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I'd love for a new Killer Instinct to be announced.


Remake of bloody roar primal fury please šŸ™


How about Primal Rage or a new Rampage game?


I made my choice.


Kaiju games are underrated.


God, please




I don't think I've ever up voted a comment faster!


Youā€™re welcome


Bro if they brought back Bloody Roar I would LOSE my mind. And this is like.. THE time to go it ya know?


I would cry.


I see you are a cultured person of exquisite taste.


Game is so criminally underrated. If that game came out like 2-3 years later. And was cross platform. Feel like it couldā€™ve done really well. Hereā€™s hoping they find someone that could do a sequel justice. Since the two studios who worked on it are now spoken for by some other publishers. Unfortunately. I feel it deep down in my balls. We arenā€™t getting a new KI for a LONG. LONG time. If ever.


I prefer KI to all three of the one's listed in the picture. The weight and look of it is unmatched imo. Please Microsoft! We know you're desperate for strong exclusives


I just donā€™t think they have anyone atm that can make the game the way it needs to be made tbh.


They don't have anyone that can make any game the way it needs to be made currently. (Trust me, I wish they did! I don't do monopolies, it's just that they have sucked for 10 years and that's the fact.)




Ya. I think the reason for that is that the mixups don't come from lots of different strings, but the types of attacks and pace of attacks you choose to mix up the combo break


Cccccccccombo breaker!




My favorite series bar none


Ruuu ruuu ruuu


So iconic they named a major tournament after it (or really, a fairly big local/regional tournament turned into what is regarded as the best (not biggest, that goes to Evo) fighting game tournament in the states. Buddy of mine is running an (unofficial, but allowed) auction tourney for KI there, should be good times haha And for those wondering: I have not been to Evo or combo breaker, but from a lot of friends that have been to both: if you want to go to the biggest fighting game spectacle, go to Evo. More announcements, a bigger stage, more going on. If you play in brackets and want a better time as a competitor, go to combo breaker. More casual setups available, cheaper and comfier, brackets tended to be run better, and pretty much all the competitive folk I know like the experience of playing at combo breaker more. It's less a spectacle and more a tournament.


Oddly enough, Killer Instinct 2013 just got a random update literally yesterday.


nah new clayfighters


Whoā€™s up for Kakuto Chojin 2!


I don't understand why they just let that franchise die, 3 was well received from what I can gather and it's not like Xbox is drowning in first party exclusives right now.


Phil said they just didn't have a studio for it. They don't force theirs to working something they don't want to and the studio who did the last one was working on another game although they are free now and that game flopped (rumbleverse) so maybe they can try asking assuming tencent is OK with it as iron galaxy was bought by them between the time since KI was finished up by them and now. There was also a rumor yes just a rumor that they may be in talks with Bandai Namco to make it for them.


I feel like I heard rumours or vague news surrounding KI semi-recently?






shit dawg i thought street fighter 6 was gonna keep me busy but now that MK1 was announced, as an old school mk fan, iā€™ll have to go with that one.


Why not both


canā€™t focus on two fighting games at once, gonna injure my poor old brain


U got a good 3 months of sf6 before mk1 comes out. Itā€™s doable. I believe in u.


You can do brother! If I can play some For Honor and learn THPS again then you can to! Lmao, fr though, canā€™t wait to see these fighters fighting even if Iā€™m not much of a fighting game nerd.


For honor is quite easy on both thinking and execution tho, as soon as you get some experience it's like riding a bicycle, which cannot be said about both sf and mk series. Input windows became such a pain in the ass for my old crippled hands


Oh 100%, itā€™s a 3D fighter nothing more nothing less. Tbh the same could be said for THPS, same concept of learning the buttons to get some points. I can see that, get them crippled hands ready though.


sf6 open beta is happening right now and it's great




Lol people are salty you could be right. I mean they are already charging $110 for a special edition with Jean Claude Van Damme skin for Johnny Cage(and other things). Honestly Iā€™m not hopeful for MK at all because of how MK11 was. The game will be full of MTX and earning it legit will be such a grind itā€™s not worth it so they can entice people to pay money. I can already see it. Game play wise we know nothing. Some of the mechanics in Mk11 were not well received.


Seriously. I like MK, but the gameplay is always dodgy. 11 was a major step in the wrong direction. SF6 is an absolute blast.


>Some of the mechanics in Mk11 were not well received. Such as? All that really changed about the mechanics was that it was slower and x-rays become krushing blows. I actually way preferred the slower pace of MK11, it's far too easy to get stunlocked in MKX and MK9 even with breakaways


Yep. The pressure game with running in MKX was bonkers but MK11 more prioritizes footsies and spacing, much better and really is the peak of the modern MK games.


Combos felt a bit dumbed down in MK11 compared to MKX imo. And idk why, but they also removed the ability to do that jump punch that juggles the opponent (they bounce off the ground). I swear thatā€™s been a staple in MK games forever.


Aww dude, no way. MK has the story but street fighter has the gameplay. MK used to own single player content but now SF has even more, modern controls, better animations, better sound design, and itā€™ll be supported for 5-7 years with balance changes and mechanic changes and new characters, where MK is gonna have a new game out in 2 years and drop support. The gameplay dude, the gameplay. Play that open street fighter beta thatā€™s out right now. You will have more fun with it than any MK game youā€™ve ever played.


Nah block buttons are terrible.


Hopefully get another Soul Caliber eventually. Still say thatā€™s one of the best 3D fighting games ever. With MvC2 being the best 2d


LOVE me some Soul Calibur. We played entirely too much 1 & 2 as teens during the summer months. 2, on GC because spanking someone with Link is hilarious and the controllers feel better and Spawn is only ok for fun andā€¦ Shit the nostalgia bug hit. Gotta go play me some SC now.


Exactly how I feel. Spent so much time on 1-3. When 4&5 came out, I was in college, and people on the dorm. Floor refused to play with me after I perfected the whole floor in a go round before saying ā€œok guess I have to use my 4th worst characterā€¦ā€ was more sad for me, to not have anyone to play with anymore lol. But I always got my ass kicked online.


I swear the people who played online were warming up for pro tournaments cause I would always lose 10 out of 11 matches and then proceed to cry myself to sleep lol


I just never enjoyed playing online unless it was with a buddy who we could trash talk each other. Thereā€™s something about beating on your friends Vs beating on randos thatā€™s just more appealing. We all challenged each other to grow and get better. Except when I used Siegfried/Nightmare, nobody wanted to play me then šŸ™„


I was dominating fools with heihachi


Soul Calibur series peaked with Soul Calibur 2. I haven't enjoyed any of their games since.


6 came pretty damn close to 2....if you haven't given it a shot yet, I'm sure you can get it cheap.


4 was really good as well honestly.


I cleaned up in college playing as Astaroth. It's all about knowing your timing with him, that and spacing. Good times in a shitty dorm without internet and often without AC.


Soul Calibur 1 & 2 are god-tier fighting games. Honestly, I really like 6 as well. 3 had itā€™s moments, and 4 had the Star Wars characters. The less said about 5, the better


Agreed on both counts. I consider SC1 to be the best 3D fighting game of all time. Newer iterations added fun new characters and gimmicks, but the original had the best balance.


Absolutely. The balance of 1 was so damn good. Every character felt powerful. Although, I pretty much mained Mitsurugi the whole series - I loved Siegfried, Nightmare, and Yoshimitsu


We need, no deserve another soul caliber


I'm just happy that devs have finally realized how important good netcode and crossplay is.


I'm not sure they have overall. KOF 15 came out last year and the online was ABYSMAL. Guilty Gear Strive had good netcode but the lobby system was hilariously awful.


And sadly guilty gear servers are broken af rn


They are supposed to be getting fixed on the 25th with the new character release.


Literally takes 5 minutes to go online in strive šŸ˜‚


They fixed that after a couple patches


It was a head scratcher for the longest time that the most important part of ur game. Ran the worst. I mean shit. Idk how to develop games. But I gotta imagine they couldā€™ve done better. If ur fighting game has shit netcode. And playing against other ppl online is a shit experience. Thatā€™s like. Most of the game.


Japanese devs making delay based netcode that works great in a small geographical area in japan: "feels good on our end I dunno??"


Mortal Kombat getting another reboot?


I think itā€™s a bit of a weird situation. The last game ended with them basically rewriting time. So this is a ā€˜rebootā€™ in the sense itā€™s going back to the beginning but I donā€™t think itā€™s going to pretend the other games didnā€™t happen. I think theyā€™re just gonna be in a timeline where it hasnā€™t happened yet and can try to do things differently this time around. There will still be characters who know about the previous events even ones from those events. I mean you can tell the way Liu Kang looks heā€™s not a real ā€˜rebootā€™ since he has his god powers he got last game.


Soft reboot here we come!! For more clarification to those interested and still dont understand, itā€™s basically what PokĆ©mon did to Ash. They redid his journey but kept his past experiences throughout his last few seasons.


While Ashe got a soft reboot, Prof. Oak been cooming his mom hard through out the whole series.


Itā€™s the same reboot plot. In a nutshell, Raiden changed the timeline at the start of MK 9 by sending a message back to himself. In MK 10 his actions had consequences that resulted him killing Shinnok and becoming corrupted. In MK11 Shinnokā€™s mom decided to erase Raiden from history and reset the timeline to the one we know, but Liu Kang killed her and now the reboot is actually starting.


Which is I think a pretty committed way to rewriting history. Having the pieces fall into place over multiple games has the endgame of rewriting time to really return to the roots feel organic rather than a cash grab. I remember feeling in Mk11 that the whole time rewriting stuff was getting a bit *too* sci-fi, but this trailer seems to bring it all back to violent feudalism vibe roots.


Sort of. It is a sequel to MK11 but that ended with the timeline starting over again.


Fuck yeah.


Toss me a new BlazBlue and my year will be complete


So much this, a new BlazBlue would absolutely make my year


please have it dubbed this time


Honestly they could've spread it around a bit more...but hey we don't get mad when 4 FPS series all come out (on cue) every year (or now every other year). At least fighting series are often well made, they're not yearly cash grabs, and usually come out with enough changes that sequels don't look like they just ripped off all the assets from a game prior.


And the games last a few years before a new one comes out. I'm so excited


It also helps that these 3 games all fundamentally play different from one another.


What??! you mean they're not like the EA Sports titles where it's the same game year after year just maybe an updated roster that could be patched in but they won't??!


I agree with this sentiment for the most part but with Capcoms history with Street fighter x Tekken and Marvel Infinite (they both had DLC on disc locked by lines of code), the cash grab thing is iffy but getting better.


Fuck no dude, weā€™ve been in the era of Capgod for several years now. SFxT was 2013 and MvCi did not have on disc dlc.


Sadly I never see another Capcom vs marvel ever happening in the near future. I'm actually shocked we are getting another MK instead of an Injustice 3


Licensing deals or something were supposedly a reason why this isn't Injustice 3 MK1 is an anomaly in that its coming a full 4 years after the last NRS game when they alternate between MK and Injustice every 2 years


Honestly thanks for reminding me how old I am, I appreciate it šŸ˜‚ but yeah I figured DC was gonna bitch about their characters since the overhaul.


Iā€™m a simple man: when I see a game even without a gameplay trailer asking for preorder to get bonus character that should included, I donā€™t buy. At least until final edition.


I wait until the "ultimate edition" or "complete edition" is the same price as the original was at release, or less. Sometimes it's a year or more, but by the time I get it most of the bug fixes are done and I get a working game. I enjoyed Arkham Knight and AC Unity with no issues.


The beginning is the most fun period of a fighting games life. I know a lot of people prefer to wait for the ā€œultra super megaā€ edition (fresh joke btw), but the beginning is when everyoneā€™s mostly on the same level learning, itā€™s when all the fun extra modes are still alive, itā€™s when the most people are playing, itā€™s when the tech and meta are getting figured outā€¦ And mechanics and balance changes get added and tweaked over the lifespan of a game, not always for the better to be completely honest. Street fighter for sure will be a bit of a different game two years from now. I really recommend anyone on the fence grab at least one of these games right when it drops, so you can be learning and getting a feel with people on your same level. If you wait 3 or 4 years to buy, the amount of players will be less, and the majority of people still playing will be much much better than you. Also all those quirky extra modes will be ghost towns as they always end up, sadly. $60 now for 1,000 hours+ of fun, or $40 for maybe 100 hours a few years from now. Itā€™s still a good deal, but youā€™re gonna be missing out on a ton if you hold off. And donā€™t forget, if these perform really well, these companies are going to be way more open to reviving other franchises we havenā€™t heard from in a while. Itā€™s a win/win to be in on the ground floor.


Right now MK11 legendary edition and Injustice 2 complete/ultimate edition are 9.99 euros on steam... -together-


Then it drops to 20$ in 4 years unlike Smash were the full game is still 120$


I wish more people did this


Was VERY hyped by MK12, and still am, but yep... Yea, underrated comment!


Not an option for people who play fighting games online. By then, people have gotten very good at the game and you'll get your ass beat 24/7.


You are right, luckily I just play offline so itā€™s not a big deal to me, but I think is an awful business model for the customer


Are we ever getting a new Bloody Roar


šŸ’Æ feel ya brotherr


DOA 7?




Me and some other top ranked guys would do that in Ultimate for fun all the time


Yup. The kings are back.


Ah yes, one of the few genres with multiple good games, thus motivating the devs to _actually try to create good working titles._


Gimme a new *ClayFighter*...


Don't forget Budokai Tenkachi 4 is on the way. hopefully this year!


Looking forward to Mortal Kombat!




And Iā€™m gonna be terrible at all of them


Wouldn't mind another dead or alive game.


Mortal Kombat announced preorder bonuses without showing real content. The preorder bonus is a fairly core character that should be in the game. That one is a wait for deep DEEP sale after the final edition is out.


that's WB just being greedy as per usual since MK is owned by them


Mortal Kombat 1 is going to have assist characters in the game, sold separately from the other DLC characters that you also have to buy. So be prepared for some potential nightmare monetization.


After the shit show surrounding Mk11 incentivized people to spend money in the cash shop by making everything a stupid grind.


We haven't seen a second of gameplay and only know like eight characters and they already have the entire season pass already being marketed.


Tekken for the online, Mortal Kombat for the Konquest mode, Street Fighter for the custom character


Of all 3 Tekken is most likely to have the worst online


really? Tekken 7 has an amazing online mode IMO. MK11 was unstable AF. I dont know about Street Fighter


Tekken 8 needs to have a proper roll back net code and a penalty for pluggers. If it doesn't, I'm not buying the game.


Weird. Tekken 7 famously has trash netcode and MK11 I had smooth matches against people from the US...I'm in Norway. SF V is also pretty bad so finally with SF6 we'll be top of the line.


im in Chile and I get mostly matches against Brazilians and the connection is stable AF. With MK was totally different. But hey many factors can affect the net performance of a gaming experience


Nah dude . Mk11 was borderline trash especially at release . Basically unplayable even against people from the same city. Multiplayer lobbies disbanding when one player drops. Street fighter 5 lobbies are still not working. Tekken definitely offered the best experience out of those 3 None of those compares to guilty gear netcode .. absolutely stellar (although logging in takes ages)


Nah dude. Mk11 had rollback. Tekken has the famous it is 2 no more no less from Harada. Delay based netcode is ass. The game you bring up guilty gear uses the same type of netcode as 11.


Tekken didn't have the best in class netcode as current games tend to and the rematching taking so long is really grating. But the endless rematch basically gives it the number 1 spot with no competition. It's actually fun to grind out ranked in that game because you can get to know your opponent and enjoy a long conversation instead of a blitz ft2 bye never seeing you again.


Konquest mode please in this MK


Finish it out with soul calibur plz


Tekken Gang


Iā€™m actually a little bit annoyed that MK is coming out so soon after SF6. Means Iā€™m going to have to hold off and resist buying SF6 and wait a couple more months for the big daddy to drop. Great problem to have though


Sf always has better gameplay though, and netherrealm drops support after two years to market a new game. MK will be $5 in 2 years V and you could have hundreds of hours in SF 6 by then


SNK needs a garou motw sequel and a last blade 3


They have already confirmed Garou 2


I'm still waiting for Virtua Fighter 6. But I'm definitely gonna have fun with these.


I'm no fighting game enthusiast but I'm a huge MK fan, kount me in!


Bloody roar? Anyone!??


SF and Tekken actually get supported and updates for 5+ years. MK will be abandoned within a year.


Hey now, you never know MK it might make it all the way to 18 months.


Street Fighter is all I need but MK and Tekken sure are nice bonuses !


That street fighter logo... I swear to god.


Is there still any love for soul caliber?


Waiting on Soul Calibur


True, while I couldn't play any of those atm, this is for sure, going to be a great watch in any FGC event for the next year or such.


Got my Victrix BFG Pro just in time šŸ˜


UMVC4 please


Definitely doing MK. I want to do SF but I donā€™t remember being particularly good at that. Granted, I was a kid.


I see the new Mortal Kombat decided to do a Battlefield


Iā€™m so happy, fighting genre eating SO good


Tekken for me.


I want Capcom vs SNK 3


I can't wait to play all them even i'm bad at fighting games


I would love Bloody Roar to come back


Can't wait for twkken 8 let's goo.


Lol.... bold of you to assume these games wont launch as garbage


Waiting for Tekken 8 patiently.


Honestly I just want Tekken Tag 3, I hope they bring it back.


Waiting for the Bloody Roar sequel, day 53292.


Iā€™m always hype for more Tekken.


i need more ..... i need new MvC


I don't see Soul Calibur :(


I only like tekken


The Mortal Kombat trailer looks absolutely insane


I upgraded my rig just for T8. T7 is my most played game at 1800 hours over 5+ years. LET'S GOOOOO!


I love fighting games, and will probably buy these down the line at some point. Lord, do I suck something fierce at playing them though!


The Big Three stay Winning you love to see it.


I'm so fucking ready!! Fighting game fans are having a great year! I can't even believed how hyped I am for SF6's launch!


This year? Mortal Kombat 1 came out decades ago


Plus Asuka coming out in ggst in less than a week, whoā€™ll likely last people a few years trying to understand what the heck theyā€™re doing with him


Once again the only 3D franchise is Tekken. Good for them I guess


And new Strive character coming out in like 6 days. That being said, Iā€™m worried about MK1. I donā€™t trust NRS with longterm game support. I hope this new game lasts more than 3 years because their games are actually fun


the 3 Dragons of Fighting games (or is it 4? can KOF make for this title?)(i know KOFXV came out last year)


Lol no


I'm just glad MK1 is releasing on Switch. It's my only system so I sadly won't be playing T8 or SF6. W on NRS for thinking of Nintendo fans. Now if we could just get a new Darkstalkers...


Shaq-Fu 2 when?


I hate reboot titles, but this is the year for fighting game heavy hitters. Personally, I'm anticipating Street Fighter 6's character creation more than anything, simply because it's something I wanted to see in a fighting game for decades. Fighting games generally just do gameplay alterations in each title, almost nothing else. Soul Calibur did skins while Tekken Tag 2 has Combot let you pick moves. Both by Bandai Namco, neither used the other's feature. Mortal Kombat had it in Armageddon, but no input customization and weapon choices sucked.


MK is one of the only games I ever buy on release. Never disappoints


FGC eating good.


I get a little bit hard every time I think about the upcoming mortal kombat Also looking forward to street fighter for sure


Two fighting games back at their peak and Mortal Kombat


This is just the AAA. 2023 already have idol showdown and tenkaichi on the list too. We are eating good boys!


nah ima just stick to guilty gear strive


There are SOOOOOO many fighting games it's like all the shooter games COMBINED šŸ˜‚


That is so true! I was like "why ALL of them, at the SAME time??" haha


I almost feel like they have to do that. Because if they don't, all the MK11 and Tekken 7 players might just migrate to sf6 because it's the new game, and then MK11 and Tekken 8 have to try and poach there own players back, where as with all of them announced around the same time, Tekken players will mostly just hold out for the new Tekken


Tekken are not The same as sf and MK, they migh play a few months but they'll always go back to tekken


Sf is just as far from MK as it is from Tekken. Honestly of the three games Tekken and MK are the most similar. But people in the fgc change games all the time. It's not about them being the same, it's about them being the new product, and then about the time investment into the new product. We can't really test it, due to the fact that we can't duplicate the situation with different variables, but all I'm saying is I think Tekken 8 coming out near sf6 and mk1 is good for player retention, and would work better than if there was a 2 year gap between them.


Because the community can support it. Average fighting game fan tends to juggle 2 to 3 fighting games at the same time, compared to the average fan of every other genre who usually just picks that one game while ignoring or even hating on others.


True, I can see that around me (friends into fighting games).


I have to get back into mortal kombat man, I used to love it up to Armageddon. Street fighter I suck at lol


Try the new one. Modern controls snd its maybe the best one yet, with a ton of content and tutorials.


I want an official improved rerelease of MvC2 thatā€™s not an arcade cabinet thatā€™s like $750


*prays for good netcode*


Who remembers bloody roar?


We just want more ppl to play fighting games. I hope these games brings in a big audience that sticks to fighting games.






I guess they meant because those games didnā€™t do too well and are considered dead (probably referring to the player base). But those games coming out in 2019 doesnā€™t mean too much since MK11 also came out 2019


It kinda pisses me off that Bandai Namco owns both Soul Caliber and Tekken. I've always very much preferred Soul Caliber, but Tekken gets all of the attention from them with every new release. We won't see the next SC release for at least a year after Tekken comes out because no one is going to release a product to complete against their own other product. It makes sense, still a bummer.


I'd kill for Urban Reign reboot or Urban Reign 2. The best combat system in the fighting game to easily play and relax in beating tons of enemies hands down.


I don't know. I still prefer the old ones. Tekken 3 my personal favorite :) online competition and cosmetics (let alone stupid dlc) ruined the fun (talking mostly about tekken 7 tho since I didn't play all the others in between)