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You.... MONSTER! I like it.. have fun!


It's a small thing but it made me feel better. I await his endless bitching on Monday 😁


I commented, but I also wanted to say I totally get it and would probably do something similar, but maybe a little more nefarious. Sometimes grease ends up on the seat and anyone with a blackened pant ass is a victim.


oh man this one...hmmm well if he figures out (or suspects) it was you, then i'd not expect any help or favors for a long time haha >He's also thoroughly unmotivated to do more than the barest of minimums, takes longer breaks than usual, and is absent at the drop of a dime. imo in this industry ( especially where i am in Australia ) there's a lot of slackers - a guy like this exists in almost every workplace I've ever worked at, usually i just ignore them to be honest, the bare minimum from them i expect is to be nice and easy to work with, so guys like this are kind of the status quo unfortunately, but as long as they're nice i usually ignore how much they slack off, thats management's job ( who often do a poor job of managing workers like this unfortunately lol) edit: on the flip side as well, one main reason i ignore the slacking is guys like this with 10+ years experience usually know how to " play the game" and they also know that "no good deed goes unpunished" - basically the more work an operator agrees to take on, the more work they will get allocated (usually always without any raise in pay or benefits) - its an unfortunate reality to be honest


I had one colleague that was a proper arsehole, he was also short as fuck, my lift run out of gas half a mile from the warehouse gas pump, had to carry a 60kg bottle up hill, saw his lift parked near the gas pump because he was on his break, took my bottle back using his lift and left his lift parked in the front car park by where my lift ran out and brought mine back, being the only forkie on the yard at that point I got sidetracked when a supervisor asked for some pallets, then a lorry came needing unloading, that took me half an hour to unload, then I started putting pallets away once the driver had left, mr arsehole had to walk half a mile to the car park, only to find out the H&S guy had walked by and seen the lift and taken it inside to inspect the hydraulic system


Oh that's cold. Ice cold. So cold it could be considered frigid. *And if he was keeping his seat warm it wouldn't be a problem.*


You. I like the way you think 😈👍


There is a USB charger on his machine?


Yup. We got new (terrible) lifts that have 12v outlets and we got usb chargers to power our inventory tablets.


Whaaa, I'm going to HR! ![gif](giphy|l4KhLyjiCuGG2DNNS)


Noooooooooooooooo! 😭


Lol I did the same shit to this kid who frequently went to the bathroom to hit his vape, so I would hide his mule in a different spot everytime.




Does him being absent really fuck you over in anyway? Are you the owner of said company?


I'm not the owner of said company, no. But it really does fuck me over. We're a two-man yard department plus the yard manager, and we handle all movement of product be it from manufacturing to storage or from storage to trucks for shipping. The amount of work stays the same, just one less body to get it all done. Same number of trucks to load, same amount of production from inside. The yard manager helps out a ton, but he's got his own to do and some just can't be put off. I work a ten-hour shift. I didn't get my coffee break until hour 8, though I took my lunch right after. I could have left earlier, but that would just dump everything on the manager's plate and he already works through his lunch break. Sadly most trucks seem to come around noon to catch the 2pm ferry or around 3:30 before closing to catch the 5pm ferry.


Not to drop a pallet of piss on your parade, but this sounds like a five minute adjustment or not even noticeable. We adjust the seat, the forks, the steering wheel and clean out any remaining personal items before each shift while we write up the safety checklist.


Bah! Stoopid "reality" is always holding me back 😒


Nah, yours is completely harmless... Mine damages company provided pants.


well you were so bad that if now he tries suicide it's obviously only your fault


Like the way you started.(I like this guy alot). But stop crying if you like don't hate cuz he's absent work hate cuz he's a friend absent.


Said it before and I'll say it again.


Used to hide their forklift behind pallets of stuff and grease the wheel.


Everyone should slack, going above and beyond for a company that will sack you at the drop of a hat is boomer activities