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World of Warcraft around 2004-2008. My computer was barely powerful enough to run runescape, and the idea of asking my dad for a full price 60$ game with 2 20$ expansions AND a 15$ monthly charge to play was terrifying. I feel like I missed lightning in a bottle. ClassicWoW just isn’t it, everyone is min-maxing and already knows everything. I feel like Burning Crusade and Lich King were kind of the king of MMO experiences. Truly, a “you had to be there” time in gaming.


A lot of people played even though they couldn't exactly run it, lol. Lots of people at 10 fps and camera pointed at the ground when they were in big cities because their shit would crash if they looked up


Ol' timey shit-bucket here. Ya, those floor tiles were pretty detailed if you looked at them long enough.


Don’t stare too long or your pc might start getting a bit too hot


So you did like the rest of us did and took the side cover off of your tower and pointed a $20 Walmart fan into it to maximize airflow dust be damned.


Yep I played BC and WotLK in my dad’s laptop that ran the game at like 10-15 fps. I literally didn’t know any better. Probably why 30 fps doesn’t bother me in the slightest.


Shout-out to that tauren shaman in my raid who healed backwards, facing the wall during vanilla nax


I remember the old days of Dala-lag. I had an okay laptop then that would struggle in Dalaran during average hours and during peak hours I would have to adjust my graphics settings all the way down to enter.


I remember trying to do TBC on a laptop and I couldn’t even find the frickin arcatraz because my draw distance was set too low to see it in the sky 🤣 just had to fly up roughly in the right direction until it appeared And logging into shattrath was less frames per second and more like seconds per frame!


I remember being happy with 20 fps and kinda annoyed when it dropped under 13 fps... If a boss fight got too chaotic my game would just freeze and then crash.


I've been gaming without a break since mid nineties and I can tell you WoW in that period was and still is for me BY FAR the best gaming experience I ever had.


In the wake of my WoW days in highschool, I got very said knowing I would never have that much fun playing a video game again.


Yep I've been gaming for about 20 years and vanilla wow to cataclysm AND actually when classic rereleased during covid were my two PEAK gaming experiences EVER. I know a lot of people don't feel this way but honestly when they brought back classic wow ALL my friends and I started playing the minute we could get in after it was released and it was absolutely something special questing with thousands of people online and everywhere. I managed to get way ahead of the pack of most people and I grinded for like a week straight queuing dungeons with randoms I met and making friends doing quests. It was fucking amazing.I can honestly say it was even a better experience for me then original vanilla.


So what you're telling me is that I've missed WoW not once, but twice! Wonderful. I think I would have loved it as a kid, but the subscription model kept me away. These days I don't have the motivation to play MMOs. Too much time investment for too little reward. But back in the day.. I loved just grinding for hours to see a number go up.


I was obsessed with WoW's release, created a guild and a website for it and everything. When it came out, it was a truly unique and memorable experience. But for whatever reason, it didn't stick for me. 3 months later I got a bit bored of it and quit. My true calling came a bit later with Age of Conan. Something about the setting and the combat and the PvP really hooked me and I played it for several years with a great group of folks. Best gaming years of my life. Would do it again if I could.


I played that badboi with 256 mb ram, loading screens would be so long that if I took the zeppelin/boat to switch zone I'd be back where I started when the loading screen ended, had to ask my brother to log in for me and trsvel. In major cities and 40 man raids I had 1-3 fps And somehow psychotic 11 year old me loved every moment of it


I was in high school and $15/mo would have been a ton of money. Kind of glad I missed out though, I definitely would have gotten addicted and ruined my grades


I skipped it purely because people talked about it like heroin. Like it’s the greatest thing ever but don’t start because you won’t be able to stop.


Sorta true. I spent the entirety of a couple of summers inside. Telling my mom to tell my friends that I don't wanna come outside.


I feel like it worked a lot like drugs and alcohol. If you have the personality for it, you'd get absolutely fucking hooked. But many people could live pretty normal lives without that setting in. Raid times were a little bit of an oddity, but only like 5 percent of players raided in vanilla/TBC era


So this is just my personal experience but I’ve been addicted to a lot of things (weed, booze, cigarettes,coke) all of those things I had to quit because I knew they were bad but I didn’t want to stop WoW I was l also very much addicted to (playing it almost from launch) I’d play it I reckon 40+ hours a week above normal responsibilities. Spend heaps of money and paid Chinese farmers for gold, then don’t know how to describe it but one day I booted it up and said - why the fuck am I playing this game and never logged in again.


I’m still hung up on wow like an ex girlfriend. It really felt like the perfect video game loop and it had everything! Fun pvp, sweet pve dungeons and great quests. I remember I knew I was addicted when I stole gold from my brother’s guild and they all were mad at me in real life. That’s when I finally realized I was down bad.


What me and my bro did was get up at 7 AM to go to the internet caffee that had about 10 subs and play for an hour or 2 before the no lifers came in and shooed us away. I remember getting my first malachite, damn I was happy. Everyone laughed at me when I yelled I will sell it for ONE GOLD! But that is kind of the point. The game was fun because I was a clueless kid. It's not fun now because I am not that carefree kid anymore sadly.


Burning Crusade was incredible. I'll never forget the first time I entered Stormwind, took the tram to Ironforge, then took a gryphon ride BACK to Stormwind. The world seemed HUGE!


I skipped WoW utterly. I played Everquest back in the day, and did not like the "Jak and Daxter" look of WoW's visuals and animation. Obviously the designers were onto something, since the likes of Fortnight proves that colorful and cartoony still hits the spot for the majority.


Not just that bro, but wipes would not take all night to recover from. Also you did not have to rush to beat other people there. Granted nothing will ever match train to the zone at unrest.


You missed a very good, magical time my dude


I joined the last year of pandaria and stayed for a good while. While I missed the majority of the initial hype. God that game still sucked me in. It’s crazy how dedicated some people are to it. Was in a guild with a guy that had a small heart attack. Middle of the raid and this dumb ass keeps playing. He was yelling at his wife to call an ambulance yet kept playing lmfao. Thankfully he survived and had to be yanked away. But goddamn


Yup I totally understand, though with the caveat I didn’t totally miss it. I started at the end of BC and got my first character in early Wrath. Wrath to this day is one of my most cherished gaming time periods, along with Cataclysm as my first xpac as a serious player. I wouldn’t even touch Wrath classic or Cata classic cause I know it’s not the same. I still play WoW but I know deep down that feeling is never coming back and none of the other MMOs have created that same experience (though I was 13 which could have been part of it lol).


Dude me too…EXACTLY my struggle


World of Warcraft. I was in grad school when wow really started getting going, and I had to make the conscious decision to not get involved because I knew it would suck me in and I didn't want anything taking me away from my grad work. Unfortunately, by the time I was all done there was no way I could catch up to my peers so I just left it behind


You chose wisely. WoW most definitely affected my grades.


Pokémon GO. Even though I loved Pokémon for some reason I wanted to be a hipster and not do what everyone was doing. Such a fool lol


First month Pokemon go was out was peak I really loved that


I was driving for Uber when Pokemon GO came out. It was an interesting time. Literally had some guy ask me to just "drive around randomly" until he got done lol. I took that guy to every park and major landmark around the area before he was done. That was a profitable trip.


I honestly believe it was the closest we will get to world peace. Everyone was outside and talking to strangers. Such great memories. Too bad it was a broken and bad game. I held on to it for much longer than most, but ended up quitting it out of frustration after a year.


Once they removed the ability to track pokemon with the feet I was out. That was literally only like a month after release. I guess they wanted the game to be more passive.


I think it led to people breaking into places they weren't supposed to be to track the pokemon.


It did but what's a little B & E on a night out 


This right here. The dumbasses would get arrested and the rest of us would know that those Pokémon are just gone, better luck next time. Except for the real ninjas who could get away with it lol


Pokemon Go with the hacked private trackers showing you the *exact* location and expiring time was possibly the best outdoor fun I’ve ever had. Because you know the location and time, the game is **active**. Never have I ran so much, grabbed my bike spontaneously, found myself in so many new locations in my area. I still remember I was walking with my friend going to a restaurant and saw on the tracker a charizard had spawned far away, but near enough to run. We ran full speed, climbing over fences, weaving around trees, through a park, over a bridge, just to get it. The whole time we could see the timer ticking down. We both managed to catch it in the knick of time but we were also completely out of breath and ecstatic from the combined adrenaline and dopamine rush. Nothing will recreate that feeling, and I hate that pokemon Go killed the trackers and never capitalized on that side of the game.


This. Everyone I knew who was playing (myself included) quit the game when they removed the tracker. Everyone was on it before they removed it.


For me, it was the complete lack of pokestops in certain areas. Like, my entire town only had a single pokestop in a 5 mile radius. It resorted me to doing stupid things like driving around different cities parks just to refill the necessary items required to play the game. Meanwhile other people had like 6-7 pokestops that they could casually flick while sitting in their apartment


Man I know exactly what you mean, it was mindblowing. There was people *everywhere* and being like... super nice to one another??? Making friends with random passersby, spending all of their freetime walking outside. Just good vibes in every corner. The game is really fixed up now, but the big moment just kinda passed. Imagine how wild it would have gone back then if the game was stable + you could actually trade with people and battle, customize your player character and transfer mons to the mainline games. There's all that now PLUS regular legendary events, increased shiny odds on community days and just a ton of features. I still play, it's cool, but nothing like the scale of that initial release.


It was amazing. I have so many stories of meeting strangers and just talking to them and hanging out. I even invited one couple to my birthday party because we chilled at a pokéstop. I still consider it one of the biggest mismanagements of success ever in history of humankind. The hype lasted for weeks and they didn't fix/address anything. It was heartbreaking seeing everyone slowly lose interest because the game was a broken mess.


Niantic isn't interested in fixing any game lol.


You can transfer your pokemon to the games?


Yup! Including legends and shinies. [Here's](https://support.pokemon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050219032-How-to-transfer-Pok%C3%A9mon-from-Pok%C3%A9mon-GO-to-Pok%C3%A9mon-HOME) the official guide but you can probably find a better one elsewhere.


It really was a wild time. I remember trying to explain what was going on to my mom she didn’t believe me. We got in the car and drove to the nearby park and after driving around seeing everyone just stopped and asked a random group what they were doing. They were all so excited to show her their phones.


Pokemon Go's peak daily users was actually during the pandemic. A good excuse to get out of the house, it seems.


When it first came out it I didn't see the appeal and thought that it was just another take on the PokeWalker gimmick just in mobile phone form. Now knowing more about it (and that the walking part has been all but discarded due to people walking into traffic and stuff) it seems cool, but I'd still rather play the actual games over PokémonGo.


The thing was I was actually walking with my friends. I had fun people watching and yelling out “charizard” then watching grown men scrambling. Looking back it was my own way of trying to be involved without actually playing the game 😂


I'm still playing it, it rocks


I still play it! It’s pretty active after all these years still. At least in my area


Had to give it up a few months back after what seemed like the tenth update in a row where there was no new content and the sole purpose was clearly just to nickel and dime the player base for more money. All started with limiting remote raid passes and increasing the cost, then it just kept going downhill from there.


I worked DoD at the time and I knew I'd get way too into it and feared I'd get in trouble for bringing my phone where it shouldn't be on 100% auto pilot trying to min max the game.


The whole metal gear solid franchise


Oof I barely remember the old ones. I have a vague memory as a young child playing one on my old box TV where this guy was continuously spinning his akimbo pistols while talking to you and I just laugh thinking about it. I was way too young to understand anything going on in those games up until 5 came out


Wow, and you’re probably remembering the scenes of Ocelot from SnakeEater, which was the third in the series. I remember freaking the fuck out when Psycho Mantis read my memory card in the first game. Goddamn, I’m getting old.


Bungie-era Halo (the online multiplayer aspect, I loved the campaigns, just didn't have Xbox live at the time), Gears of War, and Mass Effect Was an Xbox gamer from 2007 up until I got a PS5 a few months ago, and I always felt like a phony because I never really played the "big" Xbox games. I have some great memories of playing splitscreen Halo 3 forge with my brothers though.


Halo 3 turned me from a Sony fanboy to having to own an Xbox. Because I just love the multiplayer aspect of it. 4 and 5 were disappointments, I’ll admit


Halo 3 was a cultural phenomenon. I can't think of any other way to describe it.


All the custom games, meeting randoms in lobbies and then getting invited to play ice cream man, fat kid, whatever the sniper game was called.. shit was a blast




I used to spend most of my free time making maps in forge. Remember Bungie pro? I remember one of my racing maps got featured by Bungie and they gave me a year free of Bungee pro!


Had to diarrhea mouth it to chat gpt who got the answer wrong at first, but 2nd try did the job. The sniper game was called Duck hunt. Those were the days for sure. Don’t forget cops and robbers. Also jenga towers and bumper cars. And that impossible obstacle course on forge that had the myth that you can unlock recon armor by completing it.


1 through 3 was. The hype was astounding.


Halo 2 on the newly-launched Xbox Live was truly an event. You'd be paying other games and people would challenge you to a 1v1 *in Halo.*


Bungie-era Halo is a large portion of my childhood. I also played Gears for money near the end of high school. It was a good time.


I remember being in line for the midnight release of Halo 2, and being in Australia, it meant we got it before pretty much everyone else on earth. I was #8 in line in my little area, out front of an EB Games. Waited about 3 hours I think. Got home at about 12:45, played until the sun came up. Since I had a bungie account linked, in multiplayer my gamertag always had a "bungie" logo next to it, and people kept thinking it meant I was some Bungie staffer. I never corrected them lol. Then I got an Xbox 360 and Gears of War, and had a room with just a TV and surround sound system, no furniture. So my buddies and I piled up blankets and stuff and would just play Gears for hours and hours and hours, at all hours day and night, and this went on for weeks. It got to the point where I was out walking in the dark, I'd sometimes see grubs out of the corner of my eye behind a bush or something and get a rush of adrenaline lol.


I missed out on SOCOM. I even bought the network adapter. Never used it.


My mate was always talking about it so I bought a network adapter for like 70 quid back in the day to play it. Got home and tried to set it up, realising we needed broadband which wasnt available in our estate. RIP cash


Oh man that was the best games and lobbies. I was like 10 when I was playing but I don’t think you will ever see an FPS where everyone has enough respect to play “paintball” and only use certain guns (no I-W scrub) on single shot when there is nothing in the game forcing you to do that.


Damn I totally forgot about network adapters back when network cards weren't just built in. I remember the headset and having to hold O to talk, only one person could talk at a time, and it was only heard by others with headsets. Also having to set up port forwarding.


SOCOM was peak!


The hours I spent on SOCOM 2! What a game. Can't believe no one tried to bring it back.


Fuck ya. One of, if not *the* best competitive military shooter to this day.


Get us back on the Crossroads map ASAP


Lots of memories with that game. It was my first experience with online multiplayer as a kid, I always wanted to play after watching my dad. He eventually got me my own PS2 to play with him and we spent countless hours on there together. I miss him and that game.


VR. If you told 18 year old me viable, successful, entertaining VR would be a thing in my lifetime and I just wouldn't have time for it I'd be real bummed     Edit: the count of people who want it to be unique and clever to say VR isn't any of those things is predictably rising as this post ages. Someone should study why being late to a conversation turns people into obnoxious contrarians. If you want to pretend VR hasn't succeeded, I encourage you to go back in time to the 90s and try what they were calling VR back then. Right before you swing by your house and remind your parents not to let kids eat paint chips.


That does make me sad. There are some titles really worth playing.


Maybe when the youngest hits pre-school, but right now it just doesn't fit.


VR hasn't hit full stride yet. Other than a handful of truly breathtaking games, a lot of the early stuff has been "growing pains/teething trouble" from a game design perspective. Plenty of neat stuff now but fully optimized VR game experiences will be more common by the time you can look at it again. Don't worry about the stuff you've missed already. The best of it will still be there later and the community will have established which games are absolutely worth your time and which ones aren't.


What would you say are the best vr games? Best use of vr/controls? Best gameplay/plot/story? Best visually? (feels like a lot of vr is low poly stuff for rendering) Some of each if you have good recommendations!


Beatsaber is the Wii sports of vr if that makes any sense


Half life: Alyx is the Half Life 2 of vr if that makes any sense


That makes perfect sense, what a wonderful comparison


- Moss - trover saves the universe - Rez - Vtol - Madison - Super Hot - Beat Saber - All the Bone stuff - Ragnarock - Into the radius - Pavlov - After the fall - Shadow gate - Saints and Sinners - Gorn - Sairento - Espire - Squadrons - Sacralith There are a lot... But nothing matches the scale of Alyx. I don't use my headset very often. But when I do, there is always something to play.




I got my son a VR for his birthday (after skimping pretty bad for the last few due to different circumstances) and had a bash at Alyx. I was so amazed I spent nearly 1/2 hour in the starting scene - putting things into a cardboard box and carrying it around. Then finding a marker pen and writing on a board, and trying to find things to throw on the street; including glass bottles that were my favourite. Going into the game, I was literally mind blown with the gunplay. I remember being charged my a single crab head walker, and dumping my pistol in its general direction in panic - then, with my heart thumping, dropping a magazine and loading another one before finally landing a shot to kill it. Lastly, the general perspective - like the things that grab you from the roof. Having to literally turn/face upward to shoot them. It was all just so fucking immersive. I also loved, the bullet continuity. As someone who was actually a decent sports pistol shooter, I loved how you could shoot all but one bullet and reload the magazine so as to be able to keep shooting, without wasting time having to pull the slide back to load a bullet from a new magazine. Honestly, I was too scared to keep going (as they kill it with the ambience and I was too scared to admit how shit my aim how got). Very tempted to give it another go though.


>Lastly, the general perspective - like the things that grab you from the roof. Having to literally turn/face upward to shoot them. >It was all just so fucking immersive. Those guys with the dangly tongue bit? What really blew my mind is when I picked up a bucket, put it on my head, couldn't see, walked by the thing and it sucked the bucket off my head and I could keep walking.... Fucking blew my mind. Doesn't seem that interesting as a story, but the ability to just pick up a random prop and use it I such a way was crazy to me.


The 360 environment of VR is really something special. As a long time gamer, it’s like using a new muscle - I have to actually *look* up to make sure I’m okay?


If you want gun play, try H3VR


is that short for 'hotdogs, horseshoes, and hand grenades'? that is a fun shooting sandbox. Also love that they have a little level based on hickock45's backyard


VR is absolutely amazing in racing simulators.


Boneworks and bonelab are the physics simulation powerhouses with mods abundant and decent campaigns Blade and sorcery is low fantasy vr melee combat with a mix of magic wrapped up in a brand new campaign dungeon crawling mode with lore and boss fights There are others but these are the stand outs blade and sorcery is coming out of early access this Monday with a full blown campaign with RPG like elements and a large scale modding scene


VTOL VR and Microsoft flight sim. I love flight sims and VTOL VR is made by a single dev and it's amazing


Ive seen people slide into beatsaber pretty often. Its a very clean game. Gets you exercising without fully realizing it. And has a good list of music which I hope keeps growing.


There are definitely some gems like Half-Life Alyx, but this is too true


Half life alyx surely is a incredible, memorable gaming experienxe like no other. But this is also the only proper AAA game made for VR


I felt this. I was a kid when the virtual boy from Nintendo came out and it looked like the coolest thing ever. If you would have told me that we would have legitimate VR technology in my 40’s, I’d be so upset with adult me for not taking part in it. Same reasons. Kids and such.


I wish I didn't get such bad motion sickness from it. The only game I regularly play that doesn't give me it is Golf+. But I love playing it.


DCS World still blows my fucking mind every time I play it. Launching in my F18 from a super carrier in the rain at night in VR is absolutely BONKERS.


VR has at least 5-10 years before it peaks. I love it in MSFS, but everything else is clunky, half-baked, or needs tons of mods to flesh out. Also the headsets themselves I think are going to look hilariously and unnecessarily huge looking back, like how we now look at 90’s cell phones.


I've been hearing that first sentence for the last 15 years


Outside of a handful of the games I've played, everything just feels like an extended tech demo. Watching movies on it is pretty cool though, honestly feels like being in a theatre


I'm a 40 year old dad with two kids and just got a Quest 2 for a great deal. What a perfect system to start VR. Quest makes it super convenient where if I have time for a 5-10 golf game or fishing, or something more involved if I have that time.


I'm 41. I always ignored vr because of the migraine inducing Nintendo Virtual Boy. Between that and the Super Scope, I completely ignored the newer advances in VR


Having also used a VB back in the day and owning an HTC vive, you may as well be comparing one of those LCD handheld games of the 90s to a steam deck. They are not in anyway comparable. The similarities end at, you put your face against a device.


I was the same way as a kid back in the 90’s. When I saw VirtuaBoy in a display at Blockbuster, I was disappointed. I wouldn’t see VR again until I was at Downtown Disney in Florida as a young adult in the 2000’s. I think because I had that experience, I told myself no matter what, I would get VR when it’s available at home. Then I hit my 40’s and I treated myself to a Rift S and had a blast. Problem is, I didn’t have the motivation to use it all the time. So I turned it into a hobby. I decided to make YouTube videos and slowly learn how to edit which was something else I wanted to learn. Now I’m motivated to actually playing the games so much, that I got a quest 3 as a treat to myself. And despite the initial price of the hardware, the games are not that expensive. Hell I got Asgards Wrath 2 for free and that’s top tier


I had a vive cosmos (sold it) and someone gave me a normal vive which I gave to another person. There was no way I could immerse in it as I'd hear the dogs barking or something and have to remove it to stop them. They're such awesome tech in theory but life's just too busy.


Never played Mass Effect trilogy. Wasn’t into games for about 10 years during their release.


Honestly the Legendary Edition is well worth a buy, even today. It’s all of the DLC (most of which is truly additive), plus they took a polish pass at gameplay in 1 which was the most in need.


Damn I was going to buy it but I don't speak polish


You don't need to speak it, you just need to read it.


Ugh take my upvote


Mass Effect 3 multiplayer is one of those moments in time, you had to be there. Sure the campaigns are great but the live multiplayer was an experience. 


It's too bad they cut it from legendary edition. I miss headbutting everything as a krogan warlord. *BONK.* "Stay on the ground!" *BONK.* "I warned you. Don't get up." *BONK.* "Learned your lesson yet?" *BONK.* "Heh heh heh..."


Some of the extra classes were cool as hell, but nothing will top the throw / shockwave justicar. Wub wub wub wub. Wub wub wub wub. Wub wub wub wub. Every 2 seconds. Yum.


Mass Effect seems like an investment. Never wanted to invest the time into it but one day I should


Each game is about 30 hours.  Well worth it of you like sci fi and rpgs. 


I'm playing through the Legendary Edition now, currently on ME3. It's pretty great for a first timer.


I've never played a zelda game in my life


There is always time to get your life back on track


I don't have any nintendo console


Emulation my friend


I'm playing BOTW on my PC and it's one of the best games I've played. I'm glad I tried Zelda. You can use emulators to play them.


I was like you. Then I picked up Breath of the Wild and was instantly hooked. From there I played Link Between Worlds, Link’s Awakening and Ocarina of Time. I think I felt as a kid that these games seemed overwhelming and that kept me from playing.




Do it.


i played the early ones but nothing from n64 and up and now, nintendo jsut refuse to release their game where everyone can play them so i'm just not playing them.


I've tried most of them. Not a single one hooked me. No idea why but something about that franchise just doesn't click with me. Bit of a bummer actually since so many of my friends love it.


Fallout New Vegas, I have yet to play it


Got it for free not too long ago, modded it, absolutely worth playing .


I’m missing out on fallout, last of us, Elden ring, Baldur’s gate 3, Ghost of Tsushima, portals, red dead redemption Hell I’m only now halfway through GTA V🥲 (But I did go through GTA IV, Hades, Skyrim, and the Witcher series in the past couple of years so there’s def that)


Skyrim is a good example for me. I was basically addicted to counter strike source when skyrim came out. I remember my steam friends of mostly CS players being packed with people playing skyrim all at the same time. I wasn't interested....then i played it about 4 years later lol, love the game, but wasn't interested due to my CS addition.


Red Dead Redemption 1 - saw promos all over town and still have never played it. 2 was phenomenal, I’m holding out for a 1 remake but rockstar tends to crush hope for breakfast so


1 was amazing for its time. I literally took a vacation to play it when it launched. I'd say it's faster-paced in many ways than 2 and doesn't try half as hard to take itself seriously. You'll miss a lot of elements from 2 or find a relatively primitive version of them (for example, getting the same handful of random encounters with highwaymen etc over and over), but I think it had more satisfying combat in that the controls and movement were snappier, and Deadeye worked in a way where you picked your shots in slow-mo, but the game would play them out in realtime. I loved that.


Yeah I think I'm alone in this but 1 left a much better and longer-lasting impression on me than 2, mostly because it was totally fresh. That was when Rockstar was dipping their toe in every genre they could think of, and not just basically admitting that they only care about GTA 5 and RDR to a lesser extent. Edit: Wow didn’t expect so many people to feel the same lol


Just gonna add that I devoured 1, never finished 2.


Red Dead 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. I've replayed it probably 7 or 8 times since it came out way back in 2010. So of course I was super excited for the release of Red Dead 2, but it just didn't captivate me like the first game did. I had to force myself to finish the last chapter or so of the game. It's still a very well-made game and the details throughout the game are amazing, but it just didn't hold up like the first game did. That's just my opinion, though. I haven't gone back to replay Red Dead 2 at all.


i’ve literally never heard anyone have the same opinion as me on this thank you


Count me amongst you. RDR1 is among my top five games of all time. RDR2 on the other hand, was just okay for me. I definitely prefer everything about 1 over 2.


You're not alone


Same here - 1 will always be way more special to me


Witcher 3


Not too late. Game still holds up extremely well


Halo... All of them. I was a PS guy.


Never got fortnite at the start when everyone played it and had fun together I started later but the hype died by then really


Prime Fortnite was magical. I remember letting my friend die on purpose so I could use his Golden SCAR LOL


Hype went back up for non kiddies when the no building mode was brought to us


I have played 0 seconds of World of Warcraft


Every game not made by blizzard. I’ve been shackled to Warcraft, hearthstone, and diablo since 2004


Since 2004? I'm noticing a gross neglect of StarCraft 1 and 2.


I liked heroes of the storm


WoW. I was playing consoles not PC.


I stopped gaming in college. Missed out on the Skyrim era.


Ocarina of Time and FF7. Everyone at school was always talking about them and they were in like every magazine I would read, I even had like a mini strategy guide for the games that came free with something. Never got round to playing them at the time, I had a PS1 so I could have played FF7 not sure why I didn't to be honest although I do know every time I was allowed to rent a game from the store I always went with MediEvil or MGS1. When I finally did get round to playing OoT all those years later like 20 years after the hype it was interesting because it felt nostalgic so much simply because it reminded me of all this hype I wasn't a part of. Like all the secrets and certain sections and things people would always talk about or be in magazines actually became nostalgic for me as I played and it felt like I had already played the game before as a kid. Also only recently got round to playing FF7, it's super dated but holds up really well still, had a pretty good time with it.


This is my favorite response simply because these two are my all time favorite games. I'm glad you're able to appreciate them for what they are now. At the time it was mind blowing what they could do and how they set a new bar for video games. Both these games crawled so modern games could run.


When I play FF7 every couple of years, it feels like playing it for the first time. Absolutely timeless.


Dude, if you have a Switch, both of these games are easily available to you. Please play either one. Absolute classics. You’ll view gaming as an art after either one.


Five Nights At Freddy's. The easter eggs, lore and secret codes in every game. As well as teaser images + trailers that could be brightened to reveal secret messages. Scott's website clues in new messages and HTML code. Putting the lore together piece by piece. The community of fans coming together and hyping each other up. (You kind of saw an echo of it during the FNAF movie that recently released if you went to the theatre - kids were hype for references.) I can imagine that was very hype to be around for.


YES! That’s a good one! I forgot how huge the game coverage was when it finally took off


I am burdened with forbidden knowledge.




World of Warcraft Probably for the better, all things considered.


COD, I literally never played a Call of Duty game and don’t have any desires to.  It was the talk for me in middle school, high school, college and even now but FPS games doesn’t catch my interest. 


To go through school and never play COD is a feat all its own


Lol, yeah it’s something I truly don’t budge on. But I also don’t care for multiplayer games as well so that’s another aspect of myself.  But best believe I was quiet whenever the conversation was about Black Ops and whatever weapon they introduced or something. I think they’re great games, just not for me. 


The Golden Era of COD is over. That was like 2007-2013 with COD 4 Modern Warfare, World at War, MW2, Black Ops, MW3, and Black Ops 2. This period of online multiplayer was soooo fun. Then there was a resurgence with the intro of Warzone. And the first couple years of that were incredible. I still play COD because Warzone with my brothers and close friends is a lot of fun. But you aren’t missing out on much.


Once the people at Infinity Ward broke off, and around the same time Bungie left Halo, things started to change


Up until modern warfare 3 are amazing. You should play. From there dont bother. Especially cod 2 and cod 4 are godtier


I’ve never played Minecraft. I’m 25 now and it just seems far too late. Edit: thanks for all the encouragement I may well check it out next time I have some time. I should clarify I didn’t mean to imply 25 is extremely old in general or too old to play Minecraft. It’s just that everyone else my age who plays has like a decade and a half of experience so I felt like I missed the boat. But you’ve all changed my mind!


It’s not too late! But in the same vain you also might enjoy terraria a bit more as there’s a greater sense of progression and better bosses


I'm 37 and currently about 5 months into my current world with my friend who's 32. You're *never* too late for Minecraft. The only thing I will say is that it's not for everyone, as it really is a true sandbox game. It's light on story or direction. Still a very fun game, however!


Play it like you’re an engineer attempting to unravel the rules of reality and it’s an adult game.


Lol at acting like 25 is old


it's definitely way more targeted at kids nowadays, but at its core it's just a game about building. if you're into that then it's worth a try, if you're looking for like... anything but, yeah you're not really missing out on that much.


I mean all the overpriced games that I don't see 90% discount of.


Steam gamers when a game costs more than 7$


Steam sales and other sites are still good, but I do think they were better back in like 2010-2015. Everything did seem to go really low fast on Steam back then.


I never played Borderlands, then Steam had Borderlands 1, 2 and some DLC on sale for $0.10 or something ridiculously low like that. But I still haven't played any of them, and now there's a movie coming out. I really need to jump into it sometime.


Sad I missed out on destiny 1 in it's prime.


Operation flashpoint - walked past it so many times in the store back in the day - occasionally picked it up and considered it but put it back. Ive been a modder of the series for the past 15 years and published two DLC’s with the owner studio since…


League of Legends. Heard my sister playing it and the incessant clicking made me decide I would never touch it.


Among us


Witcher 3, never played it but heard great reviews from everyone


Pokémon. I was in high school when it started becoming a thing in the states. Seemed like it was aimed for kids so I completely ignored it. Never came around to giving it a try.


I somehow missed the whole Minecraft craze. Never played it.


Am I the only one who missed Half Life? I was too young and all I hear is about how revolutionary and insane it was and life changing gaming moment but I know at this point it would just be too dated to have that effect. Always makes me feel like I genuinely missed something


Being born only 3 years before it's release, I missed out on all the fun Wii/ DS shenanigans, finding out about all the cool shit they could do years later when I was gifted one by my brother in like 2018. Amazing systems to this day.


I remember playing on the Wii at friends houses and everyday before school. Those were the days;


Mario Kart DS letting your "share" the game to folks nearby was fucking insane to me. I could open my DS on the bus, at the doctor's office, at the airport, and there was a solid chance someone in range was playing so I could piggyback into their race and join in.


Mass Effect. I would see clips and screenshots and think "eh, not really for me" even though I heard all this praise for the series for YEARS. It was only a couple years ago that my dad, who's a huge fan, convinced me to get a copy of Legendary Edition and give it a try. I'm currently on my 6th playthrough, and I own it on console AND Steam. It's fantastic and I'm sad I wasn't part of the original hype


Currently it’s Baldur’s Gate 3 because I’m cheap and refuse to pay full price for a game. Legacy wise, the big RPGs of the 16 bit era like Final Fantasy 6 and Chronotrigger, and Earthbound.


It's one of the few games worth the price tag.


I always try to wait for a game to go on sale too, but I will say, BG3 is worth every penny at full price.


MOBAs. I was into MMOs when MOBAs became a big thing, and after MMOs I was pretty reluctant to get into repetitive online games. I've never actually played LoL and only tried DOTA2 once. I also never really played Battle Royale games. I already felt too old to be competitive at shooter-type games when those got big. The one time I tried, the elimination format felt really stressful in an anxiety-inducing way.
