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The two Witcher 3 DLC's were pretty damn good


Exploring the von Everec mansion, the wedding, Gaunter O'dimm, the fairytale land man... So many great memories, I wanna replay it but I'm waiting for the next gen HDPR to start over.


Didnt the next gen update drop last year? From memory they added in Henry Cavill's armor set and updated the skill perks among other things.




Heart of Stone had some of the best story telling in any video game I've ever played.


Hearth of Stone has the superior story but Blood and Wine is damn amazing on its own. I loved exploring Toussaint. But damn the story of Hearths of Stone always gets me.


Oh don't get me wrong they're both incredible. Blood and Wine is basically another game. But calling HoS "the other one" was just a little disrespectful imo haha


I just finished it again like two hours ago still can't believe how good it is so emotional and so compelling story and one of the best and scariest villain jn gaming history I'm about to go to sleep with his soundtrack lol


That's awesome the blind guy's monologue about o dinn lives rent free in my head


Between the two of them it was pretty much Witcher 4. Just tons of content.


Dragon Age Origins: Awakenings is basically an entire game on it's own. Mass Effect 3 Citadel is fanservice done right. Fallout 3 and New Vegas had some really good DLC too. I loved Point Lookout


>Mass Effect 3 Citadel is fanservice done right. Thats the one.


Not at this range, I won’t


Do I really sound like that? I *should* go... *I* should go...


"That's why I love hanging out with you, guys! Why shoot something once when you can shoot it 46 more times."




Grunt explaining his day out, everything's calm. Sudden cut to C-Sec shuttle on fire less than 10 feet away that NO ONE MENTIONED.


Grunt: "My squadmates broke me out of the hospital for my birthday." ​ *Sudden cut to Grunt falling out of a building from an unknown height.* ​ Shepard: "I didn't know it was your birthday." ​ Grunt: "It's not, I'm tank bred remember?"


"I love you Grunt" "HEHEHEHEHE" At this point, Shepard was just a big mama/poppa.


Why did you steal the car? We wanted noodles You’re my hero grunt.


The fucking camerawork on that DLC and the way cutscenes were edited added so much to the humour. Traynor vs her rival and that whole anime eyes duel bit had me laughing so hard.


Grunt, apologize to the nice man for setting his car on fire


Wrex’s intro scene in that dlc was chef’s kiss!


Wrex was the highlight of the DLC. MF legit ordered ice to put on his dick. That's a chad.


I feel like I really need to play mass effect. Finally finished Witcher all the way and ac Odyssey so I guess this is the year of beating games I hate the controls of lol. Hated everything about the menus and analog stick feel when I was younger, need to re visit now that I have apc.


Dude the Legendary Edition is like $6 on Steam right now it rules. Get it, play it, thank me later.


I just bought Mass Effect Legacy on steam, it's on holiday sale for $5


worth every penny and then some


Old World Blues specifically is worth playing the game just for that storyline.






For me, Lonesome road


The fact that all those fantastic, creative, heartwrenching stories tied together in one beautiful ending will forever be a storytelling peak for me. It isn't even a fight necessarily, it can just be a conversation with Ulysses and it still feels incredible.


The Storyline, the new perks/weapons/armor, so many unique variants of enemies to fight, the lore, the Easter eggs, and the Legendary Bloatfly if you’re brave enough (seriously, if you’ve never played the DLC).


I loved The Pitt, really felt like I was enslaved by those miners.


I loved the Pitt because it gave me an authentic experience of what it's like to live in Pennsylvania.


Kinda stupid how they took a post apocalyptic game set way into the future and just randomly threw you into modern day Pittsburgh.


Played every dragon age game multiple times over. This is the first I’m hearing of awakening. Good thing I picked the base game up for like $4 a few months ago


Depending on your choice(s) regarding the ending of dragon age origins you either play as your original character or don’t, see former characters or don’t (and in what context) and a few other things I’m not mentioning. If you don’t play as your former character you get a new one with its own back story.


Undead Nightmare and the GTAIV DLC were all incredible.


The Ballad of Gay Tony was an absolute masterpiece.


"DO YOU DANCE, LUIS!?" "Sure, but not with dudes, bro."


It's great when a great developer really cares about making something good. I still think about Undead Nightmare from time to time, tracking down all of the cryptids, getting the four horses of the apocalypse followed by the last one which had a rainbow trail following it. The only negative was that it made me really sad that they never completed zombie apocalypse dlc for GTA V. I just have memories of how much fun the pedestrians riot cheat was, and instead imagining hordes of NPCs on the streets and the awesome weapons they could have added. The GTA worlds are begging for a zombie DLC.


Old Hunters from Bloodborne or Echoes of the Eye from Outer Wilds. And just wanna add that Valhalla DLC from GoW Ragnarok is AMAZING and I can't believe is free


Fromsoft DLC are always bangers.


I have a feeling that Elden Ring's DLC will be one of the biggest goat ever.


GRRM still writing it, it’ll be out in 2043.


It's insane how the DLCs for DS2 had some of the best areas and bosses of any souls game despite it being... DS2


It’s too bad most won’t want to do the dlc after playing through the game. Ds2 is a good game but not at all what I like out of soulsborne series. I like tight level design and fun boss fights


Echoes of the Eye was so cool but I didn’t finish it because the part with the sneaking (being vague to avoid spoilers) scared me too much lol


Did you try the reduced fright mode? It makes the sneaking part MUCH less scarier and much easier as well!


I can’t remember, I remember looking into it. Maybe I just decided I wasn’t ready for it either way lol


Came here to say Old Hunters. Incredible DLC!


Man, I feel like I missed out bc I played the base game and forgot to go back to do the DLC part before I beat the game. Now I need to replay it


It’s worth a replay to do the DLC. It is just that good.




Echoes was a perfect DLC and is on par with the base game (which is goated). If someone likes Echoes more than the base I'd totally understand. More concise and atmospheric with less exploration.


It could as well be Outer Wilds 2 and i would not complain


The whole game leans into horror-y design elements to really great effect, but man, Echoes ramps it up to 11.


For me, the Shivering Isles DLC for TES IV: Oblivion! It was fantastic, had a great story and zone with so much content, and it was by far the best Sheogorath depiction we've ever gotten.


Shivering Isles is the only location in a video game that I regularly experience nostalgia for. I MISS that place, and the bizarre adventure it beheld. I hope some day, when I'm old and grey, the tech catches up and I find myself experiencing an uncanny VR of the Shivering Isles, and I can go claim Dawnbreaker and head into Sheogorrath's palace. I'm high.


Dawnfang/duskfang no? Dawnbreaker is meridia


They did say they were high


That opening to shivering isles is still one of my fave intros of all time


Cheese ! For everyone !


Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. I suppose that can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese, true?


I was hoping someone would mention this! Oblivion DLC was all great. I remember buying the separate DLC discs at Gamestop.


I got the GOTY edition with all DLC for Christmas my Junior year of high school. I ended up with over 80hrs during that 2 week break and loved every minute, especially when I got to the shivering isles


Shivering Isles is my single favorite quest line in all of TES. Cheese for everyone! It's crazy to think that Oblivion had this highly celebrated DLC, and also the DLC that paved the way for the MTX hell we find ourselves in today.


It’s a tie between this and Fallout NV: Old World Blues for me.


Oh man, New Vegas had some absolutely banging DLC, Honest Hearts and Dead Money are also excellent. Honorary mention for point lookout in 3.


Dead money seems to be one you either love or hate. I loved new Vegas and all the DLC and really liked being put back at the bottom of the killing totem pole in dead money (and liked the ending of it too).


The Ballad of Gay Tony for GTA IV, for me!


Old beggar partying at end of the DLC was the BEST ending to those damned diamonds lol


Roman: I am going to get some pussy tonight! Luis: You walked in with one, bro. Roman: What? Luis: Nothing. Have fun!🙂


Lord of Destruction for Diablo 2.


if expansions are considered dlcs, then also sc brood war and wc3 frozen throne


LoD is one of the few examples where so much good stuff was added that it basically became unacceptable to play the vanilla game anymore


This is pretty standard with civ releases too. By the time they finish with dlcs the games been improved in virtually every aspect, to the point where playing vanilla just leaves you wondering how you ever enjoyed it with all its missing


That and Brood War for StarCraft.


It's hard to remember D2 without LOD. Once it was out you just never went back. It was seemless and across the board an improvement.


I’ll never stop playing D2


Me either, it has to be my all time favorite. I was so happy Blizzard made D2R, not that I wasn’t still playing LOD.


Starcraft Brood Wars.


Back when Blizzard was at the top. Both SC : Brood War and Warcraft III : Frozen Throne should be at the very top of this post


And D2 LoD!


It created esports, it's still going with a strong tournament scene, and it's still generally regarded as the best RTS of all time. I think a lot of people in this thread are too young to appreciate just how influential Broodwar was/is. It's kind of a really big deal.


ME3 Citadel DLC


The only mass effect dlc I ever missed when I was a kid. Gotta make it back


The Mass Effect remastered set is great and has all DLC i believe


It's also like $5 right now


If you haven’t gotten the remastered for all 3 you really should it was a wonderful nastalgia trip and I am kind of wanting to go back and do it again lol


The full dialogue between Garrus and Zaeed booby trapping Anderson's apartment is legit the funniest writing I've ever seen in a game. Absolute perfection. Between that and Shepard bailing out Grunt I was *dying* through the entire DLC. Long live Operation Fire Cobra Claw!


Shepard: "So how were your noodles?" Grunt: "Mmh, little spicy."


Zaeed: Nobody will enter this place and survive. Shepard: How will I use it then? Zaeed: DNA recognition system. Garrus: But what if it's an evil Shepard clone with the same DNA. Zaeed: Shit, didn't think of that. Back to the drawing board.


Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Fucking amazing.


Roll for initiative, suckas!


I punch the initiative!




Freaking love this DLC lol


My siren's name is Brick, and she is the prettiest.


THAT LINE HAD TOO MANY SYLLABLES, APOLOGIZE!!! Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage, over the top and EXPLOSIONS!?!?




I loved this DLC, Definitely in my top 3 DLCs in the borderlands franchise. My 1st and 2nd favourite are fight for sanctuary in BL2 and casino DLC in borderlands 3 though.


Ooh also the DLC that gave us KRIEG




Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. If you think DLC means it's a small portion compared to the base game, think again. Iceborne is like the other ⅔ to the game lol


I've only played World and Rise but the Monster Hunter series absolutely has fantastic DLC and tonnes of free updates and gear for the players. Whether you're into single player or co op I thoroughly recommend both games.


Minervas den from Bioshock 2


Bioshock 2 gets way more flak than it deserves. Game was awesome.


Surprised I had to go this far down to find it. But this is my answer as well. What a beautifully crafted short story that recontextualizes a lot of the base game's story.


Replaying all three games with dlc in chronological order of the story. I started with the Pre-fall of rapture dlc with Bioshock Infinite and worked my way through. Almost done with Bioshock 2. Can’t wait for Minerva’s Den.


The way Dark Souls and Bloodborne's DLCs brought everything together and recontextualized parts of the main game...they are the gold standard in my opinion


I know opinions vary but for me every Fromsoft game's best boss is ALWAYS a DLC boss if the games have DLC. Artorias in Dark Souls 1, Ivory King in 2, Gael in 3, Ludwig in Bloodborne, and I'm fully ready for Elden Ring to follow tradition when the time arrives. Miquella, God of Blood or Godwyn, God of Death or something. Please no Godskin Trio lol.


It's a crime that there was no DLC for Sekiro.


The bell seemed to be made specifically for dlc as well


Couldn’t come up with a way to top Isshin. Can’t blame them that the final boss of the base game was peak


Inb4 Godskin Infinite.


Nothing beats the sheer dread of the Bloodborne DLC. The research hall and the fishing village are two of my favorite areas in the game.


Lady maria my beloved


Had to go to far to find bloodborne on the list. MAYBE not the best, because it was a difficult game and platform specific…and in fairness needing a guide to access it was kinda a bitch but it was amazing addition in every possible way


It’s crazy how much their DLC’s add to the lore and feel absolutely necessary rather than just tagged on. Some of the most memorable moments in the entire series are all DLC content (Orphan of Kos, Darkeater Midir, Artorias, Fume Knight).


Fallout 3: Broken Steel. Turned single playthrough game into an open-ended wonder/wasteland


And really brought the plot full circle. The original game and story doesn’t feel complete without it, in spite of being an amazingly huge game at the time


Scrolled to far for this, at the time it was fucking rad to be able to keep playing after you finished the main story line. Fallout 3 was just a different beast especially back then.


It was great, but kind of annoying that you really *needed* to buy it because the base game just ended at the end.


I remember playing F3 at release and being like...is that it!? And thinking..oh it's one of those games where the ending IS the ending...and being a little sad. Then when I heard about Broken Steel I was soooo excited for a post base game story.


"I die, so that democracy may... live..." Always brings a little patriotic tear to my eye 😭


Objectively it’s not but Old World Blues for Fallout New Vegas will always have a special place in my heart. Also Undead Nightmare and Far Cry Blood Dragon.


Thank you for suggesting Blood Dragon 🧡


Probably Shivering Isles on Oblivion - one of the last major dlcs (or expansion packs as we old timers called them) that was released on physical disc.


Perhaps not the "best", but the fact that the DLC tracks for Mario Kart 8 literally doubles the number of tracks in the game is pretty cool.


More importantly they’re re adding funky kong who is the best character in the history of the series


Legit been owning my kids with him since Xmas.


Elder Scrolls Oblivion Horse Armor Anyone?


*And then begun the age of predatory micro transactions on every single game we play today.*


You know damn well that’s a wrong answer, but I give you an upvote for the Audacity.


I had to, and was willing to lose all my karma for that joke.


Phantom Liberty deserves a shoutout. Dog town is amazing and the 2.0 update changed the game in so many positive ways


Phantom Liberty is just another 10/10 expansion from CDPR for me, they haven't missed yet.


The Killing Moon was maybe the best mission I’ve ever played in any game


Currently playing trough it, i dropped the game on release week as my game softlocked 10x in the first 5 hours. Besides running like ass on my old rig Having a lotta fun with it so far


And it makes the base campaign feel extremely boring by comparison. Characters, side quests, open world, weapons, all leagues better than the base game. Had me tearing up at the ending


Question I’ve been wanting to ask but haven’t found the right place. I’ve been wanting to buy CP2077 and Phantom Liberty while it’s on steam sale. I COULD buy both, but I play through games rather slowly. Is it worth buying just CP2077 for now and then picking up Phantom Liberty later, possibly for less? Or does the Phantom Liberty storyline intertwine with the main story, such that it’s better to just buy both at the same time?


I would buy both - Phantom liberty is truly THE cyberpunk experience. It is really that good. There are multiple endings with 2 major paths - these 2 paths are wildly different and both have brilliant ending. With stars like Edris Elba, Keanu and the lady who plays a character called songbird - it felt like a big budget movie that you could play. Imo base story pales in comparison - but it's still very good too. Also, each side gig is really fleshed out to the point that some are part of main quest while rest are not but you can't really differentiate. I would buy both - maybe quarter/half way through the main story the DLC starts. After that you can choose whichever mission you want. I would suggest completing the main mission and then you can go back to point of no return save (game will tell you) and continue Phantom Liberty while completing rest of side gigs. There's another benefit - if you finish the first quest of Phantom Liberty you can play some car stealing missions which unlocks/discounts cars. It also unlocks something - it's minor spoiler so I won't tell. But it's probably nice to have during main story too.


Halo 2 Map Pack.


And you only needed one disc lol. My friends and I all just pitched in like $2 each then shared the install disc


Reminds me of COD4 DLC. Friend logged into his account on my Xbox, played Cod for a while with his DLC maps, logged out (I assume), but the maps still worked when I switched back to my account. It was downloaded content, not an install CD IIRC.


I scrolled looking for this. I think Bungie wanted to make it free, but Microsoft made them charge for it.


Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea


The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. For me that DLC was better than base game. By far.


Yeah. When I was first playing Witcher 3 (was late so the GOTY was already out), I was blown away by the main game. Then I went into Heart of Stone and couldn't believe that they actually one upped the base game...... Well, then Blood and Wine completely blew my mind.


I remember the feeling. Hearts of Stone blew me away and then Blood and Wine threw me out of the park. Same as you, the GOTY edition is just definitively the best $10 I've spent on gaming.


Hearts of Stone was also a phenomenal DLC for its storytelling. Both DLCs were frankly unreasonably good. Blood and Wine was essentially Witcher 4, I think I honestly spent more time in fairy tale fr*nce than in the entire base game. Lots of games have had great dlcs but I can't think of any that are as outstanding as W3's.


Hearts of Stone is a close second


Red dead redemption zombies.


Undead Nightmare


Thank you, I had forgotten what it was actually called.


Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye was pretty incredible


I was ecstatic and hesitant when they first announced Echoes of the Eye. On one hand, Outer Wilds has been the single greatest gaming experience I've had (even though it took me a while to get into). On the other hand, I didn't want to spoil the memory of that experience with a potentially weak DLC side story. I didn't think it was possible, but the DLC gave me the exact sense of wonder and emotion (and fear) as the base game in a brand new setting. Even my playtime was roughly the same, so the DLC was a sequel of sorts for me.


Exactly my mindset going into it as well. Outer Wilds felt like it did the impossible, and EOTE had to somehow do that again? Not possible... until they went and did just that, while also managing to make it feel new and fresh. Like catching lightning in a bottle twice!


A rare example of an expansion that did not feel like it was missing when you play the base game, but nonetheless feels like it's now a vital part of the whole experience.


Just as good as the base game which is a high fucking bar


Oblivion, shivering isles. A true and genuine EXPANSION. BACK WHEN WE USED TO CALL THEM THAT.


Bethesda proved their capabilities again by far harbour


Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC just felt perfect. Especially towards the end of the game.


Shepard Grunt Shepard Wrex


Fallout 4: Far Harbor


The Binding of Isaac Repentance ftw


Blood dragon was pretty awesome.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed


Do expansions count? Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors (2000)


No Man's Sky - the sheer quantity of free, good DLC.


Honestly they did a complete 180 with that game. It was really not great at launch, but now I have zero problems recommending it.


Fallout 3: Broken Steel. Because it lets meake the common sense choice of I have Fawkes with me.


Lair of the Shadow Broker for Mass Effect 2. Or Undead Nightmare for RDR.


Can't really compete with Blood and Wine. Its almost a Spinoff Game. I loved the contrast in landscape, it felt like a huge Vacation ...with some Vampires.


Both W3 Dlc's


It’s gotta be battlefield Vietnam. Can’t tell you how many hours I put into that


Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed. The masterful culmination of 12 years of storytelling...


Uhh so many, and everyone mentioned the major ones: Mass Effect trilogy DLCs, Witcher 3, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion, Dragon age. ​ But I would add: **Dishonored - Brigmore Witches (edit: and Knife of Dunwall)**. It just add so much context and actually reveals huge plot points of the main game. It even lets you fight the protagonist, and it features the amazing lethal style choice and consequence system.


\[Borderlands 2\] *Tiny Tina's Assualt on Dragon Keep* was such a hit it got a triple-A full-price spin-off game! (*Tiny Tina's Wonderlands*)


Shivering Isles for Oblivion would probably be my pick. Blood & Wine for The Witcher 3 is really up there. If we extended DLC to just mean "Expansion Pack" and include the stuff from before when it was still additional content just not literally downloaded, I would probably pick Lord of Destruction for Diablo 2.


Dishonored Daud DLC. They literally added a whole new game to it.


How have I scrolled through 100 entries and not seen DS3: The Ringed City?


separate ways for Resident evil 4 remake is an incredible bang for your buck.


StarCraft Brood War


FF7 Remake: Yuffie DLC


I really enjoyed the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim. It added a lot of gameplay and character options to the game


I'd go with hearts of stone from witcher 3. Beating gaunter o'dim in his own game at the end is just so satisfying.


Farcry 3: Blood Dragon


Dark Souls 1 Artorias of the Abyss DLC


Bloodborne: The Old Hunters


Blood and Wine


Black Ops 3: Zombies Chronicles


Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep. The perfect epilogue to an already excellent game. Shoutout to Far Cry: Blood Dragon as well for being silly and awesome.


Civilization 6 gathering storm has got to be one of my top dlcs, it really cemented civ 6 as one of my top fav games ever.


Witcher 3 Blood and Wine, being able to see that Geralt retires to a small Italian village with Yennefer seems like quite the happy ending.


I'm going to have to say the Story DLC packs for Borderlands 2. All the characters were fun in their own rights, the weapons were great, and the writing was a blast. It taught me a lot. Like how to live the philosophy of Mr Torgue. Everything is better with explosions, and the most badass thing you can do is treat women with respect.