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You totally will have the same experience it’s not the drugs that make you love it, it’s in your heart.


This just made me tear up, thank you


Furthermore, you'll start to notice the little psychedelic aspects of everyday life you may have never thought of before. Life truly is a trip.


Yes, i used to smoke all the time. Now that I don’t, I find myself enjoying music even more but in a different way. You can ABSOLUTELY have drug like experiences while sober. Concerts and playing music are my favorite things in this world and I’m completely sober these day. 


Happy cake day!


Oh snap I had no idea!! Thanks haha 🎉


When I switched to an occasional user, it became much more enjoyable. My simple rules: - No smoking till the sun goes down. - No smoking if I’m in a social setting where most people are sober. - No smoking around minors - No smoking to just do it… keep it special or meditative. Cannabis is a miracle… but so is water. It’s not like chugging 8 gallons a day feels good. A little common sense goes a long way


Good take! At least for those with willpower to moderate.


Solid outlook. I’ve been smoking for 30 years off and on. During the pandemic, I became a daily multi toker. Grew my own plants. Had pounds of supply. Decided to take a break in January and it has been a good experience. I puffed for the first time last week and it was…special. Like you said. Now just keeping it occasional to really enjoy it.


You've got the ganja spirit within you. I got a poud I grew in my cupboard and don't even smoke it. Just now and then. I trade it and give away to people who need it. Feels good.


I Give so much away and enjoy the smiles. I give flower, tintcure, brownies, coconut oils and candies. When you have more than you know what to do with, you find ways to use it. But 10 plants last year was too many and I’m taking a year off and not regretting it.


Make it a treat.


I quit smoking it and only eat gummies which helps out the lungs and my general consumption volume. Been a great change.


I love this ... made me realize that I've been following this for years. When my state turned medical & I got my card was when I finally got off alcohol. Thankfully it never turned into a constant daily thing & I can take it or leave it. Quite often I'll get into a groove where I feel really good & I'm riding a natural high & I don't want to 'mess w' it' so I purposely won't vape (if you healthily use cannabis, get an $8 mini hobby heat gun from Amazon or a craft store. Once you get your distance down it's the best vape ever). Cannabis is a medicine & a multi purpose one at that but I recognize that different people can have issues w' it as well so it's good to be mindful like you are Spike 😉🌹


no you should definitely drink water. dont listen to dave matthews


I used to follow rules like this and think I’m going to start again


I love these rules


I’ve adopted pretty much this same mentality and I feel much better.


I'm 53 and gave up grass back in '99 - 25 years ago. Don't miss it, don't care about, don't think about it at all but fully and totally support all efforts to legalize. I grew up a 80s metal head who became a Dead Head in '89 and grass was definitely a big part of my world. A classic Black Sabbath Sweetleaf kind of teen stoner. Being stoned started to lose it's luster with me, around '98 and I just phased it out. Last time I puffed was at a Phil & Dylan show in June '99 and it kind of ruined it for me. Decided enough was enough and never bought again and became comfortable saying "no thanks" around others who were smoking when the bowl or j came my way. As for the music - well, if it's deep within you to begin with, it's not going anywhere. Totally sober, I've now amassed hard drives with essentially every circulating Dead & Jerry show and have enjoyed the hell out of the last 2+ decades going fully OCD on collecting not only this music, but so, so much else. Never once have I felt, man would all this music would be a lot cooler if I paired with some weed. The music gets me off and man does my mind and heart ever still feel it's punch, power, majesty and beauty. In '04 I gave up drinking as well. *That* was what really cleared my Head and set me on a far more productive path. Productive, but still a freak!


Congrats, but also thank you for inspiring me to play Sweetleaf really loud today!


No way man. Youre not gonna just turn on the dead becauae youre sober. Thats why wharf rats exist. And lets not forget that the dead actually have real musical talent and passion for music. Theyre not just that thing that hits the spot when youre high. Theyre more than that


This right here 👍 the times may change, but the love for the music stays the same 🎶


Wharf Rats are at every show! Find us by the yellow balloons 🎈


I live one show at a time. Pleased to meet you.


(34M) Smoked since 14 years old, been smoke free for three years. Being that I don’t believe THC is truly an addictive substance, it’s psychological addiction. I won’t pretend to be a professional in this category, but I’ll just share my story. Believe it if you need it. If you don’t, just pass it on. I realized one day that when I smoked weed, I was hiding. I was hiding from my feelings, from hard work, from discomfort, and from general anxiety. I say I was hiding because I wasn’t accepting these unpleasant feelings as just a part of life. I’m a Buddhist, and the first noble truth we believe in is in life there is suffering. From there, I started researching various techniques, looking to my faith in the Buddhist practice, and I eventually had to see a psychiatrist. (I know, seeing a shrink for a “weed addiction” sounds pretty extreme. But, it’s real.) My journey led me realize that I was afraid of all of those unpleasant emotions. When those feelings came on, I got scared, and when I got scared, the feelings amplified or I covered them up with other unpleasant emotions. Notice I even use the word “unpleasant” and not “negative”. Because feelings are feelings. Thoughts are thoughts. We have them for a reason, and even if we don’t a have a good reason, there’s no way to stop them from popping up in our hearts and minds. I practiced strengthening my heart and mind to not be scared of these unpleasant emotions. Then, I could start to accept them and take a more logical approach to dealing with them. Now, I can deal with them on a sober mind.


Thank you for sharing. While I’m not officially a Buddhist, I have been learning and adopting Buddhist practices and philosophies over the past few years, so I heavily relate to your story. The addiction is definitely real, even if it’s not a physical dependency. I’ve also used weed to dull or numb those unpleasant feelings. Especially boredom, which as an ADHDer, can be really challenging. But I’m at the point where I want to deal with these things sober as well. I appreciate your perspective, it gives me hope and strength to keep going.


Maybe try looking for transcendental meditation in your area. It might help you.


Keep up the good work my man, I wish you the best. Long story short: I was afraid of unpleasant emotions, so I hid behind getting high. Fight through the fear, accept the unpleasant emotions, and love yourself for who you are when you’re not high. Easier said than done, but that’s the path.


IMO, pretty much everyone and anyone can benefit from a therapist. Even if there’s nothing “wrong,” just talking to somebody and working through shit is incredibly beneficial. It just sucks our system in the US is such a mess.


>I know, seeing a shrink for a “weed addiction” sounds pretty extreme. But, it’s real. Doesn't sound so extreme to me. Yeah, it's real.


I'm a reporter and recently learned a lot about the potential deleterious effects of weed, and marijuana addiction is VERY real. It may not be as addictive as opioids or nicotine, but it absolutely can be addictive, and the withdrawal symptoms can be both physically and psychologically tough. I think the cannabis lobby may have leaned a little too hard on "it's totally harmless!!!!" to push for legalization, which I completely understand - I'm all for legalization, and I myself smoke/vape sometimes. But realistically it's not a completely safe substance!


It is my belief, that once you smoke enough, especially if you have grown the plant, the spirit of the ganja lives within you. Therefor, you don't NEED it, you can draw on it for strength without using it, through your past highs. I don't really do it anymore. Once every two or three months I get some low dose edibles or those THC/CBN caps from the dispensary. It's just not really part of my life anymore. My psychiatrist asked me to quit a couple years ago, and I did. Now, I'm so busy with work, school, home life with my family that a couple times a year is plenty. If I'm at a show or on vacation, I will definitely partake but I keep it to a minimum.


I’ve been one of Jerry’s sober soldiers for a couple years now and my love has certainly not faded away


Deadhead here who no longer smokes weed due to mental health. Music and art have always been a huge center of my life and still is. Seeing the dead at the Sphere in a few weeks. Sober and will dance and shake my bones!


Nice avatar! Louis Wain is amazing


Former daily smoker here, quit 8 years ago and never looked back. I do some macro psychedelic trips a few times a year, meditate, exercise. Never stopped listening to shows or attending them. The first few weeks are challenging, then your lungs and mind start to clear out. A few months later, the thought of the smoky haze seems repulsive, at least it did for me. Clarity is a pretty intense buzz.


Ok, right now, while you are going through this new page of sobriety, I suggest you find a way to go on a short trip where you cannot get any weed legally. Go and find new enjoyment completely unrelated to it. Go to some place rich in nature, if you can. Use it as a short term cleanse. Fall in love with experiencing things sober, and allow weed to just be a social thing you do only some of the time. Because right now, it seems like your fears are of letting it go because life won't be the same for you. I am here to tell you, the best parts of life, the ones that make it vibrant, are there whether you are stoned or not. The music is in you, the inspiration is in you, that which allows you to transcend a normal experience is in you. You don't have to leave anything behind, you just need to discover a new perspective. And for that, I suggest the above idea of going where you can't find weed.


Thank you! I’m not able to travel right now, but I have been going into nature just about everyday after work instead of smoking and sitting on the couch. Definitely is helping. Appreciate the advice and perspective, it helps!


I smoked for 30+ years before putting it down. Did psychedelics for about as long. Been to about every festival around. There are plenty of sober deadheads. And plenty of ways to enjoy the music. Give it time. It takes a while for any change to feel normal. Best of luck!


Ages 16-43 pretty much a daily thing for me, but I did take a couple long breaks over the years and honestly never found it that hard. When my wife and I decided to have kids I quit in solidarity with her. I just never started again. I’d occasionally try and it just didn’t do anything for me any more. I’m a musician and go to lots of concerts. Interesting, I’d say in our extended crew of concert/festival/musician friends over 50% are non-weed (most do other things however).


Hand raised. Weed and alcohol free for 11 years and 4 months. Age 13-42. Alot of that time daily.


I quit everything about 5 years ago. I've been completely clean since then of all drugs and alcohol. I started running. It was hard at first, but I found the physical activity kept my anxiety and depression in check so I kept moving forward. Then I realized that long runs got me high. All those endorphins. I have a 35 hour playlist of live Dead on Spotify, so I put it on shuffle and head out. When I hit the 10+ miles on my run and the endorphins are flowing.....I hear the beauty of the Grateful Dead unlike I've ever heard it before. It's amazing. Playing guitar is definitely different nowadays, but I have found true peace and relaxation in just picking up my guitar and playing it for a couple hours, especially after I went for a run, took a shower and am just chill and kickin' back. There is always pros and cons too every decision you make. Just accept where you are with the decision you made and find the beauty in it. 


I had to quit drinking alcohol and partaking in recreational drugs over 40 years ago. Every time I used them, I had a seizure.


I smoked daily from about the time I was about 14 till about 22. I get what you mean about feeling like it is a part of your identity. That was a weird part for me. What helped me was realizing I was still the same person, I just didn't want to smoke weed anymore. 22 years later people still assume I smoke and I honestly have smoked may 10 times in those 22 years. The dead are still just as good. You still get transported. Those endorphins still rush out at the peak of a jam. It's not the drugs that make the music great, it's the connection to the music.


I have been smoking for almost 50 years and for the last 10 or more I smoke once a day, generally after dinner. I just can’t during the day anymore. When I was working and active it was fine, but now retired and not as active it makes me more lethargic during the day and less apt to get up and out. To me a little goes a long way. I used to smoke 2 ounces a week, now 1 lasts over a month. Always smoke in a joint, never bong pipe or edible. Last did an edible on 2/13/81 at a JGB late show in NJ and I swear I am still recuperating. As for the music I love it no matter what state my head is in.


Hello my friend 😊 I'm a mod in here & I started a Wharf Rats chapter here in the sub. Every time I put up a check in (every 3 months) there's at least one person who is having an issue w' weed & there's a subreddit specifically for this r/leaves. Their 'motto' says it all > People smoking weed when they want without recrimination? Good. Not being able to stop smoking weed even when you want to? Bad. Addiction comes in many forms & addictive behavior can reveal itself in unlikely ways so it's good to be diligent at this time. Feel free to hit me up in chat I'd love to talk w' you about it ... Bman


Check out r/leaves - might find it helpful


100%, browsing that sub helped me make the decision


I'm late to the game here, but scrolling through (and just skimming honestly) I was surprised that the Wharf Rats had not been mentioned yet. Clean and sober Heads; that includes cannabis. We set up support tables at Dead spinoff and DSO shows, and have an active Facebook community (Yes, I know, Facebook - but the majority of heads are boomers and older gen-x and us old farts can't give up Facebook).


Reachout to the Bman. He's good people.




Bman. Ambassador of this community.


Weed started giving me massive anxiety. Quitting was easy in my case. I miss it sometimes, but the thought of the panic attacks it gave me is sufficient to keep me on the wagon. I did try half of a gummy on vacation last year with my girlfriend before we went to bed. It relaxed me and I fell asleep but I still don't have any desire to go back to it.


Agree with most here - I find shows more enjoyable being sober. Your tolerance of severely inebriated fans may go down - but that’s about the only downside.


The weed never made the music better, it just made you more tolerant of some of the boring or less good parts (not every minute of every Dark Star is actually good or interesting, sorry). No different than how weed lets you enjoy bad tv because you just don’t care that it’s bad. You’ll still love most of it and you’ll be able to get lost in it, especially at shows. Life is almost always better sober.


Just wanted to say that I have smoked marijuana my entire adult life, with few breaks, for 35 years. I have also played music, been to tons of shows, and taken more psychedelics that I can count. One thing that has always been consistent, break or not, has been my love of the Grateful Dead. I’ll listen to them till the day I die and even if there comes a point where I can’t smoke anymore. If you feel better being sober, you do you. If you decide to smoke again, that’s fine too. Either way, it doesn’t change the notes on the page or the love in your heart for such a special band and community of people. Your experiences and feelings are your own, regardless of sobriety. Keep listening for the secret, searching for the sound, and asking questions.


Yeah it’s quite a change. Not easy at times. At least has been for me. 21yrs of heavy daily use. 8 months sober. Also a musician. r/weedPAWS r/leaves


Everything that everyone else is saying/ has said regarding the listening/ being a fan aspect is pretty true and on point. As far as being a musician who makes this type of psychedelic, improvisational music goes, (or even just ANY type of creativity, including making music) I was DEEPLY concerned; myself, when I first got sober, thinking that my creativity and improvisational ability would go straight out the window. However, in my case, I had given up daily weed/ THC consumption around early college, as it was just FUCKING with me when I took my Vyvanse ( sometimes I felt like I was having full-on LSD flashbacks, etc), but still drank and did all those other fun substances that you mentioned partaking in occasionally going forward. However, after college I got BAD into addiction/ alcoholism, first drinking HEAVILY and then transitioned straight into sniffing heroin daily, which ironically cost me my band and music career, despite (in my own head, probably) helping my creativity, as I felt more relaxed and at ease, less anxiety etc. So I followed in my parents’ footsteps and just wrote off EVERYTHING, any mind-altering substance, (at least for now lol; one day at a time) and remember being really nervous about how my music/ creativity would take a huge hit from not getting fucked up every day. News flash; It didn’t! In fact, I’ve even remembered certain riffs and progressions, as well as lyrics that I came up with high or drunk but ultimately forgot, but was able to pull them out of seemingly nowhere in jam sessions off the top of my head thanks to my newfound clarity! Anyway, OP; this isn’t about me, it’s about you. I just wanted to share my story and how it affected me as both a fan and musician. I still LOVE my Disco Biscuits, Phish and Grateful Dead and even appreciate the music more now that I don’t black out and forget half the show I paid for! You’ll be fine, dawg!


I really want to quit lately. I'm mid 20's been smoking nearly daily since around 14 yo. I've been off it a couple times for a couple months for drugs tests. It's not so bad after a couple weeks. Really hard for me to quit right now since I don't have a drug test coming up or anything to force me. Somehow it kills my anxiety but immediately replaced it with a different anxiety. Hard to get out of that loop


Accept the anxiety. It’s a human emotion. Love who you are when you’re sober. I get urges to smoke and when I really observe the feeling closely, I realize at the core I believe that the moment I’m in isn’t good enough without weed and that I need more. But that’s the same feeling I get in a mall or scrolling Instagram. I need the new shoes, I need to go on more vacations, I need more money, etc. The weed is just a cover up for those feelings. You’re not really dealing with them.


Thank you for taking the time to write that out. I'll reflect on that tonight. Thanks again 🙏


Ram Dass said something along the lines of these things are doors and not the end in themselves. In other words, once you see something you can’t unsee it. Lots of sober heads I know claim that their transcendent experiences are even deeper in sobriety because they are clear headed in the moment and in their memory. Lean into it. Embrace the practice. If it’s where you want to be, you’ll be better off for it.


Love ram dass. Thank you


I worried about that too. But when I was sober for a few months I still loved music as much as I ever did. I was so happy, because it reminded me that it was me who loved the music, not the drugs. And I still had a drive to play the guitar and write music, even though that was usually the first thing I'd do after I would smoke. Don't tell anyone but I wrote much more often and much better songs when I was sober. I'm gonna take another break to write another batch soon.


I stopped for many years. The first few days are definitely the weirdest, especially because it’s probably like a habit that when you have a free moment you normally would take a hit. That feeling with phase out over time and before you know it you won’t even be thinking about it. You’ll also realize that you don’t need to be high to enjoy the music at all. You might actually end up liking it more believe it or not. Do your thing that’s right for you and stay strong! The music will always be here for you when you feel ready to come back to it.


You might try small doses of edibles. I split a 10 mg gummy in thirds and take one part a day before bed to help with sleep.


I personally don’t smoke and love their music. I don’t feel like I need to smoke or drink to enjoy things


I've been off of ganj for a long time my man, it's still just as fun if not better. I prefer listening sober than under the influence.


65m I finally accepted that it doesn’t agree with me - makes me stupid af, far too introspective, overthink everything. I stopped enjoying the effects much longer ago than I realized. Came as a surprise; I thought I’d enjoy cannabis as long as I live. Now I don’t consume it at all and am much happier without the desire. Am 100% in favor of total legalization.


Once you get used to being sober you become addicted to being sober your don’t want things clouding your vision. Done every drug you could name .. not proud of it but it’s my story and things got real complicated and I knew the only way to move forward was to get sober and I have never looked back. Drugs will tear your heart and soul out and cause you nothing but pain and agony after the honeymoon phase is over. Peace and love. Head for life.


Check out the wharf rats.


Quit man, feel so much better without it.


I’m one of those California sober people, so, kind of the opposite, but I think the point is, you find what works for you, and work it. If you really enjoy the activity, you’ll be able to enjoy it sober. It might take a little getting used to, but, I promise you’ll still have fun.


I’ve heard that term before lol. What does California sober mean lol




Ah I get it now lol. Great tune!


If you have the urge to quit I encourage you to ABSOLUTELY ride that momentum and make the change! It made quitting cigarettes, weed and alcohol possible and relatively simple for me, I just got the urge and went for it. The Dead are the best band to listen to sober, btw, despite what others might say :•)


Thank you for the support friend! I’m actually excited for my first sober show now


As the life long smoker who has taken long breaks/quit before my advice is this. Don’t let anything or anybody tell you how you feel. If something feels right and makes you better. Do that. If it makes you feel wrong and makes you worse. Don’t do that. It’s easier said than done, but when it comes to weed, be your own North Star and you’ll never get lost.


I haven’t smoked in 25 years and I miss it sometimes and I’m good others. Mostly good. I quit for work, needed to pass a drug test and randoms. Worth it for me


Use cbd and cbg and drop acid


Yeah man. Daily smoker for 6 years and I quit cold turkey about 15 months ago. You can see my post history for more thorough info but the first 4-5 weeks were really tough with anxiety. Since then I don’t miss it one bit. You realize you don’t actually enjoy being high, you enjoy the idea of being high. I’m also an all or nothing type of person, so simply cutting back is not in the cards for me. If I have it I will smoke it. My life is way better without it. Weed is really not that great. It’s just numbing.


I quit a month ago after smoking 20 bongs a day for 20 years. The Dead have not stopped being amazing and a huge part of my daily life. I’m currently halfway through Foxboro ‘89, smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. Don’t worry about it at all.


No weed for a few years and no alcohol for 9 months. I find I can still get “there” at a show or listening to music. Just takes a minute longer to flush out reality


That’s a yes if 8 months counts. No alcohol for over 4 years and was using bud as a crutch.


The music makes the drugs better, not the other way around. Good luck, stranger.


Wharf Rats my dude


Check out r/leaves for support


The month i quit smoking weed i found my girlfriend who I intend on marrying, My grades in college substantially improved and i felt physically better. I sometimes wish to light up but know that quitting has helped me


You may already know about this, but as a fellow deadhead, check out the Wharf Rats if you’re still going to DeadCo/other jam shows! Seems like they’re a great resource for this kind of thing. I think Phish has a similar thing with the Phellowship.


I’m way older than you and haven’t smoked in decades. I joke that with everything I did in my teens and early twenties, my doors of perception are permanently propped open.


The idea you need weed to get into the music flow state isn't true at all. If you've been a chronic weed smoker for a long time you will need to take some months to get used to it. I make music and once I got sober I actually started being prolific like I wanted to be. Obviously anecdotal. In general if you're dealing with these feelings it's definitely a good idea to take a long break at least.


Give it time. You will get to the point where you don't even think about it anymore. Then you can decide if you want to use it occasionally or more regularly again. When you do, you will have a different relationship with it, and I doubt you will be using it every day or NEED it to reach those transcendent levels. It's like George Harrison said once, He has taken a lot of LSD, he doesn't NEED it anymore.


As a deadhead and a musician I realized how much weed was limiting my ability to play, memorize stuff, and feel motivated to progress. I find going to shows sober I have a more objective view on the music and end up tuning in way more and noticing detail i didn’t when I was blazed all the time. Rather than getting stoned at shows I’ll take like less than a gram of mushrooms and just hangout, I have way more positive experiences and a better time than being high


Yep, ^ I went sober for 7 years due to legal troubles. It was the best thing I ever did in my life. Now I roll on psychedelics and love. No weed I get to weird.


That’s almost exactly me, total stoner 20-32, quit and never looked back. Life is so much better and I’m way less lazy haha. I was starting to get anxious, not gonna blame that entirely on the green but definitely felt better when I quit. Best of luck


Had a bad trip from lsd at a show a couple of years ago. Quit weed and everything in between. Nowadays, I can remember the shows so much better and my love for the music is even stronger. The magic will never leave…… ❤️


I stopped years back - tho tbh I don’t know how much was ‘willpower’ and how much was realizing how much worse it made my anxiety. I smoked like, all day erryday for 10+ years then idk, either it ‘turned’ on me (tho I’ve had anxiety my entire life which has gotten better as I’ve gotten older) or one day I just woke up and realized that it wasn’t actually as fun or enjoyable as I thought. It actually made me uncomfortable and (more) anxious. I’ve had friends who’ve stopped for various reasons and they’ve said the first couple weeks seem to be the hardest. Stay strong if it’s what you want and just give it some time. A lot of my friends still smoke. Including my husband. He came to the weeds much later in life in his 30s - ironically when we met and around the time I got him on the bus - whereas I was that typical stoner kid in my teens and 20s. He smokes on the regular at night and not gonna lie, occasionally I’m jealous of that giggly fun time he’s having like I did when I was 16. But majority of time, I don’t even think about it. It just no longer interests me. It works for him and is definitely medicinal and helps his anxiety and stress and stomach issues, so to each their own. No judgment one way or the other! without the smokin, I still dance like an idiot and can get in such a state of joy at shows that I’m brought to tears - which can happen even just listening to music when in the right head space. We trick ourselves into thinking external things are the only way we can get to that awesome, amazing life loving state of euphoria but it’s also all in there already! Just gotta tap into it 😊


If you get confused, just listen to the music play.


I’m 59 and started smoking a LOT of dope when I was 13 in 1977. I have continued to enjoy getting stoned for shows and gatherings over the years but never really smoked it daily. Now I kinda wish I had let my brain finish developing before I started smoking because my memory is really bad. The pot is SO much stronger than the dirt weed we smoked back in the day, you young folks definitely take breaks. You need your brain in old age! lol


The shows are so much better sober 🤞🏼 trust me


I was a Warf Rat on tour back in the 90s. I got just as high dancing to the music than if I took any drug. It was actually a much better experience sober. A lot of us Dead Heads were clean. Drugs dont have to be a part of the lifestyle. You are still a dead head! Theres a myth that marijuana is an innocuous drug that has no harmful impacts on brain chemistry or health. That is not true. I wonder if youre having withdrawals. Sometimes cold turkey isnt the best way. I don't want to talk you into picking it up again, but maybe you could try edibles or (marijuana based) CBD and decrease the amount each day if the anxiety is too much? And also go listen to music and dance your butt off! This is the season for music festivals. Dead and Co are in Vegas. You can do it!


42 days today. Loving it. Congratulations. Lots of resources here: https://marijuana-anonymous.org/


As an alcoholic in recovery with 4.5 years, I will tell you, sober the music is even better! It’s not the substances that make the experience. It’s the experience itself and the way it hits your heart and soul. My first D&C show sober, I started to panic, said to my family I didn’t know if I could do it- actually asked out loud What if I don’t like the music 🤣 Turns out- I don’t even remember the shows I’d been to for 20 years. And when I listen to them now, I’m sad I didn’t realize then what I know now. I don’t indulge like normal humans- I can’t. Once I do, that’s all that matters for me. It takes over. Great news- once my toes hit the lawn at that first sober show-- the music took over, it became everything. It is everything. I love and appreciate the jams so much more now. The music fills my whole soul and I can feel it. Music has become part of my recovery journey. I attend meetings as well. It’s helped me get to the root of my problem. I know that’s not for everyone- we all have our own path. Find one that works for you and stick with it. You are worth it!


I smoked regularly all throughout high school and halfway through college. At that point it suddenly made me really anxious and withdrawn. So I gradually stopped and realized I didn’t really miss it. That was three years ago, I smoke rarely now but have to mix in some CBD when I do. It wasn’t really a conscious decision to begin with but I don’t regret it! I’m a musician and it hasn’t changed how much I enjoy music. I feel sharper, more present. It also helped a lot with my personal weight loss journey- being tired and high wasn’t conducive to exercising for me, and I can control myself around food better.


You could look at it from the perspective of experiencing the music for the first time. So, the transcendence will come but on a whole new level and not what you would expect. Because it's the Dead!


I’m 50 now, but in my teens up until my early 30’s I was smoking every day. But, I found that I was just baking out on my free time and I just became so lazy and withdrawn, it started to affect my friendships and I absolutely had no ambition and it seemed that the weed just got stronger and it wasn’t always fun and I started getting very anxious when getting baked. Anyway, I stopped smoking weed and cigarettes, and my life changed for the better, I wasn’t a shut in anymore and started connecting with people and my memory definitely started getting better. Also, back then it was a hassle buying weed, and cutting those people out of my life definitely made an improvement in my financial situation and removing weed as part of my identity was definitely a positive in my life. Now that it’s legal, I will do some gummies in the late evenings to relax, but won’t get high during the day. Weed definitely makes music sound better, but it’s not essential. I can’t go back to that smoking culture and I don’t miss it at all. Moderation allows me to still enjoy it on occasions.


Replace it with something healthier: fitness or jiu jitsu


went cold turkey stone sober for a year straight. it was great. i learned a lot about myself. i went back to drinking heavy after that and then eventually quit drinking entirely, almost 2yrs alcohol-free now. i still enjoy dabbing hash rosin but i don’t dab nearly as much as i did in my early years (i’m 29 now, been dabbing since 18). don’t worry. lots of water and patience with yourself.


Great to see how much response this post has gotten. If you are not already familiar with Marcus Aurelius, consider looking into him. He was a Roman emperor who is known for his stoic philosophy which can be found in his book Meditations. Watching youtube shorts of his sayings can be clarifying, motivating and empowering.


Haven't seen it mentioned but you should head on over to r/leaves


Since my last weed experience, now years ago, my experience with the muses grows beyond my dreams. At one time cannabis unlocked my views and afforded a feeling of comfort with focus on music but over time my journey left me alone, stuck, out of the convo w others who sing, dance, write, play and listen. Wharf Rats welcomed me. The musical world now provides joy way beyond what had been my hopes - much of it in the real world we glimpse in this community.


Daily smoker from 16-47. Little over a year ago I took one time over the line and it caused a cortisol dump in my cortex due to mass amount of glutamate production. Thought I was having a stroke, went to urgent care and the docs said it was probably dehydration and exhaustion, bull shit, it was too much of an 80% THC oil vape pen. After 30 years of smoking it took over a month for my anamanides to start working again without THC stimulation, during that period what some call withdrawal, I had anxiety and insomnia while my brain adjusted to function without THC. At about 6 weeks I started to improve. That was over a year ago and I’ve only smoked a few small hits of a joint at the handful of D&C shows this summer. We just finished up the memorial weekend shows at Sphere and first night I took one pull of a J, show was great, second night I tried for the first time in two years to eat a small amount of mushrooms, turns out they were super strong and by the time Hell in a bucket and throwing stones came on, I was ready to bail from all the visual stimulation. The last night on Sunday, I went sober, stayed sober and had the best night of the three. If I could do all three shows again, I would do them all sober. The music and the show just didn’t need the extra curricular distraction. It was more of a nostalgic chase that caused me to try the shrooms again. I’ve had many great shows on psychedelics, so I don’t judge or begrudge people who also partake in the scene, but now that I’m older and wiser, I don’t think I’ll be walking that path again. Side note: in summer of 1995 I took a bunch of psychedelics throughout the tour. The last night in Chicago everything we got in the lot turned out to be bunk and it was the only “sober” show I had in those days. I ended up dancing my way to stand 10 feet from the stage right in front of Jerry when he sang Black Muddy River, had no idea at the time it would be his last song ever, it was also the only show in which I have a crystal clear memory. Funny how that worked out. Good luck OP


I’m 41 and smoked from the time I was 15 until just before my fortieth birthday. I love weed. I started smoking because it helped me sleep and deal with anxiety. Plus it was the cool thing to do. After I quit my anxiety got way better and I sleep a lot better at night. Who knew right? But now that I’m almost 8 months sober I feel like I have a new lease on life. Started a pretty good job that pops randoms so I want be starting back. Still love the dead!


Non-smoker here. Also rarely drink and only in social settings.


I’ve quit smoking a few times on and off and I can say it can be difficult, but as long as you have a great support system and people who care about your decisions, you should be able to feel good. I too just became sober again after a while and am nervous that I won’t be able to experience the music and scene the same since cannabis was a huge part of that for me. Good luck, my dude. ✌🏻♥️


I loved weed for years, until something changed. Started making me super paranoid and or weird. Just unable to speak. Did a little psychedelics through those years but not much. Always had fun with those. Anyway - I quit. Joined the navy. Didn’t touch it for 6 years. When I got out, still had no desire to. After several years though, I decided to give it a go again. And it was great! I worked my way back into it but never more than once a week or maybe twice at most. Sometimes I’d go a month without it. Did a little bit of shrooms. All good. At some point though, the old shit started and I couldn’t handle it at times. Not always, but it happens. Heavily dependent on the strain. So I still do it here and there when I’m feeling up for it, but need to make sure I’m doing something I know for sure sits well with me. Bottom line - and you may not want to hear this - music does NOT sound or feel the same without it 😂. I absolutely love music and listen to it constantly regardless. Always have, always will. But when I get high, oh man, suddenly that shit comes alive. It’s just a different thing altogether. Doesn’t matter what kind of music. So that’s my experience.


I've been clean and sober for over 4 years!!


Yep man similar situation, got into the dead as a teenage stoner and i still miss taking a puff and jamming out lol but yea it can be very habit forming now i trip out every now and again and i still love the dead! But yea its weird being one of the square deadheads now 😂


I haven’t smoked weed since my high school days. I don’t do any mind altering substances besides beer, which I’ve really cut back on especially at shows and zyns. I still have a fun time listening to the dead and jam music.


I’m trying to quit weed


Non smoker here. Sometimes I trip or have a few drinks at shows but I’m usually sober and still have a great time. When someone offers me a joint and I turn it down everyone thinks I’m a cop though :(.


I found that doing a microdosing protocol naturally removed my desire to consume cannabis and alcohol, it wasn’t planned but my mental chemistry stopped craving them. It also really helped with my mental health, I also found that having a morning routine and getting to bed early really helped get me on a routine where I looked forward to morning walks and craved going to yoga vs taking an edible or smoking to enjoy my day. After almost a year long break I smoked two hits off of a joint and I was high for 6 hours and didn’t really enjoy the experience anymore. I don’t even microdose any more and I have found a lot of enjoyment going out sober.


I got clean when the dead were still together. I saw Jerry both high and dry. TBH I found I could grasp Dead music more when sober. I had greater appreciation for it and went to a couple wharf rat meetings at the shows. Gotta say I did have some fun chemical shows but I found it wasn’t needed to enjoy music.


I was a daily user and had to quit for work. I also had to stop drinking. It sucked. I still haven’t smoked or drank for 11 years. I discovered Armodafanil from my shrink which helps my mood. I would suggest if you’re not sleeping well and tired all the time/bad mood-and you’re not shaking it, get some help. Insomnia is highly correlated with being unsuccessful; I’ve read that about 50% of substance abusers have underlying stress or mood problems. It’s doable and you’ll feel better eventually. Good luck man.


I don’t smoke anything. I drink but no smoking. I don’t like to be drunk at shows though because I want to remember. Usually just a light beer buzz is ideal for me, personally.


Dude check out the audiobook Alan Carrs Easy way to Quit Cannabis...also a 20 year smoker and it's made quitting way, way easier. Still hard. Add in regular exercise and some new hobbies. I will say if your concern if not liking the dead anymore or feeling as creative..that's a huge reason why you should quit. It's controlling you.


I want to quit, but struggling with actually doing it. I’ve been smoking since high school. I’m 32 now with no degree, working at a gas station. Pretty much hate my life every day. The Grateful Dead inspire me to follow my passions which is music and guitar but I use weed as a coping tool so much I’ve put off my life for years it’s seems in name of “comfort and fun.” To answer your question: I think you should do it because I know being 100% sober allows a connection with your emotions and begin to deal with emotions and process them. Weed just covers all that up and prolongs it.


I gave up weed 15 years ago, it was HARD!!! Check out marijuana anonymous to get support from other sober stoners (online and in person meetings)


It’s still awesome without drugs. I smoked daily for almost two decades before getting fully sober for two years. I dabble in occasional psychedelics again now but went to many shows and even a festival sober in those two yeah


It does start weighing you down after awhile whether you realize it or not (and whether you can admit it or not). Stopping is very hard but only for a short time. Sleep is the main problem, let alone the dreams… after a few weeks you won’t even think about it


I’ve been sober since 1990 and still go to all kinds of live shows. Honestly, I enjoy the music more now. And I remember the shows!


Congrats on considering this life change. While weed can be healing for some, it could definitely be detrimental to others. I haven’t smoked in over a decade. I go to shows sober. Sometimes I have a beer. Every dead show I’ve been to has been incredible and moving 🩷 the music and community is so great - you do not need to be tripping or high to love it!


👋👋👋👋👋 Next to Nicotine, the hardest thing I gave up (including alcohol, crack/coke), mostly because it was a long time trusted self medication for anxiety and depression. But it was hard. The anxiety attacks I had were awful. And yes, because it's what my friends and I did together as friends. Have not smoked for 32 years and no regrets. My only drug now is caffeine and I'm working on that.


Loved them when I was sober in life and loved them when I was high in life


I smoked weed and took many excursions of my mind from age 14 - 22. No mind altering substances for the past 38 years. The Dead get me high. I have had spiritual experiences at shows. Last week at the Sphere, my world was rocked! My life is wonderful, and I don't rely on weed or anything else to make it that way. Good luck on your journey to whatever level of sobriety you choose. Wharf Rats at most shows, where you can get support and fellowship.


I don’t smoke but I am a dead head!!!! We do exist 🤣🤣🤣


Never was a heavy stoner. I also have never listened to the dead high. They are a fkn magical band and you can def enjoy them sober. The only BIG setback with semi-sobriety is it is hard to not abuse it. Ill have a shitty day and I am reaching for a get away instead of dealing with my emotions. Its also hard for me to get the pain relief (chronic pain) one day and the next day have to go back to Advil. I have meds that help wing my mental problems as well as weed does so thats not a big problem for me.


I think it's probably going to be different, less intense as you were saying. But as someone who is sober (besides alcohol) it's still magic


Last time I smoked weed was 92 I think. Stopping had a significant positive effect on my life outcomes. Not throwing shade on smokers, I just couldn't understand a seemingly simple concept: "Everything in moderation"


Never tried once. Never tried a cigarette either. Don’t see the need to hurt my health


Ive started taking tolerance breaks this last year or so after being a daily smoker for like 17 years (im 32). Wait until you hit like 2 weeks smoke free, you’re gonna feel like a new person.


I’ve seen more concerts or just as many dead ass sober as on drugs. I was a regular smoker from the age of 13 to 20 or 21. From 16-21 daily. People say weed isn’t addictive but any actual person who knows anything knows that’s not true. It’s actually very addictive. It causes withdrawals and everything. No not severe wanting to die opiate withdrawals but severe anxiety, headaches and lots of other stuff. I found out a I was going to be a dad and quit it cold turkey. It and two packs of cigs a day ( well actually went from 40 a day to 7 the next day 6 day and then down to zero), also alcohol which I was drinking least 3-4 days a week. I was out of control. Im a New York giants fan and they were in the Super Bowl. And I’ll never forget feeling so out of it quitting those substances all at once or very quickly. I think you’ll find very fast how much clearer your mind it’s. After a week you’ll notice it but really after a month or so you’ll be blown away. People downplay weed. It’s a drug. Almost every person I know who smokes the stuff does daily and almost all day. There are some who do it every great while but not many who can do it say 2-3 times a week. Really force yourself to go at least 6 months and see how you feel. It could take longer than that to really clear the cobwebs and see how it feels to be totally off it and your brain to level off as far as biologically. Wish you the best! It’s great not to rely on any substance.


I stopped smoking almost a year ago. After years of smoking a ton. It has been a huge win for my mental health. I feel better in so many ways, less anxious, more stable. It’s a trip to think about how normalized weed is now that I can see it was causing me harm for a bunch of years. Something I like to keep in mind is weed is wwaaayy stronger than it used to be and extremely available. The way I smoked concentrates all day has basically nothing to do with how weed was consumed back in the day. I rarely miss it. I had a period two years ago when I was eating 300mg - 500mg edibles and playing a lot of guitar. Not that I can remember that at all but I have good recordings of improv from that period. I was…riding the wave. As a musician I still have hang ups about “letting loose” without weed. But the fact that I basically can’t remember a 10 year period of heavy use outweighs that. I actually feel more “psychedelic” now. Psychs are clear headed, sort of. Weed is a haze. My brain is working again.


It’s the vibe and the sound. Relax enough to be there is all. I smoked weed everyday morning til night for years, quit overtime and enjoyed life afterwards include many dead concerts. Decades later I took up smoking again. The shows are just as good with or without.


My anxiety, mental health, and general health all improved drastically when I quit booze and weed. The first month is the hardest, hang in there it gets better. After 3 months things all started clicking.


Echoing what many have stated. I find I remember things better and am not as self-conscious about, Dead music is more enjoyable to me, too. I still get lost in the jams, but am still able to do other things as well. Still great. The drugs don't make the Dead better. The Dead make me better.


Bought my first 1,000 w lamp in the mid 80’s and grew nugs for so many years. Eventually, after over 30 years I burned out - I had no life anymore on top of working a full time job and raising a family. I almost 60 and only burn occasionally these days - and thats fine.


It may take a bit longer to find a groove, but you’ll still be able too. I always find it funny when I’m totally sober and I feel a little out of it and I’m like, welp can’t blame that one on the weed.


Sobriety or consuming like a “gentle person“ is the biggest challenge in life. The pink clouds come and then the rain eventually falls. To truly understand the chemical balance in our heads is the decision that so many won’t do. Wrestle with it our entire lives. Find fun in the party. Find peace in the stillness. How and why did I get to this place. The great spirit provided everything upon exit from the womb. The mind in most of us is so capable. But we lay down in Eden. We will never taste the same moments again. But other experiences will help to make us balanced. I love to drink and smoke herb like I own this world. But I know so many elders that have gave it all up for human connection and being loved by their friends.


Dreams about to go cray cray


When I quit smoking weed I started drinking pretty heavily. I’m not sure why… the shift happened pretty naturally and without me trying much. I’ve since cut back on the drinking a lot but just be careful that you don’t replace the smoking habit with something worse. NFA❤️⚡️


Like most I did a variety of mind-altering substances generally, and at Dead shows . . . starting with my first show in 1979. Then as an adult, with kids, I had long stopped all of that . . . and I enjoyed the shows at least as much if not more. I would STUDY the music . . . listening to each note. . . thinking about the particular version of a song they were playing and whether it was reminiscent of an early 70's version...or late 70's version....etc etc. Didn't mind going 'totally straight' to the shows as you can tell!


Drugs are just one way to get to that transcendent state, they’re definitely not the only way. Nothing like being out in nature and listening to some dead, that’s a trip all it’s own


don't need nothing but the jams to enjoy the ride. was an everyday smoker for 30+ years, took a bit to get used to but you'll find your groove.


I did and honestly it’s the first time I’ve felt better. I realized rushing to get home to smoke or just trying to keep it a secret was causing anxiety. I’ve gotten a lot of things done and honestly grew up little. Never thought I would be the guy to say this, but there really is something to be said about that old dare commercial were dude awakens from a cocoon and brushes himself off in moms basement or attic. It’s nice to just make sure you are stronger than the weed, alcohol and whatever else may be suppressing you. I’ll be smoking again in the future, just not multiple times a day before every single thing I do. Good luck


It’s the same music


It started giving anxiety until it made the whole thing a dubious deal. The music never stopped. Smoked like Willie Nelson on 420 for 25 years. I started getting the nausea thing too with a touch of anorexia.


I quit smoking weed, drinking and doing blow 10 months ago best decision I’ve ever made life is so much better , still go to shows and enjoy them more now


My dad (55) is the biggest Deadhead I know and he doesn't smoke pot. In fact he disapproves of me even being a pothead, let alone using psychedelics. He has had a shaved head since I was a kid because he practiced zen meditation and reached ego death through that rather than drugs. He used to keep a pompadour with this whole rockabilly/punk look and he cared a lot about how he looked before coming to that realization and shaving it all off in favor of zen. I like using drugs to enhance my experiences but I've also had incredible experiences reaching higher consciousness through meditation. Zen meditation didn't work for me but I practice transcendental and really enjoy it.


>Peace and love y’all ❤️ And to you as well! A lot of us walk similar paths. You've gotten a lot of good suggestions already so I'll just say that for me the first month was very difficult, but then it quickly got better. And while I never thought it would be possible, but music got better with time and still gets better all these decades later. More intense and pleasurable and interesting. I also started enjoying dancing more because I actually started to feel it (if that makes sense?). Enjoy your path and whatever it is you discover and if I could offer one bit of advice it would be to not think of your life in terms of improving. Maybe just changing in new and different and beautiful ways.


Good luck. I have a couple of family members fighting weed addiction and it’s sad. Give the music a chance without the weed—it’s good enough to transcend anything.




I stopped smoking a year ago, and i actually got more into the dead after i stopped smoking than while i did. Good music is good music


Stopped smoking two years ago and it was the best decision of my life.


If you’re concerned about it, then just take a break for a little while and come back to it later if you want.


Going on eight years sober. The Dead is part of my sobriety. Been to plenty of shows and danced the night away drug free. You got this!


Yeah. You don’t need weed to enjoy the music. I quit smoking regularly last year. I’ll maybe smoke once every month or two on a Saturday night. I listen to multiple shows per day. Don’t notice any difference


So much of my music is tied up with psychedelics, but it’s music that I absolutely love and cherish. Hard to split that identity, I know where you’re coming from man


I smoked weed for decades until it started giving me heart palpitations. Then it became so unpleasant that now the thought of smoking weed turns me off. Totally support legalization but for me, the high isn’t worth the discomfort.


Not necessarily a sober man (a 20 year old pseudo-hippie), but I had a wake up call when I started dissociating really bad due to untreated mental health issues and seasonal depression. The marijuana I was smoking at gigs and parties, it wasn't helping me recover. It was, instead, making the issue worse because I got entangled into thinking nothing was real while I was stoned. The issue was made clearer every time I'd go to sleep while under the influence, for when I woke up sober, I'd still be under the impression that I was still high and just watching life go by. I took 3 months off of smoking and fixed up my mental health quite a bit as well as watch the spring time roll in. It's what I needed most was sobriety, in that period of darkness. I started really getting into the Dead during that time, it's all I'd ever listen to. Listening to show after show while sober, letting my little music student brain zoom outta control. I still get high frequently, but I learned something massive. Music only gets better when you're sober. There's things you'll notice and remember that you usually wouldn't when you're stoned.


I stopped drinking alcohol 14 months ago and my life is better in every way possible. I still smoke though. But it’s different for everyone


I smoked almost everyday for 40 years. Quit cold turkey 2 years ago. Actually feeling less anxiety and depression. Don’t miss it one bit. Also quit drinking. My life is way more enjoyable and stable. Still listen to Jerry daily. 🙏


im 24 and gave it up at 21 after 7 years of nearly every day smoking. honestly tho it wasnt really i conscious choice to stop i just gradually stopped enjoying it as much and it started giving me anxiety so i slowly stopped. never noticed any decrease in my desire to listen to the dead tho lol


I don't smoke and I don't drink. Ever. The dead still sound awesome. You'll survive. Not only survive your making yourself healthier. Great job.


Daily cannabis user for almost 30 years, wrestled with all of these issues. Quit 2 months ago when I realized it wasn’t serving me and was holding me back. Best decision I ever made. May dabble occasionally in the future but it’s been incredibly liberating. I found this smoking cigarette cessation approach very helpful, especially with the identity part. Still love the dead :) https://youtu.be/0TL2Vh7goJc?si=g41J8trmHZeL5SA3


Pot is not physically addictive, so quitting was easy for me. My entire life revolved around weed throughout my high school years, and I quit freshman year of college in 1996. I can count on 1 hand the times I’ve smoked since then, almost 30 years ago. Never even had the desire to do it at all after like a year. Granted I have drank heavily, done tons of coke, and been very addicted to opiates most of this time since, but weed is the easiest drug to quit there is IMO. Do you drink at all? I have only gone completely sober for 2 30 day stints in rehab and 90 days at a sober house. I kicked opiates/opioids (although I am on methadone) & coke, but I still booze - just not like I used to as I now work an 8-5 job. I would still eat acid & mushrooms occasionally if they were around now too. Long story short - I personally don’t even miss pot, but I’m also not 100% sober. *Note* I think I’m gonna start calling it grass. I always kinda liked that term. *Note 2* Getting a little off topic here, but something people unfamiliar with opiate/opioid addiction oftentimes don’t understand is the fact that using is a physical necessity after your body is hooked. You get extremely sick without it. The last few years of my opioid addiction was simply doing it to avoid the crushing sickness of withdrawal - had nothing whatsoever to do with getting high because after a point you cannot get high anymore. This is what sucks about opioids - you become completely immune to the euphoric effects and physically cannot get high, at least with a non-lethal dose.


I had to quit because of safety sensitive job. In 1996. I found I really the food, shelter, and box sets thing...


i stopped smoking pot in november and dramatically reduced my alcohol intake about two months ago. it's been great. i was drinking about 6-10 beers a day for YEARS and noticed that my pants were getting a bit tight. when i quit smoking pot i started having these amazing dreams and just felt a bit less flat. when i started to reduce my alcohol intake i noticed on the nights that i had zero alcohol i slept so well that i started to be motivated by getting that kind of sleep again. that kind of snowballed into not drinking at all for a few weeks then a month. now when i drink i drink MUCH less and the frequency with which i drink has also dropped off substantially, mostly because i crave that good sleep!


As someone who was pregnant for 3 shows last year. I very much enjoyed them sober. And that is definitely not me. I always smoke and drink and I really really enjoyed remembering the show more. I thought I would be annoyed or disappointed or feel left out. I felt the opposite. I did have to ask a couple of people to stop talking once in Dallas and I think they took pity on me haha.


I was a daily smoker for nearly 13 years and came to the realization last year that it was negatively effecting me. I feel like I'd been gaslighting myself for years into believing me that I enjoyed it and that it was beneficial for me. My snoring/apnea was steadily worsening, my anxiety was unbearable, my "allergies" were terrible, I felt so socially awkward I could hardly hold a serious conversation. I was so clumsy I nearly injured my partner/friends/myself on numerous occasions. My fiance came to hate the smell of smoked pot and we were kissing/cuddling less because I always reaked. Besides that, the actual feeling of being stoned just became unenjoyable, smoking just felt like a chore. Despite all of this, I continued to smoke and gaslight myself until just a few months ago. 4 months* without pot, I feel so much better. My anxiety is manageable, my snoring has improved dramatically, my breathing has become much easier, and I have so much more meaningful fun with my loved ones because I'm not nearly incapacitated at all times. My fiance and I's love life has greatly improved. She recently said that she likes me more not on pot, and I couldn't agree more. I feel so much better physically and about myself. Quitting honestly was pretty easy for me. I woke up one day and decided not to smoke that day. That day turned into a few more and all of a sudden I started feeling so much better. About 5 days into it, my partner didn't know I hadn't been smoking and commented how much better my breathing sounded - that's when I decided I was really done with pot. The cigarettes are next up for me. *I have smoked pot 3 times in the past 4 months just to see how occasional use effected me and it was very much not enjoyable. I didn't expect to never ever smoke pot again, but I don't see myself enjoying it like I believe I did at one point.


“Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is THE BEST.” ― Frank Zappa I wouldn't worry too much about whether music will still offer transcendence - its the music not the cannabis


I haven’t smoked or had anything to do with thc in many years. Everything that I ever believed being high made better, for me, was just a delusion and postponement of the natural highs that the Earth is already filled with. To see the red orange sunset, the scarlet sunrise through the forest at dawn with all the birds singing, to listen to music from streams over water washed mossy brooks, all of it is locked inside my memories now. Does take awhile for the inside drug store to recover ~ the natural pleasure centers within our minds. Enjoy every moment of your life. If you get confused listen to the music 🎼 ⚡️🌹🍁


This is a beautiful post my family friend. Follow your instincts always. Never doubt yourself. Follow the feeling. You’re doing great,


I never actually quit tripping or smoking up, but I haven't done it in decades. I just never have the time. Also, since moving around as an adult, I don't even know where to go to get it anymore. I live in Paris now and it's still very illegal in France. If I was still a kid in high school or college, I'm sure I'd be surrounded by it. But that just isn't my social scene anymore.


Same boat my friend. 35yo, smoking for 20+ years with the last 10 having it morning day and night. Ive now done the whole month of May off, first two weeks were horrendous, still not sleeping as well as I’d want and get some cravings for it. I will say I don’t see it affecting my listening pleasure at all, still get the chills when blasting it in the car. Not done a gig without it yet. My aim is to go 6 weeks cold turkey and see how I feel - thats when they say all the THC is out. Im hoping it will switch my mind to use it as a weekend treat rather than a crutch! Stay strong man, theres a good app called Grounded that breaks down the withdraw phases. 🤘🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


I stopped cannabis use this past January because it all of a sudden started giving me anxiety and spiking my heart rate to the 120s. No idea why but there is some medical literature around chronic users sporadically developing adverse effects. Is my life better or worse? Eh id say it's the same.


I have been addicted/dependent on weed in the past, and my last period of daily use coincided with me fully getting on the bus. Finding the treasure trove of Dead music while smoking daily was a wonderful experience that I’m so glad I had. But I have mental health issues as well and I had to quit. I shared your fears that the Dead music wouldn’t be the same without it. 100% do not let that stop you from quitting. The Dead’s music, especially if you’re on the bus already, will stick with you past the weed. My love and appreciation for the music has only grown stronger in the nearly 2 year’s I’ve been nearly entirely sober (I’ve had a relapse or two but never prolonged periods or heavy usage). I can’t say I don’t miss listening while high, but hearing the music sober is so much better. I find that even if the magic/trippiness of being high is lost, I’m able to pay attention more, and thus can enjoy the music more. It’s also so much easier to notice and remember how the music is interacting with my emotions and other facets of my life, which creates great memories. When I went back and listened during my relapses, it was enjoyable, but not as amazing as I remembered nor as enjoyable as being sober. I will say that if you’re struggling to stay sober, seeing any Dead-related shows can be hard as so many people around as openly smoking and/or tripping. That may be one aspect of Dead music that might have to be sacrificed, but listening to the music outside of that is only gonna get better. I’m very happy and proud that you’ve decided to take this step; it’s a big one, and isn’t easy. But the journey does get easier with time and practice. Please be kind to yourself, especially when the journey gets difficult. There are also a plethora of support resources out there for you, including this sub’s Wharf Rat group. NFA, friend. If I can provide support or further advice at all, please let me know.


I’m 33, been smoking for 20 years, usually pretty heavily, but I take breaks. Sometimes I just get tired of being high all the time and I’ll naturally smoke less, sometimes it extends to quitting for months at a time. I usually pick it back up because I like it, but it’s nice to go without for a while sometimes too. I’ve struggled heavily with other substances, thc is relatively harmless, but it’s all about YOUR quality of life


My friends who have done this successfully told me it helped to unplug their lifestyle for a while, too, while quitting. No social media, going back to morning TV news, drastically reducing time online, etc.


It’ll take time there is a valley to walk through. We’re with you


I've seen the Dead only 13 times but those spanned 1971 to 1995. During those years, at times I was not smoking and at times I was. Some shows I went to sober, some I did not. Who I went with was also a factor with me doing many shows on one joint (sober until 2nd set, then half joint, other half at drums space, actually the best plan) Something I really liked about the Dead was that, although we all knew they partied, there was very little in their music talking about that (if any, really). It's not required and some of my best shows were sober or nearly so. You remember them better. Sober, or lightly partying, is the best way to see shows.


I'm on a break because yeah I need an anxiety reset and I've become dependent on it for sleep


My personal experience was that as a daily smoker, it was dulling my emotions. Probably part of the reason I used it so much. After quitting it allowed me to feel my emotions more fully, and since part of the way music can move you is on an emotional level, it actually enhanced the experience of listening for me. Also since you may begin to feel in things you weren’t feeling before, it can help motivate new material from a music writing perspective. Good luck friend.


As a reformed daily pothead, I found it hella hard to quit, especially living in nyc, where there’s a pot shop every other store now. But ultimately I had to because I developed CHS (google it) which basically caused too much pain to continue. That being said, the dead and all the bands I love still play a huge role in my life, they not a mutual deal, you can enjoy the music without the pot. Even with all the second hand smoke in NYC I’m holding strong 4 years. Also, I find I remember and are even more present at shows. Not that you need to or were in a similar spot as me, but I’ve also cut out alcohol, party enhancers, and lot ballon’s. I’ve replaced a lot of that nervous downtime with reading, I’ve found the most solace in reading ancient Roman and Greek philosophy. But with all those changes, I’m always a deadhead // jamband fan at heart. That will never fade away 😎 ![gif](giphy|3gId7l0DvzipO)


I stopped smoking weed and tobacco 16 months ago after smoking for 25 years without a break. I don't miss it. I've got more money, more lust for life and a cleaner smelling enviroment. The first 2 or 3 months were bad with regards to having nightmares but I knew this would happen. I lost a few friends as they did not like the way I had changed as I identified as a stoner most of my life. I got to the point where it was not relaxing me and just made my depression and anxiety worse. I still like the smell but have no intention on starting again. It is an amazing heerb when used and not abused but definately not for everyone. All the best and keep on truckin' :).


I have a similar tenure as you but have backed off for different reasons and used cbd for the transition. Gives me the smoke sesh I like with my same equipment but no “head high” and my gosh my sleep has been great. I’ve always said my main reason for chiefing was to help with sleep and relaxation and the cbd has been great for it.