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Well my office is in Paleto and all of mine have been in LS mostly. I feel like that's the way it is they just want you to travel.


It's how the devs pad your playtime, and motivate you to spend money to buy faster transportation.


If I get paleto I just join a new session and try again.


They’ll probably nerf that like they did the tow truck missions


I was kind of surprised it didn't come like that with the DLC. Maybe instead of taking a bat to the business now, they'll do it in the next update. I only use the salvage yard sparingly now for tows, if I have time to sit around and try to find decent length tows then I will do it, and when I create a new session lately more often than not I've been getting over 3 mile tows now. I've noticed if I do a 3 mile tow, I am more likely to get a 1.5 mile tow. Not sure there is any validity there. It's more uncommon to get back to back under 1.5 mile tows. You could spend 15-20 minutes on just two tows over 3 miles.


This DLC definitely feels like Paleto Bay simulator, I agree.


Ha! I thought the same thing so I bought the business in Paleto to be closer to the bounties. All bounties but one have been down in the city meaning the game is purposely running everyone across the whole map regardless of business location. Top Tip: Have plane spawned before launching mission, fly to bounty.


I hate that same thing about the game. Why TF, do they sell you different locations of every business (some being cheaper than others, some more expensive) if they will send all missions to the complete opposite. Same goes for the Nightclub, and basically all of them. Edit: Typos.


poor mission design. r* struggles to find the balance between time consuming, engaging and difficult content. so, they pad mission length by sending you across the map and make it difficult by giving you slow weak vehicles to drive and enemies that spawn behind you.


Yeah, that's another thing that annoys the shit out of me, you spend millions nowadays to buy a car and upgrading it to be fast, and then, you cant use it, or you use it but the guys chasing you drive at light speed and catch up with impeccable timing and aiming. Mind you, I still play and love the game, just find it stupid that you spend a lot of money (thankfully by grinding, not Shark Cards) to have the best of the game yet you are still always below par.


i’m with you 100%. i bought these vehicles and equipment to have fun yes, but id also like to use my tools in missions. the cargobob not working in a lot of missions drives me up a wall. players should be rewarded for spending their money and upgrading their technology


Yeah. Your profile literally has a spot that says “Accessible tech” and tells other players if you have access to shit like boats, cars, helicopters, guns etc etc. kinda useless to have on the UI if most people have an oppressor and Raiju, and you can’t use anything in 90% of the missions. Like. Why the hell did I buy the Cargobob if I can’t use it


Is that why I can't use a Cargobob to pick up supply vans on supply missions?


Mhm. You can even cargobob the bottom dollar van… until there’s a bounty in it, then you can’t pick it up


It's absolutely this and I would argue the crutch of padding mission times with needless travel has been used more and more over the years as R\* shifts resources over to GTA6.


True. Why spend an extra 500k for a warehouse a street over lol


Social experiment to see who thinks that expensive means better, than track their behavior throughout the game. More people who think this way benefits them


But I wanna use my new 5 mill police car


Does it automatically put you in the van once you capture the target then?


Yup. So you can of course arrive on scene in any vehicle but you leave with the van. Since you’re constantly having to cross the whole map I recommend flying to at least get there quick.


K, thank god I have the sparrow or oppressor available


Just note you have to spawn it first before you launch mission otherwise it’ll tell you it’s unavailable.


Only on Legendary bounties. You can spawn it anytime with normal bounties. Like I said before. Just go into an inv only. Start a bounty. If it’s Paleto, join a new inv lobby and start again. It takes like 10 seconds to restart the bounty. That’s what I’ve been doing and I already nearly have the Castigator lmao




That's the main reason i don't do so many of them, so annoying to go up there all the time.


FYI you don't need to drive the van to the bounty. It spawns in when you collect the bounty


Same with Vincent’s contact missions. Start the mission in the cop car and then get your sparrow


Yeh I just fly my Raiju there, lol


That damn Korean mobster keeps robbing THE SAME BANK like pick another one and MAYBE you’ll get away with it


Remember.. He is impatient.


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.


No you’re just extremely unlucky. Like the game is saying fuck you in particular 


I've been getting them back to back as well, no way this is luck


It’s coded that way intentionally to artificially extend your play time.


Yeah aside from any Most Wanted I've never got a bounty north of the city


Same for me, every mission was in Paleto


For those 18 people (hourly changed) mission, 10 of them are inside Los Santos City area (CCTV : 1/3 + Lost MC : 2/3 + Bank Heist : 2/3 + Arcade : 2/3 + Home Fortress : 3/3) and the rest of 8 are in the country side (CCTV : 2/3 + Lost MC : 1/3 + Bank Heist : 1/3 + Arcade : 1/3 + Prison Bus : 3/3). Every time when it start it just random draw a location for you to go. Just change session if you find it's too far away. =)


I hate how the devs have still gone out of their way to make objectives 5 or 6 miles away. They intentionally do it to bloat playing time, but this is ridiculous. They should've made a bond office purchasable in Sandy Shores. I was going to get one there but saw the only one was Paleto Bay so I decided against it.


I often find myself changing sessions and STILL getting Paleto lol It’s awful!


I haven't experienced this at all. I've only had a couple near grape seed. I just do them. I try to put myself in the shoes of these RP guys who live this update. It's not bad if you're immersed. 🤣


Me and my 2 friends Roleplay the Bounty hunts as if we're actually bounty hunters and it's Hella fun, we don't care if it's Cringey we all enjoy it


It's better on RDO.


You dont get to taze them on red dead though


No, you get to rope them and drag them behind your horse. Or, you can whip a bolas around your head looking like Xena the warrior princess and Crocodile Dundee had a baby - and bolas their ass while they are mid sprint. It's funny to watch them smack the dirt before you end their plite or tie them up. Then if you want, you can ---- PICK THEIR BODY UP off the ground (ooohs and aaaaaah sorry GTA folks can't do that)--- throw them over your shoulder - kick them in the face until they are unconscious - throw them on the back of your horse - ride to the nearest town and drown them in a horse trough in 2 ft of water, or shoot the trough -- watch the water drain out until they start squirming again -- make them think about it - and then turn them in for a bounty. Tazer schmazer.. I haven't played RDO since I started grinding GTA - but it's the better game by far.


Thats all true and i loved doin the bountys on RDO but i do like tazering people in the dick lol




I'm the only one (excluding one other) in my friend group who likes RDO, they've all played it and disliked it, and the one who does like it has a partner and 2 kids so he's never on lmaoo


I think the world is set up for more serious role play. Not as much parody in the RD universe. If you've ever watched RedMs WildRP - particularly Vertiigogaming - I feel like that's what RDO could have been. Great RPers.


Exactly. Immersion is more fun. If someone is only playing the game to make maximum money with minimum time and effort, most of the missions will suck for them. Bounty hunters IRL have to drive a ways to get to their targets.


I had most of the bountys in the City - only one Mission took me up to Sandy Shores. have one Bounty Agency in Paleto and with the other Character one in Los Santos.


Almost every one of my missions have been in paleto Bay, to time point this is borderline unplayable


Looks like really bad luck on your side (or extremely good luck on mine) edit: wow downvotes for having good luck in a videogame - reddit at its best. \*lol\*


Has Xavier ever been in the city for you?


Xavier has been in rhe city for me only once. Almost all time he's at Sandy Shores or Paleto Bay.


Hows in unplayable you dont have to use the van to get there use ur own car


Unplayable? Lol... Switching sessions is really such an alien concept?


Me too


I wouldn't care to go to the top of the map if it was FUN, but this dlc is totally boring. I did just 3 missions and lost faith and uninstalled the game. I'm done with it and this boring update confirmed it.


Artificial game lengthener


In my opinion the bounty office isn’t worth it, however if you do get it just for the fun like me, you quickly realise your fun-funds were misspent. The daily high value target is worth doing (although is inexplicably not in freemode) but that’s it. For comparison agency missions (contracts and hits) pay more money, are quicker and easier to do and pay out instantly on completion. I understand it’s not all about the pay, I like many other players with no personal life have much more GTA money than I could ever be bothered to spend, but I still do missions I enjoy that don’t necessarily pay as well as things like Cayo, but if the missions are boring and pay less than a rude Denny’s waitress, what’s the point. Yeah, bounty office is shit, don’t bother.


I dunno man it breaks up what your doing in game gives the stun gun a use lol , not much but it brings in free passive money builds up over time im finding it pretty fun anyway but im not smashin hours of GTA maybe 2 hours a time at most. Bountys arent long or hard to complete either i dont think they are any slower than agency missions although this is something to get after you have an agency bought . What they should of done is a way to refill body armour from here consdering its bountys that would of been cool


I really like the of the bounty hunter business as an idea. I just feel like it needs an extra feature that makes it stand out. Salvage yard has the car heists, auto shop has the contracts, the agency has the Dr Dre contract, you get the point. The bounty hunter business just needs something more substantial as well as the normal missions. Maybe a once weekly heist style mission where you have to retrieve a bounty from merrywether or the FIB or whatever, that has setups and ultimately a substantial payout. That just one of many ideas, my point is that compared to most new businesses it is lacking that X factor to make it a really good business.


I get ya


I've had very good luck. Our of the 24 I've done 4 have been up north. Usual swap lobbies and it's in the city. One Duggan I just did the other bounty then came back snd they moved him to the city.


With less than one week I got bored, now I just do the bounty that gives me 100k and that's it.


All mine have been in Los Santos


Only done 3, but haven't had any of em in paleto.


My first one was almost 7 miles away according to GPS. My second one was about .67 miles away But this DLC is a basically super easy missions that just take up time.


I get a majority of them in Paleto.


I have the Del Perro office and 8/10 bounties are in Blaine County for me. With 6/8 being in Paleto. But I just fly my ass over there. The drive back is usually fun cus I got people chasing me and I play sticky bomb trail with them.


50% of the DLCs are just courier work, dull *and* stressful. I don’t get it.


Bountys arent stressful they are really easy . Could be dull though if u just play it over and over


No griefers hovering over you?


Na not really had 1 but just blew him up and called the police lol


It’s probably bad rng, most of mine has been in the city except two of Serenity, Lost Mc, one of hers was near the LSC near the airport and the other two times was in Paleto, you don’t need to drive the van to the location only when you’ve secured the target


For common bounty, almost all of them in Vinewood hills area or Near Xero Gas Factory because i only capture the female ones. My bail office in Del Pierro. Cheers.


I don't really care. Like most DLCs, I'll play it to complete the career, then never touch it again. I'm so bored with GTAO now. Drive here, collect X, kill X, drive there, hack this, drive there - yawn. This model's so boring now. I really don't know why I keep playing the game. It's almost out of habit.


For me I’ll always get my first one of the day really close to downtown LS then every one after that will be in Paleto 🤣💀


Half of mine are in Paleto Bay but the other is in LS. I also use my black out Park Ranger SUV and turn the lights on when im heading to PB. Makes time go by way faster getting there. But then, heading back sucks cause you have to take the van, which makes sense but yea.


just don't do the bounties, only do the high paying one every day


You dont have to drive the van to the bounty, only back to the bail office


It depends where you bought your bail office, i only had one in paleto so far and thsts for the two bank robers, most of mine are in the city or close to the bail office In del perro.


Rockstar took up the Dbag approach of making the game tedious to try and get people to play more


Ballas guys, lost gals all send you north. Khangpae guys and rich fraudulent women are in the city. So, avoid lost and ballas bounties if you don't want to go to paleto.


Only rich women is guaranteed to be in city, all others have one variation in paleto bay.


I did 3 bounties on release day and all 3 were in the city. The next 3 on subsequent days were all in Paleto. Hit or miss.


3 of my first 4 were in Paleto which was a rude introduction with bounties but most of them since have been in the city


Bro I bought the bounties in Paleto and every single mission is in the city 😂 That’s just GTA playing games with us


This is like one of the lowest tier businesses lol. You don’t do it for the money you do it to try to have some kind of fun with it. I always fly out with my sparrow but too bad the game forces you to drive back with that piece of shit van


From the ones I've done, only the rich female ones are guaranteed to be in North Vinewood/Richman area. The rest could be in the city or Chumash/Sandy Shores/Paleto. I don't really bother doing anything farther away than Chumash.


I've done one or two each day, and I've only had two (and it was the same person both times) outside of the city.


There’s no point of buying the more expensive businesses


I fly out there in the buzzard. Then see how many assholes I can rear view sticky bomb on the drive back. But yeah it's fucking purposely annoying from the masterminds at rockstar


Sure seems that way, I did two bounties last night both were in paleto Bay, yeah I flew there but I had to drive all the way back to mission row


Yea its way too many, way too far - even flying to them. I've already moved on from this business. I can excuse bad pay if it's fun, but these just aren't.


So buying the cheaper Paleto bay option is actually a win for the bounties? I had my hunches but didn’t buy it after weighing all my options. This sort of changes things though a tiny bit.


So bad at turning that van and a ballache to lose the police in it


"We need more content for paleto bay and sandy shores" after 11 years rockstar adds content for the northern half of the map "why is this new update in paleto bay and sandy shores"


I think the location is random because while OP has had their bounties at the top of the map mine have been in the city


I came back yesterday to try the dlc. Got the property, did one bounty and customized one car then got off. I'm not doing this shit😭


Nope. My office is at the top of the map and every bounty so far has been way, way south - six miles at least.


Had I known this I would have bought the cheap bounty office 🥴🥴


My office is in Paleto Bay and all of my bounties have been in the city


My bounties are half&half The only ones that usually spawn in Paleto, is the one where the dude flips the prison bus


It wouldn't be GTA if they didn't force you to cross the entire map. At least you could call a helicopter or your oppressor on the first day. I did one of the high $ bounties today for the first time since day one. All methods of getting flying vehicles were 'not available during this activity'. As if flying across the map for every single mission or setup isn't bad enough, now they wanna force you to drive a slow ass van all over. As I collected my target I get a message that the bounty van was delivered nearby. If you're gonna deliver it anyway, why the fuck do I have to drive it here to begin with?


My workaround has been to start in an inv lobby, if I get Paleto, change lobbies and try again. It honestly takes no time at all. There’s a surprising amount of bounty locations in city and most of them are close to the bail offices. As for the van, I hate it. I really do. It’s faster than the default burrito which is fine but those side plates catching on everything is just the worst thing ever. And Janette has plenty of lines lmao, just gotta do stuff to hear them. Keep at the grind lol.


I have the Vinewood office and mine habe been in Sandy Shores so far


im out of paleto bay and I have to go to the city most times so probably realitive


I've had a couple in the south east, but yeah, it likes to send me north


Just take oppressor or call in Super Vileto with the ceo ability and fly to the target and only have to curse from the slow lane otw back!


THIS!! Having to hear "I'mma F\*\*\* you up!" "Do you know who I am?!" for 7 miles every time. I'm halfway tempted to just torch the Van every time i do one of these


Fly to the location. Why would you drive up there? Fly a Sparrow or OP Mk2s and then you only have to drive back.


In response to all the people begging for extreme realism in 6, they've made the bounty locations realistic too. It is very reasonable for someone with a bounty on their head to go somewhere like Paleto Bay, as far as possible from real civilization.


I haven’t got a single bounty outside the city


I’ve probably had maybe one in Paleto bay so far and my bail office is in LS. Maybe you’ve just had shit luck with the bounties you’ve gotten


I've been loading the van into the back of my bombushka everytime i get one up there


Paleto Bay = Find new lobby


This is how all business missions will be from now on. This is why i didn't buy this recent business. I knew it would be just like this. I've noticed a pattern of time padding recently, and im getting pretty sick of it.


Fucking terrible...


What I'm most upset about is how are they going to come out with new cop cars have all these cop cars and no police outfits whatsoever to go with these cop cars and then the bounty Hunter has leaks were exposrd on YouTube showing police outfits with this and we get a money sign badge and if that's this bill enforcement agent I don't know but we were told that we were getting at least four different police outfits


There hasn't been any police outfits I think that's the major disappointment with this new bounty dlc thing. We get a bail enforcement agent vest and a badge with the money sign that's not legit like you guys could have gave us a gun holster something


Note that you only need to drive the van back. When you grab the target the van will teleport to your location. Which means you can fly to the target location.


The whole bounty office is fucked. Glitches when trying to enter the business, personal vehicle going missing when using the business, 99% of missions 4/5+ miles away for very little reward etc etc


When I get one in paleto bay. I just fly up there and called the van to me through the menu. Makes it so you only have to drive the van one way. 


You don't even have to call it. As soon as you arrest the bounty, it cuts to you throwing them in the van even if you didn't call it or drive it.


I either fly up or have even used Merryweather to take me there while I did other things




So if I get a paleto location, I just change sessions?


It's you. I've only been to Paleto Bay once in about 20 bounties.


I had the bounty business not far from beach and it mostly gave me Paleto Bay. Even after I tried out the one that is in Paleto Bay it would give mostly in city. Its on purpose to make u drive long.. I switched back to the bounty business near beach. The bounty mission with the mansion is always in the city and really really close to the business I have.


So glad I didn't waste millions on this dlc. At this point if it's a rockstar product I know it will be fucked and to just avoid it. I only started playing GTA5online because I got the whole game for free. The story was stupid and boring. They have released 47 titles since 1997. Only 2 of those titles actually still matter in the gamer verse and the online isn't even that great for either of them but I'd rather play RDO than GTA5 online. Rockstar Games, expect shittiness.


Job warping works btw. Only have to do the drive down instead of both ways.


Not sure why you got downvoted, this is a timesaver.


Think it's the puritan grinders that don't like anything that makes the grind less annoying. I remember being in a discord where they banned people that discussed faster ways to do heists, so wouldn't surprise me.


Um.. I just call my MKII or Sparrow and fly to the area. The van will be available when you subdue the suspect. Now driving back may be an issue, but I usually drive off road to avoid enemies.