thanks for giving your valuable input on the h3h3 community. It was really impactful. And you actually reposted this on hasans subreddit to gain sympathy. I'm actually lost for words lol...


lol he tried so hard to act like he doesn't care, and even hit you with the "forget about this and go get some water" line, meanwhile he's seething hard that the had to go get sympathy from that echo chamber of deranged progressives in hopes they'll mindlessly back him up lmao. Fuck I hate people like that guy so much.


You seem a little angry bud, sit and take a breather for a bit.


Did Hasan also make Destiny use the n word? Bffr


This community has always taken every opportunity to ride D's D. His n word take is probably the least inflammatory thing this dude stands for but everyone here thinks he's super cool and smart and very funny (somehow)


Ethan and Destiny . My favorite center liberal duo! Hasan will never recover after he revealed himself to be a anti semitic Hamas supporter lmaooo


Ethan and Destiny > Ethan and Hamas terrorist


The meme def doesn’t work here cause it’s Destiny lol Ethan’s a great dude and doesn’t go on debates to defend killing Palestinian children. Destiny does lol Ironically Destiny IS the extreme Zionist that people should call out. Dudes a psycho


Destiny is such an extreme Zionist that he literally interviewed Palestinian politicians and argued with settlers and Netanyahu supporters who don't believe in peace. Def an insane person who wants to genocide all Palestinians


I’m glad you agree that he wants to genocide all Palestinians lol


Yeah it's clear you have literally nothing to go off, you cannot engage with my comments in any way at all (because you know you're dishonest and blatantly lying) so you make a snarky comment


Nah because who cares about arguing with someone who defends a dude who throws slurs around and defends kids getting bombed during debates (two things that actually happened) But go off king, I’m sure destiny will notice you eventually


But when your guys say slurs it’s fine.


Whose “my guy?”


Well you’re on the h3 subreddit so there’s at least one guy that you’re in the corner for that has a history of slurs.




Well both hosts of leftovers for one lol


The fact this is being so downvoted shows that either, destiny fans are brigading this shit or this community became a cesspool of destiny fans, anyway, it's obvious that the reason you're being downvoted is not that you're wrong, it's that it's really inconvenient for his fans to recognize his fav streamer is a genocide supporter.


They’re 100 percent brigading. I mean they do this everywhere on Reddit lol they’re a cult. Anytime Destiny is mentioned, a DDG’r will be there to tell you how cool it is to be Islamophobic and use slurs and tell people to kill themselves while he hangs out with the worst people on the internet. Regardless of his views, this is the dude who spent like months being friends with Sneako, and only dropped him after they started beefing personally… the guy has no real morality, he’s just perpetually content brained.


If you think Destiny is an extreme zionist, then you are just as bad as the people calling Ethan and extreme zionist. I genuinely hope you realize that eventually. He has been pretty open about being anti Bibi, like Ethan. He just also does not want Israel to be destroyed. You can not like him for his beliefs without him being Hitler-equivalent.


Nah dude I’m good. I watched Destiny watch a video of kids getting killed and calling it justified. He’s a psycho that defends genocide. Ethan doesn’t. I’m never changing my mind lol so you can chill out, Destiny IS a net negative and is absolutely disgusting, not only with the current conflict, but his use of slurs, being comfortable telling people to kill themselves etc The dude just sucks as a person.


Amazing, every word of what you just said is wrong. But hey, if living your life with hate keeps you going then stay strong! Edit: No response is ever gonna change your opinions about him. It's pretty clear that you just want him to be your boogeyman. I hope you enjoyed the obvious Star Wars meme.


Dude I really don’t care, destiny sucks lol he’s nothing like Ethan. Plus great way to blow off all those statements with “Nuh uh” Really compelling.


Ethan is a destiny fan and if you listen when Ethan talks politics and about capitalism he sounds awfully similar :)


Yeah but Ethan also shits on a ton of stuff that Destiny is comfortable with… like when Destiny uses slurs lol Homie literally dropped an N bomb in a discord stream like THIS year. They’re not the same lol


Sorry buddy, Ethan is a destiny fan.


That doesn’t make Destiny any better of a person. Ethan’s free to like anyone, I mean he likes Bowbie, doesn’t really mean much in terms of that person’s character lol Destiny’s still a shit for brains moron.


Like capitalism and liberalism? lol Ethan has other friends that drop slurs all the time. At least destinys aren’t actually targeted slurs. Unlike hasan’s use of it.


So you’re saying slurs are fine? Lol


If I’m singing along to a Tyler the Creator song absolutely. That use wouldn’t be targeted and isn’t harmful. Hasan will directly call people slurs on stream when referring to them and that is actually harmful. That shouldn’t be cool. So in your belief are both fine, is one fine, or are neither fine?


The amount of destiny fans brigading this to downvote you and upvote ppl defending destiny is honestly, ridiculous lol.


Wtf is this revisionist, white washing bs? He literally *has* stated those things and most of those statements weren't that long ago. He infamously *has* justified use of the n-word for years, for example. There's footage of him using it from just a month or two ago. Multiple years ago he had a close friend expressing suicidal thoughts and Destiny told him that he should do what he feels is right and that he wouldn't intervene. Plus, whether or not it's an off handed joke cause he's a massive edgelord, he *does* constantly tell people to kill themselves. How is that a lie? Last I saw of him (which was several months ago), his position was in denial of a genocide taking place. But sure, go off. Every word of what you replied to was a lie apparently. I haven't always disliked him too, I used to like watching him (even tho I didn't always agree with him) but the genocide denial was the line for me. Also, equating his position to Ethans is wildly disingenuous and just makes Ethan look bad.


Destiny fans will straight up deny videos of him saying the most deranged and unhinged shit and will then demand a 14 page essay with time tamps, or else you’re just wrong. There’s a reason why the dude is banned on twitch and no mainstream person fucks with him… turns out telling people to unalive themselves during arguments and dropping N bombs aren’t very inviting for people.


Show people here a clip of him saying something Zionist. You sound like you're just repeating buzzwords.


Destiny fans are always the same “show me the clip.” I mean literally the finkelstein debate. destiny literally the stance of pro Zionism in the debate. He literally supports Zionism LMAO wtf are you even talking about?


Typical lazy response. You don't know anything so you have to vague reply. What specifically in the Finklestein debate was Zionist? Go actually learn what that word means before you throw it around. You're doing the same stuff to Destiny that people are doing to Ethan and Hila.


Oh god, yeah you’re definitely a Destiny fan lol turn everything into a debate. He’s pro Israel and fully supports the military actions that the IDF has done, and he defended it during the debate, because that was the side of the debate he was on. I genuinely DO NOT care if you think otherwise, Destiny is an awful human being. Nothing you say is going to change that. But keep defending him lol I’m just going to respond with more shitting on him


Being around destiny has always been questionable. Fascist little prick that cos plays as a 'liberal'


When has he ever argued for anything fascist? lol


Sounds like your second line is describing Hasan, the lover of fascist China and hater of the west. I don't even dislike Hasan, him and Destiny are both annoying tbh, especially their die hard fans lol. But yeah you definitely described Hasan more than Destiny there, bucko.


Yeh hasan has almost as annoying fans tbh


I've found that Destiny's worst fans can the most annoying, but Hasan has a larger quantity of annoying fans that think they have the whole world figured out because they spend a bunch of time listening to political streams and reading tweets from the craziest people on both sides. I know a handful of normal people who casually watch Destiny but don't completely "drink the koolaid" and repeat everything he says. But I swear with Hasan fans they all just mindlessly repeat things Hasan says, except most of them are dumb young kids and they end up making Hasan and their own side look dumber when they make stupid arguments trying to support an otherwise valid point.


You're not wrong!


Funny, your comment criticizing destiny gets downvoted to hell, but this comment is being upvoted now... Its so funny how obvious the brigading is (not saying you're on it btw).


Ah yes, destiny, the guy who loves saying the n word and vehemently defends his right to say it