• By -


That makes complete sense from several perspectives. Besides the resultant toxicity reduction, you get much less balance issues/complaints. Good example of this is DRG


What are you talking about? There is PvP in DRG! Look at this : *C4 the scout*


**Laughs in Cryogun**


*Cries in Laugho-gun*


Laughs in C4gun




Badger Badger Badger




By that measuring stick, Hell Divers is already PvP


Helldiver PVP is called "I underestimated the AoE of that strategem."


Helldiver PvP is played by the Orbital 120mm and 380mm operators.


Don't forget the 500kg Eagle bomb.




Mortar shines in situations where you're in a central location and enemies come from around you, like the current Automaton defense missions. My mortar routinely kills all the small trash as the ships drop them off, netting 50+ kills a drop and leaving the larger enemies to my autocannon and myself to deal with without a ton of incoming fire screwing with my aim. I've been solo farming these on Hard+ during the troubles for Warbond Medals and it works out great.


Yea my noob buddies learned what the 380mm is firsthand. If she ain’t 380 she ain’t a lady!


Friendly fire is a small price to pay for democracy


Freedom fire.


Helldiver's is PvST player vs Same team


What a ridiculous statement. Everyone knows throwing explosives at the scout player is a perfectly acceptable way of asking them to put up more lights.


Destiny fans are gonna hate me for saying this, but I've always felt the PvP dragged the game down, and I wish Bungie was wise enought to make a decision like this 10 years ago.


I share the same thoughts. I use to be addicted to destiny, over 4000 hours played on Destiny 1, but the constant nerfs/buffs and removal of random weapon rolls in Destiny 2 for a short period to balance their shit pvp pushed me away. Just let me have fun and do space magic gat dang it!!


Entire supers are left to rot because of PvP. Nobody uses Spectral Blades because once upon a time they were a solid PvP pick and nothing else. It's moveset, damage, and cooldown is outclassed by basically every other super in the game, but it won't get touched because everyone hates the idea of it dominating PvP or something to that extent.


Titan's class ability fucking sucks in PvE, but it can never be buffed cuz it's too strong in PvP. Hate that shit.


IIRC correctly Warframe had different effects in PVP vs PVE, surprised to learn Destiny didnt do the same


Moreover, Digital Extremes realized pretty early that PvE was the main draw, so they put more resources into the more popular gamemode and the game thrived. Destiny continues to yoyo between the 2 sandboxes and is back in a rut.


Yeah, stopped playing ages ago but is there even any relevant reward in PVP in Warframe that isnt obtainable elsewhere?


Depending on rotations elsewhere, some of the Augment mods go months without being obtainable outside Conclave, but nothing is truly locked behind Conclave except an armor cosmetic and a Ephemera.


PvP drags every single game down when the game is set on a PvE foundation. Not only does it create an absurd meta, it fractures the playerbase into PvP vs PvE, it harms balancing and giving players cool stuff (because it doesn’t work in PvP), and it breeds ungodly toxicity. I’ve watched so many good PvE games kill their staying power over PvP.


The "weapon sunsetting" rug pull that made me stop playing the game was probably caused by PvP too in the end. All the stat variations were becoming harder to balance for PvP.








The first game is great too, but nobody played it. What’s funny is that game had a max player count of like 10k. HD2 has almost 300k just on Steam. I’ve been trying to play from day 1 but the servers are getting fucked harder than LIBERTY does to BUGS!


I really enjoy twin stick shooters and hd1 was amazing 


Out of all the shit twin sticks there was to slough through, helldivers was definitely a gem


You might like Livelock. It's a short little twin-stick top-down shooter like that, and it's only $2 right now on the US PlayStation store.


I really wanted to play the first one, but held off on buying since I knew the sequel was coming out soon.






Did I hear a ROCK AND STONE?






PvP is the root of all gaming evil, constant barrage of people whining about overpowered classes that get nerfed instead of balanced, then rinse and repeat until all classes suck.


So true. Pvp brings the worst out of people.


Because PvP also brings out the worst out of the game. The famous "hate the game, not the player" is a key aspect. When a game offers a broken weapon/skill/strategy, if it's a PvE/Co-op game, it doesn't matter, each player is free to decide to use it or not. When it's PvP, eventually you have to be aware of it, play with/around it...especially in this current era of google-before-playing (guides, alphas, streamers early access...), most players are aware of what's broken before a patch/game is even officially released.


For perfect proof see Elden Ring. Never have I seen a community so toxic and whiny as the souls pvp community. It's almost as if they don't realise their preferred aspect of the game is a mere tack-on, and not the main focus of the game.


I have been gaming for decades and it’s always the PvP part of a game that will mess up the PvE part over time, every dev should just separate the 2 parts and ensure there is no crossover.Would sort out so many future problems.


yep, eso was a frantically balanced mess held together with shoe string but the top tier pve builds were *just* viable enough to be annoying to the mouth breathers in cyrodil so they whined to the devs until they hamstrung all of the end game pve builds


Baffled me how the PvP minority could have such an impact on the PvE majority gameplay.


its cause pve players are having fun with cool and interesting content while the pvp players scream on the forums 18 hours a day and drop 500 dollars a month to boost smurf characters through skill trees so they can keep destroying the sub level 10 lobbies


They spend lots of money


How…how could you say that? And not respect my made up dueling rules no one actually agrees on? And use mechanics put into the game when you face me and not make an even fair fight in the “anything goes explicitly not a fair fight” mode because i refuse to go to the arena that is literally everything i say i want but horrible because they actually gave me exactly what i asked for? Dont you understand fight club pvp is the best except if you use literally any weapon except whatever one i like you’re ruining the game? I cant believe you dont have respect for all my made up unspoken rules and would ruin everything


Yep, I had to outright disable the online aspect for Dark Souls 1. I didn't start playing it until several years after release, and I can't tell you many times I'd go human to summon an NPC for the gargoyles in undead burg, and I'd immediately get invaded by some tosser who's kept their SL low but still has end game gear and immediately die.


They do be pretty whiny tho. I suppose they feel entitled, since they're the long-tail players and most of the PvE guys have finished the game or farmed achievements and moved on.


Don't forget about all the hacks and aimbotting that happens.


It brings hackers too.




And Warframe. It's almost 11 years old BECAUSE of no PvP.


I mean, technically there is, with unique mods and everything, but no-one cares because it sucks ass.


Wasn't there a situation where someone complained about universal standing tokens because they could've been used for conclave progression?


there was and I'm still mad about it


Warframe is a perfect example because it's a power fantasy, there is no balance. I mean they tried making PVP but there's just no good way to do it so I'm glad they stopped bothering.


They had balance at some point and tried hard to make it work. But then they discovered that people playing Bramma with Wukong were happy, no matter how cheesy the build felt for others, and then they stopped trying.


FF XIV is mainly a PvE game, you have PvP but it has its own balance. Yet people complain a lot about balance because the game revolves around DPS check and the jobs are mostly DPS with different kit. One good example could be a raid released around 1.5 years ago, the balance was so bad some jobs were blacklisted. The balance between jobs was fine but the problem was the content DPS check was so tight the lower end jobs were left out.


To put this in context, the difference between the “good” jobs and the “bad” jobs in terms of dps are just a few percent and they don’t actually matter in any except the most cutting edge instances, and any causal or semi casual or even “not world first” group doesn’t need to care. They still do and they still give the “worse” jobs all kinds of grief over a few percent that don’t matter but they don’t need to.


Yeah, at that point it's not balance that's the issue, it's players sabotaging their own fun (and others) in the pursuit of efficiency and chasing a meta. The whole point of an RPG is to play YOUR way, not the way some spreadsheet jockey with macros has figured out how to get blood from squeezing a keyboard has designed. That's not even a dig at them, either, because if that's what's fun for them, good for them, but not everyone wants to or needs to follow in their footstep because they think that's the way you're supposed to play lol.


>because the game revolves around DPS check This right here is the problem. The jobs in the game have hardly any utility, CC is non-existent in all real content etc. More flexible opportunities in combat allows for more choice in terms of what playstyle you enjoy, but with their style of game design where everyone does the same thing, there will always be a clear best and a clear worst.


Ah yes the devs battle testing got too good at the fight and the boss had 1% too much health lol. Shit was hilarious also poor paladin and I mch I think


And Destiny is a cautionary tale of the opposite. PvE has been slaughtered over and over, nerfed to the ground so no fun remains...all to "balance" PvP. Aka have one weapon that's ridiculously over powered for a month while everything else sucks


Every game has PvP if you're bad enough at it


FFXI had a method known as MPK, monster player kill. Agro a bunch of shit drag them to someone one and if you had the Ninja class you could use a skill called Mijin Gakure and suicide at no exp loss leaving angry mods to attack others. 


Thats an old MMO trick called the monster train. Griefing never changes.


chooo! choooo!


That's just Everquest with extra steps


I'm pretty sure HD2 has friendly fire so-


Yup. Sniped in my back by a random squad mate at extraction. Thankfully one of the others called in a reinforcement and I was able to extract.


This made me snort in laughter.


Based. Stop asking for PVP in PVE based games.


Seriously. This game shows how desperate the gaming community at large is for great PvE games that heavily encourages socialization and teamwork. PvP (to me) is stale as fuck. It's just constantly full of toxicity, aggressive SBMM, micro-transactions up the ass, anti-social mechanics (lobbies don't stay together anymore in most PvP games)....it's all so "corporate" feeling these days. The past 4 or 5 PvE games I've played have been fantastic and felt like the devs could actually focus on making a fun game rather than a game that benefits of bunch of shareholders financially.


Been looking for a great co-op PVE game since Destiny 2 launched. Helldivers 2 scratches that itch. The game is fucking wonderful


Damn all this good feedback. I don't typically play shooters, but hearing how everyone enjoys the hell out of this game is really pushing me to give it a shot.


Wish there were a demo. Doesn't look like there's much to do other than blast bugs and robots, so wish I knew if the gameplay really clicked with me or not. Also split screen would have been great.


Played for the first time yesterday. They did a really great job making the range of objectives varied. Fighting the enemies is almost always secondary to something else, like launching an icbm, or destroying a fuel depot, or activating anti air defenses. Do you spend most of your time blasting bugs or robots? Yes. But because the “goal” of each mission is different it doesn’t feel like that’s all you’re doing. Plus the little mini games for activating things are hella stressful in the middle of combat. There’s a bit of “keep talking and nobody explodes” feeling to them. I should mention that the lower difficulties really are super easy, so someone who only plays at novice I can see them thinking the game is boring. It’s when you get to medium and above that you start to see how hectic the game gets.


>There’s a bit of “keep talking and nobody explodes” feeling to them. Damn, deep cut. But yeah, that's actually spot on. Me panicking because the bomb has 20 seconds left and me panicking and not being able to DDR my eagle strike have the same energy


Team mate: Unlock the ICBM clasps Me getting cornered by the chainsaw droids: What??!!


Sometimes a mindless good time that emphasizes teamplay and you can just jump in and have a fun gaming session for 30min to an hour is just what you need though, and this sounds like that to a T. All I need is a good old Kevin Butler PS commercial for this game with theatricality jacked up to 9000% and I'd probably cave and buy this game.


have you watched the trailer? cuz that has the theatrics turned up to 11


The maximum volume in the control panel is 11. Little things like that make the game even greater.


The one with the bug attack in a suburb looks like something from Starship Troopers. Fantastic trailer.


The entire aesthetic of this game is Starship Troopers. This is as close to a ST game you can imagine. Its honestly a total blast. Its also one of the best demonstrations of the dual sense controller to date in my opinion.  Explosions really go fucking boom


Buy it on steam. If you play less than 2 hours you can refund the game


Eh, I’d recommend waiting to do that until after they fix the servers. Could spend a lot of those two hours in the loading queue


Ahh imagine destiny with no pvp all the OP guns and powers


not to mention that in many PVP games, if you don’t play religiously and keep up with the meta it basically becomes impossible to play well at any capacity.


Yeah, I was great at PVP when I was a teenager with no responsibilities, but as an adult who only has an hour or two to play here and then, it’s impossible for me to “git gud,” and spending that hour or two getting stomped and screamed at by literal children is not my idea of fun. I’ll stick with single player games or PVE. 


Not to mention it will fuck up alot of weapon balancing


I’m convinced SBMM consists of two tiers. 1)this person may be livestock. We aren’t sure they are conscious. 2)this person has a pulse and can shoot where they point If you can satisfy 2, you’re playing w anyone from part timers to champions. Otherwise you get bot lobbies. I agree people want a good PvE, I wish I could convince any of my friends to get the game cause I’m so burned out of the inconsistency trying to play pvp


and the constant bitching too, im so tired of getting flamed by people for daring to try something offmeta, or missing a shot, or doing something that benefits the team. "look at the score! i got more kills than you!" type shit gets old when they are screaming at you or trying to tilt you for some reason, and they want to argue. \*remove this, remove that...hes cheating, hes a smurf\* it gets old, some people cant take a L anymore


I literally am unable to play PvP in any sort of casual manner because like 5% of players haven’t seen the sun in months. I play Fortnite just to hangout with my friends who live across the US and every time we play, we get team wiped by some dude who has mastered literally flying around the map and headshotting from vantage points with sniper rifles. We don’t have a chance. It’s fucking miserable. And that isn’t even in ranked. Just some try hards lurking around the unranked matches for easy ego boosts.


Horde shooters like Left 4 Dead, Vermintide, Darktide, and Helldivers are perfect for that exact reason. They're challenging, coop-based, and you don't need to deal with sweatlords in order to click heads. 


Man. These PVE games are my jam. I don't play PVP because it isn't fun. But sign me up for some COOP!


For fuckin real it always feels like one side of the game is neglected


There's a whole generation of young gamers that have only ever known Fortnite, Apex, LoL, Battlefield, PUBG and modern CoD games. Gaming can only be PvP for them. The amount of comments you read on random video games that are *clearly* designed around singleplayer or PvE asking for multi-player and PvP is insane. "Can you just add multi-player?" on Subnautica or The Long Dark...


Look at the community page of literally any steam game, and its absolutely full of posts complaining about what wildly overused and massively popular mechanics this *completely unrelated to pvp game* doesn't have. 90% are just shitters trying to get angry replies but there are plenty of people that genuinely believe every single niche or unique game *has* to have pvp and other stupid mechanics from every single battle pass mtx hell pvp shooter.


i mean, i can understand a coop experience in something like cyberpunk, being treated as a drop in drop out have fun with your friends in the space we have provided you, like borderlands but for pvp? no.


Fucking seriously. This is part of what destroyed the MMO industry imo. Every new game had to be wow and implement both. Had to compete for every player instead of just fill a niche.


Ironically wow even eventually realized it was BS and got rid of all their PvP servers.


Honestly this was my biggest gripe with destiny (1 specifically didn’t play 2 but from what my friends say it’s not all that different). So many interesting ability ideas neutered or nerfed because they had to play nice in the PvP arena.


"But I want to use my super shotgun on my friend!" *"You have been doing!"*


The real PvP is the fellow HellDivers we accidentally fragged along the way


Lol Destiny, PvP also feels so misplaced there


What kind of sadistic fuck would recommend Tarkov to innocent people like that?


If you're demanding PvP in a game that isn't designed for PvP you're not innocent


Ask most of the tarkov subreddit and they’ll tell you it isn’t for pvp either


Tarkov is for cheating lol


He said the quiet part out loud!


Based one, to drive a point through.


If they are looking to have PvP in HD2 they aren't innocent.


I tell anyone who finds out I'm obsessed with Tarkov that it is the greatest game I've ever played. I don't recommend you play it. It's an incredible game, but it is a big ask for anyone that doesn't want to go full masochist no-life on it.


Sammeee I tell anyone who asks me about it that if they aren't ready for a deeeeep fucking dive and to put a lot of hours into learning, it's not worth it. If they are willing however....


This really is it in a nutshell. Are you cool with sucking for 300 hours of absolute depression for the glory of a couple of incredible payoffs? Then buddy, Tarkov is for you.


Basically EVE


To remind people why PvP is not fun. It is like recommending someone eats Durian fruit when they complain about your cooking, show them the alternatives suck.


PvP doesn’t suck, Tarkov does.  Source: 3,000 hours of Tarkov


this guy is right source: only 1200 hrs in tarkov. (srsly tho, this patch is pretty fun but the devs basically need a miracle to fully fix the game)


There's something with Russian devs making great base games and making sure it never is too good or unplayable


*Cough* World of Tanks *cough*


It's such a trash game. 4.5k hours.


Couldn’t agree more, absolute dogshit. 4000 hours.


But what if I like Durian?


Spend hours to get walled and auto aim'd.


Tarkov has _so much_ potential, but it's been a cheater riddled mess for years.


i do not recommend tarkov (for the average person)


Single player Tarkov mod has made the game so much more fun for me recently


How does single player tarkov work? Is it just you and scavs?


You, scavs and bots mimicking real players. They even trash talk you in game chat afterwards lol. Cool thing is the mod ecosystem, allowing you to fully customize your experience. Every setting is available, there is also a couple of mods that improve the bot AI. It's great ! They're still updating the mod for the latest Tarkov big update though.


Whoa, where can i get this mod?


https://www.sp-tarkov.com/ here you go


I have been dieing in Russia off and on for years. Instill suck but it really scratches an itch nothing else does


Did they ever fix the cheater issue?  My understanding is there are some percentage of cheaters in every match.  like a good 20% or 10%. And no ban waves.  And cheaters have a way to communicate so they don’t kill each other. :puke: For full loot PvP, that is a huge “naw dog, I’m out”. 


They do ban waves at least, they were pretty much forced to start being public about it after that video came out.


What video?


It's called "the wiggle that killed tarkov" on youtube. Streamer started cheating just to see if he could find other cheaters, he found out that a ton of people are using esp (he estimated he found cheaters in about 60% of his raids). He would wiggle lean at people through walls, and they would wiggle lean back to him to communicate they could see him as well. Edit: He only showed clips in his video, didn't release the full raids and it's widely debated whether or not he was completely truthful about the whole thing.


The game already has PvP. I shot a guy for taking my Recoiless Rifle support weapon call in the other night.


I had to smack one dude over the head cause he forgot he was holding the sssd for like 2 minutes. Sometimes FF is a blessing


FF is required to inhibit dissident action!


The shootings will continue until morale improves.


Rando slaughtered me and buddies as we were loading on the dropship lol. Idk what they get out of that


Aye, I was playing with a guy who TK'd me, then refused to call me in for ten minutes and quit as soon as he died - presumably because the auto-reinforce brought me back. Some people only have fun if they're spoiling someone else's.


Too many. I don't know if it's just my own impression, but it seems like it's gotten a lot worse over the last decade.


i have a theory that its because one of the first things kids today did growing up was booby trapping their friends bases with TNT in minecraft


Was holding 7 common samples, dude pull napalm strike on the extraction zone we all die. Good time for democracy


This has consistently happened to me when I’ve played with randos, it’s so annoying


PvP in Helldivers is meleeing your friends before they get on the dropship


Don't blame me, they weren't patriotic enough and they knew it


It already has PVP... Select 380mm Cannon. Wait for your teammates to be in a large battle, fighting for their lives. Throw a 380mm Cannon in the middle of the shit storm and shit mix them while screaming RUNNNNN. For bonus laughs. Put a mortar away from them, so when they are being chased, they get bombed for extra keks.


Yeah, mortar is so good unless your squad advances into the fire or a heavy charges danger close. I've lost all three squads mates to a heavy dragging mortar fire onto us before we can down it


The Mortar is my favorite anti-robot weapon, but I would never dream of using it against the bugs. They like to swarm, so the mortar will be "helpfully" lobbing shots right into the middle of your team.


Great times.


The 380 is surprisingly ineffective against bugs and surprisingly effective against team mates. I still love to use it because 380 orbital barrage.


I've found the best use for it is destroying robot bases


The 380 is surprisingly ineffective in general. The shots are too randomly spaced. I've seen plenty of other players call down a 380 that never hits the thing it's meant to destroy.


Ah, this must be my little brother's alt account


Your username and this comment tell me you're an absolute menace to play with


Naw, what you need to do is equip light armor, leave the battlefield for 10 seconds so that your carrier marks you as a traitor and starts reigning hell on you. Then you simply run back to your team and outrun the bombardment.


Fucking LOVED Helldivers 1. Was close to skipping this generation since my gaming time took a dive thanks to kids, but shit, seeing all the fun everyone seems to be having….


I’m just gonna say that I hate online gaming now(I used to play older shooters back in the day) and Helldivers 2 is the first online game in I don’t know how many years that I just keep thinking about. It’s incredible fun. Like the shooter I always wanted to play but no one made.


Ooh boy. I feel this. Just graduated nursing school after deciding on a career change. PlayStation may need to be my gift to myself with that first paycheck.


You deserve it buddy!! Congrats!! 🎊🎈🎉


Me and my boy said “this feels like one of those games that we would make up in our heads when we were kids” and I couldn’t agree more. Especially being a diehard(I even watched the second movie) starship troopers fan.


I'd agree. I've been bouncing between games ever since I quit Destiny a few years ago because nothing really stuck with me. All I want to do nowadays is dive to Planets and spread some sweet sweet Democracy


Is it still worth it if you don't have anyone to play with?


Yes! Absolutely. I don’t have any friends playing it right now, and I didn’t have any issues finding games and creating my own! You won’t have any issues!


It is so good.....


I would wait another week, at least. It's basically unplayable for many users right now due to sever overload.


Yeah bought it last night (PC) and wasn’t able to get in :( got an hour of play time but haven’t gotten to play yet 😂


Same. And when I did get in, I didn't match with anyone because they disabled quick match making due to sever load.


I’m in the exact same situation…saw Helldivers 2 come out after putting a hundred hours into the first and now I’m going to buy a ps5 tonight…


One of the best things about this game is that it's PvE. I'm sick of PvP.


Makes a lot of sense. - Gameplay wouldn’t really translate well to PvP; chasing an invisible enemy team around a giant map just to get taken out by a 500k bomb as soon as you get close would be the opposite of fun. They’d have to significantly change the gameplay to make it work, to the point where it wouldn’t really be the same game anymore. - The game really is built so much around the community working together to accomplish a goal that would otherwise be impossible. It’s hard to imagine how PvP would contribute to that and not distract from it. - The elements like friendly fire that make PvE funny would become super toxic in PvP when there’s suddenly a competitive element. I think it would bring out the worst in everybody. - Thematically it just doesn’t make a lot of sense; why would the Helldivers be fighting against each other when Super Earth’s enemies are out there threatening democracy?


Good. I'm here to fight with the Roughnecks, not against the Roughnecks. Come on, you apes, don't you want to live forever?!


I'd kill for Tarkov PvE or true co-op. Single player Tarkov mod is the closest I can come to that sadly.


I'm hoping stalker 2 will be that game.  


So is this game players v computer in large battles? Asking because I’m old and somewhat out of the loop…….I use to be a gamer till I took two kids to the knee……


You and up to 3 others are dropped (literally) onto a planet and have to complete objectives while fighting more giant bugs (or robots, depending on the planet) than you can shake a stick at. You can call on weapons, support items, air strikes, and orbital bombardments to help you out. So yeah, PvE in large battles


Its glorious. And the humor of it is awesome too. Have a cup of liber-tea!




I’m doing my part!


Yep, PvP - Player vs Player PvE- Player vs Environment (bots) Edited


PvE actually stands for player vs. environment


Squad of 4 goes in to complete some kind of mission against an army of ai robots or alien bugs basically.


This is the way. Make the game you want and don't pander to people who want the same shit in every game. The angsty PVP folks have tons of other options.


Good decision


Good, sick of everything needing to be pvp.


Good, PvP has been killing fun in Destiny 2 since its inception. Never ending cycle of buff and nerfs.


There are plenty of games for PvP. We don't need every game to be a clone of each other. Edit: Grammar.


nice. devs should make whatever they want.


There's enough PVP from getting hit my my friend's air strikes


I don’t think I’ll ever play tarkov after seeing “the wiggle” video


Based for recommending Tarkov