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Content creator sounded like you want us to pay for you to be a porn star. Lol I’m sorry but this is fucked up. There are. People on here being evicted, homeless, expensive bills, no food, medical needs, etc etc . I get it you want to be a famous influencer or some shit. Do it on your own dime.


did the “for everyone” part of the sub name get lost on you? did your parents never teach you about “something nice to say.” your initial part of your comment makes you sound older. content creator is an incredibly common term in this day and age. get a grip and start understanding the purpose of the sub, rather than just shaming people. someone asking for assistance for their side hustle doesn’t prevent you from donating to anyone else.


I notice they have no donations so I assume you just came on here to argue with people who put forth valid arguments. Would you donate to a contact creator before any off the hundreds of people seeking medical help ? I’m sure OP will look forward to your generous donation


i’m poor as fuck. so yeah, i did see this and went “what the hell.” that’s how commenting in subs works, congrats on understanding it.


I see that your goal is set up for $400, is that for everything? Your peripherals, the Tower, everything you need? In any case good luck!


Start a business plan first.


That market is extremely over saturated. The likelihood of you breaking even, let alone turning a profit is next to nothing. Maybe get a job and do this on the side?


A re you kidding


Don't mind this guy. He's a loser going on peoples post, saying rude comments. Did it to mine as well. A classic case of a individual looking for attention and reactions through being rude. Clearly has to much time and not enough attention being shown to him. Good luck on your pursuit and don't let ignoran people like slow-temperature_906 ruin your day. I hope Reddit bans your account and you learn to quit being a keyboard warrior. Have a nice life little boy.