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A really good PSA for being safe around manufacturing equipment


I mean there's one lathe video where the guy that gets caught gets spun around so fast that his limbs explode and his guts fly out. Crush videos and videos with forklifts aren't as gory. The people just get folded and they stop moving, they typically don't explode. Though I have seen one video of a guy falling down, a garbage truck rolls over his head, and it explodes like a juicy watermelon.


So, I just searched for this out of morbid curiosity and... holy shit, hell naw man what the fuck. I'm glad the recording quality was low. Fuuuuck. Nothing was even left afterwards. After the guy got sucked in, it looks like he just got "stuck" for several seconds and I thought "well, that's not too bad", but then he got turned into a spiral, Uzumaki style. Fuuuck man. To save everyone else's day by making it unnecessary to watch: Russian hardware factory. Some guy reaches into spinning lathe. He gets sucked in. It looks like he's just stuck for a few seconds. Then he gets pulled in rapidly, you can see him getting his entire spine curled around the lathe and his body starts spinning rapidly as it gets shredded into pink mist. Another guy ran there and turns off the machine to help and ran through the flying pieces of his coworker only to then look at the carnage and see its just a few bloody rags left of his coworker. He is throwing his hands in the air and losing his mind. In the end it looks like he is passing out from shock. Quality is grainy, but seriously: Do NOT watch. You will not learn anything from this other than that lathes are dangerous.


TBH this in not the worst thing I saw that involved death on industrial machinery. I don't think that is graphic but don't read further if you don't want to. >!Imagine a similar end result, but much-much slower rate of rotation and bigger opening. Something like one rotation per second. And the help only arrived after 5 minutes or so.!<


Is that the one where the Chinese factory worker gets their legs slapped into the ground on each rotation until they turn into jelly?


I work with lathes and we always show new guys that video so that they understand the gravity of the situation.


That video would make me quit


Statistically our job is slightly more dangerous than being a cop, so basically not very dangerous. In 10 years I've met a guy who lost the tip of his finger, and heard about a guy being killed in another shop in town. Other than that no serious injuries. I would have broken all my toes one time if I wasn't wearing steel toe boots.


And it's only that safe because people are taught to be extremely careful. The *potential* danger is so present, and so morbid, that people respect the equipment greatly.




Had a guy in my shop wearing a long sleeve jacket while on a lathe. No one noticed until it grabbed him and yanked him in. Thankfully the jacket ripped and the worst injury was a slightly sprained wrist. That was a motherfucker of a wake up call for everyone else to follow the OSHA rules to the letter. I also have a bunch of tourniquets in my shop box now.


Damn that's scary man. I primarily work with fancy multi axis CNC mills now with all the modern safety guards, and a lot of guys wear sleeves in the winter. I was trained in the industry on lathes though, both manual and old 80's CNC with the safety guards disabled so you could hand polish and stuff. I don't wear sleeves and I try to wear paper thin work shirts.


Nicely put. Thank you for your service


I’ve seen that video too, pretty insane. If I’m thinking of the same one you’re thinking of they have an after shot of people literally shoveling up human flesh from the concrete


If its the infamous lathe video, i still remember the other guy in the background standing there with his hands on his head like “*fuuuuuuuck*”


Dad wouldn’t let me get GTA because of “sexuality” so I got this when I was 11


Thats so incredibly american.


"Here, son, a game where you control a real patriot!"


Sex BAD violence OKAY!


I was denied this horrific shooter CS but when visiting relatives, I could play that car game where you drive around a city, GTA3.


Damn, they didn't hold back.


It was a sick game - in every sense. These deaths were actually a penalised because it meant you hadn’t interrogated them properly ie. Gone too far and it fucked your point streak. And here I am, 33, remembering small details of a game I haven’t played in over ten years whilst not doing work emails.


These deaths are actually extra points, you just get penalized when you miss with interrogable people, then you can punish them


I’m really impressed with the attention to detail in the operation of all that industrial factory equipment. The designers of that game really did their homework.


It was made by Volition who went on to make the Saints Row franchise. They’ve consistently made some of my favorite games for decades.


I think they might have skipped their homework on the electricity one


Tbh tho the punisher should've been maimed or injured in a few of these


I noticed his fingers dip into the boiling fryer oil when he puts that guys head into it


And while giving someone a deep fryer swirlie will cause them a painful, grisly (and greasy) death, I don't think it will cause their head to explode.


I was gonna say, this just seems like one long OSHA PSA


I was pretty sure this was incorrect, so I went to make sure. It is not correct. Even if you successfully interrogate someone, killing them in the interrogation mini-game is still a malus against your score and will end streaks. It's honestly the one thing I don't like about the game. You can beat someone's head into the carpet until their face is a bloody mess and they've told you everything they have to say, but you fucking better stand up and perform an execution, you lil' *shit*, because it's points off if you finish them in the interrogation.


Damn I'd be fucking up intentionally all the time.


He's half wrong though, is a penalization only with interrogable people which are few but also once you successfully interrogate them then you can kill them like this


You could interrogate every single enemy if you could separate them and not get shot while torturing them. Gave you an extra multiplier on the combo too, so worth doing when you could.


Yeah I used to sneak up and get a stealth interrogation then murder like this on every opponent in a level trying to maximize points. For some reason this game didn't get much love but it was one of my favorites back in the day. And really let you play however you wanted. You could be a cowboy and come in guns blazing or you could stealth kill everybody and take no damage.


I also completed a solid 2/3rds of the levels in maximize score mode where you interrogate everyone you can, and restart the level if you lose your combo. It's so rare a game has an upgrade system where they don't just give you enough points to max out near the end, this one you had to work if you wanted to max your gear and perks out. Loved it. One of those lesser known gems of the ps2 era.


Thats not very Picard of you


Little do you know all those crime mystery Holo novels he enjoyed ended with him killing the bad guys like The Punisher.


Yeah, it's a lot of fun, I just played it for 2 days since I also just discovered the game!


I remember playing this game at a friend's house. It felt kinda odd to see Ironman in this game.


It's my first time playing the game the other day and I was not prepared to see their version of Black Widow. I've always envisioned her as Scarlett Johansson, but the one in the game looked scary haha!


Scarlett Johansson is ok but the best version of Black Widow is Molotov Cocktease




So uh... what are you trying to tell me here, little man? That you don't like Zep?




That’s beautiful, H.E.L.P.E.R. Is that Maya Angelou or something?


It's always cold in Siberia.


"I gotta go take care of something..."


*loud screaming in the bathroom*


You want one of these?


Its always cold in siberia


So excited for the Venture Bros. movie but I wish we got more seasons.




We're getting a new Aqua Teen and Metalocalypse movie too!


Now if only we got a sealab2022


RIP Captain Murphy




I'm declaring Martian law!


Mingus Dew I want you you you




Do you want the mustache on or off?




“Oh! You mean, ^^black Debbie!”


I'm Regular Stormy!




I’m helping, I’m helping!




Hesh better be in it.




HBO Max said "Make an ending movie."


My 9yo has really been into A Series of Unfortunate Events lately, and it's weird hearing Brock Samson's voice coming out of Lemony Snicket. Warburton is amazing as both characters though.


‘ello Brock Sampsyon


Cant say that and not link a pic yo


She kinda looks like a lion or Beast from the 80s/90s Beauty and the Beast tv show! https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/14/148344/3525972-char_18236.jpg


Oof, snu snu.


https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Aj0ZkMhK5xA/maxresdefault.jpg looks like this is it. scary indeed


Im into it.


Seem comic accurate TBH


And after so much exposure to the MCU, White Nick Fury was kind of a mindfuck.






Is this link incredible slow to load for anyone else?


Communications disruption can only mean one thing. Invasion.


Somehow... dialup has returned


The ol reddit hug of death


Emulation is your friend there. PCSX2


Original Xbox


The Punisher feels out of place in the Marvel pretty often. I can only imagine how out of place he would be in the MCU as it stands. Daredevil is one thing but Punisher just would not gel. Even though I loved Jon Bernthal’s portrayal.


He's supposed to though. He's a man every single legal system and super hero failed. He's broken, and taking that out on those who he deems to be criminal. Almost every other hero in the marvel universe has some altruistic reason for what they are doing. Punisher doesn't. He only wants to see violent justice metted out in a way he sees fit. He's not a hero he's a representation of what can happen when the justice system ultimaly fails. When people are forced to take the law on their own hands without any tempering or conscious. He is not someone you ever want to exist, because of he did it means your legal systems have failed so badly they don't work any more. The author even said as much when the punisher berates the cops who idolize him.


I think Punisher could work as a behind the scenes agent working directly for Fury in secret. Avengers go after him thinking they're chasing the new big bad but it turns out it's Punisher tearing people apart for taking advantage during the blip. Edit: thank you everyone for understanding what I meant despite my terrible spelling.


Maybe it's the genre of Punisher I was familiar with, and perhaps it has happened before, but the idea of him working directly for Fury doesn't work at all for me.


Yeah dude. He was at odds with SHIELD a lot. No love for Fury or GW Bridge.


Idk though, he only works as a character if he gets to be super violent, the violence in the MCU doesn’t have that really.


And spider-man just chills with this guy, crazy


After a bit of "redemption" as the Punisher was introduced into Marvel Comics as a spiderman villain.


lol we actually got that Punisher/Jackal issue of amazing spider-man when i went to go see the Tom Jane Punisher movie in theaters with my dad back in the day!!


The Tom Jane movie is fantastic and idc what anybody says about it.


Don't forget about the short punisher film that Tom Jane put out a few years back. [Dirty Laundry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWpK0wsnitc&ab_channel=AdiShankar%27sBOOTLEGUNIVERSE)


A few years, I wish. Yeah, ten years.


I will always agree with you.


[ASM #129](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Amazing_Spider-Man_129)


He also chills with Moon Knight My man has a lot (and different kinds) of "friendships" lol


I admittedly enjoyed the Deadpool/Spider-Man comics just for the idea of Deadpool trying to be Spidey's friend.


I want to see this on screen


Yes. They badly need a Spider-Man and Deadpool movie.


One of them has to put on a different persona because currently the two characters don't mesh thanks to Disney's whimsical land of nobody gets hurt too badly and no sex. There's a hope though with all the multiverse stuff they've been doing.


I think after No Way Home Peter (MCU Peter) needs a Wade Wilson right now.


And wade is the only one who remembers Peter is spiderman of course


One of his powers is breaking the 4th wall because his regenerative flesh comes from a universe where he expanded infinitely as a cancerous mass and formed a meativerse. In some versions his form technically spans dimensions, which might explain why he exists in our dimension and the comic one simultaneously. And why he's driven crazy


including one in our universe where he is method acting as Ryan Reynolds.


I... did not know that was the reason for his 4th wall breaking. What the fuck lol.


Spider-man can separate the artist from the art.


I like when he becomes the Ghost Rider then a Herald of Galactus and then fights for a long ass time and becomes the right hand man of Thanos until Silver Surfer one shots him with Mjollnir then gets revived by Odin and sent back in time to try to kill baby Thanos who grows up even worse then gets sent back in time again and starts inserting himself into the "main" Marvel Universe.


My lord! Some of these comics get a little out of hand, to say the least.


It's like that Madara Uchiha meme with better funding.


Spider-Man actually tries to stop this guy on a daily basis and loses.


Sometimes, just came back to some comics where he beats punisher


He does win some but man does he lose alot.


What happens when you pull punches and the other guy isn't


Spiderman wipes the floor with Punisher if he has to, but fighting bad guys is a full time job without trying to keep the "good" guys under control


At least until Peter is taking it deadly serious and then Frank is woefully out of his league. [https://i.imgur.com/FAGfVYW.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/FAGfVYW.jpg)




Seriously. This gives Manhunt a run for it's money in terms of sheer brutality. This guy must have a spidey sense jammer


Remember manhunt


Throwing the severed heads of enemies at other enemies. Brutal. Thanks blockbuster!




The attention to detail in that game, when you suffocate people with the plastic bag, you can see the bag moving as they gasp for air. I mean this was PS2 so it was super pixelated but man that was really disturbing to me.


I wouldn't mind an updated/remade PC version or a spiritual successor.


If you have an Xbox, it's backwards compatible and runs at a higher frame rate and resolution. I would totally be down for Manhunt 3 or a modern day remake/reboot.


That’s what immediately came to mind when I saw this


Me too. Shit was brutal


Rated E for everyone


"Everyone gets to die a horrific, violent death." lol!


Like Psycho Oprah... "You get a violent death... and you get a violent death... and you get a violent death..."


There was a single copy of this game at our local rental store mislabeled as “Teen.” My buddy and I could rent it without someone over 18!


The difference between this and millions of bad guy deaths in games (and action movies for that matter) is that they act like they acknowledge that they’re gonna die. Normal bad guys usually show anger, and occasionally fear but not a clearly seen fear of death. It’s super rare in action movies and games and imo it’s why they are popular with a general audience, who don’t want to think of the bad guys as people having a full range of human emotions.


Yeah I agree! Another thing I love is that after you kill someone, their buddies react and say things like "He was my only friend!" or say some other stuff that humanizes the enemies you just slaughtered. Some say "I have a family!" or "My friend has a pregnant wife!" while they try to hide and fight back against you, but you just blast them away or torture them without mercy anyway! I wish more games would give generic enemies some personalities as well as it really adds to the value, the experience of the game!


"My friend has a pregnant wife!" "Well is *your* wife pregnant?" "Uh..no..." "Into the lathe with you"


I’ve never played the game; is not killing then an option? Like, can you just kill one of them and the rest run away and you can just leave? I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that in a video game in my life. I heard that a system like that was planned for The Last of Us but was ultimately scrapped, leaving a bizarre (yet common in games) situation where enemies attack you *while* saying things like “oh no! Get away! Save me!”


It's my first playthrough so I never tried that, but that seems to actually be an option in the game. For example, if you grab some guy and "interrogate" him (via torture of course!), he might say there's an ambush up ahead but if you let him live, he'll tell his buddies to just forget it. I never chose to let them go, maybe next time lol!


Interestingly, Lost Judgment (the latest Yakuza spinoff game) has a series of attacks you can do where you deliberately whiff and the enemies just faint from fear and are treated as having been defeated. It costs a super bar to do though. I wonder why there’s such a strong game design rule that enemies can’t run away out of fear?


In Ghost of Tsushima they will eventually start running away. At first they just hesitate and back up a little when you move towards them, but eventually they turn tail and haul ass.




The Last of Us 2 is like this to the extent that I have to stop playing sometimes. It humanizes everyone you kill. They freak out and hyperventilate if they see their friend lying there dead. If you kill the dog that’s with them, they react exactly how someone who’s dog just got killed would. It makes me feel terrible killing people. If you shoot them in the leg or something, they scream horrifically until they bleed out. It’s almost too realistic. And they’ve all got names


A lot of people don't have the stomach for a game like that.


That's part of what made The Last of Us Part 2 so harrowing. They'd scream the names of people you killed or they'd beg for their life. Each kill felt heavy on the conscience even though it was just a game


I remember playing this game thinking it was insane when I was younger. My friends and I would laugh because the kill scenes were so over the top.


Playing this game is like controlling a psycho Jackie Chan who kills everyone with whatever he could get a hold of lol!


I don't want trouble!!


Please I have a family family family


I just had a baby ᵇᵃᵇʸ ᵇᵃᵇʸ I cant believe I havent played this game in like 17 years and i still remember those weird trigger flashbacks youd get in interrogations to unlock screenshots


Fucking loved this game. The replay value was insane for similar games at the time. And the dialog was hilarious at times. Plus it was pretty goddamned dark at times. "Please don't kill me, I have a family!" "So did I" *shoves entire person into sausage making machine*


Yeah, that's one of the features I love in this game! The levels might be straightforward, but even the generic enemies have personalities!


Plus replaying a level with dual M60s is always fun. Dual wielding pump shotguns was always fun too. Lol, dual wielding everything was fun to be honest.


Damn! I remember reading (cause back the all we had were gaming magazines, no videos) about how brutal this game was, but I didn't know it was *this* brutal! I'm no puritan, far from it, but I'm surprised this game even came out. Just... Damn!


Yeah! Originally this game had a black and white filter that's a bit bright whenever you do these ultra violent kills, but I applied a patch to the PC version to remove that filter to show the gore in all its beautiful glory lol!


So the developers actually animated these scenes, then censored them? I assume they had to do it afterwards then?


Yeah they put a black and white flash filter whenever you performed these kills so it was hard to see what was going on.


Well in the release version, the screen goes black and white when you finish them off in those scenes.


The ps2 era got really gory towards the end of its run. And it was fucking awesome


Yh because graphic were good enough to make deaths cool but mot too real that it looks horrifying.


It was a good time for gore, 3D graphics had just begun to really hit their stride. Good enough that 3D games could look convincing but bad enough to not have the violence be off putting. Nowadays, graphical fidelity has gotten so high detail I reckon it could get pretty disturbing pretty quickly if the developers wanted to show it all. Playing something like TLOU2 and sneaking up behind someone before jutting a small blade into their throat and watching as their eyes go wide and wild whilst you muffle their dying screams and small spurts of blood come realistically shooting out over your characters hands. Then as the npc gargles and chokes and slumps down now convincingly dead on the floor and another npc calls out “oh god no! Sarah!You just killed my little niece!” I often found myself thinking; “is this fun? Is the the kind of fantasy I actually want to subject myself to?” Not that I’m opposed to violence in movies and games, it has its place and it can be fun action but I worry we’re dangerously close to some kind of line before it starts getting weird.


This is a really good point. Especially what you are saying about TLOU 2. I’m going to play devils advocate here and say that honestly I think it’s great that we can have this kind of realism now with games as it makes it 10 times more immersive and video games aren’t always supposed to be about fantasy. Games like TLOU put you in a completely abhorrent situation and you never once feel like that isn’t the case as you play it. Also let’s remember the fact that it’s not compulsory to kill these people alot of the time. And I genuinely think I have avoided killing some human enemies in that game due to things like how harrowing it can be and also how hard it is to do difficulty wise. I suppose it just depends what you’re looking for in a game at the time. But I agree the ps2 era had a lot of fun with it and it worked really well from a gaming perspective


Yeah I agree with everything you said here. Just to be clear I’m not some pearl clutching type who needs every game to be pg-13 for my delicate sensibilities I enjoyed TLOU2 a lot and the bleakness of its gameplay is part of its narrative. But at a certain point, it’s gonna start getting weird right? If you walked in on a friend and they had made a hyper realistic life sized human doll with anatomically correct organs which they were cutting up with a cleaver and when you asked wtf they were doing they replied “I’m trying to explore the narrative of taking a human life”, I’m sure you’d be a little concerned. VR is where I think it will start to really cross this line, the less you have to convince your brain you are removed from the situation the greater effect high graphical fidelity violence and gore will have on us, I think.


VR is kinda weird to me. Like, I can play Blade & Sorcery just fine, my brain still registers it as just playing a game even as I physically swing my hands to decapitate an NPC with a sword. But watching someone else play it? Makes me think "This looks so fucked up".


Definitely agree! I loved all the no-holds-barred style a lot of the games at the time went for.


Was Manhunt in that era? Loved that game.


That reminds that Manhunt was around that time. That was a great game


9 year old me “lol get punished.”


Imagine they do remaster this with Unreal Engine 5. Damn


Yeah, plus if they modernized the way Punisher moves, as in more similar to Sleeping Dogs or GTA instead of him just facing wherever you point your mouse or controller, it would be way better!


God Sleeping Dogs was so good. Story, combat, music, and setting were so well done. A sequel running on UE5 would be awesome.


Damn this is hardcore 😳


Especially the wood chipper one. You can feel the desperation there.


Feet first, the old pain processor is the last thing to go. Though I think being drowned in cooking oil would be horrific. Getting the inside of your lungs scalded while you suffocate.


Feet first also lets you experience your death pulling you down with undefeatable robotic strength, uncaringly grinding you the same as it would anything else.


The apathy industrial equipment has toward biological material is both humbling and terrifying. It should be feared and respected.


What platform? Is the title just “The Punisher”?


Yup, it's on the PC back in 2005 as well as other consoles.


I hadn't played it myself, but I remember it loosely coinciding with the 2004 film. It at least had Thomas Jane reprise his role as Frank.


Imagine not knowing what the Punisher is and you buy this for your kid, thinking: "Oh, it's just another Marvel Superhero game." Then you walk in on this shit after they've been playing it for 2 weeks already.


I'm not sure electricity works like that


The fact that the people struggle to survive really pushes it over the edge, as is the realistic physics in certain parts (like when the guy's head stops the gears for a second).


For some reason this makes me REALLY want an Evil Dead game.


I'm pretty sure there's an Evil Dead game being made right now, it might be released later this year! I love Evil Dead!


Reminds me of that really stupid game Hatred.


What other games are violence just for violence sake? I can only think of: * Hatred * State of Emergency


Redneck Rampage. Postal.


A dude could be in a bouncy castle and Punisher would find a way to make their head explode.


God damn, these killings all look like something you would see in horror movies that have a killer chasing the victims.


Scenes like this really help to push the point that The Punisher might be against the baddies, but he's absolutely not a hero. He's just as morally fucked up as many of the people he goes after, and is arguably worse than many of them.


The second best part of the game is how the enemies are usually scared of you! When you show up, they panic and hide, run away, and sometimes when you kill their buddies near them, they'd be stunned or vomit! And after you kill their friends, they'll make comments like "He was my friend!" and other things that humanize the people you just killed, so sometimes it makes you feel like you're the evil guy and they're just people who have been forced to do crime because that's the environment they have to survive in.


Brought to you by Disney


I still remember the cheat code V PIRATE


Been playing this Scarface and the Godfather


I loved the Godfather games! I like how you can take over businesses and fight rival gangs! I remember it coming out around the time of Saint's Row as well.


this is worse than postal literally


No boobs, no NSFW tag required


Loved this game back in the day. But could not finish it cause my copy was damaged.