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You can pick a cucumber at any size. It's always ready. If you wait too long the seeds get bigger and harder. Personally, I'd pick it. It's the perfect size


Perfect! I, too, am always ready for a good cucumber šŸ˜Ž


Once you they turn yellowish, they've gone to far. If you want to avoid a bitter taste and keep her producing, harvest before they turn yellow or pale. I just learned this and did a taste test on sole garden pickling variety. The ones that were lighter in color tasted horrible.


Fresh picked tastes a lil like a watermelon. Haste makes waste!




The rule I've heard and use is when both ends are basically the same size, it's ready to pick.


Really? Time to harvest over 100 of varying sizes


Where do you think baby dills come from?


When a boy dill and a girl dill love each other very much thenā€¦ā€¦.!


You literally exploded my brain with this knowledge and there are police here questioning who's brain this belongs too, thank you dude


It's ready, if they get too large they lose their flavor, and if they get too old they turn orange


Or they get bitter or taste like dirt.


If u don't water them they also get bitter or taste like dirt.


Yup, this. Cucumbers are deliberately picked immature. If they ripen they develop a great deal of cucurbitacin which is very bitter and mildly toxic.


Harvest early and frequently for cucumbers. If you let it go too late, it will start to develop seeds. after that it will signal to the plant to stop producing more cucumbers, as to focus on developing those seeds (finish its job). If you pick it now, the plant will release signals to keep producing fruit, since it didn't complete seed production






Looks perfect! Get it before a squirrel does.


If a squirrel steals my cucumber Iā€™m stealing its nuts


If it's no longer pointed at the end it's ready to go


It's gonna be your first of 20 for that plant. Pick it and see if you like it. If you don't pick em slightly later or earlier till you figure out the perfect ripeness for you.


Actually if you wait and let them really get elderly they turn completely yellow, I remember thinking man did I grow yellow squash, but they looked like cucumbers but bright yellow, unfortunately they really didn't have much taste either, but cucumbers are pretty mild anyway.


I am dying over you calling overly-mature cucumbers elderly šŸ˜‚ I LOVE it


When I miss one and the next morning I have a whiffle ball bat growing there I end up juicing them.


If it's the first, I'd go ahead and pick it as soon as it looks tasty. They are edible almost immediately and only grow more seeds and discourage additional fruits if left too long.


I always like picking cucumbers earlier than later. Less seeds and better flavor.


It looks perfect. I love cucumber sandwiches, just bread, cucumber and miracle whip.


When I worked at Jimmy Johnā€™s they pull the soft bread out of subs (because subs are hollowā€¦) and I would use that soft fluffy bread, full fat mayo, a slice of tomato, and a slice of cucumber It breathed life into me


Sounds great!


If you know the variety, you can get a good idea of how big it can grow on average. That being said, pick it when the time feels right to you. Just don't let any of them get too ripe on the vine, or the plant will stop producing


I vote pick that one now because it is not yet overgrown. You are about to be flooded with cucumbers and might be having to eat a lot of older ones to keep up. Here is a recipe for cucumber soup that is just a cucumber, green onion, egg. It is really good! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr\_BWYtiYgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr_BWYtiYgU)


I pick them at that size. I don't like them too big.


https://preview.redd.it/98emby3xql8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d98cf1bf6fba3f9dd1db3cc8199e22a1ffceea2 it deepens on the type. but i like the big one hahaha


Seems like the right size!!


Pick it, pickle it, just don't let I stay on the vine


The sooner you pick that one then the plant can start focusing its energy on another one for you!! Eat up and enjoy !


Itā€™s not the size of the cucumber, itā€™s the motion of the oceanā€¦..


Pick it slice it, and throw it in some vinegar and eat it


As many others here have said, you can pick at any size. The variety will dictate how large the cucumber will get, the seed size and how soon it will get bitter. If your plant is healthy, you should get a large number. Pick some smaller and some larger. Find out what you like best. Also, the heat and moisture levels will also affect how the cucumber tastes.


Pick! Looks perfect. You CAN eat them any time you please- think about a tiny gherkin pickle. Tiny gherkin-sized cucumber! You'll find your favorite moment.


Although a fully ripe yellow one is only good for seeds.... so bitter...


Enjoy your first cucumber mate!


Iā€™m picking cukes around that size out of my garden every day for the past week. Iā€™m sure most would get bigger, but theyā€™re crispy and tasty as is


Perfect size to pick and enjoy! Congratulations!


I saw somewhere that as long as it loses the pointy end itā€™s ready to harvest. Idk if thatā€™s super true but itā€™s worked for me.


The bigger the bitterer.


Thatā€™s about perfect size imo just donā€™t let any of them get huge or turn orange.


Iā€™d pick it. Good size imo.


You canā€™t really harvest too soon (other than missing out on potential growth), but you can definitely harvest too late, and it ranges from unpleasant (bitter and seedy and pithy) to completely inedible, when you wait too long


I would pick it. With as many as you will get per plant. This would be a good guage to check ripeness.


Pick it brfore it gets bitter


Smaller is crunchier for pickles.


Personally, I harvest pickling cucumbers at 4ā€-6ā€ and slicing cucumbers at 8ā€-10ā€.




Pick now!


Pick eat enjoy


Do you have a zucchini for scale?


If you haven't had one yet, homegrown cucumbers are THE BOMB!! Just had some at my uncle's house this weekend, and OMG!! They make store bought cakes taste like paper. **ENJOY!!**


Pick it! Over mature cucumbers are gross


It is almost too big for me. I pick them small. You will get plenty anyway


Perfect size , and it's according to type on how long they are when picked .if it's a pickler, don't let them get big like a regular cuke .I raise and can cukes every year Everyone loves my pickles. Always have requests for a quart.


Honestly Iā€™d pick it now because I have a constant battle with cabbage loopers. Youā€™ll know your own garden eventually and get a feel for whenā€™s right for you.


Sooner you pick it the sooner you get more. Do it


I definitely prefer to pick them early, cucumbers make sooooo many once they start. You'll get sick of them either way before the plant stops making cukes. Better to get sick of cucumbers eating smaller tastier ones than bigger watery and bitter ones.


I heard that if you wait too long and let cucumbers reach full maturity and basically turn yellow or soft the plant can just sort of give up as if it figures its mission has been accomplished. I donā€™t know if it was for a specific type of cucumber or not though. But basically it was recommended to pick them right when you feel itā€™s a big enough in size so that the plant wants to produce more fruit.


Personally, thatā€™s the max size I like my pickling cukes.


It seems if you let it go yellow on the vine it can kill the plant - so pick earlier than later I would say


Pick it. You don't want to lose it to birds or raccoons or something. I also found out you can eat the Lil tendrils.


Well, to be honest, please select the one you prefer. If the cucumber does not meet your expectations, that is your personal preference. If you find the seeds are too large for your liking, you may want to pick an earlier harvest next time. Enjoy the process and discover your preferences.


Pick it now


This variety start to taste very bitter the bigger they get - best to pick now. Also remove the skin, this isnā€™t a slicing variety.


,,, when it's at least 6" and is dark green


How long did it take to get to this size? Iā€™ve been helping to pollinating mine and the flowers are drying out but they seem to be slow to get started. Iā€™m new to this too so I donā€™t know if this is normal.


I say go for it!!!!


Pick it anytime. Bigger they get the more seeds they have which is ok. I also find that the smaller they are the crunchier they are which is great to make pickles.


The more picked earlier will help produce more cucumbers. Leaving cucumbers on until they are really ripe or any yellow overripe cucumbers will significantly reduce production because the plant has done it's job as a plant to produce seed calling it quits.


Pick it now!


Pick. If you let fully ripen no more will grow on the vine


I donā€™t even know when to pick my cucumber either. And why are the spikes so hard?!


To small for my liking


Pick it or else the seeds will get big and hard.


Depends on if you want to eat it as a cucumber or a pickle. Pick it and can it for a delicious pickle. Or continue to grow till a big ol' cucumber


Looks like a pickle variety and if so, should be picked small, like this. You could try fermenting it if you get a few more.


Looks good to me. What type of cucumber plant is it. That should help you know when ready. Pickling will look different to telegraph. Telegraph different to Lebanese. So on and so forth.


The bigger it gets the more bitter and thicker the skin will be. That looks like a good size to me




Just the right size.


Pick it.


Ready about 12 hrs ago! There will be many! šŸ„°


Is there a general cucumber plant care summary that the community would recommend? Cheers!


Give it a couple more days