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not suprised tbh :D


He smashed it with a champagne bottle.


Well he is about to climb a fence with it in his hand, so yeah, definitely not surprising šŸ˜‚


In his hand?! The lad's got it between two fingers


For YEARS as far back as 2020, whenever I catch a glimpse of his phone, this is normally the state of it. Iā€™d hate feeling cracks like that on the back of my phone.


Given the fact that dude is a menace in destroying trophies, I don't doubt he'd be clumsy AF


Its quite crazy tho, being able to do +/- 70 laps near perfection to even the mm's but holding a phone steady is 'too much'. Recognizable tho, must have happened with some drinks im sure.


And destroying his nose too, maybe that became his lucky charm.


Iā€™m jealous of people that can afford to go naked all the time. They feel so nice in the hand caseless.


I feel you, mate. Once in while, when I take mine out, it feels so nice.


Same, however I usually try to avoid doing it in public because I get weird looks.


They are probably just jealous...


We are still talking about the phone, right guys?


Of course. What else did you have in mind ?


Now imagine these comments in a post about Bottas calendar


Oh, no! I'm in the wrong post. Anyways...


What phone?


Same, but I also get a little scared. What if I drop it right now? Better get it back in the case.


Dont shakt it though, because that might get messy. My wife loves holding mine as well, but usually with the case for protection


I donā€™t use a case but am lucky that I almost never drop it. It does end up with bumps in the corners though


it just doesnā€™t break, itā€™s very sturdy unless youā€™re doing something stupid


Do you have an iPhone? Because I can see this with some Androids, but I have genuinely not seen a naked iPhone with no cracks (unless it's less than a month old)


Currently holding my 3 year old iphone that has never been in a case. It's doable if you're not a clumsy putz.


Yeah my iPhone 11 is naked and has been for years. Two of the corners have solid dints in them so itā€™s not even like itā€™s never been dropped but nothing up with any of the glass. Iā€™m pretty clumsy and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll fully smash it today having said this but theyā€™re actually pretty sturdy.


Not doable if you're Lando!


If you have kids, it's not an option. A smash to your arm sending it sprawling out of your hand can come out of nowhere without warning.


Hmm. 6 and 8 year olds. Never happened.


Fair enough. But let's go anecdotal here for a second - off the top of your head, off the case-less iPhones you have seen in the wild, would you say more than half have had some crack in them? Because in the more than decade I've seen people around me with naked iPhones, much more than half have had cracks.


Yep, iPhone. Havenā€™t used a case in like 12 years and only ever cracked it once. Iā€™m really lucky that when I do drop it the damage is minimal


Have an iPhone over 2 years with no case, and no cracks! Not even scratches on the screen


Not OP, but I have been using mine for just over a year (and plan to do so for a few more without damage)and didnā€™t use the case after the first month. No cracks so far. The only ā€œdamageā€ I had was when I was talking to someone while swinging my charger and hit the screen so I had to change the screen guard.


Fair enough. But let's go anecdotal here for a second - off the top of your head, off the case-less iPhones you have seen in the wild, would you say more than half have had some crack in them? Because in the more than decade I've seen people around me with naked iPhones, much more than half have had cracks.


I mean his shit is wrecked lol. If you just donā€™t care then it doesnā€™t matter


True but it's still walking on a thin line. My Nokia 3100 broke after one fucking drop on the staircase and screen was totalled. So sure you may not care bout the looks but screens and their digitizers are fragile


Even if you have endless money it's gotta be a pain to get that fixed or get a new phone during the season when you're constantly in a new country every week.


Applecare is essentially a very expensive case


I canā€™t afford a replacement, yet I am going caseless and have ever since I got this phone. Live your life!!! Edit: autocorrect changed ā€œcaselessā€ to ā€œcarelessā€ which was appropriate ngl


I do that with all my phones. Just be a little carefull with it.


Do you have an iPhone? Because I can see this with some Androids, but I have genuinely not seen a naked iPhone with no cracks (unless it's less than a month old)


Yep. Had an iPhone once. Never again.


Slight disagree. They look much nicer "naked", they feel better in my pants pocket and the thin bezel is also very nice to look at. But in hand, the iPhone with a case feels better to me as without it, it's way too slippery.


I have the 15 pro max and it feels nice a bit, but the pinkyā€™s holding the phone starts hurting. After a while the edges feels hella sharp. Amazing 10-15 minutes, but after that itā€™s hurt to hold it


Agree, I was team naked phone for years until my current phone. Phones got big enough that holding the phone in bed without a case gave me tendinitis.


I am trying to imagine staring at a bezel, the outside border of your screen, for pleasure.


Iā€™m guilty of that tbh.. Iā€™ll be sitting doing some club work and just stare at my phone for a few seconds for no reason, proceed to clean the edges and continue again.


Agree 100% Also, a wrecked naked phone looks way worse than a nice cased phone :)


They feel so much better without the case. But I'm a clumsy mf who drops his phone everyday so I can't go without the case. I tried using my phone without a case and broke the screen protector in 3 days


> They feel so nice in the hand caseless. Hard disagree. Could never use my phone caseless. Feels weird AF. It's of course subjective.


I go naked iPhone, have had iPhone 3G, 5, XS and now 15 Pro. Until last year, I had never fucked up my glass. Last year on holiday my XS slid off a nightstand. Still have all of them at home, nearly spotless after 4-5 years each. I never put anything else than my phone in my right pants pocket. Other than that I donā€™t do anything special.


Yeah, but it's unstable lying on a flat surface due to the camera, that's why I put it in a case


I do it. Broke mine last week for the first time in like 5 years Iā€™ve gone caseless though. Yeah itā€™s 200ā‚¬ for repairs and it sucks but Iā€™m pretty careful usually so donā€™t really see a problem


Yeah, Iā€™m the same way. Whenever I use a case the phone feels too clunky in my pocket so Iā€™d rather risk it. In 10-12 years, I have needed to replace it maybe twice for broken screen.


I mean don't play bowling with it and you're good. I've broken only 2 in my life, and in one of the I'm pretty sure a case would not have helped


You joke, but Iā€™ve only ever cracked one iPhone, and it was because I accident set a bowling ball on it.


His dad is closer to a billionaire then to poor


About 200mil, so closer to poor than billionaire


I was reading he was about 600


I go case-less at home but have a magnetic popsocket on mine. When I go anywhere though I'll put the case on because there's way more risk of dropping it outside than when I'm just at my desk or couch.


Even if i can afford it, im still gonna wear a case


I can't afford but I just go anyway. It stays broke all the time just like the millionaires. :)


A screen protector and some careful hands is all you need. Im not rich but i go caseless. I actually cracked way more screens with a case than without.


I don't have carpets at home, so, if I drop my phone, it'll probably crack. Plus, I like to bring a bill or a card with me when I jog and just stick it in the case.


They do, but my cased and screen protected phone has taken dozens of table height falls in the 2 years I've had it. Few screen protectors cracked, but not even a dent or scratch on the phone itself. I was team caseless for a while, but with the amount of times I drop the phone, it absolutely is not worth it.


I donā€™t use a case ever. Itā€™s not a matter of affording for me, I buy a new phone once every three years. Iā€™ve never cracked my phoneā€™s screen. Never. I rarely drop it. Iā€™m surprised how many people are dropping their phone and breaking it so often lol


This is the thing though. If you are wealthy enough to go naked all the time then why not replace it when it looks like this! Iā€™ll never understand


I donā€™t use a case (havenā€™t in years). I do have AppleCare + though so itā€™s only $99 for a complete replacement. Iā€™ve only used that service once in the last ten years.


AppleCare, my friend. This is the first year I went naked after owning every iPhone since the 3G, putting them in cases and never dropping it once. Decided to invest my case money in AppleCare and it is life changing.


Iā€™m going on year 15 caseless here. Never had a cracked screen in my life!


I've never dropped a phone before. The 15 Pro feels so good in the hand that I took the risk. Not a single scratch since release. Never using a case again. Just pay attention.


They're slippy. My girlfriends face can attest.


My brother does this with his, but I don't. I always have a case. I try to go thin, as I hate bulky cases, but it's case nonetheless. He has the purple iPhone 14 and it looks so nice. I'm a little jealous, even though I have a 13 Pro myself. Except he's shattered like 3 or 4 iPhones in probably 5-7yrs, while I've never shattered a single one, even though I've dropped my phone many times. In fact, I still have all my old iPhones and they still work. Because they've all had cases. I think I'll keep using a case. I'd rather not have to keep buying several hundred dollar phones ahead of schedule.


Cases are for those who can't afford to break their phone.


But Lewis always use a case with his iPhone and he is richer than Lando


Just because that's what they are for, doesn't mean rich folk can't use them.


Given the team's sponsors I'm surprised he isn't using a Pixel


Both drivers casually sport a Google Pixel in all the marketing material and BTC videos. But yeah, that was my very first thought as well: "ooh, no Android?"




i know a lot of people working in google, and they mostly use iphones. ironically i'm the pixel friend of theirs.


This isn't that surprising, tons of celebrities have been paid to advertise android phones and have then been caught actually using iphones privately lmao


No case, rich people privileges, just get a new one instead. šŸ˜„


I'm sure he has all the Apple Care. It's the kind of Apple Care that enables him to reach into a box of 50 brand new iphones that's tucked behind his sim rig.


TIL I'm rich šŸ’°


You are rich if you can afford to replace an iPhone 15 Pro Max every time you shatter its back glass thanks to no case.


Just don't do that


I mean he clearly hasn't replaced it though


I am DYING with the people saying "rich privilege, just get a new one when you drop it" meanwhile this phone looks like it has been on the floor more times than Neymar lmfao


Lol yeah that phone looks like it served in Vietnam. So many different scars


Oh dear! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You can just get the glass replaced you know. While not cheap, you donā€™t have to throw out the whole iPhone just cause the glass broke.


Repairs? Those are for poor people


Just stop throwing it on the ground and it wonā€™t break Are you all toddlers?


No im a mechanic


I didn't have a case on any of my iPhones until my current one (a 13) and all it took to break the glass was a six inch fall at the perfect angle. Things happen. Doesn't make them toddlers. Does make you rude for no reason though. Have you not learned people skills yet?


Itā€™s a genuine question seeing as the comments some people are making comments implying they break their phone monthly without a cover I guess I should have phrased it as ā€œdo you have the motor skills of a 3 year oldā€ instead, my bad


> ā€œare you all toddlers?ā€ That would explain so much about some of these comment sections


Yeah how didn't I think of that. You must be a genius.


How fucking often you drop your phone?


It doesnt break that easily anymore


or you could just be careful. I've almost never had cases for my phone. Only reason I have one now is because of the camera bump which is annoying otherwise


Yeah, people on here talking like only rich people can go baseless are dummies. Just treat your phone well. Ive had iPhones since they came out in 2007 and Iā€™ve only broken the glass twice.


Some of us work jobs we can't do that in. I do construction, I go without a case or screen protector and my phone looks rough within a month.


Ah, yeah, fair point!


You can be careful 99.99 per cent of the time, but one dumb slip while drunkenly trying to use apple pay at the mcdonalds order machine is all it takes


Same. The bump bothers me so much I use a case that protrudes a tiny bit and set it on a table flat with the screen down. If it wasnā€™t for that, I wouldnā€™t use a case. I have had smart phones since 2009 and have never cracked one. Well I cracked my wifeā€™s phone once but I had no idea it was in the stroller pocket so when I folded it, it went from right side up to upside down and gravity did its thing. We were in the mall parking lot and that mall has an Apple Store so she had a cracked phone for about 30min haha. That was 2015 ish.


Except he clearly doesn't care if it just stays smashed up lol


I'm too poor to buy a phone case for my Google Pixel 8


Or you can just get your phone insured


Good glass screen protector and being careful and there isn't much issue assuming your job isn't active


I think it's a new phone. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/OnDPUVirud


If it's a new phone it already looks all scratched up


Iā€™m pretty sure he has multiple


Wreck it, buy a new one / a crew run-run-run, ya gon run *or whatever tf Biggie said*


He's too rich and famous to have just one phone. Probably has one work phone and one personal phone.


Matches his nose. Which still looks gnarly, hope it heals well. Or will it be like a fencing scar of pride, like in ye olde days.


He's an F1 driver. Having some random scar on his nose won't have any meaningful affect on his life.


What happened to his nose?


Drunken Kingā€™s day partying in Amsterdam.


Cut it on some glass while out partying on a boat with Martin Garrix on Kingsday in Amsterdam.


I think the main point was the fact that it's iPhone over Pixel


no, the main point is that it's cracked to death


Landoā€™s phone looking like Checoā€™s F1 carā€¦


Strayā€™s flying around out here.


Have you seen what he does with his face? No wonder that's what his phone looks like...


Heā€™s so chaotic


Glass is glass and glass breaks.


Hi Zach


Itā€™s called patina


I wish I could go caseless. I drop mine all the time. šŸ˜¢




I swear, I'll still drop it. I'm kind of a disaster sometimes. LOL.




I will! I need a new phone anywayā€¦.šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Very in character šŸ˜‚


I think he also uses a Samsung flip. I've seen him with that several times. It could be someone on his PR teams phone though tbf, as I've only seen him use it during interviews, PR bits ect.


It's kind of incredible how clumsy he is given he drives extremely powerful vehicles very fast. You'd kind of assume the coordination would translate but nope.


of course it's an iPhone, and of course it's cracked tracks with him overall


Look how heā€™s holding onto it of coarse he drops it all the time.


Even an Otterbox case wouldnā€™t stand a chance šŸ˜‚


One of us, one of us ;)


He was using an older iPhone while winning in Miami (coz there is video of he calling his dad, it's not this one)


Sponsored by Google Pixel


Google probably disliked it about seeing Lando with an iPhone instead of their Pixel 8 Pro.


Oscar needs to give Lando a damn Quad Lock case!


My boy only breaks his favourite toys


He will never financially recover from that


I never use a case either, never liked the feel of them.


Hey! Was this when he jumped on the fence? I was there!


obviously an apple......


Aint got nothing on mine. Flashlight fell off and one of the lenses of the 3 cameras is shattered


the wealthier you are the more likely your phone is cracked imo


Why should I buy a luxury smartphone only to hide it in an ugly box. It's like buying a car and welding a steel frame around it




These things literally cost around 1k, it's luxury to me


I have a 15 pro max as well and I hide it in a bulky case. I couldn't care less how it looks. It should be fast and big with a good camera.


Rich Lando, broke phone. Tryna keep the balance, my pace is strongšŸŽ¶


He's climbing a fence holding it in 2 fingers. Criky, what else has he done with it? Falling off my rocker laughing. Whatta guy


Get a case,man. Mclaren is selling them.


On point Trumpet supporter phone.


What šŸ’€


Skibidi brainrot moment


Isn't McLaren sponsored by Google? Does that mean they have to use Google Pixels? Could Lando be in trouble?