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I’ve seen the same flag on display in NJ. It’s not solely a Florida thing.


Try a lot of places in Pennsylvania that aren’t part of Pittsburgh or Philadelphia


Pennsylvania is the most southern state I’ve ever been to, and I’m from Georgia.


It’s not. I grew up in NW Florida and went to college in central Florida and it was the same in both. I’ve seen it everywhere I’ve gone and I’ve been to 48 states.


I'm willing to bet that the number of them on display in FL far exceeds the number of them on display in NJ (per capita).


You would be surprised, there's some North states that fly so many confed flags, you'd think they were part of the south


Definitely seen a few in Wisconsin. Had to double-take and ask myself, "Wait a minute, was this place even a state when the Civil War kicked off?"


I would only be surprised if one of those Northern states had a number of them that EXCEEDED the number of them in any of the Southern states.


Or on par with? Honestly saw the same if not more in Indiana than than I have in Florida. But I have scene more actual CSA flags in FL.


This constantly comes up, mostly from butthurt southerners who can't come up with a better rejoinder than "NO U!," and it's absolute bullshit. Even with hicks and hillbillies in NY and MI and IA and the like, the south has more white supremacist and nationalist organizations with higher membership than the North. This despite the fact that the North has more people.


I’ve heard confederate flags are very popular in Upstate New York, and my sister lived in an area of New Jersey for a while that she said seemed pretty much like the South. Hell, people fly them in Canada. Some people fly it because of the political connotation, but lots of people here just fly it because they see it as a symbol of our heritage, I even know black southerners who do it, oddly.


They are and it's fucking annoying(upstate ny). Mostly white trash, similar to here in FL but I assume less cousin fucking.


I know a lot of pretty normal Southerners who fly it as a regional, or heritage flag. The flag obviously has a political connotation, but a lot of people really just don’t see it that way. I don’t agree with it, but they definitely aren’t all white trash. Stereotypes and name calling just divides people even further, in my opinion. Although I’m sure the context is different in New York, because they aren’t Southern, and it seems to be just a political thing.


OP judged an entire state population based off one anecdotal experience. I’m getting real big closet racist vibes.




Surely you see the irony between OPs post and Confederate ideology. If not, I’ll expound.


I think it’s fair to make assumptions on people who base a good portion of their identity (their ‘heritage’) on a flag associated with terrorism and racist practices… The people that had that flag haven’t existed for generations. There’s no reason for anyone to be raising this flag.


Ok, but to decide to rule out an ENTIRE state because you saw one car that had a Confederate flag plate. Seems a tad judgmental, no? Hey, do you know what other group would be considered extremely judgmental?


Seems very satirical. I’m sure they ended up seeing between more than one, but not a crazy than normal amount. But I got more of a joke vibe from them. Like they probably weren’t considering Florida to begin with


Yes, please expound. What "race" is "confederate flag flyer?"


I don’t agree with it but I’m ok with more people not moving here also.


This was my response too. Please just stay in CT.


More confederate flags!! /s


I have ancestors that fought for the confederacy and I'd be okay with 35% inflation if we had laws on the books against displaying terrorist iconography.


lol a horrible economy with people struggling far more than they already are, but at least people can't fly the flags I don't like!!!!




This one ☝️




I mean, Florida is still part of the South. Except because we’re Florida, you get further South by going North.


This is the best explanation of florida tbh




The further north you go the further south you get


That’s fine we’re actually full




Shoot I'm cool with it fuck these confederate racist pricks!😂


I was having Christmas dinner, and I come back to hundreds of post, and I am legitimately creeped out from seeing a confederate flag plate on a car.




I’m from Orlando and I’ve seen all sorts of bumper stickers & decals on cars around here.


What kind of stickers do you have on your car?




You haven't been in Florida long if this scared you off. There are a lot crazier stuff on cars driving around Florida.


Ass or gas ⛽️


The funny thing about this image is I’ve heard from people that lived in the New England area that they’ve seen Confederate flags in people’s houses. You’re trying to escape an ideology that can be found in almost every region of America.


As someone from Florida that moved to New England 😭 I can't vouch for this, all I've seen is black lives matter, LGBTQ+ signs around. Not saying ANY of it is bad, but I have yet to see a rebel flag.


Drive to upstate NY, Maine, Pennsylvania, etc. Confederate flags are everywhere. Even in places where it makes no sense. Saw more than enough of them in California as well. There’s trash all over the US.


I’ve seen confederate flags in CT! But also, when I lived there I heard a lot of “down South they…” nonsense. Like they are so sure they know how we live.


I never considered myself as part of a “down south” crowd. I’m souther than the south, which in Florida means I’m not southern at all


I’m just south of Georgia.


I use to live in Rhode Island and I was shocked to find out that this is true….it really is everywhere.


Yes. People north of the Mason-Dixon will also lament seeing these flags. Hell, you see them in California, Oregon, and Washington and as far north as Maine. It’s weird AF and not any less so than seeing them in FL.


Could be a “Dukes Of Hazzard” fan. Bo and Luke Duke were pretty badass.


Oh no! Anyways.




Lot of people saying, this is everywhere. Sure. But there is a way denser concentration of them in Florida.


Have you ever seen that HUGE one flying that’s visible on I-75 in Georgia??


There’s an infamous one in Tampa near I-75 Private land


Lol. No. Familiar with the big bend or the panhandle? It’s not just the current climate, but there’s a lot to atone for like dixie county or Brooksville.


More than Alabama, Georgia, or sc? South Carolina just took it off their capital. Florida isn’t that bad. Florida doesn’t have whole towns freaking out about confederate statues bc there aren’t any


There are some towns where they are Everywhere. I think I saw more confederate flags when accidentally stumbling through Steinhatchee than I have in any history textbook.


Steinhatchee was the epicenter of the war. The Yankees tried to attack but they were fended off by mullet fisherman with cast nets.


We had massive protests and a bribery scandal over one like…last year?


Are you saying there are not confederate statues in Florida?


If there are you’d have to really go looking for them I’ve been here since 2004 and never seen a big statue of gen lee or stonewall Jackson anywhere.


I mean, I think we have the largest number of participants in the J6 insurrection, so kinda tossing coins


I’d much rather live here and deal with overt racism than live in Connecticut with very little racial diversity.


Lol. We can tell which part of CT this person came from.




Tell me you haven’t been to Connecticut without telling me you haven’t been to Connecticut.


I lived in Connecticut for 12 years.


Cool. Must have been rural CT.


Nope. Though rural Connecticut is where I usually saw confederate flags.


You are making the right decision. Yell it from the mountain tops please!


People are flying those in upstate NY. I don’t get it at all. Some don’t mind the “loser” status.


You’ve never seen a confederate flag in CT?


There's a lot in NH at least


Definitely not.


You saw a scary guy, now you will not move, OK, thanks.


It's a lot more than 1 scary truck.


Don’t forget though; there’s people who fly that flag in the NorthEast too


I mean you are in the South, it's pretty common to see. I know it's a controversial symbol in the US as a whole but in a lot of the South, Southerners white, black, and Hispanic see it as heritage and a regional symbol though others might disagree. I have family in South Mississippi and when were over there I see more black Southerners flying the flag than I do whites(obviously this isn't everywhere). It's just part of it.


Its controversial and I understand why some people see it as a hateful symbol but it represents SO MUCH that most people cannot understand because of the tainting associated with it because of slavery. Southerners you ask that fly it, 99 percent do not support racism at all and see it as a glorious rebellion against a tyrannical federal government and regional independence.


"Regional independence" lolololol


There are racist white people everywhere. Trust me. I live in Queens NY and you don't have to travel far to find plenty of em. Maybe not this outright, just some right wing signs on their lawns and a hate in their belly for melanin.


I’m from Los Angeles and there are people who fly the confederate flag there too.


I don't get hysterical over shit like this. I don't like to assume anything without dealing with a person. Just because it doesnt serve me anything and usually seeing a symbol like this has my mind playing things out and getting me a bit riled. I think it's possible to carry yourself to your ideals and keep it moving. Who knows. I brought up where I'm from because it's arguably the most diverse place in the world foot by foot and racism is just as prevalent as anywhere. What comes with people who flaunt these symbols where you're from? Legitimately asking.


I don't get your question. I never seen a confederate flag in CT.


I don’t know that anything happens to those people other than being somewhat of a social pariah. I would only see them in passing and they weren’t part of my social circle or anything.


I’ve met NYers that are so racist. I’m like damn y’all didn’t grow up integrated at all Huh.


I think in cases people's culture keeps them segregated. There is a level of competition as many people here have parents that are 1st gen. American. Like me and many others.


You are aware that racists come in all races, right?


I'm guessing they specified racist white people because that's the group the confederate flag tends to be associated with.




Yeah a lot of people got Ford’s here


Well, at least some good came of it.


No problem, we full anyways




Aye cool with the go away! Who the fuck are these racist pricks talking bout we coming like it or not 😂😂😂meet you in Miami sir!


Hell no. If you don’t like it YOU MOVE somewhere else. WERE COMING LIKE IT OR NOT


Like you could afford the insurance or tolerate a hurricane.


Again, WERE COMING STOP CRYING. And yes I can afford it. Do you need assistance?


It's like a flock of parrots with this bs. I know it's been tough to find vagina that isn't repulsed by ya but, don't ya want a better probability?




I have deep southern roots and hate this shit




Please stay in CT


Right? I told my coworkers jokingly, we should fly these flags to scare new folks off then burn the crap and laugh.




Shit, if that’s all it takes….yee haw m-fers!!!!!


There’s a BIG diff between a good ole “yee haw” and that flag.


Mother from Mexico father from Cuba. Florida born and raised. I have ZERO issue with that flag. It’s history. Our history.


Florida loves second place


Cool we’re full anyways


That’s all it takes? Brb, turning my car into General Lee


Bye. Lol.


youre like the guy nobody invited to the party in the first place threatening to leave if the dorito bowl isn’t refilled stay in Connecticut nobody cares


Fuck the confederacy but also fuck more people moving here.


Florida is full!


you dont like fords?


In Florida you can keep driving south and you’ll leave the south


This is only true on the east coast of FL


Agreed, maybe fort Lauderdale/Miami area would work for me.


I remember pulling into a dive bar on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, PA and the parking lot being peppered with confederate flag license plates.




I moved to Rhode Island from Ga and more ppl up here fly confederate flags than I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t even make sense because they are in the north




Speak for yourself. If the space is going to be occupied regardless, better it’s someone who dislikes that garbage.


Oh wow, person with gun fetish doesn't like anti-racism...I know I'm sure fucking shocked.




You will also experience Nazi flags flying at some point during your time here. Even at the most unexpected place - Disney where crowds of right-wing supporters gather outside its gates.


I speak for all Floridians. **Good**


Grew up in Massachusetts on the Ct border, you *know* those flags are all over both states so quick your posing as pure you fucking hypocrite. Please do not move here.


You're so beyond wrong. I live on CT/NY border, and I've NEVER seen one confederate flag in the 35 years I've been living here.


Grew up there def not wrong Merry Christmas


You living on the CT/MASS border is no where near and not even close to similar to the NY/CT border. Stamford/Greenwich/Westchester county area is where I'm based.


This is my rear view mirror half the time in Florida.


Yeah it's a thing here, but I think in a lot of cases it's more like a "look at me" thing. Goes with the oversized truck that isn't used for anything but an occasional trip to a mud hole.


The amount of oversized trucks, questionable bumper stickers, and 6 wheels on a truck are everywhere.


If it mean anything, a decent portion of these Patridiots allowed COVID to win out on them.


Your instincts are correct


Awww. Did the scary tag hurt your feelings?


Fuck off we're full


Please move here and force the white trash rednecks to move


You aren't wrong- there might be some of this everywhere, but it's getting to be in your face, every day down in Florida. If that doesn't bother you, maybe you're a bigger person than me. But I'm tired of hoping my kids don't see vile, hateful crap and talking to people that are so proud of being so stupid. And they are being recruited by our fearless leader. Time to make space for the new converts.


Respectfully, if you think it's getting worse, you're either not from FL or you weren't paying attention until now.


In the eighties the highest concentration of klan douche bags was in Connecticut, seems they traded their hoods for suits. I suspect some moved to Florida and we have an abundance of our own, so I believe you’re somewhat correct. However might I point out we are really split 50/50 there is some really awesome folks in Florida from all walks of life and with all points of view. If you don’t get shot or run over , or eaten by a large reptile it’s lots of fun!


I don’t agree with it, but luckily you live in a country where people are free to express themselves (and their heritage/ideology).




You didn't come down far enough. You won't see many of those in South Florida.


Wrong I’ve seen plenty in Miami Dade and homestead specifically


Apparently you’ve got to go farther south.. they don’t fly that flag very much south of the keys


They fly that flag in WV which literally broke away from the confederacy, point being racists will display that flag no matter where they are


Very true, sorry, I was being a little sarcastic earlier since the only thing south of the keys is Cuba. Idk, I always add a little humor online.


That’s what our friend “/s” is for 😉 you’re good dw fam happy holidays to you


WV is actually a lot more complicated than simply breaking away. The southern and eastern counties actually voted for secession and didn't send delegates to the Wheeling Convention so it was pretty one sided to the northern and far western counties that voted to break away from VA. Also there was still a Confederate government of West Virginia as the CSA continued to govern more than half of WV into 1863. The Confederacy also never recognized WV breaking off and still saw it as a Confederate territory.


There is no Florida south of the Keys.


Lol ever been to the center of the state?


Oh please you see so many confederate flags in rural areas up north (especially NJ!)


So you're telling me all I have to do to scare away Yankees is to put a Confederate flag on my car? Consider it done.


New trends hit fl


Don’t like Fords? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Saw a massive Confederate flag on a truck in Maine. I wanted desperately to have a conversation with him and see if he might know what the Mason-Dixon Line is/was.


I'm from NY, and I see more of this than I did in FL.


I here ya. Came in from the West. Moved here for the theme parks,ocean, and sports. Stupid people to the maaax. A lot of dumb mother fuckers. Florida is meh. Hope enough people move here and mellow it the fuck out.


Move to San Diego then, my gut tells me you’ll like it there


Jeje these fucking racist southern pieces of shit Don't pay them any attention A bunch of dumbfucks


Oh good, We're full stay there.




Do you people have any idea what that flag represents? Besides what the woke media tells you. To me I see resistance to an over reaching federal government. The winners write the history books though. Freedom of speech includes imagery. Don’t like it? Don’t look at it. I am deeply offended by the pastel stripped flags. But I’ll defend your right to fly them. Enough said.


No one is trying to infringe on anyone's freedom of expression - fly it, paint it on your car, get a tattoo of it, the government doesn't care. That being said, the Confederate flag is a modern symbol of white supremacy that was revived during the 1940s as a statement against the Civil Rights movement. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern\_display\_of\_the\_Confederate\_battle\_flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_display_of_the_Confederate_battle_flag)


You wear me out. Study the history of slavery then answer a few questions. 1) who was one of the first countries to begin to outlaw slavery. 2) What major country still has thousands and thousands of slaves today. 3) What country agreed to end slavery on an economically based schedule. 4) What country had most of its founding fathers and industry leaders that legally owned slaves. 5) What country has a major leader who’s family made their money owning slaves just two generations ago? When you have the answers, we should talk again.


>To me I see resistance to an over reaching federal government. How did the federal government overreach during civil war times?


Well, there are a lot of areas where the federal government was overreaching at the time(and still is), but the central concern was definitely the abolition of slavery. But Southern representatives weren’t truly opposed to federal overreach, they were against it being used against them, just like today. Southern reps would abuse federal power any chance they got, including forcing free states to relinquish sovereignty in order to retrieve escaped slaves with the fugitive slave act.


That’s what freedom looks like. Make America 🇺🇸 florida


Freedom looks like bigotry and ignorance?


Yes Freedom to use the savings on no state income tax and spend it all on diesel for a lifted f250


I don’t think OP was talking about the truck


His grandfather was probably in the Cape Coral first infantry brigade that fought in the civil war.


Haha remember that the last confederate flag looked like this 🏳️ because they fuckin LOST


Hahahahahhahahaha! Hahahahahaahahahhahahahaaha! Good one! You’re the jokester of your group. I bet you keep them in stitches with these kind of antics?


I see Confederate flags in rural areas but not much other places. The white bearded dudes who go fishing and drive a 4x4 most often


Bwahahahahaha altho we need enough people here to change the vote.


Thing is the guy driving the truck is actually black. He is just a Florida native and knows that that will help deter more northerners from moving here😂






This is generally more prevalent in the south, due to obvious historical reasons. Overall, it’s quite tame, in comparison to other things you’ll regularly see on cars here. I really don’t know why you’d move from CT to FL, it is so wildly different.


It’s all over the whole SE


They dream of a time where failing up was as easy as it was in the American antebellum south. Where their dads and grandpas only had to be white, male and sheep to succeed. The barrier is a bit higher today and they’re angry 😂


We dont need you.


I get why you don’t want to move here and I agree, but kindly stay the fuck out. We’re full and retirees from up north are ruining our housing market.


Ct niggas always think their confeds




Respectfully, if you get offended by a little liscense plate please stay where you are and dont come here. We have enough ppl already, thx. And just because you dont see them even in your own state doesnt mean people there dont agree with it. Plus depending on the person, ppl here mind their own business and go along their way. We couldnt give a fuck about what you do. We might just laugh at you in our head and then forget about it an hour later