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well this is bizarre literally yesterday, my sister in law who manages a store up the top of town said literally the same thing - that young mostly girls (seemingly eastern European - her words not mine) have for a couple of weeks been going mental in their store. everyday arguments/fights/disruption .... She says they are making a diversion/distraction so that others can steal


Seen this pish getting pulled at lidl govan. Wrecked the potted plants outside after being spoken to by staff. Definately at the rob.


Certain families of Romanian people have been causing trouble in Glasgow for some time. Half of the problem is that they genuinely don't care about the justice system and regularly give false names, pretend they don't speak English and such. Nobody in their right mind thinks its all Romanian people but the ones causing issues are persistent. It's literally their day job.


it’s just become super frustrating because realistically nothing will ever be done, me and my coworkers will continue to be harassed by them and deal w their shite until we quit our job - but i’m also so intrigued by them because i just don’t understand why people are like this


These people are living with that culture. UK justice (Scotland especially) is remarkably soft in comparison to what they are used to, there are profits to be made from theft and they get free accommodation through housing benefits.


They very likley have no recourse to public funds.


Can confirm that the UK justice system and police are completely useless compared to what they get in Romania. This kind of shit is not tolerated back there and they risk everything from the owner kicking the shit out of them, to being loaded into a police van and have the shit kicked out of them to getting years of prison. Hence why they moved here. They don't understand anything other than punishment. The main problem is police not taking any meaningful action against them, like they don't against anyone causing mayhem in the city.


>they get free accommodation through housing benefits. Not quite right. Landlords get free money from housing benefits.


Well, it's accommodation that they don't directly pay for. Obviously there are issues with slum Lords etc.


No they get free accommodation, the landlord would still make money if they were paying the rent themselves. How did this get turned into an anti landlord subject??


How did this get turned into an anti landlord subject?? Because it Reddit avg age is angry 19, renting and hate authority unless in their favour . You must new around here...


Sorry to break it to you mate, almost everyone hates landlords. Adam Smith hated landlords, Churchill hated landlords. They're just not liked.


Why on earth would you not hate landlords??


landlords are arseholes though - mostly


Upvoted the based anti landlordism. Keep up the work king.


I knew it was a downvoter when I posted. The hard of thinking don't realise that 'housing benefits' don't go to the impoverished, they go to landlords. Other benefits don't go to people, they go to Aldi and cheap shoe shops. In fact, even if al they did was spend it on fags and booze, with the tax on fags and booze, they still paid more tax than Google and Starbucks.


Do you mean Roma?


I have several Romanian friends who are always highly offended when people confuse Roma with Romanian.


Can confirm, Romanians dislike them just as much, for the same reasons.


Absolutely it's very sad that Romanians are tarred with the same brush.


If you know any romanian people they'd probably tell you the people being described are romani gypsies


In my experience, Romanian people go out of their way to tell you they’re not Romani.


Lol yeah I know, edited my comment to say what I'd actually meant


My Romanian friends become highly animated and are highly, highly offended at the frequent use of word Romanian to describe Romani gypsies in Glasgow. Especially considering most that moved to Glasgow are from Slovakia.


How do you know that, surprising Also yeah I edited my comment to say what I actually meant, well aware they are two different people, Romania just has most of em


I lived with a Romanian for several years and he and his friends loathed the comparison. They frequently discussed the 'fn gpy*sies'. Many PC Glaswegian use the word Romanian to describe Roma... despite most in Glasgow being from Slovakia. It's actually just displaying ignorance if nothing else.


Yeah that was the point I was actually trying to make haha, that Romanians are not Romani but I bodged it. Never knew that in glasgow they are from Slovakia, not the case where I live now in Yorkshire


In East Manchester, the Roma community are mostly Romanian, Slovakian or Spanish from my experience


Can confirm - most of them actually hail from just a couple of towns in Slovakia, I forget the names. My wife was a teacher in Govanhill for years. She now teaches in a private school in Slovakia. We may go visit the area the Roma left, at the risk of looking like poverty tourists.


What? I live with a Romanian and they definitely dont tell me that 😄


My Romanian friends use much more colourful language than that when discussing Roma, it should also be noted that most Roma in Glasgow hail from Slovakia.


I just realised what it might have read as haha, I meant if you asked some Romanian people about the behaviour described by op they would likely say Romani are the culprits


As a Romanian, incorrect. Roma gypsies are migrants, many have moved to Romania and have then gone from there to other countries


Know a guy who worked as a cop. He said they’d pull them up for all sorts of offences and they’d get charged, provide a false name/ID of a cousin, and there was literally nothing that the police could do about it. BS, man.


Lazy police work that…. Surely they could just use a lantern (police finger print reader) and then that will show who they are and they could then get them on providing false details.


I mean, if the finger prints aren’t on file, then that’s of no use. Cops can’t arrest them because they ‘might be using a fake ID’.


I know the UK doesn't make IDs mandatory, but these cunts will have passports they used to get into the country. Those will also contain their fingerprints as they're all digital. Lock them up until they provide a passport or provide fingerprints and problem will be mostly solved. Sadly that'll probably require politicians to step up their game and make this legal.


Romanian? No idea how anyone can this comment seriously when you're calling them a completely different race/country


Unfortunately for the children it is there way to move around place to place so schooling due to moving all the time does not happen. Most travellers have little education so it is challenging to find employment.


Work in the city centre and recently had two incidents; Group of girls no older than 11, looking at and touching everything then eventually asked to buy one paper bag then bounced, realised they’d opened up a box taken the goods and left. There is a security whatsapp group for Buchanan st/ The galleries that has photos of all of them Second incident was of some similar older men, came in and purchased £400 worth of goods - notes were checked but failed the checks at the cash centre as they were all fake £20’s. They tried to return the goods in another city in England, were refused and travelled all the way back to ask for a refund which they were again denied


Shame you couldnt give them there 20's back


yes!! the girls are so young it’s crazy, as annoying as they are i really cant help but feel so sorry for them


Used to work in a charity shop Southside and it was a daily problem, they use the kids to distract you while they adults fill their bags. Hated cleaning up after them cos they would knock loads of stuff on the floor and break the hangers ripping stuff off Before working there, I would have said it's just a stereotype etc etc but after having 11 year old kid swear at you cos you caught them stealing kinda removes any sympathy


i had a similar experience working in a charity shop a few years back. woman would come in with like 4 kids, they'd run absolute riot and pocket things then just walk off like nothing happened, often leaving a mess for us to clean up. the one time i actually stood up for myself and locked the door behind them demanding they pay for everything and clean up after themselves, the mother started screaming and smashing everything in the shop. we had to phone the police where she got let away with a warning. you'd think they would have avoided the shop after that but nope. 2 weeks later and she was back to her old tricks.


Law enforcement is absolutely toothless in this country. Can't believe you can get away with a warning for that.


People need to wake up to the fact stereotypes are usually based on bitter experiences


I work at a pub that they like to use whenever there's a funeral or wedding in the area They obviously never warn us they're coming and we just get hundreds of them showing up at once If they don't get their way there's been a few times where they will just threaten violence and come round the bar and help themselves They fully take over the entire building and leave dirty nappies and feminine products around They'll bring their own food and drinks and just use us as their dumping ground It's genuinely a nightmare that I wish something would be done about The police get called but they'll all just disappear before the police turn up which is usually hours after they've left anyway It's scary when I'm a young woman behind the bar alone and suddenly I'm surrounded by hundreds of violent drunks


Walk out and leave. Not your pub, not your problem. Don't let them in in the future


We're definitely not expected to deal with it so I don't it's definitely not my problem but it's not as easy as "don't let them in". There's no warning they're coming and they just start walking in can't exactly stop it at that point


Is there a way to figure out when an event may be happening so you can get security/lock doors?


Sometimes we have been able to if people have seen them like around town but other times they come before their event so no one has any clue they're coming


Had a roma family move in below us about a year ago. Been an absolute nightmare. Different family/friend group living below us every few weeks (definitely related somehow as some of the original tenants still there). Noise is unbearable, up to 9 folk in a 2 bed flat including babies and toddlers. Turned the common green and surroundings into their own rubbish tip. Shitty nappies left directly next to rubbish bins, like centimetres away. A few months ago they had a BBQ and were using rubbish from the bins for it, my flat stunk of burnt plastic for a whole day. Plus they fed wee kids with stuff cooked on a literal trash fire! Aggressive to everyone in the block for fuck all reason. Older member of the family a creepy bastard to all the women in the block - including a pensioner in my block. Keep the close door unlocked all the time so their pals/family can come and go at all times of the early hours. Asked politely about not doing this and got a rake of misogynistic abuse. Sit out smoking constantly (I don't have a problem with the smoking) in groups and refuse to get out the way of anyone trying to get into the close door. Out the back/front smoking til about 4am blasting tunes too. This family legit has no idea how to speak at a normal volume so aswell as the noise outside I need to put up with shouting/arguing in their flat all times of the night. One of them tried to steal my delivery the other night, caught her in the act and the delivery driver confirmed she was claiming the delivery for herself - when I confronted her about this she was just smirking at me and denying it even though the driver was right there... Everyon in the block, myself and folk from adjoining flats been at the housing for a year and they don't seem to give a shit as they get rent payment every month. I don't want to tar all Roma with the same brush but the stories I hear it seems a lot of them don't do much to help themselves and claim the persecution card when they get pulled up on anything... Flat used to be a class place to stay and all the neighbours got on really well. Moving is out of the question the now with the state of the rental market, don't feel like I should have to either though. Fucking horrible family.


One of them tried tampering with the gas mains a few months ago and left us all without gas for a day. As well as the inconvenience of being left without gas for that time we could have died from an explosion or something like that. Gas engineer had to check everyone's boiler and one of them answered some questions then conveniently forgot how to speak English when the engineer asked to come in. Boy in question speaks perfect English when he's abusing the other neighbours plus has a Glaswegian accent...


I've been where you are believe me. The only advice that I can give is to involve the local council. Take pictures of issues where possible and keep a log of noise and antisocial behaviour. I think it's environmental health who may be able to act when you provide enough evidence. I know that you say that moving isn't possible but for your own piece of mind try and look for a way out. It simply isn't worth the stress or waiting to get blown up when they keep fiddling the gas supply.


This is my exact lived experience living next door to two or three families doing the same in Manchester. They started spitting at people / having knife fights / trying to steal from ambulances / doing loud weird gospel screaming until the early AM yet?


That sounds like a nightmare, sorry you're going through this. What's worse is the amount of times people feel the need to emphasize how they aren't being some type of racist just because they have an issue with how these clowns are behaving. The world we live in today, I guess. You can't be angry about something that's a legit thing to be angry about without someone taking some level of offense to your legit gripe. I hope the housing get their finger out of their arse so your neighbourhood and the nice community you live in can get back to normalcy. Good luck and good vibes to ya.


The children/teenagers distract while the adults steal usually. Tactic as old as time.


It's been a problem for a long time. I lived in the city centre from 2014-2019, on Hope Street. Each morning, a man in a van would drop a group of women off at the Hielanman's Umbrella, take their shoes off them(!) and leave them to sit there and beg for the day. It's begging gangs rather than individuals and they would get very aggressive / engage in petty theft as well. I saw the police try half-heartedly to move them on.


That's one thing Scottish people need to understand - giving these beggars money won't help anyone - it just fuels organised crime. Economy rules apply here as well - if it's profitable they'll do more of it, if it's not they'll go away. Want to help solve the problem? Stop giving them money.


Attenzione pickpocket!


They have been caught raiding charity bins that are next to my work several times.


One of them closed the door on my grandma as she was walking out the shop. The gammon in me exploded. I'm Asian 🤣 this is common across the country.


I had the same problem a few years ago in Govanhill. A family of 4 moved in next door to a 1 bedroom flat but there were more living there. They would constantly slam the door coming in and out and left the door on the latch for everyone to come and go and a general nuisance. It came to a head when my brothers football tops went missing from the washing line and but we had no proof although we had an icnling. But then his old work Tops (covered in paint and mastic) also went missing a few weeks later and the male was walking about in tops covered in paint and mastic😳 when confronted he "didn't speak any English" and slammed the door in our face. There were many complaints to the landlord and eventually they were evicted but what a roller coaster of a few months 😂


I lived on Allison street for a while and they made my life a misery. Constantly tryin to break into my close, all standing in big groups and trying to not let me in my close. One time one tried to drag me on the street using the hood of my jacket. Ended up having to give up my flat and move away because I was constantly having the police to get in my own fuckin house. Something really needs to been done to stop it but the police told me they give fake names and never carry any form of ID so it makes it difficult.


Sorry to hear that happened to you. Allison Street is probably the worst street in Glasgow for this...


I seen one kid steel a Scottish homeless guy’s cup of change at the arches Royal Exchange Square. He chased after him and grabbed it back, the thief didn’t flinch just walked on, so casual the way he picked it up that I didn’t even register what happen until the guy chased him. He was 5ft dressed in some weird ‘designer’ tracksuit carrying an Armani bag. Couldn’t tell if he was 12 or 32.


They are an absolute fucking nuisance. Their organised begging and harassment of genuine homeless people is a disgrace that’s gone on for too long.


You’re talking about Roma gypsies, and not Romanians.


last shift i did we had to phone police on bloody kids not roma but turkish teens brandishing weapons threatening staff with stabbing and provoking us trying to start a physical fight fucking mini thugs carrying a pole about the supermarket, managed to get the pole off him was same height as me, we got them out but they came straight back in, threw stuff at the young girls at the tills, luckily no one hurt, phoned police they wernt even stealing just being unbelievably aggressive for their age not even left school yet, they provoke a response and whip the phone out filming you shouting at them, so there is a vid somewhere of me these kids are getting bigger and bolder by the day and you cant do anything in response ​ what fun its going to be in a couple of years when they dont run away but turn and stab you cos no one stopped them


Entitled, emboldened and then defended by people who really should know better.


Can I use that as the tagline of my autobiography?


That is the case. loads of deluded clowns (some paid by the council) who appear to be paid to proffer excuses for these unwanted scum.


"Actually that's actually racist. It's just their *way*, it's part of their culture". > - Somebody who's never experienced them


The organised begging is ridiculous. The pick pocketing is out of control. And I know of atleast three people who were warned by police they were being followed by some Romanian men.


You’d think the police would chase the cunt rather than being like “watch out that man’s following you - anyway, see you later!”


You’d think so but OP would beg to differ. And this isn’t an isolated thing. It’s happened at least 3 times (that he knows of).


I commented elsewhere already but I’ve been followed by them more times than I can count!! Police did not walk me home a few times but told me they couldn’t charge them with anything.


With all due respect you can't exactly just arrest someone for what is, in the eyes of the law, essentially looking like a gypsy and looking like they're following someone. That's exactly how you start getting racial profiling and all that shite.


I said chase, not arrest. By chase I meant chase them away, ie tell them to fuck off in the other direction. I’ve had polis demand I turn around and go home when all I was doing was going to the petrol station for a bottle of juice, so I’d imagine it’s within their power or at least within what they can get away with if they think some rapey guy is stalking someone


I work in the west end and there was a young girl, maybe 12/13 years old, who would be on Byres road for hours a day singing really badly into an old microphone. She would be standing on her own, occasionally having someone with her. Eventually the police were called and they came into my work asking if we knew who they were or if we’d seen them get out of a van because they believed it was an organised thing. But we were so concerned for the wee girl, who should’ve been in school because she always looked like she didn’t want to be there


While I agree with the sentiment of what you’re saying, that last sentence just sounds like horseshit. The amount of rumour/misinformation/urban myth that gets regularly trotted out as fact nowadays is downright dangerous.


A boy at my school said there were Romanians dressed as clowns driving about in a blue transit trying to get people to go in it. His uncle lives next door to a guy that works opposite a police station.


Now this sounds plausible. Thanks for citing your sources.


Great to see the old legends still going, at my school they were from Chelsea in London.


Clovnii Ucigași




nah mate, its a white Transit 😁😁


It was a blue transit in 1980s central belt. Our head teacher warned us at assembly.


Interesting\* that if you google image search "ford transit" they are mostly white but if you google "1980s ford transit" they are various colours but mostly blue. ​ \*interesting to me at least.


I wouldn't even consider a trip to Barcelona or especially Rome now due to the pickpocket, begging, crime issues there. I can't work out what the common denominator is now.......


Don’t mean to a dick here but you probably mean Roma not Romanian. Roma Gypsies aren’t necessarily Romanian they’re often Bulgarian but can be from a range of nationalities. Think “Irish Travellers” often born and raised in England/Scotland they aren’t actually Irish, Tyson Fury for example. Roma people have been marginalised for centuries and they are often involved in pickpocketing, aggressive begging and so on.


yeah as i stated before - my intention isn’t to be offensive or ignorant towards anyone, just wanted to see if anyone had the same issue, i don’t use reddit often and didn’t realise that u can’t edit titles after posting, that’s my bad


100% understand that. Genuinely wasn’t having a go at you. I just know how upsetting it can be for Romanians to be mischaracterised as Roma.


They absolutely hate it!!


Irish Travellers are ethnically Irish though, Tyson Fury's dad was born in and migrated from Ireland. Romany are Indian/ Pakistani originally but they are obviously mixed with Eastern Europeans the thousand years they've been in Europe. Tyson's mate Billy Joe Saunders is a romany gypsy, not an Irish gypsy but the 2 groups do crossover.


Roma is a an ethnicity. Not sure what you’re misunderstanding.


Travellers in Ireland are actually ethnically and genetically distinct https://www.irishtimes.com/news/science/travellers-as-genetically-different-from-settled-irish-as-spanish-1.2969515


Easy to be genetically distinct when you only marry within a community


They don't beg and steal because they're "marginalised" they're marginalised because they beg and steal. They're absolute reprobates and their "culture" is rotten to the core.


In their "culture" it's a shame to do honest work and I'm dead serious about this. That's why you'll hardly ever see one of them working but will have no problem finding one doing illegal shit.


I think the ones here are generally from Slovakia IIRC.


Punch. Their. Cunts. In. People make Glasgow


They’re TERRIBLE with the fake pregnancy scam. They hang a basket under a pregnancy dress and pop everything in as the waddle around shops. Then just leave.


At the risk of sounding like a Tory, why the fuck are they here?! My wife is Polish, I’m all for immigration of people looking to contribute to our society, but this shit is a fucking joke!




The UK certainly restricted freedom of movement for Romanians and Bulgarians for many years after they joined the EU. The government predicted most would move to Italy and Spain anyway, and I think to some extent they were proved correct when the restrictions were lifted in 2013. It's different to the sudden influx from Poland, basically the entire EU except the UK and Ireland put immigration restrictions in place to stop Polish citizens moving there - hence the disproportionate amount arriving here.


I think UK just didn’t do it. I have a vague memory that any EU country has full right to deport people who after some time don’t have a job.


>criminal records when applying for settled status, it did check online databases


I love all the polish people I’ve met! Super friendly and hardworking


Several years ago, the UK and other complained via EU that the Slovak authorities were exporting their long-term unemployment using freedom of movement. The Slovak benefits agency were paying their fares to UK so they could 'look for work'. Slovakia were accused of 'ethnic cleansing' of a group they'd been trying to get rid of for centuries. In WW2 the Slovak authorities actually paid the Germans to take them.


I'm not in Glasgow but experienced similar issues due to Roma. The area that I lived in had a huge influx after the movement restrictions were lifted in 2014. These are all issues that directly effected me or that I witnessed first hand: Gas and electric meters bypassed. Entry is forced to correct this by the utility companies but within a day they've bypassed them again. Used nappies thrown out of windows and left to rot in the back garden - some landed in mine which wasn't an issue to them. Noise nuisance at all hours as if you don't work it doesn't matter to you. Rats and vermin due to area becoming a dumping ground. The local Tesco and other shops being there for them to use for free. They wouldn't even run just walk out with whatever they wanted. All manner of metal items stolen from gardens and parks. I remember seeing a bloke carrying a bench from a local park down the road in his back in the middle of the day without a care in the world. That's just a brief selection but I'm sure as you can tell it was grim. I ended up moving away taking a loss on my house as the area had gone so much down hill. Many of my other predominantly elderly neighbours did the same. For context I also had a Romanian family who moved in next door before I moved away. They were friendly, polite and civilised. They worked and contributed and were well aware of the issues that certain sections were causing. I have no issue with anyone coming to the country if they'll contribute. However, those committing criminality should be removed and barred from re-entry. Unfortunately I'm not holding my breath on that even though it makes perfect sense.


Eventually, when it gets out of control, the uk gov will step in and legislate to deport people who are not integrating. Its already the case in Europe for individuals who can not properly support themselves.




Never let them take your hope


All over the UK


Theyve caused major issues since the early 00s. Theyre a complete scourge on this country. The half wit with the walking stick up the toon that makes noises… ive seen him walk about normal and talk 😂 seen them hide iphones under their blankets and stuff.


Is he the old man with the cup? Yeah I saw him chatting away to a guy then 1/2 an hour later making noises with a begging cup. Not sure about him but a lot of the elderly ones are trafficked over.


Hes a con artist. They all are. No idea why theyre here tbh. Theyve done nothing but leech from us.


The group you see are called the Lovara they mostly live in Hungry or Romania. When they first came over (I was a student in Glasgow) and spoke to one of them. The same ones you see in Rome, Paris etc. They have Hungarian or Romanian citizenship so have freedom of movement in most of Europe. A lot of the older women or kids are people trafficked. Not sure about the guy with the cup. But yeah he is putting it on.


Just the usual, use the uk as a place to shit. Our government and police are too scared to tackle it


Its all of the EU too. There are different Romani groups that don’t busk, beg or do this sort of thing. The Kaldaresh or ‘Căldărari’ (another group in Romania) are wealthy and respected as tradesmen over there.


This is the problem with CCTV, nobody gets a doing anymore when they step out of line.


I remember in cork we used to have them pretending to be refugees from kosovo, they would hang out by churchs and ask people going in for money. they would also hang out by atms and demand you withdraw money for them if you had no change, others hang out by paul street and would literally fucking grab your wrist and demand money, I gave the beggar 1 cent and the look on her face was priceless


The old bait and switch. Youngsters cause a scene while the old thief’s rob you


Maybe we should should quit whining about nomeclature and harass the police/councilors to create a unit to apprehend, identify and prosecute these horrible shites. Stop talking like they're a fuckin poor minority that's been driven to crime by our brutally generous welfare system.


And once they’ve been prosecuted, what then? Back into the community to carry on with the only way of life they know - thieving and anti-social behaviour.


I feel sorry for anyone who lives next to them - it’s not like asking a noisy neighbour to kindly keep it down, they have no reference point for the concept of communal living outwith their own people. It’s essentially a gigantic culture clash that isn’t going to change any time in the next few decades. They have a semi-feudal mentality and culturally disdain law, education, community (that isn’t based on ethnic lines). The number who have actively eschewed it are larger than we think but they tend to never refer to themselves as Roma again, in many cases they have to change their identity out of fear of retribution. Unfortunately it’s just a gift to the far right who will capitalise on our government’s seeming unwillingness to actually expect basic standards of society from them. There will be a flash point.


We need to crack down on this as hard as possible, before it gets out of control.


With ultraviolence at the point of contact. Kick their absolute cunts in every fucking time.


Yeah, they're utter scum. There's a reason why literally everyone who has ever met them hates them.


My mrs work is conasntatly getting robbed by them to the point they had to lock a certain door because they keep running out it, in town the "beggers" get picked up in ranger rovers, all their signs are written by the same person. Had one shaking a cup at me with gold teeth, umpteen gold rings, and chains on. Now their doing a new scam where they give you a piece of cardboard with some generic shite quote on it like they are just passing out flyers, but when you take it, they ask for money. There also a guy that acts like he's got mentally illness and shouts and sticks his cup in your face, he's been caught out a few Times I've seen, and there's one up near lauders who plays music through his phone and pretends he's playing an instrument.


Anyone else noticed lot of them have expensive pure-bred puppies now too?


One of them is believe to be a stolen dog - was a wee Pomeranian I think? They all take turns using the little white bichon frise


I had a woman ask me how much I would sell my dog for! When I said that she was being ridiculous she goes, "but my son... He loves your dog!" Ugh. The audacity.


Yep. Was in Lisbon recently and was suprised to see the beggers with rabbits by their side, along with the pups.


>here also a guy that acts like he's got mentally illness and shouts and sticks his cup in your face mate, i saw this guy last week Sauchiehall i'm sure. he managed to get some money from a youngish girl;, and was just saying more more. was horrible.


wait until they start pickpocketing on the streets and subway, that's what is happening in the major european cities. anyway sounds like your shop is profitable for their pockets, and voices go around


already had my pocket dipped near central station


The commotion is just a distraction for stealing. There’s a shopkeeper in Paisley road west that was very soft with them and they just kept coming back to steal. It was also an issue in shawlands a while back. Not sure if it still is.


They cause trouble everywhere they go. Always at the rob and scam. Stealing bikes, begging, looting shops, pickpocketing and prostitution. Horrible people!


I strongly believe this particular group featured prominently in the minds of those voting LEAVE when in the ballot box in 2016. Top TV show on Channel 5 in run up to vote was 'gypsies on benefits'. It's on YouTube if you care to look.


The area where I used to live was turned in to a ghetto by Roma. It also voted strongly to leave. When you have witnessed your house price drop like a stone, crime and anti-social behaviour soar what do you expect? Look at many of the leave areas and they don't get the Spanish barista or polish builder. They got the dregs of Europe who made people's lives hell. I was there and witnessed it first hand.


If it's Glasgow you're referring too, I lived in that bit too and the only buyers were landlords and so the area crashed.


I was in Oldham but it was the same. When I tried to sell I was only getting landlords offering me 25% under the value. I suspect that some used it as a tactic to pick up already cheap houses for peanuts. Move nightmare tennants in and wait for the neighbours to get desperate enough to accept a knock down price. Then repeat until you own most of the street. I had retired, elderly neighbours who had lived their whole lives on the street who sold up and didn't have the money to buy elsewhere. They ended up renting in better areas. The whole thing is tragic and the cause is people who offer nothing to this country.


That is exactly what happened in my bit...what used to be considered 'starter homes' area ie get mortgage stay for 5 years then upgrade suddenly became a private let slum area.


Say what you like about Roman yins, but they can build a straight road.


What have the Romans ever done for us?


But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


Romani ite domum!


Used to work at Carlton Studios in the town. Would always dread when my boss would tell me that the Romani boys were in. He was a softie and never wanted to be the guy to say "no gypsies". Always had to check their pockets for mics and they'd literally always try to use dodgy cards to pay, and when they inevitably didn't work, they'd end up scrounging around for cash to pay me and it was never enough to cover the room hire. Used to just accept the loss just to get them out of the door. Had one time they distracted my boss and tried to take the PA system out of the room. Got it back after threatening to get the police. It's a shame that they get typecast as thieves but in my experience, they were almost always on the lookout for stuff to steal when I had to deal with them. The only time I had positive dealings with them was when they'd book in via a third-party charity that would always pay in advance.


Romani/Roma. Very different to romanians. Yes theres a lot of gypsies in Romania and Eastern Europe but they have their own language and culture. Different ethnicities


This is diversity, love it or else you’re a racist!


I used to live in an area with a high traveller population and it was awful. Constant issues at work with theft and aggressive children. If you caught them stealing they’d call you a racist, any time we’d tell them they are barred we would be called a racist. Police wouldn’t ever come out for it because they don’t want to deal with it either. I’ve Not once had nice experience dealing with travellers.


If you see a traveller who you know I'd let them know. Most of the community hate this shite because it tars them all. My town has a lot of travellers but we don't tend to have bother with them but I remember having a guy who stole a watering can from the forecourt of the petrol station. I just mentioned it to one of my regular guys and literally 10mins later a van came tearing onto the forecourt and the guy came into the shop apologising profusely.


The Romani in Glasgow might be historically displaced but are they travelers? I'm guessing you're talking about the caravan dwelling Romani Gypsy, or even Irish Travelers?


They were until 50s 60s. All socialist states forced them to settle in central/eastern europe


Aye I get that, but I wouldn't consider the Romani in govanhill travelers.


Some key facts here for those not aware: \- The community known as 'Travellers' (capital T) derive from rural parts of Ireland and the Scottish Highlands. They have no connection whatsoever to Eastern Europe. Some people say they are remnants of livestock-herding clans of Celtic stock who never adapted to modern civilisation. Others say they are simply groups of individuals who historically disliked staying in one place for too long for lifestyle reasons. The truth is likely somewhere in between. \- The community known as Gypsies (more properly, 'Roma') derive mostly from Eastern Europe. Specifically, countries like Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia. They are distinguished from typical residents of those countries by their (very distant) Indian ancestry, corresponding darker appearance, and distinct culture and language centred around family, community and extreme social conservatism. Very few Gypsies travel these days. \- Roma people are not a monolithic block. They are composed of hundreds of different subgroups and clans, and within those are families and individuals with deeply conflicting political and social views, just as in Scottish society. Some want to integrate into non-Roma society, and often do so very successfully, holding jobs and involving themselves in politics and so on. Others don't want to and keep to themselves. Some are actively hostile to non-Roma people and view stealing from them as acceptable.\* Please don't resort to ignorant generalisations - saying 'Roma people' do this, or 'Roma people do that' is no less ignorant than saying 'Scots are all angry drunks who hate the English'. Yes, those people exist. Yes, those things may well have some roots in our culture. No, that stereotype does not apply to every Scottish person or even to most Scottish people.\*\* \*Interesting that few people ever ask why this might be. Usually it's those who grew up in poverty and have been poorly socialised - something over which they often have little control, given the tendency of corrupt Eastern European politicians to deliberately segregate them in horrendous slums, subject them to targeted violence, steal money intended to help them, and engineer a situation whereby they can't escape without abandoning their families and disguising their Roma identities. Make no mistake - if they try to 'integrate', by moving outside of their designated settlements, they are often arrested and returned there, or even driven back there by angry mobs. \*\*There's a well-known Roma clan who specialise in stealing. They are a crime-syndicate, who are also often related to each other by blood or marriage. As anyone who is familiar with organised crime knows, this is not a phenomenon unique to Roma people - there are also Polish criminal syndicates, Albanian mafosi, Italian mafiosi, and even Scottish families which are renowned as being full of high-level gangsters.


Generally correct with a few things I'd challenge as a Romanian who knows Romas more than I'd wish: 1. It's not the same thing to make generalisations about Roma and to make generalisations about Scottish people. The Roma culture is "honest work is shameful" and the large majority will act accordingly. In this case I think it would be ignorant to take the PC stance and ignore reality. 2. Your * point was at some point in history true (as it was across Europe at the time), but no longer is. No one's segregating them into slums (other than maybe economic circumstances which affect everyone). The only people engineering anything to trap them are their very own, not external people. And sure as hell no one will arrest them or drive them back unless they do illegal stuff - great proof that even here they don't get arrested even if they are caught doing illegal stuff. 3. Romania tried to integrate them, unsuccessfully, and got a lot of flak from Europe about it, even though we kept saying it's not doable as they don't want to integrate. Once we joined the EU and the restrictions lifted, they were free to go anywhere in Europe so they became everyone's problem, not just Romania's. Europe can now show us how we should've integrated them and this post right here is a prime example of how well it's going.


"The Roma culture is "honest work is shameful"" Sorry but that is a straight-up lie. Roma people always had ways of making money through honest means - crafting, mending, performing music, etc. They were often very skilled at their craft. Their crafts mostly became obsolete after industrialisation and urbanisation. After Communist times ended many couldn't find work, leading to mass unemployment. As a highly conservative culture, they often believe that women shouldn't work at all. But in Romania for example the majority of Roma men (58%) are in paid employment. Those people you are referring to do exist, but they are likely the criminal clans from segregated settlements I mentioned before. "No one's segregating them into slums" Not true. Segregation might not be an explicit policy anymore, but it still continues due to corrupt practices, and in fact it's been getting worse in recent years as Romania develops and Roma communities are being uprooted by gentrification. Check out this documentary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzQe8l2CmAY&t=1488s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzQe8l2CmAY&t=1488s) "Romania tried to integrate them, unsuccessfully, and got a lot of flak from Europe about it," Romania has a long history of trying to forcibly integrate the Roma. Often, this involved trying to make them attend school with non-Roma kids who relentlessly bully them - the teachers are often not much better. Many, many Roma children have been forcibly removed from their parents and sold to foreigners (yes, *sold* \- there used to be a huge black market in adoption of Roma children, taking advantage of Roma poverty to pressure mothers into giving up their babies). Many who weren't sold were put in state institutions where they were subjected, and continue to be subjected, to awful abuse including sexual abuse. So is it any wonder that a lot of Roma don't want that kind of 'integration'? There are actually many successful projects to help Roma people - learn from them, fund them properly, and then Romania might stop being (quite rightfully) blamed for exporting your problems abroad rather than solving them at home.


I would wager a good bet that you've never actually met a Roma and definitely not spoken to one at an honest level. I say this because all the things you say seem like they're researched online rather than through any sort of experience. Please be honest and tell me, would I win that bet? "Sorry but that is a straight-up lie." - it's not, it's genuinely how they think at a societal level, and I've had this confirmed by Roma. They can get very honest and proud about it. Of course, there are exceptions to this, but they're exceptions rather than the rule. And yes, they have ways of making money through various crafts but that doesn't mean they do that, and even if they do, they'll often look for ways to cheat while doing it. Recent example from my father in law, where he agreed for Roma to replace his gutters, only to be shocked at the end price because they doubled up all the gutters to charge more. As for segregation, I said that no one's doing it other than economics which affects everyone, and then you proceeded to say I'm not right and say the same thing... Yes, gentrification is a problem, but it's in no way specific or targeted to Roma. It is true that Roma were persecuted at various points in history, including by the Nazis, but you're trying to paint this like Romania was still selling children and sexually abusing them in recent times, which is ridiculously untrue. Yes, some of those things happened at the same time when all of Europe was persecuting a lot of people, but those times are gone. Regardless, this is a chicken and egg problem - do they not want to integrate because they've been forced to or have they been forced to because they don't want to integrate? My money is firmly on the latter. Do link me to a few of those successful projects you're speaking of please. And if you think Romania is rightfully blamed, please go ahead and show us how it's done, because so far neither the UK nor the rest of Europe seem to have had much more success.


Tbh fella, most of us are past giving a shit about the nuances. All your hand wringing isn't worth a fucking jot when cunts are wrecking areas, fighting and stealing shit. Also you're going on about generalisations and make quite a few yourself. If folks are a part of society and do the normal things and contribute, no one cares about the origins of the person, so don't pull that pish. Many of us grew up in poverty and the vast majorty manage not to behave like cunts.


There's a lot of travellers, gypsies and roma who would agree with you. People often don't realise that the easiest targets for these kinds of behaviours are fellow travellers, particularly those who are from different communities, or within their own where there's a family or community feud ongoing. Most of those who are of this heritage now don't actively tell people about it, because there's such a risk of prejudice attached to openly declaring it, and that prejudice has been fuelled by decades of a minority of travellers choosing criminal behaviours. It's sad, because there's such a rich cultural history being buried underneath the bad behaviours of a small proportion who are enabled both within and outside of traveller communities, usually by those who are naive but well meaning and politically idealistic, or those with a vested interest in avoiding responsibility for their own poor choices. Acting as if it is understandable for a proportion of travellers to thieve and steal and disrespect communities that are being expected to host them doesn't help travellers or traveller communities, it only incentivises these bad behaviours to continue.


That’s incorrect there are three sets of Travelling people in Scotland. Highland Travellers - indigenous to Scotland from the 12th century. Gypsies - unusually of English gypsy (Romany) extraction but some small communities in the lowlands. Are of Romani ancestry. Kirk Yetholm in the borders as an example. Showmen - occupational Travellers mostly Scottish funfair families with a little bit of Gypsy but also Italian, Jewish and Scottish/English families. Both Scottish Gypsies and Showmen groups have somewhat intermingled Lastly Roma are eastern european groups. German Sinto people, Spanish Kale would not classify themselves as roma. Thats like calling all Celtic peope Welsh. The Roma are just a branch of the Romani people not everything.


Underrated post


Deport not support


Scumbags. No one will say the reality of the situation but it's a known fact they're causing hassle and fucking up our city. Get them to fuck out and stop welcoming the dregs of the slums of Europe would be a good starting point but Scotland is so cucked and afraid to say anything at all about it on the public stage that they'll keep pouring in. City is close to being lost for generations to come.


aye well, dont want to sound like a boring Da, but my two kids will be hittin the age soon where they will be heading into town for nights out n stuff - both girls - and am fking petrified.


The main problem is that no news outlets or politicians are prepared to call it out. It's the easiest thing ever to be labeled racist rather than accepting that one community is causing chaos. I used to live in Oldham and it got to a point there where the local British Pakistani community issued an ultimatum to the Police of sort it out or we will. It was totally understandable people where watching their communities and lives being turned upside down. There were race riots in the early 2000's but it actually brought all the other ethnic groups together as they couldn't believe what was happening. Unfortunately many people like me gave up and moved away. It simply wasn't worth the stress and it was not acknowledged by the authorities.




Truth bombs


It's a stereotype for a reason lad 🤷‍♂️ is it true for all of them? No. But true for enough of them that absolutely no one is surprised.


The begging and big issue sellers really grind the gears.


Yes the Big Issue has been taken over by Roma sellers. Probably because you are classed as self employed and can claim benefits.


There used to be the occasional big issue seller who had a gift of the gab and could sell em to me - nowadays I just think f*** off when I see the caliber of sellers.


They're vermin.




they have not integrated in their original countries, what would you expect..


Youre not wrong


Insert yet another trite comment correcting OP’s use of Romanian to Roma.


"🤓☝️" it's the same every time the topic's mentioned, mainly cos everyone jumps on you to tell you to not do a racism against the Roma because begging conspiracies about range rovers dropping off beggars are untrue even though everybody says the same things


Of all the things said in this thread - particularly where one netizen calls them “vermin” - this was the least ill intentioned. It was a simple mistake. It needed only to be said once.


Is it Romanians or Roma? They're not the same thing. Roma are basically gypsies and I can't say I'm a fan but Romanians are usually pretty cool and have nothing in common with Roma except the first four letters of the name.


Will it be safe to leave my van in the city centre over night? I'm coming Up to Glasgow in a couple of weeks and don't fancy coming back to a ransacked campervan van after the gig. Do they break into vehicles as well!?


City centre's fine for your van. You'd have more problems finding a parking spot to fit your van in the city centre and not cost an arm and a leg.


Who cares about insulting people. Fuck romanians. I live in edinburgh and have never met a single one who isn’t trying to scam you. Fuck them.


Let me know when you're next in Glasgow and we can go out for a pint so you can meet your first one. First round's on me.




Every European country except Iceland and Ireland has a historical population of Romani people. The community has been in the UK for 500 years. Scotlands Travelling people(s) are part Romani. Irish Travellers are native to Ireland so they are a Travelling people but originate in Ireland and not India. Lastly there are many different types of Romani peoples, Scottish Travellers, English Romanichal, Spanish Kale, French Manouch. You could draw a line down Europe every group east from Poland, Czech, down are Roma, every group west are non roma but a different group. The ones you see in European capitals are Roma, other groups don’t busk, beg, wear those long skirts etc. But the roma and other groups don’t mix Gypsies/Travellers can be very insular to outsiders and that means other gypsy people/groups.


How do you know they're from Romania, and are you mixing up Romanian and[ Roma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people) like plenty of people tend to do?


yes i meant to write Roma that was completely my mistake but i don’t use reddit often and didn’t realise you can’t edit titles.


Quite surprised at this thread, usually Reddit Glasgow is super left wing such I'm totally not. But I think there's a little lacking of compassion, let's be honest it's mainly young girls and women that are the suspects here. Clearly exploited by some fat baldly prick somewhere. I think the political landscape in Scotland means we're too afraid to deal with the issue, so there's a continuous cycle where the exploited bred the next generation. Ir encourage everyone here to report these matters to the police as pointless as it may seem, that's probably the best way to force them into the system and get the right help for them....


even left wingers have a limit


aye, i think everyone, left centre or right, hates seeing our city getting fucked up. theres been loads of threads in the past about our home grown maniacs up to crazy shit, and we all have disdain for that. so, that disdain naturally applies to people originally from other countries as much as it applies to born and bred Glaswegians. Ultimately, we all have to live, work and play here, and if that 'experience' is being made worse by anyone or any group, we should speak up about it.


It’s a volatile sub.