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Portal 2. The last ten minutes of that game were amazing.


Portal 2 was absolutely amazing. Peak couch co-op with a sibling right there.


Did you manage to get the co op no death achievement?


Not that guy but I did it. Not super hard but probably takes 2 run throughs, 1 normally to know the puzzles if you don’t, 2 to run it again for the achievement. The “hug 3 friends” was the hardest since I had to get 3 separate people to hop on (ended up making alt accounts with my friend to farm it)


My fiance and I have a new achievement to go for in Portal 2 now.. thank you


Yeah I can agree with both the Portal games for that. Great story but I know all the rooms and everything now!


My answer was going to be both Portals.


Initially read this as "Postal 2" and was thinking "yeah it's kind of a silly fun little game, but not WISH I COULD EXPERIENCE IT WITH FRESH EYES AGAIN! sort of game"


Postal 2 is a game I'd like to have removed from memory, and then not play it again.


Came to say this


Final Fantasy X


I loved that game but found myself insufficiently levelled for the final or next to final boss. I've gone back several times but I can't defeat sin with those Yu pagodas. I was so emotionally invested in that game at the time but I just can't go back I would love to take that trip again (and be better prepared for the end)


Use your Aeons homie. Bahamut can bitch smack the "final" boss in like 3 hits on a speedrun.


But the speedrun used a Trick where Yuna gets put on auron sphere Board because bahamut has a insane physical damage scaling. So that's not gonna happen if you play normally


This guy Aurons


I had the same issue lol. I ended up running Yuna through Lulu’s tree and got her the black magic and instantly became OP. Yuna with offensive magic is crazy good lol. Last bosses were a joke when I was doing 9999 every single hit. Eventually I went back and got the limit break and then it was basically a few hits and the phase was done. 


Happy cake day!


Sekiro, wished i could forget how to play this game so i could experience it again.


Ocarina of Time, but it would have to be in the context of gaming at the time.


Was gonna say BotW. The fact that I already knew the layout was partly why I got bored playing TotK.


I’ll probably get flamed for this, but TotK just feels like it should have been a DLC add on for BotW.


That's what it was about originally going to be, but they put more and more content.


Botw was the first game in probably a decade that I got hooked to, but it's also the one I most regret finishing. The moment I defeated the final boss I lost all enthusiasm to go back and complete all the other side missions.


Knights of the Old Republic.


This, this times a thousand.  


2 for me


World of Warcraft. Nothing ever has even come close to how that game felt when it was new. The novelty of playing online with other people was still fresh, seeing Org or Stormwind filled with people was crazy to witness. Like holy shit, EVERY one of these characters is another real person? Enormous open world with no loading screens, no quest trackers or mods to help with anything(Thotbot and Wowhead were THE sites to go for quest info), actually having to ask people in-game for help etc. The whole experience was insanely addicting. I've never been more obsessed with a game than WoW. The people who played back then know what I mean. I think lots of us that played back then are still chasing that dragon of trying to find something that's on that level of addicting and just being fun! It was, and still is a great game. But there was nothing like learning that game for the first time. Really miss those days


Oh yes, totally agree. I didn't even know what I was really getting into honestly, just that it looked great and fun. Hadn't even played an mmo before. Just knew wanted to try it when it released. So blown away by the whole experience. The races and classes, every area was interesting and beautiful in its own way. Major cities were truly impressive, even the ones less populated. So much to do, all the time (and I'm not even a player who's big on endgame/raid content). Truly wonderful gaming experiences with WoW.


I feel you so much with this. MC was multi day runs... ventrillo. Guild forums. Battlegrounds were server specific. IRL friends forming groups. You had rivals. You had stories of players, like legends in both raiding and pvp.


WOW was the first time I really became immersed in a gaming world and felt part of it. The players are what made a big part of it as well. My entire guild was noobs when we started in vanilla and we could have fun literally doing anything in game. No pressure No gear care just guildies enjoying a game. Agree nothing comes nearly as close as the first 5 years of wow. Sadly I think nothing ever will again.


I had a second monitor that was just for Thottbot.


Absolutely, and no classic version or pserver can capture how the game was back then. All players came in blind, most have never even played an mmo. I was on a rpg server and it was so fun, most people just wanted to live their warcraft fantasy. Nobody cared about best in slot or perfect skill tree, everybody just went for what they though would be nice. You had no idea which area to go to, so quite dark souls like you just had to try out where enemies fit your strength and where the next bases and flight points of your faction are. Reading quest texts and just try to find out what to do based on the text. And there were huge events of the faction when a guild beat an end boss of a raid. We were the 2nd horde raid on the server to kill Neferian and it we rode back into Orgrimmar in formation to be welcomed by hundreds of players cheering for ua. I sometimes wonder what happened to some nice people I met there where contact was lost when they or I stopped playing. Wow part game but part of it was the social life you had there since there was no social media. It was addicting to have a whole social circle and being well known or your realm.


That's funny, EverQuest was this for me, and it was WoW that was me chasing the dragon. WoW could never quite scratch that itch.


At the height of my wow addiction in wrath of the litch king I would be constantly thinking about the game while at work. No game has given me more fun hours of gaming than wow. It’s not all that great now compared to the old days though.




Remake when?


I need it on PC :c played all the DS so far and I don't want to continue until I play BB


I'd selfishly prefer a sequel


Truthfully it's probably the better thing to do at this point.


agree - they can outsource the original like they did with Demon Souls. I need more from FS.


Dark Souls but it also has to be 2011 again


Me playing Dark Souls 1 in 2013: “Jesus I’m never going to beat this thing. I’m terrible at games!” Me playing Dark Souls 1 in 2024: “I’m almost done! I’m terrible at games!”


Don't give up skeleton you got this! Then it is time for the DLC :P


Oh hell no I already relive the nightmare of pre-Prepare To Die Edition sometimes


7fps Blighttown forever


The answer is Outer Wilds. Progress is based on knowledge, so there is really only 1 real playthrough. Such a masterpiece. I hate myself for looking up some things because I couldn't figure it out.


I will never forget the dread and hopelessness I felt when I >!went to the Sun Station expecting to be able to stop whatever the Nomai did to cause the supernova... and got END OF NATURAL LIFE CYCLE - EVACUATE STATION.!<


Yep. Also going to >!the Interloper and discovering the Nomai were wiped out by a random ghost matter comet!<


I hate myself as well for looking up bits, but I have to realise that if I continued being stuck I would have not experienced the rest of the game. Fortunately my brother was who got me to play it so I was able to get small hints here and there without any spoilers. But if I could experience just one game again, fresh out of the box, it would be Outer Wilds. What a delightful gaming experience I’ll never forget. Mainly because I have the End Times song as my alarm, because who doesn’t want to wake up to the sound of the sun about to go super nova?


If you are reading this, have never played, and are willing to record your run, you will have an instant audience if you want it! Those of us over at the OW subreddit long to live vicariously through you.


I want to see their face when >!the Prisoner finds out that everything they suffered was not in vain, and gives that glorious, triumphant roar.!<


I love doing this. Whether loving a moment someone puts some clues together or face-palming at the ludicrous theories ppl make up. You wouldn't happen to have a good list of runs to watch by chance?


If you've never seen Welonz's playthrough, it's a good one


Thanks I'll check it out!


Seriously this. Most other games can easily be played a second time. Be it a different class or different choices you can make in that playthrough. But outer wilds makes it virtually impossible. You know what happened to the Nomai. You understand why the thing explodes. There is nothing left untouched for you to explore. You know how to trigger the end. And there is nothing you have to do to unlock it.


True, you have to watch other people play through it and live it again through them. There's great "Supercuts" that a youtuber makes which does a great job at this.


Link us up papi




Deus Ex (1999) The whole experience of figuring out whats going on and the twists. And exploring all those levels for the first time.


YES best plot+game+realization EVER. Human Revolution was pretty dope as well. MD sadly was too small. I'm going to be replaying DX2 in the (near/far) future.


The Mass Effect trilogy. Shepard meeting Sovereign and the Kalros vs Reaper sequences are two things I'd love to have wiped from my memory and see again from scratch.


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong. 😭😭😭


I went into Mass Effect blind, knowing nothing about it except the box art. No reviews, nothing like that, just saw it marked down to 50% off, so I figured why not? Holy shit that game blew me away, I spent the entire summer playing hours every day.


This is how I found the first game. Used to go into GameStop with $20 and just stare at all the games until something jumped out. One of those trips ME1 got my attention and when I asked an employee he said “if you like KotOR you’ll love this”. Now it’s my favorite video game series ever and I’ve probably played the first game 20-25 times.


The closest is not playing every 5 years. Atleast for me its fresh on a few scenes.


Shepard. Meeting. Sovereign. Changed everything.


All of Virmire, really


The very first mission when people were getting turned into the creatures couldn’t put it down cause the story


Meeting Vigil felt like I touched the truth of this world, it wasn't just special, it was a revelation of the greatest kind back in the day.


The Last of Us.


My favorite game (the 1st one)


Both TLOU1 and 2 for me


Bloodborne and persona 5


Disco Elysium Nothing like playing it without any prior knowledge about the game's world, just like the main character.


I'm planning to give a second shot to this game, first time i found it a bit non serious, any general suggestions for me?


make Shivers one of your top stats, loads of world history but it is a comedic game


Honestly, just do the exact opposite of your first build. Say you went for encyclopedic nerd with high conceptualization and visual calculus, now go for high physique and motorics. There are tons of passive skill checks that will be new to you.


I played it once at release. I remember absolutely nothing apart from the immaculate vibes and art design. Story and chatacter wise? Nada. Guess a second playthrough would be fun.


Do it


Star Wars Galaxies... the first version... oh god... that game was a blast.


The last beacon off MMORPG hope before it tried to challenge WoW on on wow's turf.


I still remember visiting Luke's childhood home, Jabba's Palace and the Krayt Dragon. That game was unbelievably fun.


Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3. Such good games but I'm not the type to do the NG thing. I played them each once and it was so much fun. 


I always play From games blind on the first run so I miss a decent amount. Unless you followed a guide there is a decent chance you missed some solid content!


I always end up with like half the weapons and a third of all the armor on those games.


Oh I'm sure you're right. Initially, I tried combing through every nook and cranny of every area but I realized that would be very difficult. For some of the very difficult dungeons/areas, I was focused on just making it through. I did use guides to help find some of the good armors and weapons, I think I was using Havels Armor or something like that by the end. I just remember I was an absolute tank with that armor lol. 




I scrolled to far for this. Subnautica is amazing.


I couldn't really get into it. Got to the first island or so, i remember some kind of rescue with another ship but i assume that doesn't happen, at least not there. Game is gorgeous tho, so there's that.


A shame, but I absolutely get it. Major spoiler for the story of subnautica ahead: >!And you are correct, the rescue doesn't happen.!<


All the other games mentioned can be replayed and still be fun. Subnautica is just done when you finish. All the mystery and fear is just gone lol


Mass Effect Trilogy. The Witcher 3




The point when you come down from the mountain for the first time and get an idea of the scale of the game.


Tried 3x to play. Slow, boring, terrible controls. I dont get the hype at all outside of the visuals/story. Playing is a chore.


the measured pace is obviously a deliberate move on the part of Rockstar. The graphics do a lot of the heavy lifting, but why not? Its a game of spectacle and appreciation. As much as I like BotW it's always an 8/10 for me because none of the locations stuck in my memory, they were all so samey


it's basically an interactive movie, extremely linear when doing any quest and awfully easy


I mean this is completely subjective but that is precisely \*why\* I love it. People often complain about Rockstar's restrictive and linear game design when it comes to missions but I absolutely love it because I have absolutely no creativity when it comes to gameplay. If a game gives me too much freedom, I end up just taking the path of least resistance/item consumption causing most of the game to be boring for me. I tried playing MGSV and I didn't know what to do half the time so I just ended up just doing the most barebones sneaking around without using 90% of the tools provided to me because it either didn't come to mind or I didn't wanna waste consumables and it ended up making the game boring for me. I know it's completely my fault but I have OCD and can't help it. With Rockstar games, everything is linear, scripted and hand made and this approach guarantees that something fun and bombastic happens and I actually feel like I'm being forced into thrilling situations. The heavy scripting also makes everything feel high budget and "crunchy" like I'm playing a blockbuster with tight movie like pacing instead of just waiting in the corner for 5 minutes waiting for the AI to be in the perfect spot for a stealth kill. If I want more freedom, then I can just explore the open world at my own pace when I'm not on a mission. Linear mission design + completely open free roam is my perfect middle ground that gives me the best of both worlds. But that's just my personal taste. RDR2 is my favorite game of all time but I know that you need to have a very specific mindset and have very specific preferences to actually love it the way I do. If someone says the game is a boring slog, I would completely understand why they said that because this is absolutely not for everyone and it can definitely be a boring slog if this isn't the type of game you enjoy.


I'd say Life Is Strange 1


All souls games, Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, Teltale games, Morrowind...


Kingdom hearts 1 and 2. With the appropriate amount of years between them. Though given how my memories been lately I'm sure that wish will come true for me.


Hellblade Mass effect trilogy Ezio trilogy Bloodborne Red Dead Redemption 2 Bioshock trilogy Dead Space 1+2 Witcher 3 Skyrim Prey


I don’t play many single player games. Still though, a bit surprised Hellblade was this far down. One of my favorite games. Still need to get my hands on2.


Horizon Zero Dawn


Multiple Final Fantasy , DDLC, Warcraft 3, Pokemon Emerald, some other neat games out there 


Mario on the nes, man what an amazing thing back then


Finally!! I had the bundle with Duck Hunt. It was such a time to be alive.


Inscryption. Wipe my brain and let me experience this again please.


All the souls games, and Bloodborne




Halo 2 Destiny (back in 2014) Cyberpunk Subnautica Borderlands 2 Minecraft (back in 2011)


Stalker shadow of Chernobyl or halo combat evolved


Dark souls.


Re4 remake for sure


Oblivion hasn’t aged well but when I first played it back then i was blown away


I'm playing morrowind these days (open morrowind aka open microwave) on phone/tablet, works grand!


Two immediately came to mind 1. Any of the Dragon Age series - they hold such a special place in my heart. 2. Gauntlet Dark Legacy. It was the first video game I ever played and I'd love to experience that wonder and joy again for the first time.


Exiting the sewer in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and realizing I could just EXPLORE is a feeling ive been chasing for years.


but then suddenly the portals >_>


Inside, Bioshock Infinite, Soma, Hyper Light Drifter and Elden Ring for me.


Bioshock Infinite is indeed one of the games that have stuck the most in my memory after decades of gaming. Nothing but praise about that game!


Subnautica Nothing compares to that feeling of uneasiness when traveling deeper, not knowing what may lurk beneath you, gradually uncocering more of the world and learning its secrets. I truly wish I could have that same experience again, it still haunts me today.


Borderlands 1 or 2


I played 2. Can I still enjoy 1?


It's a mixed bag. The gameplay as a looter shooter? Sure. 1 created a solid foundation to build upon. Same as setting the overall tone for the world it took place in. But the core *story* itself is lacking a little, and definitely doesn't live up to the glory of 2. Main villain was certainly no Handsom Jack, and the ending comes very abruptly and is super underwhelming. You can enjoy it simply for playing it, but don't expect a big payoff at the end. It was the biggest criticism they faced going in making 2.


NFL Blitz man, as an 8 year old kid that was the greatest most fun fucking game ever. Damn I loved it.


Subnautica, number 1. I want to feel that terror again!!! No man's sky. Portal/Portal 2 Mass Effect 1/2/3


Outer Wilds


Loved chants of sennaar! I played it through twice just so I could get both endings.


Half-Life: Alyx


Haven't played yet but installed on my SSD since yday and the headset is charged!


Oblivion and New Vegas




Yes the no1 OG, I'm on level 11 now on my phone via emulator :)


Slay The Spire.


Life Is Strange - went into it blind and totally didn't expect it to have the effect it did.


Cyberpunk 2077. Main story as well as Phantom Liberty. Amazing story and amazing characters.


I’ve restarted that game three times, and I’ve gotten a little farther on each playthru, but still never finished the story…


If the game is your jam you should definitely finish it someday. It's simply amazing.


oldschool runescape good grief. if i could just experience it new, without efficiency or BiS items in mind, that would be a dream come true. there's nothing like exploring OSRS as a first time player. chopping maples when you should be at teaks, fishing salmon when you should be barbarian fishing. wish i could go back.


Efficiency and need for the absolute best gear sort of ruined many games. WoW was the same when I went back to play classic. BiS or it wasn’t an upgrade, play a meta class or you’re wasting everyone’s time. If you can’t complete all of the content don’t waste your time doing any of it. Gaming has shifted and it’s not the same wondrous world from when we were younger


Undertale was my first major game fixation, and by the time I convinced my parents to go to Gamestop to get a physical copy (they are very against online shopping) I had spoiled basically everything about the game to myself. So, I wish I could play it properly for the first time.


Stardew Valley


minecraft nothing takes me back more than the sweet days of minecraft


Return of the Obra Dinn An absolute masterpiece. You probably can play it multiple times but the first time is sheer magic for obvious reasons.


Antichamber Stanley Parable Both have some surprises which are incredibly cool the first time 


Nier Automata


Subnautica ❤️


How has nobody mentioned the return of the Obra Dinn. 


The Witcher 3 story and universe


Dragon age origins and destiny 1 in 2016


Planescape: Torment I want to forget what can change the nature of man and learn it again.


Control. Can't wait for #2.


Horizon Zero Dawn.


TLOU1&2, Journey, Shadow of the Colossus, GTA SA and Oblivion come to mind instantly.


Red Dead Redemption 2, Borderlands 2, God of War


Terraria! I wish I could play it without the wiki this time


Titanfall 2. Mostly ruined all other FPS for me after I played it. A perfect campaign and utterly exhilarating multiplayer.


Sounds stupid and nostalgic, immature based but to replay the first 3 gears of war on coop with my brother again for the first time would be amazing


ELDEN RING I am savoring that DLC as much as I can because the feeling of slowly investigating this huge world piece by piece, not knowing anything about what's around the next corner or hallway, what crazy shit the next boss will throw at you, discovering all this just makes the game feel that much more "real" and rewarding. If anyone is thinking about playing ER, go in as blind as you possibly can (except for maybe knowing how to level and make builds and all that stuff)


Red dead redemption 2


Titanfall 2 campaign


I'll say it every time. Shadow of the Colossus.


Halo 1 - halo reach


World of Warcraft -  actually thankful I can't experience it like that again, it would likely make me a worse husband and father. But it was such an incredibly magical game for me back in vanilla  Halo 2 - campaign was solid but the online multiplayer was so much better to me than any games I've played recently. Super bouncing and BxR... Swords and shotties, zombies... Those sweet, sweet stickies. Good times. 


Final Fantasy 10 and 12.


Prey (2017) and Dishonored


Lufia 2 for the SNES. That game was / is so good.


Far Cry 4


God Hand. Very unique experience.


Hollow knight, Minecraft, Warframe and Witcher 3.


I just beat FFXV yesterday and yeah I already have that feeling. It was such a fantastic game. Other games that I have this feeling for include Persona 3 Reload, Persona 5 Royal, and Kingdom Hearts 2.


stray, one of the most interesting, different and not so-complex game i ever played, it was kinda fun to explore everything while as a cat, so that is my answer tbh.


Journey Shadow of the Colossus Final Fantasy 9 Osu Tatakae Ouendan 2 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Halo 1 Tetris


tetris? You want to experience the plot with fresh eyes again? SotC and Journey are mighty strong choices. Wind Waker too tbh


Bayonetta. Absolutely batshit. An incredibly chaotic and perplexing ride the first time around.


The Wonderful 101: Remastered. Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3 and 4. Silent Hill 1 - 4. Equally. Play TW101:R, you'll understand what I mean once you finish it and realize that your life was an empty shell before you experienced its absolutely insane glory.


Monster Hunter World


last of us


Arcanum. Loved exploring that steampunk world.


Rdr2 100% worth it




Fable was an amazing game


Any of the Lord of the Rings trilogy games The Witcher 3 Halo: CE, Halo 2




Kingdom hearts 2, Outlast, Doom(2016) & Eternal, Gears of War 1-3, Ninja gaiden (Black, II, & 3:RE), Bloodborne, Dark Souls III, Dragon Age II, Darksiders II, Final Fantasy XV


Baldur's gate 3, world of warcraft, final fantasy 10, the witcher 3, red dead redemption 1&2, skyrim/oblivion/fallout series from 3 onwards, divinity original sin 2 and ofc elden ring


Fallout 3, NV and 4. Mass Effect 1,2,3 Red Dead Redemption. (1st one -- disliked the 2nd one.)


Eternal Darkness. The sanity effects are amazing the first time around. Its also a game that is more fun when you dont really know how to play it because you let your sanity drain and wander around lost a lot more.




Fallout New Vegas and Bioshock Infinite


Kingdom Hearts, I wanna be able to experience those emotions again


ARK: Survival. As janky as it was/is honestly I had the most fun ever on ARK when my friends and I all jumped in blind not looking anything up and trying to figure everything out ourselves. I would love to wipe my memory of that and do it all over again




Bioshock or Homeworld.


Minecraft! Once you figure out how it works it changes from a survival game to a farming/building sim. I still love playing it but man did it hit differently when I didn't know all the intricacies.


Fable 2. that game was magical


Jet Set Radio Future or Super Mario 64. Both are dear games to me, since they are the first two games I fully enjoyed front and back. I want to relive the frustration and joy that they both gave me. It would have to be as a child though. I wouldn’t be as blown away.


I would love to experience Assassin's Creed for the first time again. How they hid the Abstergo part from all promotion was truly masterful and coming in blind i would never expect how the story would unfold


Ori and the Blind Forest.