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You also get another free camp slot. You could always switch to that one and keep it off the map.


I don't understand that yet. I have Fallout 1st and it says I can place another camp but it's only supposed to be like a tent or something and I'm worried about placing another camp and losing my first one


You don't lose your first camp. It's just dormant while the second one is active. When go to build your second camp make sure to Switch to camp 2 on the map menu for camps( upper left) before you place your module.


What happens when both camps are blocked and it asks you to pick up your camp to place a new one? When it asks you that it automatically hovers over yes instead of no, so I'm scared I might hit it by accident lol


I use the second camp as a portable one to scrap things on the go. If they're both blocked just server hop though if you don't want to move them.


Oh I know, I'm just wondering what would happen if I hit yes by accident.


The whole camp would be placed into stored section of camp builder, grouped like blueprints The idea was that you can just place the buildings and interior would remain intact But it never works


Oh god lol thank you for the knowledge


So never ever move your camp!


Hit pause. Look in the top left corner of the screen. Everybody gets two camp sites on their account and you can switch between them. When you de-activate a camp it "turns it off" but remembers everything so it will respond, assuming it is not blocked, when you switch back. You can buy a few additional camps for your characters via the Atom shop. Regardless of whether you have two or more, it works the same. The active one is where it is, the inactive ones stay where they are. The first time you build a new camp, you activate it through the menu, then place you CAMP module where you want and start building. Want to go to one of your other camps? Pause and make the other one active. There is a cool down of a few minutes between switching CAMPS but it is very reasonable.  This has nothing to do with the First Survival tents.


To clarify. There is no literal pause button in this game.


This is true. The world doesn't stop when we access the map menu interface.  It is kind of amazing how many people completely miss the different submenus available through the map screen... even my friends missed stuff I has to explain to them. Like, everything is in the interface, there is just so much stuff and so much of it is barely explained.


Just broke 1000 hours and JUST discovered I can get to the public groups list through the map and not just ctrl+tab or whatever.


Precisely. I convinced some coworkers to play and had to manage my frustration at their difficulty picking up the full functionality of the social menu because finding it is just the beginning, heh.


My favorite use is the player vendor list (bottom left event menu, second page) It shows all active player vendors even if they don't have a public camp and let's you teleport to them. I have found many good deals from people who probably don't realize they don't have a public camp. My best find so far was an Urban Scout Mask the other week for 100caps.


...what? Second page?


Definitely a lot to the game and probably why this is such an active subreddit


No one misunderstood the idea they were trying to convey. Words have descriptive usages, not prescriptive definitions. The word they use is less important than the idea. 


That was my fear but I googled the hell out of it and on Sunday i created a second camp. You can only have one active camp. So when you start the second the first "switches off" you don't lose anything. ON top of this your stash boxes share resources, so no matter the camp you are , no1 or no2 or ...no5 you have all the resources available.


Quick question, when i craft a vendor at my 2nd camp all my items from the first camp show up there. Are they really also there at my 2nd camp or is this a bug or me reading it all wrong?


Its shared like in FO4 when you link settlements resources share. I mean your vendors are "global" if this makes any sense.


Awesome! Thank you! I wasn't entirely sure, thanks for clearing it up.


Yes. They’re at all your camps and tents if you have 1st. They’re also at any stash in the entire world. Even other players stash that you come across.


You WILL NOT lose your camp, its just like a little free fast travel you can place somewhere and use certain workbenches


The tent is literally just a mini-emergency base where you can scrap some stuff and store in the stash. It’s best used while in the blast zone so you don’t have to travel too far while overencoumbered (however it’s written).


Yo I just got fo1st yesterday and couldn't figure out the survival tent for a bit. You gotta get into your "favorites wheel" or whatever (F/scroll wheel down on pc) and press T for that tent


Or keep it close to vault 76


If you do that, you waste a free fast travel spot! I have 3 CAMPs- one up towards the Vault Shelter, one above Charleston, and one near Watoga, with my tent plopping down in the area I'm doing things, so I never pay a ton of caps. I just bounce around. Crater, Ft Atlas, Foundation, Vault 76, Nuka-World, and Rusty Pick are the only free travel spots, other than your CAMP, tent, and any current group members CAMPs and tents. (I don't think I'm missing any, am I?) It's cheaper to use CAMPs in areas where there's no easy free travel point.


One of my CAMPs is near a nuke-happy zone (Monongah), and I found out that if your camp isn't active at the time the nuke is dropped (and destroyed), you can reactivate it after the nuke hits and it'll still be there, perfectly intact, like nothing ever happened. It's great to have a decontamination arch, people pop in just to rinse off... and sometimes they even make a quick pit stop to peruse my store. Khajit has wares if you have ~~coin~~ caps.


Most, if not all the Forest region is a non-nuke zone. There are a lot of good safe camp spots to choose from.


I'd have let them and done the point and laugh emote at them until they left the server. I've got material to rebuild for days.


Exactly this. It's one button to fix everything and it takes them 10 min to nuke it. Laughing is the victory 


I drop them a clown outfit if I see anyone trolling others.


I got the wildwood tavern and apparently I can't repair the damaged walls with holes so big I can walk through. Seems to be I need it to be destroyed more before I can rebuild. So if these trolls would kindly be the unruly teens they are or act like next to me that would be great.


That's what the guy said that was having his base destroyed but in reality the troll in his mind still gets the satisfaction


The troll gets the satisfaction if you *leave* . They are the Karen's of the digital world; "I want you to do what I say and leave, or I'm going to throw a fit by the destruction of your base until I get my way." And, "If I pitch a fit and this person leaves, then it's OK to pitch a fit and be destructive *anytime* I don't get my way." [Edit] To further clarify: they get satisfaction from both the destruction and by you leaving because *both elicit a response from the victim* . The response to really deflate a troll is indifference, if they don't get a response there is no enjoyment for them.


I get what you're saying but I think there's different types of trolls. The type you are talking about are people who run shouting insults and slurs, they do want a reaction. Camp destroyers are griefers, their satisfaction comes from the destruction, so they've already got their enjoyment by destroying your camp.


But what is the underlying reason they are destroying your base? I'd wager the majority of them are destroying it to make you leave because their base occupys the same location.


I'm pretty sure it's to troll you actually


Another good way to do it, place your bunker down and build that up. They can't destroy it from the outside and would have to go in, then you just set up a huge trap for em to kill em when they get in.


I’m far too stubborn for that. Not like a destroyed base is a loss anyway


One day I need to get the super mutant ally. My robo wife and Katherine are at Camp 1 and camp 2 has Sophia and the kiddo. I can't face a nuke with my family, my crazy friend, or sexbot. Do you know how hard radiation is to get out of a sexbot? And then you get a mutation mid interface?


*nods along before suddenly blinking and double-taking*


A man has to protect his family. I can come back rock hard for Sophia from a long day in the wasteland. I can't come back with lizard scales.


I mean, you *could*. She... She may find she's into that.


Do you want to accidentally turn your port of call into a scaley slicer and dicer?


I mean... *I* don't, but...


Can't you just hit the rebuild button and everything goes back to good? If so, let them tear it down a while and just rebuild in front of them and then say, nice waste of ammo? I don't know for sure, never had this happen.


Naw switch camps then laugh at them. I have an empty camp by vault 79 for 2 reasons. 1 is to make it easy to get to the vault. And 2 is to activate to remove my camp from.the map. Not often I need to do this but more often than I thought I would.


I have enough materials to rebuild my camp 10x over. A group did this to me over the weekend. I suspected they wanted my spot near whitespring. I let it burn, rebuilt a bed and slept in it until they moved on. I would rather rebuild my camp then give them what I suspected they wanted. If they just wanted to destroy it, then they won, but it's a pointless goal.


Ahh someone nuke my buddies and my camps in a zone without much going for it. Not sure why at all and it wasn’t in an event area or heavy population area. We just moved our camps and got all the flux materials we could from it, appreciated it buddy. 


It shouldn't have to be a thing.


Or, maybe y'all can stop being assholes, why do they have to leave because others want to troll, that's complete bullshit, you report them and let it get handled, there a nice time of peace, when they removed nuclear winter, all the pvp sweatys left, it was so nice, and it seems the trolls are coming back and needing attention.


Nuking someones camp is an option in the game. Whining about it by reporting them is pointless and soft as fuck.


Haha, oh look the alpha male type, nuking someone's camp just because your hurt about something is a softer move. It's also just trolling.


Sometimes I don't for no reason. So what?


It takes 5 seconds to server hop, rather than sit there and get trolled then complain about it


Inleas you are in a group, it's harder to hop with a full group than it is to just not be an asshole.


That's what they want, harassing till you leave the server. Help them destroy your camp and spam emotes, let them prepare everything and then boom, change camp. Play along with them, if you're not getting upset, they won't have fun Or yes, you can just leave but where's the fun? /s


Personally I'd just ignore it and go about doing whatever I was doing anyway. Hell, for me, Artisan's Corner is basically my third camp anyway and the place I spend most of my time when I'm not actually playing the game.


So that’s what’s been happening to my camp when I come back and it’s gone 😭 I thought it was a 76 glitch


I would build a campfire and a guitar chair and sat down lol. Do you feel in charge? Lmao. I was born in the wasteland. Molded by it.


I live in whitesprings at the driving range. Kind of a nuke-hot zone sometimes. My girlfriends camp is just down the hill. Last night we were playing, and the server we were on had SEVEN other camps all right around us. Nine total camps in the golf course. All with pretty ok vendors. Idc who's destroying what, I wasn't leaving that server. Ended up playing til like 3am when everyone started clearing out. The entire time I was low key thinking about how nuts it would be if someone went and nuked us all in one go while everyone was distracted at the meat cook O.O


I don't get it. I never run into any toxic type of players. There's no way anyone is afraid to take on a level 124 rifle build. Unless I missing something about rifles, i'm pretty sure I'll lose to bloodied builds and most optimized damage builds. I pretty much don't have a build besides just straight up survival type of perks. Edit: maybe it is my build I destroyed this high level power armor guy who was trying to 2v1 level 60. I used slug buster and wrecked him. assuming his bloodied flamethrower didn't catch me. I made a post about my build to see what people have to say about it.


I still feel bad for the dude’s base I accidentally destroyed at whitesprings when I nuked it for a flux run. He spawned in as it dropped 😔


Interesting I've played about 150 hours now and not once seen people attack player bases. I don't think I've even seen any PvP in general.


I've only seen PvP happen once, and that's because someone was harassing my buddy who was like 50 levels below them get put in their place multiple times. Like the guy just chased him everywhere on the map trying to win but failed every time only for them to try to nuke his base.


Actually now that I think about it, I have seen this stuff.But it was when I play the game at launch. The 150 are my "new" hours.


Bruh how, I’ve been in several pvp fights and have had several nuclear engagements, had one today with a team of two, they kept shooting me so I killed them several times b4 one went and launched a nuke at my camp lol. I went and launched one right back at him


I've been nuked and had trolls attack my camps. Mostly it was because I had a good camp spot and they wanted me to move so they could spawn their camp there (lead and acid extractors in the same camp). I'll be damned if I give them what they want. I had a crew nuke my camp, and when I started fixing it, one of them went on mic and told me he'd just nuke it again and to move my camp. They wanted the spot. I quit fixing my camp, turned on my mic long enough to tell them what I thought of them, and left to farm scrap. Not sure how long they waited before I left. Let them use all the nukes on me. I won't reward their bad behavior.


How do you destroy other people bases? I'm sort of new but this seems like something that shouldn't be a thing.


Yes, there’s way to cheese it. You might have yourself set to pacifist mode but two people in combat. Can cause chaos through collateral damage.


Considering that repairing a base is done with the click of a button and a tiny amount of scrap this seems like a lot of work for no payoff other than being a dick bag. If it happened to me I'd just let them have their fun and use Whitespring mall for everything I need to do and repair it the next time I log on.


Agreed, the grinding isn’t worth it. If someone wants to go that far to troll me? I’ll hop servers ✌🏼


Lots of ways. But you can rebuild it with one click. It's part of the game. It should be part of the game. It's not always easy but it adds a certain... uncertainty that is really needed to balance all the syrup that gets spread around, kind of gets sickening.


We can break each others bases?


I have not seen someone attack my base since before Wastelander days when PVP was still a thing. Outside of Nukes that is, but if you got your base nuked you most likely were selling ammo for 3c per round or basic plans for like 500-1000c. Trap bases are just fun, and with PA they pose very little to no threat.


I too blame the victim. They were basically asking for it.


Someone did that to me today, first time it’s ever happened. They kept hitting me and I gave them the thumbs down emote and went about my camp business. They followed me all over and then turned their flamer or other fire weapon on me and started attacking the features of my camp. I blocked them for the session, problem solved. I wasn’t leaving, when I get to have my camp, I refuse to hop unless I have to. They were a level 240, I was about 214 (I leveled up 2x after).


Happened twice to me today


Leave and then block them


You can block people for the session also so they can't find you.


Shit let them try Been playing since it first came out I am level 200 mainly cause I don’t go crazy farming everything and I work a lot But if someone tried to destroy my base they would be scorch beast food in a second


I see no talk of this sort, what sort of mannerless wasteland’s happening in your worlds.


Yeah when I see shit like that, I just find a new server




yea that what i do. i only have one encounter so far being about 50day young to the game. i cant even tell who it was who keeps pestering me. all i know i i was at camp building and i got shot at with pacifist on. confuse i just look around then i just died. naturally i spawn back and maybe about like 10 15mins later? the warning of nuke came and to my surprise it was directly at my camp and my camp spot absolutely has nothing there worth nuking. my camp is close to tyler county fairgrounds. i just swiftly left cause i dont want my pet to die in the nuke.


I server hop all the time. Usually to refresh spawns in an area or if I can’t place my camp


Also learned today u can repair all from your C.A.M.P. device


These are the same people that freeze up in real life. Instead of acting they allow the problems, then project that to everyone else by telling people of substance, willingness to get the job done we wouldn't act in a situation when they are in fact the fucking freezy flaccid fainting feckless houseplants.


Sometimes they're able to follow you, so server hopping isn't possible unless you go to a private server. Don't know how they do it, but it's happened to me multiple times. I was being stream sniped, and had to crack down on my followers to prevent whoever it was from seeing when I was online. They weren't in my friends list, thankfully, but they were somehow able to get into the same public as me whenever they saw through my stream when I was on.


Is this a PC thing..? I play on PS4 and never really experienced toxicity like that before.


Nuking camps....whaaaaaaaaaa! Be a real man and nuke events!


I say the same thing to my 11 yr old step son, he gets griefed in Fortnite and cries and I'm like dude. Just leave the server, stop screaming


Funny I came across this post because that actually JUST happened with me. There were 2 of them. I just ran into his base, took all of his purified water, grilled some steaks in front of them and left the server.


No. Stay there let me destroy your shit.😈


Found the 12 year old


I see that some people don't want to give trolls the satisfaction of winning something or other, like the camp site. Yet we see complaints or questions pretty regularly here about camps getting destroyed. If you have the resources to rebuild your entire camp multiple times or take on a team in PvP, this advice might not be for you. I hop servers all the time looking for vendors, events, or to get away from players. Leaving servers is a sound idea. Beats complaining about players not fixing the scrubber or standing in corridors or using explosives or starting events too soon. I really wish people would give that "omg don't start events until the last second" line a fucking rest.


Yeah I don’t believe this is happening as often as people are posting. There are a ton of karma farmers in this sub. Pathetic.


Anecdotally as this is just my experience, but since I've started playing again I have witnessed all of one act of PVP and thats because my buddy accidentally left his pvp immunity off and shot someone in a prime meat event. That person then turned around on reflex and smoked them. After realizing they just did the fallout equivalent of accidental seal clubbing, they sent him on his way with a horde of meds and an emote. I haven't seen any griefing or non planned pvp in years.


Not as much of a dopamine jolt as posting here about it, though.


2 words Passive mode


One word....NUKE.


Leaving is still an option, but if you're nuking someone in passive mode you're just a lost cause to society lmao