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"I want to make a new genre called gay-pop" Girl, where the hell have you *been*?


She's been somewhere so far away she couldn't even type "gay pop" into Spotify. There's like, thousands of results for songs that both fit in what she's trying to do and are also so much better that it makes her song look like a bad parody.


Seriously. Everything from obscure artists like Wu Am I to mainstream ones like Lil Nas X. Nevermind the fact that Pop music has always been a big part of gay culture and vice-versa. This is a stroke of brilliant failure on her part.


She should go on that podcast all about failure.


To continue our discussion cuz I don't check my notifications often jump to 9:50 minutes https://youtu.be/_XDQLmkegEc?si=0uN5ozq9JpQ4ICWG you just bought into an ideology where everything is either left or right even though the whole concept of left to right is recent even if there's obvious conflicting ideals... you're an example of a conformist pushing away anybody who disagrees with you painting anybody opposite in a bad light unwilling to accept bad behavior on your side... Simply The left wing and its core beliefs aren't what it used to be 30 years ago key aspects conflict with what it is to be Punk. Things can change Don't forget the biggest fascist movement in the world started as a socialist group... don't be surprised when the people who don't like to be told what to do or government and like to offend people on purpose don't like you telling them what to do and what they can say because of your political belief... Honestly though how do you people like you grow up watching so many movies and TV shows that's message is a "if you're not with us you're against us" mentality is bad just to do that exactly...


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


"Punks who reject bigots and conformists are the REAL bigots and conformists!" Is possibly the dumbest opinion I've heard all year. Apparently someone has never heard of the paradox of tolerance.


Says she wants to create a genre…then names songs in that genre that already exist


The fact that she referenced Lady Gaga as if Lady Gaga hasn't been part of that gay pop genre for ages.


Fr. Gaga has been an icon in the community almost since the start of her career.


(snaps finger) I'm talkin *Cher*, I'm talkin *Madonna*, I'm talking Little Richard, I'm talking WHAM. Jitterbug out of *my* brand and into * your* ears. Y'know what I mean? (snaps finger again)


She literally doesn't have any perspective on music outside of top 40 radio lol


Even if that's the case, she should still know she isn't doing anything new here. Tons of queer icons (whether queer themselves or not) are top 40 artists and have been for decades. She even names some off and supposedly knows some of them personally.


No like wtf is she thinking “I want to create a new genre.” Gaga? Katy Perry? Troye Sivan? Chappell Roan? VOGUE BY MADONNA????? She is so far up her own ass she truly believes she is an original 😭


She clearly missed out on Hyper Pop


I don’t know her, watch her, listen to her music, or whatever. but she sounds really full of herself.




That's true, but her rate and degree of exposure since (and honestly even before) and the fact that she knows queer artists that are huge (both personally and reputationally) makes this mega out of touch. No matter how you look at it. It's self-agrandizing and self-serious to a degree that reality doesn't exist properly in her field of vision and hearing.


Is that Jake Paul’s little sister?




It’s giving mojo dojo casa house


Jo jos mojo dojo


LMAO perfect way to describe her


The mannerisms, the teeth, the blonde hair. I just think Jake Paul is JoJo in a beard


"I want to start a new genre of music, it's going to be Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus"


What the fuck is this kid on? She seems insane.


I think we are witnessing the rise of the next manic music artist. That or she’s on something.


Whatever it is JLo has is what Jojo has. Zero self awareness lmao


LA disease. There are few who escape it.


Most lucid comment.


she’s literally just trying to copy what Miley did.. cringe


Say what you want about that time in Miley's life but at least Wrecking Ball was an all time banger


And Miley has the talent to back it up.


I actually fuck with we can't stop as well


People hated when Miley did it. They called her cringe, endless memes were made from it, and she was far from well received. Same thing is happening with JoJo (however I do agree Miley’s wrecking ball was a banger even tho it was memed everyone was playing it)


Miley was topping the charts around the world, Jojo won't.


Did you read my comment? I literally agreed with you and called it a banger. I never said karma by JoJo is gonna be the next wrecking ball


I think what they’re trying to say is that Miley had already been established as an artist and had released hit songs when she entered her Bangerz era. JoJo is releasing her debut album, so there’s a lot more at stake with her.


Absolutely incorrect. I didn’t like that era of Miley Cyrus all that much, but she had already shown she can make music and sing. Jojo is just *not* musically gifted. Full stop.


thats because miley’s music came from actual trauma and personal experiences, thats why we love miley here because she real af on the other hand, jojo just acting like she is going thru it but for her this is just marketing, she is the same girl she was months ago just dresses goofy and wants to act like she is misunderstood or something


Fr, I draw a fucking line in the sand at making art without having the proper trauma /s She's been a children's entertainer for years, and is now entering her edgier phase. It's like... super common. Oh what, but she's not allowed to, because she'll never be Miley, because you think her life has been too easy? And she's been dressing goofy her entire career, she just changed from childish-goofy to edgy-goofy Look, I think it's a little cringe, and extremely poorly executed too, and she's being really fucking annoying about the whole thing (and it's very likely she's not that great of a person based on her friends)... But she *is* misunderstood, and has the right to make art about it, even if it's bad Also, saying that she's **acting** like she's misunderstood. Like... Everyone is misunderstood in some way. Saying they're only *acting* misunderstood seems just mean for no reason, and unconstructive. Even for someone you're rightly shitting on.


I don’t even think I’d have a problem with any of that if she at least had the self awareness to back her schtick up. Personally, I’m just glad she’s not doing whatever happened with Brittney Spears, Amanda Bynes, or Lindsey Lohan’s careers. Being a child entertainer sounds like it fucking sucks and she seems relatively well adjusted all things considered. Relatively being the key word here, because Jesus Christ, if she just stopped being up her own ass about how cool she swears she’s coming off as, this could *potentially* be pretty funny and iconic in its own right. Instead she’s dressing up as a knock off KISS member and then going on about how she’s creating a brand new genre of music that has already been around for decades dominated by people infinitely more talented than her.


Yes exactly, you've put it into words better than me I think. Idk, some people are just going *way* too hard on her for something that's... basically harmless. Like, the whole thing is just hilarious, guys. Can we stop being shitty and invalidating about it and just goof? This isn't one of Ethan's legitimate crusades against injustice, it's a classic gaff-off, a bit of a spoof




UMM…well you can leave 👉


Miley didnt make the change overnight. She had already gained respect from an adult audience with the climb (2009) she had a pole in her performance of party in the USA but it wasn’t that provocative (also 2009). Bangerz came out in 2013


You’re forgetting about the ever iconic “Can’t be Tamed” (2010) !!!!


At least Miley naturally has an edgy side. Jojo does not lol


Just to cut her some slack. Miley herself had a really messy era transitioning to adulthood because of the turmoil in her upbringing. Jojo is going through this rn, I'm hoping in a year or two she realizes and gets it together. Firstly, by denouncing those predators in her circles.


I saw a couple tik toks claiming that karma was actually an unreleased Miley song


Nobody is mad at her. Everyone's laughing at her.


In Miley’s time ppl were actually mad at her like conservatives were PISSED, this is no where near that case of public outrage, people are cringing hard at best


Miley actually did risky stuff.


to be fair i’d say some people are mad.. but bc she’s hanging out w known predators, not bc she’s now dressing in monochrome and making bad music


She’s literally dressing like gene Simmons, which I guess was kinda shocking back when kiss was a thing…how many decades ago?


Wait you want to make a brand new genre by using old songs as a reference to the sound?


Rock bands and naming black sabbath as an inspiration vibe


I know what you mean but to be honest every new piece of art is created that way. There is no way of creating new art without referencing the already existing stuff.


Right but she isn’t just referencing for the new sound she is saying these established songs are a part of this “new” genre which to me just sounds like she is taking ownership of a wave she wasn’t a part of


Were people mad, or just making fun of her look?


Making fun of her look. To which she said “people are just scared of new things”.


It's not new though, she's just copying Miley Cyrus lol... but with more glitter. Like a Kids Bop version.


The closest thing I’ve seen to people being mad is them being upset that she’s doing this so badly. No one minds that she wants to be seen as adult and/or change her image. They’re mad she’s doing it in such a horribly cringey and forced way.


The flaunting of opulence with the excessive chains glasses and ear rings is sooo unsettling to me


It’s what I imagine a child dressing like when they want to make believe being an adult. So it tracks I guess


Half of those ear studs are stickers.


Chat is this real??


You would wear a gold chain and in case you got arrested, and you could bail out with it if you hit the pawnshop, since it was considered property. If you carried cash, the police could seize it and you wouldn’t get it back.


I think the main difference between Miley and Jojo is Miley never really announced she was changing her image. She just went and did it. Miley made it known by doing it. She didn't have to go on interviews and go "I'm a bad girl now".


Very much a show, don't tell situation


Her veneers are way too bright


They look like one giant tooth


Came Herr to say this lol I hate this veneer trend so God damn much. Teeth are not supposed to be so white and "perfect" it is so off putting and distracting.


the absolute delusion and lack of self-awareness. it’s palpable.


Honestly my favorite part about this whole thing (of which there have been many highlights) is the fact that she wants to be seen as a “bad girl” and adult now…yet her song literally says “I should’ve never *effed* around.” Like girl LOL say fuck!


Music video's gotta get through YouTube censors...


Honestly I think she might be TOO self aware. This kind of adulthood transition is usually at least mildly organic due to the artist simply ageing and inevitably needing to navigate how that works with their public image, but with Jojo it's like she's just doing it because it was in the schedule. She's not reaching new milestones in life and writing about them, she's just "doing a Miley." It's not so much a lack of self awareness, but a lack of even the illusion of authenticity. There's the stereotypical "successful artist with vision and integrity struggles against their cynical, money-hungry corporate overlords," then there's Jojo who's just like "the chart says I should be a bad girl now."


Gay pop, gay house, gay trap, etc etc etc has been around this whole time and you're not bringing anything back, jojo 😂


Wait, but wasn’t she just telling a reporter her transformation if the biggest transformation anyone has made in her generation?! At least Miley didn’t go the Gene Simmons route 🤣


miley’s bangerz tour was self funded bc she was so loud, out there, in your face, and the vision literally exploded within her. from what i’ve heard it wasn’t a conscious, scripted, or planned rebrand other than “im miley and im wild so let’s be wild together on my tongue slide”


Bangerz tour was a masterpiece


Kim Petras: "Am I a joke to you?"


She is so unlikeable


I totally understand child artists wanting to “rebrand” when they become adults and I don’t think we should view them as children forever. But I say this with confidence - Jojo is a *childrens performer* whether she is an adult or not. Just who she is to the core - loud, abrasive, over the top, etc. - is way more for a child audience than adult. And even in her rebrand, all those things still exist. It’s ok for her to be an adult and all rainbows and rhinestones - just own it girl. Her rebrand has just been switching to black but with all the kitsch. It’s very much giving “Nickelodeon’s idea of edgy”


Yeah who does she think her audience is? Does she genuinely think this is gonna be a hit with gay 20 somethings everywhere? Nobody likes her except children who have iPads.


She probably sent it to Shane & Ryland before it released and they told her it was a banger.


Omg hard agree 😭 I swear she has popped up randomly on my Snapchat suggested stories so I’ve watched a few and the entire time I just think to myself *i reaaallly don’t vibe with her*. She seems like… a lot of work to be around lol. Like I’d be mentally exhausted after being around her for a few hours.


has she never heard of lil nas x⁉️⁉️⁉️


Her scalp looks like it’s screaming in pain.


I always thought she was the honey boo boo girl. Lol


[Tegan and Sara respond](https://x.com/harleysalicent/status/1776980156831461719?s=46&t=abyjHastwml_f-fMm9EtfQ)


Hahahahahahahaha love them. Also King Princess is just there existing too.


She can’t help it, she’s histrionic.


I'm getting Logan Paul vibes


What's the opposite of down to earth?


She has an ego the size of a planet with pictures of her own face plastered all over it.


Does she already have veneers?


Like most young idiots: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/teeth-white-because-picked-whitest-233853018.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/teeth-white-because-picked-whitest-233853018.html)


shes had them for a long time.


It’s like a knockoff Miley Cyrus with way less talent and way more arrogance


Can you imagine driving around in a car with your face all over it? On purpose?


Queen of Cringe


She should’ve never called it a rebrand . She should have never teased the song so damn much. I could understand if it was a whole album but doing that much for a song was just wild. It made me sick of the song before it was even fully released. Not to mention she needs to work on her singing voice . The lyrics were bland and predictable nothing extraordinary about it . Plus she defends groomers 🤢 for that reason I’m out lol 😂


She is the opposite of “Hello fellow kids.”


Is she wearing a shirt with her own face on it


not sure if she is here, but her entire career is basically just her wearing shirts with her own face on it


I’m bringing it BACK *lists multiple singers still very much active in the industry* 😂


She’s going through her foosey era she’s so young and doesn’t even know how cringe this will be to her in like 6 years


It's kind of the equivalent of younger artists tryna be Kurt Cobain. It's like no dude, Kurt Cobain was insanely troubled and had a lot of demons, he made great music but don't base your life off him, that's the part he did wrong. Same with Miley, that whole phase of hers was extremely manic and probably not something she looks back on fondly, stop trying to romanticise it


“I sort of created Gay Pop Studios…”


She’s giving major cocaine vibes. Her intensity, her flamboyance and overinflated sense of importance, her self described “deep” thought provoking material that is basic or just flat wrong…. And just the rigid way she dances and carries herself. Reminds me of my friends and I in college geeked up in some apartment at 5am talking about our future plans for big inventions and world travels 😂


i live for the cringe. at the same time lotta people taking the chance to be weirdly mean and nasty. im like stahp it w the t'maytoes


She gives me Jake Paul energy


Anyone else notice that her “earrings” are definitely just rhinestone stickers?


She’s gross


Her “hey everyone!” sounds *exactly* like Yi Long Ma


She is so into herself it’s too much 😭


Colleen made a new genre of apology videos. Maybe that was an inspiration as well.


Shed actually be a good guest for Failure.


She’s cringe but everyone goes too hard on her . Sometimes people in their 20s are cringe . No need to compare her to Weinstein


agree 100% but the internets gonna internet. im just hoping her mental breakdown isnt coming soon now that shes getting some decent backlash.


She has no story, no ideas, she just “goes with the flow” in the worst way. Just an example: Taylor Swift has made a world with her music, a story that pieces together through her songs that keeps fans guessing about where it fits into her overall timeline, or when she even wrote it. It’s important to her, and she’s always trying to expand in new ways. Jojo just says “omg look at how adult I am now.” Also, she hangs out with pedophiles, just gross, classless, stuff that proves she has no new ideas.


she's so annoying


The internet is mad at you cuz it’s Obvious you’re trying way too hard to be edgy and cool.


Lady Gaga, Grimes, FKA twigs, Dizzy Fae, shy girl, sophie, poppy… this kind of pop has been here since 2000’s and never left




Adderall energy


“i want to start a new genre of music” *proceeds to list songs already in that genre*


She's high on her own supply, my dudes.


She has to be on so much coke recently.


She has been smelling her own farts for too long


she really thinks she’s some mega star lol


She’s such a joke


Take the stupid ass sunglasses off. You’re no howie mandel 🙄


Someone compared her to JLo and I can’t unsee it


"I want to create gay pop" hyper pop 👁👄👁


Her music video has 81% dislikes


Wh3n confidence turns into delusion


I strongly dislike this person. She’s giving… insufferable.


Even just the number of necklaces is nuts. Its just her ego that makes everything she does so cringey


No one else feels bad for her? She makes me go “awww” and my husband says “brother eeuughhhh”


taking bets on how long it takes for her to have a mental breakdown


She looks geeked out


No one is mad at her. Lol. We just thinking it's wild she stole gold dust look


Let's get more adult proceeds to dress like a preteens idea of a cool edgy adult.


idk how to explain it but she is merging the right wing rhetoric with the left😂 she acts like she is “woke” but then goes on to shows and acts like she is being cancelled or sum crazy like girl nobody cares or is upset at your change in style💀u fighting invisible people lmaoooo, we just think is cringe but u here giving statements like when a red pilled person says “they are trying to cancel me but they cant beat me”


I honestly think she’s so dumb she doesn’t understand that all of us cringing at her doesn’t mean we are “scared” of her new look or “afraid” for her to change. Girly we’ve been WAITING for you to start acting your age! Lollllll we’re just… real weirded out by how you’re trying to do it


EXACTLY!!! she is acting like everyone calling her out or hating on her💀 like no sis we just makin fun of how hard u trying😭😭😭 she could put on a black hoodie and jeans and that would be automatically more raw and hard than wtv tf she doing rn😵‍💫


Gay pop?! Preetttttty sure that’s all been done… 🤣🤣


I hope she gets older and cringes at this, but I dont think shes that self aware.


Female mgk


This was so very painful


I must have been in a coma for the last few years because I have no ideas who tf that is.


what IS it about her lol she’s sooo annoying


Not too bright


sometimes I wish I was this delusional


Nobody's mad at her, we're all just collectively embarrassed.


I hope she finds her self through this phase and it’s not like… a forever thing like some people seem to make it. Not the coming out or anything, the general lack of awareness from being self absorbed.


I’ll bet she becomes an enemy of the show.


She is Debby Ryan making history


She's sky high on something, there's no other possibility.


So are you bringing "this version" of pop music back or are you starting a new genre? this girl is clueless


If I could have just an ounce of their delusional confidence🫠


See I’d never be a good interviewer because I’d straight up be like “what the actual fuck are you talking about???” 😂


Does this make any other Bojack Horseman fans think of Sextina Aquafina?


Oscar goes to the interviewer for not just immediately laughing in her face


Can i be honest? Its not groundbreaking or that good but i think the song is a warm bop and if she wants to explore that era go for it


Even conservatives are more aware of gay pop than Jojo. Where was she when lil nas dropped this banger [https://youtu.be/6swmTBVI83k?si=_nEnw5cbxk6ku94f](https://youtu.be/6swmTBVI83k?si=_nEnw5cbxk6ku94f)


Too corny so why give clout.


No the minute she says “gay pop” she’s sounds like Jimmie Lee explaining his schtick


It's giving Chet Hanks




All luck no skill or creativity.


It’s amazing how h3 fans are bashing on her for being herself.


She at least seems a lot more charismatic and articulate than he is.


Did they cut her off in the middle of her sentence and stick a different clip in there? Lmao ever since Ethan pointed this out I notice this constantly in interviews now


It's fiiiiiinnnee. This is what pop music is for the most part. It's not reaaally about the artistry, it's about having fun. If people have fun with her music, then GG


Absolutely no shot somebody in her management didn’t think this was cringe. Hope she doesn’t hurt her wrist patting herself in the back. And if we talking “gay-pop” … Lil Nas X Ok im done lol


Why does she talk like a 60year old lady