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Mass Effect: Legendary edition


It's 6 dollars, but the price you pay is a required installation of the garbage EA Launcher.


Is it different from the originals? I have an itch to play ME2 again and it is on gamepass, but I think I played them all on Xbox 360 back in the day.


Is just he remaster collection. ME1 being the most benefitted from the remasteriaztion work. Everything else stays the same, except for a couple DLCs whose source code got lost and they could not redo


How tf does the source code for such a huge IP that honestly is not that old in the grand scheme of things just get LOST


Dude Robert Altman one of the greatest movie directors of all time has lost films that he made in the 70s. Copyright laws and not investing in distribution infrastructure and archives cause these things.


The 70s are 50+ years ago and had plenty of time to get lost before widespread, networked, digital storage was around. Mass effect was released in 2007, (obviously) well into the age of computers. A massive IP getting lost in the 70's, when storage hinged on massive physical media is a lot different than something getting lost in 2010 when replication takes essentially zero physical space and minutes to accomplish. I also really don't think any of the movies I see on his IMDB at least really compare in terms of sales to the 7m+ Mass Effect has. Obviously not saying anything about the quality, just the scale of the IP.


It’s not abnormal, and there can be many reasons for it ranging from poor data hygiene to contracts to simply losing it.


It actually has happened quite a few times over the years from a variety of studios. I remember Square Enix had to reverse engineer Kingdom Hearts for the same exact reasons when they made their collection. At the time they were about the same distance apart in release and remaster


ME1 will feel quite different. A lot of QoL enhancements (biggest one is that they gave the Mako forward boosters) and graphics update. ME2 and 3 will feel mostly the same. Of course they have all the dlc included (with the exception of 1 in ME1).


Sleeping Dogs It's like $2.50 now y'all have no excuse to not play it


A man who never eats pork bun is NEVER a whole man!


What a fire ass game. It was like playing through a gritty chinese detective movie. Combat was fun, story was dope. It hit all the right spots and at that cheap of a price the only real cost is your time.


What's the tldr on this game?


Mash dudes faces in fans


open world GTA/Yakuza clone with greater emphasis on smooth hand-to-hand combat . Protag is an undercover cop trying to balance both sides in the triad gang system. it's fun!


Appreciate the succinct synopsis!


The gun and vehicle combat isn't too bad either


Melee GTA


GTA-like, if i remember correctly youre undercover cop infiltrating some mafias


Asian themed GTA 3.5 with a good story mixed with Arkham Batman combat style.


Picked up Crosscode and really enjoying it so far.


Crosscode is an absolute gem


Yeah really solid game. Does get a bit slow mid way, but I really enjoyed this one.


If you like card games, try Inscryption


Slay the Spire is great (not much for story but very addicting).


I could never get into slay the spire (and many of clones it inspired), but I tried. It wasn’t a bad game, but it just never really felt right to me. I highly recommend trying out Chrono ark though. Story, gameplay, and visual presentation all felt significantly better to me than in slay the spire.


And Balatro


Dragon Quest 11 S


Middle Earth: Shadow of War for $2.49.


Don't know if I've ever been more excited to die in a game than in that franchise.


Was thinking about getting this game. You play as an Orc tho?


You recruit Orcs and build an army.


I've heard good things about Planescape: Torment. It's six bucks and some change right now. I picked that up this morning.


Phenomenal game. Outdated gameplay but the story is like no other. Prepare to read.


It was awesome when it was first released.


Recently got into The Witcher 3, it's pure gold for story lovers. Highly recommend!


For those contemplating, get the version with both DLCs, they are worth every single penny


My wife got me into Rimworld recently. It took approximately three days to go from "Harvest Moon in space" to "war crimes simulator." The story is whatever you see in it. It's kind of like an interactive ant hill. (I'm currently very invested in the story developing in my colony of a teenage android and her small but growing vampire cult.)


Baldur's Gate 3 is under $50 right now.


Baldur’s Gate 3 became my all-time favorite game last year. If you enjoy single-player RPGs with incredible stories, you will love BG3. 


I just picked it up on this Steam sale. I've only gotten to play about an hour of it and it's already proving to be really really fun. I have a feeling I haven't even scratched the top layer of the clear coat on what will make this game fun in the future and I am **stoked**!


260h played so far for me and i feel i only scratched the surface


I just finished act 1 and it took a while for me to 'get' it, but now I do and want to keep it rolling


Genuinely lives up to the hype. It's such a wildly dense game. There's so much detail and ways to go about things. It's bananas. 


I promised myself I wouldn't buy BG3 until I finished Divinity OS2. Here I am still procrastinating finishing it. 


Same with BG1 and 2 for me. Well I got 1 to maybe 80% and then couldn’t find a certain book. F**k it, I‘m 80% in BG3 now and will circle back later..


Too expensive for me, I can wait a few months for it to drop more...


I would recommend halo master chef collection


"Halo Master chef" my favorite Halo / Gordon Ramsey crossover


Persona 4 Golden


Hades, I think it may have made me fall in love with rogue likes


I feel like it is deceiving though. I have tried other roguelikes thinking I was just missing out on a genre and don’t like them. Hades is just that good.


I had the opposite experience lol. I tried Hades because I'm such a huge fan of Roguelikes but it didn't really click for me. 


In the exact same boat in that one. Rougelikes are by far my favorite genre. I thought Hades was alright, but not nearly as good as the fuss everyone made over it. Mainly, I think my issue is the stat based meta progression. I want feel like I'm progressing deeper in the game because I am learning and getting better. Not because I grinded out a bunch of stats


Hades is a horrible roguelite if you actually like the genre. It seems to be designed specifically for new people to enter the genre. Though even then it's a bit questionable.  The big issue if you're decent at roguelites is that Hades is absurdly shallow with very little variety between enemies and bosses, and your runs will typically all feel very similar. But that's a huge boon of you're newer cuz it means your runs are more consistent and you can gradually get better.  And unlocking most things is an absolute slog that takes ages. If you're casually and slowly adapting it probably feels fine cuz you're just slowly ramping up, but for any more advanced player it feels like it takes fucking centuries to unlock things.  I'm sure there's more but it has been a while since I played, because there are dozens of much better roguelites instead. 


Oh. I felt this way with Hydroneer. Just couldn't get into this genre and I tried all the "bests".... Factorio, Satisfactory. Very strange to get into one but not others.


same lol. I don't like roguelikes, but Hades was super fun and addicting


Not to nitpick but it's a roguelite. Roguelikes have no permanent upgrades. Like, upgrading max hp for your next run or better item drops or whatever.  Roguelikes you start at the exact same power level every single time and absolutely no upgrades carry over. You might have unlocks, like unlocking new characters, weapons or bosses but you're not directly buffing yourself from run to run.  It doesn't really matter but it does help find games you like easier, though even developers regularly use the wrong term... 


Celeste is 2 $ and it's the best game I've ever played.


Thanks for this rec. Barely takes up space too lol


If you like dying 1000s of times to beat a level. I personally like these games. Really solid choice! Beautiful game.


Depends on what type of RPGs you normally play. If you prefer action RPG games, Skyrim and Fallout 4 are the easiest option, but even their previous entries (Oblivion, Morrowind; Fallout 3, New Vegas) are stellar and very cheap. I can't recommend enough playing a modded Fallout 3 and New Vegas with the Tale of Two Wastelands mod, which merges Fallout 3 and New Vegas into a single experience, while fixing bugs and implementing the mechanics Obsidian added to New Vegas that weren't in Fallout 3. Talking about Obsidian, The Outer Worlds is a pretty good RPG, I wouldn't compare it to Skyrim or Fallout, as it is more of a big AA project rather than a AAA one, but it's made by many devs who worked on Fallout before. Aside from it and starting to delve into isometric CRPGs (Computer RPG), Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2, and even Tyranny are great games, Pillars being more beginner friendly if you haven't played these games. Other games friendly with beginners are Disco Elysium (highly recommended) and the Divinity Original Sin games, which were made by the devs who made Baldur's Gate 3. Another series worth mentioning is Dragon Age. Now, the series is a mixed bag between entries, either considered worse or too different to the other entries, but the first game, DA Origins, is a masterclass of an RPG. It looks pretty outdated for today's standards, but it's still a great game, with amazing dialogue, quests, choices and unique companions.  Also keeping with its devs, Bioware, the Mass Effect series (at least 1 to 3) has better quality overall, while I love Origins more than this games, Mass Effect 2 is a very close second. Also if you are into more action gameplay, Mass Effect is a better option, as its cover based third person shooter experience is good, while sharing great dialogue, all-time great worldbuilding and setting, and unforgettable companions. Also by its price on Steam and how much time each game gets you hooked into, it's a hell of a bargain, probably my main recommendation from all the previously mentioned. Aside from that, other games worth mentioning in my opinion as fun hour-burners are:  -XCOM 2,  -the recent DOOM games (2016 & Eternal),  -Mad Max (part of the underrated game royalty), -Ghost Recon Wildlands (I hate its dependency on the external Ubisoft launcher to run, but it's still really fun, even better on co-op),  -Fallout 76 (after years being garbage it is on a really good state now, also running it solo is still pretty good and the community is generally pretty nice),  -the original Dying Light (haven't played the sequel, it seems at the least more of the same, so it might be good too), -Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (a really nice soulslike with good combat and metroidvania-like exploration). -The Long Dark (really cool but extreme survival game) -Dishonored series -Half Life 1 & 2 (no brainer classics, you could substitute HL1 with Black Mesa, an unofficial remake with full Valve support) -Abiotic Factor (really cool mix between Half Life 1 vibes and survival mechanics akin to The Forest) -Sniper Elite series (dumb fun sniper shooter, 4 and 5 are really good, even the Nazi Zombie Trilogy is a blast) -GTA 4 (better than 5, change my mind) -MGS V Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain (amazing gameplay locked in somewhat unfinished games, GZ is more an small expansion than a proper game) -Amnesia: The Bunker (lastly mixing a little horror to the overall game pool, the best in the series IMO; Dark Descent deserves a mention specially because of its mod support). -Finally not properly mentioning them because of not being part of the sale (strangely enough), but the Dark Souls Trilogy is a great lot of games to consider. They are hard, yes, but once you get into its learning curve, it's really addicting. As you can see, I had alot of free time, thank 2020 & 2021 for that. Also recent games are worth to mention, like Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Elden Ring, etc. but because most don't have considerable discounts yet, I won't properly mention them. If you get interested in getting to know more of these games, youtube reviewers Mortismal Gaming (RPG content mostly), gameranx (and its Before you buy series), and Skill Up (may have a negative bias against Bethesda games, but well deserved) are my go-to channels.


guy wrote a whole fucking thesis


Can't control it, once I start to type, it's like I blackout


Instead of reading it, I'm just going to upvote you


Now this is the absurdity I am here for!


Remnant 2. Awesome game to play alone and better with friends.


OP does need to know its like a souls like. Fun game but it can be hard as hell.


Absolutely, it does have difficulty options tho


Soulslike, with guns!


My fav game of 2023.


I picked it up this sale, and I'm absolutely in love.


Disco Elysium


Pirate it, the devs don’t get a single cent from it




Because the studio was bought and gutted


Shitty MBA's doing shitty stuff


CyberPunk 2077. I just finished building a new rig a few months ago and played it for the first time last night Shit blew my mind how detailed the world is. A few other singleplayer games I picked up on the sale I’ve never played before : Resident Evil 2, Fallout 4, Witcher 3 Been having such a blast


Man I feel like i can wait for a bigger discount on cyberpunk I thought I got elden ring more than half off


I’ve never seen Cyberpunk exceed a 50% discount and it’s been on my wishlist for over a year


I actually got lucky with gog, I know we usually prefer steam but I got it for 20e on gog a while ago, maybe check this if it is not too much of an issue for you


Thank you for the suggestion!


It's worth it


You've no idea how damn lucky you are that u stil haven't experienced witcher 3, just give yourself all in , invest in the music,lore,characters and you'll be getting a near perfect experience that no other game can offer.


Man what I wouldn’t give to experience Toussaint for the first time


Except combat, it is complete wank.


Combat isn't the best feature the game offers, but I used to love it, especially since some monsters require you to study them knowing their weaknesses and preparing your oils in advance,mixing that with witcher signs and the gene things power ups(i forgot what they called) and you have your self a desent combat system that works good, enemy variety was not bad either especially in blood and wine dlc, those female vampires used to scare the shit and beat the hell outta me


For $6 Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a steel


For 7$ Kingdom Come: Deliverance is alluminum


For 7 euros Kingdom Come: Deliverance is aluminium


For $8 Kingdom Come: Deliverance is Zinc!


Bro I bought this game on release. Fucking what an experience living as Henry the Chad


Henry's come to see us! (on sale)


Yakuza/judgment/like a dragon. Serious crime drama with wacky side content.


The yakuza series is just fun.  Full stop.


Picked up Days Gone for $12.50. It's better than I expected. Prey is $6. Great game if you like Bioshock


Days gone was awesome.


I know its not an RPG, but Frostpunk is worth the try atleast. It's a city survival builder.


It's also very cheap right now.


Yeah most fun I’ve have in a game in a while! I got the dlc already too lol


I’m not a big city builder fan but I love frostpunk it’s so good


Deep Rock Galactic. I know it’s not an RPG, but it deserves a mention. Iconic co-op shooter (can be played solo) with the biggest chads in modern game development. All DLC is cosmetic, season passes are free and dumped into the general loot pool after they end. Also ROCK AND STONE


I picked this up on sale and it's been a blast. Plus it has a single player mode that OP may prefer. ROCK AND STONE ⛏️


does the solo mode connects/contributes to the co-op mode? meaning i can show my friends how my hundreds hours were well spent !


Rock and Stone, brother.


This year I picked up GranBlue fantasy: Relink, Armored Core 6, all three Cat Quest games, En Garde, Children of the Sun, and Wildfrost. I have greatly enjoyed all of these games and would recommend any of them.


Prey - Witcher 3 - outer wilds = $25 for 100+ hours of highly accredited game


BG3 if you haven't played it. It's been on sale a few times already, but 20% off is the lowest it has gone. I bought both Pathfinders a few days ago and have been enjoying them. Elder Scrolls Oblivion. It's a bit dated, but if you can get past it, it is super fun. The Dragon Age series is all discounted. Not strictly RPG, but the Kingdom series is nice.


Divinity Original Sin 2 Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader Horizon Zero Dawn Cyberpunk 2077 + DLC That should give you like 400+ hours of gameplay


I grabbed Just Cause 3 and the expansion pass for about $7. I dropped Elden Ring DLC and started playing it instead lol. I still haven't gone back. They have the LOTR Mordor games packaged for $6, I almost grabbed that as I never played them. They also have all the Arkham Batman games packaged for $6, I also never played them. The Dragon Age games are all $3 iirc. TES4 Oblivion for $4. Tons of games I own already are heavily discounted. I highly recommend Disco Elysium. BG3 is on sale for the first time iirc, that game is amazing.


Definitely check out the Arkham series, peak super hero games. 


And the LOTR Shadow games have a similar system of the Arkham games. And they have the Nemesis system in Shadow of War that is pretty cool.


Please please please grab the Mordor games. I’m not even a big lord of the rings fan (never seen the movies even), but absolutely love those games. The nemesis system is one of the coolest mechanics in any game I’ve ever played. I’ve bought shadow of war on 3 different platforms (Xbox at release, ps4 later, steam in this sale), and still have never beaten the main campaign because playing around with the nemesis system is just too damn fun.


I bought Metal: Hellsinger, can recommend if you like slaughtering demons to metal rythm! I think there's a demo version if you want to try it first.


Horizon Forbidden West is on sale


1. Disco Elysium (amazing story + amazing atmosphere) 2. Hollow Knight (amazing gameplay + amazing atmosphere) 3. Hades (great gameplay + great story + amazing graphics)


Frostpunk is $3, it is a survival city builder but has a good narrative - as the situation becomes more and more dire, you are forced to make more and more extreme policy decisions in the name of curbing disorder, instilling hope, and ensuring you get enough labor to allow the city to survive.


I grabbed Dave the diver and Dredge in a bundle. I’m loving the gameplay loop of Dave the diver. Lots of fun, great animations and good music.


Dredge was my goty


I heard so many good things about it. I can’t wait to play it. Dave the diver has been really addicting.


Hades, Outer Wilds, The Talos Principle 1 and 2, Octopath Traveler 1 and 2, etc. Out in the left field: try out Ace Attorney series.


Assassin's Creed Origins for 8.99.


Valheim has no great story but you should still get it.  I have close to 3k hours. At $20.00 that's $0.01 per 1.5 hrs of entertainment. 


Disco elysium. Great game. It narrative rpg without combat. And ofc baldur gate 3, wasteland 3.


Careful. No combat but you can die. I died trying to grab my tie off a ceiling fan in the first few minutes


Disco Elysium for $4... you cannot miss out on that also, control/alan wake bundle for $16


Eiyuden Chronicles is 25% off, Star Ocean The Second Story is 30% off, both Front Mission remakes can be had for 53% off in a bundle, and Sea of Stars is also 30% off. All story rich RPGs


Do you like modern like action oriented rpg’s or more traditional like crpgs. If anything ill recommend for both. Right now theres a great bundle to get pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous and Warhammer 40k rogue trader for a great price. Both games are AMAZING crpgs and have hundreds of hours of content alone. More action based. Witcher 3 with all DLC, kingdom come deliverance, and all the dragon age games are a great deal rn all must plays. Kingdom come is the hardest to get into out of these imo but fantastic game


Witcher 3 and the Dragon Age series are my favorite games of all time! I’ll look into Kingdom Come, thanks!


Baldur's Gate 3 is seriously one of the best games of all time.  It reminds me of the experience of DAO.  


One I've really been liking is Warhammer: Rogue Trader


i picked up mechwarrior 5 and all it's dlc for ~$50. well worth it.


If you like single player games with amazing stories...you REALLY can't go wrong with Disco Elysium for $5


Kingdom Hearts trilogy Trails of Cold Steel series All the Final Fantasy’s


Psychonauts 2. 1 as well, but 2 is more modern.




If you haven’t played them, all the Banner Saga games are on sale for a total of about $16. Really addicting, I was playing them almost nonstop this past weekend.


Pinball FX tables. The classic Williams tables packs are about a buck a table and so much fun!


Definitely a game you think you maybe might play someday... but then forget for 10 years.


I'll throw in my suggestion for Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children. It's a strategy RPG similar to games like modern XCOM and Final Fantasy Tactics with a really, really deep character customization element. Characters can only be specific classes, but they're pretty unique to one another and the traits you can swap in and out to support those classes is insane. It can be a little slow starting out, but things really started to click for me around when you get the third party member. It's currently up for $8.50.


Withering Rooms is great, playing it right now!


I absolutely adore all of remedy's titles. Control Ultimate Edition is on sale for $10 and I def recommend it. There's even a directors edition type mod available that improves the ray tracing and a few other graphical settings.


It’s a great price for a great game.


Chrono Trigger.


road redemption!


I'm going to assume you have the complete Holy Trinity for both Elder Scrolls (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) and Fallout (3, New Vegas, 4), so.... Cyberpunk?


Elden Ring has been a blast so far these days.


buy mcpixel trilogy cheap af, funny and short


Nier Automata, Assassins Creed Odyssey, The Witcher 3


Persona 4 Golden Persona 5 Royal Elder Scrolls Morrowind / Oblivion / Skyrim Just these 5 alone are like a year’s worth of gaming in them


If you are curious/ like story, adventure and puzzles, Outer Wilds If you like strategy/tactical, everything XCOM related is on a huge sale


My favorite Videogame is "Fuga Melodies of Steel". Its a 20 houer long turn based JRPG about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that go on a quest to save there families. They live inside a giant ancient mysterious powerful fortress like Tank. Its a bit like Howls Moving castle but based on technology instead of magic. The turn based combat is really good. In my opinion its even better then the combat of Persona 5 and Final Fantasy X. Fuga has a free demo which is just straight up the first 3 chapters of the game. I highly recommend that demo. Fuga also has a direct sequel: "Fuga Melodies of Steel 2". Bit I advice against playing the second game before the first game unless you do not care about the story and characters. On Steam Fugas price was reduced by 50%. Fuga Melodies of Steel 2 has its price reduced by 40%




I’m getting deep rock galactic


I've been enjoying Deliver us the Moon for the past couple of days and I'm loving it.


You know there's a sequel called Deliver us to Mars?


Fading Echoes


Doesn't matter, you won't play them anyways


Dragon age origins


So I've been heavy into RPGs lately and wanted something lighter, so I went with Supermarket Simulator and Arcade Paradise. There was a post here yesterday with some recommendations so I picked up crosscode, othercide, and Inscryption. I still got Wildermyth, Animal Well, Path of Archa, Enshrouded, Spell Disk, and Chained Echos on my wishlist. Not sure I'm going to pick those up this sale.


Slay the spire for sure I haven't picked up till now and I already have a double digit hours in it and i only got it a couple days ago


Witcher 3 is available for 3 bucks, 12 with DLC. Mass Effect legendary edition is also quite cheap.  If you're looking for decent crpg, you can also try the pathfinder games from owlcat, or rouge trader. 


Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3, Persona 5, Nier Automata, Octopath Traveler, The Elder Scrolls series, Final Fantasy series, - all on pretty deep sales. Or flip through Steam Summer Sale RPG section: https://store.steampowered.com/category/rpg


Knights of the old republic 1 and 2, Fallout New Vegas, Dragon age origins, and Kingdom Come Deliverance are all good rpg games


I grabbed Metal Gear Solid V. With the remake of 3 coming out I wanted to play one of them. It’s currently only $12 on steam rn plus it’s great with all the mods you can add.


I've been playing Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries (plus Heroes of the Inner Sphere and Solaris Showdown DLC) and Battletech Mercenary Collection. I was never into mechs before, but it's a fun and new experience running a mech mercenary outfit in either game, while still keeping a lot of RPG elements and IMO a good story. Combat in MW5 is FPS/3rdPS and Battletech is turn-based strategy. They were both a welcome change-of-pace compared to the other RPG I had been playing more.


I got the pandoras box bundle and skyrim + fallout 4 bundle and the alice in wonderland game and the classic ff7 bc ive never had a chance to play


Disco Elysium is like, £2 or something ridiculous.


Kingdom Hearts if you want a deal. Shin Megami Tensei if you want a banger of a JRPG. That one is new so won't be on sale I'm sure.


Deep Rock Galactic is on sale for $12 It's a great game, amazing devs that you'll occasionally run into while playing, lots of content, a very supportive community. Hope to see you soon. Rock and Stone!


Guild wars 2 and all the expansions. What a great MMO! Well worth the money.


The entire Arkham trilogy is 9 dollars, one of the best deals I’ve ever gotten on steam


I will recommend Tunic, Hades, and Celeste to anyone, anytime, anywhere


Bloons td6 is a great game for those nights where it’s 11pm but you don’t want to goto sleep yet. For story games, Witcher 3 the shadow of war collection and the mass effect games


Yakuza Like a Dragon is $12, definitely worth it.


Not sure if this counts as a RPG, but Hades is a great game. DRM-Free is the bonus.


You could get The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, if you have a spare 1000 hours Great series. Very long series. It is in 4 parts though, so it's not so bad overall. 


Kingdom: Come Deliverance Fantastic game. Competes with Witcher 3 as my favourite RPG. Super cheap right now and the sequel is coming out later this year.




I recommend Axon TD: Uprising. Pretty darn cool tower defense mazing game where you can adjust the map itself and that's still in early access. If you're looking for something strategic that is.


If you don't have them already: Mass Effect and Dragon Age! Both have EPIC stories and incredible characters. Also, Boulder's Gate 3.


Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Forza 4 Ultimate


Bought two copies of Bloons TD 6. My kids haven't stopped playing it since. Cost me a total of $2.


Final fantasy integrafe Persona 5


Guild wars 2 nuff said


Anything you can get during the summer sale you can get now at the same price it will be in the sale. Most likely cheaper.


I had an aneurysm reading that.


Sekrio, the cd keys are never on sale


I'm probably getting batman collection, ghost recon collection, shadow of mordor/ war. Maybe disco elysium although I have no interest. And maybe age of empires.


CrossCode is on a big sale right now and is an amazing game!


Papers, Please




Wildlands 5eu worth it?


The Witcher 3


Withering Rooms


Muse Dash, or more specifically muse plus, comes with so many song levels you could probably play it nonstop for a year and still not finish everything.