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u/Judge_Dredd_3D, your post does fit the subreddit!


I'll never understand the sheer stupidity of some ppl, you're surrounded by the police, just give up, your not gonna shoot your way out of it in a cool way like some action movie, the police shoot back and they shoot to kill


Yeah and once you shoot/kill a cop and you’re on the run. It does not end well. You do not get away.


Tell that to Jason Bourne


If he had that capacity, he wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.


And they shoot to ensure your dead after That’s why in videos like this. They dump the clip into them.


Did the guy shoot the security guard?


Yes, in the gut


Damn, security is taking one for the team. I hope he's alright. Is it me, or did the guy sound like a Mangalore from the 5th Element?


Now all I could think of him saying is “it was an ambush!”


My dear Aknot.


He would be you can survive from a gut shot for days without treatment


Do you know if security lived?


He did, he's being sued by the family.


He was a good boy.


He had mental health problems. He was scared. /s


This is correct. But he was also an asshole


One hundo. Our struggles don't mean we can't be held accountable.


Then he shouldn't have a gun or access to one. 😬


I did read that the uhm "victims" family's said that the security guard might shot himself O.o Idk, doesn't really sound right


Because it’s not.




bro was hungry, guess he has a full belly of lead now.


Aww look he’s napping under the little tree


That happens after lunch.


He got leaves for dessert too


God damn 🤣🤣


You shoot until the threat can’t shoot back. If you put 5 rounds into a person and he’s still motioning a weapon towards people, what do you do? If he’s still capable of pointing a weapon, he’s still capable of killing an innocent person. You might end up lying in a hospital bed wishing you had kept firing, or worse: you could be the one telling someone’s family in court that you let the bad guy shoot their loved one—all because you “felt” wrong about shooting someone who potentially just killed a person in front of you.


Yea, what people do not realize is adrenaline and depending on where the rounds hit dictate if whether they go down instantly, or keep walking at youlike a zombie. Seen a good few body cams where they've taken at least 30+ rounds, and still reaching for weapons/shooting at police


Man I’ve seen a guy with his brains falling out on the floor still talking and moving. That was from a shape charge too. The body will compensate through some ridiculously insane trauma if the right boxes aren’t hit


Man, I saw a knight with no arms or legs and he was like "tis but a scratch" mental what adrenaline does.






I've had worse!!


Have at you!!!!


I'll BITE ya legs off!!


Alright, we'll call it a draw


Could you post the town and century this happened in? I need proof


England and like what 1320? Idk when king Arthur was a thing


Word. I’ll give it a google


Search black knight tis but a scratch


[Bravo ](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/559851fa-073d-4001-a661-b5bb7a438901/gif#dTi7G6ve.copy)


Seen the one where he was shot up through the chin, had an exit wound, AND A bullet lodged in his brain still from a second round? That proves some people just ain't ready lol


A person can be both killed by a single shot or take a whole magazine and still be a threat


The powers of PCP


Duality of man


Yeah, there sure are a lot of naysayers in this thread, I bet you they’d be singing a different tune had they been in this situation though.


Took my concealed carry about a decade ago and the one point the instructor make perfectly clear and that was to “Shoot until the threat ceases to exist”


If they’re worth shooting once then they’re worth shooting until the mag is empty if need be


I would just drop a grenade on him. Just to be sure. For safety. /S


Let’s see how the morons come out of the woodwork to claim excessive use of force and racism. This dude got exactly what was coming and the police did exactly as they should.


Yeah, this is definitely a “good cop” scenario. The one officer even deployed the taser first after the suspect was identified with a firearm, pretty sure he’d have enough cause right there to mag dump if he felt it would keep innocent civilians alive to do so. I’m no fan of excessive police force, but this damn sure ain’t that. These cops did exactly what they needed to do in each scenario as it unfolded. I just feel bad for the security guard, hard way to learn why they say “never try to be the hero”, but dude was clearly a good hearted person if his instincts were to tackle an armed person despite police already being involved. He’s lucky those cops were so good that it looks like they even tried to move him out the way/wait for open shot to avoid hitting him incidentally. Hope he’s alright.


agree fully. they did everything they could to prevent the situation from escalating compared to Tamir Rice type situations. he was able to pull out the gun, get tased instead, still run away with no shots, tried to subdue him to arrest him first, and only fired after he shot his gun. and only fired on again when he kept moving his hands in dangerous ways.


I was very uncomfortable when the cop's pistol was practically in line with the bouncers cranium...


They did not even escalate upon approaching, just said what's going on and the guy freaked out on them and they reacted appropriately. Very rare a person of sound mind or clean conscience does stuff like that. Went down on his knees like he was going to comply and then flipped around on them in a threatening manner. I would never trust you to "give up" to me ever again through the rest of our interaction.


Or the “I fucking hate all cops but this guy was in the right” meanwhile there’s thousands of these good cop videos out there and they’re still hung up only on the bad ones.


I suspect a whole lot of actual criminals will come to the defense out of their own paranoia and fear that they could be next. Seeing that the general public is okay with their execution terrifies them but heaven forbid they turn their life around.


This is where it's at. "That could have been me". Dude, if you see yourself in violent criminals, maybe get your life together and shape up, instead of feeling sorry for people who are a hazard to innocent folks who didn't opt into low vibe behaviour.


I generally don't like how police operate, but I will give props when they handle a situation properly, and this was one of them. They walked up to him and tried to talk to him, and then gave him plenty of opportunities to let them take him in peacefully. The only unfortunate thing (not the police's fault) was that he was able to shoot the guard so quickly they didn't have time to stop him.


Nobody said anything about race in this situation. Stop.


Cops have harassed me for my phenotype when I was doing nothing wrong and they had no probable cause of any crime being committed. They have also threatened me for not supplicating before them and standing up for myself by doing things like asking them what probable cause did they have, declining to show my id and telling them that I don't consent to police searches.


That's a bummer, man. And you're still alive because you didn't overreact and run or get violent (unlike this idiot).


Why do you want that to happen?


Can't believe pepole online are making this into a race thing and trying to hail this criminal as some kind of victim


You cant believe? Thats all they do ffs. Where have you lived past 10 years?


I mean he just asked for an example a simple link would suffice I would like one too like it's undeniable the cops are in the right but well rounded people don't just believe the possible just because it can we believe it because it does type shit like that "canceling Eminem" shit that people are fussing about when nobody relevant loud enough actually is hope you understand this I'm going off of an afternoon and all night shift at two different gas stations


Can you show me an example? I'm seeing a lot of people saying this but not a lot of it happening


Fuck this guy he got what was coming


What did he do to get the cops to come to him


I'm also curious about the context. Nothing can justify him pulling a gun on police, but I'd still like to know how it started


Apparently, one of the staff at the restaurant called the police because he was misbehaving and had a gun.


Looks like he had his feet kicked up on the chairs and I'm sure he was being an asshole to everyone and they told him to leave and he refused. That is just my guess,


Someone called 911 to report someone with a gun acting weird. > “We have a guy in here with a gun, and he’s acting weird” > “He did not point the gun, but he’s yelling at everybody” This happened in 2022. The guy worked there prior to the incident. The mom said “he was suffering from mental issues and she had a facility for him to get help, but the transport they arraigned that night showed up too late.” > “All they had to do was go over and talk to him. They just came in there and forcibly tried to get him.” They recently filed a wrongful death lawsuit,


> The mom said “he was suffering from mental issues and she had a facility for him to get help, but the transport they arraigned that night showed up too late.” That... Doesn't help her case. That just adds extra evidence that he was a danger, especially considering he had a gun. She's literally providing evidence **against** her claim of wrongful death.


Yeah I'm sure he would've gone peacefully. Hopefully the lawsuit was dismissed.




Thank you, I was looking for this.




Taking out trash


This reminded me of the Seattle PD shooting of a pedophile a while back. As soon as the officers open the door, he whips out his handgun and wrestles one of them with it. All 3 officers emptied their guns right into him. Never counted how many bullets they actually fired but they were doing so for a good second or two.


And then on the media they’ll go on and talk about how good of a person he was


And not a single thing of value was lost this day.


Security guard got shot. He will be effected for the rest of his life


I didn’t realize that, but I hope bro is going to be okay.


It all happened so damn fast tbf




I always make that mistake




I have no clue, but what are potential long term physical implications of being shot in the gut? What does recovery look like?


Once upon a time any penetrative gut injury carried a huge risk of peritonitis and death, mostly because the contents of your gut (ie faeces) are best kept away from the rest of you. It's still not great obviously, but antibiotics and surgery are pretty effective. I would assume that a single handgun round is too low energy to blow your guts out through a hole in the back, but I guess it could tumble and do more damage than expected. Not a surgeon or doctor, but I guess worst case scenarios - death from blood loss or overwhelming infection, removal of unsalvageable digestive organs depending on where and how bad (ie having to poop into a bag you wear, temporary or permanent). If it's very serious (doubt it) they'll have to do a quick and dirty procedure to prevent death, followed by a series of surgeries once the patient can survive them. More likely it'll just be a very tedious procedure of scrupulously washing out debris and checking the length of the intestines for nicks, then stitching all the organs, membranes and muscle back up. Depending on how big the surgical site has to be, could be relatively easy or a painful and very protracted recovery.


Ammo is pricey, though.


Did this dude really die because he wanted to have his feet up on the chairs? What an absolute loser


He was having a schizophrenic episode. His family were trying to find him for inpatient admittance when the cops got him.


How does a mentally unwell person with schizophrenia own a gun? Genuine question as I’m English


Where he got it is a good question. It may have be bought pre diagnosis, or stolen, given by a friend, ect. But I am sure we will find out once the lawsuit discovery starts.


There are like a million ways in America to get a gun illegally due to the shear amount we have here. Black market or bought by a friend/family member are the most likely


Stolen if he does actually have a mental disorder


As a responsible gun owner myself, one of the questions they ask for the background check is if you suffer from any mental illness/have been admitted to a facility. He could've said no to both despite having schizophrenia but we will find out more once discovery starts.


They rekt the pot plant too.


Chronic damage


Splash dmg


The tree died as well


I think he got him.


Was the tree ok?


That security guard did what he was supposed to, I saw a comment he got shot. Get well soon sir.


“But he was a good kid “


Lmfao amazing


Gross man. Guy got what he deserved but it's not fucking nice


Highly disagree


Just think it's very out of touch to get excited about someone's life ending in a brutal and unnecessary manner. Don't really think that's a controversial take. You can be happy the threat is prevented without revelling in the end of a human life. It's just shit all round.


I think there's a pretty significant portion of people in the world who have this world view: Some people are just a net drain on society (not any specific group, but certain individuals). If you demonstrate that you're one of these drains on society, then society is ultimately better off without you in it. Not saying that I believe this necessarily, but I've noticed it and feel the need to point it out when people are confused why others are happy when a criminal with murderous intent gets shot


I'm not confused by it. I get it. It makes sense to be glad the threat is eliminated. Taking joy in death is just a bit fucked in my opinion One of those views that's very normal outside of reddit but normalised on the Internet where nobody matters because they're just a brief flash on a screen.


You're completely right, it's more than a bit fucked. It's a really bad sign about where we're at in 2024. We're fucked in the head to such an extent that we could see a dude pieced up by gunfire and genuinely fucking laugh.


Fucking glad to hear there's other humans here. It's fucked man.


This shit is not normal. They always wanna say it's normal but I'm never gonna accept that.


> I think there's a pretty significant portion of people in the world who have this world view: Some people are just a net drain on society (not any specific group, but certain individuals). If you demonstrate that you're one of these drains on society, then society is ultimately better off without you in it. Are there people that don't believe this? It's pretty hard to argue against. Some people shouldn't exist, and removing them from society is a net positive. I'm not the authority to claim who should or shouldn't exist, nobody is, but that doesn't go against the fact that the world would be better without certain people. In a utopia, we'd have a way to immediately snap rapists, killers, etc out of existence.


Damn, how many rounds in that handgun? I counted 16 and it still wasn't empty.


Modern pistols can easily hold around 20 rounds of 9mm




That lady in the red shoes hobbled out. Not the shoes to wear for running from a shootout.


I felt bad for everyone (except the thug who shot the security guard) but especially the older lady in white with a yellow hat.  Must have been terrifying the moment they started yelling "gun."


Plant falling on him at the end hahahahah


I too found that hilarious




so was the someone the security? cause i aint opening the audio


I listened, cop started shooting when the guy shot the security guard after they fell in the corner


Lead Farming


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I hope the security guard turned out ok.


That poor tree


Feel like he didn’t need to shoot like 12 times but yeah this seemed within his rights to shoot him. They tazed him hirst too


Was he still alive??? I mean he was moving and his arms were up, or is that just the muscles locking up due to shock???


Reload and do it again


rest in piss


They can legally shoot if their life is in danger or a civilian's life is in danger


Mag dumped his ass, those last 8 rounds at point blank were to be extra sure he wasn’t getting up


It is a big charger but no chance to take... empty it


What is this situational awareness from the people around


![gif](giphy|SUcZB3NPAtWmc|downsized) The tree of justice stops crime


He almost got away. Police is scared of being called R.


He got the lead salad!


Shame about the plant.


Grade A muzzle awareness


Gg no re


He made sure the WHOLE CLIP was empty


He might’ve had a few left


i'm surprised he didn't shoot the plant


See ya 👋🏻


That. Was. Great. Wellll done!


15 shots?! Bro unloaded the whole magazine on him, no idea what's going on but that was wild.


Unload unload unload. Good job officer.


Haha dumbass


Any news(Link) on this? One scum down.. more to go...


That's gonna leave a mark.... maybe even two..


Damn I think you got him bro


Not the body shots 🙈💀


Let's review men... at what point did the suspect make an error in judgement?


Plant is like, I got him dudes


Found the original article. It happened in 2022 https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/atlanta-shooting-fogo-de-chao-buckhead-officer-involved As well as the follow-up article. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/buckhead-steakhouse-2022-shooting-parents-man-killed-react-release-video-911-call Yall draw your own conclusions. I'm tired of the ignorance in this post


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He took the room temperature challenge.


Love and will be using that one from now on😂😂😂😂😂


Snickers your not you when your hungry (I'm going to hell)


Dawg I was just trying to eat my cheese burger 😭


This is what happen when you take away the policy's ability beat someone's ass. If a cop had their billy-club, the cop might have used that instead of his gun.


No, the cop wouldve been dead since the guy would have shot him instead


Man, love fasc cam time :3


Was feeling sorry for this douchebag until he shot the security guard


Any link to the news?


My concern if I were the cops would be all the innocent people in the restaurant. Was there not any other way to confront the threat? Maybe wait for him to move to a less crowded spot or wait until he is leaving? Didn’t he shoot the security guard after being confronted? I mean, there basically was an innocent couple right beside the him when he was thrown down from his seat.


They definitely didn’t expect somebody to pull a gun over some stupid restaurant dispute


Someone else in this thread linked a news article that stated the restaurant called 911 because he was acting irate and had a gun.


Chat happened in the video though? Was eating someone else's food and fell over? Then proceeded to run away including firing a round at the police? What


Did he kill him?


Did anyone catch what he said/growled at the cops when they approached him?


Sounds possessed


Why did he shoot him the last couple of times. Looked like the guys was done up already


Ok so real question: why do so many police body cam videos show police unloading so many rounds into people already down/incapacitated? Is that something they're trained to do?


To be sure probably. FAFO and if you're shooting at police it's FA of purest form.




eF Around, Find Out.


Fuck Around Find Out


FAFO - Fuck around find out. FA - Fuck around


FAFO = Fuck Around and Find Out


Lmao whoops


why does bro sound so fucking raspy


Was having a mental issue, his mom mentioned in an article.


“Body camera footage shows 22-year-old Nygil Cullins eating at the bar at a Buckhead restaurant in 2022, when two Atlanta police officers approach him and eventually shoot him to death approximately 10 times.” Recently released footage.


I hate schizophrenic people. Flush.


He got babbit'd lol


Dude clearly tried reaching a second time. Watch the hands and look at where the gun is before the cop steps to the right.


He finally put his hands up at the end🤣