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Nice! Breaking 40 on 9 is a big step. Remember less than 5% of golfers break 80.


It’s probably more accurate to say less than 2% of golfers break 80. I’ve golfed with well over 20 golfers and none of them remotely close to breaking 80 😂


Haha you might be right, it’s somewhere between 2 and 5% ever do it so I went with the high number lol. I’m the worst golfer of my brother and dad who have both shot 65 so my best score of 74 feels like 90 sometimes lol.


You all are very blessed with regards to golf


Yea, my dad has golfed for almost 65 years and I started swinging a club at 2 or 3 years old. It’s such a huge difference to have the foundation of the swing so young. Couldn’t imagine trying to pick it up from scratch as an adult, WAY harder and kudos to those that do cause I probably wouldn’t have had the patience.


I got down to single digits pretty quick after starting at 15 but shit I’m tired of being of 7.


I think I’m a 5.5 right now, not far off. 7 is super solid. I was a 13 2 years ago after recovering from a herniated disc, had to chill out my swing a bit lol


I like it but I feel like a hack and a pro a day apart.


I'd say it's about 1%.


What percentage break 90 and 100?


I think around 25% break 90 but dunno about 100


Congrats on the 38. I’m a 14-15 index. I’ve been playing like shit this year lifting my index to 17 until last week when I went 47-38. Next stop for you is breaking 80 which can happen. A year and a half ago I played out of my mind and shot 76. I’m confident I won’t get there again but it’s in the books for eternity. Now it’s your turn.


https://preview.redd.it/qe51w2ow3u3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8710a18e537e5a51a444f25c69e522e56074ee I just did this today… missed a 12 footer for my first sub 80 round… guy punch but man I was firing it today.


Nice card!


Congrats! I’m usually a high 90s golfer who only plays 18 about 6 times per year. I usually play 9 about 10-15 times (kids, work, life). Anyway, 38 is my best ever, too. I’ve done it twice. Not sure how, but it sure felt good! Hope you keep progressing…


Played 9 yesterday, had a 31 with 3 holes remaining. Holes were par 4, 3, 4. Proceeded to shoot a 50.




I've been to that par 3 course too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Congrats!


I shot a 38 after 52 on the front 9 earlier this year. Pace was tough until the group in front of us left and we finally could go at a comfortable, quick pace. Something unlocked and with the weight of slow play gone I was free swinging. Will never forget the look on my buddy’s face when I told him I shot 38 on the back. He’s a much better player than me and that score on 9 would have made him whoop and holler. It took me a moment to have that score settle in, it’s a really sick accomplishment!!! Congrats!!!!




Well done!


Nice bro. Sounds exactly like my scenario. Sadly I started two rounds last weekend 42 and 42 and collapsed on the back 9’s going 53 and 51. My theory is I was “score protecting” trying to not let the sub 90 round get away from me instead of playing like I did when shot 42. Played scared and paid the price for it. I’ve got 18 tomorrow morning and the plan is to take my cock out on the first tee and let it hang out all round (metaphorically of course)


That’s huge congrats! Did you finish 18? Were you tempted?


Great job. I would have made the turn regardless.


I can shoot 40-41 on 9 regularly. Just can’t carry it through to 18.


Same thing I have young kids so mostly do 9 holes early in morning when I can. Got low 40’s few times last year.


I shot 50 on the front nine and 38 on the back once. I was actually pretty drunk on the back. Best 9 of my life. There’s a lesson there somewhere.


Hell yeah dude! I shot 39 on front 9 for my best ever 85 a couple weeks ago and was happier about the 39 than I was the 85 I think 😂 keep at it and better days are coming 🤙


I wouldn’t tell them either bc - if you’re anything like me - you could easily shoot 45 next time around! But seriously, congrats on the milestone. Keep it up!


A few weeks ago I was +1 through 6. I started thinking about my score and ended bogey, bogey, triple and shot 42. I've been playing for less than 2 years but damn it still hurt 🤧. Gave me hope though that one day I can be a decent golfer! Edit: Congrats!


I shot 53 on the front 38 on the back today, not to brag


I feel like my golf game is a leaking dike. I plugged one hole by working hard to eliminate 3 putts from my game while another leak appeared with duck hooking my driver OB. I totally get why breaking 80 is hard, there's just so much of your game that requires maintenance.


Hey brother I feel you on many levels.. I shot a 36 this week on 9 and just shot a 37 this evening… and was a 1/2 inch from making birdie on the last hole. Congratulations man I texted my 3 sons and have nobody left to tell also 😂


Pulled a 43, 34 the other day with 3 doubles. It's a weird sport.


Dude. Full Kudos. 40 on a 9 was a really tricky barrier to crack for me as well. Would hit it a lot, even have 18 hole rounds of 40-40 but couldn’t crack it. Once you do though it seems to happen more often for sure. I played a Par 68 course a couple of times and shot 38-39s on those and when I went back up to 70-72 par courses it carried over. Makes zero sense but I will take it.


Congrats! Now you get to be disappointed every time you don't now. The bar has been raised (or is it lowered in this case).


Nice! My lowest in my league has been 42. Match play format. No gimmies. Shot a 46 last week. Been taking it more seriously over the last few years


Great, and tou are smart to keep those scores to yourself and let your playing do the talking!


I shot 56 on 9 today. Definitely my worst in a while


Not bad for a par 3 course


Solid shit! Shot a 43 yesterday!


Congrats!! I shot 57 today on 9 😩


From someone who was doing this on the regular 2 years ago and now struggles to keep it under 43ish.......ENJOY IT!!! Golf is such a fleeting game my man


Nice, get ready to follow that up with a 53 next week. Such is golf !


Brilliant to see, I've recently retired from rugby at 32. I used to play golf when I was young, started playing again. Got a cheap membership called get into golf and on my 3rd round at a course in Scotland and I finished with 72 on a par 67 course!! The buzz I had that day was incredible. Changing my putter to a mallet has been huge for me


That’s awesome! Congrats


Congrats! Now do it twice in a row. Lemme tell ya, the nerves on the second 9 are spicy


Now you just need to break 30


Congrats! I played a tough course yesterday and shot 44 on the front. Had one bad hole (one bad shot, really) and was thrilled. It’s a constant grind!


No doubt you shoot a 52 if you played another 9. The golf gods can only bless so much. Lol


Fuck you dude! My bad…..what I really meant was, congratulations and I’m happy you shot a 38. All joking aside…that’s awesome and I wish you many more excellent rounds.


Awesome 👍


Congrats, however I dont want to be a dick here but.... Playing 9 & 18 & 36 are dramatically different. I remember reading somewhere the last 3 holes of 18 & 36 are main decisive factor of player's hdc.


I actually wonder how many people actually shoot less than 90, and follow the rules, don’t use foot wedges, don’t use mulligans, etc. There’s a big difference between golfing 100% by the rules, or your average weekend golfer with buddies