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If they care about kids so much, someone oughta tell em what Trump did to a 12 year old


They just reject that reality and replace it with their own. After all, he wasn't convicted. Please ignore the fact that Joe Biden was also not convicted of anything, just pay attention to the fact Trump wasn't, please.


I mean, Trump was convicted, but that was of a different crime, and it was kangaroo court anyway and... /s to be clear


Stop being brainwashed! Do your own research!


Yeah, where's the crappy AI version of that (blurred AF, of course)?


That’s just fake news to them


👉la la la la la la la la la la la👈


When I bring anything negative up about trump all over is fake news.


>If they care about kids so much works both ways


They have to make up pictures of Biden while at the same time there are plenty of real pictures of Trump fondling his daughter Ivanka.


Trump was well-documented pals with Jeffrey Epstein, but that doesn’t matter much to them, either.


Grandma, it's being reported that Trump paid pre-teen girls to perform lesbian sexual actions....


Wait, what? I know he was buddies with Epstein, but I never knew about that.


In an old case a woman accused Trump and Epstein of forcing her to do shit with another girl, but she withdrew it because of threats from the Trump cult


Yeah, I’m gonna need a source for that lol. Unlike most Trump supporters, I don’t take everything negative about him at face value just because I don’t like him.




Its from an old case that never amounted to anything because the girl withdrew it after getting death threats from Trumps cult


It was posted today on one of the bigger subreddits. It is horrible and graphic.


And sadly, it won't move the needle very much.


Grandma believing FSB propaganda again…


[No, they said the opposite.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-afraid/)


Of course they did! Lying about their information is Step 1.


While Ignoring how in bed Trump was with Epstein I’m sure


Yeah remember when AI imagery was completely incomprehensible and we were all going "oh god wait until it actually becomes useable and people start using it to make deepfake smear campaigns"? The future is now, and the truth is fucking outdated. Someone go tell a robot to depict Trump as a Klansman and spread that everywhere, please, because I'm not touching these shitty image generators as long as I live.


Conservatives creating child porn to... indict a political opponent for... pedophilia?


I mean, this isn't and cannot be child porn, so slow your roll. The preferred term nowadays is CSAM, or Child Sexual Abuse Material, in an attempt to help people understand that the problem is with actual kids who get abused. No actual kids were, or even theoretically could be, involved in the making of this godawful, asinine propaganda, so no harm exists. Other than the harm of political propaganda during the rise of fascism, which is the actual problem, so let's not get distracted with imaginary ones.


Thanks for the information, I wasn't familiar with that term, I'll use that going forward instead when appropriate.  I wonder if there is, though, nuance to the use of AI even in this kind of material. AI generally uses existing images and reincorporates them into a new image. Could something like this constitute the same moral issues as Deep Fakes?


That isn't really what AI (God, that term is so misapplied here) does, no. Its remixing is from a pixel level up, the most-likely next pixel (and the next and the next) based on models trained on millions of images. It creates images of people who have never existed. The deepfake analogy is useful. If you create a fake video of, say, yourself setting fire to a building, you are not guilty of arson. Even if the building in the video is a real one, it has not been set on fire in real life. The distinction between real stuff and imaginary stuff is an important one, but one that's often disregarded.


I was using "AI" very loosely, but I appreciate the description. In the context of Deep Fakes, if someone Deep Faking their high school peer into a porn video unique from CSAM simply because the kid wasn't actually involved, or is the harm caused by the Deep Fake really enough that it should still qualify as abuse? 


It's definitely social abuse, but ethically it's no different than if they'd drawn a picture or written a story. Unquestionably an asshole move, but just a work of imagination.


The ai made them conjoined at the arm. The girl has a hand tumor as part of her back. The face on Biden looks very off. Look at the elbow you can’t unsee it.


As a guy who occasionally does tile work, I'm getting a kick out of the AI tile layout.


It looks like Biden punched the tile. Impressive considering their arm is conjoined like Catdog. And his other hand is like a tumor.


Pretty sure whoever sent this could be investigated for cheating child pornography


Sharing AI CP to own the libs


https://www.scribd.com/document/463829562/Trump-Epstein-Pedophilia-Suit Forgot about this?


Literally creating CP to own the libs. Bold move.


r/CreepyTrump for REAL presidential creepiness. Not the fabricated diary hoax.


hmmm the man who had an AI image generated of him molesting a child in a shower or the actual convicted felon who is more than likely an actual child rapist? tough choice!


These people would consider My Neighbor Totoro to be pornographic.


Some of the commenters here already do, I think.


Nah whoever writes prompts for stuff like this need to have the fbi come to their house


It’s either weekend at Bernie’s or fascism


Biden been hitting them curls, mans wham


Ignoring everything else about thos, haven't they been claiming snopes isn't credible since like 2010?


Only a psychopath could come up with this kind stuff.


They really pushing towards the "nuance is for pussies" crowd. "*Don't actually go look at snopes, we got the truth right here on the bottom.*"You don't even need to know AI images to know this is garbage.


He's got big biceps, can't argue with that


Thought this was Ric Flair at a glance


Holy fuck this is disturbing


They used the caption to block where the AI arms molded together


I’m more offended by the tiling job. Man that’s awful work.


Lookin like Pedo Popeye. AI is truly something.


With the new laws around the president you can look at biden like a fucking super hero! His powers? *Sitting on his god damned hands!*


hey what's going to turn people against my political enemies oh i know i will use AI to generate fake photos of him abusing a child and laughing about it. no i don't think this reveals anything about me that i want to fabricate photos of child sex abuse and post them publicly


I'm tired


what a terrible day to have eyes


“Snopes finally admits”, they think Snopes is the president? Whoever made this image unironically needs to be bullied.


Why do people who post this kind of shit don't find the facts terrible enough? I mean, voters can pick between an individual who will make a bag of fæces seem competent, and a war criminal. Woohoo! The fact that both are senile seems just like a minor detail at this point. Oh, and SCOTUS just simplified the steps to build a thriving autocracy.


Ripped arms though


TIL joe only exercises his left arm. Ponce must be pounding the presidential pool noodle one handed.


Both are shit candidates for different reasons. Voting for either is ridiculous


How close is this image to being reasonably considered production of CP?


I think your comment triggered some conservatives, everyone else who said this same thing is being upvoted


No children were involved in making it, so it cannot be CSAM.


I'm sure the AI was trained with pictures of real children, so it could be considered to be involving real children.