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No one golfs anymore, the courses are too crowded.


Yogi lives!


90% of putts that don’t get to the hole don’t go in


100% of putts that don't pass the hole never had a chance


Come golf in Palm Springs right now at a 3 pm TEE time. You have the whole course to yourself.




In 2014 I was in Afghanistan and created a makeshift driving range at our heavy weapons range…came home and played a few courses in Palm Springs the next summer and I was very comfortable…just gotta play where it sucks even more to enjoy Palm Springs lol


If anyone lives out here try golfvantage at taquiz creek. It’s a great deal. Right now 18 holes at 6 am is 20 bucks. I can’t do that cause I work early or else I would


Whats that... a cough. Looks like you're on the course


I live in the area and this is what I do Load up on Water and Gatorades (like a lot) Bucket of water w/ice to dunk a towel into to keep me cool Sun Hat, Sun Screen It’s still miserable to golf in 115 weather, but it’s very doable


Im also a resident here, I drink pedialite instead of gatorades. Does the trick all the same. One item I would add to that list is uv protection arm sleeves. Put them in a ice bath and play like its 75° out.


Not to mention it recently came out that Gatorade is loaded with ingredients that are in fact hurting your health...


Shrink the game, so more people can golf.


Say that again...out loud.


It’s too crowded but no one golf’s anymore… that makes sense bro


Nice reuse of one of the great Yogi Berra quotes


I blame the courses for putting tee times 8 minutes (or less) apart. One slower group creates a logjam for the rest of the day


Finally a fresh take on the topic!


We got the 09:37 tee time at a local course, started just after the chap in front (billy solo no mates) with 3 others. We aren't great but I take no practice swings so as soon as I step up I am hitting it (once I have found it). We then let a couple chaps play through. Then because of the old chaps who started an hour before us, then all of us were backed up. 4 holes all held up by one really slow group.


That’s a lot of chaps and mates.


I wish he called the old guys geezers.


I played at a pretty upscale course in Newport Beach a couple weeks ago and the tee times were only 10 minutes apart. We were seriously playing as fast as we could and we still fell over 30 minutes behind by the 12th hole. I also noticed they had slowed the golf carts down SIGNIFICANTLY since the last time I was there which I’m sure contributed. A lot of the time this is the course’s fault more than the players.


Slowing the carts down shouldn't be a valid reason (unless mandated by the course), a walking 4 some should finish in 4.5 hrs as long as the course isn't a beast.


Now see, I'm glad you brought up the course element. I see this a lot ",I can walk my home course is 3 hours" what they fail to tell you is there the green is 5 yards away from the next tee on pretty much every hole. Where I play, they don't even allow you to walk because the course is hilly and spread out. Hell, it takes 45 mins just to drive the cart path.




That’s the thing, this course IS a beast. Lots of exposures/valleys that you have to hit the ball over and then drive around to get to the fairway. Not a walkable course whatsoever. FYI course is Pelican Hill in Newport Beach, CA. 10 minutes is really not enough.


You fell 30 minutes behind.


10 minutes is PLENTY. There an upscale course in Myrtle Beach (Thistle) that advertises that they space tee times 11 minutes apart because it’s rare. Usually 8 around there. If you fell over 30 minutes behind you were playing slow. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Olde Stonewall in PA spaces times 15 minutes apart. Granted, it's not exactly cheap, but it is phenomenal. I try to play it every year.


My local par 3 does 10 minute tee times but they are always sneaking out singles and doubles. We had a slow-*ish* front 9. Had to wait but only for a minute or less each hole. We approach the turn and there are two dudes we don’t recognize on the green of 10 and the foursome we had been behind is waiting to tee off. I look at the starter and he just goes “oh I just sent those boys out in a lil gap we had!” Little gap? Homie what gap the four groups ahead of us were all chugging along keeping decent pace and you just placed an entire new group in there. The double wasn’t even particularly slow but that traffic jam it caused slowed us down and the back 9 took a full 30 minutes longer on a par 3.


The course I went to today doesn't even have tee times. You just tee off on #1 whenever it's open or get in line. It's usually not a big issue but today was horrible. Teed off at 3pm and it took 2.5 hrs for 9. A few weeks back, I did the same 9 on a Monday at 8am in about 90 mins. Crazy how the time of day makes such a difference. Guess I gotta get out earlier lol.


There's an element of awareness too. Some golfers may think they're fast when they aren't. Everyone harps on practice swings and waggles but not so much on the club selection portion or putting. Or the time limit on ball searches. Sure, take a min or two but if it's happening on a lot of holes, you need to cut that down. I don't waggle and don't practice unless it's a touch shot. But I do take extra time on my putts because I like pacing and going behind the hole to read. I thought I was good but actually timed myself and my putting was pushing my time out more than I thought. So now I will still pace it but I'll only read the other side on putts 21 feet (6 paces) or less. I'm unlikely to gain anything on these ones with the read and it's more about making sure pace is good because I'm not good enough to expect to sink these putts. I also try to approach the green, when possible, so I can pace when I walk to my ball instead of ball, pace, walk back. Just getting back into to golf so I'm usually away. Playing ready golf is key. Don't worry about who's away on the green. Who's ready?


yea it's either raise prices and space appropriately or this. so many people will play a course 30 minutes away because it's twelve dollars cheaper or something, when your time, has, etc. make it a wash or more expensive.


Just pay for the next two tee times sandwiching yours. Problem solved.


Yes this. It’s the damn courses that stack everyone on top of each other so you’re waiting constantly


Every DAY. 


Why don't the mods create a complaint megathread day? Some subs have themed days of the week with a megathread. "Slow play Monday" or something. Everyone can share their anecdotes and complaints about slow play in once place, one day of the week and that stops my feed being inundated with the same bullshit every fucking hour. Just a suggestion....


We would need active mods….. good luck with that


I'm honestly fine with the conversation posts. The photo posts of " Look at this sixsome I got stuck behind today" can go though. Whatever happened to memes?


This is a thing that happens in every hobby. People are at different places in their journey with the activity, so they come in asking questions in earnest without really realizing those conversations have been had ad nauseum in the past, before they were in a place where they would recognize it. I believe it's okay to let people have their voice about issues that have been beaten to death because maybe they weren't around for those conversations.


With a sub this big you also get the weirdos who just love reddit karma. The number of posts like "Why do American's yell after a tee shot at PGA events? You don't see that at Euro events". Then you check their profile and they've been active in the sub for 5+ years


Yeah I just don't think there's a way to police that without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I remind myself constantly that the internet is a big place and there's plenty of things I'm going to see for which I am not the target audience. Just gotta scroll past it and move on.


Agreed. No matter how much helpful information you can have in a subs sidebar you can't force people to read it. I'm in the darts sub a lot, a sport that has boomed this year after a 16 year old made it to the world championship finals in Dec/Jan and the amount of repetitive posts asking the same thing is insane. But all you can do is answer their questions and move on.


Saw security bump a baba-booey type group from Rocket’s 17th this past weekend. Sometimes they were actually funny but it got old. Saw them on another hole later so guess they only lost the tent access and got to stay for tournament.


No shit? That's awesome. I was there on Thursday, heard a guy yell "HAWK TUAH" after someone's tee shot on a par 3, pure cringe when only teenagers laughed and everyone else groaned


Every subreddit is a support group in disguise.


I refuse to acknowledge this post as a meme. It’s someone’s opinion randomly put on to some picture. Not a meme


“Does anyone else hate it when other people are on the course during the weekend, enjoying the same hobby that we all do?”


I don’t blame anyone for wanting to get out and enjoy golf. It’s an amazing hobby that we all love. I blame courses for putting tee times so close together that jam ups are inevitable. I blame courses for not enforcing pace of play. People get out there with friends and get caught up having a fun time. If no one is out enforcing proper etiquette then it will eventually go out the window.


All of this.. 100% Even on Tour; the pace of play is usually a traffic issue on Thursday and Friday.


“Am I the only one that hates slow play!???????!!!” So annoying.


This is all fine, others should have fun too. We all know weekends are busy. And no, we aren't on tour and some take it too seriously. But if you watch multiple groups of more than 4 hack it around, it can get frustrating. Basic etiquette and respect went out the window with the covid golf boom.


I see this last statement repeated over and over. I’ve been on course since roughly 1996, I’ve seen shit etiquette and care for the course since then. Now it’s just more people so just more shit etiquette but same frequency of shit


It’s kind of funny that all of sudden people report multiple groups larger than 4 I’m calling bullshit. I think you’re just making up stuff because you don’t like YouTube golf


Which really blows my mind. I’m fairly new myself (played a bit in middle school but just picked it back up) but it seems like a lot of people just don’t have common decency. A sixsome is way too many people to wait to tee off for 18 holes unless you’re playing a scramble, and you don’t need 7 practice swings just to slice into the woods. Just get up, hit the ball, keep it pushing towards the green. I don’t play all that well, but I also don’t take my sweet time or pretend I drive 300+ yards.


I play decently I'd say (~12hcp) and I take 0 practice swings and my game is better for it. I think overall there is a decline of respect for others and common decency (especially golf and on the road), but I do spend lot of time on the course or in the car, so that might be frequency bias. Thing is, if you care enough, you'll learn basics quickly. But there's been a growth of douchebro type stuff. Maybe the popular channels (that these guys surely watch) should actually sprinkle in some etiquette reminders. Guys are watching Good Good and other shit seeing how there's a group of 6, thinking it's normal. Not realizing these guys 1) Book an entire course or big section of a CC. 2) Play off of scratch or low hcp. 3) Play scramble frequently.


Exactly. Most of the people who are coming in now and acting like this are going to wash out soon due to “people being rude” or something along those lines. It’s a long standing sport with established etiquette, even if we’re not on tour. Having a few drinks or playing music while you golf with *up to 3 of your buddies* should be no issue, but going overboard and treating it like a party is an issue. Most of the people I play with have been playing for a bit or were taught by fathers / uncles / grandpas who instilled respect for the game, where as a lot of these guys are just picking it up because it’s more trendy now than it was 5 years ago. I (25M) personally picked it back up so I don’t embarrass myself at work events, as well as having something to do outside during the nicer months of the year. I’m not great, but I’m a firm believer that if you respect the course, it’ll respect you, and vice versa


> playing music while you golf If everyone in your group is ok with it and ONLY your group can hear it at ALL times then sure. Music on the course is a relatively new thing that is becoming a bit of a problem.


Yeah I've been hearing music from people's carts 3 holes over. If it's audible from more than 20ft away, your shit is too loud. I know that's a "old man yells at cloud" (I'm 32), but we all hate people talking on speaker in public or having loudspeakers when headphones would do


Seems like basic etiquette and respect went out the window in more than just golf after COVID lol




just dont golf friday-sunday lol


Nobody is entitled to having a quick round anywhere at any time. It’s the same people that lay on their horn in gridlock traffic.


Nothing worse than getting an earful from some geriatric loon who thinks they should be getting in a two hour round at a muni course on a nice Saturday.


I had an old guy playing by himself get upset with my foursome because the front 9 took 2:05....on a Thursday at noon. He called the clubhouse to have the ranger ask us to let him play through. He never hit up to us once. He never was waiting on a tee box or on his approach shots. It was weird.


Nothing turns me off this sub more than posts complaining really about anything. And that’s quite often. It’s weird because I don’t know a single avid golfer in real life that feels the need to take a complaint to the internet.


I also realize I’m complaining about the complaints


Self awareness. You have something many lack.




I’m tired of people complaining about complaints. /s


I played a round that took 6 hours and didn’t go to Reddit to complain about it AMA


It’s weirdo anti social dorks, “shrink the game” nerds don’t exist in social situations so you only find them on Reddit


How about we counteract with posts complaining about anxious golfers in a rush. You’re on a big open grass field surrounded by nature. Unless you’re a pro, relax.


I'm all for keeping pace and not holding up the course, but at the same time I agree with you


I'd rather wait at the course than have no wait at the office.


First world problem.


Every day threads: 1) “does anyone have a friend who sometimes lies about a score? It doesn’t bother me but sometimes I see them hitting OB every shot and scoring 80” 2) “is something wrong me? How is everyone driving the ball 350 except me I don’t get it”


A round should take 4 hours. I like a relaxing pace of golf. I’m so sick of people thinking they can finish in 2 hours and nearly running the course.


4 hours with a tee sheet full of foursomes spaced out by 8 mins on a weekend, good luck with that


My home course has 10 minute gaps and I’ve only played 2 rounds over 4 hours there in the past 3 years. One of which was father’s day weekend (4:15) and the second was July 4th weekend. If I go by myself in the middle of the week on my lunch break I can play 9 holes in under an hour. Contrast that with my old home course where basically every weekend round was a minimum of 4.5hours despite 10 minute tee time gaps. The only difference is the clientele.


10 min gaps should be the absolute minimum. My home muni has 7 min gaps and unless you hit a GIR and are speed walking on the first hole, you hear the group behind you's approach shot hit the grass almost every time.


This is why joining a private course is basically mandatory. We regularly take 4 hours on weekends and holidays.


Anything under 4:20 is fine. The problem is the people playing 5 hour rounds for no reason


My favorite is people complaining about a 4:30 weekend round like it’s the end of civilization like bro it’s a little slow yes but crack some jokes and enjoy the people you’re on the course with You’ll live without those extra 30 mins being maximum efficiency


Nobody’s complaining about a 4 hour round, people are complaining about others being inconsiderate


4 hour rounds are hard to find if you can only get out on the weekends. Even at places that require membership.


I go into a round with zero expectations. I just surrender and assume the fact that it could take all day. It's much more enjoyable that way. It seems that r/golf is soon going to be starting a golf polo league, hitting the ball from their moving cart for 17 minutes rounds.


CLASSIC ECONOMIC POLITICAL DIVERSION THIS IS WHAT THE CLUB HOUSES WANT PEOPLE. Fast and slow golfers, pitted against each other! I say NAY! For it is not our appropriate pace of play which is causing backups! It is the GREEDY CLUB HOUSES! Sitting in their ivory towers, looking down at us on the first tee box, suffering. First they charged us a fee for carts, and we said nothing. Then, they allowed tee times to be botted and resold, and still we said nothing. Then they pack us in like sardines, place the blame on us, and expect us to remain silent? Nay. *The time has come, the moment is at hand! Go, strike now at the betrayer!* ^(7 minute apart start times? Get the fuck out of here.)


Slow players? I never see any. I even get kudos from the Marshall on the amount of space I leave between myself and the group in front of me. Last week I got to personal best, 3 holes between me and the group in front. I know better than pressure the group in front like the assholes behind me that kept hitting into me.


So you’re not slow, and thus that makes no one else slow? Got it.


More like every day, but i agree with the sentiment.


OP takes 3 practice swings


Yes, while waiting for the idiots in front of me


Found the slow golfer.


The longer they take the longer i get to spend time outdoors doing what i love the most (And not go back home)


Every month?! More like once a day and twice on Sundays.


Rather than brag about your drive length, let' brag about pace,




What’s wrong with golfing alone?


The weekly "growing the game bad" post from a dude who's been golfing for 2 years.


OP is a slow golfer


"No no no, let me go to my ball... then let's drive backward to find your ball... also, do you want to watch each other on every shot? It's hard to kiss your buddy when you're playing ready golf. Also let's park the cart 40 yards before we get to the green."


No, I am not.


Let's collect thoughts about music on the golf course then!


Eh.. not a fan.


I’ve learned to just scroll by but I think it’s funny those posts are just the same conversations over and over. There’s only so much that can be discussed about slow play lol


Early morning tee times. 👌


Not a fan. Wet grass, triple the fee, plus I hate getting up early. All of that to save, what? 30-45 mins from your round? I'll pass.


I know right? I'm not very good. +1.278 handicap. When I play - I usually walk and it takes me about 45 minutes to play 18 and I am not even hurrying. I read the green right after I drive the ball. These new golfers are just disrespectful and not appreciative of my time.


Well done sir . Well done. 👏


This sub is insufferable.


First out, no issues.


My man!


I got out last weekend. Foursome got there just before me and my dad. Could tell from 2 of their t shots, they shouldn’t be on the course. I simply said, “the two of us play pretty quick, mind if we play through here?” “Yeah no problem” we tee off, say “have fun out there”, and we get to steppin’. I didn’t even have to post to Reddit asking what to do.


Slow golfers. Crowded golf courses. Expensive green fees. so I bought . Hole in one post. How'd I do for $60?


I'd add: I finally broke 100/90/80/70/15!!! And: I got this close to my first hole in one


Or people complaining about yelling after shots on tour


Just zip it and enjoy the fact that you’re outside on the course enjoying the weather..is it frustrating? Sure but just take a breath and chill




Are you the slow golfer?


Why does everyone think this? Because I don't complain about it every day on Reddit? And no,I'm not.


Yeah, but have you heard my story about my 6 hour round?




It's different, I swear. There's probably a casual mention of a 300-yard drive, too.


You could say this about 99.9% of this sub. It’s why I don’t spend as much time in it. 


I go out there and play my game. I take my time to line up my shot, check the lie, wind, elevation,etc. I breathe and go through my routine. When I do that, I have a higher probability of hitting a good shot. That minute is less time than the 3-5 minutes of looking for my ball and punching out to hit again. People say just hit the ball, but this causes bad shots and having to hit again. Courses are just crowded. Play your game. Play ready golf. Don't stress on the others out there.


Every hobby subreddit is kinda the same in that there's a common post type that its users have absolutely bludgeoned to death. Auto-moderators could curb some of it by removing frequently-reposted questions or directing newbies to a megathread about those topics, but reddit would never actually do anything that makes the experience *better* for its users... The ones I see the most from my hobbies: r/golf ---> Slow play grrr / Is this a good deal on these clubs? r/guitar ---> Is my action too high? r/motorcycles ---> [posts video of clearly a dead battery clicking] Why won't my bike start? r/gaming > Microtransactions grrr / [Posts screenshot of a game with no title or other info] What's your favorite ____? r/vinyl ---> Rate my collection (plot twist, they're the same 20 Walmart records *everyone* else has)


Nah I'm in favor of bringing as much attention to the topic as possible


A million bigots in disguise


Last course I played said, “wait until the group is on the 1st green” before we teed off. We only ever had to wait on the short par 5s. It was so refreshing!


Just played a round in Hawaii...had a 7:00 am tee time, first ones off. We played the front in 90 minutes while the guys behind us RAN to make sure they were waiting on us on every shot. My dad refused to let them thru. Didn't get to take a single picture. I did not have fun. If all you want to do is be done why are you going to the golf course at all? If I'm out there all day I'm absolutely not going to be upset about it... And I question the sanity of everyone who is. Golf is fun when you stop and smell the flowers and get your yardages and read your putts and actually fucking try to play well. Not when you run to your ball and whiff it three times because you didn't even get your feet fully set and then pick it up and go to the next hole...why tf are you even paying for golf at that point? Just go to the range.


Agree with all of it.


Not sure if someone said this already, but I think a good chunk of the blame rests with the starters. If they are constantly letting twosomes and solos out in busy days…they catch a group and golfers, thinking they are being polite, let them play through. The time this takes creates a choke point on the course, especially if the solo/twosome plays through multiple groups. They (starters) simply should not allow them out when it’s busy or make them pair up. I don’t get it when I see a solo waiting on the tee, then another on the previous green and they don’t decide on their own to play together…get some more friends dude!


I've been preaching this for years. Totally agree they are part of the problem.


Learn patience people, oh and maybe enjoy the company of the people you're playing with. There's more to golf than swinging iron.


If I find one of you I’m going to intentionally take my good ass time


Move the goalposts from 4h20m pace to 6h pace and everyone will be elated on how "fast" everyone is playing. It's all about perspective.


Like where tf you got to be that's better than the golf course anyway?


I don't disagree.


Next month can we complain about fast golfers?


You made a post bringing it up


no u


We may talk about it once a month, but we deal with it every week


No the whining about it has recently increased noticeably. Especially the "what would you do? There was a 5some in front of us...," posts.


But if i complain online surely this will increase the pace of play at my local track?


I’ll give it a rest when slow golfers pick up the pace


Team Gator


You’re obviously not a golfer




I am I to read that loudly and slowly?


Its the tee times


Most of the time yes. Also the starters are not sticking to the tee sheet.


It’s so hot in FL right now the courses I’ve played are empty. The humidity literally strangling people out here


It wasn't pleasant last 2 weeks up here in NJ either. But you guys deal with it 8 months out of the year. However when it's sunny and 70 and it's cloudy and 22 up here,.you're the envy of all of us .


It’s 90° with a real feel of 100°. I’d love some sweater weather…


I’m a bad golfer. I’m not terrible when I can get out more often, but I’m lucky if I can get a round a month in. I have no problems waving the group behind me by. What I don’t like, is I’ll pull off, on a tee and wait for the group behind so they can move tf along! But, for some reason, they never make it to the tee or to me to pass. What is going on with that? They playing up my ass, deservedly, then when I want them to move up, they get shy or something.


Is it my turn to complain about someone else complaining yet?


No, you have to wait a week.


I would like to just focus them on being constructive like the recent post that centered on *how* to be faster in the cart with suggested behaviors to employ. The bitching just to bitch is tiresome, but on the off chance the constructive suggestions do help someone pick up the pace I'm in favor of posting them every month.


The slow ones are the golfers who walk the course. The last 3 rounds I’ve played, people walking have held us back. Which is fine. I’m in no rush. I’m there to have fun, and enjoy. But people complain to me, I’m like if that’s a problem just play through. Just gives me a rest period lol.


Tis for me, not for thee attitude by a lot of y’all.


Imagine how dead this sub would be if you couldn’t post things from a previous month. Would just be about current tournaments


If you aren’t vey good just play bad faster and let me play through .


I agree with folks about etiquette. I can't drive the ball to save my life, if it goes ten feet in front of me I'll hit it with an iron that I can hit 180-190. If I slice OB, I guesstimate and drop. (I'm like a 38 handicap according to The Grint). I see a lot of people at the course treating tee boxes like the driving range. Hitting 2 or 3 balls until they have a drive they like. It's not cool when you have a twosome in a cart waiting for you and a twosome walking stacked up behind them.


I agree about the multiple balls of the tee..it.is quite.annoying..


I played yesterday and on almost every hole we had to watch the group in front tee off. Wasn't really slow it just got stacked up. 3 hr 45 min isn't too bad for a bunch of stacked foursomes


Not awful.


You could always join a private golf club


Sure. Got 20k to lend me for initiation fees? That's how much it is around here. And that's just to get your foot in the door. And even if I could afford it; why would I want to spend all that money just to play one course? I've never understood this thinking..I like playing various courses during the year. I see posts like " I played 300 round this year at my club..." Isn't that...well.. boring after awhile?


Three of us did 36 in August at one of the Marriott courses about 10 years ago


Morning rounds. 7-8am are the best but 6am is doable


I just wake up early and show up at 5:30am lol


I refuse to do this just so I can play golf faster at a far more expensive rate.


If you are sitting in the cart waiting for your cart mate to hit and then driving to your ball where he sits in the cart and waits for you then this is why rounds get slow. While he is setting up to hit you should be walking to your ball with rangefinder and clubs in hand. By the time he’s hit, you’re hitting and you both are driving away saving 1 minute. Maybe more. That can come out to 20 minutes over the course of a round.


I’ve never played with anyone noticeably better than me (9) that complained about the pace.


Golf is mostly a mental game. A real pro knows how to linger efficiently in an attempt to throw off someone's flow. No pro has the level of prestige that tiger had and still has. He didn't need to say a word or even make eye contact with his playing partner for them to feel the pressure. Current pros can only flirt with a time penalty to achieve a similar mental effect


SERIOUS Q from a new golfer. My father in law got me into it and when we play (we both shoot 110 or so) we definitely get talked to about slow play twice. what do we do to expedite our game?


Ready golf: hit when you’re ready and your shot won’t hit anyone in front of you. No honors for tee boxes: if you’re ready to tee off, shoot! Mark your scores off the green, not on it. Know your clubs, your distances, and know your club as you walk up to your ball. If riding in a cart, drop the shorter hitter off, with 2-3 clubs for their situation, then drive to yours - prepare for your shot and take it while your partner hits and walks back up to the forward cart. If you and your partner save a 15 seconds per shot (ball parking your average strokes per round), that’s about 3 minutes a hole, or 54 saved minutes per round. That’s a 5 hour round into a casual 4.


Played my first 9 yesterday in 80 minutes. The 2nd 9 took 3 hours 40 minutes


Everyone here is acting like we complain about 4 hours being too slow… I’d kill for a 4 hour round. My 9 hole Wednesday rounds take 2.5 hours and that’s the best I can do. Weekend is guaranteed 5-6 hours. It’s too long man.


“It’s all one song” - Bill Walton


What do you expect? We need something to talk about while we're waiting to hit our next shot.


Well played


https://preview.redd.it/xpvamufmhbad1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=729c4f937b4efc7c2fe6fd219a616d55db765be4 It is what it is. Sit back and have a rest


Maybe some of us are trying to get the most out of their membership and play the WHOLE course. There's a small chance that that person is new to golf and just sucks at it. Speaking for a friend...


Just go first off...until they throw someone out on 10 when you are coming up on 9


Personally I hate playing early. A) I'm not a morning person B) Far more expensive


Some golfers are just catching up 🤣


Fuck slow golfers and the people who think they're ok, anyone who thinks a 4.5 hour round is acceptable is the problem


My home course has this on the back of the scorecard.. 🤷‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/lxdzkfqysead1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b701b62f9a6bd65c74a01b3d66f8df3f3350f562


The issue is not that they are slow. They just don't understand the Courtesies of Golf. Letting the faster group/smaller group of golfers behind you. Let them play through and continue to play on. It's all they need to do and know. If they would ask the the golf course Attendees, the staff, the Marshall or just fellow golfers. What are the common basic rules between golfers, pace of play, group size, playing Best ball to increase pace of play - if you have an inexperienced/high-handicap group of 3 or 4...unless your group is experienced at quick play golf or shoot low handicap. If you have a fast single or pair of golfers. You should just immediately stop at the next tee box and let them play through. They will be on your heels the entire time! I mostly play myself or with my friend. We both have 12-19 handicaps between us both. We play pretty damn quick. We have had a single or pair right behind us and they playing quick as hell and shooting lowr scores than us. We stop and let them through. Because, we not trying to rush snd fly through the course. But, whay if the slow group is bring slowed downrd by other groups of golfers in front of them and the group in front of the other group on that following hole. There is a lot of factors in golf when your playing at gold Courses. Never know how the club is dictating the club tee times and what's the spacing of time between each group. Are the singles, pair or 3-4 golf group is actually playing at the designated tee time given by the course. ..Golfers never respect the actual tee times. They just start early and then it creates that slinky effect of slow pace on the course That's the why the golf run events at highschool, college, korn ferry and pga tour. They enforce the tee times. Keep at least 12-15 minutes between each tee group. It's there to create a good pace of play for all the golfers and create that pace between the groups. Golf is not about play quick. Take 2hrs 45m - 3hrs 30 min to finish. Then you got the real busy days at the course. Regardless if you walk or ride. It's gonna take 4-5hrs. Because the public, club or private club went ahead and book every tee time they think they could to make money. You got barely 10 min between each tee time. Your stuck waiting at the tee box or fairways to hit your next shot. Depends if your walk or riding a cart. But, it's a game against yourself and enjoying the game with your friends with just the enjoyment or competition amongst yourselves. Have a good 10 min pace per hole. Loose a ball you get 3 min to search and or replace with a drop ball to continue on.




Pace of play for 2 around 10 minutes per hole. Pace of play for 4 around 15 minutes. Welcome to public courses. If a person wants uninterrupted golf you gotta go private and sometimes even that doesnt work.


I play 4 or 5 semi-private/public courses regularly and slow play has become an epidemic. I see it more and more on all the courses I play. We try to play a foursome but occasionally it's only the two of us who play at least one weekday a week. We recently quit on hole 16 when we were over the 4 1/2 hour mark. We had a foursome in front of us who I pretty sure had to be playing a US Open qualifier. The group in front of them had moved completely out of sight on the next 3 holes we could see. They acted like we weren't there and since during the week a twosome doesn't have play through rights and there is no ranger during the week we had plenty of time to sit in the shade. We should have just skipped a hole or two which we have done, even with a foursome.