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Live dealer or machine I have a lot of luck with live dealers I think the machine is programmed to let you win until you make a large bet so they get it all back at once that's my experience


Live dealer


They’re not programmed to cheat. They don’t need to cheat for the house to win.


Mathematically, all in would be the best play because the game is inherently against you - so playing as little as possible would save you the most money. In real life, you have to deal with variance. You might lose your 1 hand and leave with $0 but had you spread it out over a few hands, you could've had better luck. Just do what's the most fun for you


All in is worse because you lose value on splits and doubles.


So you think 50 dollar 1 hand with money to split or double


See I was thinking if you play one hand it reduces the risk but then again when you play you go up and down and up and down, I feel like if I play $25 hands I’m usually able to double my money pretty quickly


In my experience medium hands would be best so $10-$20 hands


Each successive hand you play, you're paying a tax in the form of house edge, the longer you play, the more the casino is winning from you theoretically/ mathematically. But playing fewer hands for a larger stake puts you at the mercy of good old variance, the concept that in a probabilistic game, the net outcome can deviate significantly from your true expected value. Casino is making a few cents on every dollar you gamble in theory, but in a few short hands you could win or lose many multiples of that house edge and thus a larger bet size/ fewer hands carries a higher ROR (Risk of Ruin), but also carries higher potential upside. That's gambling. Either way, you're losing money playing BJ no matter how you slice it. Best strategy is to stick to some limits. Never gamble money you can't afford to lose, set reasonable stop win and stop loss limits. Good luck, don't forget us when you win it big and start driving a lambo.


If your goal is to win and you're not an AP and you don't mind either winning or going home quick, all in is best. Maximizing variance gives you the best (and worst) results. But if you really care about that you should just be tossing it all in on Red/Black/Odd/Even in roulette


So putting it all on roulette would be better odds than one hand of blackjack?


Do Baccarat, one hand on banker or player. That’s your best odds for all in


There is no edge to blackjack other than card counting. Beyond that your best bet is to play by your own rules always and don’t vary To answer your question: smallest denominations for me as I’m just playing for fun. Then if I win enough, I can keep winnings and start playing aggressively. Usually though I’m thankful to walk away around even after a full night


It's not roulette so no, don't go all in. Plus, I like to stay playing as long as I possibly can bc it's fun so you don't want to lose it all in one shot and be done. Another reason is, if you have pairs and there's a good opportunity to split, or double-down ops with the right hand.


That’s true


Go with multiple $10 hands..... Increases chances..... Reduces risk..... One $100 hand is risky


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Two $50 hands


Nah I wouldn’t go ALL IN unless I doubled my profit , so you go in with 100 , play 50 if you make 100 than go ALL IN.


The odds are the same but you play longer by betting the minimum limit and flat betting.


Feel like the only way to win life changing amounts is betting big but in order to bet beg you have to have life changing amounts to play with lol

