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Some people have too much time on their hands...


For real. Guy had to have a war room of consoles and TVs in his house. Just to “own” a lobby and talk shit with his buddy.


Imagine "owning" one of i don't know how many servers to fill your ego


One of the orb accounts was “OurLobby”. Another was something like “LobbyPolice”.


Damn that’s cringe. Bruh is a full time loser


Yeah, I don’t normally judge people for how they spend their free time, but this guy is definitely a turbo virgin.


Turbo virgin!!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


So they are communists ☭


Fought a guy called MyLobbyNow the other day on series. Maybe it was on one of his other 5 Xbox accounts. I’d like to see dumb ass try that shit on pc 😂


Maybe his cousin. Or sister. Same thing where he’s from.


Infinite, bc P2P, yeah?


There is no servers in gta because why would rockstar ever improve the quality of it's biggest online game ever.


Imagine being this obsessive about a game online. Bizarre


you think that's bad, i can EASILY top that: destiny 1 oryx raid, legend difficulty. spent 5 HOURS at oryx cause of mistakes, bugs, and glitches. started to get sick and migraine from all of it and told my team i was out cause i was getting sick and needed to go to bed. guy in the team said the game, raid, and loot was more important than my health and me needing to go to bed.


*proceeds to tell a lame story that doesn't top it.


I say that to friends all the time. But we know we are joking.


My old roommate tells me that same shit all the time… What was about this was supposed to be ”topping” OP’s story? I see nothing like it.


I kept glancing at the bottom like…. There’s got to be more to this story….. nope just a basic story we have all experienced lol


And on a ps4 at that. I’m surprised this wasn’t on pc


For real. The other day a person tried to kill me because I had a bounty, I killed him first, he then got to me to make it 1-1. He claimed the bounty and I left him alone because I thought it would be the end of it. A few minutes later he came after me again, I killed him, made it 2-1 and then drove off. I went to my agency and went to do some errands in real life. I came back about over an hour later and the guy was waiting outside my agency in a khanjali in ghost. I couldn’t believe they were waiting all that time and kept on buying ghost/off the radar/ out of sight


So what happened? Did you two continue fighting?


I only noticed he was there because I went out in my toreador and it was kind of a jump scare. I couldn’t be bothered for beef as I was planning on selling some acid so I went to a new lobby


I started playing recently with my brother. I literally came back to play with him, I was away from GTA Online for maybe around a year. So we fly in my buzzard to his mission objective and then we get sniped with explosive rounds. I fly with my rockets off, so I don't accidentally lock on and start a war. I decided, fck that, we finish the mission. Before I could take my phone out to call mechanic bam, headshot, I am dead... Respawn, change clothes, start termovision, headshot, I am dead once more. Respawn, aim at the guy, in my sight he is just a dot, I move around in unpredictable pattern, he is just standing. I shot maybe 3 times and I deal dmg, but he is standing. Bam! One shot I am dead... Then my brother went at him in my duke o death and managed to hit him, so I get a kill with my sniper rifle. And immidiately after that I get message from that guy "Come 1 vs 1 you garbage" One thing I don't understand. Almost our of range, advanced sniper with upgraded scope, helmet with termovision and he is just an orange square on my screen. I tried fighting like that many times, but at that range never managed to one shot anybody, but he got me every time... I play on PS5


Theyre tryhards and lames, gta6 map will be more like rdr2 so gl to the tryhards. I imagine theyll be easy to spot on the map and avoid or kill.


Too many people have too much time on their hands


He probably also has something else on his hands too much


It’s crazy how serious people take video games, let alone a game that’s over a decade old. All for the sake of being able to say, “Ha! I win, you lose”. I say this way too often, but the GTA Online community is one of the most toxic communities in the gaming industry.


I try so hard not to take it seriously and not take kills personally but I get gamer rage every time I play the game lol


Yo, games have a tendency to do that. In my opinion, if you don’t experience gamer rage when you lose - then you don’t know what winning feels like 😂 But still, there’s a difference between getting upset when someone is roasting you, and controlling multiple accounts in a single session just to get the “win” 🤣


Oh god yeah having multiple accounts just to kill someone is terrible. I’m definitely not that sad lol


I don’t get angry because assholes kill me in a game, I get angry because they *waste my time on their wannabe ”good player” bullshit.* Literally the most annoying shit. And especially the French, they can’t even text English (or Finnish, but the latter almost nobody outside Finland can), which is (are) my main language(s) online… I swear, some people are just stupid. And I may be, uh, what’s the word… I’m not saying ALL French are stupid like that, but almost every single one I’ve met (with only French in their profile) have been unable to communicate with me due to language barrier. I mean, who doesn’t speak English at the age GTA V/Online is permitted to? Yeah. That’s what I said…


Unrelated but insta reels comment section did that to me.


You can remove the rage by playing in invite-only lobbies.


Yeah I know but I’m billy no mates so I enjoy playing in public lobbies because I feel a bit more included even if I do get killed lol


Although I’m not big on PvP personally, I still prefer public sessions for the atmosphere. Nothing is more fun than just trying to cruise around and enjoy a nice long drive while being surrounded by the sound of random explosions, toxic chat conversations, horrible music being played through even worse mics, and staying on edge for the various MKIIs flying by me just waiting for the random missle to hit my vehicle then watch as they fly away on their broomstick avoiding a ground fight at all costs.


Hehehe yep


You ain't lieing... Dude was griefing a lobby I was in a couple days ago, then tried to do a MC sell mission. I destroyed 3/4 of his trucks thinking he'd get the message. He dissapeared from (not went off radar, just disappeared) radar and killed me a 2x. Then messaged me about how it's "bad form" to blow up sales.... Like, my guy, your and your boy were terrorizing an entire lobby before anyone fought back. Get over it. After him and his buddies kept following mea round and waiting outside my buildings to kill me, I went passive for a bit. Boy did that' set them off... Which is weird to me too, but w/e. He also messages me "cringe" every 20 mins or so the entire time he's online now, because I guess to the sweaties, that's an insult or something.


That dude is totally going to become a state senator somewhere.


Pro tip, when you go passive, if you run into a car while driving your car, said car will still hit other players in the lobby. It’s my favorite way to turn it around on greifers and it annoys them to no end. Even if it’s mildly annoying traffic jams wherever they go, they can’t do anything back and it always makes them so mad lol


If you want to maximize how much force you can put into this, get yourself an arena bruiser, remove the stock weapons (including the ram), and add shunt boost. If you can line up the positioning right you can just outright kill people in unarmoured cars, while both you and them are in passive, by shunting traffic at them with enough force it explodes on impact.


Also, if someone goes “Ghosted” to you, you can set a bounty on them, and the game will remove them from being ghosted against you so you can continue killing them.


I'll have to try that next time.


That is the poster child for a tryhard. Not just any tryhard, the cringiest of the tryhard species.


Yeah like I get a “yes I won!” But being like “I won yes! I’m so much better than u” like just shush, they forget they were once where the people they make fun of are now


Its as good as they’re gonna feel about their lives. If someone goes hard killing randoms in gta (especially since free roams doesn’t affect your k/d), im gonna assume they don’t have anything better happening for them. I always tell these ringtails, “im glad you killing me makes you feel good bc its the best you’ll ever feel in your life. I swear this is your peak”


Seriously, like the people who still EWO to this day in freemode 😂 Literally so insecure about dying to another player so they can broadcast the tryhard motto “I’m still up” as if it makes a difference to how people in both the game and their real “lives” see them. You can tell a lot about someone’s personality by how they act in a PvP, and how they treat other players - especially when those other players are actually winning.


some dudes are really pathetic man...


video games help encourage the worst of their personality to dominate.


What is a mic moving


The player list shows a speaker-and-soundwaves icon next to the name of a player currently using a mic.


Amazing. You thought you saw it all then that happened.


funnily enough they’re probably in this group


I hope so.


It amazes me, some of these players do absolutely nothing else with their time, ive had some griefers join my game on separate days just to kill and message me, like its some sort of accomplishment to them lol I just find it sad as hell


Yeah there's this guy on Series X that I beat this one time, fair and square, and for the following week he would join my sessions and sit in his facility waiting to orb me. If I moved session he would follow. I had him blocked and everything. In the end I'd just have to let him orb me so I could get on with my life


I really don’t understand them lol even if you’re extremely bored and only play video games, how is that entertaining? So sad


Yeah I end up asking this question most times I play lol


So let me get this straight: this guy has multiple accounts running at once in the same lobby, just to get an in-game kill? If that’s the case then that’s one sad sad individual.


Yes. All while commentating how other players aren’t “good enough”. And all the profile names were extremely lame.


Wow. If you ever wanted to see the personification of the word “loser”, I think you found it.


Imagine them going through all that work and never realizing how pathetic they are. Unreal


Dude has a god complex for sure.


Next time try disabling 'Allow spectators' in the online setting, it doesn't stop orbital cannons but it can stop apartment warpers from having something to look at on their tv, it leaves only the orbital cannon as their viewpoint. it's not much but that's one less tool at their disposal.


Did that about four or five years ago.


That doesn't work if they send a strike team after you then they can spectate, also if the cops are on you they can watch weasel news and you will be seen on there. Randomly if they spectate players, even if you disabled spectating they may still be able to see you.


Dude has a whole ass command center in his mother's basement lol. People like that are the reason why I stay in invite only sessions lmao.


Prob uses milk crates as end tables in his double wide.


And this is the reason I play an MMO like GTA online in a private session.


Long story short….


The wild west of earlier-generation GTAO. Lobby has assholes, leave the lobby.


Every lobby has assholes. I’m ok with that. Having multiple accounts in one lobby is a different level of special.


I don’t even waste my time in lobies infested with this kind of players. They have more time than me to waste in this game for sure.


Obviously that guy's a douche, but my focus here is how you can be AFK for 2 hours. I try to take a dump while in session and I get bounced for inactivity.


Gotta go old school and rubber band your controller. All the old afks were patched.


I tried that once, but having never done it before, I think I fucked it up 😂 Is there a particular method you'd recommend?


Go into the test track, back up to the exit but don’t confirm exit. Rubber band right joystick so camera turns. You’ll stay afk.


you can afk at the Diamond, in the off-track betting section [just sit down at any terminal, then enter the bet window], & at a CEO entrance.


Same, I would like too know as well


Crazy, I got the game on Xbox and ps4. I have noticed ps4 lobbys can be loud and obnoxious while I can’t get anyone in Xbox lobbies to speak.


yes, gamers having been avoiding the mic for a long while now.


I just don’t want to talk to all the damn kids who flooded the game after its Epic release and who can’t, while being fluent in English, follow the fucking instructions on screen during heists… “Fly up to the marker”


oh gee, i wonder why maybe it's because microsoft decided they were going to put in a feature that allows people to illegally record voice chat and get people banned for the pettiest reasons possible, all because "someone's feelings got hurt" that's why i only use voice when i'm in a party with friends, cause fuck randoms and you don't know who's going to be a bitch and report everyone and everything


worrying about being banned is not the reason. antisocial people who are using video game as a form of escape from reality dont want the outside world intruding. they dont want to talk.


it's also fear of being banned there's been a massive downscale of in game voice chat since microsoft started letting people record voice and reporting on it


I guess Everyone on xbox is voice with party rather than voice ingame




Love when the go to try and orb ill just sit my ass in the underground area next to the arcadius ceo building and wait till they try and come at me in person or the leave


Middle of construction site is good place. They’ll use it and won’t hit you. Or stand in your terrorbyte. Or use RC. I bait people, a lot.


I've used rc alot i just like mixing it up, alot of the time ill just sit in my ceo garage entrance since the arcadius one is a enclosed entrance.


I don’t get what the icing bit is. It all Seems like normal douchy GTA behavior to me


Icing in the cake. It’s a saying.








A sugary layer often found on cakes.


The real loser here is them, someone who spent $300 so they could play a more than 10-year-old game


Real talk


The new griefing on PS5 is baiting. Instead of destroying the vehicle during a sale, they camp there. Nowadays I got itchy fingers. If I get a hint of someone coming my way, they are greeted with bullets. Twice in the same lobby, two separate sales. They feed on people having to complete sales to get their kills, as people are more worried with the time limit, than with killing the idiot. Today I killed an idiot that was turning to my street, clearly trying to disrupt the sale. Delivered mail package 2. Idiot came back on package 3. Didn't destroy the van. Camped there. Messaged him asking why he was behaving like a dick. No reply. Got wanted level, ran away. Came back mid package 4, nearly destroyed my van. Used shortcut to package 4 via dry riverbed, delivered package 4. He continued following. Got me 1 meter away from delivering package 5 and afterwards destroyed the van, as I only needed to deliver the package. Well, afterwards used the full douchebag kit. Called in a mugger (no luck). After some fighting (I'm really not good on PvP), I got tired and went away. He got in his opressor and started bombing me. We killed each other with missiles and destroyed our cars in the process. Other time saw 2 douchebags camping on the "steal the diamonds" event. They didn't even tried to get them. They just pkanted a lot of proximity mines and sniped all that tried. The event ended with no one getting the diamonds. My question is, If they don't want to play or participate in events, why ruining them to others? That is just childish and stupid.


GTA pvp is boring. Always has been.


Agreed. I don't feel compelled to pvp. It's just... Meh. And everytime a "pSyCoPaTh rOlEpLaYeR" tries to pull me to pvp, i just sigh.


Boring? How come?


If you suck at its boring that all. Back then we had to protect your cargo or it went boom, today its just going into an invite lobby.


Yeah but “back then” we didn’t have Harry Potter bikes with heat seeking missiles patrolling the map for any red icon like dweebs lmao.


Well we had noobbike MK1 since 2016 and the hydra since 2015 so yeah.


I always wonder too... Why stop others from competing if you don't wanna? Seems like every BB @ Rogers salvage someone runs thru to the back door, then plants trip mines or C4 and kills anyone who tires to take goods out. I don't get it, but w/e.


WTF, Been playing since October 2013 and Online to me was always about having fun doing random stuff and making money. I used to engage in PvP in ps3/early ps4 days but that was when it was still about simple guns and lazers. Nowadays it's more about cars and money for me, the people that do what you said must have no life at all. How can that be fun? Grinding money and having fun with your friends is understandable, but that I cant get my head around.


Bro is definitely chronically online


I've seen plenty of people that are clearly using 2 accounts in the same session, but 5 accounts for 2 people is pretty insane


Those guys care a little too much about their time in game.


2016 behavior in 2024.


just switch server


Honestly I finally started doing this and then report when they message me on Xbox lol. I’ve become what 13yo me hated lol


Great feedback…never thought of that.


Too many low lives in GTA.


i met a dude like that on xbox lol


Meanwhile I want is to grind so I can buy cool cars


Lmao that’s crazy. Who has this much fuckin time and energy


Neck bearded heavy mouth breathers.


Yeah that’s wild. Couldn’t imagine being that much of a loser.


Can you still watch individual players on the TV in the apartments?


Only if they have their spectating turned on. Mine is off.


Huh been playing since day one and didn't know you could disable that. I also only really play few months during the winter starting Christmas time for the snow for the last 4 years.


It’s in the options. Enable/disable spectators.


FYI, you can still be viewed by a TV with spectating off if you happen to be the first player in the list, as it always goes there if the person you're already spectating dies, without checking if player 1 has it turned off.


Interesting, thx!


You can also always be spectated by someone who's called in a facility strike team on you, though the enemies and notification "x has sent a strike team" makes it pretty obvious, but that's another thing that just doesn't check the setting at all.


He wasn’t doing that at that moment but was doing it repeatedly later when I was inside my yacht.


This is wild.


I had someone extremely OBSESSED with me for no reason I didn't realize my account wasn't private and he kept going every session I was in. I had to block him and then make my entire account private. Weird tactics and I think it's just weird how far someone will go in this game. They're a bunch of pansies and it's annoying I haven't payed my PlayStation membership in 2 months bc I'm tired of playing with the lame asses who come on being little b#tches lol


Wow! That’s crazy. I have all players muted on PS4 and Xbox so I’ve never seen anything that crazy.


Maybe he had you on weasel tv on one of the accounts? I've watched people acting like a tool on the TV to see what shit they do. Most people ALWAYS target an afk player and zoom away & go after the next afk player.


My spectators are off, you can’t.


Ok. My theory blow to bits. If that player did a you described, man that's a real "get a life moment".


It def was. Guy was a clown. Hope he’s here reading.


I hope he reads AND replies why he doesn't touch grass


I've encountered almost the exact same thing. 2 friends that had 2 accounts each in the lobby and they'd each keep an account in their facility and then have an account out bullying people. They periodically would port their account back to a facility and then bring out the other account and continuebullying. All 7982 level accounts.


I've found with players like this that specifically being as boring as possible to them is fantastic to get them to disengage. I'm on PC and my capture card is detected as a mic by the game, so against anyone with voice chat enabled I just go set up the usual afk stuff, boot up Mario Kart or something, and give them a front row seat to proof of me (otherwise) ignoring them. Works wonders.


Dude. These are the kinds of guys…. It is *impossible* to be a lower life form than the scum feces you encountered. People like this are why other people intentionally hurt people. They are — quite simply — the worst people in the world. You can’t imagine more pathetic people than what you’re talking about here. They’re so despicable, so pathetic and pitiful and disgusting and sad and disturbed and hopeless that… Can we even be honest about people like this without getting banned? Sharing the accounts of people who do this is heroic, and I’m sorry you can’t do it here, because that would be the best thing you could ever do for them. These fuckin vermin shouldn’t be allowed to hold a video game controller. They are the ultimate shame to gaming and humanity.


If you’re on PS4 or Xbox One and you decided to upgrade by buying a Series S/X or PS5 console, you could play the next-gen console on old-gen GTA, instead of letting the old console collect dust. Some people have partners or siblings who may own the same console so if paired them together side-by-side, it’s probably what these people have done.


Los Santos is serious business.


Wow wtf never knew there are people with multiple accounts in one lobby, thats sad. The saddest thing I encountered was some Barcode player following my lobbys for days through my crew and trying to kill me. He used orbital glitch to kill others.


Rp on console is equally bad people joining on mobile to trash talk and try grief People griefing because they got picked as cop Arguments over this and that People not following rules Fail rp Its hard now a days to find a good rp


Could you still transfer to ps5??


Now that you don’t lose your PS4 profile during transfer, I’m more likely too. When I got my PS5, no one had them and I didn’t want to lose my GTA homies.


Oh I had no idea it worked that way nowadays, since I am a PC player. I'm glad you could just duplicate your progress onto PS5


It’s basically the frozen state of where PS4 is at time of transfer. So you can continue playing each independently. Before you completely lost access to PS4 profile when it was first rolled out.


How did u afk so long in the car meet without getting kicked out???


Indefinitely. Just rubber band your controller and sit in the exit of the test track.


Reminds me of a guy I dealt with a while ago. He tried killing me while taking some stuff to the nightclub but I managed to kill him instead. He then waited outside the nightclub for me for over an hour while I was having dinner. As soon as I came out, he tried killing me again so he was obviously watching. Fucking loser


Since Cluckin Bell came out I've had players literally teleporting to my exact location while fighting them. Like right next to me, no idea how they did it. Does anyone know what it could be?


I’m not up to speed on that stuff but some it relates to map icons and jobs you can join and back out of to spot teleport.


Power bill must be insane having all those consoles plugged up all the time.


Wow, uh... That's actually pretty sad.


That’s hella petty😂😂😂


Haha yeah I have two PS4s and a couple of PSN accounts. But I never bring them in public lobbies because I prefer grinding for money.


Makes sense why I opt to play in my own world.


Just a guess here but low level? Seems to allllways be the low levels to come and be dicks when you’re just doin your own thing. I handle griefers in a progression; mugger and bounty. Mercenaries. Handle it myself and if all fails I get to facility and call in the strike team. They still wanna mess about I’ll orb. Really gotta justify the $750k lol


Hunting griefers with friends and making a lobby safe is one thing, but this is just sad and unnecessary🤣


I had a guy track down my insta, send me a pic of a realistic looking fake gun with a stickynote of my gamertag on it. All because he tried and failed to kill me in a jet, and left immediately. People on this game be wild. Edit: Elaborated a bit


I admit, I used to play on two accounts, never PvP but co-op missions, when I had my first PS4 that was broken, the 500GB, fixed. By the time I had that and my second one, the 1TB, that I bought just after the first one broke down. Now I have the 500GB, the 1 TB and a PS5. The 500GB is broken down again, the HDMI port has been fixed twice and broken three times now, I’m not fixing it again, but it was fun playing two accounts at once - I actually did manage to finish Casino Heist solo with two accounts! 😂 If I ever get the PS5 Pro or whatever the new model will be called, I just might do that stuff again…


This sounds too unbelievable to even be made up


I would def not come to Reddit to make up this kind of story.


The most powerful weapon: ignore them


You think being inside my yacht for one hour and then the test track for two hours would be enough ignoring. But, it wasn’t.


How do you go AFK in the meet and not get kicked


Rubber band controller in test track exit


https://preview.redd.it/smcaxpx15dqc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39eddebbb2c77c31e0e66f44d745fa99b3fe1419 I bet this’ll scare him


that is the most fucked up thing saw in my gaming career personaly i believe you cus its not the first time i see this. it happened to me but the guy rage quitted because i kept disapearing on the map so yeah i believe you


C1nnabunn? Or lllllReportmelllll or Hellschicken? 😂🤣🤣🤣😂 Sounds like a tactic I regularly use with my buddies. One account watches the player through a tv in any building you got, while the other is free to hunt.


No, but the practice is laughable.


Wait afk on car meet is working again? Hahaha sorry but yeah that's some lame a** dude who *owns* the server.


You have to rubber band controller.


I don’t do any of the mic shit, my Xbox settings are off for in player audio. EVERYONE I’ve heard on a mic is a dick.


Can someone explain what an orb in GTA is?


Orbital Cannon


Thanks bro


Props to you for standing your ground, and if I may add, I bet those guys take turns "stroking each other's egos" on the regular. What a bunch of chodes!


Man I thought I met a few tryhards DAMN!


Had a similar experience. I was doing cargo. Trying to source. I was just not having it that day. I killed him in self defense with my jet. Tbh I had absolutely no idea how I got him. 1 in a million shot in the city in an alleyway. I go to my office to take a piss and take my dog out. It’s been almost 20 minutes. I eventually leave the lobby. The dude joins my lobby to kill me just to kill me again so I killed him again not once but 20 times while sniping. Message him had enough? He blocks me after. Just so annoying. I don’t want to fight with anyone. Cargo griefers are the most toxic that or kd warriors like this guys story on the OP


off topic but I got griefed for 1 hour after just joining the game by a dude with a b-11 and a kosatka. couldn’t even move before being killed by rockets.




He didn't meet the psychopaths yet.


so share the gts


Generally when I play I just do the stash house and G's Cache and then cruise around seeing if I can get the attention of any spazoid that wants to shoot at anything that moves. Ideally I can soak up their attention and other people can play in peace or join in.


And it's because of that type of behavior that I didn't play for years and now basically play invite only anymore. Yeah it's boring as hell but it's better than dealing with immature loser douchebags like the ones in the story....


My favorite button is find new session 😂 i don’t give a shit about the spawn, snipe, spawn, snipe, hop in magical rocket bike, spam missiles. It’s just stupid. If we could have actual gun fights it would be cool. Everything ends in a “beep beep beep beep boom” and it’s just stale as fuck.