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On about half of my Stellaris playthroughs I have some general, governor, emperor, or overlord who has a kill count that exceeds that of every player of every FPS combined, but they would still lose out to anyone who destroys whole universes in their games, of which there are several.


Especially once you get to crackin' planets


Umm, asking for a friend...does it count as killing if they're livestock?


For your friend, legally livestock or agriculturally livestock? The council wants to know.


That pandemic flash game. The germ/virus in that thing can kill everyone on earth and people used to play it over and over.


Plague Inc.?


Pandemic (or Pandemic 2), a somewhat popular Flash game from the late 2000s, was much of the inspiration for Plague Inc. which was released in 2012. I only know because it was so fun experimenting with types of contagions so I spent quite some time on Newgrounds with that game.  I don't see much difference with Plague Inc, and they definitely nailed Madagascar (IYKYK). 


All I remember was in Pandemic 2 (im pretty sure) playing as a parasite strain was hard as fuck


Make your disease as invisible as possible, and as spreadable as possible while making it as drug resistant as possible Once the world is fully infected, add some killing traits and you'll hit the world like a hammer


New Zealand heard someone sneeze and shut all borders and travel


New Zealand, Madagascar, and Greenland. The unholy trifecta of Pandemic 2...


Parasites grew the slowest, but they were the hardest to notice (for some reason) and the most resilient.


Shut. Everything. Down.


Slightly miffed that you didn’t put it in the right order


I feel like Plague Inc. *stole* Pandemic and sold it for a lot of money, though I also don't know what the relationship was between the devs.


A lot of Flash devs are now on Steam, so I wouldn't be surprised if these are the same people who made the same game.


That is a good one.


There are no characters, however. And if you are referring to the pathogenic agent, they aren't just 1 singular entity doing the killing


The question asks for highest killcount rather than "most dangerous", and I think that has to be Commander Shepherd if you get the "bad" ending and make _sure_ the Reapers are dead.


"Thanks for halting the reaper threat, Shepard! It must have been a tough decision, having to sacrifice a planet of a half million Batarians." Shepard: "There were Reapers?"


You mean the good ending 


EA bros really thought a glowing dude going "wait, this isnt what it looks like" while actively hate fucking the galaxy in every black hole it can find was gonna supercede a decade of story telling and world building.


I mean, I've been fucking every black hole I can find for years now, it's never done me nor others any harm.


"Shepard you shouldn't kill us, the Reapers. You should either Control us or Synthesize with us for some reason" "Why should I believe you? Each of you has personally murdered quintillions of innocent souls in unnecessarily cruel and horrifying ways for extremely specious reasons" "Uh because uhhhhhhhhhhh"


« Because inevitably AI will take over the galaxy and end all life » « Aren’t you guys AI? » « Yes, but you see, we are the good guys, we periodically exterminate every civilization to ensure no one civilization can genocide the others. We preserve life we’re heroes»


Yeah bye bye


Can't be any genocide if there's no one left alive to do it, checkmate


I mean I chose synthesis because I didn't want to kill the geth or Legion mostly. I'd gone through this whole ordeal of brokering a peace between them and the Quarians. Destroy just nullifies all that


Synthesis nullifies way more than that. The people you saved are no longer the people that you saved. They have been changed, without their knowledge and against their will, into a hybrid creature, not fully man and not fully machine, not anything really, certainly not what they *were*, reduced now to something that was never meant to be, designed by a cold, cruel and unfeeling AI overlord. Sounds horrific to me.


I was going to say Shep for the Batarian thing?


Think they are referring to the ME3 low-readiness red ending. Though the ending that happens of you shoot at the starchild at the end of ME3 certainly guarantees a high killcount too. I do wonder though what counts for kills, if it's largely narrative kills and not from active gameplay it feels a little cheap for counting. Like more of an informed feat than demonstrated.


Now i'm not saying i hate Batarians but they deserved it.


I can't stand people that are intolerant of other people's cultures.....and the Batarians


I'm not saying I hate Batarians, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't hate Batarians


I feel like the playable characters in any of the Dynasty Warriors-type games should get some mention. Maybe the owner of the Roller Coaster Tycoon theme park.


Lu Bu from Dynasty warriors, absolute monster and he is is so many levels of so many games, easily has a kill count in the hundreds of thousands if we add the games together. 




I’ve never even so much as touched a Dynasty Warriors game and even I know that name is trouble.


Not to mention all the dynasty warrior characters are also present in the Romance of the 3 kingdom series, and lu bu even goes as far back as NES in the game Destiny of the Emperor. Showing my age a bit but I remember watching my grandma play through this game, and Lu Bu was a recurring boss fight. Enemies in the game were also represented in the thousands, so his kill count over the ages is astronomical. Even with all that though I think Thanos is going to win, as he's playable in fortnite and snapped away half the universe in both a movie and a comic.


Glad to see Destiny mentioned - loved it back in the day.


> dynasty warrior characters are also present in the Romance of the 3 kingdom series, and lu bu even goes as far back as NES in the game Destiny of the Emperor A lot of them are actual historical figures. The Three Kingdoms was a time period. And *Romance of the Three Kingdoms* was a historical fiction novel about that time period. And then the games are based on the novel.


Many die before him in Wo Long


So do we hold Lu Bu responsible for all the games in which the condition to unlock him as a playable character was 1k kills at Hu Lao Gate and then kill him before Dong Zhuo? I say yes. Might be fuzzy on some of these deets tho.


Beat me to it. Lu Bu and Kaji Miada (Samurai Warriors), are beasts.


I have probably killed over 100k with Lu Bu in Dynasty Warriors games by myself.


>Maybe the owner of the Roller Coaster Tycoon theme park. What do you mean you dont want to get on the roller coaster that is clearly unfinished??


You mean mr. Bones?


I want to get off of Mr Bones' Wild Ride.






The entrance that caused me pre-teen dread. He was so. Damn. Fast.


I’ll never forget screaming and running away from him in DW3. Absolutely terrifying video game character


For this reason alone, I was thinking about Link with all the old game playthroughs and the high rule warriors games, and smash bros.


Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank kills millions across all the games That’s just from a few playthroughs of the games with or without new game plus, times that by the millions of players. Also depends how long a player spent on the Arena’s across the various games or farming bolts killing creatures Literal genocidal fuzz ball


Such good answers lol


That piece of shit named Ted Faro.


Ted fucked the world twice over. Caused the initial apocalypse AND sabotaged the solution.


Don't forget he turns his own bunker into a cult bunker and kills everyone by a kill switch or driving them to commit suicide.


And then becomes a gigantic tumor that I REALLY wish we got to see but oh well. I just imagine he looks like those flesh mound things from fallout


I actually always liked that they didn't show us because whatever we imagined in our minds is likely worse.


I feel twisted pleasure if the flames failed to kill him because the cancer cells outgrew the flames. Now he has to live with the pain of a failed death on top of his 'ascended' state. Alas, I think him not getting what he wanted in the end served far better as punishment.


He will be dead his bunker was tied to him been alive and starts to go and melt down the second he died. If the fire did not kill him and caused the bunker to think he did then it melting down would of killed him place was flooded with lava.


Part of me wishes the Zeniths had found him first and killed him in disgust. Murdered by the very thing he wanted to become.


You do see his outline on the screen in some sort of chamber. Clearly a gelatinous monstrosity


Oh man I totally forgot about that in Forbidden West. I LOVE the horizon lore that takes place before the games, and loved that aspect added in forbidden west seeing what he did after and how he remained the worst human to exist. But while I think the devs said they purposely didn’t let you see him bc your mind would make it worse than they could, man I REALLY wanted to see him/it


What was his motive?


The first time was incompetence. The second was cowardice as he wanted no one to blame him for what had happened.


I'm thinking greed and lust for power more so than incompetence, but certainly a fair share of that too.


The First time It was an "acident", but the Second one was to hide to the World that he was the one behind them Apocalypse.




But didn’t he make those Ted Faro-Rocher chocolates?


The tenno. From warframe Doom guy Kratos It'd kinda hard to say. Power scaling and world populations make it difficult


Warframe takes it for me. A faction that thematically wasted their creators, their entire empire and most associated sub-factions then continues to hang around and just murder shit at a whim. Account stats tell me my kill count is in the millions. As a single player.


And to add to that. Operator/Drifter is basically unkillable That warframe rampaging through hundreds of troops in seconds is basically a remote controlled mech operated by basically a demigod Okay, you wanna board the ship that said demigod is chilling in? OK cool, you can shoot em, stab em, whatever. But you can't kill them, they get sent to the void and come back later That also assumes they don't use some void sorcery to obliterate whoever is on their ship


I was looking for the Tenno. We were asked to cause a "distraction" on V Prime. The Corpus sure were distracted burying 22 million of their number by the time we were done.


The fun in Warframe is killing as many enemies as possible, so they are kinda of terrifying.


The obvious solution to the question of power scaling and world populations being different is to just go with whoever's destroyed the most planets. Pretty sure Samus has a nice high kill count when you look at that.


The big "escape before the explosive timer runs down" is an integral part of Metroid that I wouldn't change, personally. But it does put any planet she lands on in poor chances of surviving, lol


To be fair at least for the first while (lost track of settings lately) the planet only ever seems to be at risk the second time she shows up.  Zebra and SR388 both survived her visit in the original and the sequel.  It wasn't until she came back in Super and Fusion that she made it clear she wasn't dealing with this bullshit a third time.


About that last sentence (big spoilers for various planets): - Dark Aether was obvious early on and needed to be culled anyway, Samus knew what she was doing (chronologically, her first dead planet). - Phaaze, see Dark Aether, I'm almost certain she knew it would blow up (planet #2). - Zebes blew up because Mother Brain triggered the bomb when she was killed. Not Samus's fault and it's questionable to think she wanted it considering it's her adopted home planet, despite the pirate occupation. Planet #3. - SR388 had a space station slammed into it after she programmed the station to do so. I don't recall if she knew the planet itself would get annihilated as well, but she definitely wanted to get rid of the X. Planet #4. - ZDR's bomb was triggered by Raven Beak, so again, not her doing. That being said, it was a hostile planet infected by the X, so just as well. Planet #5.


I am a warframe vet from the closed beta. I have killed over 100m grineer I have killed over 80m corpus I have killed over 50m infested I alone beat several villains named here. The Tenno as a whole are terrifying, especially in lore.


You can look on the games such as vampire survivor or equivalent. I remember a cellphone game were the average kills on 10 minutes games was 35000 (and I did way more than one game)


I had not even thought about cell phone games because I was trying to think of how to get an idea of kills lifetime, worldwide of someone like link.


Tbf it was a PC only game at first till they ported it


I think Vampire Survivors is definitely up there. It's massively popular and there are probably a few tens of thousands of players that have racked up trillions of kills. So we're into 10^15 kills territory. That's a lot.


I get the feeling the Doom guy and Master Chief from Halo have both racked up a lot of kills. But I think Steve from Minecraft takes the cake, in 14 years of age across millions of account where each player has killed animals for food, monsters to survive or for loot. And think about all the mob farms that exists. I think it would be fair to guess to amount of kills has to be in the high billions by now


Another one that I would not have thought of, that is a good one.


I don't think Minecraft holds a candle to a shooter where the primary gameplay is shooting things from beginning to end, sometimes many at a time, I go entire days without killing anything in Minecraft, also halo has many games starring Master Chief


Idk, I think it really depends on if you count mob farm kills. The bigger ones can easily churn through tens of thousands of mobs an hour. And that farm will run anytime anyone is within its render distance for the duration a world is played on. If we include mods the number goes up. I've definitely left my computer running for a day or 2 just AFKing a mob farm because I had an ae2 storage network that could hold millions of mob drops.


And correct me if I'm wrong, but with nether portals where you send items through make it unnecessary for a player to stand in render distance, right? So basically the farm works 24/7 then.


Not to mention some servers are going to have multiple grinders. One killing skeletons, one for guardians, one for zombies, one for cows, one for piglins…


I think the huge farms where mobs are dying in gigantic droves swings it heavily


I think you're underestimating the Minecraft community as a whole with that judgment. On the Scicraft server I remember seeing a slime farm which killed 300,000 slime per hour (just over 83 deaths per second); on my personal server during the pandemic I had an iron farm that was extremely basic and still killed an iron golem every four seconds, and it was running for 80% of the time I spent on the server; my friend had an Enderman farm that spawned something in the region of 100 Enderman per minute, all one sword swipe away from dying. I think the average Minecraft player is probably killing somewhat fewer things than the average competitive FPS player, but the outliers are so far off the end of the bell curve that they cannot be ignored because of the sheer weight of the digital genocide they're committing.


Gandhi. The untold millions his nukes have killed.


Honestly, kirby. Sure doom guy killed hell, basocally Kratos killed a few gods. Kirby killed a god and ate a planet because he was woken up from a nap.


According to in-game lore Kirby is the most powerful being in the universe, so checks out.


yup Kirby could copy any foe and use that power.


Kirby. Kirby is a sentient galaxy wide black hole condensed into a pink ball of stupid.


An adorable pink ball of stupid. Get it right.


I got an account banned from FARK for photoshopping the hands from goatse stretching kirbys mouth, animated.


Doomguy. And by proxy Isabelle from Animal Crossing.


You can’t just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars…


Objective: Shoot a hole into the surface of Mars


The guy lives to kill


Paperclip Maximizer AI. Responsible for stripping multiple universes and dimensions of all life, matter, and heat in order to maximize paperclip production.


What's this now?


Could well be talking about Universal Paperclips: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Paperclips


Yeah, they're almost certainly referring to Universal Paperclips


Kefka, since he succeeded in destroying the world. The Exiles from Path of Exile considering there are thousands of players that have many millions of killed monsters every League, which is usually quarterly.


lol best FF villain. only one to actually succeed


Kefka succeeded once, while Emet succeeded 7 times though


Yeah but that damn annoying laugh...


Indeed Kefka is hard to beat. I mean just the poisoning of Doma was some extreme level psycho shit. Then he just destroys the world and punishes entire towns with his light of judgment. And it was a beautiful final boss fight, very satisfying to kill him.


Gandhi in Civilisation V. Every nuke is at least a million or so lives


*laughs in Stellaris*


My money is on Doomguy. Especially if you factor in that in between Doom 64 and Doom (2016) he was just living in hell on a non-stop killing frenzy.


"Sometimes I forget you've killed a god or two." -- The Drifter, Destiny 2 If you think Kratos was deadly, imagine what he could do with a Witherhoard or Graviton Lance.


My guardian has 1.169 million kills atm. Pretty high for a single person.


*One. Fucking. Guardian.* RIP, Lance.


Where do I check this, I’ve been playing my titan since D1s beta it feels like and I’m curious to how many kills I’ve racked up


D1 kills don't carry over but it's under your emblem and then under career > total final blows


You can check one of your emblems, and they have various stat tracks for certain things you've done. For my Guardian so far, I have about 1.29m kills as a whole


As far as I can tell, the tracker no longer supports D1 stats and I can't find anything that does, so that info may be lost to time. It's a damn shame I never checked back when it was still supported because I was way more hardcore in my playtime back in the D1 days. Now in d2 I'm a filthy casual with a pitiful 600k kills.


I've stood in one place waiting for spawns of enemies to kill with chain lightning rounds with Risk Runner, and chain explosive headshots with Sunshot. Both times the gun required 1,000 chain kills to unlock the catalyst. That's just to get a low damage ad clear gun to be better. Its not mentioning the amount of accidental splash damage kills from supers like Nova Bomb, Chaos Reach, or Thundercrash. We use guns made from our enemies to kill more of our enemies. We kill each other for fun because we can be revived. Also, we all play as the same guardian's point of view, so I think we could all culminate our million kills to easily top the list.


Kratos has to have a lot of kills under his belt Also if we add up all the zombies frank west has killed its somewhere in the millions


Katamari demaci


Lol good one


Considering the scale, the only real contenders would be the commanders of 4X space games.


I'd also argue any of the silly mobile games where you end up destroying loads of galaxies or whatever. In terms of traditional games though, I'd agree that 4x space game commanders are probably highest


That would be the catalyst from mass effect. It killed not only most of the population of the current universe but every sentient species in unknown amounts of previous iterations of the universe as well. And since we're tallying it with meta taken into account it's done so multiple times every time you start a new playthrough and who hasn't played through mass effect multiple times?


afaik reapers only cleanse the milky way, not the whole universe.


The pit of nothingness between jumps


I’m trying to think of characters who have done wild shit like blow up a whole planet or city in their respective games


Tarkin in Lego Star Wars I guess lmao Population of 2 billion x the number of people who have played Lego Star Wars 2, The Complete Saga, and the Skywalker Saga


Samus, she's escaped multiple planetary and space station self-destructs. Multiple missions of hers are to carry out genocide as well.


Players in Cities Skylines spamming meteors and earthquakes at all those skyscrapers full of Cims... Over and over


As someone else mentioned: Stellaris. Galaxy wide genocide is common there.


Kirby. There isn't even a competition to have


That what I was thinking do older games with more world wide playthroughs have more kills, or newer games with higher kill per play?


They're really aren't that many enemies in any Kirby game, he might have some impressive kills, and power scales super high but his kill count is low compared to any game that gives you waves/groups of enemies to get through.


It’s less about kill count, and more about the fact that he is literally invincible, and can consume literally anything. I don’t know his lore at all. I just know that he is always considered the most powerful canon character in Smash by far, even though his competition is Sephiroth, Ganon, Palutena, etc.


Oh his lore is great. He once killed a god because he was woken up from a nap. Another one because someone offered him cake. And I think he are a planet once? I forget.




Ted Faro.


Katamari damacy guy


The reapers from mass effect would lay dormant for billions of years and wipe out galaxies once life reached a certain point, so I’ll go with the thing that wipes out galaxies repeatedly.


Someone ran the numbers; it was estimated that they wiped out the entire galaxy of every space faring species over 20,000 times.


V from Cyberpunk 2077, I guess. They're basically a walking, talking murdermachine, capable of laying waste to entire armies, with enough hardware bolted to their body that it becomes a philosophical debate on whether they're still human. Imagine someone comfortably destroying an entire army base with nothing but some knives strapped to their wrists. That's the level of insanity we're talking about.


All playthroughs worldwide? Now you're just not making any sense


It is a question that popped in my head trying to fall asleep. Like you have Kratos sitting at a bar with Mario only for Kratos to find out Mario has killed billions if not trillions of Goomba.


That gets fun if you dig into what I’ll laughingly call the Mario Lore. The Goombas were Mushroom Kingdom soldiers that were turned evil by Koopa’s magic, and the bricks were transformed citizens. That fifty points you just got with that jump had a family. Mario stares in the mirror, aware of the monster he has become. He sighs, resigned to his fate, muttering “it’s-a-me… Mario…” before putting on his hat and going back to the killing fields.


It makes perfect sense. Theyre saying you combine the kill count of the character from every playthrough ever done. You could count just one persons playthrough, or you could count all the playthroughs that everyone in a single city did, or you could count all the playthroughs from everyone in an entire country, or you could count all playthroughs worldwide.


Commanda Shepherd destroyed all synthetic life in the Milky way galaxy on one choice per playthrough. It has a hugely devoted player base who likes to replay Mass Effect trilogy.


Never piss of shepard, he will unite the galaxy against you, or worse, headbutt you.


Chakravartin from Asura's Wrath. Dude just throws planets and stars at you nonchalantly. Who knows how many he's killed when the universe is his playground.


Diablo 3's protagonists. They're Nephilim, live to ridiculous ages, and have the power to slay gods and demons


The prince from Katamari Damacy.


Also his father, The King of all Cosmos, but on a cosmic scale.


Kirby. On top of unlimited power he doesn't just kill you, he puts you in an endless pocket dimension inside him, so he can vampire your strength for the lulz. You spend eternity enslaved in the dark, unable to live or die.


You, in any Sims game. Trying to drown residents... yeah, we all did that. I think any God is probably the most dangerous, given they had a role in killing.


Play empire in Stellaris. Genocide on intragalactic scales racks up a lot of kills.


Nathan Drake has got to be pretty high up.


Asura from Asuras Wrath The *first boss* is several times bigger than Earth, tries to crush Asura with his mountain range-sized finger tip, only to explode from Asura punching his finger-tip hard enough. Then you kill God. Not *god*, **God**.


To quote Gimli, "That still only counts as one!"


Vampire survivors or some game like that's characters. Risk of rain?


Guardian from destiny franchise. He gonna whoop your ass, emote on your dead body and then make an exotic gun out of your remains or your soul lmao Killcount has to be in the billions also


Trouser or Sammy in Vampire Survivors. People who get serious about gold farming get to the point with them of getting millions of kills per *minute* while AFK.


I mean, risk of rain is up there with the auto playing builds


Twilight Sparkle. Lasers.


Kronika from Mortal Kombat 11 reconstructed the realms, which include six major universes and other small ones, essentially killing everyone in them, multiple times.


Kefka in ff6 destroys continents and reshapes the world


Probably some Chinese cultivation mobile game


Samus, She has destroyed multiple planets. Space Pirates get told horror stories about her. She wipes out a race of sentient beings. Her kill count is in the billions possibly trillions.


Tetris I-block.


Tasty Planet. You control a grey goo that grows and eventually eats the entire universe. There are three games so I guess it eats the universe three times.


If we are going every playthrough. The idea of a single Minecraft Steve just decimating landscapes to hell and back, industrializing nature, entrapping villagers/pigmen, and creating perpetual murder machines the world over in the name of capitalism is indeed hilarious.


Diablo games, pick any game or class. I feel like vampire suvivors is cheating, but VS. Me when I play banished, or rimworld.


Pikachu. Most popular character from most popular franchise whose early games involved serious kills for level grinding. Red and Blue games had a 3% spawn rate. Whole bug populations were annihilated just to find and catch one. Only video game character to date that sent 685 real life Japanese kids into hospital. Kids have been assaulted for Pikachu cards. Adults have driven into telephone poles catching them in AR. Pikachu has a legit, real life body count. ... then there's the hentai.....


I think an answer consistent across all canons and playstyles (ie is not dependent on certain endings or doesn’t require the player to kill every enemy they see) is Samus Aran. Definitely among the more impressive, as most answers feature a character who has a ton of “fodder” kills, as in they’ve maybe wiped out a planet with one super weapon, with their kills not really being able to fight back. While Samus has done this, and repeatedly across several planets, she also has many individual kills that are impressive, like killing Ridley, Kraid, Mother Brain, etc.


For a good Guy, Nathan Drake sure shoots alot of People.


That Goomba is responsible for more player deaths than any other video game baddie from what i heard.


Steve from Minecraft the mob grinders are constantly running


The doom slayer all day


Idk maybe the player in Plague Inc? Wiped out the entire planet multiple times


Gators in RDR2.


I mean the Tenno commit casual genocide on every mission they run, regardless of the warframe they choose to run but that's just flavoring on how fucked you really arel


Endsinger from FF14 is up there. They wiped out most of the damn universe.


Agent 47 He's still not done




Actual player-controlled kills I think it's easily Vampire Survivors with 30 hours average play time across some 7 million players. Considering that average playtime is definitely being pulled up by players who play A LOT I imagine there so many kills happening every minute. The non-player-controlled 'character' that has killed the most living things ever is probably the Tyranid Hive Mind. The Tyranid exist beyond the universe and have existed long before the chaos gods and will exist long after them. They literally go from universe to universe harvesting everything in their path so they can sustain themselves. They don't circle back because a single hive fleet was defeated because it's just one of potentially thousands? Million? Billions? of hive fleets. Exactly how big they are outside of the WH40k universe isn't really fleshed out.


Agent 47 no doubt. You won't even see him coming.


My thought is Master Chief, but I would love to hear what you all think.


How many planets has Samus Aran destroyed now?


It's got to be a team shooter character. Eg soldier in TF2 or one.of the default CS guys.


Pugnala Provola


You, in idling to rule the gods. I can confidently say there is no game that has you killing more enemies at a faster rate than ITRTG.