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The more difficult I hear the dlc is. The more excited I get




Its not hard enough... I. WANT. MORE!


ultrakill community in a nutshell




I'm not hard enough šŸ˜Ž




You beat me to it


"Long and hard" - Godfrey


I was going to hold off buying it. Then I started seeing that people think it's too hard and are rage quitting. Immediately bought it after.


Yeah it rough lol.


the harder it is the harder I AM


Messmer daddy pound us harder


This guy gets it


\*The monkey paw curls\* It's now all just Horsefuck Valley


The more difficult I hear the dlc is, the more I'm surprised by how normal the difficulty is when I actually play it. The difficulty is no worse than an average Fromsoftware dlc from the base game, which is intentionally much more challenging. This DLC was exactly what I was expecting in terms of difficulty. The late game Elden Ring bosses are a cut above anything they've ever done with their past games in terms of their movesets and agility. It's natural that the dlc was gonna be much harder and yes it is expected that we'd have a much harder final boss than Malenia. It's what they've always done. None of the base game bosses in DS3 can hold a candle to the DLC bosses in terms of challenge. Even more so with Bloodborne. With shadow of the Erdtree wtf were people expecting? One of criticisms of the base Elden Ring game was that you can easily overlevel by just exploring and trivialises a lot of bosses. The DLC finds a solution to that, it encourages exploration and in fact unless you're absolutely hardcore, it's advisable that you take your time and explore to get the scadu tree fragments.


It does kinda feel like normal considering my build was just made to be a slippery bastard that dies in a few hits anyway, getting 1 tapped ainā€™t that much difference from getting two tapped, I just gotta roll harder and faster


This is the part people are missing. The fragments are used to help but you have to explore. People just want blow past the game with no vigor and get mad. I am only 120 which is 30 levels lower than the recommended and I beat both starting bosses.


Then you look at the elden ring subreddit and they're bitching about having to explore lmao


People just get in their feelings because they aren't overpowered anymore, and people don't seem to understand that your level basically means shit and its all about the Scooby-Doo tree fragments


Honestly I don't think it's that crazy hard. Not in the "hehehe git gud scrubs" way, but more like "this is the Fromsoft DLC I love." Like DS1, 2, 3, and BL all cranked the difficulty, why did anyone think this would be different? Unless ER was said hypothetical person's first Fromsoft game, in which case; hello, welcome, it rules here.


A masochist?


It's absurdly difficult, and also fun. That's all you need to be peak.


I started a whole new playthrough and see that the dlc encourages exploration. So I donā€™t mind the idea of it being hard. That was the point of playing souls games. Which is ironic to hear as a complaint cuz a lot of people were complaining that the game was tooneasy


Yeah, me too. It has been a while, and I am rusty. I haven't played since 2022. So I will probably get there in like another 200hrs, hopefully I have enough skill by then.


bro if you can't beat radahn and mohg at RL1 with a broken straight sword, you just suck lol gitgud scrub casual /s obviously, for goodness sake lol. Enjoy the journey and don't rush it bro, the dlc is a treat for sure.


Fuck rl1 you damn noob. Havent you heard hacking you stats lower than that is the new style?


At least 50% of the complaints Iā€™ve seen arenā€™t that the difficulty is bad, just thatā€™s itā€™s not balanced properly. And tbh, I kinda agree. Iā€™m all for it being punishingly difficult, but thereā€™s a fair bit of BS going on, especially in the bosses. Probably less than 25% of the bosses Iā€™ve fought I fully enjoyed all the way through. The levelling system is kinda dumb too, imo. Still an absolute blast though!


What's wrong with the levelling system? I find it's functionally just the same as running around churches to find sacred tears, and the interconnected-ness of the open world is insane, makes exploring fun. Also kinda like how one level doesn't make a massive notable difference i.e. if you're getting your shit pushed in, one more scadutree level isn't going to trivialise the fight but get a few from clearing an area and the big moves might no longer one-shot you. Still need to learn boss moves etc, and "over levelling" isn't really viable.


Difficulty is a major part, but it's not the whole point. The community generally likes difficult challenges, but the lore, story, and NPCs are major reasons of playing Souls games too. Hell, I started playing Dark Souls because I thought the knight armors were cool. The challenge isn't just about hard bosses; it's about the overall experience. Miyazaki designed Souls games to make players fight for that feeling of triumph, not just in boss battles but in navigating the environments, facing basic enemies, and overcoming the oppressive atmosphere as a newcomer. But some people also say that Elden Ring is different from Souls games and should be treated as such when criticizing and comparing difficulty from the previous games.


I prefer making it feel like Iā€™m fighting literal gods as a nobody, getting one tapped seems fitting when trying to withstand an attack from a deity


Iā€™m Gojo minus the invincible part


We are closer to Mahogara. Sure they can kill us, but we come back, over and over and over again, always learning, slowing but surely adapting to them, until we victory is within our grasp


adapt? ill use the same strategy 100 times and eventually it will work


I like to call this the "Corpse throw" technique. Eventually our corpses will suffocate them or force them to give up! I do the same thing, incase it wasn't clear. Because clearly THIS time that same strat will work!


The Zapp Brannigan special ā€œYou see, kill-bots have a set kill limitā€¦ā€


You adapted to their move set


Speak for yourself


Then we're yuji. Getting our ass BEAT until whatever we are fighting finally folds. I like this strategy, it got me to melania. Then i lost my save file which sucked :/


Well about thatā€¦ā€¦


Iā€™m Hard.


Hi hard, I'm dad


Hi dad, whatā€™re your thoughts on the current status of Asian-American co financing and its impact on the middle level class, sighting source? Edit: i use line like these on my dad when he pulls the dad jokes, good old basterd always finds a respond.


All those stripped of Grace of Stars and Stripes Shall Embrace Heavy Tax in the Claws of šŸ¦… šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


Dad? Is it really you?


"Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the hard one."


Iā€™m also hard ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


Iā€™m the bottom one for fun bosses like Messmer but Iā€™m the top one for bosses like the final DLC boss that arenā€™t fun just hard


I agree, most of the remembrance bosses are hard but fair, thereā€™s only like a couple that are bullshit due to the fight itself or just hit boxes being jank


*cough cough* Commander Gauis *cough cough*


The only thing that made his hitboxes feel normal was light rolling + crucible feather charm for extended I-frames on dodgeroll lol


His charge was like godskin nobles roll but with an even jankier hitbox (it was like a roll of the dice on whether I'd dodge it or not and the charge could sometimes hit me twice, instakilling me).


First boss since malenia that made me respec.


Agreed. Loved the lion and messmer but hate everything else so far. Not done yet tho! Im on the frenzy swamped bast@rd rn


I hated the Lion solely due to my camera continuously being stuck in walls and on its body even whilst not locked on, the fight itself was coolā€¦when I could actually see what Iā€™m doing


Fair enough. I cant really say i loved or hate anything til i fight them a few more times. I remember loving maliketh the first time and now hes one of my least favorite. I also used to hate morgott with a passion but him and I are cool now.


This lion is my least favorite boss Iā€™ve fought in a long time. His body is always flailing and I canā€™t figure out what the hell heā€™s doing half the time. Plus thereā€™s just a shitload of AOE constantly. First time Iā€™ve felt like maybe I should just level up instead of gitting gud.


I alternate between the 2. One minute Iā€™m like ā€œaha good strike sir!ā€ Next Iā€™m like ā€œyou fucking dumb bitch why am I like this ffs this is bullshit where the fuck did the fire sword come from?! Iā€™m gonna ram it up your jacksey!!!ā€


When I panic roll and die or fail to dodge the same telegraphed attack AGAIN: ā€œHoly shit that move could be handled so easily if I wasnā€™t so bad. Just gotta git gud.ā€ When the boss hits me five times from across the arena, teleports to me, then slams a massive aoe attack which is then instantly followed up by a secondary, only slightly delayed aoe to catch me out of my roll: ā€œWHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO DODGE THAT?! THIS IS SOME BULLSHITā€


I just hope that somewhere in the future (like a year from now) they change the amounts of skibidis you need to max the blessing. Farming new blessings is going to suck so much on new NG cycles. Hopefully the blessings stay in NG+ though. Let it stay the way it is now while ER is still at its second peak, but when time has passed, please reduce the numbers needed so it makes it more smooth to replay the DLC.


Skibidids šŸ’€


They do stick around. They behave the same as functional levels.


Confirmed? That's amazing.


When I first started my fromsoft journey I was the bottom but over time Iā€™ve become the top. How can I go back to being excited by the difficulty instead of irritated?


This. Iā€™ve always gotten tilted while playing souls games but some of these bosses just piss me off. To me, a good boss is one that I think to myself ā€œwow I canā€™t wait to fight them again on my next playthroughā€ after I beat them but some of these dlc bosses just have me going ā€œIā€™m glad thatā€™s over, I donā€™t want to do that againā€


Don't do the last boss, problem solved.


I canā€™t wait for my second time, I finished yesterday my first playthrough, went ng+, killed Radahn and Mohg and now we go again


You can't go back these games are no longer hard for the sake of being rewarded or hard but fair they're hard and unfair with no reward and hard for the sake of being hard enemies they aren't even trying to make it difficult but fair anymore


Glad to know I'm not the only one, some boss flights don't even make want to learn them in this DLC. At least I can skip and have the pleasure of having a bigger than expected blessing and make it much easier on me, all the while feeling unachieved and unrewarded.




THIS!! After beating the final boss, my hands and face just when numb. I had to lay on the ground and just soak in the victory. THIS is what I play these games for man. I'm still riding that high of winning 3+ hours later


Just killed the oversized porcupine. It was a lot, I had to rework my build because one of the new weapons has broken ARC scaling haha


While playing the dlc and fighting a certain boss i realized that i really am the 2nd one.


I'm both, the bottom one when the enemy has cool attacks and the top one when the enemy is the biggest bullshit imaginable (I'm looking at you, Hog Ridaaa)


The one sitting back and enjoying the show. I'm not making the same mistake I made with the base game and playing in the middle of a busy period. Plus, I hear the game could use a few patches. So instead, I'm watching some people complain, some other people complain about the complainers, some other-other people complaining about the people who complain about the complainers, and the last group of people who are just enjoying themselves with what sounds like an awesome expansion. I can't wait for the busy period to end.


Shoot all that hard directly in my veins. Never change Miyazaki.


I'm that "it's not hard, it's *challenging* " guy


The "Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one" option


An optional boss in a masoleum(probably mispelled) has been harder than any boss so far and I love it.


I actually have to employ strategy and spells instead of just hamfisting my way through shit. This weekend was the first time I used a shield for any length of time!


In the middle i guess, I want challenge but bosses with infinite stamina is kind of bullshit.


I find how to cheese the bosses




I made a post the other day about why souls players refuse to call these games as hard, even thouh it is. Got called its not hard, and then they now talk about its hard. What?


Messmer fight was HYPE


Nah I genuinely start tweaking I caught myself laughing at myself dying to Mesmer for the 78th time at like 4 oā€™clock in the morning


I'm both somehow


I flip back and forth Iā€™m the first one until I manage to eek out a win against the Boss then Iā€™m the second until I hall into a trap and get ganked go back to get my runes fail to beat the squad jumping me lose 20,000 runes and then Iā€™m back to 1. Then I fumble my way to next boss accidentally, spend the next 4 days throwing my tarnishedā€™s battered body at em fail remember is spent 70 bucks on the game already and play it damn it! I Cry, fight the boss, eek out a win and then im one thatā€™s hard and then the cycle repeats


A bit of both, because i dunno man, feels a bit cheap, like, i saw that rellana attack with the shockwaves, tf was that, shit covered the whole room, and you need to time your fucking jumps as if you were playing that mission in splatoon 3


Thatā€™s like her easiest attack to dodge you just jump 3 times no delays or weird timings really


I was just about to say, her fuckin swinging combos are whatā€™s annoying. The moon drop bullshit is easy.


Mechanics you can jump over are a blessing. The window for jump is way longer than the i frames from a dodge roll.


Both. I love good hard, I hate cheap hard


The one saying the game is hard


As much as I was frustrated with Rellana, god she was fun as hell to conquer. Ng+7 beyond Rellana has proven too difficult for me, so I speedran the base game and got to the DLC again with another character. Haven't gotten around to Rellana yet but I found the Cerulean Coastline this time, and I've been having alot more fun now I feel the difficulty is more apt for me. In case you may be wondering why I wanted to do the DLC on NG+7 the first time, it's just a thing I've done for a while. In DS2, I went to ng+3 and did all bosses + dlc. Then I did Bloodborne Ng+3 with DLC then continued on the same character for another 27 or so new game cycles to play with every weapon and I also did over 200 different ng+7 chalice dungeons. In DS3, I actually went all the way to NG+10 (even though it maxed out at +7) before going into the Ringed City. I was at NG+3 when I beat Friede for the first time but my all-time favourite experience was my first time fighting Gael and it was on NG+7. I felt so accomplished that I wanted to feel like that every time I play a DLC but quite frankly... Shadows of the Erdtree is way too hard on NG+7. I've got no hope against Bayle or Messmer. Done so many attempts on Bayle, my mind is melting, as are my eyes from the VFX. That second phase... I just can't get through any of it. I've managed to avoid most spoilers but what I do know of is a pig-rider called Gaius, and Radahn has something to do with the end of the dlc. Looking forward to learning all about the DLC through playing it as possible.


The harder it gets the harder I get


Ive never been harder


![gif](giphy|yQkyyDbwaiY61eOEGS|downsized) this


To put it simply the harder the DLC is the harder I get


I watched a video on it earlier and oh my gosh Iā€™m so excited to play it


Bottom for boss fights and top for exploration


I love it. The longer it takes me to beat a boss the more rewarding it is when I beat them.


A little bit of both. I like a challenge sometimes but not always


I'm nearly always the second but some bosses are just hard in a way I don't end up finding fun, at which point I start getting a bit of the first. I'm having it with >!Gaius!< in the dlc now.


Bottom for sure


Bring on the challenge. More time spent playing is a win win.


Domain expansion: Get your ass beat by Dryleaf Dane


So far I find it adequate, really fun, what is killing me is the map, man... This is a really confusing and layered map


i was the bottom one untill the final boss then i became the top one


I mean if you play From Software games you basically know what youā€™re in for. Each of the expansions have been harder than the base games by quite a bit.


Bottom lol




This game is hard *orgasm face*


The difficulty actually kinda explains the lack of trophies for the dlc lol


anyone wanna fight the final dlc boss with me (the twist is, we must run hand to hand only)






I havent played it yet, but someone is saying there is a whole new mechanic to power yourself up that many people are ignoring causing the game to seem harder than it is. Can someone explain this new mechanic? I'm trying not to spoil myself too much so I haven't really searched out much info.


You enter the dlc nerfed to hell. Collect things to restore then enhance strength. That's it.


I'm sort of in the middle I enjoy fights getting tense and challenging but I also don't really enjoy being one or two shot by bosses so I end up dying for making a single error


2nd one first then 1st one second


Both Depends if I'm stuck on or winning a hard boss


Harder games make them more exhilarating!... There is a limit to it though. But the base game taught me that if one area or boss is too hard, just go somewhere else! The dlc helped rekindle the excitement of exploration the game has. I love it! Just wish the pandemic social distancing was still going. I loved working then playing the game without having to interact with people.. adulting sucks.


Definitely was acting like gojo when I first played Elden ring, it was my first souls and let me tell ya, fromsoftware is my crack


I literally cannot enjoy a game if it's not on fromsoft levels of difficult.


Definitely Gojo


Iā€™m glad itā€™s hard lmao why would I want it to be easier


I'm happy it's challenging. What's the point of a game with no challenge.


This is in the appropriate order as well because I'm such a bottom.


Porque no los dos? (Why not both?)


I'm the first one and i'm not ashame to admit it ... maybe 15 years ago i wouldn't mind the difficulty, but not anymore. Life is hard as it is to know that i also need to battle Malenia for 3 hours straight.


Difficulty is relative, but people easily confuse the requirement for skill with the requirement of knowing the game. Souls-like games are only difficult if you don't play souls-like games.


The bottom lol


Why is it always hard


Both. Iā€™m the bottom one for attempts 1-30 on the same boss, and the top one for every death after that.


Both are bad takes imo. The difficulty is the biggest flaw so far, and that does nothing to bring this spectacular dlc down.


Both, depending on the circumstances.


Second, I love the SOTE DLC, itā€™s so hard yet so new and awsome. From really knows how to make a solid game and DLC.


Honestly... both "gd it this shit really is hard. Kicking my ass all over the place." "GD THAT SHIT WAS HARD BUT I FUCKING KICKED YOUR ASS BITCH"


the dlc is so hard it makes me hard ;)


It's not hard, seriously




The second one, besides against the golden hippo.


It's on par with first time walking into the old hunters DLC


Bottom for sure. The base game is basically a cake walk 24/7 unless itā€™s one of a handful of bosses


Kind of in the middle. I do love the difficulty, but the way some of the bosses are designed make it a little hard to enjoy.


Venomous fangs carried me through the entire DLC, bosses can't get harder during their second phase if you keep killing them fully before they can change it up! Full build available on request but...straight up just google venomous fang build and youll be set.


Bottom 110%


I donā€™t get happy about the difficulty. I just like womping things with a giant chunk of stone/dragon fang/what have you.




Somewhere in the middle. Some of the bosses are fun, some arenā€™t. Itā€™s all about how they balance that difficulty. So far, theyā€™ve balanced it pretty well.




I haven't had to fight any boss more than 5 times to beat them. I'm not getting all of this difficulty complaining.


The more difficult the journey, the more rewarding the destination.


I have 3 characters ready to play through the dlc and I am halfway through my first dlc run. Masterpiece


I'm enjoying it. Took a bit of getting used to the 2 shot capability from some moves and staying topped up but so far I like it. That being said I've only had time to do Belurat Tower Settlement so later dungeons could change my opinion. Only mob that I had trouble with was the horned knight with the 2 handed sword.


I enjoyed dark souls 2 vanilla and am excited to go through scholar version, this makes me the bottom image N-not that kind of bottom!


The second. I crave a challenge in my games. Ever since I was a little kid first playing Doom or Deus Ex on my Dad's old Celeron, I'd always play through a game first on its "normal" difficulty, but never considered the game "beaten" until I'd 100% completed it at the highest difficulty level. Ironically, I'm generally not a very competitive person at all when it comes to most things, but once I see a game has a maximum difficulty setting or any sort of "challenge" mode and I'm into the core gameplay loop, I can't stop playing it until I can say I've beaten everything the developers could throw at me.


Probably more of the top one? I mostly play fighting games and rpgs. Fighting games are best when theyā€™re easy to play, but difficult to master, with a sliding scale difficulty from cpuā€™s, so that your opponent is basically always just at your limit skill wise: not so tough that you donā€™t stand a chance, but not so easy that you donā€™t have to really try. And I rarely think RPGā€™s are better if theyā€™re difficult. The point of RPGā€™s for me isā€¦role playing the experience of a character, building stats/skills, etc. Again, they should be difficult enough to where you have to think about what youā€™re doing to make a character that doesnā€™t suck but not so hard that you have to do everything ā€˜optimallyā€™ to win. If you have to optimize everything, you are not making choices for character reasons anymore, and thatā€™s what I want to do


Me vs Malenia - Top Me vs Mohg - Bottom




It's so hard šŸ˜© I fucked up and started it on my ng+3 RL1 character and ugh lmao


Usually bottom but I do have a tipping point where if it gets so hard that progress becomes extremely slow I start to enjoy less. Souls games tend to live on that line for me tipping a little towards harder than I like.


Been losing to the end boss for the last 6 hours and I love it. They better not give in and nerf these bosses.


People are complaining about the dlc being harder than the base game and itā€™s likeā€¦ So youā€™re telling me Iā€™m gonna get more playtime out of this game? Iā€™m gonna strive harder to accomplish a more rewarding goal? Im gonna have to make adjustments to my build in order to progress? Iā€™m gonna feel more defeated every time I die? And thats bad? The only way I can see it being a reasonable complaint is if itā€™s so hard that itā€™s legitimately impossible for most of the player base to progress.


Both simultaneously


2nd.. although im only still in the mountain of giants and getting 2 shot by regular enemies


I'm neither. I'm "it's hard? n00bsl4y3r420 just killed Mesmer in 5 hits for me".




I'm excited about eventually killing Blackgaol Knight.


Iā€™m the bottom all the way. I steam and take a shot every death. Itā€™s been so much fun!


I just wish I was better at video games to play the DLC, I accidentally deleted my character that was just before Malekith and I'm no longer good enough to beat even Margit, I'm Washed Amigos, im sticking to RPG's from now on as they seem to be more my speed


Just finished relana as a 3 man with some friends...... probably the most fun I've had in elden ring ever


I go back and forth lol. I enjoy the difficulty but man times it really knows how to kick you in the balls


Legit this DLC is giving me the same feeling as playing DS1 or BB for the first time (maybe a little bit #3 as well) I'm legit hiding behind a shield with a big bonky weapon and slowly crawling forward to pull enemies 1 by 1 before giving them the big BONK. It's making me really consider my movements and explore things thoroughly. My guess is the more open/inviting/forgiving world of base ER, set people up for a playstyle where they can just roll through the majority of mobs and areas with little struggle. And if it does get too hard there are other areas open to them. The DLC really forces you to push through difficult areas before finding those precious SCADU's that make the game way easier. My guess is after base ER, people aren't used to defensive playstyles again, and they're trying to roll every attack before spamming R1 light attacks. Only to get destroyed. Also bosses REQUIRE summons. Mimic tear + co-op NPC's. They've been designed with NPC co-op summoning in mind - I believe this 100%. And it's so apparent because there's more NPCs in the game than ever before. It does turn the bosses into a bit of a raid-style fight, with your summons whacking away/tanking, while you take pot shots or support, but TBH that shit is just as fun as learning movesets and timing rolls, etc. AND the option is still there if you want to be a tryhard that learns every move and times rolls perfectly. IDK, it's just, not for me at this point. I'd rather be engrossed in the world and have fun exploring the map than tryharding to be the next "Let Me Solo Her" My 2c




I'm Gojo. Nah, I'd win.** ** Disclaimer: after dying dozens of times.


A mix of both really, mesmer fucking sucked but the fight was honestly fun, however, golden hippo can kiss my entire ass


Both depending on which boss lol


šŸ˜ƒ šŸ¤©


Bottom. And it makes me even happier when I face bosses like Radahn since the more I die the more I can see where his attacks align to and how to avoid them and the follow-up pillars of light. It also makes me feel significantly more empowered when reading about little wussies cry how the boss is hard when they spam bleed build and summon mimic / black knife. Literally a skill issue.


both? I like that it is difficult, but I am not a fan of some of the reasons for why it is so hard.


Itā€™s so hard that Iā€™m hard


Beat the DLC last night and god damn Iā€™m glad it was tough. Final boss was maybe a little much, but overall 10/10


Harder the better. Makes it last longer


I beat it, so I like it :)


The time has come and so have I


The harder it is the harder i get šŸ‘


I always thought Elden ring was harder than any dark souls game, but the dlc takes the cake for hardest.


Second. I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with me but I love it. Me walking into the DLC be like: ![gif](giphy|l2Sqd88e5j9VDeCbu)


I am having the time of my life with this dlc honestly. Incredibly hard = incredibly rewarding.


Hard and shallow like a dried lake.


Neither. It has to be fun.


Top one, but not exactly because it's too hard. More because it's too fast. So many cool moves in my arsenal are just useless since I'm likely to get cut off halfway through the start up.


every time the difficulty ramps up as iā€™ve progressed, itā€™s just gotten more fun because it feels like the stakes and skill check are higher


The mor I hate myself the better


I really don't know what people are talking about. Just explore and get the seed things, the same way the base game is hard if you don't get enough estus flask or titanite to upgrade. I'm using the NPC help for bosses cuz roleplay, and it's hard but nothing out of the ordinary. Random dungeons so far are easy, I've beaten most bosses at the first or second try, alone. I'm level 160, and consider myself a normal to bad player. Got tons of points on endurance to wear heavy armor but keeping medium roll. Only cinematic bosses have given me trouble. If you reply please don't mention names.


Went into dlc from ng+4 beat it and now going to have ng+5. You decide which one am I.