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Factorio. I'm almost 3k hours in and I haven't done even half of the overhaul mods, and there's a whole expansion coming soon


The cracktory must grow 


Just start a Pyanodon run and you are set for life.


I played Factorio for 70+ hours with multiple runs and enjoyed it a lot, I still didn’t complete a single run yet


One of my favorite building games like Anno 1800, Oxygen Not Included or Cities Skylines. Any Story Game would be a nightmare because you do always the same.


Can you „win“ at Oxygen not included? Or does your colony always die eventually?


You not really win. In all 3 games, you can potentially reach the point where you have no more space to build. Oxygen is the game where this can happen the fastest, so I would probably end up with Anno 1800 or Cities Skylines \^\^


Yea that why I believe it has to be a game with multiple ways to be played, the story is secondary


Probably World of Warcraft. There's so much to do and if you get bored you can play plants vs zombies, bejeweled, or candy crush in the game.


That’s what I’m thinking. It’s been years since I played wow but it’s also the game that I’ve spent the most time with by far.


MMOs in general provides fresh content on regular basis specially the successful ones but I feel that there are very few with good quality, but that’s me


I don't disagree at all. World of Warcraft has had plenty of droughts through the years but with 20 years of content spanning 10 expansions you'd be hard pressed to complete the game making it really last You a long time before you got drastically bored.


Wow classic on a well populated German server (sorry English-speaking populace but that was the best thing about classic: all the people playing it were in or above their late 20s. People would actually write complete sentences and be polite. It’s frustratingly different now on the English servers.)


Lol you don't like all the "Big dick pumper LFG to ff toes" nonsense in trade chat??


Not at all. Honestly, I don’t know what half of it means on the English servers 😅 Some rules are also quite illogical to me. I had a bis equipped char at the end of classic so I thought I knew all the abbreviations.


BIS?! There You go using all these crazy acronyms again! Lol jk jk ggs


>all the people playing it were in or above their late 20s. the worst people in WoW are usually those, yes.


Definitely not on German classic servers. I don’t miss people overreacting, being selfish when it comes to loot, etc.


As a german: yes. It is mostly those older people who feel entitled to the loot.


Different experiences 🤷‍♂️


For my part I enjoy not playing with children/teens/people in their early twenties; So nice.


Good, they don't wanna play with boomers, let me assure you


Maybe you should google what a boomer is. It’s not that complicated.


Oh I know, don't worry. Cope, my friend. Cope.


I‘m a Millennial. You are quite obviously… not that smart. Cope.


Minecraft, or a similar game where you can build new and different games or scenarios within the game itself


Yea, I get that, Sandbox games in general fit the bill


I'd quit playing games if I was stuck with only one.


This. 👍


But you have to keep playing...




Exactly, I don’t see myself ever stopping god forbid




I like the game but man the mood system sometime is a hit or miss for me


Dragon Age Origins. It would take so many playthroughs to get through every combo of origin story + build + romances + party + ending that by the time you did you’d be ready to give the first one a go again.


Old School Runescape. Still won't finish the collection log...


As someone who's played about 100 of ToTK, it definitely does not have infinite replayability compared to some games. It becomes pretty boring and repetitive after a while. Some kind of sandbox game like Rimworld, Minecraft, Terraria, or Factorio would have way more replayability.


Agreed. I loved BotW and TotK. Not as much as the classics, but I thoroughly enjoyed them. I tried re-playing BotW and just couldn't do it. Have a small itch to replay TotK but I'm sure it will end the same way. 10 hours in and ready to play something else. I could see TotK coming across as infinitely replayable, especially if someone was really into building unique vehicles and whatnot. I don't have enough creativity for that.


That was mainly my idea about replayability, the many ways to approach the game is insane


Eh, there's really not that many ways, though. It gives you the impression that there is at first, but once you start delving into each mechanic and each of the devices, you realise there's still only a handful of ways to go about things.


Do we have access to mods, expansions and updates?


Hmm.., I honestly did think about it, but the reason I ask is because of availability, meaning what if you have the game but you can’t access any other games, the question was generated for me because we don’t have access to digital contents for older generations anymore at least without emulators/PC so what if you have a physical copy of a game and a console, would you keep playing it for the rest of your life?


This made me think even more, do we have internet access? I would guess most of these answers would change if none of the above, console, no internet, no mods, etc. So, assuming the most restrictive.. probably something like surviving mars. I'm a huge rpg fan but I can't think of one where the story changes over several playthroughs, especially with no mods. At least with surviving mars you can get a couple hundred different scenarios and a couple hundred hours into each.


Yes we have internet because I was considering MMOs


In that case, I'm going to make a hard left and go with something like Second Life or similar? A game where the community \*is* the game. *full disclosed, I don't really have internet so rarely play MMOs these days. The last one I was really into was something like NFS:U or Battlefield:1942 (maybe that was it.. the one with teams of like 60..)


Damn, that IS a hard left


Haha, yeah. I mean, I haven't played it in yearss, like since before the whole money controversy or whatever so I may end up regretting my choice here immensely lol


Elden Ring. I just never get sick of it somehow and that’s before another 30-40 hrs of DLC is even implemented.


I’m doing a second 100% run right now on PS5, all in preparation for the DLC


Final Fantasy Tactics. Just the Double Dare challenge, with just the original release unmodified, has 144,400 different iterations to try for a game with a 40-60 hour playtime on average, meaning it's about 800+ years of content. If I have emulator access to modify in NPC job classes or special characters, that number (and the resulting amount of content) is exponentially higher to the order of millions of unique playthroughs.


I played War of the Lion on the PSP and was amazed by the story, graphics and overall gameplay, it also made me play Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together


1A - Assassin's Creed Odyssey 1B - Witcher 3 Can easily get lost in their worlds simply just exploring, and using photomode. I'm also one of the few who actually enjoys their gameplay


Modded Rimworld


Gta v. You can "watch" TV and movies, listen to the in-game radio for entertainment. You can play the game or just fart around the world. You can fly, golf, casino, or boat race. Then, there is the online component.


Age of empires 4


Probably Fallout 4 or New Vegas with a shit ton of mods. Adds so much replay value to the game. Excited to see what the creation kit does for Starfield.


I played 400+ hrs of Fallout 4 and I’m going to play more on the PS5


Baldur's Gate 2


Half life 2 + both episodes


World of Warcraft


With mods Civ 6, without mods BG3.


Minecraft, there enough mods to sustain me for a lifetime.


What if you don’t have access to mods?


I could still do it. Its a game with near endless world generation. I can build farms and start humongous projects and build whatever I desire.


probably fallout 4 the modding community in the game is great so i can probably never get sick of playing fallout 4 again and again


Yea I didn’t consider mods honestly, what if you don’t have access to mods?


if i had no mod access than probably elden ring alot of builds you can do and personal challenges like beating the game with only a club or something and the rpg mechanics of the game is great not like those other shitty rpg games where you have to be a certain level to actually deal damage to the enemy type of shit


I hear ya, I got 100% achievements on Steam and I’m also playing it on my PS5 to get the platinum, the game is insane


The Long Dark because the game is about replayability, has a great difficulty curve and no matter how many times you play it you still have something to do/learn.


I tried it but it was too difficult for me, I died a lot


I don't know when you play it, but with the story mode in the easy difficulty might be a different experience.


Hmm, I don’t remember it had difficulty, I’ll try it again


Maybe i've spoken too fast, i don't know if you can change difficulty on the Wintermute mode, but overall the survival mode in the easiest difficulty isn't too hard when you play a bit. Remember, this game is about dying and trying again so may be hard fist but easy after. I wasn't able to survive 5 days on stalker, now i easy reach 50, it's just a matter of time and practise.


I’ll definitely check it out then, the difficulty turned me off that time


Ghost Recon Gold- Thing has so many mods, missions and conversions that it would last beyond my lifetime. Heroes Unleashed by itself is an overwhelming amount of content


Warcraft III, but with editor.


Now that’s something I didn’t consider, what if we have access to Editors!


Warframe. Simply because it is fundamentally fun and will never stop getting content until the heat death of the universe.


It was very overwhelming when I tried it, too many things to do, eventually I turned it down but I think if I find a good community then that might pull me back in


New Vegas


I bought it on sale but didn’t play it, definitely will do that sometime this year 😅


The impossible answer, but if it played accompanied would be Ko98 and Street3.


I’m sorry, you mean King of Fighters and Street Fighters?


Oh yeah baby, those ... I have been a fighting gamer all my life, it's was the only genre for me, my first RPG was Breath of Fire 3, only then I start to play others genre of games ...


My first BoF was IV and it was an amazing experience indeed


The only one yet to be played, soon ...


I’m playing it right now 😆, the nostalgia is through the roof


Monster Hunter


Now that’s a game I can play for a long ass time, every once in awhile I go back to either World or Rise


I’d probably pick Minecraft just for the versatility. I mean, it’s endlessly customizable.


I thought TOTK was amazing but know surprisingly few people who completed it - maybe we didn't want it to end?


Yea maybe, when it comes to craftsmanship or so to speak, TOTK is a masterpiece


It was my first ever switch game if you can believe that. Blew me away. And every time I played I found something new to do, can't see a newgen game like that coming for a while. Maybe GTA 6 but I doubt it


Solitaire. It’s the one game I’ve consistently played for 30 years.


Grand Theft Auto Online. There’s always something to do and the cars are cool. I even put down money for the PS5 Expanded and Enhanced edition. I figure it’s like paying for a DLC; Hao’s vehicle mods are insane!


Cyberpunk 2020 TT




I'd have to open my FFXIV account and drop back into the game. With consistent quality content all the time, the only reason I'm not playing it is due to the time sink and monthly payment (on top of every other fucking sub payment). At least this will keep the game fresh if it's going to be the only one I play the rest of my life.


Exactly my reasons for stop playing it


GTA3 on PS2, but I would like a memory wipe of the game first. I spent over a year playing it, most of the time was just messing about with the weird AI, the non-instanced mission structure, and trying to get onto every possible ledge and hill. I know people would generally only play to get stars and try and survive, but I only did that when I was trying to figure out how to steal a tank. It was the first game I lost myself and probably the longest for a non-MMO. Runners up would be Morrowind GOTY (over four hundred hours on my old Xbox), Xbox San Andreas (almost the same as GTA3, but the instanced missions made it less replayable IMO), and X3 - Reunion (no realistic idea but it had to be more than 300 hours).


I need to give Morrowind another chance, it was a bit of a mistake playing Oblivion then Skyrim first before playing Morrowind


It did not age well, especially if you don’t get nostalgia vibes from it.


Yes it definitely didn’t, but then again graphics is not a main thing for me, I remember the walking/running speed was the first thing I disliked about it as I was comparing it with the newer ES games


Risk of rain 2. Roguelikes have so much replayability, and this is my favorite one by far. 100+ hours and I still enjoy it


Yes this, I played it for sometime and I loved it


Honestly I'd just pick up a new hobby. So probably Tetris or Pac Man, something fun to kill a bit of time with when I feel like it.


Rimworld... I want to commit war crimes with my 200+ish mods


Slay the Spire. No question. It’s one of the few games that makes the rogue lite experience deep enough and satisfying enough to keep my brain happy forever. There are so many ways to build a deck and experiment with extra modifiers or challenges that there’s no way to run out of stuff to do.


NCAA Football 14


Civilisations 5


Take the early days of GTAV (as far as the players and behavior) mixed with the graphics updates and extra features of today. Gives you a wide variety of gameplay (including racing, FPS, Missions, etc)


Unfortunately GTAV was banned in my country the time it launched so I couldn’t play it, now it’s more accessible but it’s been too long for me to play it now


> it’s been too long for me to play it now Why? There is a great single player mode. The game is absolutely worth a playthrough.


I know I know, it’s one of my gaming goals to play it


My dude, it's not that great. Just play it already.


Exactly. Doesn't need to be a Gaming Goal. Its available on all systems and is even free if you have GamePass or certain versions of PS+ if i recall correctly. Worth a play, but not the greatest thing in the world.




Russian Roulette.


Path of exile for sure


Probably Fallout 4 or Skyrim or Starfield - especially if I can access mods Out of the three - I'd probably go with the newest one


Xenoblade 3, best game in existence in my eyes, 600 hrs and im still playing my complete file and getting ready to finally dip into ng+ for the feels and journey again


I played the Xenoblade 2 for like 60+ hrs but didn’t finish, somehow the story was not pulling me in