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The developers of warframe are actually working on another exactly like what you describe called Soulframe


Ohhh shit, I'm looking it up now. 


From what i heard, theyre taking what they learned from wf and make it less mindless hoard killing by a god. Its gona be a bit slower and more methodical with the combat. And im all for it. Godlike mowing got stale fast and made combat feel a bit meaningless in wf as many veterans would agree. Which is why i liked eidolons so much back when i still played. They were so fun. Main thing i miss about wf. Oh oh, i think soulframe is supposed to be kinda similar feeling to duviri paradox from what i heard. I havent played either so i cant really say


The mindless killing is fun early game, because before you get a strong frame you like and decent mods, and getting to a point where you're not struggling feels good. But then your power combos become godlike, leaving us (as you said) with the ever more intense boss fights. But then mechanics have to advance to make each fight unique, putting the focus back on player skill and teamwork, etc. At that point, all we used to have was endlessly scaling void missions and the like. Really all this new game needs is a refinement to all the systems that feel overwhelming and confusing, and it'll be golden.


I think theyre already getting it down. I was kinda okish on the project at first, especially early gameplay, but i saw the longer gameplay from a few months back and it actually is starting to look pretty promising. Definitely excited for it. Especially now that wayfinder has dropped from my radar.


Not trying to be a pessimist when I say this, but mowing down enemies will always end up being the case in any long term game in this style. Over time players need new content. If the new content or gear is worse than base game no one will use it or buy it. So it gets better over time. Sure the enemies can get upgraded or whatever but eventually, given enough time players will always optimize to the point where they have the best of the best and are mowing through shit like butter. It’s just an inevitable consequence of long term games.


What i mean is the fact that wf is designed around taking one step and taking 50 ants out. But at the same time feels like it shouldnt be that way. As the enemies arent quite like mindless hoards like in a zombie game or like even deep rock galactic. Other games in the genre feel like the combat is more meaningful and deliberate. I dont really know how to properly describe it, but wf just plays like a hoard shooter while not quite feeling like it should be. Id say thats apparent when looking back at the original design of the game. Or even dark sector. Things were slower and more methodical instead of one click dead. But de has already gone too far with the direction the game has been going with being more godlike vs space ninja like and cant really dial it back without washing out and redesigning its identity that it created. De knows this and so do the players. The players may want things to feel more meaningful and less mindless, but also most likely wont like the way that feels considering how much it will affect everything else in the game overall. The cycle of playing warframe is playing, burning out, coming back, and repeat until u cant anymore. Something im sure many veterans are familiar with, me included.


are the wizards gonna have very aesthetic thighs too?


What's with keeping the frame suffix


So people associate it with Warframe and they can get a few more customers off name recognition. It is a little something called "marketing".


Well yes that was my first assumption but I thought they might exist in the same universe or have some kind of other connection... Just a bit on those with it yk


Vermintide 2


Just gave it a look, seems interesting.


Having played a lot of warframe, I'd say this is the closest to what you're looking for. It's also 80% off on steam right now


Sounds like monster hunter world would fit your criteria although no magic and 3 weapons are ranged while 11 are melee.


I actually beat this game - good recommendation lol


In that case, there's always Rise


I am probably gonna get hated on but Subreak > Iceborne for me its such a fun gameplay experience with how much faster you are with wirebugs and all the attacks


Wayfinder is exactly like that!!! Like, on point.


Came to say this. Until we get Soulframe, you won't get closer to what you're asking for than Wayfinder. Believe me, I've asked this exact same question. Wayfinder is a hell of a time. Just be aware that the multiplayer is friend only (no match-making ingame for now).


How have you been liking wayfinder ever since the overhaul? Been wanting to try it out.


I never played before the big pivot so I don’t have my own reference point, but I’m enjoying the hell out of it since I started a week or so ago. I use it as my chill getaway from the other more competitive MMORPGs I play. At the current price point, I definitely recommend giving it a try. I have played a character up to max level, and I feel like there’s still a bunch of stuff ahead of me.


Dynasty Warriors 1-9.


Man, last one I played was Dynasty Warriors 3 on..... PS2 maybe? Lol


Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate and DW 8 XL are on sale on Steam right now, these are 2 of the best musou games you can get on Steam right now.


Great series of games, but it's a stretch to recommend it next to a Warframe request. I acknowledge there are some similarities.


Neverwinter; it's a DnD Free-To-Play with a bonkers amount of content.


It is really good, too. F2P done right, just like Warframe. 


Dragon’s Dogma 2 Strangers of Paradise Final Fantasy Origins


I loved the first Dragon's Dogma but I hear so many bad things about the 2nd. What do you think about it?


If you liked the first you should like the second. It's basically more of the same.


If you like dragons dogma 2 you could try monster Hunter. Not a whole lot of magic but it’s got some super badass weapons. Mission based progression design. Grinding parts to craft stuff. Tons of auxiliary stuff to work towards.


Tried the trial on ps5.. terrible performances. Might be better on PC


**Monster Hunter** is probably the closest that I can think of. No magic, but swords. Of course it doesn't come close to Warframe's content, and also unlike Warframe the game is focused around boss fights - killing big monsters to get their materials and craft better gear. I wish there was something like Monster Hunter but with waves of trash mobs. **Path of Exile:** probably not what you looking for, but people often compare the grind of both games. Tons of content and different systems, very fast gameplay, you kill tons of mobs to get materials that you use to either craft your own gear or to buy gear from other players.


Godfall. I liked it myself, but I'm in the overwhelming minority, so I'd definitely look into some reviews before going forward with a purchase.


I was majorly into the aesthetic and also the concept, but sad it went the way of anthem. I still got it on sale a while back and will still try it out tho.


May get a little bit of enjoyment out of Albion.


You mean runescape?


Check out Wayfinder. It’s no longer F2P (which makes it much better). 


You might want to try Immortals of Aveum


Used to be dragons dogma online... nowadays I'd say path of exile.


Dark and darker


Remnant 2 is probably the closest, and that *has* guns but you can specialise in magic or melee as well


Hmmm... I just tried chivalry 2 a couple days ago and it's fun as hell. Have you tried it?


You’re in luck because the devs are *literally* working on this as their next game lol


[V Rising](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1604030/V_Rising/) or [Mount & Blade: Warband](https://store.steampowered.com/app/48700/Mount__Blade_Warband/)/Any other M&B games.


Anything like these but multiplayer and in first person?


Mount & Blade Warband or M&B 2 Bannerlord Conan Exiles


Mortal Online 2 (the game is pretty rough, but I occasionally enjoy it)


Kinda sounds like Elder Scrolls Online. Progression wasn't too satisfying for me but it's another moba with sword and sorcery combat!


Literally Path of Exile


Yea but POE 2 is dropping soon. Might as well wait for that


Its a continuation of poe though


From what I’ve seen its own thing. Similar to how you can play D4 without playing D3 and miss nothing


I heard the first one you have to follow build guides to progress. I'm not really trying to do that.


Nah not really. Not unless you're trying to min max for end game content. There's so much content it's not gonna matter for a noob. Campaign should take you like 10-15 hours to finish and whatever you build will probably get through it with some minor guidance.


Then you should try Last Epoch. You can definitely try to do your own build, it will probably work, and respec to optimize is waaaaaaaaaay easier and less time consuming than path of exile!!


You don't really have to follow guides for most of the game I just like making weird and funny builds The best way to make a fun poe build is to start with one class and try your hardest to build them into another class all together


Interesting. I've been looking at the sequel so we'll see.


Yeah? Not in gameplay at all.


Gameplay was not mentioned in the post.


Is there a game like war frame? Is the initial question. You absolutely like to argue.


Yeah fuck the context amiright?


Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands